There is no Gaga, only Zuul: Lady Gaga wears Azzedine Alaia in Paris



God, I loved Ghostbusters so much when I was a kid. I watched it again recently for the first time in like seven years, and I couldn’t believe how it held up. Seriously, go back and watch it today. Sigourney Weaver’s performance is still enchanting. Bill Murray is still amazing. Even Dan Ackroyd is good (a sentence that isn’t uttered very often). Sigh… ZUUL.

Anyway, these are some photos of Lady Zuul in Paris yesterday. Gaga came to Paris to support Donatella Versace and her Versace modeling contract, and I guess Gaga decided to stay for some of the other shows too. Her ensemble here is by Azzedine Alaia. Just looking at those shoes makes my feet hurt.

I kind of wonder if this is part of a rebranding effort by Gaga – she’s no longer the avant-garde artiste, but maybe she can be the fashionista and muse? I’m probably overthinking it. She’s probably just what she always is: a dumb stunt-queen.



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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32 Responses to “There is no Gaga, only Zuul: Lady Gaga wears Azzedine Alaia in Paris”

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  1. Dani2 says:

    Again, with the stunts and the obnoxious attention -grabbing antics. It’s sad that every time I think of her, the first thing that comes to mind is one of her crazy antics instead of her amazing voice and genuine talent.

  2. Eleonor says:


  3. QQ says:

    Is she wearing a glittered mop on her head or…??

    • blue marie says:

      Ha, that’s exactly what I thought when I saw her, flip her over and she’ll clean the sidewalk in seconds. I’m also kind of mad that shoulder pads are making a come back.

    • Beatrice says:

      Best comment of the day!! That’s exactly what it look like. This woman is so desperate.

    • Latisse says:

      Love it, QQ! I just took a shower and spilled water everywhere. Do you think Gaga (and her mop head, of course) makes house calls?

    • bondbabe says:

      Instead of Whip My Hair…Whip My Mop is in order?

  4. LadyMTL says:

    *Falls over laughing* Poor Zuul, he (it?) doesn’t deserve to be insulted that way.

  5. Fzh says:


  6. whipmyhair says:

    Definitely not the gatekeeper.

  7. Lucy2 says:

    I love how no one in line for the Louvre gives a crap about her standing there posing.

    Ghostbusters is an all time fave and definitely holds up. I think Bill Murray was one of my earliest celebrity crushes because of that movie.

    • TheOneandOnlyOnly says:

      Yes to both your comments; this immature girl – that’s what she is – is totally clueless. She needs to put the bedazzler down and figure out how to make decent pop music, as others on this thread have constantly stated, she’s just a pop star, and a not very original or talented one at that. Personally, I think her “career” is coming to a close – as a narcissist, she doesn’t have the capacity for self-reflection and honesty that would be needed to restart her waning career.

  8. D says:

    I’m just really impressed that she can walk in those shoes. She must have great balance. And that is the only nice thing I can say about her…

  9. MrsBPitt says:

    Loved, loved, loved Ghostbusters!!!!! So sick of this redic Gaga…doesn’t she realize that at this point she could wear (I was trying to think of something outrageous that I could say and I just realized she has worn EVERYTHING, including meat, so there is nothing left)…Give it up…you don’t look avant-garde…just STUPID!

  10. mia girl says:

    Yes! She is Zuul! Awesome.
    Might Justin Beiber turn into Gozer?

  11. Julianna says:

    I actually like her outfit except the shoes. The hair color goes well with it, but the style is awful. Her face looks different again from the pics with Donatella. She looks more like herself here, she looked beautiful in the Donatella pics. I’m not a fan of her regular old smug face.

  12. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Yawn. Wake me up when she’s over.

  13. Latisse says:

    Hey Gaga, you want to rebrand yourself? Rebrand yourself into a pop star who sings fun, catchy pop songs.

    Not an artist. Not a muse. Not an icon or a legend in the making. A pop star. That’s it.

    • bondbabe says:

      I agree.

      Gaga – Stop with the over-the-top costumes and trying to be so avant-garde; sit your a$$ down, write some music and be Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta; and maybe then the people will feel your “art.”

  14. Kiddo says:

    Does anyone else think it would be amazaballs if Gaga hooked up with Kanye? The possibilities of terrible fashion, the spontaneous combustion of attention seeking egos, the ultimate, a duet on a bike?

    • Julianna says:

      They were supposed to tour together before Taylorgate.

      • Kiddo says:

        Uh, what a missed opportunity for fame-whoring insanity. On the other hand, they both have some talent so a collaboration might have actually worked. And anything would have been better for Kanye than Kardashian Korruption.

  15. K-Rock says:

    She’s still doing those stupid shoes?!?! If she’s trying to “reinvent” she should lose those, they just look silly.

  16. dorothy says:

    She has a nice voice, why does she still feel she has to do the whole costume thing? It was amazing in the beginning, now it’s just exhausting and tired.

    In the end, this constant push for attention via clothing may be her undoing. People are tired of it.

  17. Sumodo1 says:

    THERE IS NO GAGA, ONLY ZUUL…Ghostbusters reference…Kaiser, you KILL me! Have a great day!

  18. Mimz says:

    It amazes me how sometimes she can be so pretty and many MANY other times she can look completely hideous and ridiculous
    in this instance, i think she looks quite pretty…

  19. Abby says:

    I just laughed out loud at these pics. I’m sure you can’t see all the tourists hanging out with gaga–so many people visit the Louvre every day.

    Something nice: I like the outfit. Not the hair or the shoes. I bet she had to be carried over the cobblestones.

  20. Moiselle says:

    Mardi Gras is coming up. Maybe she’s just getting an early start.

  21. Nicolette says:

    She went from chic the other day with Donatella, back to freak.

  22. Jem says:

    Somehow, looking at this, I can’t help but think about that snake-thingy my husband uses to unclog the hair out of the drain in the tub….

  23. Zombiepeep says:

    Meh. Over it.