Octuplet mom Nadya Suleman with her babies

Nadya Suleman and her fresh nail tips and squeaky voice were on the Today Show this morning to show her eight tiny babies and more of her interview with Anny Curry. She talked about the deep seated psychological problems that drove her to have multiple children quickly after suffering a failed marriage and several miscarriages. Suleman claimed that the excessive number of embryos implanted was “appropriate” each time given her medical history of fertility problems. When asked by Curry why she didn’t stop having babies, she said that “they deserve siblings.” She said that even though she had six embryos implanted in her last IVF treatment that “the most I would have ever anticipated was twins.”

On how she doesn’t need money
Curry told Suleman that many people think she had the octuplets in the hopes of making money off her story.

“That’s funny how untrue that is,” Suleman said. “Money? Money is necessary to raise children. But it’s — it’s paper. It is paper. To me, it is superfluous in contrast to the importance of my kids.”

On continuing to have kids after six
Suleman has said that her desire to have a large family is the result of growing up an only child and always wanting siblings. In a segment of her interview with Curry broadcast Friday, she had called her upbringing “dysfunctional.”

“To what degree is this too much about you and not enough about them?” Curry asked in Monday’s segment.

“I think after the six, I started to acknowledge that,” Suleman said. “Well, I don’t want to have too many more. I’m going to use what I have available. That’s acceptable. So I already acknowledged this at that point.

[From MSNBC]

What’s more is we now know the name of the Beverly Hills IVF Clinic that implanted Nadya and you can be sure they’ll be under investigation.

Nadya’s mother, Angela Suleman, told RadarOnline that her daughter’s decision to have all eight children was “unconscionable” and that “She really really has no idea what she’s doing to her children and to me.”

Angela Suleman said her daughter has never helped her with the bills and hasn’t worked since she started having children. I guess we know why Nadya claims she doesn’t need money if she’s been sponging off her family like that for years.

Nadya Suleman told Ann Curry that she hoped that volunteers and her mother will help once she brings the octuplets home.

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115 Responses to “Octuplet mom Nadya Suleman with her babies”

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  1. Len says:

    This is such a shame. This woman is so selfish. And there really is something very wrong with the way these fertility-clinics screen people and evaluate them. And why do they place eight embryo’s? Why not two or maybe three? It’s dangerous and irresponsible.

  2. texasmom says:

    Yikes — those nails are truly scary. I have a good friend who is a clinical microbiologist at a major university hospital. Years ago she told me about mysterious neonatal deaths at her hospital that were ultimately linked to nurses’ fake nails, which are no longer allowed in the hospital since they are just breeding grounds for germs.

  3. Wif says:

    Wow. I wouldn’t be able to bear not holding each of those babies all day. When my son was in ICU after his birth the nurses kept telling me to go to sleep and I just couldn’t do it. I had to be with him. I can’t imagine feeling that times eight.

    But then, it’s pretty clear that she doesn’t think the way I do. I stopped at 2.

  4. meme says:

    i hope they take ALL this idiot’s children away from her. she is a selfish stupid bitch.

  5. prissa says:

    This is abhorrent! This lady ought to be committed and the children placed in loving homes. Oh, and I LOVE this comment: “…hoped that volunteers and her mother will help once she brings the octuplets home.” Of course she hopes that, how else will she manage? And I’m sure she will get all the FREE help she needs.

  6. sarah says:

    does she remind anyone else of angelina jolie???

  7. cedar falls says:

    All I hear from this woman is “I want, I want, me, me, me!!”. It’s obvious that she sees her children as some kind of possession or status symbol, rather than as living, breathing human beings with individual needs. Forty-five minutes of maternal affection and attention a day for a newborn isn’t enough.

    In the UK they’ve recently changed the law so that the most embryos an IVF clinic can implant is 2 (down from 3) due to the risks to mother and child’s health. I sincerely hope they close this clinic down before some equally selfish “mother” tries to break the record and it all ends in tragedy.

  8. eggy weggs says:

    Why on EARTH should people volunteer to help her?

  9. texasmom says:

    People will volunteer to help because they will pity the children.

  10. geronimo says:

    This woman scares the bejesus out of me. SO screwed up.

  11. Chiara says:

    Those six embryos would have been of benefit to childless families.

    She displays symptoms of Munchausen’s by proxy. The needs of the children have no value. It is this woman’s insatiable need for attention that drives her.

  12. dr.grrl says:

    wow, on the web site Radar Online, there is another interview with the mother and some photos of the house. it’s a mess and there are clothes and children everywhere!

    the rep for the breeder says she wasn’t home for two months so why should she be blamed for the messy house?! my question is then where the heck was she for 2 months? was she in the hospital on bed rest? does she even care for her other kids? did she forget about them because she was pregnant with the new litter?!

  13. Rreedy says:

    I am sorry, dear editor, but I can’t bear seeing this womans’ picture or hearing her pious whining. This is a crime.

  14. Codzilla says:

    Money is just superfluous? She does realize that this “paper” is required in exchange for food/shelter/supplies? My Mom read somewhere that Pampers et al are refusing to send this woman free stuff. Has anyone else heard/read that?

  15. meme says:

    I think she’s trying to BE Skankolina.

  16. cedar falls says:

    I’m definitely no fan of Angelina but at least she’s given some thought to her children – she has an army of nannies, nurses, chefs, etc… to look after them and they only add extra children when the older ones are “absorbed into the family”.

  17. cara says:

    I feel that WE as a society have created this monster. I remember when that lady had the six babies (I want to say the last name began with a B, but not sure…some midwest fam)anyhoo, she was on everything and everyone was saying how it was such a great thing what “God” blessed them with. And all I could think of was that, no, God did not bless them a doctor created the pregnancy by getting her pregnant. God maybe wanted her and her husband to adopt. Now, we are all shocked at this woman’s insanity. (don’t even get me started on the bearded chick who calls herself “the man who gave birth”)

  18. jm says:

    Poor Grandma!!! I feel so bad for her – she and Grandpa are undoubtedly the ones to bear the brunt of all this.

  19. Scribe85 says:

    Giving this woman attention is not a good thing. Please no more of this selfish, selfish lady.

  20. Amy says:

    I agree, the state needs to intervene. Someone who is “obsessed” with loving children would be by their side at all times in the NICU, not hiring publicists and doing TV interviews!

    The Munchhausen by proxy suggestion could be spot on. Someone help those children (all of them, not just the newborns)!

  21. saintdevil says:

    Please don’t give this attention-whoring crackpot of a woman what she wants.

    And someone should tell her that squeezing out children at the max. possible rate and having bad plastic surgery does not turn you into Angelina Jolie.

  22. caribassett says:

    Oh, that really hurts my heart. Those poor tiny babies born too soon. God Bless them, they should not have to go through so much so young, poor dears.

  23. Jen says:

    Chiara ~ While I agree that this woman clearly has some disturbing psychological issues, there is no indication of Munchausen by Proxy. MBPS is a very rare syndrome, and because of its complexity, it is easily misunderstood and misinterpreted…and the label is often applied to situations where it doesn’t belong. In a nutshell, MBPS is “causing illness or injury in another to obtain attention, usually by a parent or caregiver against a child.”

    If you’ve seen The Sixth Sense, Mischa Barton’s character was a victim of MBPS. Her mother deliberately fed her poison to receive the sympathy and concern of her friends and community. “She’s given up everything to care for that sick child. Isn’t she amazing? What a saint.”

    Regardless, Big Lips McGee up there is definitely a fucking whackjob, but the MBPS label is highly unlikely.

  24. Alecto says:

    She kinda looks like Angelina. She’s completely clueless and her parents are enablers if they continue to support her. She needs the kids taken from her. She admits to being deluded and selfish.

  25. shelby says:

    I can’t waste my time watching this crap. She thinks she’s A Jolie, with her fake pouty lips. why should anyone be willing to give her money for being crazy, because that’s what she is… She’s manipulative and I feel sorry for all of these children (and her parents) because their mother is so unstable, but no one could see it or want to admit to her instability. And the clinic who performed this procedure needs to be shut down forever.

  26. Jen says:

    Cara ~ “don’t even get me started on the bearded chick who calls herself ‘the man who gave birth'”

    Wow, really? That’s a pretty ignorant and closed-minded statement. Thomas Beattie may not have started life as a man, but he is legally a man. So, yes, HE was the pregnant MAN. Gender Identity Disorder (or Transsexuality) is valid. Deal with it. As for Thomas Beattie and his wife, they are emotionally and financially stable, and are able to care for their daughter without the taxpayers’ assistance.

  27. Victoria says:

    I agree that giving this nit wit attention is not a good thing. I didnt look at the video I went straight to the comments and I agree with everyone that she’s NUTS and trying to be (or beat ha ha) Angelina. I am so happy that Pampers, Gerber and other people are not showering her with diapers and stuff. I think it’s funny that all these photos they post of her seem to be posed even though she’s in a neo natal ward, wearing a hospital gown. I can hear her saying “OK Ill pout so we can get a shot in which Ill look like Angelina”. Ick!

  28. Genevieve says:

    This woman is only out for attention. Once the news crews go away, she’ll stop paying attention to her children (like she did with the other ones!).

    One of my friends went through something similar; once her baby was born and she was no longer the center of attention, the post partum hit like a mack truck. She had another baby very soon afterward. However, when it happened the second time, she realised she had a problem and got help for her depression. This woman is a narcissist and needs psychiatric help before she can be a fit mother. I hope social services relocates those babies to people responsible enough to give them a real life and family.

  29. Anon says:


    does she remind anyone else of angelina jolie???

  30. Renee says:

    “Money is superfluous”

    Says the woman who receives government assistance…

  31. Ned says:

    Her parents are so supposrtive and she blames her for having a dysfunctional childhood? and on TV before the entire world to see?

    That is so Angelina and how she used her father to get into show business and then played his adoring daughter to get his help to get awards and use his connections and then bash him and not let him even meet his grandchildren.

    Same with their both going to extremes to satiate their need for attention.

    I was also wondering who was the doctor who would help a 33 years old Angelina get fertility treatment just because she isn’t patient to wait until she gets pregnant naturaly.

    Obviously Beverly Hills has some unethical fertility doctors who should be investigated.

  32. texasmom says:

    Guys — the timing is off on all these “she wants to be Angelina Jolie” riffs. Angelina just had one kid for quite a while, while this lady has been working on hers incrementally (until the end!). This chick has always been ahead in any baby contest.

  33. Ling says:

    Those babies are beautiful. I wish them all the best in the world.

    (Sidenote: if were I in high school and lived in that neighbourhood, I would totally be willing to go in there with four friends once a week to get my 40 hours. They could be running a veritable community service hours factory in there!)

  34. Ned says:

    Just like Angelina, they both stretch the word “selfish” to the extreme.

    They don’t really care about raising those children or THEIR NEEDS.

    It’s about collecting or having as many children as possible as long as they get attention and money out of that.

    Once they find a new extreme way to get attention (and money) they would start doing that thing.

    Both her and Angelina get the cameras to focus on them because of these extreme behaviors.

    I am sure that the this woman have defrauded government and public funds before, and did other things in the past to get the attention (and money).

    To begin with, I would like to know, who paid for the plastic surgeries of an unemployed woman, and who was paying for fertility treatments in a Beverly Hills clinic.

  35. kate says:

    she had 14 babies because she had no siblings? is she out of her everloving mind? they are being used as pawns in this crazy woman’s fantasy…sad.

  36. Annie says:

    Seriously? Without fail there’s gotta be a mention of AJ somewhere. Really? I mean COME ON. This is getting ridiculous. And I get accused of “worshipping” her. ROFL.

    I don’t look for every excuse possible to mention her. And like, I really don’t see the correlation between this horrible woman and AJ.

    AJ isn’t using MY TAX DOLLARS to fund her brood. Stop trying to make these far-fetched correlations. There isn’t any. AJ doesn’t have 14 children. And of the multiple children she has, half were ADOPTED. Are you gonna tell me that her choosing to adopt was selfish? How can you think that when these children came from third world countries and would probably be dead otherwise.

    There’s no correlation, get off it. It’s getting really old. We get it, you hate AJ. But is it really necessary to vilify her in every goddamn post?

    This Nadya woman makes me sick. And you’re all right, people will volunteer because they feel bad for the children. I know I’m tempted to myself, just because it’s not the children’s fault their mother’s a complete idiot who needs to get shot. Seriously.

    No one should pay her anything, and we should all stop talking about her, because she just racks up the money every time we think about this stupid woman.

  37. MsTriste says:

    I sincerely hope she gets no help from anybody and must learn to lie in the bed she made.

  38. MonicaBee says:

    Hot diggity damn, this biatch is NUTS!! Whoever called Munchausen by proxy is spot on.

    I love how Ann Curry is looking at this chick like, “b*tch, WTF?!”

    I’ll be 29 next month and I have (or want) zero kids. I cannot imagine that someone only 4 years older than me has FOURTEEN kids. Holy jeebus.

    And my last thing: WHERE THE F*CK IS SHE GETTING ALL OF THE MONEY FOR THIS STUFF? Not only the babies, but her fake lips and nails too.

  39. Cinderella says:

    Poor kids. They did not pick this waste of a woman. I’m sure we’ll be reading something bad about her down the road. I just hope those kids will be safe from this psycho when she does lose it.

  40. Annie says:


    I believe she recently got over $165k from the government in disability.

  41. Melanie says:

    I believe the whole line about her just wanting “one more” baby like I believe a smoker is just going to “finish this last pack”. I pity all of her children.

  42. GrnMtGirl says:

    As a Gramma who cares for her Grandbaby full-time and is exhausted, my heart goes out to Grandma. This is one tired Lady and she would be the reason I volunteered to help.

    dr.grrl: I imagine the reason the house is messy is because there ARE children everywhere and Grandma can’t keep up. Apparently mommy does nothing – she doesn’t even work!!! At least my daughter has the decency to work full-time and is trying to support her son (baby daddy is a loser & gives $0.00 help).

  43. Alecto says:

    Ummm…the correlation comes into play cuase this beotch is nuts. Check out the link I put up earlier here. It has a before picture of BEFORE she started trying to look like Angelina. At first glance I thought the pic was Angelina without makeup and a couple of pounds heavier. What I’m saying is she needs to be evaluated. Look at the things she said in the interview. Red flags everywhere. Look at how she’s changed her face too look like somebody who has aquired alot of kids in a short amount of time and is planning on more. I would bet you anything she’s tried to adopt in the past but couldn’t pass the psyc exam. Unfortunatly you don’t need to be sane to reproduce from your own body. You don’t even need your own Brad Pitt. All you need apparently is an unethical doctor.

  44. doodahs says:

    Playing Devil’s advocate – children can often be the result of selfish or irresponsible adults. Women who get knocked up multiple times by multiple fathers and STILL don’t take birth control responsibility, women who ‘trap’ husbands/boyfriends in loveless relationships with a baby in order to “give it another go”, women who have babies to fill a void and then spend years effin’ the kids up because they weren’t truly wanted in the first place. This woman is clearly in need of therapy but the sad thing for me is the rising number of child abuse/neglect cases that go unheard and the plain and simple shitty parenting that goes on out there.

    You need a license to own a dog but any old fuggnut can have a (or multiple) baby.

  45. NotBlonde says:

    Annie: People are comparing the two because it’s’ obvious that the woman is trying to look like Angelina Jolie through plastic surgery and likely admires her for having a bunch of kids in a short amount of time.

    Now, because this woman is batshit insane, she’s taken to an entirely insane level, but the basic idea is the same: pretty woman with a bunch of kids. Or so she hopes.

    No one is saying that Angelina gets government support (dur, of course not).

  46. Annie says:

    I don’t know about Pretty Woman, we can go debate on that one 😉 lol.

    But I mean, I dunno I really don’t see the correlation. I can understand what you’re all saying, but, my problem isn’t the multiple kids per se, I mean a generation ago, it was quite normal to have 8 or 9 children total. My grandma had 7 (2 passed). So AJ and BP can go have their brood of children and be content. I mean, the duggars have HOW many? And people aren’t comparing HER to AJ. Or even Kate from John & Kate +8.

    This woman…..no. This woman on the other hand is completely batshit and she’s going to abuse the public welfare system and the general kindness of the American public. Our economy is struggling enough as it is, but let’s throw more children into the mix when she can’t even take care of her first 6? Guh.

  47. Blanche says:

    Yes, this woman is insane, but if you think she has Munchausen by Proxy then you clearly have no clue as to what MBP is. Um, you’re at a computer, right? LOOK IT UP!!!!!!!!

  48. Chiara says:

    Jen … Munchausen’s covers a broad spectrum in definitions. It can be in a more moderate form of, “attention seeking behavior to the detriment of the child,” to the exteme you’ve mentioned.

  49. Mairead says:

    So at least I’m not the only one who finds that her voice rubs her up the wrong way…

    And I completely agree with the poster who said that the only thing that’s really said is “I I I I me me me III mememememememeeeee”

    The woman needs mental help, seriously.

  50. Bettie says:


  51. NotBlonde says:

    No one compares that Duggar crazy to Angelina because she doesn’t look anything like her and she’s all about Jesus blessing them with children and everyone knows why she’s got a bunch of kids. Kate from John and Kate plus 8 isn’t compared to her because again, she doesn’t look anything like her. I also think no one compares her because she didn’t mean to have the six and she’s definitely quit after the second batch. She doesn’t seem to be collecting children.

    This crazy woman not only seems to have gotten plastic surgery to look like her, but has an obsession with having a bunch of children. We all know Angelina has a thing with having a bunch of kids from around the world and eventually wants 11..I think. She might have said 10.

    Those are the general comparisons and why I personally think no one compares the Duggar nutcase and Kate to Angelina.

    8 or 9 kids back then was different than 14 now. Typically you had a bunch because you lost some (as your Grandmother did). Another factor was crappy birth control. You had to make your husband happy by having sex with him but you couldn’t control how many kids you had. Now I personally think it is extremely irresponsible, given our current situation with the human overpopulation, to have 14 children and make it seem ok.

  52. April says:

    This woman is truly disturbed. She needs a psychiatrist, not 8 more babies. Also, it’s unfair to compare her to Angelina. Not that I’m any great fan of hers, but Angelina has an entourage of people there to help her with the children, and she alone takes financial responsibilty, whereas this woman seems to think she is DUE financial help.

  53. CB Rawks says:

    I was so angry, watching that interview.
    When Ann asked her if she felt she had any right to have MORE children since she already had six that she couldn’t afford to feed, she says “Well I didn’t think it would work.”
    What a crock!! That’s not an answer, you crazy bitch!
    She did TRY to do it, which can actually result in “success”, as she well knows.
    I want to slap her.

  54. dr.grrl says:

    @ GrnMntGirl,

    i think it’s wonderful that both you and this nut jobs mother has stepped up and care for your grandbabies.
    by all means, i hope i didn’t offend you!

    what i was shocked by wasn’t the messy house (me, hubby, and 2 cats are messy!) but by the fact that the breeder wasn’t there! where has she been for these past two months??
    what about her 6 other kids?

  55. Helen says:

    Recently an Australian woman had two sets of quads through state funded ivf as her husband was unable to produce sperm due to a medical condition. The fertility doctor was investigated (she had three pregnancies in three years, and two of those were quads). While the general consensus was that no RESPONSIBLE doctor would impregnate a woman who gave birth to quads sooner than 12-18months after birth, there was no punishment. Its not illegal, it’s just an ethical judgment.

    They should have considered the number of embryos, how soon after her previous pregnancy and her mental health, as they should for ANY patient. I’m so angry at doctors that do this!

  56. DD says:

    1st. she insults her parents by calling her upbringing dysfunctional.
    2nd. she chooses to bring in a truckload of children to be raised in the same dysfunctional home by the same people.
    3rd. she hopes her mother will help her. she is abusing her parents and she should be treated the same as an abuser.

  57. january says:

    This woman is horrible. My favorite comment is when she states that she is going back to school in the fall and plans to utilize the university day care. Right. 14 kids in daycare. Not to mention, preemies often require special care and therapy their first years in life. My son was born at 24 weeks and weighed slightly more than the smallest octuplet. For a year and a half, he required three hours of therapy per week. For his first year after finally getting released from the doctors, he had multiple doctor appointments a month (sometimes each week) plus required the Synagis shot every 28 days during RSV season. Now, imagine doing that times 8 with 6 other children on the side. She has no idea what is coming here way once those babies get out of the hospital

  58. linda says:

    I don’t think any one should help with the babies…Then maybe child protective services would come and find loving homes for them….Poor old granny and grandpa won’t be around forever.. Or maybe the stupid doctor or the clinic should be required to support them for the next 18 plus years.. This woman just wants money and attention….she is just using these poor babes.. She doesn’t even take care of the first 6 or even help…..

  59. Kirsten says:

    The angry part of me doesn’t want this woman to get any aid from companies like Pampers, Gerber, etc. The other part of me, though, knows that it’s terrible to make her children suffer like that. There is no way this family can afford to feed and clothe them all.

    If these news organizations had any sense, they would do the fair, justified, and humane thing: stop paying this horrible woman to sell her story, and instead use that money to give the BABIES what they need (food, diapers). The children need help; the mother deserves nothing. Stop giving her the attention she craves and maybe this won’t happen again.

  60. Jen – Spot on with MbP disorder explanation. Although she is using her children as a conduit for attention, I don’t believe she’s willingly putting them in harm’s way. I think her own narcissism is blinding her as to what is best for the needs of her children.

    Ps All – the AJ comparison was funny the first 50 times. Now it’s getting old.

  61. Annie says:

    I understand why you typically had more children back then. I also understand that right now there are women with far more children then AJ.

    I get it, you guys hate her for whatever reason you’ve concocted.

    But somehow you’re ok with say, the Duggars? Who are at what 18? And pretty much, once the kid’s a couple months in, he/she gets passed off to a “buddy” and then that sibling takes care of that child and not the mom.

    Explain to me how THAT is ok? So the Duggars are just normal parents, and AJ’s “Collecting kids”?

  62. LJ says:

    I don’t hate her….I just think she is a attention seeking nut… That doesn’t even take care of her own family….And if her childhood was so bad, why is she letting her parents raise them????

  63. NotBlonde says:

    No, the Duggar family is not ok. The Duggars are weirdo Jesus freaks whose kids probably have all kinds of psychological problems from having to become quasi parents at a young age. But we’re not talking about the Duggars. You’re like Elisabeth Hasselbeck; bringing up other people and things that are sort of related to the subject but not really to take the focus off the actual subjects.

    I don’t hate Angelina Jolie for having and adopting kids. Where you got that from is a mystery. I think this Suleman woman is mentally unstable and irresponsible for having 14 babies that she doesn’t have the proper means to care for. Angelina Jolie has the proper means to take care of her brood and I couldn’t give a donkey’s ass if she has/adopts 20 of them.

    Angelina seems to be “collecting” children in the sense that she’s getting them from all over the place. Collecting just means the act of gathering something together. She’s gathering a kids together from different areas of the world and from her womb. I don’t know why you Brangeloonies see “collecting” as a negative word. It is literally what she is doing.

  64. NotBlonde says:

    “gathering kids together”..no “a” there…don’t know how it sneaked in.

  65. cindi says:

    Gee, I wish I had a manicure like that and could afford health insurance for 8 octuplets and myself!

    Wow! Maybe I should quit my job and go to get 9 eggs in my womb fertilized…then I would have lots of money for plastic surgery, manicured nails, and sitting around all day with my kids! Sounds like the life!

  66. cindi says:

    Disabled my ass! If she can have 14 kids, she is fit enough to work!

  67. MT says:

    Angelina is not the only person who has had nose jobs and injections, but they are the same in the sense they are self-centered and use kids to get attention.

    They only think about themselves and not about those poor kids.

    I would really like to know who was paying her bills- she is unemployed for 6 years and had so many fertility treatements AND nose and lips jobs and all that without working?

    100 k is not nearly enough to cover all that and to cover living expenses for 6 years on top of that.

    and how come she is too disabled to work but can have 14 children?

    Where’s the police or social security services?
    She is a manipulative liar who steals and lies.

  68. MT says:

    “Angelina Jolie has the proper means to take care of her brood”

    Money can’t buy these children parental attention, care, being there for them and playing with them , stability, not living in hotels, friends, school…

    You need to have mental resources and time and invest emotionally in your kids.
    Not just put them for display when you want an Oscar or have a new movie to promote or broke up another couple and need to be shown in a positive way.

    Children need most of anything- exactly the things that Angelina is not letting them have.
    She is too busy in a photo op in Burma or publicity tour in Japan.

    Just this week we heard Jolie was in 3 different countries and now she is in London promoting her failing movie.
    Those kids need a mother, not a publicity wh-ore.

  69. MizLiz says:

    If I were her mother, I’d be out of that house so fast I’d break the sound barrier. She’ll drive that woman into an early grave.

  70. Anastasia Beaverhausen says:

    Hey MT do you realize this thread isn’t about Angelina Jolie? LOL.

    Kids also need caretakers who have the financial resources to buy them silly things like FOOD and DIAPERS and CLOTHING. Oh and medical care. Stuff for school. Dental visits. Glasses if they need them. Books. Allllllll the stuff kids need, but at LEAST the basics. This woman can’t even support the six she’s already got! Much less 14.

    And you’re harping on about Angelina Jolie? Man, save your sympathy for some kids who need it, Jolie’s kids sure don’t need it. Feel sorry for kids living in extreme poverty, feel sorry for kids being abused, neglected, feel sorry for kids watching their mom get the shit beat out of them daily, but why would you waste your energy feeling sorry for the children of multimillionares who love their kids? And don’t have more than they can care for? And adopted three of the six?

    Geez. Get your head on straight.

  71. sara says:

    i think this is a little selfish i mean only have alot of children if you know you can care for them and you know that you can give each an everyone of them what they need and deserve dont get children because you were an only child or because you want alot of money from the gov…..and form the look of this she is so selfish but i still think you should help her out just for the childrens sake

  72. tax payer says:

    so she will be a burden on the state for the next 18 years. She doesn’t want to work, just collect a welfare check.

  73. laura says:

    WOW everyone. This women who just had 8 babies has certainly brought out the evil in people. What vile,obcene lanuage,name calling,judgements being made,condemnation,calls for her children being taken away and you have never met her!!I must wonder more at whats going on with your own hearts and lives that you feel you must be judge and jury of another you never met.

  74. Bob says:

    while some readers are saying Munchausen by proxy doesn’t fit…since 3 of her older children are receiving disability I think closer attention may need to be paid to the types of disability these children suffer from and if there is any chance they were harmed deliberately. I think extreme multiple births could simply be an unusual take on Munchausen as the mother knows the odds are high that these children will be born with medical problems, in which case it would be a deliberate decision to cause injury by implanting so many embryos.

  75. CB Rawks says:

    You’re an idiot, Laura.
    Have you not read any newspapers or seen any tv reports on this case?
    What this woman had done is child abuse, and she is also clearly insane! She freely admits to having no job, no money, no partner, and no home, but Oh she FELT like having a swarm of undersized, sickly children that she has no hope of properly caring for.

    But in your mind, our anger is the problem?! Get your head examined.

  76. nan says:

    just saw this nut case on DATELINE.Unstable—of course not!She will give them LOVE,no food just Love!If she moves as slow as she talks those poor babes will NEVER get feed.She talks about church helping her –isn’t she jewish?Her parents should hop back on the boat!& that doctor with the god complex.should have his office closed. But we all know this will not happen.TLC willhave another DUGGERS,Jon & Kate circus & we’ll forget about this disaster.

  77. robin says:

    PLEASE don’t blame the Grandma for the messy home, she is overwhelmed with raising butthead’s first 6….no time to clean.

  78. James David Chamberlain says:

    Quite obviously this woman acts contrary to the best interest of the very children she produces and should be invetigated by Child Protective Services for parental fitness.

    It has been discovered that Suleman is on welfare and the hospital is seeking state-aide for the children (so the Suleman is not beyond lying to get her way).

    Suleman states that “all she wanted is to have children”… yet it seems that the natural order of things has evaded her.

    Once upon a time, women who want children would go to school FIRST, then meet a suitable husband and settle down to the joyous task of bringing forth a family.

    Now we have flat broke women incapable of engaging in an adult relationship, spending other people’s money on fertility treatment and lip enhancement plastic surgeory in order to go on TV and explain why everyone should applaud her for queezing out an artificial brood.

    AND THEN, when asked about the logic of it all – Suleman explains that she will NOW go to school and find an earning suitable of raising 14 children.

    Evidently, in spite of her impecable reasoning skills, Ms. Suleman has missed the point that there are Ph.D.’s flipping burgers right now, while they search for the perfect career (= job that pays right).

    There is no assurance that, whatever career Suleman selects (which would otherwise produce earnings sufficient to support 14 children) – there is no promise that upon her graduation she will be able to land it straight away.

    What then?

    I once knew a woman named Cetandi who was a recovering Heroin addict and ex-prostitute who used to say the same thing as Suleman (I just wants to have my babies). However, in Cetandi’s case it was for the welfare checks, and the State ultimately intervened and took her children. Tragic.

  79. Harrods says:

    As a mother of two, washing dishes, changing diapers, taking the kids to the park… I never had long nails.

    A woman who is truly caring for 6 or 14 children is going to have the hands that prove it. Mother’s don’t tend to have long fingernails because they don’t want to “poke” their children with them when they touch them, or play with them.

    So, I may be petty when I watched the interview last nite, but long fingernails on an active working mother… no way.

  80. JENN says:

    To Sarah and her question: does she remind anyone else of angelina jolie???

    NO, Angelina Jolie has earned her money and is financially stable to raise as many children as she wants. Angelina Jolie is not sponging off her parents, the government, the community and the education system (yes Suleman admitted using student loans to help raise her first 6)

  81. big joe says:

    this crazed woman is a Muslim of middle east descent like the name suggests both Nadya and Suleman are Muslim names. Guess the real reason she wants to have as many babies as possile. Muslims multiply like rabbits everywhere they go for one singe purpose. And yes this B….. may be Nucking Futs in the head. Or maybe smarter and any of us Infidels.

  82. JENN says:

    To Laura who wrote this:

    “WOW everyone. This women who just had 8 babies has certainly brought out the evil in people. What vile,obcene lanuage,name calling,judgements being made,condemnation,calls for her children being taken away and you have never met her!!I must wonder more at whats going on with your own hearts and lives that you feel you must be judge and jury of another you never met. ”

    When I have to pay for it, I can judge it all I f***g want.

  83. Tara C. says:

    This woman is just ridiculous. Why would you want more kids after you already have 6??? How does a single woman provide for 6, let alone 8??? I love kids! I have 2….and that’s all I can provide for! All that comes out of this womans mouth is me, me, me, I want, I want, I want! She is so self absorbed. On some level, she knew that she would achieve “celebrity”. I am sure she knew and expects, the public and the state to help her. She already is receiving government aid. A few of her poor little babies have disabilities, which she is receiving rightly aid for. BUT is that money going to those kids? I think not when looking at her p[lastic surgery and artificial nails. How on Earth can she provide care for all those kids? It is tragic! To see and hear her visiting those babies makes me sick. It is like she is parading those little ones in front of the camera making herself look like a doting mother when in reality she is a selfish, glory-seeking, narcissistic liar! I hope those babies will be placed with loving families who can provide in all ways, the things they need to grow up happy and healthy. God Bless all those little ones. They did not ask to be brought into the mess that their mother created.

  84. jorge says:

    My wife was in labor for over 36 hours at the same Kaiser hospital last late November. When I hear that this woman had over 40 people helping with the delivery I get angry. I have been a paying Kaiser member for over 5 years, and I only saw 1 doctor that came to the room when we arrived.
    Then I saw my wife linger and twitched in labor pain with only an occasional nurse to help. Shame on you Kaiser, publicity hound!

  85. BONNIE says:


  86. Lady Madonna says:

    Does anyone else find it odd that the sperm donor is supposedly named “David Solomon”?

    Her father’s middle name is Arabic for David. Their last name is Suleman, which is just a variation of Solomon. Does this mean her father was the sperm donor? Eeww, ick! Either that, or she made up the name to protect his privacy, but why would she choose a fake name similar to that of her father? That’s bizarre.

    Someone mentioned that she is Muslim; another said Jewish. You are both wrong. She claims to be Protestant. What difference would her religion make anyway? She’s mentally ill regardless.

  87. Angry Taxpayer says:

    What hasn’t been said already? I agree wholeheartedly with all of you that this woman is absolutely crazy. For those of you applauding her or empathizing with her, you are also out of your minds. This woman makes me sick to my stomach. However, calling her names and threatening her is not constructive, and will not fix this problem. This woman needs to be locked up, and these children taken away. I am a proud American, but our society is quickly deteriorating. You cannot disagree that common sense is not common in the U.S. anymore. We are hurting ourselves with all these civil liberties and socialist enabling going on. Wake up people!!!
    These fertility clinics need stricter regulations, and these mothers/parents need to be psychologically tested and financially audited before they are given a green light to proceed with these procedures. Hell, you have to jump through hoops just to adopt, how is the IVF process any different? The sperm donor should also be held accountable. Watch your back amigo!!

  88. Gloria Griffin says:

    Wow the Ocotocreature was able to live off us taxpayers much better than my husband is supporting me.
    After a few calculations between 2002-2008 this family has squandered the parents retirement each month without paying mortgage payments and 165,000 in Workman’s Comp, 35,280 in food stamp benefits, and another 165,600 in diability payments.
    Yearly she lived on 60,984 plus school loans that is about 5, 082 a month.
    Why should she work?
    I think we ought to send the family back to Iraq where they belong and send back our military before the rest of Iraq moves over here to collect our many free services.

  89. carol dunlap says:

    I think she should pay back the Welfare Dept all the money she got. Plus all the disability money. She spent 30,000 on plastic surgury 15 to 20 thousand on the fertilization and the hosiptal bills over 165,000 per child. She got a disability settlement of 165,000 from her job. She should also buy her mom a home. Now she is looking at a million dollar home? something is not right.

  90. carol dunlap says:

    I would like to know who is her case worker and is she or he reporting all this? Maybe the father should pay something here. He keeps donating his sperm, all other absent fathers have to. Maybe even the doctor who did this should pay something.

  91. Lady Madonna says:

    Someone said “send them back to Iraq.” Nadya was born in California, and thus is a U.S. citizen. Her father is currently in Iraq, where he was born, working to support his daughter’s litter. Since she was born here, he’s been here > 33 years, so he’s probably at least a permanent resident, very likely a citizen.

  92. carlene says:

    I would like to comment on Octocon’s disability. I heard her say she was hurt at work and due to back problems she was disabled. If she was disabled and then received such a large settlement, It makes me think lawsuit. That is alot of money for a disability settlement. Also, getting pregnant and carrying all those babies would be the worse thing to do. I wonder if her doctor was aware of her back problems when he was loading her up with eggs and also the insurance company or whoever she sued to get the settlement is aware.
    My daughter and her husband tried for 3 years to get pregnant and finally did IVF, 3 egg limit, now I have a beautiful grandson, they froze the others and will use this year. Octocon said she had to use them all, another lie she told.
    The babies need care, if she gets alot of money from this, I think a third party should be in charge of it and how it is use to help the babies, she shouldn’t get to enjoy a dime of it.

  93. S&S says:

    The state should step in and fix this before the reality sets in to the taxpayers of California that they are not only going to pay over 1.3 million in fees associated in the care of these babies, but if you look at her background and the fact she was hurt and was receiving disability payments for over a decade for her back in the amount of over 165 thousand while she had her other 6 children in that time. How can the state pay disability for a back injury to a person that has by choice 6 kids which would put even more strain on her back.
    What a piece of work, to even go on national television and say she isnt going to be a burden on the taxpayers.
    i say no one help her or pay her when the children get home and have social services available to take them all and place them in homes of those with intelligence and brains. She is obviously retarded to say the least and needs help herself

  94. Nichole says:

    This is a very selfish woman! I worked with Infertility specialist & even this is very highly debated form of medicine. Our doctors had limits and would not allow this! This is an outrage!!! She has no money, she has no job…all of us AMERICANS are parents to all these children. She is raising children on OUR MONEY!!! She has a goal of a book and/or movie…to raise her kids…this is crazy!!! She is nuts! I want to adopt a baby…

  95. Mary says:

    I think that this woman should have never been allowed to do this a 2nd time. There are a lot of women out in the world we have only one child is single and this child wasn’t planned and this women get no kind of help and here this women is she has embryos implanted, why would anyone do such a thing for a unemployed mother of 6 children that we are going to have to take care of and then you have women who have maybe only one child who has a medical condition and she gets no help. Tell me what is wrong with this picture.

  96. PATTI says:

    dennys has a new menu in honor of the octuplets mom its 14 eggs, no sausage, and the guy next to you has to pay the bill

  97. pamela says:

    To those who run the duggers and jon and kate down,they need to think again neither jon and kate or the duggers are using tax payers dollars to fund their families and both families give back.All i hear from this lady is I WANT,IWANT,GIVE ME,GIVE ME,POOR ME.I think this dr who went against all advice that was given by this womens own mom and did it anyway should have his license suspended!How many more women is he gonna help that is just like her.It is a shame considering their are women out their who want families,and cannot have them and do have money to raise them.Also,I,am sick to death of hearing about angie jolie and brad pitts brood but like the comment that was stated they can afford it and don’t use public assistancce to raise their children.

  98. Jen says:

    What’s done is done. I hope she doesn’t plan on having any more after this but, I do wish her the best and her children. God Bless!

  99. I think the people of the USA should join in a class action suit against the incompetent and reckless doctor who implanted these embrios in this woman. Doctors are sworn to do no harm. How much harm will these 8 defenceless newborns, as well as the 6 she already has, be subjected to in a home with this immature woman who can’t support herself nevermind 14 children. That doctor is no different than a bartender who serves drinks to a drunk who has already had enough. We the taxpaying citizens will be strapped with the burden of caring for these children just so the doctor could get his 100,000 for the procedure.

  100. Kasi says:

    What the hell is wrong with everyone?? Does anyone know this woman personally?? Has anyone on this pg ever visited this woman in person?? Of course NOT! How can you judge her when you dont know her?? Obviously she is a very good mother…Was she in the public eye with her six children?? Hell no she was never heard of! What about the thousands of women that had 14,16, and even up to 20 some children in the old days?? hhmmmm does anyone ever aknowledge the facts that this was very common?? O.K. so its not today but so the hell what she wanted them let her enjoy them. No one ever said anything about Kate with her 8 she got all the help in the world but its ok for her, oh we’ll just put a t.v. show which I can say I watch & Love but come on its ok to shower her in the publicity and shes a amazing mother kudos, I have 4 children and I own a center of 51 and in all honesty I could handle this with help too! Doesnt any of you know how many married couples that only have 1,2 or 3 kids and cant make it but its ok there not crazy they can have all the help and not be crazy. All of you should be ashamed didnt your mother ever teach you never to judge a book by its cover??? GROW UP

  101. kasi says:

    To Pamela Hello.. O.K. Im so sick of hearing about oh our tax money OMG, Get over it, as if “OUR” taxes ?? there not ours they belong to the government face it nor you or I have any control of what happens to our “their” tax money but hints to this must I say this… Over half the countries taxes dont go where they belong!! do yo live in the real world ?? look around you can you then tell me how many things you see that need fixed, updated,repaved?? do you think that this one woman is going to even make a dent in that money?? Its ok to build shit for no reason and use the money to do so, its ok to support all the other countries for hunger and all the bullshit when there is homeless in our own. Come on wake up lady, give the woman a brake, atleast ATLEAST she dont beat or neglect her children, how bout putting that in the tax money catagory because its not!! I see abused children everyday in my work but the state dont have the funds to put them in a safe place so they stay and continue to wonder if they will be alive the next day, it puts a lot on me to watch this but guess what.. the only thing I CAN DO IS TRY TO HELP !! BUT Ill be damned if those children see a peny of tax $ but other countries do. Whats wrong with that picture?? JUDGE NOT

  102. Kasi says:

    TO JEN I am right there with you girlfriend! I agree 100% everyone needs to back off. I mean come on how many singletons 1 child that need to be taken from their mother but you dont see that all over the tv and papers, it was ok for kate to accept help, and whoever made the comment that they never used tax $ ha where the hell do you think they got that info from? LOL

  103. drando412 says:


  104. drando412 says:


  105. kasi says:

    To DRANDO412 I can only picture what kind of family you have or how you was raised. Mabey you are adopted I dont know but how stupid do you sound… Why would you take and seperate all these brothers and sisters and place them in foster care where they can grow up bouncing around and never know each other, or you could let them all be in the same place and grow up knowing each other, not taking the chance of being placed into a hell of alot worse situation… how foolish of you to say dont help her! WHY would you say such a thing? she dont abuse these children,she loves these children no matter the finacial facts, people in the community can help her raise these children right and help her handle these babies and let them all grow up together. What do you think foster care is peaches and cream?? NOT!! why dont you take the time and look into thise situations instead of runnung your mouth about a woman you dont even know or heard of until people like you get involed like the “NEWS” back the hell off this woman, let them live their lives as normal as it can be.

  106. flozy says:

    do anyone know where nadya suleman is from?

  107. angelica says:

    good thing nadya’s lips didn’t touch ann curry’s face or even sucked it. i love ann curry.

  108. Brent says:

    To put it gently, Nadya Suleman is “crazier than a Sh*t-house Rat.” In my humble opinion, she and her fertility pimp are criminally culpable for child abuse and neglect. Not only for her latest litter, but for her “pre-existing” kids who clearly have marginal lives and insufficient care. Now that Nadya’s parents have defaulted on their mortgage, it’s time for Child Services to intervene and for the DA to investigate and bring subsequent charges against both Nadya and her doctor for collusion. I am repulsed by this POS who clearly tried to capitalize on the perceived success of the rural fundamentalist Arkansas hill-billy clan who birthed a six-pack and got treated like royalty.

  109. Rachel says:

    Kasi–I guess the fact that she can’t feed her children is not important. Or that these 8 babies are going to probably have lots of health problems–when people bring large families into the world, it usually isn’t done all at once, so each child gets a fair shot at being healthy. If you love her so much, why don’t you send her some money.

  110. Rachel says:

    Kasi–p.s. Learn how to type/spell/use proper grammar!

  111. kasi says:

    Rachel,First off I didnt know I entered a grammer/spelling/typing test as then and as I am now typing one handed holding 1 of my 4 chidren not to mention the fact that Im always in a hurry bcause I am tending to my children full time. I write as fast as possible and get as much said that I can. If you noticed I said 4 children and never a brake, but if you could read then you would see that I said with alot of help she can do this. Sure she is obviously crazy my 4 drive me insane too but there are options for these children to stay together as a family…And that is… HELP!! come on I dont know where you ccme from but where I come from foster homes arnt exactly peaches and cream sweet heart! Why not keep the CPS involved to make sure the children are being taken care of no matter the situation dealing with mental issues. She dont beat her children, as you call feeding them neglect…HELLO reality check, do you think that the people that work and struggle to the best of their ability get food stamps? Take my husband for example.. he is a hard working,loving,caring, would do anything in the world for our family but he fell 26 ft off the roof and seperated his shoulder, sure we have health insurance but do you think unemployment, workers comp can come close to what it takes to provide for our family?? not we cant get food stamps or help so there you it it dint go to the people that dont work, lay around,druggies,people that dont deserve it BUT I dont see that all over the news, so bottom line yea shes nuts,yea it will be hard, yea keep CPS involved. The way I feel is that if there are people are willing to step in and volunteer then let them it will be like a daycare yes but atleast brothers and sisters wont be torn from each other, If theyre not going to step in and help then its true there is no way she can do it alone. I think that becuase of the fact that I own a Day Care Center of 51 children I just may be used to the fact I am there 6 days a week 6am – 8pm . I opened the center so I could take my children and be with them 24/7 so I guess you dont have children so you dont know what mother love is, no matter if she is crazy she knows she can live off the government financially so she knows they will have the $ as long as she has enough people to give them children 1 on 1 attention and she dont physically abuse them then why seperate them? PS if you are soo concered about people not being able to afford their children hunny then be the hero you think you are and start with the families that only have 1,2,3, children and cant afford them. money isnt everything give the woman a brake and atleast see how things go. If she cant handle them with help and its a dangerous enviornment then take them, Oh by the way as a matter of fact I did donate it was only $100.00 but some is better than none! But then again you are talking to a woman whom had raised enough $ for my dogs heart transplant!:)

  112. Jane Marsee says:

    People, America is still the ‘Land of Opportunity’. This is Free Enterprise in action.

    First: Work a year and a half—then file for Worker’s Compensation. (Who started the fight any way?)
    Second: Milk the system for all it’s worth, so far $167k in Workers Comp, use money for IVF
    Third: Have babies, get on welfare and SSI—that’s over $3k per month—tax free.
    Fourth: Use up all of parents assets. Let them lose their home—as long as they keep paying for mine—who cares.
    Sixth: Use disabled babies’ money to get plastic surgery for face and lips—got to look good on camera.
    Seventh: Create deal with shady IVF doc. Cut him in on the ‘big money’ for a reality show. He’s earned it.
    Eighth: Pawn babies out for highest price—it’s all about the money, honey!

    Free care for all 14 children and their mother, but no reality show, what! After all the ‘work’ Nadya has done!
    So what if she brings 14 souls into this world who will suffer for the rest of their lives. Concessions have to be made, stuff happens! In Nadya’s own words, “Get over it. Done, Done, Done”. I can think of a lot of adjectives to describe Nayda Suleman, but not one of them would be ‘stupid’.

  113. felicia says:

    dont know where youre from but where im from they dont perform a psych test on you to adopt or become a foster parent or even drug test you so i highly doubt she has attempted to adopt any children

  114. Denyse says:

    I think that the world need NOT to be so focused on this woman. She needs to make her on her life!

    Let her fall too. She is paranoid which I see that she suffers from a mental problem. Paranoia is the first sign of this.