Here are some photos of Kaley Cuoco and her husband of three months, Ryan Sweeting, playing tennis for charity over the weekend. It was a celebrity tennis match in Calabasas… considering all of the pink, I’m assuming the charity involved some kind of women’s cancer research, maybe breast or ovarian cancer. Let me see if I can find out… well, I don’t see anything specific. Everyone is just saying “charity tennis match” so that will have to be good enough for now.
Anyway, Ryan and Kaley haven’t even been together for one year. Did you know that? Kaley went from dating Henry Cavill to getting shacked up with Ryan within the span of a few weeks. And then Ryan proposed really quickly and they got married in on New Year’s Eve. So rushed. My point is that it still seems a little crazy to think that they might not even know each other that well, and not everyone believes that they’ll even make it to their second anniversary. But that didn’t stop Kaley from getting inked in Ryan’s honor.
You can see the tattoo photos here (we don’t have that angle on her, although those tattoo photos are from this same charity tennis match). Kaley got a tattoo on the very top of her back, just below her neck. The tattoo? Roman numerals for her anniversary: XII (12), XXXI (31), XIII (13). December 31, 2013. Sigh… okay, Kaley. If this is what you want. But don’t come crying to me in a year, complaining that the tattoo removal hurts like hell.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
I never, ever understood why people got tattoos in that vein. I mean, if you want to ink yourself up with your kid’s name (I have several friends who’ve done that), fine…but a boyfriend or a husband? Eeesh. I just think that’s asking for trouble, lol.
I agree. I’ve always thought putting the name or whatever of your SO is putting a time stamp on it. You know like, “this tattoo will self destruct in 2.2 months” seems dumb.
My first reaction was that I like the tattoo idea but not the meaning. Kinda want to steal it for my daughter’s birthday haha
I have a tattoo for each of my boys – an autism themed one for my younger one and a cover up libra tattoo for my older son.
Having been married and divorced (twice) no, I would definitely NEVER get a boyfriend/husband themed tattoo LOL!
I have a ton of tattoos, but no names. Never.
She’s going to regret this, I’m sorry to be a cynic but that’s the most likely scenario, she seems like one of those people who’s in love with being in love.
I’m with you on this one. I don’t think this will end well, partly because of the industry she’s in, but partly because she raced towards the finish line like a charging bull.
That’s exactly what my mom said—my mom hadn’t even heard of her or watched her show, and when I told her that she’d been engaged twice before, and married this dude within five months, she said that she’s in love w/being love and just want to be married.
I think she’s only been engaged once before. She was never engaged to Galecki.
My photo assumption of these two is always she’s more into him than he is into her. I hope I’m wrong. I hope it’s just a matter of he’s camera-shy on top of a reserved demeanor.
Bad idea. So was that black and pink tennis ensemble, ick. (Although it’s not so bad with the hoodie.)
And the ass grab at the net made my stomach churn. I’m just full of good cheer today, aren’t I?
Well, you made me laugh, so come sit by me. We can b$tch.
well, technically it’s not an ass grab, it’s more a mid-way down the thigh grab, what with the height difference. I really hope they’re happily married forever, but something about these pictures just seem awkward and too try hard.
they look happy and madly in love to me…
im going to get just the first letter of his name….i mean ”M” could stand for mum,no? 😉
I have to confess i like her. The tattoo is not my cup of tea though. And wow, her boobs in that one picture look HUGE.
yeah I think those are new
LOL! Reminds me of the padding Amy Pohler has in Mean Girls for her character’s boob job. They were suppose to be hard as rock and these bad boys look like round bricks.
I’m glad you said that because I was thinking she looked super busty all of a sudden.
I noticed the boobs too. Implants.
Yep, definitely implants. Or she’s pregnant? (just throwing that one out there..)
I noticed them too, holy crap. Is she midair and they’re weightless in that shot maybe?
Boob job and weight loss I guess. I used to like her before she started playing the hollywood game. She’s not as endearing and comes across fake desperate needy aggressor a while now. 🙁
I gotta say I think they look big because of gravity, she’s coming down from a jump in that pic
Whether the marriage lasts or not, what a boring, unattractive tattoo. I’m not a tattoo fan, but at least some of them are pretty or interesting. That’s so lame.
Ahaha, well if (when) it doesn’t last, at least she can’t see it without a mirror.
Every time I read or hear a story about Kaley’s marriage I always get the impression she is doing this to make someone jealous.
This exactly. Can you imagine being FB friends w her?
I agree. But she went too far! The joke will be on her with the inevitable divorce. Does she have a prenup? She just seems like a complete trainwreck. When’s the trip to rehab?
They likely won’t last but I hope they do make it (she seems like she needs a break from crazy). Her outfit is super cute for this charity tennis match
She looks totally different – her face, her body . . . what happened?
Plastic surgery.
It seems like wedding date/boyfriends name tats are the death knell for any relationship. I’ve seen it happen so often.
Yep! I’m convinced now that they will break up in a year or two.
They burned bright, but will burn out soon because they don’t know each other very well. There will be some issue that exposes this and they’ll hit a wall.
I don’t think they’ll make it that long. Maybe I am a pessimist?
I do think that that a tattoo of the date of their marriage is a lot better than for example a heart with his name in it 😉
Agreed, it could have been much worse.
I don’t know this person. I am off to Google.
I’ll have a bloody mary and some brain bleach waiting for you when you get done.
Well, at least she didn’t get the roman numbers wrong, like, let’s see, Justin Bieber :l
I’m the odd one out…I always thought tattoos should tell a life’s story…I have a tattoo, a large one, that now symbolizes a dark part of my past, but it is still my past and always a part of who I am… no matter what happens with her marriage I hope she never regrets the tattoo… it’s now part of her life story, and her personal history
Am I the only one who think Kaley still carries a torch for Johnny Galecki, and is probably a mess in her quest to get over him? It’s a little story I like to think about when I read about either of them. For example, when you see Johnny with his current gf he looks clingy & desperate from the pics (yes, they could be out of context; just moments in time, etc); much like Kaley comes off in her relationships. When will these 2 crazy kids realize they’re meant to be?
Giselle, you are not alone. Come on, you crazy kids, come on! (Oh, and when you do finally get married, K and J, why not do so on one specific day we can think of!)
Honestly, tatting that date is striking me as kind of — well, I wouldn’t do it, and Hollywood, and serial dater, and still holding a flame and etc. But…I guess like it when people are at the stage when they still have belief and hope and haven’t gone cynical. (I have the flu since yesterday, so please excuse my weakness.)
Maybe that’s it!
Something is definitely off with this relationship. My other theory is that maybe she WAS just bearding for Cavill, and has been with this tennis guy for longer than stated publicly.
Ellie, I wondered about that too.
Or it was just your typical PR set up that fell ridiculously flat. I’m not sold that Cavill is gay.
Bad idea for her, HILARIOUS for everyone else.
Terrible idea 🙂
This whole marriage business had made me so embarrassing for her. She seems like a really nice person, but all this “WE’RE SO IN LOVE JUST LOOK AT HOW IN LOOOOOVE WE ARE” stuff just seems so desperate, and it’s going to make everything worse when this relationship inevitably crashes and burns.
Well. It looks like this marriage will be over even faster than we all predicted. Relationship tattoos, outside of a child’s or parent’s names, pretty much always seem like the death knell.
These are some of the most unflattering pictures of her I’ve ever seen. She really isn’t very pretty without makeup.
I’ve always thought she was cute with the right makeup, but not beautiful. Kind of like Eva Longoria, rather ordinary without all the makeup – as a lot of celebrities are.
The false use of Roman dates… I should get used to it.
The kissing is annoying. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing inherently annoying about kissing your spouse. My husband and I give little kisses all the time. It’s just the way they are doing it, so over the top and attention seeking with the partial but grab and just the whole display is irritating.
There’s something up with a couple who can’t just give little appropriate kisses in public and save the big kisses and grabbing for the privacy of their home. It always makes me think that that couple is trying too hard to prove something to everyone else.
She is going OTT to convince the public how much in love she is. People who are that public usually have issues behind closed doors.
She has been on that show for years-why all of a sudden has she decided that she must be everywhere all of the time?
Yeah, she should skip the charity events.
There are pics of her almost everyday-grocery shopping, walking in and out of restaurants. She’s clearly got the papps on speed dial.
Did you see his version? Looks upside down to me and right beside KALEY in a large flowing script!
Poor, poor judgment. Haha
That’s basically the kiss of death for a marriage/relationship.
Considering the rushed nature of the relationship and marriage, this seems like a bad idea, but who knows.
I feel like she is always “on”, like she’s living in a sitcom. Always posing, goofy clothes, silly faces, everything’s big and loud.
My husband and I got our dates on our wrists. Granted we’ve known each other since childhood and dated almost three years before tying the knot. We just liked the tribute to one another.
My sister jokes we could always put our divorce date on the other wrist if worst come to worst.
Goodness gracious, people! She just got married and she’s happy. I gush all over my husband in public constantly still and we’ve been married for almost 10 years. She can tattoo his name or their wedding date on her forehead for all I care. Good for them!
Totally agree. People seem really put off by somebody being happy for some reason. She’s great on BB, seems nice enough, I can’t imagine why it’s so hard to just let people be happy.
This girl has looks and money and all that good stuff yet somehow she always manages to reek of desperation.
i think these pictures are sweet and look like they’re definitely in the honey moon period. so cute! how can you be mean to a woman for being happy and in love? i think there’s some cynics on here. yeah, it might not last forever but your marriage might not either. let them enjoy their moment, ffs!
Honestly, when she makes her relationship so public by being photographed all the time with her husband and going on Letterman talking about her marriage she opens herself up to public opinion. It’s good you want to be happy for her but you shouldn’t criticize people’s opinions of her just because their opinion doesn’t align with yours.
Exactly – if she’s happy that’s wonderful, but the need for attention is a turn off.
My husband just got his wedding band tattooed on his ring finger and I was so against it but he explained to me that unless I wanted to shell out another grand for a wedding band instead of 45 bucks then go ahead. He has huge fingers and we always have to custom order them. He is recently medically retired and the army wore out all his other bands. I kept waiting for me to want to divorce him when he got the tattoo lol. It was pretty funny. To each their own I guess. I just want shiny diamonds. No tattoo lol.
If I her quite confusing. In that, she’s on one of the highest rated television shows yet she acts with the desperation of a Z list celebrity.
*I find her
Well, that’s one way to make sure he remembers your wedding anniversary… Although December 31st would be rather hard to forget.
As for the PDA – I would assume they’re just still in that goofy period. I’ve seen it before, makes other people feel like the only sober person in a room full of people slurping down alcohol. Some people in the throes of new love get goofy only in private, but others just can’t help themselves. Blame Mother Nature manipulating people’s brain chemistry to perpetuate the species. It’s harmless. Let them enjoy it while they can.
Bad idea…. lol
For some reason I like Penny but Kaley grates on me. She’s a very look at me type, didn’t seem that way back in the early days. But she’s still in the lala honeymoon stage so she is allowed to be giddy. But she does always seem more into him, than he is into her, just get the feeling it won’t end well..and now they both have tattoo as reminders so soon *shakes head*. And his is huge, yikes. Someone once told me the only name that should ever be tattooed on a body is..Mom lol. Oh and she needs to stop messing with her face, she’s very ducky looking now.
I don’t “get” tattoos.