Did Brad Pitt throw a little shade at George Clooney at the ‘Fury’ premiere?


Here are some photos of Brad Pitt at last night’s Washington, DC premiere of Fury. Colin Powell was there! Powell & Pitt shook hands on the red carpet. All of Brad’s costars were there too, and I’m including a photo of Jon Bernthal because rowr. Also, Shia LaBeouf has been exceptionally well-behaved thus far in the promotional tour. He doesn’t want to upset Pitt. I can’t say I’m a fan of Brad’s mustache, but whatever. He’s had a lot of facial hair drama the past few years. Brad has about a million new interviews, but this one is my favorite – I absolutely think he was throwing shade at George Clooney at the end:

While the World War II drama “Fury” depicts a gruesome look at war through the exploits of a tank crew in Nazi Germany, Brad Pitt feels his 13-year old son Maddox can handle the content.

“He’s a World War II buff,” Pitt told The Associated Press on Wednesday night on the red carpet for the film’s world premiere. Some have criticized the film’s stark brutality. Scenes of soldier’s body’s getting torn up during rapid machine-gun fire or a tank commander decapitated has the made the film a little too real. The newly married father of six contends when it comes to what’s appropriate for his children, he comes from “another generation.”

“My father would take us to the drive-in as very young kids and we’d see Clint Eastwood movies and Kung Fu movies,” the 50-year old actor said. He added: “The world is a beautiful place, but it’s also a very violent place. We talk about it afterwards, so I’m not so opposed.”

On the subject of family, Pitt was amused at the notion that he and George Clooney had a pact that they would both get married. Pitt married longtime love Angelina Jolie earlier this year, and Clooney tied the knot in September. Pitt laughed at the theory before responding: “We did it for the right reasons.”

[From Page Six]

Which “we”? The “we” of Angelina and Brad or the “we” of Brad and George? I think Brad was saying “Me and Angie did it for the right reasons, no comment on Clooney’s reasons.” As for letting Maddox see Fury… I could see that. Boys like war movies and Maddox is old enough to see a violent war movie.

Some of you have requested that I cover this Aussie interview with Brad – go here to see. He talks a lot about tanks and WWII, but there are some good quotes about Angelina. Some highlights:

Competing with Angelina’s Unbroken during the Oscar season: “She made an incredible movie; it’s big and her film is about the triumph of the human spirit against tremendous odds. I see the films as distinctly different, I see ours more of a day in the life of a family, three and a half years into war, that have been through Africa, France, Belgium, and now they are in Germany. And again, hers is something different. Hers is Louis Zamperini, this boy who came from nothing and against really great odds and it’s a triumph of the human spirit and it’s very inspiring in that way. But we are not pitted against each other and I hope it gets everything … It’s worth seeing.”

Why they live in France for part of the year: “My French is pretty good. And the first idea is to get our kids to a place where it’s outside of all that, that they can just be kids and explore and we also wanted everyone to learn another language and the kids just started with French and they are all speaking French, so they expand their worldview. And we wanted a European base, because we want to be able to get to Africa and Asia the same trip. But the idea was to get a European base to travel to some of the other areas, and we want the kids to see where Angie has work.”

Being 12 years older than Angelina: “Eleven and a half, alright? Let’s get the record right! But probably the same age, maturity-wise. That’s the way it works. But anyone who is there, it doesn’t feel any different, does it? It’s great. And I have said this before but I will take wisdom over youth any day.”

[From News.com.au]

Ah, his French has improved? That’s good. I remember when Brad used to say that his French sucked and that all of his kids could speak French better than him. And I love that Brad is talking up Angelina’s WWII film too! That’s sweet.

Last thing… this happened:


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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65 Responses to “Did Brad Pitt throw a little shade at George Clooney at the ‘Fury’ premiere?”

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  1. Kiddo says:

    He has a Robin Thicke arm. It’s a Pitt-y.

  2. Maya says:

    Good lord this man is gods gift to mankind.

    How is it possible that not only is he the sexiest man alive (sorry to my husband), very talented actor & producer, seems genuinely in love with Angelina and happy with his 6 children, has helped many many people around the world with his humanitarian work.

    What I love the most about Brad is that he is a strong man who clearly isn’t intimidated or jealous of Angelina. It takes a strong and confident man to be with an equally strong woman.

  3. Virgilia Coriolanus says:

    I hope that was shade. I want a male celebrity bitchfight. And George did throw shade first….haha.

    I like what he said about Angelina’s movie. I think that the story is so amazing, and Louis reminds me so much of my neighbor–both are sweet old men. My only real concern is that it’s going to be a little saccharine….just what I get from the trailer. I mean, the overall theme is hope, determination, etc—but it’s a hard balance so that it doesn’t come off as too preachy. I also think that it’s hard to balance it because we already know the ending……

    And this is probably the first time that I’ve seen their age difference brought up by the press. I think it’s a testament to how great a couple they are, that it isn’t brought up all the time i.e. there’s more to them than Brad (old man) getting with Angelina (young, hot babe)….

    • Christin says:

      @VC – How is your neighbor (Mr. C???) doing? How is his wife? IIRC, she went to a care home.

      The few WWII era people we have left are special. They lived through such hard times and changes, yet many seem(ed) so resilient.

      Within the past year, my first school principal and my grandfather’s cousin passed away. Both had incredible WWII service records that I was not aware of. Both were solid, humble men who helped shape a lot of young lives (the cousin was a teacher and vice-principal for years as well). I’m glad you have your elderly neighbor and appreciate his amazing life.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        Mrs. C is still in the nursing home. She’s been there since February, and she’s still not walking. She still throws a fit every time he leaves (he visits her twice a day), and still wants to come home. The doctors said if she does start walking, he’s going to have to pay to put railings and ramps in the house, but…..she’s still not walking. One hip is cracked, and the other one has no cartilege in the socket. And her memory is getting worse, because now she doesn’t understand why she can’t go with him. I’m honestly surprised she lasted this long, as she’s in really bad shape. I don’t really think she’s coming home.

      • Christin says:

        As much as Mrs. C would like to be home, it sounds like the nursing home is the better place for her. If she could walk again, he would probably still have to look after her (given her memory problems) and maybe have to physically help her get up and down.

        He sounds like a devoted and spirited gentleman, but that’s really too much for him to handle. As for her longevity in the shape she’s in, she must be a tough person. My boss’ grandfather lived for 20 or 30 years bedridden (I think he was 90 when he passed away). He apparently was very fidgety, and my boss thinks that “exercise” in bed may have been how he survived so long.

        Thanks for replying. I have thought about them several times and thought I might have missed an update along the way.

  4. Tara says:

    He looks like Benicio Del Toro a bit with that hair and mustache 🙂

  5. TX says:

    I think he was saying that they both got married for the right reason, not because of some pact . No shade as far as I can tell.

  6. Sam says:

    “We did it for the right reasons” is clearly him saying he and George got married for whatever the right reason is to get married, and not because they had a dumb pact to do so. Mountains out of molehills.

    • Somenestolemyname says:

      Brad was speaking for Himself and Angelina and HIS own marriage.

    • Kim1 says:

      He was asked about George.Angelina was not even mentioned.If he said ,” I did it for the right reasons” that would be shade

      • Somenestolemyname says:

        I don’t think it was shade.
        I just think when he said WE, he means Homself a Nd his wife as we.

        I don’t think Brad would speak for George, that’s why I honestly think We meant himself and his wife Angelina.

    • McCall says:

      exactly. you really have to want to stir up crap to see it the other way. Even if Brad and George are not as close as they use to be Brad doesn’t go around making rude comments like that.

      • Somenestolemyname says:

        But saying WE doesn’t mean shade, it just means he speaks for himself and wife.
        I don’t believe Brad would ever answer for why George got married, that’s why the We was For his own marriage.

    • Jackson says:

      Totally agree – not shade at all. He was answering the question referring to the supposed ‘pact’ between himself and Clooney, therefor the ‘we’ refers to Pitt and Clooney. No reason to assume otherwise.

  7. Abbott says:

    Clooney needs to respond with a Dub Step diss dance with Conan O’Brien.

    • Jaderu says:

      They need to roll down a staircase or fight in a pond like Alexis and Krystal on Dynasty. Extra points if they are both wearing shoulder pads.
      Yes I just aged myself.

      • frisbeejada says:

        And afterwards they can find a fountain to grapple in like Colin Firth and Hugh Grant had in Bridget Jones – Edge of Reason – now that I would pay good money to see! 🙂

  8. V4Real says:

    Damn Brad and Benicio Del-Torro could be brothers. I’ve always thought they looked alike, now I think it even more. Brad the cuter bro of course.

    • Somenestolemyname says:

      Yes,there was a time in some of the Latin press when Benecio was called the Latin or puerto Rican Brad Pitt, or something like that?

      • V4Real says:

        Oooh they were both in “Snatch” I just don’t recall them having any scenes togethe

        One time when I watched that movie I had to watch it with the close caption on, the accents were thick on the actors.

  9. black orchid, says:

    i liked their “yodelling ” skit morere than this one!!

  10. Somenestolemyname says:

    Brad is gorgeous.
    I love that he said, We did it for the right reasons, when asked about his marriage with Angelina.

  11. lower-case deb says:

    Maddox is really growing up. i remember Angelina said that he has a little office off hers now for when he’s working to help her. and Brad now said he’s PAing for By the Sea?
    is Maddox going to be in the film industry too? if so i guess he’s going to do more behind the scenes stuff rather than be in front of the camera as an actor.

    i like that Maddox is the unofficial tank researcher for Brad. bet he’s passionate about that.
    my nephew is a train enthusiast. he knows a loooot of things about train and stuff, add his fact-stickler personality to that of the idealism for youth… he’ll cut a man to defend his favorite train. i once bought him a book that has errors in it. suddenly i felt like i was back in tenth grade in the sweltering heat of summer.

  12. pwal says:

    I think that he meant that Pitt and Clooney married their respective loves for the right reasons, not because a stupid, tabloid-generated pact.

    Seriously… it’s not like it’s the Kidman/Pfeiffer bet with Clooney 15+ years ago.

  13. Dari says:

    It was shade. He and Angie for right reasons. If wasn’t shade why would he say it like that. He used his words carefully throughout article why not for that statement.

  14. MG says:

    I think his “we did it for the right reasons” remark is about him and Clooney. They both got married for the right reasons, not a pact.

    Side note: watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith last night for the hundreth time…I love it so much!

  15. V4Real says:

    Oooh they were both in “Snatch” I just don’t recall them having any scenes togethe

    One time when I watched that movie I had to watch it with the close caption on, the accents were thick on the actors.

  16. lisa2 says:

    Brad is getting this “is he shading Clooney” because people want some competition between Brad/Angie and George/Amal.

    Brad has never said anything negative about anyone. Neither has Angie. BUT we have to pit he and Angie against EVERYONE IN THE WORLD.. Why? goodness. Why no drama with George/Amal and Rande/Cindy. They are going to be spending far more time together. Why no Cindy is jealous of Amal.

    these couples are not going to be hanging out together. Brad said what he said in reference to some stupid Pact story.. which is a new one to me. Especially considering no one thought George was going to even get married.

  17. Angel L. says:

    My 11yo daughter is a huge World War 2 buff. I will have to screen this first to see the violence though. She got into it because we had a neighbor who was in the D-Day invasion and he would tell her stories (he passed away about a year ago, sadly). But he fueled her imagination and she loves reading about the war and watching movies about that time in history – I have seen The Book Thief soo many times now.

    • savu says:

      Good for her! I hope she stays interested in it. In my political science/history (especially war history) classes, we women are definitely outnumbered. There are way worse subjects for kids to be obsessed with. What a great way for her to honor your neighbor! I hope you tell her that often.

      (Sorry for the mushiness, I’m PMSing and your comment made me feel all warm and fuzzy)

    • Tippy says:

      FURY has been Rated R due to extended scenes of grisly violence and obscene language.

      Probably not appropriate for an 11 year-old child.

    • Holly says:

      I loved The Book Thief. Such a good movie. Wish it had more press.

  18. Somenestolemyname says:

    I don’t think its shade either.
    I just don’t think Brad would answer for Why George got married, I think he was answering for HIS OWN marriage only.
    He and Angelina are the WE.

  19. savu says:

    “Soldier’s body’s”? Seriously???! Apparently this came from the associated press and I’m so disappointed. How hard is it? Soldiers’ bodies. Come on.

    • doofus says:

      lol…I’m the same way when I see bad grammar, ESPECIALLY in something that is a professional publication or website.

      there’s a sign I pass all the time (by a farm) that says “HORSE’S FOR SALE” and I always think “a horse’s WHAT is for sale?”

      and I see it in my grocery all the time…”banana’s $.27/pound”


  20. serena says:

    LOL, loved that Jimmy Fallon-thing.. I like Brad looks this days, darker hair and mustache are good for him (then I guess everythings looks pretty good on him too). If I think about how much he changed since long time ago.. well, he’s become so cool!

  21. Chris2 says:

    Weak at the knees……what a blœdy gorgeous guy. Thanks SO much for that breakdance clip, really clever and adorable.
    I can’t stand war movies but I bet I see Fury!

  22. Chinoiserie says:

    I think you are seeing things you want to see if you think he meant a shade for Clooney.

  23. Jag says:

    lol That break dancing is hilarious! I wish that they would’ve brought out the guys who actually did the real dancing at the end, like walked by them and gave them fist bumps or something. 🙂

    • Chris2 says:

      Extremely tangential, and UK-centric, but: that amazing breakdancing is very close to what the coolest dancers did at Wigan Casino in the mid 70s, in the greatest days of Northern Soul. (I remember my young brother doing those floor spins at home as a Christmas party piece)
      Twas on my mind as there’s a film out this weekend about Wigan and Northern Soul circa 1975, very keen to see it.

  24. Toot says:

    Love the news interview. As for shade to George, don’t think so.

  25. maddelina says:

    I don’t think he’s throwing shade at George Clooney and if he is then he’s an ass considering he got married for the kids!

  26. Luciana says:

    I don’t think he’s thorwing shades at George but I have to agree that his response was bizarre. He could have said: “We are in love , blah, blah…” The right reasons? So weird and cold.

  27. hmmm says:

    Nice suit.

  28. Camille (The Original) says:

    I loved that video, cute and funny.

  29. michoko says:

    I saw an interview of him 3 days ago on french tv and he refused to speak french saying ” I’m still learning” …I was a bit disappointed , now he says that he speaks good french?come on!

  30. IT 2 IT says:

    PITT did this SAME flick —LAST year!

    And GQ does World War II’s been DONE to DEATH already!