Brandi Glanville complains about LeAnn & Eddie’s ‘no-parenting’ skills in her book


I feel like we need a new hashtag for Brandi Glanville’s now one-sided drama with LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian. #LetItGoGirl? #RealHousewifeProblems? It’s really shocking the hell out of me to see how LeAnn and Eddie are not engaging with Brandi whatsoever this month. Seriously, I’m floored. A year ago, LeAnn would have been on Twitter 24/7, interacting with haters and pushing a happy family agenda all while Brandi promoted her book. But now Brandi has a second book and LeAnn isn’t engaging. So it does seem like Brandi is the one who can’t move on. If that is LeAnn’s strategy, props to Wewe. Anyway, Radar has more excerpts from Brandi’s book:

Believe it or not, there are still a few things Brandi Glanville hasn’t said about LeAnn Rimes. More than four years after the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star’s husband Eddie Cibrian embarked on an affair with the woman Glanville calls a “c*nt-ry singer,” she’s starting yet another round to their never-ending feud in her new book, Drinking & Dating, where she complains about Rimes’ step-parenting style and mocks her 2012 rehab stay.

Glanville and Cibrian’s sons “Mason and Jake aren’t allowed to bring their ‘nice’ clothes to Mom’s house,” she claims in the book. “That basically sums up our co-parenting, or, as I call it ‘no-parenting.’”

At Rimes and Cibrian’s Hidden Hills mansion, she says, her boys “have every video game imaginable (not to mention the iPods, iPads, iRobots and M-Macs), while I still struggle with my f***ing Blackberry. They have a closet full of designer clothes … Sadly, when it’s time to come to my house, they are forced to change into the exact same clothes I sent them over to Dad’s house in two days earlier. Apparently, they each have a ‘Brandi’ pile in their room — not even a ‘Mom’ pile — of the things they are allowed to bring with them for their time at my house.”

What’s more, she explains, “According to the boys, the house has a giant pool, a tree house, a zip line, a tricked-out movie theater, a custom trampoline and — wait for it — a rock climbing wall. I can’t compete,” she complains, “and I gave up trying long ago.”

But more than jealousy, Glanville says her irritation is rooted in a concern that Rimes and Cibrian’s anything-goes parenting style is harming their kids. Though she and Cibrian communicate through their assistants, she says, “Unfortunately, he still doesn’t consult me when making larger decisions about the boys that we should discuss. For example, I wasn’t asked my opinion when he decided to take our ten-year-old son to a R-rated movie. … I don’t think it’s appropriate.”

In addition, she writes, “I wasn’t thrilled when both of my sons were given BB gun assault rifles for Christmas … Guns of any kind are not an appropriate gift for little boys — or for any of us.”

“The truth is,” she admits, “I have no control over what my ex-husband chooses to do during his time with our children. That’s not to say I don’t get royally pissed off, but all I can do is scream into a pillow and take deep breaths.”

In one of the worst incidents, she says, Mason was hospitalized while spending time with Cibrian and Rimes, and Glanville only found out “once his bonus mom sent out a Tweet. It seemed insane that I wouldn’t even be notified that my baby was in the hospital, but that was the reality also known as my life.”

Speaking of Twitter, Glanville, who has freely admitted she got involved with Twitter in order to obsess over Rimes and Cibrian’s relationship, doesn’t drop the topic without getting a quick jab off at Rimes’ own Twitter habit. When Rimes entered rehab in 2012, she blamed it on stress and anxiety caused by social media, telling Katie Couric, “I think it’s really hard to deal with Twitter and Facebook.”

In her book, Glanville snarkily coins the term “twee-hab,” and uses it to write a not-so-blind item clearly aimed at Rimes.

“After an unsettling month obsessing over the comments of strangers near and far,” she writes, “the country music singer decided to admit herself to a Los Angeles-area twee-hab facility, where she met others who also struggled with expressing themselves in 140 characters or less.”

Lest any reader fail to catch the irony, Glanville continues, “In my defense, it did sound like total bullish*t at first. Seriously, who really has to be admitted into a treatment facility for exhaustion or stress therapy because they can’t stop refreshing their Twitter feed?” Still, she admits, “Apparently, a lot of people do.”

[From Radar]

So, basically, this is a rehash of stuff we’ve already heard about for the most part. I remember the incidents when LeAnn took one of the boys to the hospital and no one told Brandi. I also remember all of the stuff about “twee-hab”. I didn’t know about the BB gun drama, nor the R-rated movie drama. Where was I for that? Or is that brand new information? Anyway… do I think Brandi and Eddie’s custodial relationship sucks? Yes. I do. Do I feel sorry for Brandi for how LeAnn manipulates the boys? Yep. But I still wonder if it really serves anybody’s best interests to air all of this dirty laundry in a book.

PS… I think it’s wrong to complain about how you can’t afford to give your sons all of that crap while you’re carrying a Louis Vuitton bag.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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109 Responses to “Brandi Glanville complains about LeAnn & Eddie’s ‘no-parenting’ skills in her book”

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  1. judyjudy says:

    Don’t most kids get sent home in the clothes they wore to the other parent’s home? That’s what I’ve always seen, at least until they are teenagers and manage their own clothes, laundry, etc.

    She sounds very petty and jealous here. She should have stopped talking about them way back when she promised to stop talking about them.

    • Lily says:

      I agree she is coming across as petty and unable to move forward. Also how can she complain she is not consulted about the boys when she admits she doesn’t even talk directly to them. I can understand them making a decision when they have custody as opposed to having a conversation with an assistant.

      • Zooyork says:

        @Lily: it isn’t Brandi’s fault she cannot contact them directly- that’s all on the a-holes leann and Eddie, so put the blame for that disgusting situation where it lies.

    • dread pirate cuervo says:

      That’s what we do for my stepkids. I wash whatever they wore on Friday & they wear those outfits home on Sunday night. We have some clothes here for them, but not a full wardrobe. If they wore “our” clothes home all the time, we’d run out of weather appropriate clothes that fit for them. Brandi gets child support & makes her own money so I’m sure her kids aren’t in rags when they’re with her. Plus, designer clothes for kids are a waste of money. They outgrow them so soon.

    • elo says:

      This! Before we had custody of my step son we used to have to, per the agreement, send him back in whatever clothes he had on. From what I understand that is a pretty basic part of any custody agreement.

      • Jo says:

        We do the same thing with my stepson but I think it is petty. Especially when his mother sends him over with the worst possible clothes she can find as if whatever we have are rags as well. The whole custody arrangement is a joke and is causing more harm than good. She does the total opposite of what we do out of spite. There is no consistency whatsoever. He could rob a bank, but when it’s time for him to go back with her she will act as if nothing happened just because it happened on our time.
        The whole arrangement has done nothing but teach my stepson how to manipulate and lie. Shared custody and co parenting is only successful when all parties involved are able to be mature and put the best interest of the child first. I feel bad for my husband because all his efforts to ensure that my stepson turns out to be a respectful, intelligent, and well rounded person are done in vain.

      • dread pirate cuervo says:

        @Jo, unfortunately, I know how you feel. 🙁

      • JH says:

        @jo- really well put. It’s so true and so unfortunate.

  2. Erinn says:

    Unfortunately, it’s a contest for Leann and Eddie. They have the “fun” house. I think it’s absolutely disgusting that a tweet would be sent before the mother contacted when it comes to something such as medical situations.

    As far as the bag – who’s to say it wasn’t a gift?

    • Megan says:

      Sorry but Brandi is making it a contest by her reaction and pity party. Just ignore it and do her own stuff with the kids. At the end of the day what those boys will remember and care about are being loved, protected and given values.

      I know it’s hard when you’re in the middle of it but the long run kids always know who is really there for them. Unfortunately for those two boys I am not sure anyone truly is.

      • screwStewrat99 says:

        It must be hard to be in the middle as a parent. When I was growing up my father had the fun house, let me do whatever I want and I loved it. I wanted to live with him and really resented my mother for punishing me and making me behave lol. It was not until I was much older did I realize she did what was best for me and thankfully she did teach me how to behave and I’m much better for it. We had a really rough relationship though when I was young and I imagine its hard and frustrating for Brandi to deal with.

  3. Aims says:

    There are no winners in this threesome. All of them are a mess. But it’s time for Brandi to move forward. The best revenge is success. To live your life well is the biggest middle finger you can give a person.

    • Sullivan says:

      I agree that all three of them are losers. Why is Brandi beating this dead horse? Let it go, woman. Instead of trying to compete with their father in the ‘material things’ category, work on being a mother your sons can respect.

      • sugar says:

        LOL because she has a book to sell. all her grievences are nothing new under the sun. she pretty much discribes what alot of us went through or are going through with shared custody. get over it already Brandi. oops i forgot she is so relatable thats why she gets a pass on her actions *sarcasm*…
        if i read this book and its a big IF i will check it out at the library like i did her last one.

      • John Wayne Lives says:

        @SULLIVAN.. I just.. that last sentence, I mean, really.. *stands up and claps* Right ON!!

  4. atrain says:

    Yes, it seems like she should let it go, but we have to remember that she’s dealing with this stuff day in and day out. This is still a major part of her life. But she should probably stop airing their dirty laundry, at least while Leann is keeping quiet.

  5. kellyinseattle says:

    It’s time for them to stop acting like bitchy junior high girls and just shut up…it’s getting really old.

  6. Elizabeth says:

    Shouldn’t she be happy that her kids have these opportunities?

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      Eh, she sees it as them trying to get the kids to turn against her.

      My parents were pretty strict growing up. At least strict compared to other parents around. At my house, we didn’t get new clothes whenever we wanted (we wear hand me downs as necessary), we didn’t get a laptop or a phone unless we paid for it ourselves. I got a laptop for my 18th birthday that I was SO excited about (didn’t even know that I was getting one, and I hadn’t asked for one), because I’d never had my own electronic before. Unless it was Christmas or our birthday, we didn’t get any toys unless we did chores to ‘buy’ it—like I used to collect Barbie Dolls (from Mattell, I had the Princesses of the World series), I would wash dishes ten times to buy a 20 dollar barbie doll.

      We had to do chores, without getting paid–if we wanted to buy a toy, we had to do chores on top of that.

      But anyway–my aunt wasn’t like that with her kids. She didn’t make them clean up (she yelled at them to do it, but they never did it, and she didn’t do anything about it), she bought them whatever they wanted pretty much–all without having any money. To this day–her two kids play every single sport that they can, including hockey–which is expensive because you have to buy all the gear and whenever they have games outside of the area, you have to pay for gas and the hotel. Both of my parents work, and we can’t do any of that–my dad had to tell my little sister that she couldn’t play hockey because we can’t afford it.

      But anyway–I used to like going over my aunt’s house, because she wasn’t hard on rules and things, not as hard as my parents. But guess whose kids are BAD and whose aren’t? Not me.

      That’s how it goes–if you give a kid whatever they want, let them do whatever they want, and then they go back to Mom’s house, who has stricter rules, who do you think they’re going to be mad at? Whose house are they going to want to stay at?

      • Relli says:


      • littlestar says:

        And isn’t it funny how when you’re a teenager, you “resent” your parents for being so strict and setting rules – but then when you’re an adult, you are so thankful FOR the fact that they were strict? Summer breaks when I was a teenager were the “worst” for me. I grew up on a farm and my parents made me and my siblings work hard all summer on the farm, and then on the weekends I would work for my aunt who had a catering company. I was envious of all my friends who got to laze around and do nothing during their summer break from school. But now that I’m an adult, I am so thankful for my parents making me shovel cow crap from the barn! I think it helps me appreciate all that I have now in my life.

        And for kids who are given everything they want…… I just don’t get it and I don’t think I ever will. I had to buy my own cell phone myself, with money from my first “real” job at 18 years old. My husband’s nieces get cell phones now when they are 12! …………. I think this is why I am a cat parent and not a human parent :O).

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        Where I live, the majority of 6th graders have cell phones. And I’m not talking about little cheap trackphones (which my parents gave me one when I was 13, but I could only use it to call them in case of an emergency, so it stayed in my backpack the entire time I had it) either.

        My little brother, who’s in 6th grade now, is the only one in his grade without a phone.

        And this same aunt, who hasn’t even worked a real, grown up job (she survives off of gov’t cheese) gave her kids phones too–the nice ones. And surprise, surprise–they don’t take care of them. They don’t take care of any of their stuff, and they had a lot more than I do, and they’re younger.

      • Jo says:

        ITA, don’t believe in kids getting whatever they want just because the funds are available. My stepsons mother buys him every pair of sneakers that comes out but he has terrible manners, gets in trouble in school and is now becoming a liar with a entitled attitude. Kids need to learn to appreciate the value of things instead of just things being handed to them. It pays off in the end. I’m a prime example. I hated my dad for making me get a job at 16 but it helped me to become responsible with finances at a young age. I do believe there should be a balance tho. Can’t make your kids slave for everything they want. That’s just sort of unfair.

    • Deanne says:

      Being overinduldged and under disciplined isn’t an opportunity. It can lead to terrible entitlement issues. It’s part of why LeAnn is who she is today. It sounds like Eddie and LeAnn are trying to buy the boys and she’s trying to parent them. Their Father doesn’t even work and they are on vacation constantly. That’s not a good way to teach kid’s values.

      • LeAnn Stinks says:

        Perfectly stated and absolutely correct.

      • aaa says:

        Brandi is manipulative and tends to tell stories that make herself look good. I am not going to believe, by default, that Brandi is a disciplinarian who is “raising” her children while Eddie spoils and indulges them.

    • lunchcoma says:

      I’d say that would be the case if her kids were getting the best education money could buy, could pursue any talent they showed signs of with lessons or activities, or were given the opportunity to travel the world and have all kinds of unique experiences. But while expensive clothes, a rock climbing wall, and an in home movie theater all sound like they’d be nice to have, I don’t think they’re especially enriching or that they’re likely to provide someone with a happier childhood. I can also see Brandi’s point that it interferes with the parenting relationship when children are very pampered in one home and have stricter rules and fewer luxuries at another.

      (All that being said, Brandi is pretty horrible in her own right and I don’t approve of any of the three adults involved in this mess.)

      • Seen says:

        If it were me and I had tons of money I’d have a home theatre and rock climbing wall too. And maybe a new Mac and the latest cell phone. As would my kids. Who’s to say how you spend your money ? As long as there is love and discipline in the home the boys will be fine. Brandi’s just jealous. She whines about a BlackBerry ? Seriously ? Greet example.

      • Stacey says:

        I question the pureness of Eddie and Leann’s intentions for spoiling the children with toys. They buy their sons /stepsons toys and clothing that they are only allowed to use at Dad & Stepmoms house. Why get something your child can only enjoy 50% of their time. If you gave it to them with a pure heart, you would let them enjoy it whether at mom or dads. Eddie and Leann are effectively punishing the children by taking away their toys & expensive clothing when they spend time with their mother. That is so wrong.

        What happens when they turn 16 and get a car? Will they have to leave the fancy new car Dad and LeLe behind at their mega house on days they want to spend time with their mother? What bs.

      • aaa says:

        I question the pureness of Brandi’s intentions for still writing about Eddie and Leann after she said that she was going to stop talking about them and saying that her current book is NOT about her ex.

        The kids are with Eddie 50% of the time, that’s a lot. I think that it is way more indulgent to let the kids take all their clothes and games so that they can have them any and every time they want them as opposed to keeping them in one place and letting the kids have them when they are in that place.

        Brandi is not impoverished, she can afford to buy her sons clothes, toys and electronic, and I am willing to bet that she has, but she conveniently leaves that out as part of her manipulation and victim playing.

  7. TX says:

    Im 100% with you Kaiser. Does this whole situation suck for Brandi? Yes, of course. But at some point, you have to just let it go and be the bigger person. She is starting to lose people’s sympathy by constantly airing their dirty laundry.

    • Stacey says:

      Brandi needs to start taking the high road for the sake of taking the high road. Like yesterday.

      The clothes thing bothers me. Are the boys renting the clothes, toys etc 3 days at a time at Eddie And Leanns house? They have enough money to replace clothes or toys that break or get dirty at Brandi’s anyways. And i do not believe Brandi for a second would purposefully destroy her sons possessions to spite Leann and Eddie. Brandi loves her sons. Leann and Eddie are just being spiteful and hurting the kids in the end.

      and..Who buys children clothes with strings attached. Wtf? What bs to give your kid a toy and be like, it is only your toy while you are at my house or sorry, you can’t wear your favorite outfit to mommy’s house because I bought it for you. Selfish vindictive father and stepmother those two boys have! Brandi should just give up on those two ever coming around and move on

      • Seen says:

        What I had to do as a stepmom was keep the clothes I bought at my house. Because I’d never see them again! If you want your kids to have nice things but their mom won’t send them back with them what are you to do ? Brandi sounds like just that kind of person – I can’t really blame Eddie and Leann for keeping the things they buy at their home. Like me they probably learned the hard way.

      • Stacey says:

        So punish your stepkids and make them change out “your” clothes that you “loan” them to wear while they are at your house and make them
        be a participant of your coparenting problem because you or your husband can’t work it out like adults with the ex wife?

        They can “have” nice things but why not let them have and wear “nice” things while with their mother too?? Whats wrong with some shirt you bought the kid being worn to their MOTHERS house or ending up in his drawers at his moms. If you want it back then coordinate with his MOM

      • aaa says:

        Brandi is not poor, she can buy her sons nice things. To me there is nothing wrong or sinister about buying children nice clothes and wanting to know that those clothes are clean, untorn and in the closet at the home of the parent who bought them, and can be taken out and worn on whatever occasion the parent who bought them wants it to be.

      • Relli says:

        Who buys children clothes with strings attached?

        Charlie Sheen & Brooke Mueller. Role model parent for the ages!

      • Becs says:

        I have a 12 year old step son that lives with us on most weekends. Dress clothes and all toys stay at our house except hand held electronics. It is not a matter of disrespecting his mother , implying their household isn’t good enough for the things we purchase, or competing with his other family. The clothes we have sent in the past have never made there way back to our house. And if he takes his toys to his moms, what will he play with in our home?

    • littlestar says:

      Brandi needs to rebrand herself, imo. I think if she thinks before she speaks and keeps her mouth shut when she knows something will give her bad press, she could do it. She loves cooking and is apparently good at it too – why not start rebranding herself as a mom who cooks? She was a model, she’s comfortable in front of the camera. Again, I think it’s still possible for her.

      • Stacey says:

        I agree. I do love the dirt she dishes on Eddie and Leann, cant deny that! but i also like the more wholesome, down to earth Brandi more than the drunk skanky Brandi. Unfortunately, this is what she’s rolling with.

      • Cirque28 says:


      • Deanne says:

        Completely agree.

      • Seen says:

        Stacey – the clothes are not on loan. He’s got them 50% Of the time, as did we. The problem arises when mom doesn’t send them back with the kids – ever, and you are again forced to buy more clothes. In our case it became a financial necessity – tho I doubt that’s eddies reason.

        Relli – there are no strings attached. It’s just more likely a way for the boys not to have to shuffle a lot of stuff since they are there so often. It’s not like Eddie has them once a month. He and Leann have the money to do it – it’s what I’d do if I wasn’t on a budget.

    • Kat says:

      I’ve bought my step daughter nice clothes and toys and she knows she is not to take them to her mother’s. Her mom has never worked a day in her life and whatever she has gotten for her daughter she has never had to use her hard earned money to buy it so she couldn’t care less about keeping it in good condition so I won’t spend my hard earned money for someone that can’t appreciate that. I don’t think that means I’m not giving it fully from my heart.

      • Seen says:

        Amen. My stepdaughters mom does work but never could seem to send her daughter to our house with more than the outfit she wore. After a few clothes-buying trips – again never seeing those clothes – we learned to keep a closet for her at our place. Doesn’t mean we were spiteful or holding an agenda against her mother – just smart planning. Toys are harder – we send her favorites with her but do hold some back for her to play with at our place.

  8. Relli says:

    Personally I cant imagine having to co-parent with someone who doesn’t communicate and basically does not want to consult you on basic stuff you BOTH should be making decisions on. I am watching someone I know go through this and seeing it up close I can tell you that its very hard to live through. Lots of tears, lots of phone calls and wasted money on lawyers all because one or two people cant put their big kid panties on say hey we brought these children into the world together lets work on this together.

    The clothes thing is MEH, if your kid has more than one house they call home can see the laundry problem. But buying guns and making decisions about what they should and should not be exposed to is BIG. I don’t care if you don’t like this chick thats just frustrating and not right. As far as not being able to afford her kids the same lifestyle as they have every other weekend, I am not sure she is complaining as much as she is making a point. She has said before she does what she can, provides what she can and moves on. Besides 1000 purse is not exactly the same as purchasing, upgrading, and tricking out a house, not to mention upkeep.

    • rlh says:

      Thank you. Exactly.
      This stuff keeps coming up because Eddie basically left Brandi penniless so she has to hustle to make bank. She admits she should have been smarter about her marriage and not been so content to let Eddie run the finances because at the end of the marriage she had no credit, no income, could not afford to stay in the house, nothing, while Eddie went off with a multi-millionaire to upgrade HIS lifestyle. So now she hustles to make money. And if she has to tell some of the facts of her life to sell a book (because that is what we all want to hear: the inside scoop) that is what she is going to do.
      Love her or hate her, she has to work. And it is because of Leann and Eddie and their ridiculously horrible treatment of Brandi that we even know who Brandi is and she has the career she currently has. She is making lemonade, folks. She is a survivor.

  9. Olive Malone says:

    I really want to talk about the other recent radar article – about her little black book. I’d love to hear you all speculate on the identities of her various hookups. I am terrible at guessing (even with blatant clues) and rely on you all to keep me informed.

  10. Miffy says:

    She does annoy me but I feel for anyone in a less than co-operative co-parenting situation. That’s horrible for anyone of any status. It’s tough when you have two parents who are not on the same page, it’s even worse when they’re not willing to compromise, worse still when one parent just does what they want regardless.

    If I were Brandi, I wouldn’t worry about the ‘things’ her ex and Rimes lavish the kids with, she’s their mother and no amount of stuff can make up for love, affection, security and guiding your kids to be the best people that they can be only the way a mother can. If she’s as good a mom as she claims, no amount of iPads will replace her. Of course they’re going to enjoy silly toys and gadgets, they’re kids, they’re allowed to, but it’s her job to develop their security and happiness for the long term.

    • Shijel says:

      Uh. My parents divorced. Stayed with mom who tried to establish some boundaries to the pre-teen me, while dad indulged me. For a while, before I grew brains and some thinking that did not center around myself, I thought dad was an angel in the sky and mom was a b*tch.

      Mom was right. Dad’s cool still, but I wish I hadn’t given mom so much crap about being what I perceived as “strict”. You can develop all the security you want, but a young person hardly understands the concept of unconditional love and self-sacrifice. They like things and they like fun and that’s what they’re getting at LeLe’s house, while mom has to fill the thankless role of someone who disciplines.

      • Miffy says:

        Well my point wasn’t that ‘love them and guide them and they’ll love you more than video games’, providing the stability and unconditional love is just what a mother does, should do, has to do. If you’re going to base your parental success on how much your child likes you as a buddy, you’ve failed. A person will have many friends in their lifetime but only two parents.

        And, no, it’s not a young person’s place to understand the concepts of unconditional love and self-sacrifice, that’s the parents’ job.

  11. Jacqueline says:

    Yes, when the boys get bigger, the lure of all of the “things” will probably draw them to LeAnn and Eddie’s house. But Brandi does nothing to combat that in running her effing mouth CONSTANTLY. It honestly might be better for the boys at the Rimes house if speaking about their mother doesn’t happen there. I sincerely doubt Brandi’s ability to keep it together and not trash the other two constantly to their children. Brandi, stop. Just. Stop.

    • Deanne says:

      Please. As if. LeAnn has people who were absolutely vile towards the boy’s Mother around them all of the time. She says they sing Borrowed, a song about her and Eddie’s affair. She even had a Twitter fan who harassed and abused Brandi on twitter come Christmas shopping with the kids. A STRANGER who called their Mother horrible things and abused her, was allowed access to her kids. Oh and isn’t it the Cibrian household? I know she pays all of the bills due to his out of work status, but he’s the parent, while LeAnn is just his wife of the moment. If they divorce or anything happens to him, LeAnn would have zero rights to ever see the boys again. Brandi is flawed for sure and needs to reel it it, but to suggest that Eddie the jerk and LeAnn the deluded are better parents is a real stretch. They can all do better.

      • aaa says:

        Brandi has friends, fans and Twitter followers who are vile towards Leann. One example is the blogger from the Jewish Journal who writes horrible things about Leann. Brandi has brought that blogger around her kids.

      • Annie B says:

        Who cares? Leann is their stepmother by marriage, to a man she exposed her affair with, and the skanky Sur waitress’s affair with, to get his wife to dump him, because he would NOT leave her. Nothing more. Brandi is their mother. Leann pays the child support since Eddie hasn’t worked in months. Who cares what people associated with or who just like Brandi say about Leann, on freaking Twitter. A d-lister former famous country singer from the 90s? She’s a “celeb” with a bad rep for many reasons, people are gonna say shit. She’s 30 and hasn’t had a successful career in 7+ years, nothing to do with Brandi.

      • Deanne says:

        aaa, LeAnn is NOT the boys parent. She’s the one who needs to tow the line. When the boys are older and find out what their “Uncle Darrell”and her other employees, fans etc did to their Mother, they will hate her for it. Brandi only has fans and supporters because LeAnn stalked her husband and made sure his affairs were exposed, driving her to kick him out. When people saw LeAnn’s cronies abusing Brandi, they stepped up to defend her. LeAnn is Eddie’s current wife and meal ticket. Just because she pays his child support and he lets her call the shots and interfere with co-parenting, doesn’t mean she’s an equal to the real,parents. She has zero custody rights and if she and Eddie the unemployed split, or something happens to him on one of their vacations or casino basement concert tours, she would become persona non grata.

      • aaa says:

        @Annie B, Eddie filed for divorce from Brandi about six months after his affair with Leann hit the tabloids. Brandi claims that Eddie had been screwing around on her for years and it is laughable to me that people try to make it seem like Eddie wanted to hold on tight to Brandi and their sham of a marriage. It looks like to me that Eddie enjoyed the set up where he had a wife at home who would cook him dinner and give him all the sex he wanted at home, and then when he got bored at home, or it was the designated day of the week, he would spend time with his mistress.

        Every disparaging thing that you say about Leann Rimes is true and yet she was Brandi’s ticket to fame, and while a lot of Brandi’s current fame comes from her own drunken and trashy behavior, Brandi still uses Leann Rimes for relevance even after she said that she would stop.

        @ Deanne, Eddie IS the boys’parent too and Leann is his wife. Mason and Jake live in her house for a good amount of time and the person who is empowered to make Leann tow the line relating to them is Eddie. If Brandi has a big issue with anything that is happening while her children are with their father and stepmother then she needs to take Eddie to court. However I doubt if she will get very far if she complains about things that Leann does or allows to be done, if they are things that she herself also does or allows to be done.

        Of course something may happen and Eddie and Leann break up and Leann will no longer be part of Eddie and his sons’ lives. And then Eddie, Mason and Jake will move out of the multimillion dollar house, with all the nice bells and whistles, and into a nice rental house probably not too far from Brandi’s rental. And who knows, if Eddie isn’t getting work, he may ask request that Brandi pay him child support.

        As far as the kids hating Leann, maybe they will, but there seems to be a lot of bad behavior and crazy to go around, and maybe the kids will end up understanding that all the adults involved in this situation are imperfect and love them regardless, or maybe they will end up resenting one of the people involved – maybe it will be Leann or maybe not.

  12. minime says:

    When Leann and Eddie start to look as the (a tiny bit more) responsible adults in this mess, it means its time to stop with the rantings.

  13. gogoGorilla says:

    Brandi labeling anyone’s behavior as “inappropriate” is rich.

    There’s a lot of speculation on other sites that Leann has a new PR team, and the fact that she’s not engaging here makes me think this might actually be true.

  14. MDawg says:

    Okay, so I actually read her book. There are some snippets of the whole LeAnn and Eddie drama, but it’s really rather limited compared to how the rest of the book is all about her dating drama. It wasn’t as good as the first book, but it wasn’t bad either.
    And there was some engagement on LeAnn’s side: on the day Brandi’s book came out, LeAnn posted up a picture of Drew Barrymore’s book saying she really loved it or something to that extent.

    I’m not necessarily defending Brandi, but I think that it’s fair to note that the media is mostly focusing on the LeAnn stuff where there is a lot of other content that has nothing to do with her in the book.

    • Jayna says:

      The media isn’t focusing. I thought those were some of the excerpts that her publicists released for promotion. In that case, they are using that angle for attention.

  15. someone says:

    I’m also a stepmom and I can say the things the children’s mom blames you for can be endless. The kids clothes are washed wrong, the same amount of underwear that went to your house didn’t come home, etc etc etc. Sometimes it feels like nothing you do is right. If allowing a 10 year old to see an R rated movie is criminal then I am also in trouble. And as someone pointed out – Brandi’s life is like one long R Rated movie the boys are living in. If this is how Brandi holds grudges then it is going to be a long 8/10 years of these two parents butting heads.

    • Stacey says:

      Am I supposed to feel sorry that you are with a man with an ex and children by her? You signed up for it and if you arent interested in working within the family dynamics and If you think coordinating clothing with mom is a such a huge burden, wth are you doing trying to be a part of a blended family?

      • someone says:

        FYI: I didn’t ask you to to feel sorry for me. I am almost 20 years in on this blended family thing and my step kids are grown. Out of the house. And the reality is: now that they are adults and can choose whose house they go to for holidays it’s quite apparent just how unimportant those clothes that were supposedly washed wrong and the supposedly missing underwear were.

      • bondbabe says:

        Whoa, @Stacey–way harsh. Unhitch that b*tch-wagon!

        @someone was trying to get across that sometimes bitterness/jealousy/envy/whatever by the bio mom, will be viewed as you doing it wrong for anything you do for the child(ren) . Hence, her statement of, “Sometimes it feels like nothing you do is right.”

      • Megan says:

        that was beyond rude. Who the hell are you to judge someones family situation? Develop some class. My freaking God. She was just sharing her experience. I honestly don’t think the clothes thing is that weird. Honestly I think its the right thing to do because then the kids don’t have to PACK constantly. I am sure if the kid really wanted to wear something they’d let him take it. If not then that is wrong. But having clothes for just Dad’s or just Mom’s house seems like a nice way for the kids to have normalcy.

        You really should apologize or just stop being a hateful judgmental person.

      • Stacey says:

        Ok fine. I’m sorry that I think mothers and step mothers bickering over where the children’s clothes live is extremely petty, short sighted and stupid. Im sorry that I think step parents and divorced parents witholding the children’s clothing from the other house is an obvious and stupid power play. I am sorry women knowingly get involved with men with lots of baggage, ex wives/children and then proceed to complain about said ex wives and children. They got exactly what they signed up for so to complain about the mother burdening step mom about HER child that you have volunteered to be involved with by marrying their father is not productive. Treat the child the way mom wants you to treat the child and that might help things. Go against the grain, play power games with mom over laundry and see how great that makes your coparenting relationship.

      • Sloane Wyatt says:

        Best apology EVER! HA!

        It’s not quite so black & white, Stacey. Sometimes starter marriages don’t work out. In a just and perfect word, children wouldn’t suffer when adults can’t work out their shit for whatever reason, often for terribly sad and totally unpredictable reasons.

        I’m childless by choice, but my Hubs, his former wife, and I all raised ‘our’ boy together; the ‘our’ are HER words in a Christmas Card! 🙂

        We kept 2 sets of clothes at our Two Houses, ‘double dated’ at Boy’s soccer games, and cordially raised a fine young man together. The two set of things scenario is pretty common actually when you are in remarriages, and that can be tricky sometimes to work out equably. Little things bugged occasionally, but in general we were all united in being on Team Boy.

        DH’s Former is with the right guy, and so am I. Now, at the Big Occasions our paths cross, and All three of us grownups are excited about a not so distant future that includes Boy’s wedding and grandkids!

        While I might understand some of what your saying, it’s not really necessary to condemn others get your point across. This is generally a safe site for folks to voice their unique experiences and viewpoints. You’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar, Stacey.

      • Seen says:

        Holy cow Stacey – dial it down a bit eh? I take it you have never had to blend a family or if you have you are extraordinarily good at it and the other side is as well. Consider yourself lucky.

      • Annie B says:

        Meh…unpopular opinion apparently but I agree with Stacey. You meet a guy with an ex and kids, think long and hard about that before you fall madly in LUUUURRRRVVVVVEEE. You are a grown up, think about it beyond…ZOMG, I got a boyfriend!! You as the 2nd/whatever spouse SHOULD be second if he has kids. And you should be prepared to be second to his kids and having to manage things with an ex. If you can’t accept that and it’s a huge burden you have to bitch about forever and shit talk about the ex endlessly…find a childless guy to fall in LURRRVVVVE with. Seriously, if you aren’t #2 in the equation the guy you hook up with is kind of an idiot. Otherwise, make sure your uninterested prince charming pays his child support payments, even if you have to chip in, cause he is SUCH a catch. But please, STOP bitching about it. You are a grown up, with FREE WILL, YOUR choice.

    • Erinn says:

      To be fair, most of Brandi’s questionable actions happen when the boys aren’t there. My best friend is a step mom too – I know how difficult it can be. But honestly, if one of the parents don’t want their kids watching a movie that has been labeled as something too mature for them, it’s up to the parents to decide that; not Leann. And as far as the medical thing goes- I’d be wild too. There’s no circumstance where it’s okay to post on social media of any kind about the child’s medical condition, or that they’ve been rushed to a hospital when their own mother knows nothing about it.

      • aaa says:

        The article said that Eddie took Mason to the movie, Leann was not mentioned regarding that incident.

        Also Eddie is the one who should have contacted Brandi about their son needing medical attention. For all we know had Leann not tweeted about it Brandi would not have found out about it until much later, if at all.

      • someone says:

        Agreed, but Eddie decided they could see the R rated movie not Leann. Yet Leann gets blamed. Yes Leann shouldn’t have tweeted about the hospital thing before Brandi was informed. I think they learned from that – it was a couple of years ago and since we haven’t heard of any other instances of it happening I think the point was made by Brandi and lesson learned by Eddie. My only point to posting was that if they are going to play this tit for tat game it is going to be constant battle until the boys are grown. Each side has their own grievances. Somehow they need to work it out and get past it.

    • Seen says:

      Been there withya! Wow. The stories that I would hear – which I knew to be untrue – and what can you say to a child not your own ? Your moms whack? Nope. You shut up and take your time and they will see that you never bad mouthed their mother. It does pay off. But it’s sure hard to hear in the meantime.

  16. eliza says:

    This idiot needs to move on. Her shtick is old. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz

  17. Pandy says:

    I’m sure Brandi is adequately compensated for her TV gig and she is getting child support as well. She needs to be quiet and go away now too. She’s on her last 7 minutes.

  18. Lila says:

    OMG woman. This all sounds beyond petty. Seriously, mocking Leann’s rehab stay in the book? It doesn’t matter if she (and I) think it’s stupid. Mocking a rehab stay for any reason in the book just makes Brandi look nasty. And talking like she just can’t afford anything (the Blackberry comment especially) just makes her look like an idiot. Not being as rich as Leann does not make her broke. She needs some perspective.

    The clothing stuff sounds completely normal to me, as does not taking the toys back and forth. The only things my siblings and I ever took back and forth were our school things, anything related to sports teams, occasionally a stuffed animal to sleep with, and our winter coats (we only had one each). Is it the boys who call the clothes at Leann and Eddie’s their ‘nice’ clothes or is that Brandi? Considering they are 6 and 10, I’m guessing that is Brandi. A lot of this sounds like Brandi’s inferiority complex, not the boys’. If the boys have a good relationship with Brandi, they won’t mind spending time at her house. If they feel caught up in a tug of war fight where everything they do at their dad’s house makes their mom feel bad, they will mind.

    I also don’t see how giving the kids everything they can afford is ‘bad’ for them. There is a big difference between giving kids nice things and not disciplining them at all. If they aren’t allowed to play video games if they break the rules, does it really matter if it is the latest video game or an older version? I’m not saying Leann and Eddie’s parenting style isn’t bad, but nothing here tells me that it is. This list only tells me that Brandi doesn’t like it. Which honestly, is par for the course to me. Eddie is their father. As long as he is not actually doing something bad for the boys, he has the right to make the rules and decisions at his house just like Brandi does at hers. Brandi is never going to like everything Eddie does with the boys but that alone doesn’t make her right. He’s their father.

    Seriously, if the worst things Leann and Eddie do with the boys at their house are give them BB guns and let the older one see one R-rated movie, get over yourself woman or talk to your lawyer. If not being contacted about Mason’s hospital visit is that big of a deal, she needs to take it up with the judge. My parents’ custody agreement said that they both had to be contacted about any doctor’s visit, much less the hospital. Brandi needs to either put those things in her custody agreement or shut up about them.

    • Deanne says:

      A lot of people, entertainment blogs included, called LeAnn out for pretending to go to rehab for a month, all while performing on weekends and during the week, giving interview after interview and continuing to tweet.I don’t believe for one second that she was actually in a rehab facility because if she was actually physically there, they would never let her tweet and sure as heck wouldn’t let her give multiple interviews when she was supposedly seeking treatment for stress and anxiety from social media. Her own past twitter pictures gave her away because she tweeted photos of herself that showed she was in her own bedroom, in the house she rented for herself and Eddie. She was trying to garner sympathy for herself in her lawsuit against the teacher and her teenage daughter. She even stopped pretending after only a few weeks and went to a movie premiere. She made a mockery of real rehab and people serious about getting help. LeAnn is her own worst enemy when it comes to outing herself when she lies. I would never condone making fun of someone seeking real help in rehab, but LeAnn was playing a PR game, not seeking help.

      • aaa says:

        Did Leann say that it was an inpatient rehab? If she didn’t then she isn’t lying.

      • Deanne says:

        Yes, they put out a statement saying she had entered an undisclosed facility, for thirty days of treatment. I’m sure that she got some form of therapy during that time, but it wasn’t really rehab. Publicists shouldn’t exaggerate, but that’s what they do. LeAnn’s propensity to live on twitter outed her. Surely if she was under extreme stress and crying uncontrollably as she claimed she would have rescheduled the concerts, She’s cancelled for far lesser reasons. No one, who was being fair, could blame a person in an inpatient facility, seeking help for mental health issues ,for cancelling a concert. No one. Now being photographed and filmed drunk and at a bar one night and cancelling a concert the next day is a whole other matter. Once again, twitter sold her out.

      • claire says:

        That rehab situation was a joke. I don’t think it’s wrong to make light of it because it was a total farce! It’s hilarious too that Leann says she went for 30 days – yet she was out on weekends and the entire stay ended after something like 20 days. Coincidentally, her stupid lawsuit against those ladies on Twitter was announced the next day after she supposedly went in. Her own PR team gave several different reasons for the “rehab” stay. I could go on, but it all boils down to being a total joke.

      • aaa says:

        I agree that Leann going to rehab at the same time she filed a lawsuit is an interesting coincidence. However people do get treatment / rehab for a set period of time and are not inpatients and therefore can still do work, family and social activities.

    • Eve says:

      Completely agree Lila, very well said.

    • sugar says:

      And the thing about the blackberry thats her choice. i remember on twitter how she lamented when she had to use a touch screen phone how much she neeeded her blackberry fixed and how she was lost without it . She creates her own drama.

  19. Megan says:

    Here is my thing with Brandi. Outside of her being a drunk two face hateful racist. She is a whiner who can’t let stuff go. She also is extremely selfish. I love my louboutins and I love my bags but I don’t have kids, I also don’t bitch about how I can’t afford to do stuff. I made a choice to buy the shoes that means I don’t get an iPad or fancy vacation. It is worth it to me.

    Brandi has designer bags, every episode she has a new pair of Louboutins (average price point is $900), and her dresses aren’t from the Gap. So she needs to stop bitching she can’t buy her kids an iPad, she could if she didn’t worry about her stuff. Now no she couldn’t create the house they have with LeAnne because she doesn’t have that money.

    All this material stuff doesn’t matter, what matters is being there, putting their best interest first. Brandi needs to quit bitching about money while she is in $1,000 shoes its fake.

    • claire says:

      One thing I have noticed though is that she wears a lot of repeat dresses for big events. She’s also admitted to having knockoff bags. So I would guess that she is watching her money somewhat.

      • Deanne says:

        She has also said that her group of friends borrow from each other and that most of her expensive stuff was from when she and Eddie were still married.

      • Megan says:

        Her shoes aren’t old shoes and those bags she wears on the show aren’t fake, you can tell a fake bag very easily. Look I don’t blame her for buying them if she wants. She more then can afford it but if you are buying new Chanel bags or Louboutin shoes don’t bitch about being poor.

        It is gross. She isn’t poor, she doesn’t have as much money as LeAnne but there are a lot of single mothers that don’t make near the money she does, work 2 real jobs not reality shows and struggle. They couldn’t even dream about buying designer shoes.

        This is a pet peeve of mine with reality stars, they complain about how they don’t have any money they need to make fools of themselves on tv to support their kids and its not about their kids. Brandi like Kate Gosslin wants to be famous. She wants money to buy designer shoes. Which is fine, I love buying them too but I won’t claim to be poor and a victim of some having more money then me its tacky.

        Brandi wants to play the poor single mom card “working” hard for her income and its not true. She has a job of going on vacation, getting drug, and having luncheons. Real poor working single moms go to actual jobs and a lot make considerably less. So she needs to quit bitching. Its gross!

  20. Jayna says:

    What’s wrong with keeping their clothes at their respective houses? They live with Eddie half the time. I can’t even begin to see how moving a week or two weeks’ worth of clothes is supposed to work, hanging them back up, folding them, and then not getting some of the clothes you wanted for activities you plan to take them on. What a mess. What they are doing sounds about right to me. Buy their clothes for that house and you are responsible for washing and drying and ironing, if needed, and getting out any stains of those clothes, and you don’t have to keep thinking way ahead of time everything you want them to pack back up and send back for two kids for two weeks out of the month and irritated if clothes aren’t clean that are sent back and all kinds of issues, which shoes, etc. That’s crazy.

    And what’s with the tweehab dig? I thought she said this book was about being single and dating and she was over bashing LeAnn and Eddie. That is a direct bash. So how does that help getting along with them for the future? She has been saying for many months now everybody is on good terms now and it’s working. So she goes and puts a stupid, snarky comment like tweehab mocking LeAnn in the book for what purpose, really?

    I don’t get Brandi.

    • ya says:

      She knows her career is based on engaging with LR and EC…. We’ll see if LR can stick with whatever advice she’s getting to not respond – if she can, BG’s career will fizzle out sooner rather than later.

      • julie says:

        Only reason LR is keeping her mouth shut now is because she is trying to find a new Record label since her gig is up with the old one. If she makes waves right now she wont have a chance in hell of anyone taking her on. Her new PR people have put their foot down on her and she has to behave or loose it all. I’m sure it’s killing her to stay mute, but I’m sure once someone signs her she will make up for this lost time going after Brandi. No love for Brandi here, she has kind of burned me out on her. I will say that if I had to spend the day with one of them I would still rather spend it with Brandi, but I would chew her out while with her, and then feed her a hamburger.

  21. Samigirl says:

    I don’t understand why these people cannot CO-PARENT? The clothes my husband and I buy for my son and the clothes my ex and his wife buy for our son? THEY ARE OUR SON’S CLOTHING. NOT OURS. He can wear what he wants WHERE he wants. If there’s an issue or we need a particular pair of shoes or a sweater or something – we just say, “hey, need this, let’s meet here to get it.” Easy f*cking peasy. Get over yourselves and realize it’s the KIDS stuff, not yours – regardless of who bought it.

    Also, my 6 year old has a BB gun and he looooooooooooooooves it. We use it safely, but we definitely made sure all parental parties are A-ok with it before we got it for him.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      Yeah that’s what I don’t get. I can see not letting him take socks and underwear from house to house–just to make sure that it all doesn’t end up at one house accidentally, but clothes? Why does it matter where they wear the clothes? That’s just petty.

  22. HappyMom says:

    For a moment I thought she was Madonna. Too much filler and botox-yikes!

  23. Trillion says:

    BB guns are assault rifles in her mind?

    • Deanne says:

      My neighbour is blind in his right eye because of a kid with a BB gun. He also shot at a neighbourhood dog and who knows what else. His parents insisted that they had taught him to use it responsibly. Jake is only 6, That’s too young to have one. BB guns can do real damage and aren’t toys.

  24. JH says:

    Gross all around. It’s a bad situation for those boys. Respect for others will be a difficult concept to grasp.

  25. AMBER5ASH says:

    I think LeAnne is preggers and finally got the point. Or maybe the shame of all this crap changed her. Brandi needs to chill. She’s putting all her problems out there and that is all she’s going to get back. IMO

  26. Mandy says:

    Didn’t Brandi say -while promoting her first book-that she would never talk about Eddie and LeAnn again after that book tour was over. Guess not…..

  27. Norman says:

    Not so long ago Brandi was one of the more liked people in the series, now she is the de facto persona non grata of the series with her constant profane language, her apparent racism, being “sloppy drunk”, and her high vitriol against all others and probably you as well. She is a mean person. All of this reminds me of Amanda Bynes when she was on twitter several months ago.

  28. Annie B says:

    Well, at the moment, mid-February, Leann has played one casino gig THIS YEAR and is trying DESPERATELY to get ANY contract at ANY label. Of course she is “quiet”. My gawd, if her “scriptality” show was accepted by VH1 as ready to air and she had a label and more than 10 gigs booked for the next 6 months she’d be ALL over trying to shit talk and engage Brandi.

    • Deanne says:

      Who is going to sign her? Her last few records have bombed terribly and she is completely unreliable when it comes to her concerts. She seems to be laying the ground work now to cancel her casino gig tonight. Heaven forbid Eddie’s loose for a night. He’ll be spreading HPValentines cheer to every cocktail waitress in town.

  29. Zooyork says:

    I think that’s really mean and malicious of LeMann and Eddiot to be forcing the boys to call her “Brandi” not “mom” (“Brandi-pile”).

  30. Kosmos says:

    Of course Brandi is complaining….again….because that’s all she can do about the fact that her husband left her for someone else. Get over it, Brandi, some of us are sooooo tired of this story.

  31. Annie2 says:

    I do not understand why anyone just blindly believes anything this woman says. I doubt 50% of what she spews is even reality. She isn’t really that bright.
    Kids have their stuff at each parent’s home so they don’t have to move stuff every time they go back and forth. It’s a matter of convenience for the kids.

    Why would anyone pay money for a book like this? The crap is all over the tabloids for free.

  32. Ms.Martin says:

    It’s only a matter of time before he cheats