Star: Jennifer Garner sends nannies on vacation when she’s away, to keep Ben busy

Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck take a trip to the Farmer's Market with their children
I put the word “Star” in the title, so you know from the start that this is probably creative fiction. Still, it’s funny and has a ring of truth to it, so we may as well talk about it. Star claims that when Jennifer Garner has to be away for work she gives the nannies a vacation. That way, Affleck will be forced to stay at home with the kids and won’t be out getting “into trouble.” It’s a genius strategy, but I doubt it’s true. Affleck has made it clear that he finds downtime with the kids hard and thinks that Garner is a “saint” who “does so much of the work” day to day. So it’s doubtful that his wife would put him in a situation where he has to care for three kids on his own for days at a time. But it would be amusing if it were true. Here’s Star’s story:

According to sources, [Garner] keeps close tabs on her handsome hubby when she’s out of town by putting him on 24/7 daddy duty for their three children: Violet, 8, Seraphina, 5, and Samuel, 2. “Jen gives the nannies a paid vacation when she travels, in order to keep Ben out of trouble…

“She doesn’t think Ben will cheat,” explains the pal. “She just fears that he could have a weak moment when she’s gone and will go out on the town and get into trouble.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition, May 5, 2014]

I think this story is based on photos of Ben out alone with the kids by himself. I would bet he has plenty of help at home still. Garner just doesn’t seem like the type to pull a move like this. She strikes me as someone who doesn’t rock the boat at home.

There’s another story about these two in the tabloids, a bizarre positive piece in the National Enquirer comparing Ben and Jen to Lucy and Desi. The Enquirer claims that ever since Ben has quit smoking he’s a “bundle of energy” and has been bungling home improvement projects in an attempt to keep busy. Ben has allegedly “tried his hand at repairs, gardening and carpentry” at home on their palatial estate, without much success. He is said to have tried to build a bookshelf for his girls’ playroom, but “it wound up comically lopsided” and “they ended up hiring a carpenter to rebuild it from scratch.” They end with the line “Ben’s the love of [Jennifer’s] life, but he also drives her crazy – just like Lucy drove Desi crazy.” Lucy and Desi got divorced. Maybe that’s the subtext of that Enquirer article.

Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck with daughter Seraphina

2014 Vanity Fair Oscar Party

Actors Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck seen at Chateau Marmont in West Hollywood

photo credit:, Getty and Pacific Coast News

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87 Responses to “Star: Jennifer Garner sends nannies on vacation when she’s away, to keep Ben busy”

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  1. Man, they make the cutest little kids.

    Of course little Samuel is sporting a Red Sox cap 🙂

    • Rhiley says:

      I know. I think their children are absolutely adorable.

    • blue marie says:

      those kids are cute!

    • Jenna says:

      It’s those cheeks on their little boy that kills me. So dratted cute and yeah, no matter what struggles they may have in their marriage, they make some seriously gorgeous kids!

      • Heather says:

        The children are all so unbelievably cute, especially little Samuel!!!!

      • I Choose Me says:

        Yes! I saw that pic and I was like look at the babeh! I wanna hug and squeeze him. Ahem.

        My co-worker brought in his three month old yesterday and let me give her a snuggle. I made her laugh and went around for the rest of the afternoon feeling ridiculously pleased with myself. I can’t resist a pinchable cheek.

    • Jen34 says:

      My first thought was that they have beautiful children.

    • boopti says:

      How weird that Ben has a son that looks EXACTLY like Matt Damon . They really are best friends. Lolol

      • melain says:

        ^omg. His son does look like Matt Damon!

      • Serena says:

        Little samuel look exactly like violet when.she was at that age, and now she looks so much like her mom. Sorry to shatter your matt demon fantasies lol.

  2. Luca26 says:

    I don’t really have much to say on the story but that little boy is adorable. When did he get so big?

    • BangersandMash says:

      That kid… I mean…. That cute little kid, reminds me of someone! (side eyeing Matt Damon)Yeh-p, sure does look pretty darn familiar, I just can’t put my finger on it… (Matt Damon choking on his coffee, Jennifer Garner interrupting with a joyful, “Would anyone like some delicious cookies? You know I just made them blah blah blah blah blah, blah, isn’t that funny, hahahaha!!”) Yeh-p!! Darn familiar, I tell ya!!

      If this is true, and if above scenario were true…. Jennifer Garner would be the most genius, most BOSS woman in the history of womankind!! I mean, I imagine Angelina pulling stunts like this, without remorse… *sigh*!!! But now that I know “Imagination Jen Gar” has got some fire in her belly, I for one would take down some pointers!!!

  3. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Cute kids. You can never tell what connects two people, so I’m just guessing, but they seem off to me. Like he’s bored and she’s trying to hold it together. Not sure why.

    • People always say that about them.
      They’ve been married for nine years and have three children–they seem solid to me.
      I know I’m one of handful of people that feel this way but…..

      • Tulip Garden says:

        I’ll jump in that hand because I agree with you.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Well, excellent point. As I said, you never know what makes a relationship work.

      • Mia4S says:

        Enough stories from enough sources seem to indicate they are “solid” in as much as she has chosen to look the other way and not rock the boat. That’s her choice of course but you have to admit it’s also pretty sad.

      • SW says:

        I agree. I think they have a “real” marriage. I think that many Hollywood marriages fail because they fail to hold up to the fantasy that if its true love, it’s easy. Some people (not all) need to work to make their marriage work, and I think that these guys are an example of that.

      • QQ says:

        Idk Lainey (and other gossips) all but put his name to it that The Batman delays were due to him having a fall during a vacay but that prior to that he was back to being a drunk fuckhead and AFTER pills came into the mix and he was at the Oscars parties being gross, and also that He didnt get a Best actor nom for Argo as retaliation for Garner pissing off some people early on in her career, Important producer types and by the sounds of it declining a set up, with a certain short, chubby faced celebrity quasi galactic deity

      • mimif says:

        Celebrity quasi galactic deity…we can all go home now. 😂
        I had forgotten about the whole Argo debacle Lainey had hinted at.

      • Jaded says:

        I think being married to him must be like trying to nail Jell-O to a tree. As QQ said, there are plenty of blind items about his gambling, boozing, drugging and womanizing. He definitely has an addictive personality and at times reverts to his old carousing days. Garner has her work cut out for her but seems to be holding the marriage together.

      • megsie says:

        He’s whiney and immature but, hey, who’s perfect? They’re as solid as HW gets imo.

      • melain says:

        I’m guessing he probably is genuinely bored. From the interviews and reality shows I’ve seen, he is most entertained and happy when talking about himself. I. doubt he gets an opportunity to do that much with all these children. Kids typically want all the attention. And rightly so.

      • Kosmos says:

        They seem solid to me, too. I love Jen. She’s a cool woman and I think it’s because of her beauty that the kids are so totally cute. Ben’s got looks, too, but she’s got the dimples, beautiful smile and the lips!! I hope their marriage lasts because so many don’t, especially in Hollywood, but it can’t be easy…..

      • MellyG says:

        Me too – i’ll jump on that handful. I never quite get the Jen and Ben hate – i feel like they’re picked apart for no good reason. I’ve always liked them

    • Bridget says:

      He has actually said that he finds the down time with the family to be a little challenging, that he tends to itch for his next project. And that’s fine: he clearly loves his work, and if we were to be totally honest family life with small children can be kind of boring. I’m not implying at all that he doesn’t love his family and that they are on the rocks – by all accounts they’re solid and pretty happy, but people forget that Affleck has a lot of issues and as they say, Idle Hands Are The Devil’s Playthings. People forget about the Bennifer 1 era Affleck with the drinking and the gambling.

      • brionne says:

        I’ve always been puzzled by those that didn’t like Affleck with JLo. As if he was too good for her. He doesn’t seem to be any great catch to me. Clearly he is a gambling drunkard….definitely not too good for JLo.

      • Bridget says:

        I don’t think I ever heard someone say that Affleck was too good for J Lo – she was a superstar at that point (and probably at her peak popularity and success). The general consensus at the time was that together they were just TOO MUCH. Too flashy, too over exposed (remember him showing up to premier with flowers while she was still married to Judd?). Not to mention their movie was notoriously bad. They were such a bad combination, because neither had any clue when to stop. It was bad. Remember, there was a reason why Affleck was in career purgatory for so long, and it certainly wasn’t just because he was with J Lo.

      • bettyrose says:

        Huh? Affleck and JLo weren’t a real thing. I thought that was common knowledge. She upped his name recognition and in return he made her more relatable to the Abercrombie crowd in time for a string of nonsense date night movies.

    • mandie says:

      What’s wrong with a wife trying to hold a family together when they have three kids? Even the best husband looks at other women. My husband is around the public all day and will tell me about women in their yoga pants, etc… what can I do… he is a man with testosterone.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Nothing wrong with it if she’s happy.

      • bettyrose says:

        Why do people still act like only men have hormones? I notice hot guys and it says nothing about my relationship. I feel no need to use my boyfriend as an example of human nature when I’m just as human – despite lack of Y chromosome.

  4. mimif says:

    Wait, she works?

    • HappyMom says:

      She’s in that new Kevin Costner football movie and was out and about promoting it.

      • mimif says:

        Oh that’s right, I remember now the last time she was out promoting she looked great and had awesome hair.

  5. Colu says:

    It’s uncanny how much that baby looks like Matt Damon!

    • mimif says:

      Ha, so true!

      • Loopy says:

        That baby is so cute, i just want to grab his little cheeks. And that is so true he really does favour Matt. ‘Lucy you have some explaining to do.’ lol

    • Emma - the JP Lover says:

      @Colu, who wrote: “It’s uncanny how much that baby looks like Matt Damon!”

      LOL! The first thing that popped into my mind when I saw the picture of Ben carrying Samuel was “Man, that kid looks a lot like Matt Damon!” 🙂

    • K.K says:

      I thought the same thing. Matt’s eyes and Jen’s lips. I just read a trashy romance where a group of friends became swingers and swapped wives. So you never know.

  6. HappyMom says:

    Wasn’t there a recent Lainey blind that claimed he has relapsed? If that’s the case I seriously doubt she’s going to leave her kids with him for an extended period of time without other adults around to help out.

    • Liv says:

      There was a blind which was basically the Star story. I think he clearly has issues and cheated on her multiple times before.

  7. 2OutOfFive says:

    That’s a little Matt Damon

  8. Allie says:

    They have adorable kids. Cute family.

  9. Jayna says:

    She doesn’t leave him at home alone with the kids LOL The last time her mom came and helped him.

    • Sabrina says:

      That makes a lot of sense.

      Even though I don’t care for them as a couple I do hope they’re happy together and not just staying together for the kids and to keep their happy family image intact.

  10. Dame Snarkweek says:

    She’s smart not to leave Ben at home *with* the nanny, imo.

  11. Andrea says:

    I think this was a blind item and a reveal on Crazy Days and Nights.

    • Maggiemae says:

      Yup. It appears Star has run out of BS so now they are simply scanning CDAN reveals to fill space. Sad.

  12. Melody says:

    I still love the silvery fringe dress! I feel no shame in this. Well, maybe a little shame because I didn’t defend the SFD when it was first shown and criticized, but I still think it’s awesome.

  13. Neelyo says:

    She needs that marriage to work because she’s a celebrity mom now and divorce would taint her brand. I’ve always had an intense dislike for her and don’t believe she’s the sweetheart she pretends to be.

    • Zana says:

      Ditto! In my opinion, she is the most calculated celebrity. I hope some day her true colors show for people to see it.

  14. Jag says:

    Desi was a serial cheater, so I think the Sun article has it backwards. Unless they’re trying to tell us that Jennifer is the one who cheats. lol

    • Moka says:

      Well, it wouldn’t be too far-fetched; as she cheated on Scott Foley with Michael Vartan, and then Michael Vartan to be with Ben. Lol.

  15. Nighty says:

    Smart girl… maybe she should just hire Nanny McPhee or Mrs Doubtfire… it would be easier and less worrying in relation to Ben…

  16. Belle Epoch says:

    He’s like child #4 for her. She’s lucky her mom can come supervise when she’s away. Keeps the kids AND the nannies safe.

    He looks like a huge drag to me. Matt Damon on the other hand….

  17. me says:

    His son looks a lot like he could be related to Jessica Simpson. It’s those lips. Very cute.

  18. Nev says:

    Jennifer is gangsta. Love her.

  19. lisa2 says:

    Someone up thread said something about Ben having a fall and that being the reason the Batman movie start was pushed back. I wonder if some of that could be true. I saw a picture of him on another site getting out of his car. He was holding his lower back as if it was painful. Not sure but I wondered about his back at that time and how he was going to be able to do all the stunt work if he was hurt.

  20. Fan says:

    She is afraid he might become “Arnoldized”. I just made up that word.

  21. murphy says:

    I don’t care if its Star, Jenn definitley does this on purpose.

  22. Bailie says:

    I like Jennifer, because she seems pretty down to earth to me, considering that she is working and living in show business.

    When I see her off duty pics, she usually is not carrying her baby around
    in nose bleed high heels or wearing skin tight mini dresses or being covered with a few inches of paint and layers of fake eyelashes.

    Her clothes seem appropriate when one spends time with their kids, she seems less fake from what I see than most actors.

    I like that clearly her stylist is not on call when she wears off duty clothes, but is putting her looks together for work related stuff.

    I love her hair thick, healthy hair, doesn’t look fake over very overdone.

    I have very similar hair, thick and healthy, I don’t colour my hair and just wash it once a week and go, letting it air dry.

    I don’t know anything about anybody’s marriage, but my own, although
    I don’t get how he can possibly find time to have as many affairs, all the drinking and gambling that I read about on this site.

    He must have 48 hours available to him everyday.

    I wish them the best, their kids are absolutely gorgeous in my eyes, little Sam got his mama’s beautiful lips.

  23. Maritza says:

    Beautiful kids, especially Sam, he is so adorable!

  24. stella says:

    I was under the impression that they didn’t have “nannies” (plural). Jennifer is pretty hands-on and is always with the kids – pictures don’t lie. If they do have multiple nannies, they have an easy job!

    In terms of Jen’s work, she has said on several occasions that she is very selective about what roles she takes because of her kids (i.e. they come first) and won’t just work on any old movie. I think she needs to get a new agent, because most of her selections have been critical &/or box office failures.

    • deb says:

      Wasn’t Dallas Buyers Club considered a hit, not to mention “Oscar worthy”?

      • stella says:

        Umm, thanks to Matthew Mc. and Jared Leto, not Jennifer. Her role wasn’t critical and another actress could have pulled it off quite easily.

  25. Fan says:

    I don’t dislike the other women. Sometimes, they are the better persons than the wives.

  26. Leslilly says:

    Baby Sam is a mini-Matt Damon!

  27. Tig says:

    Jennifer seems pretty harmless to me- she’s not out their shilling B##sh$t theories about vaccines, deodorant, exposing your privates to sunlight-must I go on? I find her attitude towards her kids pretty normal. I hope their marriage sticks.

  28. Jo says:

    There are numerous recent pap pics of ben smoking in his car there’s even one from the oscars with garner and he has a cigarette in his mouth the enquirer article is made up crap.

  29. Boxy Lady says:

    My mom used to do something similar when I was growing up. If she had to work on a Saturday, she would leave me a list of chores to do while she was gone in order to keep me out of trouble. The big difference, of course, is that I was a teenage girl and Ben is a grown man so it’s kind of sad (and kind of funny, too).

  30. Dirty Martini says:

    I like these 2. I like them together, their kids are freaking adorable, and I don’t get the shade. In a town that holds Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller, it’s just damn hard for me to snark on the Afflecks.

  31. kiyoshigirl says:

    I root for these two as a couple, but…maybe there are other reasons she lets the nannies go when she’s out of town.

  32. Jane says:

    This entire Star piece and the National Enquirer piece are complete BS. First, Jen would never trust Ben to take care of the kids by himself, she has said herself that when it comes to actually functioning, Ben is of no use, he is not and never will be “dad of the year”, Jen knows this that is why when she is out of town shooting a movie she pulls the kids from school and relocates them to wherever she is, while Ben stays in LA doing God knows what. Well, actually we know what he’s doing and it ain’t good. Second, Ben is still smoking, he’ll never quit smoking, drinking or cheating. Both have been going to therapy, hard core therapy in a last ditch effort to save their marriage, psychotherapy, Jen has mental issues apparently, exacerbated by Ben’s many addictions.

    • ScotiaGirl says:

      Jane, how do you know they are going to hard core therapy? just wondering if this is a fact? Not discrediting you, just wondering.

  33. fanty says:

    Are we sure that Samuel isn’t Matt Damon’s son? He’s the spitting image

  34. Jess says:

    I hope the nanny stuff isn’t true, seems kinda petty. They seem like a cute couple and are always out with their kids, normal family stuff!

  35. LAK says:

    The few public glimpses they allow into their marriage don’t paint a blissful picture. It sounds so hard and exhausting.

    Children or not, i’d never want to be in a relationship that was that hard.

    • TheOriginalPuppy says:

      She probably sends the nannies away so he doesn’t “get busy” while she’s away.

  36. Elizabeth says:

    I don’t follow their relationship, but I like Jen and Ben as a couple.

  37. magpie says:

    They are so normcore.