“Demi Moore rang in the New Year in Hawaii with a hot new piece” links

Demi Moore

Click through to the link to see Demi Moore & her new hot piece in Mexico. His tattoo is, um, interesting. Will this boyfriend be different? [LaineyGossip]
James Avery (Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince) has passed away. [Dlisted]
Jamie Foxx‘s skin matches his Django Unchained suit. [Pajiba]
Britney Spears‘ Letters of Truth are back. Thank goodness. [Go Fug Yourself]
Rihanna hosted a luxurious New Year’s party at her new place. [Buzzfeed]
This blind item must be about Kris Jenner. [Reality Tea]
Aaron Rodgers isn’t gay & really, really loves women. [The Blemish]
AnnaLynne McCord wore a bikini & looks fantastic. [Popoholic]
Ke$ha‘s “Dirty Love” video is out. She erased Iggy Pop? [Evil Beet]
Pink shares a super cute New Year’s Eve family photo. [Wonderwall]
Teresa Palmer‘s bump is burgeoning. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
New Year’s Eve fireworks from around the world. [Bitten & Bound]
Khloe Kardashian & Lamar Odom are like mother & son. [Amy Grindhouse]
Nina Agdal is a serious beach bunny. Dat body. [IDLY]

Demi Moore

Photos courtesy of WENN

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59 Responses to ““Demi Moore rang in the New Year in Hawaii with a hot new piece” links”

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  1. Hello Kitty says:

    Guys, can we talk about the Cumby reveal that Enty posted yesterday?

    This B- list television and movie actor who is on a roll right now as he shoots to the A list does not try and use his fame to pick up women. He prefers cash instead and says it is so much easier than actually having to care. He has spent $25K in the past week on escorts during his vacation.

    Benedict Cumberbatch


    I literally screamed out loud when I read it 🙁

    • GeeMoney says:

      Yeah, this broke my heart too. At least they are high class escorts?!? At least he’s not getting a bj from some random on the street. I don’t know… I’m trying to pull something positive out of this one.

      Men pay for sex in some way, shape or form anyway. Someone once commented to me that “Marriage was just another form of prostitution.” Yipes.

      • Hello Kitty says:

        At least he’s not leading anyone on? I’m trying to find the silver lining too.

        Guess I’ll swap in Hiddles in my daydreams.

      • GeeMoney says:

        LOL. I had actually read about this blind item awhile ago, and he was the popular guess, so I had time to process it.

        I can’t blame him, though. At least he’s not out there impregnating the masses and sleeping around with just anyone. And at least high class escorts have some dignity and are discreet about what they do (dignity meaning they take care of themselves at least). Plus, he’s a man… they like sex. What can I say.

        $25K is a lot of money, though. I’d wish he’d come to the US and let me take a crack at him… I have student loan debt I’d like to pay off!

      • Hello Kitty says:

        I’m guessing the going rate for an escort is $1000/hr. If he has an overnight guest then that’s probably $8000 right there. So do we think it’s three overnight stays in a week or lots of quickies?

        @A~: I realize that gossip sites operate on rumour and conjecture, and that every person chooses to believe what he/she wants. I think I’m crestfallen because Cumby was in my daydreams and now my daydreams are possibly tainted with the oldest profession in the world.

      • GeeMoney says:

        @Hello Kitty
        Hard to tell. $25K means either a few girls at once or a few quickies throughout the week.

        It hasn’t tainted him in my opinion. He’s a guy, plain and simple. Not to mention, he was in a long term relationship for years. And when you are used to having someone to come home to every night and are used to sleeping in the bed with someone and then you are all of a sudden single, going back to being without sex or love for a long period of time is not easy.

        And to @A… yes, it’s just a rumor and who knows if it’s true or not. Enty does post things that aren’t facts or aren’t proven sometimes, so it’s all speculation at this point. But I’d like to think that Cumby is doing something with someone in his spare time.

        At the end of the day, I still love the guy. He’s a human being, and he’s no saint. And neither are any of us.

        PS – And who knows what Tom Hiddleston is doing in his spare time either… just sayin’.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        @GeeMoney, whoever told you that marriage is just another form of prostitution was assuming that men get nothing out of marriage besides sex, that women get nothing out of marriage besides money, that the woman doesn’t have a career or money of her own, that love, support, companionship, family and children have no value…in short, I wouldn’t listen to a lot of what that person had to say if I were you.

      • GeeMoney says:


        I don’t believe the saying. Honestly, you could make an argument for it, but it’s just a silly statement.

        Perhaps the person I heard it from was a man scorned, that’s all.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Oh, good. Wouldn’t want you to take advice from the scorned man!

    • A~ says:

      Why do you believe it? Do they have any real evidence?

      • cr says:

        All blind items need to be taken with a grain of salt, CDAN’s even more so:

        “Crazy Days and Nights is a gossip site. The site publishes rumors, conjecture, and fiction. In addition to accurately reported information, certain situations, characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Information on this site may contain errors or inaccuracies; the Blog’s proprietor does not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site’s content. Links to content on and quotation of material from other sites are not the responsibility of Crazy Days and Nights. ”


      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        Not a cumberbitch, but it’s a BLIND! I never believe that trash. Stay hopeful, Cumbielasses!

      • Amelia says:

        Guys, think logically – anyone, anywhere in the world could have made that story up.
        Someone who had a little bit too much vino, someone who likes causing trouble for trouble’s sake, or perhaps TommyAnna as revenge for Cumberbatch’s recent tendency to wear velvet.
        Mark my words, we’ll see one about Chris Hemsworth soon…

    • ncboudicca says:

      Goodness. Do you know why I don’t believe this? I don’t know if I believe that a man who wears 10 yr old jorts and a 20 year old cardigan would part with $25K in one week – for anything. LOL

      • GeeMoney says:


      • Hello Kitty says:

        Hahahahahaha!!! This is the narrative I’m sticking with!

      • Green Girl says:

        Haha, this is what I was thinking, too!

      • Norman Bates' Mother says:

        Good one, but seriously – I really can’t believe that a man who could sleep with tons of women for free would waste $25K in one week for prostitutes. There are always tons of “aspiring models” and fangirls just waiting for his sign and he knows it. He doesn’t seem to be wasting money like DiCaprio or Timberlake, and he is not even close to earning as much money as them. He could probably fit all his clothes in one drawer, he doesn’t have a big-ass Hollywood villa, ferrari, or a yacht, so this number seems excessive. I’m not that much into him anymore and I wouldn’t care if he did in fact sleep with escorts, but this blind item (like many others) seems to be completely made-up. Was he even on vacations that week?

      • Green Girl says:

        The blind item was revealed yesterday, but was originally posted in July, I think.

      • GeeMoney says:

        @Norman Bates’ Mother

        First of all, your name is hysterical. LMAO.

        Secondly, I’m pretty sure Charlie Sheen doesn’t have to pay for it either, but he does anyway.

        Men are a conundrum to me sometimes. I don’t want to believe it about my dear Cumby, but if it’s true, then, whatever.

      • Norman Bates' Mother says:

        Thank you GeeMoney. Let me stay in character:

        – We have to think about it “in the cheap, erotic fashion of young men with cheap, erotic minds!
        (removes wig and throws it to the ground, lowers voice)
        – Mother! Please! They were just strangers, they were just having supper!
        (picks up wig, speaks in a high-pitched voice)
        – “Mother, they’re just strangers”! As if men don’t desire strangers! As if… ohh, I refuse to speak of disgusting things, because they disgust me!”
        End of scene. 😉
        I love Psycho.

        Noo, those escorts would be way too classy for Charlie Sheen. He prefers pr0n stars and cheep streetwalkers – the cheaper, the better. I know what you mean but I can’t imagine what Cumby would have to do to deserve being compared to Charlie Sheen.

        @Green Girl – By that week, I meant the one mentioned in the blind.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        Haaaaa! So funny 🙂

      • AG-UK says:

        Exactly. I think he is grateful he is in this position and I don’t think he will be spending that kind of money as he knows how it could easily go. I honestly don’t believe it. I can understand him staying away from c list models who want to ride his coat tails… sooo who knows.

      • Secret Squirrel says:

        Ha ha, and you can bet his fridge is full of doggy bags from restaurants!

        I can’t see this rumor being true. MAYBE one escort at one point out of curiosity, but not $25,000’s worth. There’s no way one of them wouldn’t have blabbed about it by now.

        And if he turns out to be gay (again, I don’t believe that one is true either), that’s cool too. I have a whole other set of fantasies about that too!

      • mena says:

        But what if BC ain’t the one payin’?

        I mean, it’s an understood thing that networks pay for a dealer on-set to service the cast & producers. A studio paying for escorts would not be unheard of. BC is the closest thing Hollywood has had to legit make into a STAR. The studios are going to make sure their investment is protected… and looked after. If BC gotta get some, I’m sure the studios will see that he will.

    • Tania Santos says:

      This may sound like a harsh comment, but,,, if this is true, it’s very disappointing. Someone who says that his fandom shouldn’t be named “cumberbitches” because it sets feminism backwards a few decades and diminishes women, then goes out and pays for sex? His behaviour shows total disregard and is disrespecteful towards women. Plus, the comments on “He’s a guy, he has needs” from women (sorry girls) are even worse… Some women are forced to work as escorts for a number of reasons, but because he is a guy, it’s ok to contribute for the sex industry and human trafficking of women? His needs make it ok??? Where are his moral standards? On one hand women shouldn’t call themselves bitches in the name of feminism and then he pays for sex? Wow…
      That’s really, really disappointing…

      • GeeMoney says:

        Lots of “respectable” people do deplorable things and can be hypocrites about it to save face. Not saying that it’s right, but it happens.

        I seriously hope that this blind item isn’t true… but who knows.

      • Evi says:

        Escorts are hired for many reasons. Not just sex.
        I wouldn’t say that he needs sex, but rather, escorts do come in handy if you’re trying to promote the image that you are a studmuffin, when in reality, you travel with a small male cheersquad. Right?

    • Evi says:

      Cumberbatch bats for the other team. If I was a multi millionaire, I would stake a million on that.
      All this talk about him being a ladies man is PR and spin.
      I said the same for George Michael way back in high school. No one believed me…

      • Secret Squirrel says:

        Evi, I would have scratched your eyes out in high school for calling George gay, but boy was I ever mistaken! So obvious now when I look back, but they were the days of innocence for me! I still love George but he has f**ked up his fame a little bit.

        I can see Cumbers appealing to men and women, so perhaps we could meet in the middle and say bisexual??

    • Vera says:

      If true, it really doesn’t bother me since he’s single. Of course he can get sex from many women. What he’s paying for is discretion (Ha!) and non attachment.

  2. Sarah says:

    From some angles, Demi’s “hot new piece” looks like a skinnier, paler Jason Segel.

    • Kiddo says:

      Right on the money, honey, that is his doppelganger. What does she have against grown men, though?

    • Kaye says:

      I thought he looked like the love child of Jason Segel and Kate Winslett.

    • Esmom says:

      You took the words right out of my mouth. Slightly less grungy than JS, too, although that tattoo had me rolling my eyes.

      I cannot believe how bangin’ Demi’s body looks. I wonder if she’s still on the Adderal/Red Bull diet or if she’s adopted a cleaner approach to maintaining her figure.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      Yeah…but I’m not as repulsed by him as I am by Segal. Sorry, that’s really mean for me to say, but it’s how I feel.

      Demi looks great in that bikini.

  3. Kim1 says:

    MTO claims Khloe told family she is pregnant over the holidays.IF this is true PMK is probably planning another spinoff ” Who’s the Daddy?” Jk

  4. GeeMoney says:

    That tattoo on Demi’s new boyfriend’s chest is hideous.

    Hopefully the sex is good. And her body is AMAZING.

  5. Dani says:

    Teresa Palmer is 27?! Married?! Pregnant?! She looks 18 wowwww

  6. Tiffany says:

    We get it Aaron, you like to have sex with women. The odd thing about the interview was that he was the one to bring it up. The host was trying to change the subject and then flat out told him that they should move on. The host stated that there is nothing wrong with being gay and he did want to make it as such with the direction Aaron was taking it. The whole thing was just…odd.

    • Mauibound says:

      I really wish he was gay. Maybe people would see the gay community for who they are … Just people like everyone else

  7. Maggie says:

    That guy is unscrewable if you ask me. He could be her son still going thru puberty by the looks of his shapeless body. WTF???

  8. anon says:

    I think you should have had a whole article about James Avery/”Uncle Phil.”

  9. eliza says:

    That dude is hot? ??? He looks like an unhatched chicken to me.

  10. crazydaisy says:

    Poor Demi. What’s with her wide eyes? And her puckered navel? Something’s seriously wrong.

    She used to be so naturally cute! Then she morphed into a poster girl for hopeless vanity. Of course maybe vanity was always her thang – just didn’t show as much when she was younger and perky and Bruce still loved her. I’ll never forget his quote, “No matter how beautiful a woman is, eventually you get tired of her.” Ouch. Guess Demi never forgot it either. Sad 🙁

    • GeeMoney says:

      I think the saying is “Show me a beautiful woman, and I’ll show you a man who’s tired of f#$%ing her.” Yipes.

      • Evi says:

        But is it truly a case of being tired of sex or being tired of the insecurity and vanity [listening to self doubt, being interrogated about how great one looks, whether one is fat, old, etc…and generally having no intellectual life to speak of?].
        The old adage of the mind being the greatest sex organ is important, but in our society it is evolving into the obsession of the body and pr0nography/sexualisation. The body is useless without a mind. Demi can’t maintain a relationship because she can’t even maintain a healthy relationship with herself.

  11. ParisPucker says:

    Mexico or Hawaii?

  12. Stephanie says:

    She looks amazing!

  13. jilly says:

    What happened to Demi’s lovah with the peen full of balls? I liked him for her.

  14. Evi says:

    I’m beginning to think that there mustn’t be that much going on intellectually. To be nearing fifty and chasing 20 year olds points to a deficit somewhere. Sex only lasts for a short time and then what?
    She is a bad example/role model for her daughters. It’s no small wonder that celebrity offspring go on to develop drug problems and whatever else.
    So what if she has a ‘good’ [surgically enhanced] body? She is an empty vessel and it’s all of her own choosing, which makes it all the more tragic.

    • Ellen says:

      Evi, would love to take comfort in the idea that Demi is an intellectual lightweight and that that’s why she gets left, and resorts to extreme cougarism, but to be honest, she’s only doing what men do the world over. I work with a majority of men, all classic “good guys” (ie the kids soccer coach, the interested parent, the good provider) with beautiful wives, many of whom are far smarter than they are.

      And I watch the wives get traded in on a regular basis.

    • LadySlippers says:

      A British reporter stated awhile back that Bruce was flat out stupid so it wouldn’t surprise me if Demi was an intellectual light weight as well.

  15. Nroth Wset says:

    Something about him, doenst sit right with me…He sounds like the blind item described..I dont get the hype…said it a feww times..