Missing articles

Somehow four articles that were up yesterday are now missing from the site. I’m not sure how this happened, but it is likely to have something to do with the database being restored to an earlier state. I am working with the hosts to try and restore them if possible. Two were written by UrbanDK and two were written by me, including a link post.

We haven’t had a lot of luck with the technical aspects of the site and hope that will improve shortly. Thanks for hanging in there with us.

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13 Responses to “Missing articles”

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  1. UrbanDK says:

    and here I thought you jjust hated the new articels … whew what a relief … ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. celebitchy says:

    No, I’m really pissed off. Something went wrong and they went missing. The drafts are still there though and they can be restored easily.

  3. celebitchy says:

    The drafts are still there for your posts, not mine, I mean.

  4. MissMara says:

    Hang in there you guys! Technical problems suck, but we’ll keep visiting you, no doubt.

    Good to have you back Urban! I’m looking forward to reading your stories again!

  5. jenny says:

    it seems like the last few days (week?) you’ve barely posted anything. maybe this problem has been going on longer than you are aware of…? I have no life (kidding) thus I check celebitchy about 5 times a day, and lately every time I check for updates I’m dissappointed.

  6. celebitchy says:

    Jenny, my son needed dental surgery. I do not mention my private life much on the blog, but there are times in everyone’s life when they need to take time off work for family issues. I work really hard and late into the night, yet there is only so much I can do.

  7. Bex says:

    Yay UrbanDK! Welcome back.

  8. Action says:

    CB, I love your page. You do a great job! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Maureen says:

    I love the site, too. Where was this picture taken? Looks like someplace I’d like to go drink a pina colada.

  10. m.a. says:

    Yeah, all I gotta say is you guys are lucky that I’m already addicted to your website or I’d be outta here! ๐Ÿ™‚ Jk! I mean, I DO love it, but I’m not mad. Computers suck sometimes. I think you do a pretty good job of fixing probs pretty fast and keeping us readers informed so we don’t give up on ya. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for being here for me, I’d die of boredom at work if it wasn’t for Celebitchy! ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. gavin says:

    Hope your son is making a recovery from the surgery. That is tough. I appreciate the posts all that much more. Thanks CB. Hang in there. Your posts stand out from the rest of the blogs out there. I think you are a better version of the Enquirer.

  12. shirleyq says:

    that’s supposed to be a compliment???

  13. gavin says:

    shirleyq– yes, a better version of the enquirer is indeed a compliment. Some of the writers employed by the enquirer are among the highest paid “journalists” out there. In the past, many had graduated from very prestigious universities. I guess I should have been more careful and not used such a seemingly esoteric and bizzaire reference. But afterall, this is celebrity gossip we are talking about, and Star magazine and US weekly has crappier copy writers than the Enquirer does.