Madonna Is Adopting An Orphanage

Madonna has gone to Malawi to help take over the orphanage from which she adopted her son David from, and not to adopt a new sister as previous reports had suggested.

Take THAT, Angelina and Oprah! You don’t hold the monopoly on helping children anymore!

From the Daily Mail:

The 48-year-old announced she was planning to run the Home of Hope orphan village, where her son David Banda used to live.

She revealed the idea to the hundreds of youngsters who sang when she visited the centre in Mchinji.

She said: “I might take over the orphanage because the pastor here is getting old and is about to retire.”

She added: “If Malawians will work hand in hand with me I will still help Malawi.”

I know a lot of people have given Madonna flack for adopting David, but I think no matter what her reasons were to take David home with her, the only person who really benefits from this adoption is David himself. He has been taken out of poverty and has a brother and sister to love and play with him, and even though Madonna is still a bit nuts sometimes (I want to see a 48 year old woman prancing around in a purple leotard as much as I want to hear about what is underneath Rod Stewart’s kilt), it is obvious to me that her children are the world to her and she wants to do what is best for them. It may be a PR exercise–but the children won’t be complaining for receiving the help, will they?

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13 Responses to “Madonna Is Adopting An Orphanage”

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  1. KIM says:

    I agree that she Madonna is probably doing something very good and that David is one lucky little boy. The only thing that gives me reservations is that when she visited this orphanage before she had wells dug and told everyone they were drinking ‘magic Kaballah water’ from them- I got that from CBS News- not a tabloid so I give it a little more cred. Anyway- that’s what I don’t like- that she does this to push her Kaballah and not out of purity of heart. I just hate to think that these kids will be little Kaballah converts when they already have their own religions and customs.

  2. celebitchy says:

    That’s how I feel about it too Kim. She specifically says the “pastor” is leaving so she can move in and prosthelytize. Kaballah is a cult and she’s grooming new recruits.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Madonna is self serving, yah it nice and good she doing something for the poor orphans still one can’t help the feeling Madonna is not doing this out of the goodness of her heart she is doing this to jump on the latest fad bandwagon and keep her hag face in the media. If the spotlight not on her she will die. this is just the latest in her re-invention poses , posuer that she is

  4. countrybabe says:

    Oh please Jesse, I hope she actually hires people with degrees to run it.
    She’s not that smart.

  5. trillion says:

    What’s the difference between believing in Kaballah or whatever other religion preceded it? It’s all just superstition. Hopefully, when kids grow up they will ditch it or keep it according to their own judgement. As long as these children are getting help and Madonna possibly inspires people to look into adoption, they are the real winners.

  6. Mr. T says:

    Madge, I’d love to see her do something without a camera around. Let’s see her move from jolly old England and live in Africa for 5 years and do some actual charitable work. Face it, Madge is a limousine liberal. What is the sound of Madge in the wilderness without a camera bulb flashing?

  7. KIM says:

    “What’s the difference between believing in Kaballah or whatever other religion preceded it? It’s all just superstition. ” -trillion

    Well I am no proponent of Religion either but if Madonna’s motivation is to convert these children to Kaballah she needs to be stopped by the people of Malawi. Last I checked the White Man’s Burden Theory got disproved so she needs to turn around and go back to her stupid palace in England and stop capitalizing on the unfortunate to promote her wacky religion.

  8. MissMara says:

    “Madge, I’d love to see her do something without a camera around.” -Mr.T

    LOL, Sounds like you will have to start stalking her then, Mr. T!

  9. Mr. T says:

    Hi MissMara,

    I appreciate the note but I have no interest in stalking anyone, much less her Madgesty. Face it, Madge does what she does for media attention. Can we say she is the least bit “controlling?” Her poor husband.

  10. Action says:

    *sigh* It’d be nice to see he do something genuinely good with no strings (red or not) attached.

  11. trillion says:

    “wacky religions” do much of the charity work overseas. Sure, they’re promoting their beliefs but as I posted before: If children are surviving and thriving, the metaphysics seem far less important. If Malawi decides to turn away Kabbalahlists (not sure it that’s a real word) charity, wouldn’t they be obliged to turn away other religions for the same reason? What would make one religion’s charity more valuable than another’s? That just doesn’t make sense, esp. given the dire straits they are in. I’m sure they’re grateful for any help and international attention to their plights. I don’t care about Madonna or believe in religion. Philosophy is best discussed with a well-fed belly, regardless of where the food comes from.

  12. gg says:

    Re the posts against religion, I have to honestly say that I am sad that so many people apparently think we are just random soulless beings on the Earth for no reason whatsoever. I’m sorry that you think it’s better to “ditch the religion” when people grow up, than to have your own spiritual beliefs and good feeling for the other souls in the world, and that we do have a purpose here. Sounds like some have had a bad experience with religion. If so, please don’t blame those of us who have had joy from our own spiritual beliefs. This has nothing to do with “church”.

    As far as Madonna imposing her beliefs on them, I think it’s wrong to try to change another nation’s aboriginal beliefs; i.e., the “white man’s burden”. It’s disrespectful.

  13. trillion says:

    Ditching religion was the best thing I’ve ever done in my life, honestly. To each their own, of course. My life is much richer without the claptrap of religiosity and I don’t need other peoples’ random rules to find soulfullness. So no thanks on the pity. When people try to change my mind, a discussion ensues. No harm, no foul. For those who think it’s wrong to try to change someone’s belief system, well that’s just ridiculous right? Who on this planet anymore follows their race or culture’s original religion? If you’re a caucasian does this mean you ought to be a Nordic pagan? It’s likely Jesus was raised in the Kabbalah tradition since it’s an ancient Jewish belief and he was an ancient Jew. Should only those from the Middle East be Jews and Muslims and Christians? Only Asians should be Buddhist? Silliness, right?