During his promotional appearance for the movie Wild Hogs in London recently, John Travolta urged people to help prevent global warming. He then hopped on his Boeing and flew home alone in a plane that could fit over a hundred people.
Another case of celebrity “Do as I say, not as I do” mentality, then.
Here’s the info from The Washington Post:
Flogging the British release of his film “Wild Hogs” recently, John Travolta urged everyone to “do their bit” to combat global warming, reported London’s Daily Mail, which quickly calculated that Travolta — who it says owns at least five aircraft of various sizes, which he parks at his private home/airport in Florida — leaves an annual “carbon footprint” of pollution nearly 100 times greater than that of the average British citizen.
Travolta’s fleet includes a Boeing 707, tricked out with multiple dining rooms and accommodations for a scant 34 passengers in a space that usually carries about 150. Travolta said that even though he is sensitive to the environment, he needs his own planes because it’s a big hassle to be a movie star and get around. He also told reporters that the answer to global warming might possibly be to build domed cities in space.
Days later, as if campaigning to become the world’s least eco-friendly celebrity, when Travolta landed his stretch-limo of a 707 in Ireland to refuel (there were conflicting reports about whether the landing was routine or prompted by engine problems), it was reported that he was the only one aboard the huge craft. A later report said there was an “entourage” on board.
Coming from a Scientologist, I’m not surprised with the cities in space comment. If anything, I bet him and his wife have already arranged a timeshare with TomKat when Xenu calls them back to their home planet.
When Travolta is not putting his foot in his mouth or caning the ozone layer, he does take the odd acting gig. I found this clip of him in the new Hairspray remake. He makes a surprisingly convincing drag queen, but I’m still mad they’ve Disney-fied the dark edge of the John Waters take on the musical. Why does Hollywood have to mess with decent movies by doing crappy re-makes, anyway?
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