Kim Kardashian’s iOS game is a huge hit, it’s on track to make $200 million


By now you’ve probably heard about Kim Kardashian’s new iOS game Kim Kardashian: Hollywood. It was launched a few weeks ago and it’s already a HUGE hit. The game, from what I understand, is free to download but you can “buy” money within the game to enjoy the experience more. Like, $99.99 in real life buys you 175,000 virtual dollars, and you can use that money to go shopping or go on adventures in virtual Hollywood. People are buying money in the game, so much so that Bloomberg News projects that the game will be one of the biggest hits of the year, and it’s on track to make $200 million. Think about that. For the love of God!!

Kim Kardashian’s new video game is set to rake in a ton of cash! The 33-year-old Keeping Up With the Kardashians star recently launched her very first iOS game called Kim Kardashian: Hollywood and Bloomberg News is already predicting that the game will earn a whopping $200 million! So what does Kim have to say about the video game’s success?

“This project has been an amazing experience,” Kim tells E! News exclusively. “I’m so excited that people are enjoying the game! I partnered last year with a fantastic company called Glu Mobile to create what is now the No. 3 Free and No. 5 Grossing game on the Apple App Store. We collaborated on every aspect of the game’s design details and continue to do so with the updates we are bringing out.”

“I love that fans are constantly telling me on social media their favorite parts of the game and even offering suggestions,” Kanye West’s other half added. “We’re working really hard to integrate fan feedback and we’ve already added one of my favorite vacation spots to the game! There’s so much more to come, including plenty of cute new looks and exotic locations.”

While the game is free to download, users can pay while playing to become more famous. Since launching on Jun. 25, shares of the game’s creator Glu Mobile Inc. have gone up 42 percent.

[From E! News]

This is for all of the people who think that Kim will just disappear if some of us ignore her. That’s quaint. While it’s doubtful that everybody playing this game are Kardashian super-fans, I think it’s proof that Kim and the Kardashian Klan definitely find a way to stay relevant and profitable in an ever-changing celebrity/media landscape. Put another way… pimpin’ ain’t easy. But it’s profitable.


Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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164 Responses to “Kim Kardashian’s iOS game is a huge hit, it’s on track to make $200 million”

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  1. Nicole says:

    This is for all the people who claim she has no talent: making money is a talent.

    • Elle Kaye says:

      Her mother is savvy, like it or not. She knows how to market her daughters. This does not mean, however, that Kim has talent. It means that her sex-appeal sells.

    • FingerBinger says:

      Not really. Drug dealers make money too. That doesn’t make them talented.

      • eliza says:

        + 1000

      • mimif says:


      • The Original Mia says:


      • Kayl says:

        I don’t know. Dealing drugs is difficult. I’d say they’re pretty talented.

      • Jessica says:

        Drug dealers that make this kind of money are absolutely talented.

      • muc says:

        Drug dealers can be talented, just not ethical or moral. This app’s success is proof there is something sick in our society.

      • homegrrrl says:

        Wonderful, perfect and poignant analogy- drug dealing = kim kardashian’s “talents”. It takes effort to hustle, but what for? To promote toxicity? The Klan reps everything that’s wrong with our culture- sexism, consumerism, lameIsm. It actually pains me in a unique way, how she can understand how this waste of time game can make huge money, and yet she probably doesn’t vote.

      • Josefa says:

        Not to sound like a language nazi, but Merriam-Webster defines talent as “a special ability that allows someone to do something well”. Something can be anything. The Kardashians have no artistic talents whatsoever, and yet they manage to make millions a year. Their “talent” may not be something to congratulate them for, but if they were bad at it we wouldn’t be talking about them right now. Heck, look at this site: We all hate the Kardashians yet every post about them is sure to get over 100 comments.

        What they are doing is in many ways wrong, but they are good at it.

      • stacat1 says:

        True…making money is a skill (and can be taught) not a talent.

    • Ag says:

      it’s not her making it per se – it’s her management (headed by Pimp Mama Kris) using her image that brings the cash in. but she sure is skilled at promotion, that’s why we see her on the stroll daily.

      • Sabrine says:

        Kim’s cut is $85.5 million on the game so far and it could make more. At a guess, after taxes she’ll probably end up with about $30 to 40 Milllion. She made $28 Million last year on her other ventures so all told is probably going to net around $40 to $50 Million for the last year. Not bad. At least she works for her money.

    • Sherry says:

      I remember an interview Kim gave a while back where she said her father told her to find her passion and figure out a way to make money at it. She said she wanted to be rich and famous and that’s exactly what she’s done. She (with Pimpmama Kris’ help) figured out a way to make money being famous.

      • Kenny Boy says:

        I don’t think she’s someone to admire, but Kim has never struck me as particularly dishonest about her goal of being rich and famous and staying that way. Personally I don’t think that she cares if people consider her talented. She cares that people are talking and buying and downloading and clicking. She isn’t a particularly intelligent person but she has a certain canniness, an instinct for fame, that she has honed over time.

      • Gypsy says:

        @Kenny Boy
        That’s the smartest assessment of Kim I have ever seen.
        She is the ultimate car salesman for her brand (herself) and with her mom’s drive and smart marketing sense they are able to put millions of buyers in a Kim-Mobile.

        Kim knows the salesman motto:
        ABC – Always Be Closing

    • HH says:

      @Nicole – Making the money isn’t the talent. *What* someone does to make said money is the talent. If one considers business acumen a talent, then perhaps it could be argued that Kim and/or Kris do have talent.

      • T.C. says:

        At least she is constantly working to make money the Anerican way unlike Kate Middleton who sits on her butt to take tax payer money. Yes she is tacky and a big fameho but so is Donald Trump. I have no problem with her hussle.

      • HH says:

        Understandable POV. However, I’m not sure why only KM was singled out. I find William to be just as loathsome in this dept.

        Actually, as much as I like following the Royals, it’s only fun because I’m an American who doesn’t contribute aside from voluntary tourists dollars. I’m not sure how I’d feel about royalty as one of their tax paying “subjects”.

    • MsMercury says:

      I mean I don’t disagree however are we going to just believe these numbers? Remember when they said Kimye’s Vogue was the best selling of the year and it turned out just mediocre in sells. I’m sure there are tons of people who like her game because well those kinds of games are addicting but I’ll wait until we get the real numbers.

      • Jay says:

        Yeah those numbers seem out to lunch. Atari had the number one free and number two grossing app for a while and they still went bankrupt. Their finances were public record as a result of the bankruptcy proceedings and the thing might’ve made $2 million not $200 million.

        For perspective, if you have kids and know about Minecraft, that reportedly made $240 million in its life to date. With that kind of fandom comes sold out conventions and the like. No way am I going to believe there’s a KimCon in the works over this game I never heard of til now.

      • Joan says:

        the game has a mil plus downloads..I downloaded it out of curiosity…its not bad, I play the game with its cheat and I know a dozen people that do the same…ridiculous nos

      • Felice says:

        I played it for about 2 weeks but I’m bored of it now. I was on the A list with 66 mil fans. Atari is an interesting story. I can’t believe they had to resort to burying the ET games.

      • Jay says:

        @Joan: a million downloads of a free app is not extraordinary. Conversion rates of 10% (i.e. the fraction of people who download the app who actually spend money on it, not just go for the free stuff) are considered extremely welcome. That means 100,000 paying customers would be way optimistic. Initial launches can easily account for half the total penetration, so 200,000 paying customers all said and done is also quite optimistic. They’re going to average $1000/year each on the game? League of Legends, again a world-dominating game with international tournaments and conventions made only 3x this projection in 2013, or $600 million. This claim is fantasy.

      • littlestar says:

        Just coming down here to say that I don’t believe it’s going to gross $200 million either. Even $20 million sounds like too much. I think they are lying about the numbers to generate interest and make the game sound good to potential people who might download it. The Kardashians lie about everything! They lied about their Vogue numbers, they lie about their surgeries etc etc… I can see downloading the game for free for fun, but who in their right mind are going to be paying $$$ for add ons and who would waste their time playing such a silly game?!

      • Joan says:

        I and a group of friends got the game because it is free,we don’t play with cash we use cheats..I had to uninstall and download it again 4times because it kept crashing,some friends had the same problem and uninstalled and had to download it again..if u go through the reviews on the app store,nearly half of the people their did the same(my point being that if we didn’t have to download the game up to 5 times,it wouldn’t have up to a mil in downloads)..if these people are working with the nos of downloads,then they are in for a rude awakening…

    • ParisPucker says:

      I hate to agree with you – but you’re right! If she is the total brainchild behind this, then I (ever so begrudgingly!!) say that I’m impressed. To know what people would want to buy is why people pay a sh*tload of money to get an MBA education. And this twit will achieve it through coming up with one idea that the masses takes to – you can say whatever you want, but $$$ don’t lie. Then again, this is a *projection* of what will be made, so let’s not get too ahead of ourselves!

      • Sandy says:

        If anyone here thinks that the game was Kim’s brainchild, or that she put ANY work or thoughts into it, then I really have a bridge to sell you! It is obviously the brainchild of some tech company, and they licensed her name for the game. Will she make money on it? Yes. Will it promote the Kardashian brand? Yes. But everyone here giving her kudos and props for “inventing” an app is delusional!

      • ParisPucker says:

        @Sandy – listen, I hardly think this walkingbrainfart is a genius…and if you think about it, this ‘app’ is not splitting the atom or offering the cure to cancer. What I was simply stating was this: you only need ONE idea that is in-touch or on-the-pulse of what the public is looking for, for it to become a hit and a huge money-maker. I don’t put it past her that she may have been part of formulating the idea. So keep your bridge! though your snarkypants comment was quite appreciated..

      • Sandy says:

        Sorry you don’t like being corrected, but this woman is not capable of forming a coherent thought, so the concept for an iOS is so far beyond her grasp it is not funny. “Formulating the idea!” Someone else (probably a tech person) formulated the idea and then licensed her name — It’s called “marketing.” And the comment you originally took so personally was not just aimed solely at you. You were merely the first to give her credit for . . . absolutely nothing!

    • Michelle says:

      Way over inflated numbers just like her Vogue Cover sales. PR to generate interest is my guess. Kim and the Ktrash family spin one lie after another. Plus these numbers are based on FREE downloads.

    • Nedsdag says:

      So does working for the Mexical drug cartel.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I disagree.
      Simply HAVING money will make you money. A person doesn’t need to actively do anything in order to make money, therefore making money is not a sign of intelligence, wisdom or talent. If your family has a good financial planner, that is all of the work you need to do!

      The appeal of the Karadashians is that they started out rich. That is why the show has voyeristic appeal, because it lets your average American see what their life could be like if they had no work schedule and endless amounts of time and money with which to amuse themselves. That is the same appeal that this app has. She takes 4 DAYS to photoshop one picture, I highly doubt she contributed anything to this app other than signing a form allowing others to do the work.

    • Bob Loblaw says:

      She certainly has a talent for lies and exaggeration, this little app being a case in point. I don’t believe for a second it’s making $20 mil, let alone $200. They just throw this crap out there, they don’t care if it’s true, as long as it sounds good. Just like the sales of her Vogue cover, it did not out sell Bey’s. Just like the sales of their clothes and probably their ratings, all they do is lie to try to make themselves seem more successful. It’s all smoke and mirrors, or in this case, Photo-shop and mirrors.

  2. eliza says:

    Confirmation that people are complete and utter morons.

    • HappyMom says:

      This exactly. It’s so disheartening.

    • Nick says:

      That also was my conclusion after reading the article.

    • LakeMom says:

      Faith in humanity destroyed.

    • Tanguerita says:


    • Jacqueline says:

      [Insert “I don’t want to live on this planet anymore” meme here]

    • Side-Eye says:

      People are morons because they happen to enjoy playing a game featuring someone you hate? Ok girl. It’s a minor pastime and a quick download same as the flappy bird game.

      • eliza says:

        It is moronic to BUY virtual money for that or ANY game to the tune of $99.99 in real money. My opinion. Apologies for offending you.

      • Nick says:

        Spot on again, eliza.

      • Side-Eye says:

        @Eliza, you certainly didn’t offend ME personally because I don’t pay for shit, but I also don’t get the people who constantly harp on about how others spend there money or how people like Kim are tampering with our youth when she only influences people who would be dumb enough to famewhore anyway. That’s what I got from your comment, but if that’s not wha you meant…

      • eliza says:

        Apparently you wish to argue with me for some strange reason. You read A LOT into my comment that was not there. Enjoy your day..

      • eliza says:

        @Nick- Thanks! 🙂

      • jaye says:

        I agree…it’s just a game. Personally, I wouldn’t spend $99 on anything I can’t touch with my hands, but if someone else has that kind of disposable income, God bless em.

    • Size Does Matter says:

      People do spend money on some pretty ridiculous stuff. And time, too. I just wish Minecraft taught the multiplication tables. Then my kids would totally rock them.

    • Anna says:

      I would never spend real money in the game but I am actually so addicted to it. It’s a lot of fun.
      It’s easy for you guys to knock something that you haven’t even tried yet.

      • Bob Loblaw says:

        I have no interest in it, even for “free”, there’s only about a million other fun, free games out there that have nothing to do with Kim and her vapid life.

      • truthful says:

        Anna, trust me there is no “yet” for many of us.. please believe me.
        I want no parts of it, ever. heehee

    • Dommy Dearest says:

      Anyone that plays this game I automatically assume are idiots. I play some pretty dumb app games but this one takes the cake.

    • truthful says:

      @Eliza, I could not agree more–paying money–buying into that crap–its crazy.
      complete idiots and Kim thanks them, HaHaHa!!

      unbelievably dumb

  3. Tracy says:

    Good grief… Why?!? Just why?!?

    • Rice says:

      I know! I feel like I’m caught in a neverending episode of the Twilight Zone.

      • Tracy says:

        I keep thinking their 15 has to be close to over but maybe I am the fool?

      • anon33 says:

        I don’t know how their show being on the air for seven years translates into “15 minutes of fame.” Seems quite a bit longer than that…

      • ParisPucker says:

        I know… it seems like we’re all living in her parallel universe. Somebody eject me to a dimension where people make money on innovative technology that does something for humanity rather than people literally buying *pretend money* to buy *pretend products* and *pretend experiences* as opposed to investing those things in the real world. But this idea has been around for a while now, Secondlife was a huge fad when it first came out – and now, it’s sooo passé.

        If you’re not sure what I’m talking about you can check out their site (…surprised it’s still up!) here:

      • Tracy says:

        @anon I have no idea how long their show has been on. I just wish the whole vapid bunch would go away.

  4. HappyMom says:


  5. Hotpockets says:

    I wish Choupette would replace Kim and Klan. Can we just write about her every time there is a need to post about this forever money hungry family? I’m far more interested in her new makeup line, than Kim’s App.

  6. AG-UK says:

    OMG the world is sad.

  7. feebee says:

    This story makes me feel old. Sometimes, I don’t understand what’s happened to our culture but I guess that’s not only “Kardashian” but the virtual dollar thing… I mean you’re paying REAL money for virtual money for which you go virtual shopping and end up with less than virtually nothing, right?

    • Erinn says:

      Take all of those farmville, candy crush, whatever games. It’s the same thing. Make an addicting app – put whatever subject you want in it, and it’ll sell.

      • swack says:

        The app is free. The money comes from people buying virtual money to use in the game.

    • sienna says:


      You put it beautifully

    • sonalaceae (Nighty) says:

      You only buy virtual money if you want to, some people do it… I’ve played games (still play one) and they never saw a dime from me… Have better things on which to spend my money… Usually, what happens is that people want to progress faster in the game to be the best (?????) and they buy virtual money which will allow them to buy energy, etc.. I just wait for the energy bar to be filled again (takes between 4 to 5 hours…) … Blame it on people’s impatience…
      I play one in which I have to find objects and solve puzzles, spot differences, end up training my memory and my english vocabulary… Still remember finding tools in a tool box… wrench?? what’s that?? 😀

      On the other hand, it’s a way for the programmers to keep their jobs???

      • Josefa says:

        Lol, are you talking about Criminal Case? That thing sure is addictive as hell. but I hate the energy bar thing – just when I’m getting closer to solving the mystery they make me wait 4 bloody hours!

  8. MollyB says:

    I see her game when I’m shopping around for apps and it always has great reviews. I’ve even some “I can’t believe I loved it this much” reviews on Jezebel and Slate. I don’t see myself playing it personally but apparently it’s quite fun.

    • Em says:

      Me too. I’m thinking about trying it out. I used to be obsessed with games like that. I’d never pay for it, though. I’d rather buy real shoes than virtuel ones.

      • Aussie girl says:

        I wonder how true to life the game is..? Can you make a sex tape to help you reach a new fame level.

      • Tracy says:

        @Aussie – only if you are willing to be a human urinal.

      • SK says:

        @Tracy I’m sorry but I am sick to death of people on here writing that. She did not get peed on. I have seen her tape, there is nothing of the sort on it. I think people are confusing her sex tape partner Ray Jay with R. Kelly, who peed on a 13 year old girl in a sex tape, is well-known to have had sex with dozens of underage girls, and yet somehow remains unpunished. Kim K. is vacuous and annoying; but let’s critique her on things she’s actually done, okay?

        In regards to the game, apparently it is very self-aware and there’s some humour in there about Kim and her lifestyle. There are options you have to choose from, like dating a douche to get more famous, being someone’s beard, getting naked in a photo shoot etc. it gives winks and nods to her past and plays on that. I actually think that the game developers have been very clever in regards to that.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        SK, from what I have heard she did get peed on in the longer version. The version that was sold by the company edited that part out.

    • Happyhat says:

      I’ve seen screenshots of the game going around Tumblr – it looks hilarious. It seems to be about meeting ‘famous’ people and befriending them and wearing outfits. Like Hay Day but with fashion instead of farms.

    • Tapioca says:

      The aim is that your character becomes famous in the same way KK did – photo shoots, being seen in the right places, dating douchebags (seriously, every male character on there critiques your choice of outfit in a way that would get them slapped in real life!). The word “talent” unsurprisingly never features.

      I downloaded it because it was free, but it is actually kinda addictive if you never had a Barbie growing up and so lacked an outlet for your innate desire to dress up a character. That said, I’m not paying real money for extras, do you hear me Mama Kris!

  9. Abbott says:

    Somewhere in a secret Calabassas warehouse, Rob Kardashian is surrounded by boxes of Vogue: April 2014 issues and “Rebels: City of Indra.” He silently weeps whilst downloading video game add-ons as repentance for leaving the wedding of the century.

  10. Tifygodess24 says:

    I’ve already accepted they are never going away because Cockroaches live forever. It also doesn’t hurt that PMK has a direct like to the devil. That’s the only way I can explain this mania.

  11. An says:

    Ha! It’s actually a really good concept. Nowadays everyone wants to be famous.

  12. TWINK says:

    She’s stayed relevant for so long unlike Paris!

  13. Candy Love says:

    The real question is are those figures real or are they a fabrication E! AKA kardashian network in hopes to get people to download the app.

  14. MARKWEER says:

    I never bought into any of the Hype of the Kardashians, but if people are naive and foolish enough to do so who am I to judge. I realized long ago that people will buy into anything when I saw grown men & women fighting over Cabbage Patch dolls and Pet Rocks–As the saying goes there a sucker born every minute. Evidently, those suckers love this rotten family

  15. Shelby says:

    That first outfit looks painful

  16. someone says:

    I would like to know who the people are that pay money to “buy” things in games. If a game is free, or say $1.99 to download the app, I might play it but I won’t pay to get extra bells and whistles. Am I the only one who doesn’t get spending money on virtual games? And if my kids were spending their money on that stuff I’d be upset.

    • swack says:

      I don’t get it either. I play some of the games but NEVER buy anything to enhance my experience or continue playing.

    • Kenny Boy says:

      Meh, I’ve spent a buck here and there on these kind of games. Usually not, but once in a while if I have an hour to kill and I don’t feel like doing anything else. Maybe $2 a month on average. I rarely spend money on games so if I’m enjoying playing and I need to throw them a little change to get ahead, I don’t feel guilty. The time lost playing the game is more valuable than the dollar anyway, so what’s the difference? I’ve wasted more money on stupider things.

  17. Ag says:

    it’s sad how “off” people’s (kids’?) priorities are. everyone wants to be freaking famous. whatever happened to wanting to contribute something positive to society? sigh. (yes, $hit like this makes me feel old and apparently out of touch.)

    • Mel M says:


      Every tween wants to be on the Disney channel or nickelodeon.

    • Side-Eye says:

      These kids are downloading a video game not selling sex tapes. Geez, some of you guys can stand to step off the podium for a bit.

    • Ag says:

      @Side-Eye. the irony of your comment cannot escape you – you’re on a podium about people being on a podium.

    • Kenny Boy says:

      People have always wanted to be famous for fame’s sake, and people have always been famous because of sex. In ancient Rome, women would become famous based only on poems written about their beauty or sexiness or whatever. American debutantes and socialites have been getting famous for no good reason since colonial days. None of this is new, it’s just being brought to us via new and different mediums.

  18. Nev says:

    fantastic business acumen. even if you hate her that’s happening.

  19. Mike says:

    Amazing how they think of new ways to cash in on their name. Love or hate them , they are a force to be reckoned with.

  20. Talie says:

    She was always lightyears ahead of every other celebrity when it came to her social media game. I remember going to marketing events 5 years ago and panelists — like distinguished, award-winning professionals — would rave about her skills and ability to turn a profit for brands.

    • me says:

      She is not the brains behind her success. She has a team of people, including her mother, who do everything for her. She just shows up and smiles.

      • HappyMom says:

        This I believe. I don’t think she (or Jessica Simpson) are marketing geniuses.

      • Talie says:

        I think that’s true now because her business has grown and she has too many sites to manage on her own. But in the early days, I buy that she was heavily involved on her social accounts — agencies devoted to handling people’s social media are a relatively new phenomenon.

      • lucy2 says:

        I agree – she seems dumb as dirt, it’s all the people behind the scenes with the brains. And I bet she had nothing to do with this other than licensing her name, and probably only gets a small chunk of the profits.

      • Kenny Boy says:

        If you think she’s dumb and doesn’t know what she’s doing, then her act is working. She seems dumb because seeming dumb is profitable for her.

    • Dawn says:

      Talie, she was nothing until her mother got a hold of raunchy tape that she and Ray J put together to sell . Kris editied and took some really raunchy stuff out and resold it. From there it was Kris who took over and got the family their so called reality show. Kim does not run her own social media, she has Jonathan the ugly dude for that and god knows how many other people work for her. She does basically nothing but shop, get her lips filled, get her butt made bigger and have plastic surgery to change her face and stroll about. That’s her life. There is nothing to emulate.

  21. Tori Smelling says:

    Is there a game where we can make her disappear? Now that I would pay for!!

  22. Jayna says:

    Mama Kris is a savvy businesswoman.

  23. Jayna says:

    Her upper lip is thinner in that first photo, more like her mom’s. Did she lay of filling her lips for a change?

  24. joy says:

    I wish some genius hacker would get into the game and do something hilarious like a special “find Ignori” mini game.

  25. me says:

    Does she ignore her daughter in the game too? Do you get points every time you don’t change a diaper or don’t feed your baby? How many points do you earn for every guy you marry and divorce? How many points for every pr stunt or lie you tell the media? Does the butt get bigger with the more points you earn?

    • HappyMom says:

      You should make an alternate game! That would be great. And we would all applaud your success.

    • Ag says:


    • DTX says:

      You’re actually not that far off!!! I saw the review on Jezebel and you get points or something for “bearding” for gay stars and have to sit through dates with @ssholes for relevancy and points. You also have to deal with a very obvious Paris Hilton knockoff tweeting mean $hit about you. I cannot for the life of me understand what kind of a person would invest their time and money playing this nonsense. I’d rather shop and date in REAL LIFE than in the game to make this useless person richer…

  26. RN says:

    I still struggle to understand why she and her family have fans in the first place. No one I know IRL has ever seen her show. The only time I ever read about her is on this website (although I do sometimes see headlines about her on some news websites). It boggles my mind that anyone with a scrap of intelligence could find that television show a pleasurable way to spend time. They all seem so boring and meaningless.

    • TWINK says:

      I used to watch her show just because it’s fun and I enjoyed it, I know a lot of people who do and they’re getting their Master’s, etc. aka not what you would think of as the typical Kim fans. Watching her show/playing this game (I don’t play the game though and I would never pay for virtual money) doesn’t mean you want to emulate her in everyway and that she’s your idol.

    • anon33 says:

      I wish people would stop saying “only morons watch reality TV.” All kinds of people watch all different kinds of things. I watch the show and I had a scholarship to law school, so…not to mention that my favorite “real” show is Mad Men, which is obviously not a low-brow show. I also watch Breaking Bad, House of Cards, True Detective, Veep, etc.

      I enjoy reality TV because I deal with sadness (disability law) all day long in my career. Reality shows (Bridezillas, KUWTK, Bootcamp, LA Hair, all the Flavor of Loves and Rock of Loves) trashy talk shows (Jerry Springer, The Test, Wendy Williams) and celeb gossip sites are my release.

      I obviously do not think reality show storylines are real or emulate these people’s lives in any way. It is entertainment-FOR ME-plain and simple. I’m not saying that there aren’t gullible people who belive these stories or that there aren’t people who emulate the Kardashians, because I know there are. I’m saying that for me personally, I work in depressing public service all day, and when I am not at work, I would rather be entertained. The shows are FUN to watch, and then I turn the TV off and don’t think about them again.

    • Jayna says:

      Back earlier on it was fun to watch. I would catch maybe half the shows a season. The family lived in a smaller home. They seemed to be a tightnit family. Sisters fight but have a bond, and that’s fun to watch. Then they kept getting bigger and bigger. They move. Mom gets a chef. Mom gets offices to build her empire. The girls are all getting richer and richer and everything got faker and faker.

  27. Dawn says:

    Just because some computer gamer made this game for Kim doesn’t mean she has any talent! It simply means that her mamma is smarter than we give her credit for and got Kim a great paying gig. How anyone can listen to her voice is beyond me but the old saying that there is a sucker born every minute is apparently still very true. Again she didn’t write this game and who knows who came up with the concept but I would bet it wasn’t Kim. If not for PMK the whole Kardashian family would still be the nobodies they should be.

    • word says:

      I wonder what percentage of each dollar she will receive off this game? I highly doubt Kim was the one who designed the game. Someone always does the work for her, she just takes the credit. She did the same thing with Dash. She acted as if it was her store and that she did all the buying/book keeping, etc. Khloe let the truth out and told everyone Kim never goes to Dash and does zero work regarding the store (unless the cameras are rolling).

  28. Lizzie K says:

    We’re not only not going to see the last of the Kardashians — or at least Kim — we’re going to keep getting more and more wannabes trying to emulate Kim’s formula for monetary success. Boob implants have been a thing for a while, but there’s a really big market now for butt fat injections and implants, thanks to Kim K. That vapid Teen Mom Farrah Abraham made more money than any of the other Moms by doing a porn video. Courtney Stodden is a sad-eyed little blow-up doll who gained notoriety with her extra-large boobs, sky-high heels and bizarre romantic(?) tweets to her pedophile-in-all-but-wedding husband. The Kardashians aren’t the first by a long shot to discover that sex sells, but they have taken it to new levels with social media, a captive cable channel and a complete absence of the shame gene. I think they’ll all end up like Jenna Jameson eventually, but by then the next generation of girls will be strutting their stuff.

  29. pnichols says:

    What is the game?? What do you do? Do you get to kill her at the end?? LOL. I’m soooo kidding.

  30. Lucy says:

    Why this woman and her family are still making money is absolutely beyond me.

  31. Kat says:

    This is an unpopular opinion but Kim took a guy’s disrespect and made millions. Yes she’s a famewhore, but I can’t bring myself to hate her incredible game. Roll my eyes? yes. Hate? Nope.

    • kri says:

      Kim made porn with a dude, her mom sold and marketed it, and now they have made famewhoring their life’s work. I have no respect for any of them. This is a sad world sometimes.

      • Kat says:

        She has a game. She’s built a multi million dollar empire off of ONE tape. I’m sorry that I can stand back and appreciate the brand she’s built instead of wagging my finger at her, calling her a slut. She’s a damn good business woman.

  32. swack says:

    If you do the math, since the download is free, 2,000,000 people had to have bought the virtual money for $99.99. That’s insane. I could use that money for better things.

    • MsMercury says:

      That’s why I’m hesitating to believe these numbers. Tumblr has tons of hacks so you can play the game for free (without waiting for it to restore energy or having to spend any money at all.) All the kids that are playing these games know the hacks. I’m sure she’ll make some money from game though.

      • Joan says:

        I play the game with it’s cheat..and just like everthing Kardashian,it gets boring.the real question should be if it would still be ontop in the next few months..they should not conclude yet…many dont buy things in it,butt wait for the bars to fill up …

    • someone says:


    • Kenny Boy says:

      I am sure that they give you the option to spend less than $99 on the virtual cash. That’s the way these games work. You spend $1 to get to a new level, or to get past an obstacle, or something. Probably very few people are spending $99 and a lot of people are spending $2 here and there.

  33. Vampi says:

    There are no words. No words….
    Just an ass of lies, enough make-up to spackle a 4,000 sq. foot house, enough plastic to supply a warehouse of Tupperware, a virtual playground of experimentation to be had in that empty head of hers by any number of scientists, a perpetual blow up doll open mouth, and a baby voice made for cartoons. She is ALL the scary! Gah! Can you tell I haven’t slept in over 48 hours? I make no sense…,yet I make ALL the sense!
    Get her off my TV and interwebz!
    The collective IQ is melting.
    I can feel it.

  34. word says:

    It’s like she just keeps winning the lotto. No hard work, but keeps bringing in millions. Who is spending their money on this ridiculous game? Give that money to charity, it will be much more appreciated.

  35. Jesse4 says:

    Can we please track down the people playing this game and stop them?! Please?!?! 😩

  36. Anna says:

    Not sure i believe this story

  37. miriam says:

    I hope her big arse bursts soon and puts her out of action. Please just take this woman away.

  38. StaceyP says:

    I am an atheist, but this crap makes me wonder if the whole ‘end of days’ thing has some truth in it. I mean Armaggedon can’t be that far away can it?

    • Vampi says:


    • sonalaceae (Nighty) says:

      AHAHAHAHA….! I’m an atheist too, and everytime I read this stuff I also think about the end of the world… The 4 knights of the Apocalypse are about to arrive… (My Catholic upbringing runs deep still..)

  39. The Original G says:

    Rest assured that if Kim made $200,000,000., she’ll need $200,000,000.10 to live.

    • Jayna says:

      Kim isn’t on track to make 200 million. That company is is on track to make 200 million. Kim gets a small licensing fee for her name attached probably, which over time will add up if it grows.

  40. Kris says:

    PMK is a freaking genius. They made the game free and then hook you by “optionally” buying stuff to get ahead? Say what you will about them (I totally do, I’m no fan of Kim’s) but they know how to make a buck.

    • word says:

      I don’t think PMK designed the game. They have experts who are paid to develop games.

  41. Ruyana says:

    I don’t care how much money the Kardashians bring in. I don’t measure the worth of people by how high they can stack their paper money.

    Obviously I and some of us here are in the minority. Also obviously, our education system has failed a great many people if money is all they use as a measure of worth.

  42. Ice Queen says:

    Rich are getting richer while poor people (and everyone else) buy their sh!t. Same old, same old…

  43. SK says:

    Apparently this game is super addictive. One of the Jezebel writers admitted that she dropped a few HUNDRED bucks playing it in a very short period of time. If people are doing that, she is going to make a fortune. Hopefully it is short-lived!

  44. Gypsy says:

    Many people never calculate advertisers dollars, Kim will make tons of $$$ in addition to what the game product purchases will bring because the bigger money is in advertisers dollars. The more millions of eyeballs Kim gets to JUST view the game, is the great the value it is to advertisers.
    Salesman motto: ABC = Always Be Closing

    Th Value of Kim primarily, and lesser the other Kardashians is advertisers $$$$, where millions of viewers translate into millions of advertisers dollars. (TV/Online/Products support/Product Promotion).
    Even web sites and blogs make money from Kim’s aura. – Good/bad comments doesn’t matter, it’s volume that matters.

    Families who work together get rich together, ask Kim.

    • Smiel says:

      Her aura looks real dank to me. I’ll admit I click open her threads only to comment negatively about her. Because she’s not really entertaining to me. And she does “celebrate stupidity” – Daniel Craig.

  45. Dommy Dearest says:

    I’ll play it if it means I get to pee on her.

  46. Trashaddict says:

    Well, now I truly believe that there’s a sucker born every minute. For reals. Of course, Kim’s probably a sucker too, she’s just making more profit out of it than you or me.

  47. LAK says:

    So the game is playing at being Kim for a day or however long $99 lasts?

    In a way it’s brilliant that she’s monetised her daily pap stroll beyond her pap revenue and by she I mean PMK.

  48. Smiel says:

    It’s not predicted to be on track to make $200 million (net profit), but to hit $200 mill in revenue. Nevertheless this is depressing news.

  49. Katia says:

    My correct answer: No, I do not play this game. This game represents everything that is wrong with the Kardashians and society in general.

    My real answer: Holy hell, this game is fun. I’ve never gotten addicted to an app before…Even when Angry Birds was the rage, I thought it was cute but that’s about it. I LOVE this game. Yes, it’s a silly game, but so what? It’s basically the app equivalent of cheese puffs. Nothing redeeming about it, but sometimes all you want are cheese puffs.

    I haven’t spent any of my own money on it, but I can see why other people are…It’s quite tempting to.

  50. Intro Outro says:

    When I was.. 12, I believe, my mom taught me that: a) you should never combine different geometric patterns in your tops and skirts/trousers, and b) if your top has ANY kind of pattern at all, your skirt/trousers must have NONE, and vice versa.

    Kim, care talk to my mom?

  51. Glowworm says:

    I kept waiting for an, “April Fools!!” I know it’s not April, but that is the only way my brain can make sense of this.