Is Bethenny Frankel’s new man a dangerous player who is using her to get famous?

Bethenny Frankel Celebrates New Year's In A Bikini
Bethenny Frankel showed off her new man last week, a hunky muscle-bound guy, on the beach in Miami. It was both a photo op for Bethenny, she loves bikini photo ops, and a chance to stick it to her ex. Bethenny is still involved in a contentious divorce and custody battle with her ex, Jason Hoppy, who still shares her New York City apartment. Neither Bethenny nor Jason is willing to concede defeat and find another place to live.

So Bethenny wanted to prove how carefree and happy she is, and she may have done just that. Only the press has uncovered details of the guy’s past, and it’s not flattering. He’s Michael Cerussi III, he’s 34 and he works in the financial industry. He was also accused of rape while he was in college, in 2000. The charges were eventually dismissed in 2003. What’s more is that Cerussi is known as a player and his friends call him “American Psycho” after the rich, womanizing murderer that Christian Bale played. Friends of Cerussi think he’s using Bethenny to get famous. Here’s more, from Star Magazine:

“He has no intention of actually committing to Bethenny; that’s not who is is,” a close insider says of the successful financier. “Michael has more money and women than he knows what to do with, but one thing he doesn’t have is fame – and he knows Bethenny can give him that.”

While dating Bethenny, 43, has made the wealthy playboy instantly famous, it’s also dredging up his past – much to Michael’s displeasure. According to court documents, in November 2000, while a senior at Union College in upstate New York, Michael and a fraternity brother met a coed at a local bar, and both men had sex with her after bringing her to their fraternity house. The girl then claimed to the school’s disciplinary board that the two men had raped her.

The girl never contacted the police, but both Michael – who admitted to having consensual sex with the coed – and his frat brother were found guilty during a school hearing and expelled. Afterward, Michael brought a lawsuit against the girl, the school and its disciplinary board, claiming they had defamed him and asking to be reinstated at the school.

“Claims were made to the school, which were false and unfounded and ultimately withdrawn,” Michael recently told a news outlet. According to court documents obtained by Star, his lawsuit was dismissed in January 2003, a month after his attorney told the court that the parties were “diligently negotiating” a settlement of the case.

Ironically, Michael’s pals have nicknamed him American Psycho, because his lifestyle resembles that of Christian Bale’s egomaniacal, womanizing character in the film of the same name (minus the homicidal tendencies, of course). “All Mac cares about is wild parties and seducing women,” says the pal. “He goes out three to four nights a week and works out at the gym six days a week. Everything about him screams luxury, from his expensive clothes, his facial cream and haircuts to his car and property.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition, January 20, 2014]

The Star article is well worth reading for more, including details of how Bethenny met Cerussi, at a bar, and how she had a rival for his affections at the same time. The way their witness describes it, Bethenny was all over the guy and acting territorial while he was flirting up a storm with another woman.

Meanwhile In Touch has a similar story, claiming that “Mac” is “loving the attention he’s getting for dating Bethenny.

I hope that this guy isn’t a rapist for a Bethenny’s sake. But I really wouldn’t care much if he has no intention of getting serious and is just using her to get famous. Isn’t she using him, in a way, too?

In related news, Bethenny’s failing talk show has been inexplicably renewed for another season. Producers are said to be switching up the format so it’s more “conflict-oriented” and more like Maury or Jerry Springer. It looks like all that controversy paid off for Bethenny.

Maybe Bethenny brought Cerussi to Miami for just that reason: she knew the press would dig into his past. The NY Daily News claims that Bethenny’s publicist made calls on Cerussi’s behalf. “After pictures of Frankel and Cerussi emerged after New Year’s Eve, Frankel got her hired guns on the case, with her publicist making the rounds of calls on Cerussi’s behalf, a source tells us.” So was Bethenny trying to protect Michael after the rape accusations were made public, or was she trying to get the word out that she had a new man?

Bethenny Frankel Celebrates New Year's In A Bikini

Bethenny Frankel Out And About With Her Daughter In NYC

Bethenny Frankel Out And About With Her Daughter In NYC

Bethenny is shown in NYC on 1-8 (look at those boots!) and in Miami on 1-1-14. Credit: FameFlynet

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31 Responses to “Is Bethenny Frankel’s new man a dangerous player who is using her to get famous?”

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  1. Tapioca says:

    I can think of no other reason why he would be with her, given that discovering her true personality is only a mouse click away!

    Meeting two guys at a bar and voluntarily going back to their frat house and then asking that they be expelled but not calling the police? Hmm….

    • Babalon says:

      “Meeting two guys at a bar and voluntarily going back to their frat house and then asking that they be expelled but not calling the police? Hmm….”

      Has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on being raped.

      • Soporificat says:

        Yeah, sadly most colleges actively discourage women from going to the police in cases of rape. They want to handle it themselves, and they tend to treat it in a very lax way. It’s very strange and gross, but very common.

        Frankly, the fact that the college actually went so far as to expel him speaks volumes to me.

      • LilyT says:

        ^^yes. This.

        There is so much fear and shame surrounding sexual assault. Not to mention the SICK tendency of our society to blame the victim, that she must in some way have been “asking for it”. These are only some of the reasons rape often goes unreported, and even when it is, many cases are mismanaged by law enforcement.

        What sickens me more, is when other women jump to question whether a woman was “really” violated. Do we question other victims of violent crimes in the same way? (Were you REALLY robbed? Are you sure you weren’t asking to have your car hijacked?) No. We don’t. The hard truth is our skepticism relates to our collective societal views about women and sexuality. That a woman who owns her sexuality and is empowered by it rather than ashamed, is threatening the status quo and must be a “who*e”. That a woman who embraces her sexual nature (as we encourage men to do) is somehow to blame when she is sexually assaulted. It is a line of thinking that is not only ludicrous an outdated, but extremely damaging to women as a whole.

      • Ally8 says:

        I remember a line from Law & Order where one of the psychiatrists says that women want to blame the rape victim because they want to believe it wouldn’t happen to themselves.

    • TorontoE says:

      Maybe she thought the police would judge her for going to a frat house after meeting her at a bar. The bar for expelling students are fairly high, if they were both found guilty there had to be some kind of evidence or credibility.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Agree. Tapioca is judging her, as she probably knew the police would. Also agree that the fact that the school went so far as to expel them is very telling.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      So if you voluntarily enter a man’s dwelling, he has the right to have sex with you even if you refuse? Good to know.

    • MrsB says:

      There are many reasons rape victims don’t go to police. One of them being the fear (rightly so) that the PD will have the same thought process as you…if she went home voluntarily with 2 guys she just met, she’s a wh*re and obviously she wanted to have sex with both of them. Rape victims get blamed more than any other victims of crimes.

    • Annie says:

      Tapioca, my dear, please don’t blame the victim. Evolve. She didn’t “ask for it” by having (probably a few too many) drinks with them and going back to their frat house. There can be no consent when the woman is wasted.

  2. Maybe it’s just me, but there is absolutely nothing attractive about Bethanny. Not even on a superficial level–I don’t understand how her ex husband found her attractive at all. She looks thin via working out way too much and maybe not eating enough, her face looks weird–she looks like she got cheek implants, and her entire face looks way too haggard to be only in her early forties, AND she has absolutely no redeeming character qualities. She sounds like a huge pain in the ass, and it sounds like he bent over backwards to accommodate her every whim. What gives?

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Well, did you ever watch Real Housewives of NY? I’m ashamed to say I did for the first two seasons, and I really liked Bethanny then. I felt really sorry for her because her parents were so awful and she seemed funny and self-deprecating and vulnerable. Even sweet and well-intentioned. And she worked so hard, and was a very smart business woman. And she was cute then. I liked her so much that I watched her show at first, and I was happy for her when she met Jason. (I know, I know, step away from the tv). I think Jason thought she was vulnerable, too, and just needed lots of love. I think he wanted to “save” her.
      Fast forward. I don’t know what happened, whether her personality changed or her true personality came out, but after she sold her Skinny Girl brand for a buzillion dollars, she hardened, or started showing her hard side, emotionally and physically. Now I can’t stand who she has become and completely agree with your assessment, but it’s sad to me, because I think she could have gone either way – softer or harder, and she chose the darker path.

      • Blannie says:

        I totally agree with your assessment. I think she was damaged goods from the get-go, but instead of trying to work out her issues, it was easier for her to go with her darker side and let her inner witch take over. It sounds like she’s met her match in this hustler. Ugh.

        I just hope Jason can get Brynn enough so that Bethenny’s poisonous personality doesn’t rub off on her.

      • Ally8 says:

        @GoodNamesAllTaken, that was my viewing experience, too. Once she tasted celebrity, she just fell into the well of her narcissism and wasn’t interested in getting out.

        I thought it was darkly funny on her show with Hoppy, when her therapist tries to break up with her, since it’s evident that she’s making no progress and has no wish to evolve, and she refuses to hear it, so he has to keep seeing her.

      • jjva says:

        That’s interesting. I only know her through sites like these, and she seems absolutely awful to me — unattractive inside and out. Interesting that she once was (or seemed, I know none of us know these people) so different.

  3. Babalon says:

    They’re both gross.

    She’s deserving of some side-eye and shade for setting her sights on someone with his history.

    These two probably really deserve one another. Ick.

    • deehunny says:

      Yes, this. Covering up for an accused rapist ::shudder::

      I never liked Bethany, honesty for no other reason that I didn’t like the cut of her gib, but now I have an excuse.

  4. Tania says:

    What happened to her billionaire buddy? I think this is a ploy to make the other guy jealous.

  5. Helvetica says:

    Goodness, her body is lovely. Look at her tummy. Lucky!

  6. Mel says:

    This guy sounds like a real dreamboat. Wonder how long he’s willing to listen to that voice.

  7. Neffie says:

    She is such a camera fiend and completely transparent especially when she is with her child,makes it a point to kiss and cuddle her while gazing into the camera.

  8. pnichols says:

    He looks as interested in her as I am.

  9. Shopperetta says:

    A smooth-chested date rapist lovingly referred to as “American Psycho’ by friends? Sounds like a winner.

  10. Dani says:

    He SCREAMS D Bag. Gross.

  11. GIRLFACE says:

    She looks like death all the time to me. Even when she looks okay, she looks like someone reanimated her from the grave.

    • ncmagnolia says:

      Nah, I think she’s honestly pretty & great figure….except, WHY with the cheek implants?

      Her boyfriend sounds like a Lambda Chi, d-bag felon. WTH is she thinking??

  12. Annie says:

    Ah, another over-privileged former frat boy. He looks gross, he obviously shaves his body, and the 1980s called; they want their Billabong bathing suit back.

  13. deehunny says:

    And I know I shouldn’t be body shaming, but what’s the deal with that concave underneath his belly button? It looks like they scooped out his happy trail