Benedict Cumberbatch in his ‘Smaug’ motion-capture suit: would you hit it?


I don’t know why it’s taken us two weeks to get these photos (???), but here are some photos of Benedict Cumberbatch at the ‘Sherlock Convention’ in England a few weeks ago. I linked to some photos at the time, but we suddenly got access to them this weekend, so YAY. New Cumby photos. Newish, at least. The Daily Mail also had some truly new photos of Cumby arriving at Heathrow on Friday after spending about two weeks in NYC. Cumby was wearing a cap and his glasses and he looked like I felt this weekend – pale and sick (I had that lingering sinus infection/bug that’s been going around and now I wonder if Cumby had it too).

Over the weekend, The Hobbit’s technical team released a short video showing how they created Smaug the dragon, and there is just a touch of Benedict in his motion-capture outfit, on his stomach, pretending to be an angry dragon. It’s pretty awesome.

Personally, I would rather watch two hours of Benedict in the mo-cap suit pretending to be a dragon rather than watch The Desolation of Smaug. Reportedly, Benedict did go above and beyond for Smaug though – he strained his voice trying to get the dragon’s voice right and he spent a lot of time doing mo-cap (even though Peter Jackson later admitted that they didn’t use much of Benedict’s motion for the dragon).

PS… His hair looks great in these photos, right? It’s like the Cumbercurls are trying to break free! But I could do without the gum in his mouth. Still, it’s nice to see that he has a great, oversized shawl-collar jumper. Also: some hand-p0rn, of course. He seriously has the prettiest hands.

PPS… He will be at the Oscars! He’s going to present. OH YES.




Photos courtesy of WENN.

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86 Responses to “Benedict Cumberbatch in his ‘Smaug’ motion-capture suit: would you hit it?”

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  1. LadySlippers says:

    Kaiser found some Cumberbatch to halt her Cumberwithdrawal.

    You know admitting you have a problem Kaiser, is the first step to recovery.


  2. LadyMTL says:

    I’m not a Cumberfan and probably never will be, but he was great as Smaug. He was creepy and frightening and awe-inspiring and all of those things…shall we call him Cumbersmaug? LOL.

    • LadySlippers says:

      He was awesome as Smaug.
      And Smaug really is the best thing in the DoS…

      • starrywonder says:

        The only good thing. That whole movie should have been called filler.

      • LadySlippers says:

        There were some other good parts but they were too long and drug on. Smaug was ohhhh *shiver* so good!

        I think Peter could have shrunk the movies into two as the first one was rather uneventful as well.

      • Maureen says:

        And Lee Pace as Thranduil!!

        For me it was ALL about Smaug and badass bitch Thrandy.

    • Liberty says:

      oh oh I am edging into becoming a Cumby fan….that voice. And he’s got a sense of humor…

    • Dommy Dearest says:

      I don’t know, I wasn’t into him at all until I saw him in Star Trek Into Darkness. The moment I heard that accent my knees were weak. Make him keep the dark hair and talk in that lower accent and I’ll hit it on every surface known to man.

      • Ray says:

        Me too! What is it? Please tell me why I’m slightly attracted to this weird alien looking pretty man…

  3. GeeMoney says:

    Love him!

  4. Matty says:

    I really dig the auburn hair. And the wool pullover. I need a similar one in my life.

    • Darry says:

      I met him last night at the Cabin Pressure recording and mentioned I had a “thing” for all his cardigans. He was very polite and said “Oh, thank you very much,” but god only knows what he was thinking, poor guy. I think it’s all the ST:ID press junkets he did as Khan in a cardi that did it to me. (I may have touched the cardi he was holding onto, as well…)

      • Mandy says:

        More details…please!

      • LadySlippers says:

        Oh Darry — was it a good conclusion? What a funny show! I’m not through all the seasons but have fallen in love with Roger Allam.

      • Felice says:

        Haha that’s classic. Was he bombarded afterwards? I wanted to get tickets too but 1/22,000

      • Darry says:

        It was a good episode, yes, I think you’ll enjoy it – wrapped up things nicely and in a very funny fashion (of course!). Everyone looked like they were having a great time – JF looked like he was going to burst into tears at the end as he thanked everyone – Roger was suitably dashing (as was Anthony:)).

        Yes, poor Benny was bombarded a bit (it wasn’t that crowded) which is why I kinda hung back for awhile and then approached him later with the monumentally lame but hopefully memorable cardi comment. LOL!

      • Kelly says:

        In the words of Arthur, Darry, you are BRILLIANT.

      • 'p'enny says:

        @Darry wow, well jealous.

        There are one or two comments on tumblr that he was a bit back to his old grumpy ways at the fans. I think one or two shove cameras in his face without asking and he got all shirty. wish the fans would calm the f@£k down and leave these guys alone.

      • Lindy79 says:

        Urgh, I hate that sense of entitlement that *some* fans have, that if they don’t sign/take photos with everyone they lash out.
        You got to attend something wonderful and fun, see him in action and then you act like a knob because they didn’t treat you like the precious little snowflake you think you are… shut up!

    • Darry says:

      THANK YOU! xx
      Yellow car…

  5. Dani says:

    Love him and his curls but he could use a whitening. His teeth seem really…yellow?…in these pictures. I don’t even mean it as shade, it’s just the first thing I noticed.

    • LadySlippers says:

      There’s a yellow tint to all of the photos Kaiser used, so it’s the pics not necessarily BC.

      • Maggie says:

        His teeth have always looked nice and naturally white to me. I agree that these photos have a yellowish tone to them.

    • GeeMoney says:

      He’s also a smoker… yellow teeth come with the territory.

      • LadySlippers says:

        I’ve never noticed his teeth looking like traditional smoker’s teeth.

      • Lindy79 says:

        He has normal coloured teeth I think, like not American white but he seems to not suffer from smokers teeth, not that I’ve noticed anyway so he probably uses stuff designed for smokers.

    • Kelly says:

      Let me guess, you’re American? 😛
      I’ve noticed Americans are obsessed with having unnaturally white commercial-like teeth. It’s super weird to me. Natural teeth don’t actually look like the enhanced bleached version. You technically can have healthy teeth and gums without them being straight, perfect and white. Ah the never-ending quest for physical perfection though…

      • Maggie says:

        I hate those over-white, unnatural, perfectly straight teeth, they just look unreal.

      • Lindy79 says:

        Fassbender gets the same attitude in the States about his.
        He does seem to suffer a bit with the smokers teeth, way more than Cumberbatch from what I have seen but neither of them have what I would describe as “yellow”.

  6. Patricia says:

    He seems so sweet and genuine. I recently watched all of Sherlock in a week of binges with my hubby lol. We loved it. We loved him.
    BUT when I told my husband that so many women think Cumby is sexy he laughed and laughed. I agree, the only sexy thing about him, to me, is his voice. I think he looks like a lizard alien.

    ETA: now that I’ve seen the otter thing I can’t unsee it. These pics are a prime example!

    • Maureen says:

      Wow, there always has to be at least one “lizard alien” comment in every single BC thread, doesn’t there? Like it’s a brand-new idea. Like it’s not obscene to refer to a human being as a reptile. You people just can’t restrain yourselves, can you?

      • frisbeejada says:

        Nah they can’t – bless – I just automatically think “it’s Mr Hot, Hot, Hot Otter!” and quietly retaliate all on me own…:)

      • Patricia says:

        Maureen relaaaaax. I have literally never heard anyone else say that about him. Also, he seems to have a great sense of humor about himself, far more than you do. He said he finds the otter reference flattering for heavens sake.

      • Maggie says:

        @ Patricia
        I think Maureen was referring to the alien lizard comment. I have heard that so often and I find it really insulting, who on earth looks like an alien reptile.? What is an alien lizard?
        He does have a sense of humour about the otters as they are cute and funny but what is cute or funny about an alien lizard. I don’t even know what people mean by it except to use t as an insult.

      • LadySlippers says:

        @Patricia: Quite often people come on here and are nasty to him or us because of his looks. It just gets old and it’s hard to tell if you’re a fan and joking or just one of the mean ones.

  7. Mia4S says:

    He’s been announced as an Oscar presenter (invited and accepted). Oscar tux Cumby coming soon!

  8. Green Eggs & Ham says:

    I love to see him being interviewed: he is a good listener and thinks before he speaks. Looks like he’ll be a great for having a conversation. Pure artist and wonderful actor.

  9. Blannie says:

    Has he got a big ole wad of gum in his mouth in that one pic? That would surprise me!

  10. Algernon says:

    “he spent a lot of time doing mo-cap (even though Peter Jackson later admitted that they didn’t use much of Benedict’s motion for the dragon”

    Because motion capture is the most overrated thing happening in filmmaking right now. It’s an enormous waste of time, money and effort, and 98% of illustrators and animators hate having to use it. And worse, over the last couple of years the visual effects community has realized that sticking a GoPro in the booth with the voice actor and recording gestures and facial expressions is just as effective as doing the whole ping-pong-ball suit routine, at like 1/1000th of the cost. But because a couple of high-profile directors feel like they invented mo-cap, it refuses to die.

    • LadySlippers says:

      What’s a ‘GoPro’?

      Interesting comments but to be 100% honest I don’t know enough about the subject to say anything at all. Sorry. I do however, tuck nuggets like this into a cubby hole and when I stumble across more info, take it out then.

      • Algernon says:

        GoPro is a little digital camera that you can stick on anything, like a helmet or a car dash (like in all those Russian vehicle cam videos on YouTube). They’re relatively inexpensive; you can find them at Best Buy.

        Mo-cap is ridiculously expensive and more and more, the actual technicians who do the CG work find that 98% of the recorded data is ultimately useless. I’ve heard of animators not even opening data files from mo-cap sessions because they know it won’t be relevant to what they need. Tens of millions of dollars go into it and no one is even looking at the references. So the next time someone says Andy Serkis deserves an Oscar for jumping around in a ping-pong-ball suit, just remember that 98% of what he did never even got coded into the CG character.

      • LadySlippers says:

        Thank you so much for answering!

        And seriously? Dayum. Both Andy and Benedict have mentioned physically hurting themselves for mo-cap and then that performance might not even be fully utilised. Quite a shame.

    • Maggie says:

      This WETA video and article shows how they used the mo-cap for Smaug.

      oops just realised that this video is the same one featured in the article.

      The following might work and shows a different perspective.

    • Maggie says:

      @ Algernon
      Do you have some links about this because I would like to read them. I cannot believe, from what I have seen and read that Andy Serkis’ movements were not fully utilised in LOTR and The Hobbit.

      • Algernon says:

        It comes from working with VFX people in my real life job. They pretty much hate mo-cap because it’s a waste of time and then the actor goes out and says they deserve an Oscar when really, any CG character takes dozens of people from illustrators to animators to sound engineers to create. The actor in the suit is just one more cog in the wheel. VFX artisans already get a crappy deal in the film industry and people (like Serkis, he’s the worst about this) giving the actors all the credit for a mo-cap “performance” only makes it worse. They’re just one more step to getting the character created, and in no way is the mo-cap reference the most important part.

        It isn’t without it’s uses but the thing about mo-cap is that past a certain threshold, all movement reads the same once it’s broken down to lines of code. The techs really only need basic movement references like walking, sitting, running, opening and closing hands, etc. So they get a data file that encompasses the actor’s day’s work in suit, but all they need is the first couple minutes of movement and then they’re done. You could get exactly the same results if the actor spent one day on a mo-cap stage, just walking from point a to b, then sitting, then standing, then wiggling his hand. You don’t need six months of “acting” in a ping-pong-ball suit.

        So yeah, they used Serkis’s movements but once they had him crawling around once, they didn’t need it again and again and again. Yet he insists on doing it again and again and again. And then acting like there aren’t dozens of people bringing Gollum to life. He’s a very good voice over actor but the rest of it is just, take it or leave it.

      • mena says:

        A friend of mine said something similar – that CGI animation no longer relies on mo-cap like they used to.

        Her friend is a Production Manager for a gaming company. The PM told her that over the years they’ve accumulated such a large library of reference material that they don’t need to do mo-cap anymore.

        If they’re working with a pro athlete, they’ll scan their face to get it exactly right, but that’s it.

        She said it’s the pro athlete who really wants to do the mo-cap and the gaming company will sometimes play along, just to keep the athlete happy.

        And bear in mind, my friend told me this years ago, back when people were going on & on about Andy Serkis’ work on King Kong. I’m sure the technology has gotten even more advanced since then, making mo-cap even less necessary.

  11. Miss Scarlet says:

    The adorkableness of these pics is killing me.

  12. Chrissy says:

    Here’s hoping the gum is one of those anti-smoking aids!

  13. Lolo-ology says:

    I just laughed so hard seeing that short glimpse of Cumby crawling around on the floor in the mo-cap suit. Probably cause in my mind I saw the headline, “would you hit it” captioned over it. XD

  14. Maureen says:

    I’m basically ready to say that I think he’s def had something done on his face while he was in NY. I’m not saying surgery or even ‘Tox, no no.. Well, maybe some ‘Tox? I think maybe just some hardcore skin care — maybe some peels or something. I don’t know. He’s way too smooth and a bit plumped out (in a youthful way) considering how drawn and tired he was looking for months. Plus, he’s a smoker. Sorry, smokers, but you don’t fool me. Nicotine breaks down collagen in your cheeks which is why long-term smokers look drawn and sagging before non-smokers do. You can’t just plump up magically because you got a facial and a few days of extra rest. He’s had some help, but there are lots of really good non-invasive treatments that can help with temporary collagen replacement, so I’m not saying he’s had injections. I generally don’t believe he’s into that sort of thing … but then again, but his admittance he has a hard time saying no to people. And that whole industry — skincare and whatnot — are filled with masters of manipulation who can get clients to do things they swore they never would.

    • freebunny says:

      Maybe but who cares. I think it’s normal for actors as long as they don’t Mickey Rourke their face.
      He looks good and happy. if he decides to take more care of him that’s good. Maybf he’ll stop smocking too.

    • Jffb says:

      He said he’s on a diet, so maybe he cut smoking as well. i think he’s one of those extremely disciplined people who can stick to a diet plan for a purpose. plus, many times the changes of his skin tone/quality etc. are due to the quality and angles of the photos. also, if he skipped BAFTA because he got to do Oscar presenting, he might have just used the time rested and relaxed in New York.

    • LadySlippers says:

      Hey, I’m not saying he hasn’t had work (acupuncture or peels) but his face really does fills out when he gains weight. I think that helps him a lot. Plus, he IS getting some photoshop help. In fan pics his face doesn’t look this good.

    • Maggie says:

      I think he would be the last person to get something done to his face. Yes he might have a new skin care regime but I think some rest and recreation and diet work wonders. I also bet if he is trying to beef up a bit for his next role that the smoking has lessened or hopefully he has given up.

      • Green Girl says:

        I hope he’s given up smoking, too. Maureen is right that smoking will age someone’s face (as will not using sunscreen and spending lots of time outdoors, etc.). He looks…refreshed, maybe? He definitely looks different, but I can’t tell how.

    • Kelly says:

      Could be good lighting vs. bad lighting? Or effective makeup vs no makeup?
      Who knows really, but damn, at 37 isn’t he a bit too young for botox?? Surely he’s still got another 10 years? I mean, for gods sake, he’s not old!
      Or am I delusional? Does this mean I’ll have to start toxing meself in 10 years time, WTF?!

      • Maggie says:

        I hope he never uses the stuff and I am sure he won’t. His face is so beautifully mobile and expressive that anything that messes with that would be a crime. I cannot understand why actors, in particular, want to ruin the very thing that helps with their craft.

        Frozen faces do not emote well at all.

        Off the top of my head I cannot think of one male British actor who has messed with his face. I could be totally wrong but I think most of them accept the aging process with some dignity.

      • LadySlippers says:

        @Maggie: Most British actors seems to take ageing in stride or any other bodily imperfection. I rather like seeing ‘real’ people.

    • Katie says:

      It’s partly due to putting on weight. Not that he’s heavy ever, but he still goes up and down for roles and slimming down ages him because he’s older now and his skin isn’t as elastic. He appears to be bulking up if the Cabin Pressure pics are anything to go by.

      • Mandy says:

        I agree, Katie. Especially in the airport pictures from last week he looked a little “fuller”, not big of course, but like he was bulking up a bit. I think he just looks healthy with his cheeks just a bit pudgy. It’s adorable. I like it better than when he’s all Sherlock skinny.

      • LadySlippers says:

        @Mandy: He looks much better fuller and not Sherlock skinny.

      • Mandy says:

        Sorry…I meant NOT all Sherlock skinny. We agree!!!

      • LadySlippers says:

        Got it! Lol


      • Mandy says:

        Glad we cleared that up!

      • Lindy79 says:

        Think it’s a combo of several factors
        -Rest and a long holiday in between small appearances, he’s got a bit of a tan too.
        -He’s bulked up,
        -He’s lost the harsh hairstyle which gave him a Tyra forehead
        -The colour is more his natural colour so he doesn’t look as washed out
        -He could have had some sort of treatment, like a peel or something but honestly can’t see someone who takes acting as seriously as he does getting botox.

  15. Shantal says:

    I will never understand the appeal of this hideous creature.

    • Janeite says:

      And I will never understand why anyone feels the need to make comments like this.

      • LadySlippers says:

        I agree.

      • Maggie says:

        +1000, Janeite!
        There are people I do not admire featured on this site but I never feel the need to make a negative comment, particularly about the way they look.

        If you wouldn’t say it to their face don’t say it at all.

      • Kelly says:

        People get off on insults and trolling, what can you do

      • Maureen says:

        And if he were a woman or a girl these appalling insults would never stand. But when it’s a man, especially a White man … Well, anything goes, right?

    • frisbeejada says:

      No human being on the face of this planet is a ‘hideous creature’ – except possibly human beings making comments like that…

    • Nighty says:

      Guessing you’re just perfect??? Really? Hideous??? Never seen a hideous person before, at least physically, … Though I’ve come across some hideous people in terms of personality… Ok.. he’s not the most perfect man on Earth… but he’s not HIDEOUS!!!
      I’m guessing Ken and Barbie are your ideal of beauty… Good luck on that…

  16. ItSetsYou says:

    Not even 60 comments?! Duh!

    When are we going to see another post about Hiddleston and have a lovely, tremendous discussion? I miss it.

    • LadySlippers says:

      Often BC’s posts get just as informative as TH’s post. This one didn’t lend itself to it; likewise you’ll see some of TH’s post that didn’t get very informative either. It’s kinda luck and if there’s anything within the post to chatty about.

      Regardless of whether it’s BC or TH (or anyone else) I love the lively discussions!

  17. Lilacflowers says:

    Would I hit it? No. More of him for the rest of you to enjoy.

  18. pru says:

    Would, despite the awful mo-cap suit. I know what’s going on underneath.

  19. ScotiaNov says:

    He has such a goofy face. I don’t get his sex appeal at all. He does nothing for me. He’s kinda cute, but that’s it.

    So no, I wouldn’t “hit it”.

  20. Maggie says:

    Would I hit it? Not in a million years!

    • Maggie says:

      Oh there are two Maggies with very different opinions. This Maggie would hit him again and again. LOL