“Jennifer Hudson sings the Star Spangled Banner” morning links

Jennifer Hudson sings the Star Spangled Banner [Candy Kirby]
Renee Zellweger and Harry Connick, Jr. answer fans’ questions. Renee opens up about being famous and Harry says he likes to box. (link leads to video) [Television.AOL.com]
– [Moviefone]
– The Stefani-Rossdales have a day at the beach [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Kim Kardashian skipped the Superbowl to film a fitness tape [Bastardly]
Katie Price goes shopping in ridiculous glasses [Hollywood Rag]
– [Yeeeah]
– What the hell is Amanda Bynes wearing? [The Blemish]
Slumdog Millionaire won best film at the Directors Guild awards [The Insider]
Paris and Benji Cohost Super Bowl Bash, But Sparks Don’t Fly [E! Online]
Charlize Theron Eye Opener [Cityrag]
– PETA is after Eliza Dushku because she likes bow hunting [Agent Bedhead]
– Puppy Bowl V’ Starting Lineup [Defamer]
Madonna Continues To Cavort With Baby Jesus [Evil Beet]
Morrissey and his band pose nearly-naked [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
– Two handcuffed guys run into a pole when trying to escape [Best Week Ever]
Annie Lennox’s new “Shining Light” video [PopBytes]
– Hef’s twins Karissa and Kristina Shannon wear body paint to the Playboy Superbowl party [Bitten and Bound]

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12 Responses to ““Jennifer Hudson sings the Star Spangled Banner” morning links”

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  1. cheetahstripes says:

    Jennifer Hudson has had such awful things happen to her and her family lately, it’s good to see her getting back on track.

  2. mE says:

    I didn’t watch the SuperBowl but when my kids are settled for the morning, I think I will come back and watch this performance.

    Jennifer looks absolutely gorgeous. I can’t even imagine getting out of bed in the morning if something like that happened to my family. Prayers for her healing.

  3. Anna says:

    I’m in Europe and I’m a woman, so I don’t give a rat’s arse about the Superbowl (though no offense meant to those who do like it), we don’t even get it on TV here. But I must say, I really enjoyed watching this. Jennifer Hudson is impressive. She looks incredible and her voice is really something else! It seems to me like she has grown up since her last public appearances, before the awful tragedy in her family. I hope she continues to pull through this as well as she seems to be doing now. I wish her all the best and a long career (but I’m sure that’ll happen without me wishing it for her anyway). She is one strong woman and it’s always nice to have such amazing ladies be a role model to others! Go Jennifer!

  4. mel says:

    Great performance but I thought she looked very nervous and rightly so. Hard to believe she got bounced so early in American Idol.

  5. NotBlonde says:

    Her feet were shaking right before she starting singing, poor thing. But she has a gorgeous, clear voice and killed it. That will be one of those Whitney Houston-remember-it-forever type versions.

  6. Vibius says:

    I hate to be a buzz kill but no she didn’t. She sang it at least a week before gametime (as per NFL rules). So did Faith Hill.

  7. Diva says:

    Interesting… “cheetahstrip” has the exact gravatar as “keekee”… what are the odds?


  8. Codzilla says:

    Even if it was prerecorded, she sang the song at some point and did an amazing job. Plus, the woman is gorgeous. My husband thinks she’s the hottest girl in showbiz, and I tend to agree. More importantly, though, she’s obviously an incredibly strong person, and deserves a standing ovation for her character, alone.

  9. Jag says:

    Her performance gave me chills… amazing…

  10. coffee says:

    Jennifer Hudson beat out Whitney Houston for the best Super Bowl National Anthem by a long shot — lip synch or no lip synch

  11. K. P. says:

    Jennifer, Jennifer, Jennifer…..what can I say. The last time anyone singing the Star Spangled Banner brought tears to my eyes was Whitney Houston (whom I still shed tears for…..a wonderful gifted songstress who isn’t making her comeback quick enough and one whom may not be coming back). However, more tears flowed from my eyes like a faucet. WHAT A SUPERB PERFORMANCE!!!! AN OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE!!! AND A PERFORMANCE THAT WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN CONSIDERING YOUR RECENT TRAGEDY!!! AND A PERFORMANCE THAT CERTAINLY NOW RETIRES WHITNEY HOUSTON’S VERSION AS BEING THE BEST SINCE MARVIN GAYE’S!!!! BRAVO, BRAVO, BRAVO. May God continue to bless you and comfort you during your time of sorrow that I am sure has not even settled in it’s own resting place.

  12. yea good statements above 😀 …;)