Jessica Alba covers EW in a swimsuit, says she’s not ‘perfect’ but ‘balanced’

Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba covers the new issue of Entertainment Weekly to promote her role in Sin City 2: A Dame to Kill For. It’s weird to see her promoting a film role instead of her lifestyle company, right? Jessica reprises her good-girl stripper character, Nancy, who never actually takes it off. She just dances in a bikini and chaps. Nancy disrobes in the comic books, but Jessica has a no-nudity clause. Jessica tells EW that she’s grown up so much since playing Nancy in the first movie: “I have a fearlessness now that I didn’t before.

Jessica also has a new interview with People where she talks about her life organizational skills. She’s chatting up her new Zico (coconut water) campaign and telling us how we can achieve “that famous Alba balance in our own lives.” Sort of:

She’s not perfect: “As I’ve gotten older and after I became a mom, it became more of a priority to be healthy for the right reasons. It’s more important to have a balanced approach instead of trying to be perfect. I don’t deprive myself … I have [junk] if I want it. When I do feel that I am depriving myself, I find that I binge. That’s not a balanced way to go about it.”

Her non-gym days: “If I’m not going to sweat I go for a walk for an hour and a half [with the girls]. I’m not so much into preaching, more into practicing. I like to swim with them, go on family walks. The kids like it too, they go crazy, bouncing off the walls if I keep them inside. They’ll throw balls around, and I’m going, ‘You can’t throw balls in the house! That’s our lamp!'”

A coconut water plug: “I feel good and have a lot of energy when I start my day off with a great smoothie,” she says. (Her go-to recipe: 8 oz. Zico, 1/2 cup each frozen blueberries, strawberries and yogurt, a banana, 1 tsp. flax seeds.) And she was touting the benefits of coconut water long before she was getting paid to. “I was an early adopter! Water can get a bit boring. What’s the alternative to just water? This tastes like a treat. My kids are obsessed [with the chocolate flavor]. That’s all they want. I’ve even brought it when we have a family dinner out. I’d rather them have that than whatever they have at the restaurant. It just feels better.”

Her ideal day: “Sleeping in until I felt like getting up for sure, then having some kind of smoothie, then some kind of workout, because I really do like how I feel after a workout. Then actually to be able to look through a magazine or a book by the pool or beach would be nice. And a massage! Then I’d hang out with my kids by the pool — that’s usually the most fun thing. They love that so much, they’re like little mermaids, it’s so fun swimming with them. Then having dinner with my husband! We’d go for sushi [or maybe] a steak dinner — whatever I was feeling that day.”

[From People]

These excerpts aren’t great. Jessica is a somewhat bland interview subject, which is a change from her old stance about how hard it is to be taken seriously as a beautiful woman in Hollywood. Now she’s courting the diaper & household goods crowd, so she has to appeal to those masses. That’s why she’s giving the standard line about having a “balanced” approach to fitness, life, diet, and parenting. Alba may not be the best actress, but she’s a shrewd businesswoman.

We never covered these photos of Jessica at an LA Mother’s Day luncheon. She was given the “mother of the year” award by the Helping Hand organization.

Jessica Alba

Photos courtesy of Entertainment Weekly & WENN

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23 Responses to “Jessica Alba covers EW in a swimsuit, says she’s not ‘perfect’ but ‘balanced’”

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  1. Drea says:

    These pictures really help motivate me during my workouts . I get that she endorses coconut water but it’s actually really good.

    • BangersandMash says:

      I realized they added Alba with a huge boob…
      Photoshop, the only shop that’s booming in Hollywood.

      Even someone as gorgeous and slim as Jessica needed added help!

      • It'sJustBlanche says:

        Wow I thought it was just me. And I’m busty so I’m not being catty. She’s always had a cute slender shape but not big like that at all.

      • Chinoiserie says:

        I think she could also have her bikini top really padded.

    • Mia4S says:

      The only thing these pictures should motivate you to do is buy the most recent Photoshop software.

  2. Bridget says:

    The Honest Company folks must have given her some media coaching, because Alba used to give the worst interviews! There were some gems – “don’t call me Latina” “movies don’t really use scripts we all just improvise” and the old standard “its hard to be this beautiful”. She’s been much, much better. And I respect her no-nudity clause, but it feels icky that she let them digitally take her clothes off in Machete.

    • Hannah says:

      It’s a bit silly, isn’t it? So you don’t want to take your clothes off for a movie but you have no problem with people thinking you took them off?

    • Bridget says:

      Also, blech coconut water.

      • QQ says:

        YES BRIDGET .. So dense and revolting (and I say this as somebody that grew up on the stuff!)

      • Yeah–coconut water doesn’t sound too good. And I’m someone who used to crack coconuts in half and drink the milk when I lived in Guam, on a daily basis.

        I agree that water can get boring–so I generally put lemons/strawberries/blueberries in my water……with a little packet of Stevia sugar (raw sugar).

  3. Hannah says:

    That pose on the cover is very weird if you look at it for a bit longer. Photoshop accident?

  4. Birdix says:

    I’m confused by this–isn’t she suppored to be all about all-natural, organic, no leaching chemical products? Chocolate flavored coconut water (in a box, right?) doesn’t sound very natural. Or at least less natural than a glass of water, which you could get at a restaurant.

    • Bridget says:

      Coconut water is actually very healthy, and is considered an excellent natural alternative to your stabdard sports drinks. Its not like its water with a bunch of sugary coconut flavoring in it. However, it has a really distinct flavor so they do the chocolate version to make it more palatable. And I think Alba’s talking about taking it to restaurants in place of soda/juice/lemonade. Its a weird thing to do, but it is at least a healthy drink choice.

  5. redsox says:

    I remember her complaining about her sex symbol status and how hard it is to be beautiful – so why does she keep doing these kind of photo shoots then? The interview is dull.

    • poppy says:

      she did complain. and then cranked her butt up in the air in a bikini for the paps a few times shortly afterwards – so not just booty but crotchy. so, it is all ok when she wants it.
      if this is to promote the movie, where are the chaps? it would be the only valid excuse, IMO.

      she is dull.

      • Capo says:

        I don’t think she’s dull. I think that’s a judgment call. Not everyone thinks that.
        It would be more honest if you said I THINK she is dull rather than trying to word it as a truism, which it isn’t. It’s an opinion. There is a difference between “it is” or “she is” and “I think she is”. Even if many consider her dull. Where’s the crime in that? Why sit and complain about why you don’t like someone? That’s negative. Why not focus on those you like? We all have flaws. In the process of pointing the finger we cancel ourselves out. People are getting way to mean these days, especially online, always looking for reasons to hate, reject, criticize. Not looking for enough reasons to accept, tolerate, pardon, forgive, understand.

      • Bridget says:

        @Capo: “she’s dull” is a subjective statement, so by writing it the fact that its the writer’s opinion is already implied.

    • Mia4S says:

      She does these photoshoots because she has nothing else to offer. Nothing. This is it. Bikini shots. She’s a Mocktress.

      The stories I heard from friends in Vancouver when she was filming Dark Angel were legendary. Grade A bitch who thought she would be a huge, important star. Oops. I can’t help but smile when I realize she’s finally learned her place.

      • Val says:

        Really? That’s so sad to hear, I loved Dark Angel growing up…. I guess that’s why Dlisted calls her Miseralba? I don’t know, she always seems nice and smiley to me…

  6. Pix says:

    I think she look fantastic. I’m not going hate on her.

  7. Leah says:

    She is not interesting to me but she is incredibly beautiful. She seems to get that her acting career is fleeting and set up that lifestyle business. Good for her. At least she isn’t on a reality show so i can’t hate.