“Is Demi Moore Pregnant?” Links

Demi Moore might be pregnant [DListed]
Demi Moore bump watch [popbytes]
Chris Holmes Klein went to Washington to testify in front of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on increasing funding for the National Endowment for the Arts [Mollygood]
Britney Spears is going to leave rehab 2 days early (she’s been in 28 days already?) for K-Fed’s birthday party [I’m Not Obsessed]
– Maybe that Britney Spears met a rocker at an AA Meeting story is B.S., but I believed it since I’m gullible that way [Evil Beet]
– Hollywood’s not-so-shocking drug problem [CelebWarship]
– Does Lindsay Lohan have heartburn, back pain, or a loose brastrap, a Bastardly special report [Bastardly]
Ryan Seacrest and Simon Cowell exchange not-so-subtle “you’re gay – no you are” barbs [Socialite’s Life]
Mischa Barton puked outside a NY bar and just kept on partying afterwards [yeeeah]
– A new off-Broadway play “I was Tom Cruise” features a Cruise-like character tempting a guy with the excesses of fame. [Agent Bedhead]
– Video of crazy Tracy Morgan smacking his stomach, saying that’s his mating call. He’s basically drunk but sober enough to thoroughly amuse, like how you play pool well after a few beers. [Rhymes with Snitch]
Sylvester Stallone would fail a pregnancy test [WWTDD]
– Who is Kerri Kasem? [Derek Hail]
– The new FX show “The Riches” featuring Minnie Driver and Eddie Izzard is decent by most accounts, but isn’t fabulous. [Pajiba]
Scarlet Johansson is going to work with Woody Allen in another movie to begin shooting this summer [ICYDK]
Robbie Williams smokes two cigarettes at once [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End is coming on May 25th, but I’m not seeing it in the theatres after wasting my time at the last one [Celebrity Puke]
Olivia Newton John’s daughter has anorexia [The Skinny Website]
– Cutest “Separated at Birth” Ever [
– Are you smarter than a fifth grader? [White Trash Mom]
– Drunken Stepfather responds hilariously to a cease and desist from Jennifer Aniston’s lawyers [Drunken Stepfather]
Madonna looks classy at a recent H&M event, but all I can picture is that fug fur-trimmed coat and sunglasses she wears home from the gym every day [CityRag]
Ana Beatriz Barros in a bikini [The Grumpiest]

Pictures from Out of Sight Media and popbytes.

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11 Responses to ““Is Demi Moore Pregnant?” Links”

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  1. KIM says:

    I don’t know how pregnant she is but she sure looks fug in the headline pic- those glasses with that hair are a terrible combo.

  2. Mr. T says:

    Demi pregnant? If she is, I sure feel sorry for that child. Having Ashton as a father is a burden no child should have to shoulder. Demi does not rate well as a mother figure either. Any woman that has her knee’s done is seriously insecure.

  3. frewtloop says:

    On behalf of Demi, I take exception to that statement. She’s raised three seemingly well adjusted, nice girls and maintains an excellent relationship with her ex which is pretty mature and emotionally evolved in my opinion and if you actually believe that crap about her having a kneed lift then you’re a gullible idiot.

  4. bee says:

    She looks like a scary old lady in that pic. How long will Ashton stay interested..??

  5. Mr. T says:

    frewtloop – perfect name for a lame comment.

  6. Milf seeking well endowed stud says:

    her daughters are well adjusted? how do you have proof of that??? She brought into her home a man who is only a few years older than her eldest daughter. I wont be surprised when in a few years Rumer comes out and tells the national enquirer that ashton was diddling her daughters as well as the mom. and to think for a moment that seeing photos of Demi and Bruce smiling alongide Ashton with their girls strikes me as creepy. What it really looks like is one of those kinky ads in the back of the LA Weekly where couples advertise for a young stud to service the well hung husband’s horny wife. ahahaha

  7. O! says:

    yeah, demi and bruce probably brought him home for one illicit weekend and he ended up moving in.

  8. ma says:

    she has had a whole hell of a lot of plastic surgery.

  9. Action says:

    I always raised an eyebrow at the teensy bit of age difference between Demi’s oldest and Ashton. It doesn’t seem healthy to me to all be under the same roof. Ashton is definitely not a father figure–maybe older brother at best, at worst? I bet the bed is a squeakin’ when Mom’s away!

  10. mario says:

    she can have a niece without intermediary

  11. someone says:

    I’ve seen some pretty bad pics of Rumor out and about with Paris Hilton..so Im not sure how well adjusted that girl is…