Kim Kardashian & Kanye West reportedly had a quiet wedding ceremony in LA


Apparently, Kim Kardashian & Kanye West are already married. That was the gossip last week too – that they had already gotten a marriage license in LA and were going to have a quiet, low-key civil ceremony in LA, weeks ahead of their big French blowout wedding. The French wedding won’t “count” legally in any way, shape of form. Apparently, it’s pretty difficult for non-French citizens to get legally married in France, which is why the big French blowout will just be for show, to make Kim and Kanye look like sophisticated citizens of the world.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are officially married, a source close to the couple tells Life & Style Weekly. It was reported earlier this week they would be getting their wedding license over the coming days, ahead of the official ceremony which is rumored to be taking place in Paris on May 24. Now, a source tells Life & Style Kim and Kanye are officially Mr. and Mrs. West.

“Kim and Kanye are now married on paper. They got their license in California over the past few days,” the source said. “Kim and North are on their way to NYC now.”

On Tuesday, TMZ reported Kim and Kanye would be married privately this week by obtaining a “confidential” marriage license.

“People are probably assuming we’re going to have this massive wedding, and I think it will be – but intimate,” Kim told Vogue. “Two hundred people – just all of our closest friends – a special night for us and all the people that really love us and that have supported us.”

Details of the lavish wedding remain a secret, but it’s already known the 33-year-old reality star has already picked out her wedding dress and will have “multiple costume changes” from major designers including Givenchy, Balmain and Lanvin. Kimye are expected to attend the annual Met Gala in NYC on Monday.

[From Life & Style]

I think the big scoop is: which designer will Kim wear to the French wedding? My thought was that Kanye would force her into choosing Givenchy because he’s so close to Riccardo Tisci. But I think Kim has been leaning more towards Balmain. We’ll see. Also: I’m kind of excited to see what Kim will wear to the Met Gala. I’m excited that they’re going again. Hopefully she won’t look like a couch this time.

Oh, and as for the French wedding… according to sources, Kim wants to get knocked up right away.

Kim Kardashian’s honeymoon won’t involve much sightseeing. “Kim would like to get pregnant right after the wedding,” a source tells Hot Stuff. Kim and Kanye West are planning to marry in Paris on May 24th. Explains another insider, “She wants her kids to be close in age.”

Though a pal says West, 36, is hoping for a boy, their 10-month-old North has certainly won his heart.

Adds the source: “She recently started saying ‘Daddy!’”

[From Us Weekly, print edition]

Wait, IgNori is only 10 months old and she’s already saying Daddy? That’s early, right? Not crazy-early, but most babies say their first words around 11-13 months old? Anyway, this Us Weekly story sounds more like Kanye than Kim. Kanye wants another baby. I’m not sure Kim does. She HATED being pregnant.


Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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48 Responses to “Kim Kardashian & Kanye West reportedly had a quiet wedding ceremony in LA”

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  1. eliza says:

    Yes, quiet UNTIL the giant 3 ring circus spectacle they are planning in France so they can haul in ridiculous amounts of money and another bunch of tacky, over priced gifts from idiots who suck up to the Kardashian machine.

    • Crank says:

      She’ll have acrobats dancing on that ass…good lord it looks awful in those jeans. Looks like a sack of pecans.

      • kri says:

        So a man can marry my grandmother’s sofa, but we are still having difficulty getting same-sex marriage on the books. WTF-ever.

  2. CL says:

    Nori’s probably saying “Dada”, which certainly counts (unless she says that to every male – but then again, calling every rich black male you see “Daddy” is the Kardashian way).

    Also, you had a slight typo in the title. It should read “Kim & Kanye reportedly had a kwiet wedding ceremony in LA”. Fixed it for ya!

    • JudyK says:

      “Also, you had a slight typo in the title. It should read “Kim & Kanye reportedly had a kwiet wedding ceremony in LA”. Fixed it for ya!”


    • Belle Epoch says:

      They left out the part about Ignori shrieking “Dada” in terror as this strange man called “Dada” picks her up.

    • Val says:


  3. Tiffany27 says:

    Those jeans are so tight. They look like they hurt.

    • V4Real says:

      I think those jeans are showing that her figure is not all that great.

      Denim on denim should be a crime unless it’s executed well.

    • Dimebox says:

      Yikes! That zipper is under extreme stress. Look out, she’s gonna blow!

  4. paola says:

    I’m sure little Nori said ‘Nanny’ rather than ‘Daddy’

  5. Marigold says:

    Full out Daddy, I don’t buy. Dada? Sure. Does she mean Kanye? Doubtful.

  6. aims says:

    Two things pop in my mind:

    1. She didn’t do pregnancy well so I don’t think that will happen anytime soon. Also Kanye is a raging narcissist and kids can cramp ther style.

    2. An intimate wedding is 25 people tops.I don’t even know 200 people. Anything more seems tacky, particularly because we all know this endeavor won’t last long.

    • MonicaQ says:

      I think we had 25-28 people and everyone was aghast at how small it was. I was like, “You helping me feed more than that?” I was cooking on my wedding morning LOL

    • LadyMTL says:

      Ahhh but remember, this is “intimate” à la Kardashian style. LOL. So for them 200 people is intimate. For us normal folk, it’d probably be somewhere around 40.

      As for having another baby, I seriously doubt it. KK looked so miserable when she was pregnant, I can’t see her trying it again.

  7. The Wizz says:

    10 months isn’t early for saying “dada” it’s about right age wise.

    • swack says:

      The firsts sounds a baby makes is usually ba ba or da da. The true test would be her turning to Kanye and saying dada . . . not just mouthing the words.

  8. MissMary says:

    Wouldn’t surprise me, esp if they’re planning a debacle in France. Many European countries won’t allow non-residents to have a ceremony there (as you usually have to marry in the registry office and any big, fancy fluff is just window dressing done after the actual marriage license is signed in the office). Most folks from the States who want a big ceremony over there get married here first then have their big to-do there, and it’s not technically a marriage ceremony by their laws.

  9. MonicaQ says:

    Just proves that these two can do “quiet” if they want to and all the belly aching about the paps is just that: belly aching .

    • epiphany says:

      ANY celebrity can do anything quiet, if they choose. All the complaining celebs do over paps is just a show. In reality, they crave the attention, and more often than not actually called the paps to be at their location when they arrive.

  10. Jackson says:

    I don’t mean to offend anyone who has chosen this route, but to me it seems silly to get married twice, just to say “I got married in another country.” Boom. Done. They’re already married. Anything additional is just a fancy party that requires a long flight. Then again, maybe it’s just the fact that it’s these two doing it that I find so obnoxious.

    • Alarmjaguar says:

      I don’t know, a lot of people like to have the pressure off — have the ceremony to themselves so they can enjoy the party with their guests later. I can see that.

    • Nina W says:

      How about this being wedding number 3? It is so tacky to have a full on wedding when it’s number 3! Your friends have to shell out another fancy gift and fly to France to attend. It is so classless and gross, as per usual for the klassless krowd.

  11. Kim1 says:

    Gossip Cop says they DID NOT get married yet.I wondered why Life & Style didn’t mention when and where ( court house, home, etc.) this wedding took place.

  12. lassie says:

    “People are probably assuming we’re going to have this massive wedding, and I think it will be – but intimate,”

    Massive, but intimate. I’m not a Kanye-genius, but I believe those are antonyms.

  13. KateBush says:

    I’m sure the only reason they’ve kept it quiet is to make an even bigger fuss of the French version.
    Whatever form it takes I’m sure we will be inundated with photos and tv shows about it til we all go Krazy. I’m quite obsessed with weddings at the moment having recently got engaged but I’m not interested in what she will wear at her third, she basically always looks tacky whatever designer she decides to wear… Oo I’m sounding mean aren’t I ?! Lol but I really can’t stand these two!
    I don’t believe they will have any more kids she is literally never with the one she has… Poor baby! 🙁

  14. Dawn says:

    That just means that she settled for quiet as long as she thinks she will get all the attention she needs when they go to Paris. I hope it all blows up in their hypocritical faces. Yuk.

  15. dorothy says:

    Good . I hope they go to France get married, are deliriously happy …….. AND STAY THERE.

    • Amy85 says:

      I don’t understand why people say this. It’s not as if they will stop being papped and talked abouy if they move to another country.

      • Nina W says:

        The paps in the US have a relationship with Kim and E!, not sure if the situation is the same across the pond.

      • gefeylich says:

        Yes, but then they wouldn’t be HERE. And it would be very amusing to see the French rip them to shreds for their ostentation and classlessness.

  16. Ramona Q. says:

    Do you think she will take the name “Kim West” both personally and professionally? I say yes.

  17. Melanie says:

    I was thrilled when I hadn’t seen the names of these two a$$holes on page 1 . . . then there they were. Ugh. Enough about these famewhores. Have your over-the-top-better-than-Will-and-Kate’s-wedding and drop off the planet already!

  18. Mon says:

    She might have hated being pregnant but the paycheques she will be getting once they divorce surely are going to sweeten the next pregnancy. More children, more money eh? Good quote from her re wedding guests – “all the people that really love US”, of course…

  19. aquarius64 says:

    The 200+ guests scheduled for hot mess of a wedding are mostly C-D listers, people that are normally in Kardashian’s circle. Throwing Beyonce’ and Jay-Z out there as would-be guests, along with Serena Williams, is meant to add prestige to the proceedings. (Didn’t the Carters send their regrets?)

    OT – Anna Wintour was honored at the Met by having the new $40 million-dollar costume institute wing named after her. The fact that she put Kimye on the cover of Vogue should have disqualified her IMO. First Lady Michelle Obama gave the speech; Marc Jacobs, Victoria Beckham, and Sarah Jessica Parker were among the guests. Notably absent was Kimye. Sure the gruesome twosome could have cited wedding plans for being a no-show; but given that they are suppose to be so tight why weren’t they there? Especially when the infamous cover allegedly sold 500,000 copies? My guess is that Anna and the Met didn’t want to resurrect the stink that was the Vogue cover so Kimye was told not to come. Hence the quickie LA wedding. I can image Kim being peeved about not being there despite her wedding. The Vogue cover was suppose to help her garner some respectability and she’s still not present at prestigious events.

    It’s time to stop putting the lipstick on the pig. It’s still going to come off and it’s still going to oink.

    • jarnele says:

      I agree. That Vogue cover of theirs did not even sell well, half a million sold my ass. I have seen so many unsold covers for theirs. Nobody is really buying it or even cares about them as a couple. They are not Brangelina for sure. Emma Stones Vogue covers are the ones that are selling, already so many of hers are gone, not Kims and Kanyes.
      And They are going to be at the MET unfortunately. Even Kims two loser no-name sisters will be there. Why? They have no talent or are even celebs. I hope Anna Witnour is removed as editor for Vogue for this.
      Just look at this list, so many D listers and famewhores will be there. So yes, Anna has lost credibility.

  20. aquarius64 says:

    Need to correct my last comment on this thread:

    The full guest list for the MET Ball:

    Kimye will be there 🙁
    So will Kirsten Stewart
    But….LUPITA WILL BE THERE <3 <3 <3 !!!!

  21. jwoolman says:

    What exactly is a confidential marriage license? Aren’t they public by their very nature? I’ve always assumed people who “secretly married” got the license far enough away from their home turf that nobody was likely to find out. But LA is her home turf. Maybe “confidential” to Kim means “no E! cameras” or more likely “E! cameras but no broadcast until the French extravaganza is done”.

    Regarding poor little rich girl North ByNorth West: she may be saying da-da but notice the story doesn’t claim she’s calling Kanye that. Likewise, no mention of ma-ma. Poor little tyke doesn’t really see them enough to know to associate the babbled words with them. Usually babies figure it out because mama and dada get so hyper excited when they say those words and repeat them endlessly to the kiddo- but the parents have to be there at the right time. Does the nanny frantically wave pictures of Kim and Kanye around when those words are said?

    • Oceansoul89 says:

      The Confidential Marriage License was originally created in the 1800’s to protect confidentiality. At that time, it was common for people already living together not to get married because they feared that other people would learn that they weren’t married all along. The Confidential Marriage License is not open record, which means it requires your signature to obtain a copy.

      Only you may get certified copies of the Certificate. You are the only one who controls access to the document. If someone wants a copy of your certificate and you refuse to give it to them, they will have to get a court order to obtain it. Of course, the court would not give such an order to anyone without good cause.

      • Nina W says:

        I’m not sure what you’re referring to but in the states marriages are a matter of public record and are therefore not confidential.

      • Oceansoul89 says:

        California is the only state that has confidential marriage licenses. Other states are public.

  22. Lilac says:

    I hate to break it to you, but “dada” is universally the first sound babies make. It doesn’t matter what culture or language the babies are being raised in. Most languages have different names for father but even those babies will almost always start their language with “dada” at about the 9 month mark. #linguistics

  23. beth says:

    I can not even begin to express my disgust for the groosome twosome..just seeing stuff about them sickens me. I totally agree that Anna wintour has lost credibility after giving them a vogue cover..they stained vogue with their classlessnes.I have never heard where an intimate gathering involved up to 200 people, It just goes to show that these two can’t do “quiet”, they will always be tacky..I hope they decide to Stay in France..I don’t think the french paps would care much about them

  24. NANALU says: