Jennifer Esposito sort of slams ex Bradley Cooper as ‘mean, cold, arrogant’


Before Bradley Cooper was a two-time Oscar-nominated actor and one of the most in-demand leading men in Hollywood, he was the fourth lead in a TV show and he had a quickie marriage and quickie divorce to Jennifer Esposito from December 2006 to May 2007. Both Bradley and Jennifer have always remained pretty quiet about what went down between them, but there were always stories/rumors/gossip. I remember hearing stuff about Jennifer finding him in bed with another person (sometimes a guy, sometimes a lady). I remember rumors of violence too. And of course, there are rumors of bearding. But that happens with nearly everyone.

Anyway, Jennifer is sort of down on her luck as an actress these days. So she decided to write a tell-all memoir, but I guess she’s afraid of being sued, so she doesn’t name Bradley Cooper explicitly. So we just have to use the context clues to figure this out.

Jennifer Esposito is trashing ex-husband Bradley Cooper in her new book, a source tells Confidenti@l. While the “American Hustle” star isn’t named, anyone who checks the film website IMDB can safely assume he’s the guy she unceremoniously slams in her memoir, “Jennifer’s Way.” The 41-year-old “Blue Bloods” actress mainly chronicles her lifelong struggle with celiac disease, which included losing teeth on set, having panic attacks, horrific stomach cramps and unsightly rashes.

But about a third of the way through the book, Esposito describes meeting a man who asks her out, and even though there were “an entire marching band squad of red flags,” she chose to ignore them because she didn’t think the relationship would progress. She describes the mystery suitor as, “funny, smart, cocky, arrogant and a master manipulator,” adding that she didn’t “necessarily find him that attractive.” They quickly became a couple, although the actress says her boyfriend had a “mean, cold side” and “his personality could flip on a dime.”

Esposito claims the relationship was an unhealthy one, focused primarily on his needs and nothing else and that she was “a nonissue.” Esposito also writes that she felt “sidelined” from her own health and needs.

“I became very sad and I felt very alone,” Esposito adds, but she stayed in the relationship just the same. The union came to an impasse when Esposito attended a seminar at the Agape International Spiritual Center in L.A. “Within days, my relationship hit an all-time low, and within a week it was over,” she wrote. “Abruptly, rudely, and with the exact callousness that I’d come to expect from him.”

The very next page, Esposito writes of landing a role on a Christina Applegate sitcom, “Samantha Who,” that was on the air in 2007. Her very brief marriage to Cooper was from late December 2006 until May 2007.

Neither party has had much to say about each other since their divorce. When Howard Stern pressed Cooper about the brevity of the marriage in 2011, Cooper vaguely replied, “It was just something that happened. The good thing, we both realized it. … Sometimes you just realize it. It just wasn’t right.”

Esposito was briefly engaged to Aussie tennis player Mark Philippoussis (who starred in a reality dating show for NBC) and is now happily engaged to Brit model Louis Dowler. The two are partners in Esposito’s bakery on E. 10th St., Jennifer’s Way, which serves a variety of gluten-free breads, cookies and muffins.

[From The NY Daily News]

Yeah. I’ll believe this is about Bradley Cooper. This is how he’s always seemed to me too, which is why I’ve always found it hard to believe him as a leading man. I get the “mean, cold side” vibe from him – which is fine when he was a character actor playing douchebags. But he just doesn’t have the warmth to be, say, a romantic lead. What I don’t really understand is this idea of B-Coop as “a master manipulator.” Like, he’s emotionally manipulative? Or he manipulates his public image? He likes to be in control so he dates really young models? Be more specific, Jennifer!

Photos courtesy of Getty, WENN.

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93 Responses to “Jennifer Esposito sort of slams ex Bradley Cooper as ‘mean, cold, arrogant’”

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  1. harpreet says:

    Makes me look at him and Suki in a whole new light….

    • Lollipop says:

      Eh, I think Suki is using him.

      • iskra says:

        I have that feeling too. He can be a bastard but this has been going on for over a year now. If she isn´t prospecting out of it, than what is it for? Cause they surely don´t look like dying out of love for each other.

      • Aussie girl says:

        I think suki users him & he users her. It feels more like a business arrangement

      • Khadijah says:

        He doesnt seem particularly smitten with Suki though. Its not like he is lavishing her (emotionally or materially) in an out of the ordinary way. She gets a career boost out of the relationship but I dont think she engineered it. This is all BCoop. Dating a young model barely out of her teens solidifies frat boy cred and suppresses pesky………rumors. Also, note she only comes out when he wants out. A true fame whore would be furiously cultivating a public persona ala Stacey Keibler and company.

      • kri says:

        And now… another NEWS FLASH. Yawn. Look how fast he dropped Scrunch Face as soon as he could. He also shaved Zoe Saldana off in a timelt manner. Moving on.

      • Liv says:

        They met through Harvey Weinstein. Do I have to say more? They are using each other.

    • Adrien says:

      I’ll never take that relationship seriously.

  2. aims says:

    I believe her

  3. megs283 says:

    ah, I loved her character in “Samantha Who?”

    • minime says:

      me too!! I will always connect her with that character.

      As for Bradley Cooper, I don’t find him a good actor but rather very plain and boring. I don’t even think he can play creepy…just douchey really.

  4. Mrs. Lecter says:

    I believe it & I agree.. he doesn’t have the warmth a leading man usually emotes.

    • QQ says:

      THIS! Especially them eyes

      • Anne tommy says:

        He can’t really help his eye colour- brown eyed people like RDJ will always look warmer than people with lightish blue eyes. I think he’s developed as an actor and was pretty good in silver linings play book and in American hustle. I know it’s inevitable that we judge celebs as if we know them personally – I certainly do that – but we don’t really and I am neutral on the whole cold/douchy/ nasty boyfriend stuff for now, the jury is still out!

  5. paola says:

    It seems like she was too much for him.
    All i get from him is not a mean-cold vibe but a douchey vibe. And a gay vibe too.

  6. BreeinSEA says:

    I know a guy that reminds me of him so much physically that I couldn’t help but see the guy I know in him. Side point, he’s also a dirt bag. Feelings confirmed

  7. Patricia says:

    I think she comes off like a loser here. Her career is faltering so she has to write a tell-all? And she talks about how she knew he wasn’t a good partner from day one, he was self centered and all this, but she chose to stay with him and then marry him anyway? Well boo hoo for you, lady.

    • Rhiley says:

      I agree. I do not get the appeal of Bradley Cooper and have no doubts that he can be controlling, self absorbed, pissy but why is she coming forward with all this now as his career is at an all time high. Seems a very desperate move.

    • Sighs says:

      I thought this was strange, too. There were giant red flags but you ignored because you didn’t think it would progress? (Like a fling?) But then says she wasn’t attracted to him. So she’s just having a fling with someone she’s not attracted to, knows he’s awful, and then marries him? What? That makes no sense.

    • HH says:

      I agree. How can he be a manipulator when she acknowledged that she saw all the signs from day one and throughout the relationship? If one *continually* ignores their gut instincts, then isn’t that on them? Not saying the other person doesn’t suck, but blame is surely to be shared.

      • Delorb says:

        Well, her ‘gut’ was preoccupied by her disease….just sayin.

        All kidding aside, I thought it was odd too. Its sounds more like sour grapes. You really liked the guy, but things didn’t turn out the way you’d hoped, so you change the narrative. So now you say you only deigned to talk to him because you didn’t think it would progress (how silly does that sound?) You continued to go out with him, even though he was cold and manipulative. Then you MARRY him (all while looking like Jennifer Esposito, mind you). Love her to pieces (she should have been bigger), but I’m not buying what she’s selling.

    • Merritt says:

      Completely disagree. Women should be allowed to talk about failed relationships, especially if those relationships were abusive in any way. Comments like yours are why intimate partner violence is dismissed so often. There are a lot of abusive men in the film industry and it rarely gets talked about. Worse, these men rarely end up with any negative consequences from their actions. But women get called desperate, losers, gold diggers, and liars for coming forward.

      And the reality is, the book is not out yet. All of this is coming from a source. So we have no idea what she has or has not written about him. From the sound of it, she is going to focus more about her struggle with a medical condition.

    • janeFR says:

      I would agree with you, except for the fact that 1 small, no-named, no big scandal or reveal (revelation ??? english is not my first nor second langage) paragraphe in a whole book is not exacly going overboard.

      Plus, she take responsabilities, he was bad for her, but she acknoledge that she should have known better from the start and that she shouldn’t have stayed.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I agree, Patricia. I think it is very odd that she presents it has him being a bad person from Day 1, yet she chose to MARRY him. Not just date, but marry him! Leaves me scratching my head.

      Merritt, I agree that women should be able to talk about failed relationships. I strongly disagree that Patricia’s comment has any responsibility for how partner violence is handled. No where does Esposito mention violence, and no where does she say the relationship was abusive. Patricia is in no way defending relationship abuse of any kind.

      • Merritt says:


        But what the source refers to, does sound like emotional abuse.

        And Patricia’s response is very dismissive regarding that. Esposito is described as a loser for discussing a bad relationship (despite not naming the person). It not that uncommon for someone of either gender to continue a relationship, even get married, despite their gut instincts.

    • Jenna says:

      I feel really torn here – on one hand, I’ve got absolutely zero tolerance these days for abusive relationships, of any kind. Physical, emotional, mind games, whatever – it takes a lot to not just go all Xena-ish and drag friends out of their homes, making them hurry up and pack whatever they need, grab any kids/pets/paperwork and just… go. Women, men, straight, gay, bi, whatever, it’s never okay. And the society can seriously screw up a persons head, making them accept things they shouldn’t and it can take YEARS to reach a point where you feel safe enough to say what happened to you. To talk about it, to talk about the process, to talk about the damage and the struggle. Everyone should be able to safely talk without being hectored about it….

      riiiighhhtt up to the point where you the sudden feeling an overwhelming need to unburden yourself all over the place in a way that both covers your own butt, hints without saying but making sure to say enough there is really no question, and this sudden bout of personal growth comes JUST in time to point coin in your pocket and make you the center of attention. (And to be really blunt – anyone who fakes abuse for the above attention? Rung UNDER the real abusers in hell. Least in my weird world view.) And in this case, I just can’t really believe it. She makes me twitch – I have celiac myself and she rings the bell for embracing all the potential in, well. The excerpts I’ve read thus far from her book are.. badly written, seem more then a touch coached, and the parts that are halfway decent are starting to cause alarm bells for folks in the celiac community for having been frankly poached from others work. If she WAS abused? I suck and would happily grovel my apology to her in person. Really. I am even hoping to be in the area of her bakery/deli/dinner in the next year and would be willing to beg forgiveness with a microphone. I’ve survived my own demons and I feel really dirty thinking someone talking about having survived an abusive situation is an attention starved C-List actress who has realized that in addition to not being all that talented an actor she has pretty vigorously burned all her professional bridges, only to turn to the next trending item to expand and embrace her ‘poor widdle me’ victimization world view’…. but. Yeah. Not really believing her either. Not a fan of overly convenient abuse stories.

      Really not a fan of her recipes either. Or her writing style either. Wow, I must need a nap, I’m running far too bitchy tonight, sorry.

  8. blue marie says:

    He’d be perfect as Norman Bates, I’d buy it in a second. Emu is creepy.

    • Lee says:

      I reckon the past comments on his ‘serial killer’ vibe here at Celebitchy are right on the money. He may not be a serial killer, but the creepy vibe still seeps out of his pores, no matter how hard he tries to appear like the all round movie star good guy. I reckon his acting is very mediocre too – always the same.

    • Camille (The Original) says:


  9. Ag says:

    i’d venture to guess she means emotionally manipulative. he sort of has the sociopath look about him – i wouldn’t be surprised if he skillfully manipulated women.

  10. vee says:

    Brief “quickie” marriages typically have a”crash and burn” type finale. I’m sure it was dramatic as hell, with both parties being actors. That said, he’s not bad looking but is a little bit crazy in the eyes.

  11. Mia4S says:

    This wouldn’t surprise me at all. He comes across as very tightly controlled. Now maybe that’s just because he wanted the stardom badly enough that he created the persona that would give him the best shot…or maybe it’s a bit more.

    • Badirene says:

      He does seem tightly wound, but maybe as a recovering addict in Hollyweird he has to be, that place seems to have no limits on what, or who, you could buy.

  12. Gina says:

    Well I guess this is one way to sell your book..

  13. iskra says:

    Cooper never stroke me as arrogant or cold. Weird a bit – yes. Insecure – yes. Try hard waaay to much to be liked – yes. However, I do get this controlling type vibe from him. I have a feeling he can only gain confidence when he is in complete control. But arrogant and cold – no.
    As for manipulative – it is hard to say. He is very keen to maintain a certain public image but then again, everyone in that kind of business is. Neither of us knows him personally and she was married to him so I guess there is something in it.

    • FingerBinger says:

      I don’t get the cold vibe from him either. Maybe he knew getting married was a big mistake and being “cold” and “mean” was the only way he knew how to deal with it. It sounds like started acting like a jerk to drive her away.

    • Jegede says:

      I very much agree with the ‘trying very hard to be liked’ part

    • mercy says:

      I can believe he’s that way in private. He seems like the type who loves his career more than anything else, and the people pleasers sometimes come on strong with a boat load of charm that is hard to sustain on a daily basis in real life. Once they’ve won their target over, or the person’s usefulness to them is past, they revert back to whatever their normal disposition is. Maybe he liked Jennifer when she seemed like she was unattainable and had something to offer him, but the relationship petered out once she became his wife and he felt like her career wasn’t going anywhere.

    • don't kill me i'm french says:

      But i’m not surprised she talks badly about him .after all ,their marriage was short ( 4 months when you count the divorce) even for a Hollywood marriage.

  14. Sagal says:

    I’ve listened to all 3 times he’s been on Howard Stern, and I watched him on Inside the Actor’s Studio, and I came away liking him very much. He has a really sweet side to him & he’s such a sensitive guy. He cried a lot on Inside the Actors Studio when he introduced his acting teacher who he says changed his life, and a lot of celebs come off like jerks on Howard Stern, but he never did.

    • iskra says:

      I have listened as well to all the times he was on Howard and he came across amazingly normal and very grounded. Still, that can all be act for public but I still don´t get the arrogant or cold vibe from him. I think this guy has some issues but then again, who doesn´t?

    • Melanie says:

      I agree. He’s never come across as arrogant and cold to me either.

    • mercy says:

      I can believe he has that side to him too. That’s probably the guy Renee Zelwegger fell for. But Hollywood can change a person, especially if they want success really badly and don’t have a strong foundation, and surround themselves with questionable people.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      Interesting comments…I do think Stern has a way of humanizing people.

      On that note, I miss listening to Howard so much!

      • FingerBinger says:

        You can listen to Howard on YouTube. New shows are uploaded all the time. You can sometimes find whole shows,but it’s mostly the interviews.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        Awesome! Thank you..I had no idea.

  15. Talie says:

    Based on his interviews, he seemed to be obsessed with being a star. So, it makes sense that he would make himself the singular focus. Which is why him dating a woman child makes sense as well. Power plays.

  16. PHD gossip says:

    Bradley fixed his nose since his days with Jennifer – maybe his chin too, but his nose for sure.

  17. Lori says:

    SO are we all in agreement that Lainey’s blind last week was about him?

    • Chris says:

      I am!

    • Gina says:

      No. He didn’t go to any deserts to relax, gone through any previous transformations, and hasn’t been famous long enough for the BI to fit him. There are many more likely suspects IMO.

      • Liv says:


        “He’s risking being exposed by someone who’s out to show off and exploit.”

    • pwal says:

      Initially, I thought it was Colin Farrell, but then I kept getting stuck on the girlfriend being referred to as ‘girl’, so my mind went to Bradley Cooper. And seeing Jennifer E.’s face brought back all of those down-low rumors about Bradley Cooper.

    • Esti says:

      It sounded like it, except what previous transformation did he go through? I was actually wondering if it might be Leo, who has a house in Palm Springs, but I don’t know if he’s currently undergoing a transformation (he definitely has for roles in the past).

      • pwal says:

        Couldn’t the whole going from television to big screen comedies (playing obnoxious douches), to possibly dating Aniston and Zellweger, to getting nominated for Oscars two years in a row be considered the transformation?

      • Esti says:

        That seems like a stretch to me. His current transformation is bulking up for a role, which is a very different meaning of the word. And I thought the blind implied a shorter timeline on transformation, because it wouldn’t make a lot of sense to say he was on a dude-bender during his last transformation if what it meant was during a 5-10 year period of image change.

      • blue marie says:

        Could it be that he went from tv to movies? He wasn’t huge when he was married to Esposito. Plus if you read all the clues (including her post today) Lainey alludes to it being him.

        Although, a couple of days ago (when the blind was posted) some said his transformation was for The A-Team.. he played Face. *shrugs* I dunno but I can believe it.

    • Chris says:

      Lainey has this story on her blog today as well. I don’t see too may clues pointing towards Cooper as the “Big and Buff” blind in today’s post, but she does says his eyes looked rather sharp & bright back when he was with Esposito. Whatever that means.

      The reason I think it is Cooper is because Lainey has dedicated posts to his physical transformation and has been strongly insinuating that he is not sober these days. Plus she often comments on how young Suki is–a mere”girl”. Cooper has been around a while, although not famous till recently. I remember him doing a bit part on Law and Order, and he was a regular on the travel series Globe Trekker (this was all before Twitter). So the past transformation ( before social media) could just be small-time tv actor becomes Academy Award Nominee.

      If he’s not the subject of the blind, he’s still definitely back to using again unfortunately.

      • pwal says:

        I think Lainey will bide her time as so not to appear to be piggy-backing Jennifer E., who she stopped short of calling a nobody. Lainey is a colossal snob, plus she will get infinitely more mileage out of this story, versus the Poehler/Arnett breakup, since the news actually did break, whereas a story/riddle about an actor on the down low can go on for years, hell decades.

      • Chris says:

        As I continue thinking about it “sharp and bright”…could it be Lainey saying if you guessed Cooper you are correct?

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I don’t think it is him. Lainey has made comments before saying that Cooper is solidly straight (not that i care, but in this case it wouldn’t line up with the contents of this blind item).

      Blind Gossip’s most popular guess was Robert Downey Jr. Lainey said it was NOT Ben Affleck.

    • Chris says:

      “He’s risking being exposed by someone who’s out to show off and exploit.”

      @Liv, good catch. Perhaps we are thinking the exploiter is one of his hook-ups. But it is in fact an ex-wife looking to sell her book. Exposed/Esposito…

  18. maybeiamcrazy says:

    I don’t know about either of them so i can’t defend him nor can i agree with her but when a celebrity shares this kind of information for no reason other than publicity, I don’t believe it.

  19. Cecilia says:

    To me he looks sinister…hiding something.

  20. Kiddo says:

    I was more surprised when I found out that they had been married. I guess I really haven’t followed either.

  21. vanessa says:

    I’ve heard him interviewed on Howard Stern and he seems nice enough. It’s his acting that’s the problem. He was not believable at all in American Hustle. His asymmetrical eyes alone were enough to ruin it for me.

  22. Esti says:

    If she said that he hit her or something, that would be one thing. But I don’t really think “he was selfish” or “he was cold” are damning complaints. Obviously she thinks he’s kind of terrible, because something must have gone really wrong between them that the marriage only lasted six months. I imagine he has some less-than-pleasant thoughts about how she behaved, too. But he’s stayed pretty classy about the whole thing, and she’s selling her version of it. I don’t think he’s the one who comes out of this looking bad.

  23. Dawn says:

    All I know about him as a person is he seems to be a great son to his mother and he has that look about him where he is really good looking some times and not so much the next. That’s it. Nothing more.

    • grace says:

      more than a great son I see something a little pathological kind of Oedipus complex, because is not normal a 40 year old man than has that symbiotic bond with his mother, they even live together

      • Tiffany :) says:

        An Oedipus complex is going a bit far, don’t you think? And “living” with your mother when you don’t stay in town for the majority of the year isn’t the same thing as an investment banker living with his mom.

        I’ve known people who lived with those in film, and “living together” really means “long term house sitter”.

    • Oh La La says:

      It’s common for Italian parents to live with their children. His father has passed away, so I don’t find it strange that he lives with his Mom.

  24. grace says:

    I believe that anyone who makes it in Hollywood is a” master manipulator, cold and arrogant” I take out the “mean”, but a little of that is required too. He is aiming to be the next george Clooney, even is he lacks the “romantic ” charm, as Kaiser writes, but they will make it up for him. Everything in Hollywood is constructed, nothing is casual.

  25. pnichols says:

    Never got the hype over him. He’s meh in the looks dept. On ITAS he cried about everything, but it seemed like BS to me. Personally I think he would be a better character actor. He’s no lead. Just my opinion.

  26. TG says:

    Every character he plays is an arrogant mean douche so I believe it for sure. I have never liked him and do not think he could act his way out of a paper bag. And please don’t aske me of I saw him in the Silver linings Playbook because I couldn’t finish the movie thanks to Bradley’s overacting. He had definitely slept with either men or women in power to get ahead. Nothing else explains his success. He should only be relegated to the douchey best friend role.

    • Vesta says:

      I couldn’t finish SLP either for the exact same reason. I don’t get his career at all: he’s believable only as a douche, and apparently that’s not due to his acting skills. Also for some reason I always felt he dated Zellweger & Zaldana mainly for PR’s sake. Add Suki, and all I get is creepy vibes…

  27. Chinoiserie says:

    Can we know for sure she is talking about Cooper? Maybe she just wishes that people would think it is him because there is nothing other really interesting in her book. But I admit I am a fan of his.

  28. judyjudy says:

    Enh. There are a few exceptions throughout history but pretty much everyone’s ex is mean/crazy/controlling/fill-in-the-blank.

  29. aenflex says:

    Look in his eyes. They are steely and deep and very calculating. Overall not a bad thing, but it takes a certain kind of woman to love a man like that. Certainly seems like he is the boss, full stop.

  30. Fan says:

    Guys can be cold and unfeeling when they don’t care anymore. But warm and loving when they care so much. Look at George Clooney. Who would think.

  31. Panda says:

    Weren’t they both drug addicts? That’s what I heard – they were both drug addicts when they got married. After they figured out they were both train wrecks, they got a divorce.

    • iskra says:

      Didn´t he stop using drugs and drinking ten years ago? Though, it wouldn´t surprise me if he is partialy back on that road.

  32. itesetyou says:

    when I look at him I always think of that Zebra from an animated movie. Like very person looks like some kind of animal and Bradley looks like zebra!

  33. Lux says:

    All I’m really taking away from this is how much I miss Samantha Who.

  34. blunt talker says:

    I do think he tries to hard to be liked by everyone. There are times he seems to be hiding something or doing something off-cue. He has grown as an actor since his tv days. I really want to see an acting range with depth that I won’t ever forget. He’s getting there. His ex-wife I don’t really know enough about. Ex-wives can be revengeful, hateful, angry, or need to get something off their chests. I am sure she has been asked many times about what happened in her marriage to Bradley. This maybe her way of stating what happened with him at that time when both were starting their careers. People grow over time and I hope he has grown. He has dated other women in Hollywood. His relationship with Suki is what they want it to be. They don’t need our approval. If he is gay, I would hope in today’s world that would not be a problem to continue being successful. ” To thine own self be true.”

  35. Aye says:

    Ah…the art of the celebrity memoir! Most of these sell because of name-dropping. Jason Priestly’s is another one with plenty of flaming against other stars. Whatever happened between them, it’s unlikely that Bradley will talk much about it. He seems thoughtful, sane, and nice in interviews but then so do certain HO$ members. I remember her in a few films such as Summer of Sam; sad to see her stoop to this no matter how accurate her comments are.

  36. serena says:

    So, is he bi? I always believed he was gay regardless of the many actresses and models he dated.

  37. Kosmos says:

    Dating young women like Suki…they are still willing to do whatever he wants. They are still very curious about everything and might not have that many set opinions. They may look up to him as a big daddy figure, too. He gets the benefit of having her, for a while, until things turn around. I was always curious about why he and Zellweger split? If what Esposito says is true, I would hate being with someone who thinks the world revolves around them.