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35 Responses to “Hot career rivalry between Leonardo DiCaprio and aging Brad Pitt”

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  1. Bex says:

    I like Brad pitt though.. I think it’s awesome how he kind of takes whatever roles he wants. Snatch was an awesome movie, and I really liked Troy!

  2. FF says:

    I don’t know, Brad’s got a family now, his priority’s are going to change. And I think he’d be more comfortable mocking himself than DiCaprio.

    Brad still has something DiCaprio doesn’t. Might be that DiCaprio still has that boyishness about him, eventhough he’s done a good job of shaking most of it off.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I always thought Leo was the best looking and much better actor, more impotently he tries to keep his private life private. Although I liked Brad’s looks and personality when he was younger, as an actor he was average. Now my opinion of Brad has slightly decreased due to his relationship with Angelina.

  4. Breederina says:

    Wait a minute, didn’t Brad Pitt co-produce ” The Departed” which starred Leo DiCaprio ? So the two
    would already have a working relationship, and obviously think enough of each other to hire/work
    for one another. I’m not buying this. Also, wouldn’t Pitt be more likely to look ahead and at the careers of actors older than himself as inspiration rather than back to his pretty boy days?
    Though he’s still mighty pretty. . .

  5. Anonymous says:

    Although Leo and Brad have similar looks and both are good looking, from a young age Leo has proved himself and critics in being a good actor, however Brad has had a harder time trying to make people to take him seriously and most of his career he was know as the sexy actor with not the best actor. In my opinion Leo is both.

  6. Iva says:

    I’d take Leo over Brad any day…especially after his last 2 movies of The Departed and Blood Diamond.

    IMO, Leo is much better looking and he is a better actor.

  7. amara says:

    Brad is not as good an actor as Leo.

  8. Cha Cha Loca says:

    Brad has nothing to worry about. He is the hotness and will be for a long, long time. He is also a great actor. I call BS on this story.

  9. countrybabe says:

    Have these people seen Brad lately who keep saying he’s hotness.
    Check out Ohnotheydidn’t today.
    Anon 1:34 you’re right all the way.

  10. Anonymous says:

    wasn’t babel suppose to good also? i haven’t seen it yet, but heard it was good.

  11. kailie2 says:

    Funny, I’ve never found Leo attractive. He tends to put on weight easily, has an inflated ego and always dates a supermodel. Brad was another pretty yet boring boy to me until he hooked up with Angelina. I find him very sexy and attractive now that he has kids and a relationship that’s not limited to red carpet photo-ops, yoga and dining out. I think he gets better with age. Leo is too self-centered to be interesting.

  12. Busy body says:

    Babel bombed at the box office coming in at number 22 in its first week and some blamed Brad for that. His performance wasn’t bad though. Leo is an excellent actor right from a young age, I absolutely loved his perfomance in ‘whats eating at Gilbert Grape’. The oscar is only a matter of time. Brad will never have one unless he acted as a pussy whipped man who leaves his wife for a former hooker turned do gooder. He simply doesn’t have what it takes. Unless he gets a sympathy one if his whole family drowns.

    Brad on the other hand just got good only lately and has not had a role to show this well. He has had some crappy acting in snatch and Mr and Mrs Smith.

    His relationship with Angelina was his waterloo. It is too late to go back and there are children involved. He comes off loiking like a pussywhipped poodle in the relationship a fact that has become common talk everywhere and his recent press does not help.

    It is ironic that people were not as hostile to this relationship in the beginning as they are now and I blame Angelina’s recent interviews which were tactless.

    There is also the fact that unlike in the beginning when they were a picture of an Ideal family, they all now look miserable and worn. The cildren don’t look happy either. I guess the final stra will be the performance of their movie a mighty heart a role which was Jen’s and am sure during its promotion, the tabloids will point all this out and in turn it will affect its performance.

    Iam sorry the prognosis for Brad and his supergirl is not good.

    Sorry Brad, you had this coming. Wear a better shirt too next time and could you stop lcking your lips!

  13. Other Karen says:

    Brad doesn’t have industry credibility? He did some non-silly movies and is a bona fide movie star.

  14. Busy body is a LOSER!! says:

    Hey, Busy body… are you serious on saying that Brad will get sympathy if his whole family drowns?? OMG!! I hope the one who DROWNS IS YOU for saying this!! YES!! I hope you DIE of a very horrible death for saying this!! HA!! HA!!

  15. Molly says:

    It’s Cate, not “Kate”.

  16. Busy Body says:

    Hey, no one wishes Brad’s family drowns. Don’t you learn English these days in schools? It is caled hyperbole and I just used it to mean that if he wanted to resurrent his career, it would be on a sympathy not. Geez, this ‘American’ as a new language sure isn’t working.

  17. Mr. T says:

    I’ve seen both in good movies and have respect for both of them. They do not seem to be obnoxious in the least, nor do they seem to be media hogs. Give them both respect for being decent people making an honest living.

  18. countrybabe says:

    I think Brad’s looks made him an A-lister-not the talent part. His personal life makes him look silly these days.

  19. Iva says:

    Oh my…Pussywhipped Poodle – now that’s a good one and describes how many people view him now and it’s not an attractive look on him.

    IMO – Brad Pitt has never really had one of those performances that just leaves you in awe of them as an actor – he’s much like Tom Cruise (although I think Tom is downright ugly) – but most people are fans of Brad and Tom’s based off their looks and not on the performance they give on-screen.

    Leo on the other hand is the type of actor where you are moved by the character he is playing – he’s very versatile. It’s amazing, but I never thought of Leo as that attractive until I saw the Departed and then when I watched Blood Diamond – I gained a new respect for him – I think I now find him attractive because of his abilities as an actor. There is not too many actors that can steal a scene from Jack Nicholson – but Leo managed to do it in The Departed.

  20. cypress says:

    Oh pleaaase mashed bulldog squashed face puggy whiney Leo vs Mr. Perfect Brad..? hahahahahaa!

  21. KIM says:

    Since “Gilbert Grape” I have LOVED Leo! I strongly feel he is one of the best actors- if not THE best that America has and since his roles have matured I think he has taken the top slot in Hollywood. Brad Pitt never was a good actor, and the events of his personal life have become too exposed to seperate his acting from his real life- he has fallen the way of Tom Cruise. After The Departed I found a sex appeal for Leo that I didn’t have before.

  22. rosie says:

    Leo is no Brad Pitt. Maybe if I were 12 I would find him cute. Brad is sexy.

  23. aneurysm says:

    i first noticed leo’s sexiness in ‘the beach’. ive enjoyed his movies ever since.

  24. Iva says:

    rosie hits it on the head…Brad Pitt is sexy – that is why she watches Brad Pitt movies and that is why Brad Pitt continues to get roles – because of women like rosie.

    I don’t know too many men who will really watch Brad Pitt movies – so it is extremely important for Brad not to piss off his fan base of women who find him sexy and attractive.

    Leo on the other hand can make movies that both men and women watch…

  25. Pepper says:

    You cannot compare Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise. Tom Cruise is actually a very talented actor when you get over his crazy and self centred egoistic self. I loved Magnolia, rain man and collateral. I think he has not used his looks (his looks have never interested me much)as much as Brad Pitt since he does not specialise in heart throb movies.

    Brad on the other hand is always licking his lips instead of acting and his worst work todate has been snatch and I swore never to watch him after that. He is cautious of the camera and his body language is usually wrong in most movies. Thelma and Louise and Legends of the fall were not bad but still you cannot compare his performances to Leos or Tom Cruise.

    I don’t think Brad is a natural actor, I think he is a trained one and if he looked like Jack Black or forrest Whittacker, he would still be chauffering hookers and strippers.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Pepper, I agree with that.

  27. celebitchy says:

    “Pepper” is also posting under the nicknames mimi, faith and more often busy body. That IP is blocked.

  28. mm says:

    Why you block “busy body” IP?

  29. FF says:

    “and if he looked like Jack Black or forrest Whittacker, he would still be chauffering hookers and strippers.”

    I doubt that. If Forrest Whittaker and Jack Black aren’t chauffeuring hookers and strippers, why would Brad no matter what he looked like?

    Even if you’re arguing it’s lack of acting chops – he’s not a surgeon or an electrician so the ability to ‘do the job’ is in the eye of the beholder. In jobs like acting, being affable, agreeable, and a professional also have a lot to do with your profile. There are plenty of non-good looking actors, who are not the best actors ever but who are still charming, courteous and funny – and they have a public appeal. If that all equals bankability then it really doesn’t matter who you are and what you look like.

    Otherwise every single actor would be either good looking with no talent, or ugly with extraordinary talent. Real life doesn’t work like that.

  30. FF says:

    Btw, Brad was actually very good in Snatch. In a mostly british cast he didn’t come off as ‘the big star’, like most americans do in those kind of movies.

    And he was conscious of his body because the character was, as far as I saw it. Those kind of guys love to whip off their shirt at every opportunity.

    I say this because I don’t think he’s the greatest actor ever but I don’t think he sucks that badly either – although I loathed him in Mr & Mrs Smith. A lot of actors know they aren’t the best actors in the world and they work their niche accordingly. In fact, it’s very rare that actors get extremely varied roles in the first place. Or can distinguish each role they get fully. If they do, you can be sure they’ve had a long career.

    It seems a lot of the antagonism directed at him lately isn’t really about his acting but about people waiting for him to get his ‘just desserts’ – whatever that means.

  31. HCQ says:

    I can’t stand either one of them.

  32. Qweazy says:

    Brad looks old. Even Clooney with all his gray…looks younger. For me, the morphing of Brad’s career and tabloid publicity into one brand has occured. I can’t separate one from the other. I was a Brad Pitt fan until he had an affair with Angelina. Aside from the affair…Hands down Leo is the better actor.

  33. LIBBY says:

    Leo is a lot sexier and much hotter than Brad.. but are we talking about their movie careers? Brad’s good, but Leo is better. He established himself at a very young age, and Brad was somewhere modeling T-shirts.Leo has more credibility, and even his independent movie roles got him a lot of attention. Leo is not fat, and I’m so tired of people saying it. Just because he has a little muscle, which looks great by the way, and doesn’t have the look of a guy who sticks his finger down his throat or hits the crack pipe, does not mean he’s fat. He’s got his shirt off in The Departed. Did you see any fat? Because I saw a very muscular, toned body with a beautiful midsection… I could go on and on!!Brad’s pretty boy time is up, and he’s passed it on to Leo. Don’t be jealous!!

  34. Anonymous says:

    leonardo dicaprio is a mean punk pervert i hope that male horror goes to hell, i was born pretty then julia roberts norma jean ashly judd and i got ruined in hollyoowd on purpose from this slime bag my whole appearance is deteroiated i even got threatened to b killed he is a mafia creep and he should marry bar there meant for eachother 2 solid spoiled brat horrors

  35. Anonymous says:

    leo uses supermodel ditzy horrors as girlfriends ‘easy” to pretend thats hes to gay him and clooney should have but sex together in there new movie farrgut north