Jamie Dornan: ‘I’d like to do a job where I don’t have to tie women to beds’


I don’t really know what to think of Jamie Dornan these days. In some ways, he got the golden ticket, the role of Christian Grey in Fifty Shades of Grey, and it was a part he wanted and now he has to deal with the consequences of it. But Jamie sometimes seems all over the place. I saw his Graham Norton interview, and he seemed utterly charming and humble. But in print interviews, he sometimes sounds grumpy, like he hates any level of fame or celebrity that he’s achieved. Jamie has a newish interview in The Guardian, which you can read here. Some highlights:

Playing men who tie up women in The Fall & Fifty Shades: “There are a couple of classic knots I know now, and I’ve put them to good use far too many times recently. In fact I’d like to do a job where I don’t have to tie women to beds.”

His natural, fidgety intensity: “A doctor once told me I have abnormal levels of adrenaline in my system…I’m tired. I’m tired,” he says, reflecting on a “mad year, professionally, personally”. At times his tiredness verges on delirium. At one point he rails against the practice of restaurants putting lemon slices in Coca-Cola, unsolicited (“You can’t deny it changes the flavour”). Then he catches himself and starts fretting that he sounds like a la-di-da Hollywood star.

His struggles to find work: “I never felt I was trying to prove anything apart from to myself. But I come at it from a funny angle. Although it looks like I’ve only been acting a few years, we’re talking hundreds and hundreds of failed auditions. I look back on it now and I don’t know how anyone gets through the rejection.”

Modeling and being “the golden torso”: “I was lucky. If I hadn’t been getting paid to model I definitely would have stopped. I would fly off, do a shoot here and there, get paid well, then go back to preparing – and failing – for auditions and meetings. I think I’ve done two shoots in my underwear ever. They both happened to be for Calvin Klein. But that tag – underwear model – I just can’t get rid of it. And it’s such a bizarre, specific thing – underwear. It’s like I never modelled clothes.” It didn’t help that someone – he thinks it might have been a fashion editor at American GQ – gave him a nickname, and it’s stuck. He says he is “haunted” by the moniker “the golden torso.”

On Fifty Shades: “The whole thing’s ridiculous.” Then he falls silent. “It’s just all a bit silly the way it works. I think I could lose my mind.” By contrast, coming back from Fifty, as he calls it, straight on to The Fall and Belfast, “felt like coming home, in the loveliest way”.

His future: “Right now I don’t need to work if there’s nothing that I want to do. I’ve done three jobs back to back. Let’s see how they are received. If there’s nothing I want to do, I’ll just play golf and change nappies.”

[From The Guardian]

Part of me thinks that Jamie’s recent interviews are “portraits of a newly minted celebrity coming to terms with his new widespread name-recognition.” So maybe we should give him some time to make his peace with it – if he’s still grumbling next year, then I’ll take a bigger issue with it. It also feels like he would prefer to discuss The Fall rather than Fifty Shades, although that will probably change when the Fifty Shades promotion comes up. We’ll see. But it does feel like “oh, boohoo, I’m called ‘the Golden Torso,’ and I’m tired of tying women up and getting paid!”


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.

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65 Responses to “Jamie Dornan: ‘I’d like to do a job where I don’t have to tie women to beds’”

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  1. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Don’t cry, Jamie. I’ve never heard of you, don’t find you attractive and couldn’t care less about you or your Golden Underwear or whatever, and I think anyone associated with 50 shades should turn 50 shades of red from embarrassment. So maybe your fame isn’t quite the phenom you believe. And you can always say, “I’ll have a coke, please, no lemon.”

    • Tulip Garden says:

      Yes to everything you said!

    • lucy2 says:


      I don’t blame him for being unable to muster up enthusiasm for that movie, but maybe he should think how lucky he is to be able to transition from model to actor. Many try, many fail at that.

      • Mom2two says:

        Exactly. It’s not like he did not know what he was getting into with 50 Shades. Don’t act like you are not thirsty for stardom when you are. And he is lucky to transition from model to steady working actor, the only male models that I can think of that have also done that are Travis Fimmel and Josh Holloway.

      • Liv says:

        Gosh, why did he take the role when he’s that embarrassed – let me guess – he wants to get famous and earn much money. What an idiot.

    • MrsBPitt says:


    • Rose says:

      I completely agree. He’s bland to me. I can’t remember his name unless 50 Shades… Is with it.

    • minime says:

      I thought like that till I decided to watch The Fall without actually knowing he was staring in there. The show is amazing and he is an amazing actor. I’m so much looking forward for the 2nd season! I don’t have any special feeling towards/against Fifty shades of gray. I never read it and I don’t intend to watch the movie, it’s not appealing to me. I understand he would do it for the money and projection anyway. I’m curious about his next choices and I guess that will tell us a bit more about him…but he is an excellent actor.

      • Carolyn says:

        Yes. The Fall is very very good…it’s a show that creeps up on you (like House of Cards)..it’s not in your face..it’s a show that you think about after each episode. Dorman & Gillian Anderson (forever Scully) are cast very well.

        Dornan must be struggling with being associated with a quality series v the embarrassment that everyone knows Grey will be. At least he’s working.

    • bettyrose says:

      Yup. That film is career suicide for actors we hadnt heard of anyway.

    • Serene says:

      Good Names! Fantastic first comment!! Plus a million billion internet points for you today….. 🙂

  2. Dani2 says:

    I’ve really been warming up to him lately. Still not going to see this POS movie though and it sucks that this is what the majority of people will know him for.

    • LB says:

      I really didn’t want to like him. But then I saw him in the Fall and on Graham Norton’s show (his story about his walking was hilarious). Now I can’t help it. I hope he continues to get interesting roles.

      • GirlyGirl says:

        Oh yeah. he was creepy-hot in the Fall

        Too bad, I was planning to hire him for a small indie film

        No cameras, no crew and shot in my house.

        oh well

      • Dani2 says:

        @LB Yes! I watched that and I liked him a lot more, whereas before I didn’t care about him either way.

        @Girlygirl LOL you perv…you can come sit with me 😉

      • Meredith says:

        agreed! I watched the Fall after randomly giving it a shot on netflix and its a great show. Its only 5 episodes so if you are ever looking for something new, definitely check it out. That and his Graham Norton interview will make you fall in love with Jamie (50 shades aside)

  3. blue marie says:

    I know his name, and while I think he’s a cutie, he could walk right by me and I wouldn’t know who he is. Oh, and you didn’t have to take the job dude.

  4. pru says:

    Obviously he took the 50 Shades role for the money and publicity and now regrets it. It should be interesting seeing him do press for this movies, because he doesn’t seem like he will be trying to sell it.

    • Dani2 says:

      How does a person talk about this movie in interviews though? a) you make fun of it and people will call you ungrateful b) you try to talk about it as though it’s a serious film which, let’s face it, it just isn’t. I knew that the actor who played this movie would become wealthy/well known because of it but I just feel like it’s not even worth those two things.

      • Tswise says:

        I agree, he’s between a rock and a hard place. I think he actually sounds fine in this interview, normal and well-adjusted.

        I only know him from that photoshoot he did with Rosie HW, though.

      • holly says:

        I couldn’t agree more. This film is such a joke. I’d love to watch David Letterman interview Jamie or Dakota about FSOG with a straight face.

      • Isadora says:

        Yeah, it’s difficult since the material is such crap. It’s Twilight all over again only worse. Personally, I would probably emphazise the fan base in every interview, like “the books have a wide fanbase and I think the film will do their expectations justice” or “I think [the director] brought the books to life on the screen in a way the fans will like” or something like this. It’s kind of telling the truth without causing a promo problem by .. talking around the little fact that the fanbase craves crap and gets crap.

        As for the inevitable sex scenes questions they will get, by now that “it was all very relaxed and professional on set” is within every actor’s standard answer kit. It’s like a variation of the “all the cast members felt like a big family, we got along wonderfully” thing.

  5. Illyra says:

    I just recently watched season 1 of The Fall. Loved every second of it.

  6. holly says:

    I’ve been following this since he was first announced (never heard of him before). All I can say is he’s like the boy who cried wolf. He says over and over that he hates the paps yet he continues to take wife and kiddo on strolls where he knows the paps will be and then looks angry when they take pics. What did he expect? And don’t even get me started on making his 9 month pregnant wife trek all the way to Canada to have the baby. Don’t these people ever consider the downstream effects of their decisions?

    • directorcuts says:

      You’re right. A classic case of a guy believing his own very expensive PR push, including I’d bet some of those “candid” pap family moments he makes like he’s upset about, then biting the hand that is feeding him. I’ve seen a few folks notice that since some sites have voluntarily stopped covering kid related snaps, there’s more of just him and his wife sitting outside cafes. Maybe I’m way too cynical but more outlets will publish those. Either way, a lot of the fsog fans weren’t happy with his casting in the first place so I doubt they’ll be thrilled he’s kinda throwing shade before it’s even released.

      • holly says:

        not to mention that he always looks so angry when he’s out with his wife (with or without the kid). I hate to be so cynical but if I were her I’d take the kid and run as fast as I could! If he thinks this is bad what’s he going to be like 10 months from now?

  7. merski says:

    He is so mind-numbingly dull….

  8. teatimescoming says:

    He is so, so, SO watchably horrid in The Fall with Gillian Anderson!

  9. MrsBPitt says:

    It sounds like he thinks 50 Shades is going to suck! I mean, I’m SURE it’s going to suck, but usually the actors involved at least try to pretend it doesn’t…He can’t even ACT like it may be good…this has 50 shades of shit, written all over it!

  10. Wilma says:

    Since seeing this man in Once upon a time, I have been kinda crushing on him. I find him a soulful actor. Not ever going to watch 50 shades of grey though and perhaps he himself should take a break and get some rest.

    • minime says:

      Ah the Sheriff!!!! Now I remember where my crush also started 🙂

    • boredsuburbanhousewife says:

      Sheriff Skinnyjeans, to be precise.

      Still think Hook and Carlyle are way hotter than he was on that show.

  11. lenje says:

    Wow, it looks like so far I’m the only one who finds this particular interview interesting.

  12. Heat says:

    “In fact I’d like to do a job where I don’t have to tie women to beds”
    …said no man, ever.

  13. Tig says:

    I find it interesting, too. I laughed at the headline- so true! He’s so creepy in The Fall, and I can’t wait for season 2.

    Re FSOG- really, I think most of its buzz has worn off, and by late fall when the promo starts, it’ll be “what??”. I don’t get the stance that if the actor doesn’t blindly love a project, he/she is a raging ingrate. I get what he’s saying here.

  14. danielle says:

    Lemon in coke sounds awful! People really do that?!

    • mimif says:

      Absolutely! I’m not a soda drinker but when I do have a coke I make sure to put rum & lots of lime in it. 😀

    • minime says:

      I think lemon in coke always tastes like Pepsi
      Still, I like it every now and then..way more than a Pepsi 😉

    • JLM says:

      In NY, when you order a Diet Coke, the default is to serve it with a lemon (not regular Coke, though). On the West Coast, I found that wasn’t the case, and I really hated having to ask for my lemon.

      Also, my Mom always asks for a lemon with her regular Coke, and I hate it, because then the server always messes up and either brings me my diet sans lemon, or brings us both regular Cokes. First world problems, I know!

  15. PunkyMomma says:

    I’m playing my little violin for you, Jamie.

  16. Abbott says:

    He is sounding like Alex Pettyfer. Hope he knocks it off while he still can.

  17. Mrs. Darcy says:

    I do think it must be weird, as an actor, to go from the playing a truly psychopathic, serial killer sadist in The Fall, to a soft porn, housewife friendly sadist in 50 Shades. He must just have to channel an ounce of his character in the Fall, and I read he finds it pretty hard going and grim, so maybe it brings him back to a negative headspace. I would kind of love if you see glimmers of it, because while I haven’t read the book, the whole premise of it sounds like b.s. to me and it would be more honest to have Christian Grey portrayed as a sick twat rather than a romantic hero. Maybe it makes 50 Shades seem like a big joke, but he signed on for it, so I don’t have much sympathy for him if it turns out to be a turkey as everyone suspects. The Fall is a big hit in Britain and the 2nd series eagerly anticipated, it will give him a bit more respect here than just being known for his probable hit franchise that all the ladies who read the books will go see but everyone else will mock.

  18. grabbyhands says:

    Ahhh, I see regret for the 50 Shades decision has set in. I wonder if it is that he’s already tired of the cameras following he and his family everywhere or if the nutjobs have started leaving underwear at his door like they did to Charlie Hunnam? The press tour for this trash should be just delicious.

    Truthfully, while he has to accept responsibility for accepting the role, I feel bad that more are going to know (and then dismiss) his name because of this garbage than they will for The Fall, which he was amazing in. But I would have to agree with Kaiser, if he is still grumbling about this when the movie opens, I’m going to have jut appreciate the pretty face and let it go. I hope he gets it sorted before then.

  19. lizzy says:

    Just watch The Fall and you’ll see he actually has talent. I wasn’t expecting it but he was so good. That programme is just so amazing.

    • Kris says:

      I completely agree, I am giving him a pass for doing 50 Shades because he was so amazing in The Fall! I think everyone who is complaining about him should watch the first episode, he really is very talented.

  20. KatNotNice says:

    LOL have a seat! You know EXACTLY what you were doing by signing up for 50 Shades of Crap. All your whining and self-indulged regret are invalid.

  21. Tig says:

    Totally off JD for a minute- I hope the director does press for the film. That to me was the most intriguing decision the producers made. Even as I write this, tho, I can see any interview focusing on her marriage to Aaron TJ- so never mind!

  22. ToodySezHey says:

    If you’ve seen The Fall then you understand his quip about women and rope. I can see any dude with a healthy attitude towards women would be weary of that sort if thing..

    Could care less about 50 but can’t wait for season 2 of the fall

  23. Allie says:

    I think he’s gorgeous. And I agree about the lemon in coke thing. Yuck.

  24. maybeiamcrazy says:

    I hate it when actors choose to be in a sh-tty movie then complain about it. Should i believe that he didn’t know what he was getting into? Hadn’t he read the books? He chose being in a movie that appeal to (no offense) teenage girls and late middle-aged women. These kind of movies never turns out well. Just take a look at Twilight.

    It is not even that he complains about the fame. It hasn’t even started yet. He knows everbody’s going to make fun of it so he complains so as to protect himself just like Robert Pattinson.

    I don’t know why i felt the need to rant about an actor and a movie i know next to nothing about but it is mind-boggling that men can get away with trashing their movies and women can’t.

  25. Kaylen says:

    He is fantastically attractive.

  26. Abby_J says:

    I had to look up who he was. The Sheriff from Once Upon a Time? I’ve been in mourning ever since he left that show. He was very much eye candy.

    That said, I have never read 50 Shades of Grey, and have no intention of seeing the movie. I read one and a half of the Twilight books, and that was enough to last forever. I can’t imagine all the hype over something that was basically Twilight fan fiction. Yikes.

    Now, had Ian Somerhalder gotten the role, I might have watched it on Netflix just because…. Ian Somerhalder. I might have even watched if Charlie Hunnam had gotten the role. I figure if he can make a murdering, greasy biker dude look super hot, he could have done justice to it.

    • Isadora says:

      Charlie is probably counting his blessings every day that he gets to do Crimson Peak with Guillermo Del Toro instead of 50 Shades of Grey. Close call…

      • Abby_J says:

        Oh I agree with that! If I were a male actor offered that role, I would run far away. The possibility of it helping my career would be outweighed by the hassle, and I don’t think it is worth it. Looking at most of the big franchises recently, have any of them really helped their stars to become HUGE?

  27. Pellegrin says:

    Never watched OUAT but saw something interesting in him in The Fall. Suffering through some of New Worlds lately, which was pretty much ALL awful including his acting, has cancelled out that interest. He only seems to manage one-note looking good as intense or psycho. Every other emotion is too acted and lacks (The Fall and New Worlds). Maybe this run of defensive moaning interviews means he knows he’s limited too. Not even going to comment on how bad FSoG looks likely to be but he must of known the kind of attention that would bring. With only The Fall working in his favour so far, he might look back and realise modelling was where he shone most convincingly and be less quick to seem ungrateful. Although, I’ve definitely seen him barely dressed/nude more than 2 shoots worth. Not complaining… but.

    • holly says:

      yeah, I have to wonder how his daughter’s going to feel when she gets taunted by her classmates who’ve seen her dad’s uhm-member uhm aroused on the internet? All it takes is one search.

  28. pam says:

    This whole series is offensive and terrible; however, The Sporkings Of Das Mervin and Company are the highlights of this shitty porn book. I also recently discovered Fifty Shades of Bullshit Tumblr page and that’s quite funny, too. It saddens me how delusional James and her fandom are regarding this drivel as a love story.

  29. Lucy says:

    He sounds like he hates it already.

  30. Liz says:

    In the interviews or photo shoots I’ve seen of him, he oozes sexiness and charisma. Not to mention extreme HOTness!!!!

  31. Emily C. says:

    Shouldn’t have taken the terrible job in the terrible movie then, dude.

    Also, I do not see his attractiveness at all. He just looks like some cookie-cutter guy, totally dull.

  32. Sybelion says:

    I’d like a job where Jamie Dornan ties me to a bed