Colin Farrell on his sobriety: ‘I hadn’t uttered a word sober in about 15 years’


Here are some photos from the London premiere of A Winter’s Tale, that awful-looking schmaltz-fest “romance” starring Colin Farrell and Lady Sybil Crawley, otherwise known as Jessica Brown Findlay. First, Lady Sybil: she wore Christian Dior (a 2012 dress) for the premiere. Thoughts? I don’t hate it or love it. I like she went for Dior for her first MAJOR film premiere in London, but since the dress is two years old, I suspect the House of Dior really didn’t want to dress a (spoiler) dead Crawley sister. Jessica is such a pretty woman, but her styling isn’t doing her any favors here. In fact, she’s looking rather corpsey.

As for Colin… I don’t know. Double-breasted jackets aren’t really the style he should go for and his styling is kind of “off” as well. He looks sick? Kind of puffy and like he’s on the tail end of a bad flu. But Colin is promoting the hell out of this film, and that included yet another brutally honest and candid interview, this time with ELLE:

ELLE: If I asked all the women you’ve ever dated to agree on something about you, what would they say?
CF: That the exit is a lot more turbulent than the arrival, unfortunately. Building is always a gentler process than tearing down, it seems.

‘Winter’s Tale’ is a romantic epic. What movie do you find romantic?
The Bridges of Madison County is a fairly moving film: the idea of choosing history over fate, the life that could be lived. Part of her wants to go. And yet you understand she’s married to a good man and she has a family that she adores. There’s no right answer.

What’s the most over-the-top thing you’ve ever done for a woman?
This isn’t a hard-and-fast rule, but sometimes the more money spent, the more it diminishes the true essence of romance.

Okay, then. What’s the smallest, most intimate gesture?
I’m just trying to weed out the gold-diggers. [Laughs] I once spent a night with somebody in a ruin of a building in a very faraway land. There was no heat. It was dilapidated—about as unromantic as you could imagine. But we lit a fire and had sleeping bags and wine and a shitty old portable DVD player. The battery died halfway through It’s a Wonderful Life. That didn’t really matter. It wasn’t about getting to the end.

Did you have any memorable nights at the Playboy mansion when you first came to L.A.?
I think I was there twice in my life. For a 23-year-old from Ireland it was a rite of passage. I got to tell the lads and had moments of great boasting. But it kind of came back to haunt me.

Yes, the sex tape. You were offered $5 million for it.
It certainly wasn’t a validation of my prowess.

The offer suggests otherwise.
The whole thing was horrifying. You know, Press Record. Taboo. Isn’t this interesting. You should have taken the tape with you. I was deposed for four hours explaining why I didn’t want it to be released. God forbid it’s an On Demand movie in a hotel room and my mother says, “Oh, I haven’t seen this work of my son’s,” and hits purchase.

Once you got sober, were you worried you wouldn’t be able to talk to women?
I worried I wouldn’t be able to talk, full stop. I hadn’t uttered a word sober in about 15 years.

Did you find it difficult to sleep with a woman sober?
I made love to a woman about two and a half years after I got clean, and it was one of the most terrifying moments of my life. It was in the afternoon. The windows and the curtains were open. It was lovely, and, to be crass, it wasn’t f–king. She was very gentle. But it was terrifying. Because I was just used to drunkenness and dark rooms and clubs and toilets and wherever.

Do you believe in monogamy?
I do. Very much. And I’ve had arguments with friends about this. For me, I don’t know if it’s possible. I’m not saying it’s not possible. I have been monogamous in relationships. But I’m not in a relationship now. So they haven’t worked. So it wouldn’t stand up in court.

But you believe in the value of it.
We’ve all seen people who are 70, 80, 90, who have held each other’s hands throughout their lives. But is there a part of man that does want to sow his seed? Absolutely. Does that mean it has to be followed through on? Or does it allow us to ask why and dig a little deeper? I don’t know. But I certainly do believe in monogamy. I don’t believe that it’s for everyone. I don’t believe that marriage is for everyone. So much of life is begging to be chosen how it wants to be lived. Much more than most of us realize.

Could you ever fall in love with a woman who didn’t like your movies?
Yeah. For sure! I needed to learn to love myself while not loving my movies. I would never hold that against anyone.

[From ELLE]

I always forget how much I enjoy Colin until I read one of his interviews. He’s consistently a great interview, even if it’s just a short piece like this ELLE thing. Did you notice that he’s the one to make an oblique reference to the sex tape first and then he talks about openly? I respect him for talking about the mistakes he made and everyday awkwardness of working in an industry before and after he got sober. The having-sober-sex story killed me a little.



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.

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50 Responses to “Colin Farrell on his sobriety: ‘I hadn’t uttered a word sober in about 15 years’”

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  1. Lilacflowers says:

    The pictures of them together look like a wedding couple at the end of the reception. I do hope he can stay sober and rebuild his career.

  2. Sullivan says:

    Good interview. Honest. My crush on him is back in full force.

    • katy says:

      I agree! It must have been fairly awkward for him to talk about some of these things, but he comes off so well!

  3. Hannah says:

    He doesn’t appeal to me at all but I do enjoy his interviews. He’s honest and funny which is a winning combination.

    • Miffy says:

      I’m Irish and his charming honesty is pretty normal over here. You can usually find it (ironically) in a pub from the best looking womaniser you ever laid eyes on. Colin reminds me of the guy that’s fun to chat to but don’t kid yourself by going home with him.

  4. V4real says:

    OMG I can imagine his poor mother’s face after seeing that sex tape. Say what you want but I love my reformed bad boy. I think I have,a thing for former bad boys Colin and RDJ. Sheen it’s not too late; retraction yes it is.

    Good for Colin getting his shit together.

    • j.eyre says:

      If he got his sense of humor from his mom, he may have gotten a note from her reading “Well that’s not what I taught you. You’re footwork is all wrong. You young people never pay attention to the footwork.”

      My mom would have critiqued my choice in undergarments, I am fairly certain.

      • V4real says:

        That’s funny Ms. J. My mom would have called the hotel help desk because she’s not up to date with modern technology. She wouldn’t know how to work the remote to get to the On Demand Channel. Imagine the surprised look on the male hotel staff face when my mom ask him to put on the adult movie and tell him my daughter is in this one. See for a long time my mom thought adult movies in hotels just meant it was a channel for adults where she could watch regular movies just like they have the kid channel. She didn’t realize it was code for porn.

      • j.eyre says:

        Oh my gosh – now I want to date your mom. Just think of all the ways we could go with this. Bless her heart.

        My mom would have admonished me for wearing suede thigh highs instead of patent leather “It summer, for heavens sakes Jane! There are rules for a reason. And your garter belt isn’t even the right color – who raised you?!”

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        Hahaha, V4Real, when I was younger, I thought the same thing! I didn’t know Adult Movies was code for p0rn.

  5. Maria says:

    I adore this man for his growth, humor, and candor.

    I feel like he’s upfront about his demons and desires which is a lot more then most actors. He’s really talented, just picks crap movies.

    I may go watch A Winter’s Tale just for something sappy. ..

    • CaribbeanLaura says:

      +1 that interview was lovely to read. I think he’s just lovely in general and I am happy that he’s getting his life together. Oh and the having sex sober story killed me a little too.

    • Jayna says:

      Plus I saw an interview with Colin, and the director, his wife died. It was a really sad story. And Colin said this movie meant a lot to the director, since it was about love, and that the actors were very cognizant of that and really wanted to honor that.

    • Original N says:

      +2 … agree completely!

  6. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I like him in this interview, very much. Except I just loathed Bridges of Madison County sap fest, but other than that, I was impressed by his honesty and thoughtfulness.

  7. Jayna says:

    I just fell back in love with Colin. There were a lot of layers to his answers, not the typical pat answers or answers trying to impress.

  8. Wondering says:

    I may be misinterpreting things but I get the feeling that in the second and fourth answers he is referring to Angelina Jolie. A part of me loves her with Brad, but then the other part really thinks that Colin and her were like kindred spirits . . . Guess we’ll never know what could have been.

    • Frida_K says:

      Interesting observation…maybe you are on target.

      I think they are a little too much of kindred spirits though, if I look at it that way. Maybe Brad is better for her because he’s a little less complicated and they balance each other out. He gets a little of her ferocity and she gets a little of his less-complicated-ness and they ground each other…?

      Who knows. I’m glad Colin is sober and I wish him a happy life.


    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      I know that he was really into her—and she sort of wasn’t. At all. I saw this interview on youtube, a couple of years ago, when they were promoting Alexander, and he basically said that he wished he could go out with her, he would if he could (to the interviewer), and she said that she only saw him as a friend.

      I don’t know–I think if Angelina hadn’t had Maddox, then she might’ve went for it (and who knows if they weren’t sleeping together, but he wanted to date date). But with Colin’s track record of just randomly dumping his girlfriends out of the blue–even with a kid that’d make me think twice. He was at a strange point in his life when they met.

    • Kay says:

      I think he is definitely talking about Jolie, the idea of a faraway land, no heat and sleeping bags sounds just like her. Weren’t the two of them filming Alexander in Egypt/on a trip in Egypt. I remember pics of her, Maddox and him on camels in 2004.

      He sounds like a doll, dreamy. He always seems a little unrefined so I’m glad to read this interview. He sounds so reflective

    • someone says:

      He was definitely talking about Angelina Jolie. They spent Christmas 2003 together while filming Alexander in Egypt. Hence the “It’s A Wonderful Life” movie. Perhaps if he hadn’t had such addition issues they might have worked as a couple. I wonder if he sees her as the one that got away.

    • Charmaine says:

      I think these are the pics:,,670638_696113,00.html

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        Ooh, I’ve never seen those before! I’m definitely more inclined to think that they were hitting between the sheets.

        And God, to be honest, Angelina (wonky accent and all) was the best thing out of that movie. I tried to watch it, I ended up skipping to all of Angelina’s scenes. They should’ve just made the movie with her and Colin, not anything else.

    • Miffy says:

      Oh I think they would have been the death of each other, vintage bad girl Jolie and Farrell at the height of his addictions? No, no! They’d have been fun to watch and the tabloid’s wet dream but it would not have ended well (unless you consider a cameo in the Oscars obituaries a good thing)

  9. lucy2 says:

    He seems like he’s doing well, and I like his honesty.
    She was so pretty on Downton, but I don’t care for her look here, especially since I just noticed the dress is striped.
    Their movie looks pretty dreadful, but I’ll probably end up watching it at some point.

  10. Mimz says:

    Well about Jessica Sybil Downton Crawley, I think she looks pretty but yes a bit corpsey. She’s trying, and God knows its difficult to get noticed by Hollywood and Designer houses as well. She’ll get there, I think she’s stunning and a great actress….
    I cried when her character died in DA but I didn’t hate it nearly as much as when Matthew died. Gosh that was awful.
    Anyway about Colin, I like him, I think he’s doing well, and i hope he gets back up but not too much as i am scared the pressure will be too much for him… but great interview!

  11. Salam says:

    As a man, he has GROWN..i would nd want to hit it, all day everyday!!
    I lovem

  12. GeeMoney says:

    I’ve always thought that he was a very talented actor, and insanely hot on top of it.

    Glad to hear that he’s sober and happy.

  13. Lark says:

    I love Colin, and he always give a great interview. He’s my forever dong, and I’m happy he got his shit together. He reminds me of the old-school stars, and he’s talented enough he’ll always have work as long as he keeps it together.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      He is really talented and I’m glad he’s got it together, if only to see more pictures of him going to yoga…..;)

    • someone says:

      Agreed!! Glad he has gotten his life together. I think the birth of his son made him realize he needed to turn it around. Plus he seems like such a devoted dad, especially with his son having Angelman Syndrome.

  14. Kali says:

    I’ve been looking forward to this movie solely because he’s in it. On the related note of “talking about movies that Colin Farrell is in”, if anyone is a fan of his but has not yet seen “In Bruges”, please remedy this immediately. (I had forgotten how good it was and it just happened to be on tv last night).

    • Hiddles forever says:

      I didn’t like In Bruges as a movie… but Colin’s performance is absolutely mesmerizing.

      So glad he got his life together. He’s always been talented IMO.

  15. starrywonder says:

    I love Colin Farrell though. I loved him in Horrible Bosses and Crazy Heart. Unfortunately this movie looks G-awful though.

  16. lunchcoma says:

    Ah, Colin. He’s one of my favorite interviews – so charming, so funny, so surprisingly candid.

  17. Virgilia Coriolanus says:

    I’m actually pretty confused about the trailer. Is the movie a period piece or is it fantasy???

    • MonicaQ says:

      Period piece but alternate time line. So y/no?

    • Happy21 says:

      I’m reading the book right now and I’d say it’s a romantic fantasy…?? I’m about 200 pages in and so far it’s a bit on the boring side. Takes forever for anything to happen but I really wanted to see the movie (not matter how awful it may end up being) and when I found the book I figured I”d better read it first!

  18. vv says:

    He gives a great interview! I have always been a little on the fence about him but he sure can talk 🙂

  19. Bread and Circuses says:

    He’s never really been on my radar, but you’re right: That man gives a great interview. He’s honest, and perceptive — even about himself — and has no ego.

  20. derpshooter says:

    I’ve seen the trailer and read and interview with the director. I’m not convinced this is going to be any good, but anyone looking for a good Colin Farrell romantic movie should check out ONDINE. It’s an Irish film, you can catch it on Netflix or Amazon Prime Video sometimes. He is excellent, the lead female is excellent, the story is excellent.

    • Vanessa says:

      Yes! That movie made me fall in love with him.

    • EscapedConvent says:

      Ondine is one of my favorite movies. I think it’s absolutely lovely. It would be hard not to fall in love with Colin after that role.

      If you only see Ondine & In Bruges, you will see he’s a wonderful actor. And in this interview, even a casual conversation sounds poetic.

  21. Jayna says:

    I loved him in Phone Booth. That’s when I knew what an excellent actor he was. He practically did the whole movie at and in that telephone booth and it was riveting and he was riveting.

    • LadySlippers says:

      Phone Booth is awesome and not a film I’d normally pick!!!

      Hated Crazy Heart but liked Horrible Bosses…

  22. homegrrrral says:

    I’ve always had a thing for him…he was all hotness and now hopefully substance. I spy some Robert Downey Jr style success. Long term sobriety is sexy!

  23. Kelly says:

    I can’t wait to see the movie and got good reviews, hopefully will see it tomorrow.

  24. Moi says:

    I see no puffiness? He looks fit to me. There’s no doubting that he is a handsome man, but I guess I would have to hear him say these things, listen to the way he feels about certain subjects (?), as opposed to reading them. He comes across as pseudo deep to me.