Miley Cyrus spits water all over her concertgoers: gross or rock ‘n’ roll?

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus is still on her crazy Bangerz tour, and I’m feeling very zen about it. After all of Miley’s antics, she’s finally worn me down for the moment. She’s doing what she wants to do with her career, and she’s not hurting anyone but herself. There are the children to consider, but parents have themselves to blame if they take their kids to see the former Hannah Montana in concert.

Miley’s been stirring up her own brand of controversy as always. Let’s do some quick bullet points to catch up:

* There are rumors circulating about her upsetting Isaac Hanson by smoking weed in the Hanson Brothers’ 3CG studio in Tulsa. I don’t know if that story is true, but it’s super rude to smoke anything in a place where it’s not welcome. Let alone weed, which is still very illegal in Oklahoma. Those poor Hansons must have fumigated the place after Miley departed.

* Radar Online has a new story about how dreadfully lonely Miley is. That’s a rather obnoxious tale. I think it’s equally as obnoxious as smoking dope in the Hansons’ studio. What else? A $5,000 cake to celebrate the Bangerz tour.

* Miley has outdone herself with some new video footage taken at her Tampa concert. In the vid, she’s stalking around her stage while asking, “You guys having a bad ass time? What about you guys?” Then she takes a huge drink of water and spews it all over the crowd. She does that three times. Here’s a clip of Miley doing her best Johnny Rotten because she’s so punk rock:

Eh. She’s not so much a Sex Pistol as a Justin Bieber clone with this move. Remember how Swaggy launched spit bombs on his fans from a balcony? Same effect. What’s odd is that Miley’s fans loved it when she spit on them. They cheered! The girl who uploaded this footage commented on YouTube about how Miley was only pretending to spit, and people egged her on: “cmon if u were a huge fan of anyone and they did that u would be freaking out to i honestly wish she did that to my side i was really jealous.“

TMZ has a better angle on the spitting incident. This is so gross.

Miley Cyrus

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

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47 Responses to “Miley Cyrus spits water all over her concertgoers: gross or rock ‘n’ roll?”

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  1. Hiddles forever says:

    I don’t think Miley Cyrus knows the meaning of the word rock ‘n roll.
    She is just gross, all the time. And she is trying too hard.

  2. Tracy says:

    Eh, I find her gross but whatever. She and Biebs have become equally tiresome.

  3. Merritt says:

    Spitting at people is disgusting. It just shows her true nature.

  4. blue marie says:

    Ha, Rock ‘n’ Roll? Please, she is furthest thing from it.

  5. Amelia says:

    Unbelievably gross. Especially coming from the place where *that* tongue lives. I think her victims are going to need a course of antibiotics.

  6. Brown says:

    Holy yeast infection.

  7. FLORC says:

    Punk and Rockn’roll are 2 things this girl just isn’t getting. She does this for shock and attention. That’s all. She’s trendy and a copy cat.

  8. qwerty says:

    Miley spits on fans, Gaga pukes on another um, artist on stage… inevitable next step – puking on fans. You heard it here first, folks.

    • lower-case deb says:

      at least Gaga gets puked on instead of puking on anybody least of all the audience. and the person who puked on her would’ve signed a contract/release or whatever

      unless of course people sign an agreement at the door saying that whatever mouth bacteria that lands on them is fair game.
      unless that they were told before going in that they’re going to get spit on? plus with all the kids open mouthed yelling some water could get swallowed, non?

      even people going into 4Dx IMAX shows are given disclaimers that: yes you’re probably going to get sprayed, and yes our water are all clean and sanitized.

      dude, we even say how gross it is to swallow your clay toothpaste. your own mouth bacteria! in your own stomach! but this one?

      but i guess that there are those in the audience who would like to put Miley’s body waste in a mason jar and consume it like it’s some holy cow’s pee.

  9. dorothy says:

    What’s next? Throwing feces?

    • Paige says:


    • janie says:

      @Dorothy… Oh yuck! Don’t give this dingbat any ideas! Toddlers know not to spit, who raised her? She’s disgusting!

    • Zigggy says:

      Ugh, I remember when the singer from Blind Melon peed on concertgoers. Not cool. I was at a Rob Zombie concert where his guitarist spit mouthfuls of fake blood on the audience- glad I didn’t get any on my clothes…

  10. Paige says:

    Honestly if she was attractive I wouldn’t mind most of what she does, but she is so very unfortunate looking …I find her repulsive and she wouldn’t know rock n roll or punk if it bit her on her flat hillbilly ass.

    • MissMoody says:

      Oh boy! Wish you hadn’t said that. It’s because of people like you that I am actually forced to like Miley a little bit. Why should someone who is considered attractive be given a pass for pulling the stunts that Miley is but because she’s not the prettiest one of the bunch, she should keep her clothes on? I think Miley needs to put her clothes back on but if people like you believe it’s OK so long as you are attractive, then take them off Miley! More power to you!

      • wheezy says:

        Yay @ missmoody!
        miley IS DISGUSTING whether she’s considered “cute” or not…part of the reason some girls/women are so messed up is because of that type of thinking, being pretty by society standards does not excuse ugly antics.

      • Paige says:

        Just being honest guys!
        If it was angelina jolie spitting water on me I might be ok with it…point being this girl is such a repulsive creature that I have trouble separating her actual antics with her appearance …

  11. ughinsomnia says:

    Everything she does is gross, so…

  12. Elise says:

    YAWN. I think we’ve already established that she’s gross. I wonder how long she’s going to keep up with this shtick? You can only be “shocking” for so long before you disappear into obscurity.

  13. JudyK says:

    Vile, tiresome, gross, needy, no respect for fellow performers–and spitting on audience members should be against the law–it violates both personal space and health standards. I’d sue her for spitting on me.

    • nicegirl says:

      In California, spitting on another person is considered ASSAULT. Not that she would get into trouble there, due to her Celebrity Status. But for regular folks, it is against the law, can be charged with assault if you spit onto a person.

  14. Stacy says:

    Please don’t call her rock, any type of rock. Please don’t

  15. MonicaQ says:

    Meh, I’ve been to Gwar shows. Far worse ends up on you LOL

  16. dahlianoir says:

    Triple H does it better.

  17. I just don’t get the hate for this young woman. She has a kick-ass voice, talent up the wahzoo, she is going to have an amazing career and hopefully sing until a ripe old age. I remember being her age, but no one else seems to 😉 Should she hide from the billion cameras pointed her way? or should she try to just live life on her terms? She reminds me of Dolly Parton, Johnny Cash, Loretta Lynn, her voice is the real thing 🙂 I can’t wait to see her mature as an artist.

    • hateonit. says:

      I seriously hope you’re kidding. she can’t sing. her voice is terrible. everything about her is terrible and she’s nothing like any of those people you named. they have actual talent. she does not. not to mention her other terrible qualities….she’s just…ew.

    • Brittaki says:

      I have to decidedly disagree, Northern Lala. Her voice is mediocre at best. She WISHES she could roll with the likes of the artists you mentioned.

  18. sputnik says:

    spitting water on people is gross to me but it’s not that weird at a gig. saw lars ulrich spend literally 10 mins dribbling and spitting water on a crowd as part of metallica’s post-gig lap of glory.

  19. mkyarwood says:

    You guys have obviously never been to a Gwar show. 😉

  20. People irk me... says:

    I would have her arrested for assault. That is the most disgusting thing in the world. Ugh that is just so vile and disgusting.

  21. Lucy says:

    Eh, she’s not the first person who does it, she certainly won’t be the last. Also, she totally stole Xtina’s Dirrty outfit!!!

  22. Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

    And once upon a time, Billy Ray in full mullet, sang a song called achy breaky heart…

  23. Jessica says:

    Ew. Why would you want anyone to spit on you? That girl and those other people that liked it are morons.

  24. GIrlyGirl says:


    on the list of Rock n’ Roll things Miley is lower than Josh Groban and slightly higher than Monastic chanting

  25. Lindsay says:

    Please tell me I did NOT see someone actually mention Miley in the same sentence with Johnny Cash and Loretta Lynn. No way, no how. She doesn’t have a quarter of their talent. All this girl is after is the shock value now. It has nothing to do with the quality of the music anymore.

  26. Jane says:

    What a totally repulsive entity. I refuse to call her a human being because she simply refuses to act like one. She is a disgrace.

    • JudyK says:

      Best comment ever. I’ve been looking for words to describe how revolting she is but couldn’t find them. You did.

  27. Aisha says:

    I’m not a violent person but I want to smack this girl.

  28. impychan says:

    oh poor Hannah she is so bloody bland and overdone and has been since she started this “im totally gonna sex it up cus its DOPE” i swear i thought the term dope was from the 90s -.- this girl needs to take a long look in the mirror and think about her future.

  29. Lauraq says:

    I actually don’t have a problem with Miley but that top outfit is definitely ripped off of Christina Aguilera’s Dirrty outfits.

  30. Lauraq says:

    I also have to point out that as an Ozzy Osbourne fan, he likes to spray us with foam and/or a hose, but he has never spit on us.