Lady Gaga, ‘control freak,’ works with photographers to airbrush her body & face


These are some photos of Lady Gaga outside of the Roseland Ballroom a few nights ago. These are paparazzi photos from two different agencies, and I would imagine Gaga had dozens of photographers taking her photo as she posed outside of Roseland. My point? Gaga can handle being photographed by many people all at once. As long as she controls the pap-walk. Once she got inside the Roseland Ballroom for her show, only one photographer was allowed to take the “official” photos, and Gaga worked with him to only release the photos that had been retouched and approved of:

Don’t believe everything you see. Lady Gaga may have been “Born This Way,” but she prefers to be photographed in an enhanced way. Photographers covering an event last week had to agree to give Lady Gaga final approval before any of their images could be released.

They were told to “Smooth out her jaw line and thin her arm,” and “Smooth out and thin her legs,” according to one insider.

“They are all complaining she’s a control freak,” the event organizer told me.

Kevin Mazur, the Wireimage/Getty photographer who had the exclusive rights to shoot her shows at Roseland, which wrapped up Monday, admits he retouched his images and that Gaga’s management team had final approval.

“It’s like with any other artist I work with, and it’s very minimal because we want to get the photos out there right away,” Mazur told me.

He confessed he would remove, say, a drop of sweat, an errant lock of hair or a shiny patch on Gaga’s forehead.

Mazur raves of the singer: “She caters to the paparazzi like no other artist I’ve ever seen. Lady Gaga goes above and beyond putting on new outfits to make sure the paps have something every day.”

But other photographers, with less access, aren’t quite so happy.

Shutterbugs who were barred from the after-party for Lady Gaga last Friday at BPM on West 42nd Street were incensed that Vanity Fair contributor George Wayne got snapshots any of them would’ve killed for: The pop star tongue-kissing boyfriend Taylor Kinney and pushing her fishnet-clad buttocks in his face.

“Gaga and Taylor’s relationship is clearly not staged — their chemistry is palpable,” Wayne told me. “They could barely keep their hands off each other all night.”

And Gaga worries too much. She has no signs of cellulite.

[From Page Six]

Well… on one side, it’s not like Gaga invited a number of photographers inside and asked all of them to retouch the photos. It’s more like this Getty/Wireimage guy was her in-house photographer, although in my opinion, some boundaries were crossed between “a photo agency employee” and “being employed by Lady Gaga.”

Also: You can be as “controlling” and “image-conscious” as everyone else, but there’s always going to be some photographer who won’t play ball. At the end of the day, Kevin Mazur agreed to this situation because Gaga gave him access in exchange for editorial control. But in the real world, photographers know that a bad photo of Gaga will sell more than a good photo.

Last thing: it’s not even like anyone gives a crap anymore. I mean, three years ago we would have cared if Gaga looked shiny or if her underwear was hanging out. But no one cares anymore.



Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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36 Responses to “Lady Gaga, ‘control freak,’ works with photographers to airbrush her body & face”

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  1. don't kill me i'm french says:

    Who remember wheb she said “accept yourself like you’re”?

    • Kiddo says:

      I think she meant to say “Accept that you’re one of my fans”.

    • Waanc says:

      I am saying, why not? Kim kardashian does it in her photos.. especially the Splashnews ones…

      • blue marie says:

        But (and I can’t believe I’m about to defend Kim) Kim doesn’t push the “born this way” agenda. I mean, what does that say to kids that Gaga tells people to love the way they are, the way they were born but she doesn’t love herself? It’s mixed messages kids don’t need.

      • qwerty says:

        She was born this way, and by this way I mean a hypocitical idiot.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        Anybody else mad that she gets to bang Taylor Kinney?
        I’m so hot for that dude.

      • Lindy79 says:

        OK, I agree totally.
        I truly don’t get them. He from what I can tell, seems to keep a relatively low profile, seems pretty normal, doesn’t fame-ho, and he’s not exactly getting anything publicly from it (what I mean is he’s not just Gaga’s BF and using it for fame/attention) yet he seems happy enough.

        I just don’t know how anyone can tolerate her who isn’t on her payroll. Her constant need for attention, validation and relevancy would exhaust anyone.

      • MonicaQ says:

        Agree, Blue. Seriously, if you look at her face from around Poker Face and then her face now, it’s like I’m looking at two different people.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        Exactly, Lindy! It doesn’t make sense. No idea what he sees in her and as you said, if it was for publicity or bearding-which is the other idea that people have floated around-then wouldn’t they be seen together all the time?

        He’s just too hot for her and she seems too high-maintenance for such a seemingly chill guy like Kinney. I dunno…they’re such a weird couple.

  2. Kiddo says:

    So much desperation, so little time. Kevin Mazur should NEVER ever call himself a photojournalist. He has no credibility. No one needed photos of Gaga, there are a million. If no one agreed on the retouching, she would have died from loss of attention, like a plant from lack of sunlight. Tsk tsk.

  3. Tapioca says:

    Why bother? The unflattering photos will always get out and now they’ll be highlighted because there’s a story – it’s like “Hulk Smash” Beyonce at the Superbowl all over again!

    Unless, of course, it’s all a desperate play for more attention, hmm…

  4. Miss Jupitero says:

    Nobody cares anymore.

  5. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    It’s kind of sad that she’s going to so much trouble to be irrelevant.

  6. Loopy says:

    I don’t think since the Spice Girls has anyone had such an epic rise to the top to fall off so quickly. You would think she would be more humble,maybe she is in denial tsk!

    • Kimberly says:

      True. She came out of nowhere and quickly rose to the top and just as quickly, fell off. Tori Amos was right when she called her a meteor.

  7. Tx says:

    I wouldn’t even bat an eye at this if she don’t spend all of her time preaching self acceptance. She’s such a sham.

  8. snowflake says:

    so she’s just like kim k! whoda thunk it? lol

  9. Patricia says:

    I’m so disinterested in her and her outfits and her “art”. What would be really fascinating, at this point, would be if she showered, let her natural hair air-dry, put on minimal makeup, and wore a simple sundress and flip flops. For real, that would actually interest me!

  10. Wren says:

    “The pop star tongue-kissing boyfriend Taylor Kinney and pushing her fishnet-clad buttocks in his face.”

    Ew, I don’t want to see pictures of that. I’m glad they’re happy together and all, but she always looks as if she smells like the Halloween costume aisles of a discount party supply store.

  11. PunkyMomma says:

    What a hot mess. It seems as if Gaga is throwing everything out there to see what sticks. She’s totally without direction. Sad, because her music has worth.

  12. LaurieH says:

    Considering her last album flopped and the “hit song” became a car commercial right out the gate – it is pretty safe to say Lady Gaga’s painfully long 15 minutes of fame are (hopefully) over. Too bad she hasn’t realized it yet.

    • TheOneandOnlyOnly says:

      Spot on LaurieH – when your label is already licensing your so-called hit song right out the gate, you know your going downhill – In contrast how many of the great bands – rock,soul,motown – from the 60s-80s licensed their songs that quickly upon release. And we know why – way better music. Monicaq raised a good point – she has nothing to sing about – so much for the expansive “artistic” vision.

  13. DrFunkenstein says:

    No big surprise here. Talented, yes. Beautiful? Not so much.

  14. MonicaQ says:

    Her last album was something awful. I tried listening to it and literally right after a song she proclaims to “love the music//not the bling” is a song called “Jewels and Drugs”. She has nothing to sing about other than being famous and that ish gets old quickly. It’s like she’s sooooooo self aware that she no longer isn’t.

  15. B says:

    I wish I could pay attention and comment on her, but Taylor Kinney is so hot, that rarely happens for me…Distracted…shiny objects…

  16. KK says:

    I don’t know what possessed me to but I ended up watching most of the livestream of that show. It was baaaaaaaad. An hour of her huffing around the stage and screaming into the mic. I can’t imagine paying money for one of her shows. Do people still do that?

  17. lambert says:

    That is one crazy pic! She looks like the spawn of a clown and Phil Spector.

  18. Bread and Circuses says:

    In other words: Not born this way.

  19. Ally says:

    Can’t they photoshop her sunglasses to look straight?