Lana Del Rey covers the August issue of Madame Figaro. She looks beautiful and is styled very well. Much better than the fur and snakeskin-covered shoot from her last Madame Figaro appearance (when she talked about wanting to be the next Angelina Jolie). Lana is still promoting Ultraviolence, which hit #1 on the Billboard chart last week. Lana sold 182,000 records straight off the bat. Is that surprising? Those aren’t Beyonce numbers, but it’s more than I expected (and much better than Robin Thicke’s Paula. Lana scored her first #1 record. Will that make her any less apathetic and depressed than she’s shown herself to be during recent promotion? These excerpts say “no way”:
Is image more important than music? “With the first record, I didn’t have the feeling that I interested people musically. The project was dictated thus more by the images. This time, I hope that the public won’t focus on appearances. I felt controlled by the blurred perception that people had of me, but I don’t feel dependent from it now.
Her voice is less “fragile” now? “I feel like a warrior. A tired warrior, but a warrior. The difference was that I was singing live, in the same room as the band, and recording everything in a single take. It sounded more natural. We kept numerous imperfections. I worked with the same team, began to produce in Electric Lady Studios, in New York. Then I went to Nashville during six weeks to restructure the songs.”
Is she more prepared for the public now? “Being rather a solitary kind of person, I don’t feel more prepared, but at least I’m fighting. The last three years were very hard, they changed me. Even writing became difficult to me, because I was too much surrouded. When everything around you works as the same speed as you and bores you, suddenly the energy of a meeting an unknown can be rather powerful to give you back the desire and the idea of a melody. These moments became rare, I don’t live that many fantastic experiences. For that, I need to take my old car, drive to the beach, and wait.”
The album title: “I try to remain reasonable and healthy, but, inside, I carry many contradictions. I have peaceful moments and a great deal of torments. It is tempestuous. As I adore the color of the words, I chose Ultraviolence as a title for the sound that it creates under the tongue, but also for the juxtaposition of a luxurious tone with the hardness of ‘violence.’ It pleases me.”
More talk of death: “I care a lot about my songs. When I was in Nashville, I rented a farm and, every day, I sat down for hours and listened to the band. I was in my place. When it’s over, I feel empty and I wait for new signs. I’ve always looked for signs in everything. I think ceaselessly of death, the concept of mortality is a vagueness that is constantly threatening. I find it to be heavy, crushing, really. What is the purpose? And what if there’s nothing after? I believe in a power bigger than us, who can guide us and help us to find the answers. But it is difficult to perceive it when you are constantly in movement.”
Is she happy? “Not really. It is difficult to be happy, I always feel a kind of malaise, and I’m stuck, always expecting something. I am a little disorientated. When I finish something, I am very annoyed.”
[From Madame Figaro]
This interview mixes the self-important vibes that Lana projected when talking about her last album with the more morose mood she’s been sporting for the Ultraviolence discussions. She feels like a “warrior“? Lana really lets criticism and internet chatter upset her. I guess on a large scale, that’s understandable. Maybe if she sticks with the music biz for a few more albums, it will bother her less in time.
Lana does have a new man in her life. She’s been spotted vacationing with Francesco Carrozzini, an Italian photog. The Mail has photos of them laughing and smooching. Lana only recently announced her split from fiancé Barrie-James O’Neill. Barrie doesn’t think that his breakup with Lana is for real. he just told TMZ that it was all for publicity: “That’s just papers man, she’s got an album.” Man … poor Barrie.
Photos courtesy of Madame Figaro
Wow, she looks stunning in this shoot. The last picture is breath-taking.
Agree. She’s giving me teen Lisa Marie Pressley vibes. Very pretty.
I can’t even with this pretentious little twatwaffle.
This. This right here.
I want to take people like this, strip them of all their worldly goods, and put them in a place of real destitute. Make them work and work hard, see exactly how life is for most, and then give them a nice slap and tell them to get over themselves.
And I’m not buying the whole, “While enrolled in university, Del Rey helped paint and rebuild houses on an Indian reservation ‘across the country’.” It’s a rather vague statement that seems copied word for word in each webpage I’ve found. Makes me think it is a PR spin to make her look better in the public eye. “Oh look, Lana del Rey helped rebuild homes on indian reservations. She must really care about others. She’s such a Saint… blah blah blah…”
I cannot see this girl putting any real back-work into anything.
I doubt she’d want “Beyoncé numbers”, seeing as her last album outsold B’s last by four million copies! Dreary music doesn’t have epic first week sales, but it does have stamina.
She looks good here.
Meh. Death will have its day, but the interim is mine. As for life, it’s to be lived not solved.
love this.
I like her honesty about not being happy. Very refreshing especially coming from a rich singer.
Eh. I wouldn’t put too much stock in what is clearly a carefully-crafted image. She’s probably actually very joyous and not nearly as miserable as every one of her interviews suggests.
Yeah, she’s either seriously depressed, and needs to deal with it, or she’s faking. I don’t know for sure, but as someone who has dealt with depression, I find it extremely unusual that she talks about it so openly and casually while it’s happening. Most people in the depths of depression are desperate to hide it and can only talk about it after the darkest part has lifted. She makes me very, very angry.
And if its all a bunch of crap, she needs to stop glamourizing depression and thoughts of death. A lot of young people listen to her music. If someon were on the edge, hearing things like this could push someone over….and if its true, she needs to get help!
As someone who has been there (MDD + suicide attempts) and has done some peer counseling, the more she talks, the more this is an attempt to make herself sound “deep”. This is the kind of talk that glamorizes death to young, impressionable minds that may not go “there” on their own and reinforces the self-loathing/demoralization that those who are truly depressed and just want the pain to stop feel
Been in ol cranky’s position. I’m always loathe to diagnose or dismiss a person if the topic is presented. I know that I made myself worse in attempting to conceal that I wasn’t doing well and wasn’t doing anything much at all, but who knows ? I get the sense that she’s the ‘mean reds’ type, but I don’t know her.
You know it takes all types to make the world go round. Some people talk very openly about their depression and suicidal thoughts. I have heard patients describe their plans for suicide very openly, with a sense of completion around it. I have also heard people discuss their mood in terms of misery etc, again quite openly. Certainly some people stay quiet about it because they think there is still a stigma associated with depression and other mood disorders, but others see their issues as something that they need to discuss.
I was one of the people in the second group. When I was compelled to give up my work I found myself clinically depressed. I spoke about it in terms of “I am having a really bad day”, “feel like shite” and so forth.
I am not saying that this girl is not putting on an act but I think when anyone makes noises like this they need to be taken seriously until proven otherwise.
She isn’t being honest at all. She attempted to make a music career for herself several years ago under her real name, with her real voice and more upbeat songs. No one liked it. She could have quit then. But no, her rich daddy paid for an image overhaul and now she’s “edgy” so people are interested. This is an act. If it was for real, she would stop producing albums, doing shows, or putting herself in the limelight. She won’t. She will continue to prattle on about her fake history living in a trailer park and being moody and wearing really heavy smoky eyeshadow.
Her photos look okay but good grief, she sounds almost as delusional as Kanye in these excerpts with all her meandering metaphorical “deep” speak. And for Heaven’s sake, the word is “disoriented”!
I don’t know about that nisa1213. Perhaps it is yet another one of those “American English vs. English English”. Disorientated is most certainly a word where I live and disoriented is not.
Actually every English speaker and reader knows that “disorientate and disorientated” are proper English words, check a dictionary.
I have never heard of “disorientated” except when grammar teachers were telling us what NOT to do. “Disoriented” is correct.
(Just looked it up in the OED. I am American and “disorientated” is only British. Selena is correct.)
Lovely photos. And she sure looks happy with her new guy in the DM candids, so that’s good.
She’s very beautiful. Over time she’ll stop talking about death and start talking about something else. It’s just a period she’s going though.
Yeah, I don’t think we’ll be hearing about “Lana” for too much longer.
She’s of limited value commercially and if this is the kind of middle-brow bs she spouts in interviews I can only imagine how irritating she must be to producers/agents/etc. in person.
Those types will put up with a lot as long as you’re making them money. If you can’t they’ll find some other singer who doesn’t really understand what contracts mean or the long term effects of botox.
Dan Auerbach, from The Black Keys, who produced most of it said she was a joy to work with, that they butted heads on some of his ideas, but that he understood because she had a lot to lose. She wanted this to be her vision. She said she had a wonderful time and greatest experience working with him that she had ever had. They met through mutual friends at a night club dancing the night away (so she’s not home in bed not enjoying life) and really talked about her album that was for the most part completed and music, and he said they really clicked even though they didn’t know each other’s music. And she dropped by his studio in Nashville with her music and days turned into weeks and he ended up producing most of the album.
I have a feeling behind the scenes she’s not this morose, depressed person she portrays all the time, that it’s just one facet of her personality and that’s what she taps into for her songs or from her past, and she chooses to push it out there in interviews also. All of the photos you see of her out and about with her family or her ex-boyfriend she’s always smiling.
Here’s hoping it’s mostly an act eh? Maybe she could lighten up a bit and show us her fun side, might sell more records too
I like her songs and her style but really she needs to stop complaining ”Not really. It is difficult to be happy,”
Com on! There’s no war in your country, you’re rich as hell (it’s not everything but it helps) she has a family etc. I think she doesn’t realize how her position is better than 95% of the planet.
I’m tired of those poor tormented stars..
Yeah she seems so unappreciative of her VERY fortunate life. But on the other hand she may be depressed and depression clouds one judgment and make everything look glum/bad/sad etc…I hope she looks into that to try and figure out why she’s so unhappy despite all she has.
Happiness doesn’t depend on material wealth or presence of war. I know many people who are happy as a peach despite the fact they live under occupation, in a war zone and don’t have material wealth yet I know many who haven everything going but are not. It happens.
Interviewer “Is image more important than music?”
Lana’s agent “I certainly hope so, cause if it isn’t we’re boned”
Yeah basically.
This interview was so obviously translated–it is a French mag, after all.
But this is not what Lizzie Grant sounds like. She wouldn’t use the word “malaise”, much less even understand what that word means. Amusingly, the interview was translated in a way to make her sound far more interesting (I know, hard to believe) and “artsy” than she really is. Glaringly missing is the usual barrage of “like”s that pepper her interviews.
This is definitely her signature over-the-top melodrama though.
Thank you! I was reading that thinking that if you talk like a cut-rate translation, you should really further your education, ’cause shit has gotten crucial. Although she should probably do that anyway.
Aha, light dawns. I wondered about ‘ceaselessly’ from our heavenly somnambulist, but that explains a lot.
By God though, she’s a downer. So she’s admitting that her interview in the Guardian may have touched on death after all!
Hell of an image to come up with, so long after dear old Morrissey. I look forward to a new wave of fame-schticks, involving crazes for mathematics, fruitbats, or internal combustion engines.
God, how utterly boring. Erm, I meant “ennui”. Give it a rest, please. An eternal one.
It is baffling to me how someone who can’t sing AND has zero stage presence has a number 1 hit.
I caught some of her Glastonbury performance & couldn’t believe how TERRIBLE she was. The vocals were all over the place & she was virtually yawning & rolling her eyes. Totally lacklustre, no charisma or stage presence nor even any joy at being there whatsoever.
Ditto but people will buy anything these days with enough marketing; my hope was restored when in June Led Zeps first three albums remastered by the great Jimmy Page were released, and all were in billboard’s top ten for sales.
If you can’t sing live, you’re not a singer, you’re a studio and marketing creation; too many people know this chick’s real back story, daddy is buying her career.
A typical millienial narcissist: she wants to be rich and famous, not good.
OMG, THIS! There’s something about her that makes me want to punch her right in the face.
Yes yes and YES to this thread. It says a lot about the state of our planet when we consider this music. The record is well produced, but dull with horrible lyrical content and a grating pitchy voice. She can’t sing and can barely write but hey when you have the hottest producers and the money for image consultants and PR, mediocre crap becomes number 1. Hopefully we’ll stop buying into it. One. Day….
Her album sold more than double what her debut did, so those are fantastic numbers, especially considering she barely promoted it leading up to its release. She’s on tour and just didn’t do much. The tour is covering her last albums, so only has like two new songs. I’d say the label is very happy with those numbers.
She was eviscerated before her first album even came out. Just from a couple of singles doing so amazing, grumpy male music reviewers went after her with a vengeance, especially a New York Time music critic. It was like he had a vendetta against her and literally tried to destroy her career before her first album was even released. It was bizarre. Another reviewer of this album even called that critic regarding the old review saying that it seemed so out of character and personal. So she changed her name and took on a new persona. Big deal. Elton John, David Bowie, Lady Gaga, Kiss, etc, This business is so hard to crack anymore that she switched gears to get the songs out there she had. Her first live appearance was a bomb, so talk about that. But the attacks were out of proportion to someone who was so new and the album hadn’t even dropped yet.
I can imagine it was overwhelming for her and depressing. Her new album I love love love. It has such an amazing soundscape to it, and the songs flow one into another revealing beautiful things about them. A great, cohesive album and she proved she is no puppet where others are pulling the strings. Dan Auerbach,from The Black Keys, who produced much of the album was so impressed with her and her songs. The album doesn’t even address death really so I don’t get why she goes on about it in interviews.
She won’t be someone who continually puts out work and tours. I don’t know where she goes from this album, if she can switch up her topics and evolve. Time will tell. But at least this album was great. I see her doing more soundtrack stuff for movies. She only likes smaller venues and loves doing a more intimate concert and doesn’t seem to like big venues when she does them. A guy on my rock music board went to see her in Sweden and was up in the front rows and said it was the slowest concert he had ever been to but that it was amazing and she can sing.
Were the attacks really out of proportion when she’s still shit live? And I actually love her work but I would never pay to see her. She has 0 stage presence, looks bored or high, is out of breath often (and she barely moves!) and just looks like she’s ready to quit. She’s tragic live and should only be listened to at home, lounging after a hard day’s work. She’s not consistent despite the fact that she can sing.
Everything, from her persona (breathy nearly 30-year old lolita woman obsessed with older guys, angst and booze) to her appearances are downright annoying to say the least. If she was 21, maybe more tolerable but her Angelina Jolie stage seems contrived and OTT for somebody who is seemingly totally different in her private life.
The attacks were about far more than her bad SNL performance and her inconsistency live. I get that. I don’t really have a desire to see her live. As I said, her album, Born to Die, wasn’t even out yet when it started. She had a couple of hot singles and was getting a lot of hype. The personal nature of the reviews is what got me.
Like this.
“A career founded on bad faith all around can’t be long for this world, but at this point what can Ms. Del Rey do? Not much. Her cultural stamp has already been affixed, her biography written in concrete. The only real option is to wash off that face paint, muss up that hair and try again in a few years. There are so many more names out there for the choosing.”
A review of Born to Die. Ha-ha. Her career didn’t die. But the smug comment about the name change. Many singers, bands have changed their name and/or look. Yet she is crucified for changing her image and without researching passed on some other unsubstantiated stories as fact for what, a music review of an album? Again, Elton John, Kiss, Gaga, Bowie., these people were not born that way and didn’t get crucified with smarmy comments about their real name and what they performed as or looked like before changing to something for hype.
And the “wash off that face paint and muss up that hair and try again in a few years” comment, how condescending and putting the little woman in her place. As a woman, I resent such comments put under the guise of a music review. That’s in a review of her album. It has nothing to do with the music, which is what a music review should be, and it was out of a big newspaper by a known music reviewer. Male, of course.
Thanks Jayna. I really don’t understand the amount of vitriol directed at her. I like her music and find her pretty harmless…
Allow me to explain: some of us are tired of the highly manufactured, minimally talented pop starlets that are constantly being foisted upon us against our will. Sure, we could close our eyes really tight in hopes that they will disappear forever OR in the lively and time-tested tradition of celeb gossip, we can ceaselessly critique and mock them for our own amusement.
I choose the latter because it’s more fun for me.
Her first album was released in 2008 and was titled “Kill Kill” and her second album, released in 2010, was titled “Lana del Ray A.K.A. Lizzy Grant.” And no, I did not misspell “Ray.”
There’s a reason most people have never heard of them. Which one are you referring to? “Born to Die” was her third album. She wasn’t new to the music world at all, she picked a new name and demeanor, and radically changed her looks and style, which is what the makeup comment was probably a reference to. She couldn’t hack it with her real looks and personality so she drastically changed them to craft a public image people would respond to. Many people are bothered by that. Especially because she had a very privileged upbringing and went to one of the best boarding schools in the country, but claims she was penniless living in a trailer park. That isn’t just a name change.
She was always pretty. Does anyone stay looking the same or not change their name? It’s a tough business.
Example. One of the most revered artists of all time, David Bowie, whom most musicians cite as an influence (I’m not saying Lana has his brilliance).
He had been in five or six different bands, had released singles from some of them, all flopped. Every time a band didn’t pan out of if they got a singles deal (which is what they got back then) and it flopped, he moved on to the next band. Somewhere in around the fourth or fifth band he changed his name to David Bowie. So far his five singles, each from different bands, flopped. He tried to get the Beatles’ manager who was major in making the Beatles famous. Frustrated after so much failure, he said he was quitting and was going to study being a mime. He was very serious. He didn’t quit entirely and his new manager took him solo, and his first single flopped. And when his fist solo album was released it flopped. He put out nothing for two years. He was beyond discouraged. He started hanging out with a very theatrical person,who was very avante garde, and began studying under him, mime and theatrical arts, and immersed himself in that world and decided to come back with a new persona, the flamboyant David Bowie everyone came to know. He got a few singles for movies but still nowhere. He joined a trio with some girl he was dating who sang folk music. They broke up, he left the trio. He was reduced to trying to get jobs to make money. He acted in a commericial. They tried to make a 30-minute film on him to get him publicity. It was cancelled, but a song he wrote, Space Oddity, was going to be the first crack for him But he still struggled. Trying to release his second album with a band and their first appearance was awful and not received well, so they decided to push him back as a solo act. It took time but his second album launched him with the newer music he was now into, more psychedelia.
Bowie is considered one of the most influential artists of all time, who influenced a genre of music and other musicians starting out all the way to today. Seven years of flopping in different bands and as himself solo until he began a transformation in persona and musical style.
Gaga was on the same circuit as Lana Del Rey and her first music went no where, and she looked nothing like she looks now and does far different music and renamed herself Lady Gaga. Gaga is very talented even if I’m no big fan.
So your point is?
I went to see the ‘Being David Bowie’ exhibit at the Royal Ontario Museum in November, I could’ve saved the cash 🙂
Did anyone else see it? It was HUGE. I just got tired, but it was fabulous.
I have the very first pressing of the single “Liza Jane” from David Jones and the King Bees. It is truly dreadful, but worth a power of money these days. Not for sale btw. 🙂
Have been a huge Bowie fan for many many many years now.
Jayna, you made the point yourself, she isn’t as brilliant as Bowe. That is why she is mocked for totally changing her looks and persona. A talented musician may never be noticed, or they may work years to become noticed. But whatever it is they do, they will always be talented. What irks people is when talent is manufactured in a studio and then the paraded around as the real deal. She is not talented. She is a pretty face with a recording track playing in the background. She isn’t the only one…I have heard pretty boys with awful voices as well. They are a gimic used to make recording execs money.
I have this odd fascination with her. She isn’t mega talented but the vibe she puts out is something, and I know she’s aiming for a pinup/lolita/femme fatale/parlour girl thing and it’s mesmerizing. It’s sexy and miserable and I like the angle she’s working there. She sounds rather contrived in that interview but whatever… she’s got my attention.
To me she’s like a character in Girls.
Or considering the T shirt she was seen wearing a little while ago I think she wants to be Audrey Horne.
Interesting that she complained the Guardian journalist misquoted her comments about death and there she goes talking about it again to a different publication.
I hate this whole tormented death-obsessed Edgar Allan Poe heroine image she’s created. As many have said before if she was really depressed she probably woudn’t be able to get out of bed let alone tour and PR an album.
People who are depressed don’t talk about it. Worse case scenario they can’t function and they’re ashamed of it. Best case scenario they do teir best to manage and above all fool others that they’re fine and they can cope. They certainly do NOT enjoy talking about their depression.
Sad thing is her teenage fans are not going to see past the PR crap.
ETA Madame Figaro is a weekly mag btw. It’s the style supplement to Le Figaro newspaper.
I totally agree and said same above before I read yours, except I hadn’t thought about your first interesting point regarding the journalist. I can’t stand this fraud.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with her talking openly about depression, at least not as quoted in this particular article. Depression is a part of life; most people experience it at some time. We need to talk about it more, not less. Particularly when the level of unease and uncertainty about the future experienced by young people (and not so young) in the US is so very high.
Note, however, that I didn’t like the death and suicide talk in her previous interviews. That is not appropriate for interviews.
There is a difference with depression as low mood being part of life and major depression in the sense of clinical depression as a mental disorder.
Major depressive disorder is generally treated with antidepressant medication and has serious, very serious, side effects. Therapy like counseling or psychotherapy may take a long time and is not often effective.
To make it short, depression or mental depressive disorder is a very serious and disabling condition and Lana del Rey should not speak of it like it it is The Sorrows of Young Werther.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with talking about depression either. I’m just saying that I have been clinically depressed, and from my experience and talking to other people with depression, one of the symptoms is trying to HIDE your depression from the world. I don’t believe she’s actually depressed, or she wouldn’t be ABLE to talk about it so openly. Therefore, I think she’s faking it because she thinks it’s glamorous or makes her somehow more interesting, and coupled with her suicide talk, sends a very dangerous message to young people.
And as dagdag said, most people do not experience real depression. It’s not the same thing as the blues, it’s not something you can just get over if you have enough willpower. That kind of attitude, even when held by well-meaning people as I’m sure you are, contributes to the shame and stigma of people who are actually depressed, and is one of the reasons they try to hide it.
Oh, spot on there with Werther.
What I see of Lana’s a tranqued Vegas girl, what Lana seems to wish to project is this:
I understand how people would struggle with talking about depression. When I was younger, suffering from depression, I often tried to hide it. I’ve been diagnosed in the last year with Major Depression Disorder and went on anti depressant and into therapy and well.. Weird but at times I would joke about how miserable I was and deadpan. My humour was very dark and at times it ‘freaked’ out some of my friends. Weird I know but I revelled in talking at times about how f*cked and unhappy I was and then just be joyful about it. I dunno, it was weird.. I definitely stabled a bit after that weird reaction but it was strange because that’s the way I coped with it. That doesn’t mean I didn’t have my very low low points, but I would be very blasé about it when I was feeling better like ‘oh ya it sucks I spent the day in bed feeling like throwing myself out the window and crying all the time but now I just want to go party and talk to boys WOOP’. I talked to my counsellor about it and apparently stuff like that happens.
That’s why I’m not surprised that LDR is talking openly and being blasé about depression if she really is depressed.
What was even better about the Guardian interview: after she said she was misquoted, the interviewer released the audio, clearly showing she misremembered.
Wow. Her head’s pretty far up her own ass. Pace yourself, Lana.
I get what she says about death. I think about it all the time, too. Not in an I-want-to-die way, I don’t mean that. I guess it’s hard to explain, but yes, it is crushing, as she says.
Anyway, I like Lana, and I love her music. I think she’s just trying to find her way in life, and fame and success don’t automatically open up that path for you.
Oh Lana go sit on the couch, pop in a ‘Partridge Family’ dvd, light a joint and listen to David Cassidy singing ‘Come On Get Happy’. Maybe that’ll do it for you.
The more I read this, the more I think she is trying to come across as a dark and brooding, indie, goth type.
It just doesn’t wash anymore.
If she was really about the music, she wouldn’t be doing fashion modeling. All this talk of death, when you are young, beautiful and wealthy is just so self indulgent that it’s sounding more like schtick than believable at this point. Soooo depressing being on the cover of Vanity Fair, must lie down and contemplate death for 7th time today.
Maybe she’s just being realistic about life and death. People die everyday, by accident/on purpose/by self/by war/by evil people/by friends/by lovers….Everyday death stalks us.
People need to be real about life and mortality, after birth-teens there is a point when cells stop multiplying faster than those dying, then we as humans begin dying slowly daily, our flesh (due to cell deaths) begins to imperceptibly rot, the rotting body flesh can be smelled but we have become accustomed and accepting to the smell.
Every day we live we die a little.
I don’t blame her for wondering what there is after death, because death is “THE ONLY SURE THING” in our human existence, so, I think she’s a “smart thinker”, she like many advanced thinkers looking ahead, questioning what there is after the surety of death, and the why and how of life.
Some people delude themselves about death and others try to realistically deal with it. I have had a few sure death experiences and it has made more like Lana realistic about confronting death.
1. plane almost demolished.
2. Bullet in the back
3. Semi-Truck crushed my car, crippled for months.
4. Explosive that was saved from in the nick o time.
5. Lungs collapsing medication, – doctors waiting for me to die overnight.
I have had a lot fun, in my short time on this planet.
Oh man I actually like her and her interview read as a bit goopy and just fake.
Pics are pretty though!
I like her eerie songs, just can’t with the depressive femme fatale pose, so I avoid the videos. She sounds fake as hell, but who knows? Hope she really is, because depression is a spiritual cancer.
Can’t stand her. She’s so conceived. Give me, say, Martha Wainwright, any day.
But boy is that new man she’s with hot hot hot…