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6 Responses to “You’re about to see a lot more of Hayden Panettiere”

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  1. Kolby says:

    Yeah, I’m not all that interested in her either. She looks like every cute blonde actress out there. The only thing I’ve ever seen her in was “Remember the Titans”, she played the assistant coach’s daughter.

    Also, that picture with Paris – where are this kid’s parents?

  2. MaiGirl says:

    I agree with Kolby. Does her mom say “Go out, Hayden, hit a club. Have a ciggy and watch Paris Hilton poledance while you’re at it!” Honestly, these Hollywood parents needs to stop fulfilling their own fantasies through their children.

    But I do think that Hayden’s talented, just probably not at singing. I just hope she doesn’t skank out.

  3. “Yeah, I’m not all that interested in her either.”

    Yeah, well I’m not interested in YOU at all, Kolby. Or the blogger, come to that (if I see one more crappy interchangeable gossip blog drag out that old Hilton picture, I’m going to punch the monitor in).

    So why bother commenting? Hey, at least it won’t turn up on another blog.

  4. Temujin says:

    She’s been seen licking and dry-humping Canada’s National Icon.

    Which is both erotic and disturbing all at the same time.

  5. Other Karen says:

    It’s annoying that she’s everywhere, but the more indelible she becomes in public memory, the more likely that she won’t just vanish when Heroes is over. It’s probably a smart move on her part.

  6. Elle says:

    Could Paris be prosecuted for contributing to the delinquency of minor? Please?