Kim Kardashian wore jorts for a matinee movie date with ‘Ye: awful, unflattering?


Did Kim Kardashian borrow Benedict Cumberbatch’s unfortunate jorts? OMG. Here are some photos of Kim and Kanye West out and about in Calabasas yesterday (they went to a movie). Kim’s outfit is horrendous from the front, but the back view is particularly… unsettling. I’m guessing that Kanye dressed her, just because this seems like the kind of outfit he enjoys on his Real Doll. We’ve actually seen this braless top on Kim before, so she’s recycling it for this outing. The jorts are… well, I can’t remember a time when I’ve seen Kim in jorts. She should never do this again.

Kim turns 34 years old tomorrow. I always forget her age for some reason, although people made a big deal about it back when she turned 30. I personally think she only married Kris Humphries because she wanted to be engaged/married by her 30th birthday and that was literally the only reason she went with Humphries. For this year’s birthday, Kim is going to have a huge party at the Venetian’s TAO nightclub in Las Vegas. TAO is always paying Kardashians to host parties, so I would imagine Kim is picking up a nice paycheck to host her birthday event there.

After the movie, Kim and Kanye went through the drive-thru of Taco Bell. Ew!!! Something about that outfit and the thought of Mexican food… ew.



Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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154 Responses to “Kim Kardashian wore jorts for a matinee movie date with ‘Ye: awful, unflattering?”

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  1. Wren33 says:

    I generally don’t join in on the Kim trashing, because I think she is harmless and her current fashion choices are being dictated to her by her husband. But, no…..just don’t wear that again. Nothing about it is working.

    • Nicole says:

      Like! Like! Like! (Can you get like buttons Celebitchy?)

    • word says:

      Just imagine she had her bare back resting up against a movie theater seat ! Do those ever get cleaned ? Also, I thought she was on a diet? She always makes a big deal of it too.

      These two act like they work hard all week long and are now getting to enjoy some time off on a Sunday LOL. Have they even moved out of PMK’s house yet? Will they ever ?

    • Rose says:

      Hey! She wears shoes I want badly. That is a HUGE plus!!!
      I find the current top and bottom ensemble to be too discombobulating. She looks better in styles that are more fluid and coherent in order to accentuate her physique.

    • Kosmos says:

      The big butt and huge hips I find to be a giant awful mess!! If she were proportionately shaped at all, even this outfit would look okay on her. I do not find her body to be sexy at all, just very, very odd.

  2. Snazzy says:

    holy crap that outfit is terrible

  3. Ag says:

    what fresh hell is this outfit?

    • Lee says:

      I really think these two useless parasites are trolling us. There is no other logical explanation.

      • Ag says:

        i agree. NO ONE could actually like this outfit, or think that they look good in it. and this isn’t kim-bashing, weight-bashing, or any other bashing. well, it’s clothing-bashing.

      • Josephine says:

        Maybe they are running low on funds and he’s hoping for another “date night” for her where she can earn her keep as the “date for the night” for a gross old guy. She did that within the last year or so, right? Honestly, I can only think “for sale” when I see the back of that outfit.

      • bettyrose says:

        AG I’m calling you out on the clothing-bashing. Somewhere a lab tech has to wear that thing as a third layer for extra protection and they don’t deserve your scorn.

      • Ag says:

        bettyrose – i hang my head in shame. i never think of the lab techs.

  4. hellena says:

    I love how you can still see the imprint from her bra. Obviously she wore one before she stepped out for the paps in this…outfit thingy. Because here we are, writing about these ugly clothes.

    • TX says:

      haha YES! I noticed that too!

    • Lisa says:

      You are right!! LOL

    • Reece says:

      I thought those were newly forming/shrunk bakery rolls…

    • Barnkitty says:

      I thought those were backfat rolls…I still think there is some backfat there. My reconstructive surgeon said that whenever someone has lipo or that fat-freezing technique…anytime fat cells are removed from the body, you must be extra vigilant against putting on weight. The weight will go where fat cells still remain. So fat arms, fat back, fat cankles, fat face… This is not a pretty sight!

      And you can see where the weight of the implants are starting to make “side-boob-drag.”

      • Petee says:

        BarnKitty that is true.I think that is why she was so miserable during her pregnancy .You can’t stop gaining weight when you are going to have a baby and there was nothing she could do to stop it.I do think she was well aware of what was going on and now this is how she looks.I don’t know why she got the extra wide hip thing added.That isn’t from the weight gain but was done after her having her baby.Maybe she thought it would balance her body out.It didn’t.

  5. ATLGal says:

    I don’t think Kim could fit her a$$ into Benedict Cumberbatch’s jorts…

  6. aims says:

    We have a winner. She has outdone herself. This is by far the worst outfit I have ever seen , EVER! My God that’s awful.

    • Nedsdag says:

      Give her another week and she’ll top this get up. After all, are we forgetting who is her “stylist” is?

  7. Nicole says:

    I’m not gonna touch dem pants. Oy that blouse. Gurl, you have great bod, but this was not a good look for you.

    • Jh says:

      Her body is amazing. I have no ass whatsoever, so (real or not), I have ass envy.

      • RJ says:

        You too, could purchase the same ass.

      • MariPoodle says:

        If you want the look you have options: 1. padded underwear (hip and butt pads like a bra)
        2. butt implants (like breast implants and don’t have a good long term history) 3. autologous fat transfer aka “brazillian butt lift” (what Kim has). google it.
        I think the only thing left that is original on Kim might be her spleen or pancreas. I’d say get the padded underwear and wear that for a while and see if you REALLY want to be that way 24/7.

    • Mia V. says:

      It would work on someone very thin.

      • Nedsdag says:

        It would work on someone named Amber Rose, who wore almost the same outfit to a red carpet event. It’s not working, Kanye! We see right through it!

  8. Ollyholly says:

    I think the top would be cute with high waisted, minimalist black trousers cropped to the ankle, and simple, menswear inspired loafers just to offset the sex appeal of the top.

    The jorts are perhaps the most vile thing I have ever seen her wear.

    • Chrissy says:

      Only on someone 6 feet tall with no hips!

      • Ollyholly says:

        That’s sad that you would think women with hips shouldn’t wear trousers/loafers or even the top. Why should they be ashamed of their shape? I think wide hips look amazing and can wear interesting clothes just as well as slender bodies can.

      • Chrissy says:

        Ollyholly, I was just referring to the top. Sorry if I wasn’t clear but I think the top would look better without the gigantic hips making it look bad

  9. Algernon says:

    Everything she wears is awful and unflattering because she has no idea how to dress for her body type. And lately her proportions have gotten completely out of control. Skinny little arms and legs, teeny waist, and then that big ole ass. Either take the implants out or let the trainer whittle it down some. She’s gotten so bottom-heavy it throws everything she wears out of whack. And I say this as a big-bootied woman. When I hit my target weight and realized how *huge* it made my ass look for the rest of me to be so skinny, I gained back 10-15 pounds just to balance it out and I look a lot better. Kim should either consider either bulking up her legs a bit or take out the butt implants.

    • FingerBinger says:

      Kim isn’t dressing herself ,Kanye is dressing her. Kim was never a fashion plate ,but since she’s gotten with Kanye her whole style has changed and not for the better. He dresses her up like a trashy barbie doll.

      • Algernon says:

        Well whoever is doing it is not flattering her body at all.

      • littlestar says:

        She used to have really cute style, imo, during her Reggie Bush and Humphries era. I think she wants to be seen as a “style icon” now, and she is failing miserably at it.

      • Algernon says:

        The best I’ve seen her manage is when she wears jeans and blazers. The boxy blazers balance out her lower half. She doesn’t seem to do that much anymore, though.

    • Shahrizai says:

      I was noticing how … Dumpy … her lower half is looking these days, and I think you’re right on! She’s out of proportion! I have a large butt and I’m a short woman. When the pants are two tight and spandexy, and the top isnt balanced, it looks like I’m walking around with a very full diaper. Like she looks in these pants. But when I balance my outfits, you can tell I have a big butt, but it’s not the overriding part of me. Hmmm… She needs to balance out her clothing choices. And throw away these shorts!!

  10. Shahrizai says:

    The top doesn’t bother me as much as those shorts. Jeez, those are some hideous shorts!

  11. The Original G says:

    Is it just me or is her really starting to get into being papped?

    • The Original G says:

      ….or is HE starting to get into being papped?

      • word says:

        I don’t know. I think Kim secretly texts the paps to let them know their location. When the paps show up, Kim plays dumb with Kanye…”OMG like I literally can’t even get a minute alone with you Kanye !”.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I don’t think it is secret. On the Morgan Spurlock show on CNN, he trained to be a paparazzi for a week. After they kept getting advance notice about where the Kardashians would be, Morgan asked about it.

        The pap said that the K’s have an ACCOUNT with their paparazzi agency. The K’s call and say where they will be and then get a cut of the $$ when the pictures sell.

      • The Original G says:

        It’s just that he used to look so cranky and mad at them, but lately he’s cracking a smile, like he’s loving it?

    • Fan says:

      I think they must call the paparazzi every time they go out. So many real celebrities are not followed by the paparazzi. Just look at how Angie and Brad had a paparazzi free wedding and they are true stars. Both the Kimye and Clooney wedding could not have been any more staged.

  12. V4Real says:

    Sorry Al Pacino, that is not a great ass. Some women have beautiful large derrieres such as JLo, Sofia Vergara and Nicole Murphy but Kim K booty is just…NO.

    • Tdub30 says:

      Sorry but none of these women have large butts, not even JLo – anymore. While they have a little bump, they’re not large. Kim’s ass is ridiculous because she’s done those stupid fat transfers and totally deformed her shape. She USED to have a shape to envy but now she looks like a bad joke. And it troubles me that she and so many others are becoming the norm (I’m looking at you Nicki and Iggy). I’m not bashing women with REAL curvy figures, as I happen to be one, but these build-a-bear bodies are the worst.

  13. kri says:

    Does anyone know the correct fork to use when plucking out your own eyes? I am a stickler for etiquette, so I’m wavering between a salad fork or a crab fork. Also, and once again….What. The. F&ck. I have seen better style choices in those “People of Walmart” books. Of course, with the right fork, I won’t have to see them much longer.

    • Jaderu says:

      I find the 3 pronged serving fork to be the best in this situation. Not only does it get the job done quickly and efficiently, but the spray that results is quite the topic starter amongst your friends, family and assorted dinner guests. One must always think of your guests’ entertainment when there is a chance you may be detained/and or distracted for a moment.

      • kri says:

        Thank you, @Jaderu! I had almost forgotten I must consider my guests feelings. Unlike KK, I do think of others.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I would suggest a salad fork. It’s daintier. Do you happen to know the appropriate attire for sticking one’s head in a gas oven? I’m thinking of doing so after witnessing this outfit, and realizing that I actually know the meaning of the word “Jorts.” I was thinking trousers, since I’ll be down on the floor, but, how dressy?

      • kri says:

        Good Names, why not do it right and replicate Kim’s outfit? Pay homage to the ensemble that finally did you in!! But think about it first…I would miss you terribly and the Dong Posse needs you.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Ooh, good suggestion. However, for your sake, and the sake of the dong posse, I guess I’ll stick it out. Lol

    • littlestar says:

      I suggest using the fork you use to scoop escargot out of their shells.

  14. Monie says:

    She needs to hit the lat pulls before she wears that top again. And I bet Yeezy can’t wait til turtleneck season so he can cover that package of franks on the back of his neck.

  15. Marigold says:

    So this is confirmation that he actually hates her, right? No one who loves you puts you in pants that accentuate the fact that you always look diapered.

  16. shizwhat says:

    What. WHAT! I just dont get it.

  17. Chrissy says:

    Why oh why would you wear jorts with those shoes? Her legs look even stumpier than usual and the shirt needs to be burned. Someone please explain to me how this outfit is in any way flattering… why can’t she see how ridiculous she looks? Kanye HAS to be trolling us!

  18. Dorothy#1 says:

    Can you imagine how sweaty her under boob is?

  19. tmh says:

    Both of them look like they stank, with her diaper booty and his forever wearing leather pants.

  20. MyCatLoves TV says:

    Backless tops do not do her any favors.

  21. fan of angie says:

    Oh Yeezus, my eyes are bleeding!!

  22. Nessa says:

    This is legitimately the worst outfit I have ever seen. It’s her awkward body shape. It is so unnatural, it actually repulses me. How could anyone think that looks good? Am I a horrible person for thinking that she is clearly mentally unstable for voluntarily doing that to her body? I mean, I’ve seen the before pictures… She was a very attractive girl. What on earth happened???

    I never pay attention to anything Kardashian… I just had to comment on this. I am stunned.

    • Quinn says:

      Truly, having a mother value you merely for your looks is a real mindf*ck. There’s no way Kim could escape body dysmophia and low self-esteem without ending contact with Kris and embarking on serious therapy. Which, of course, is NOT going to happen…so the remaining years of Kim’s life will be spent in attempt to stop the clock and stay “sexy”- really, very awful.

    • Lauren says:

      Her body is truly awful. How could anyone find that attractive?
      I mean I get that people like a nice ass and boobs but people also like BALANCE.
      She is such a cartoon: so short, thin legs, arms and waist, GIGANTIC ass and boobs, tiny face with teeny nose.

  23. ClownsToTheLeftOfMe says:

    She looks like a giant Vienna sausage. Yecchhh.

  24. Quinn says:

    Damn. I have seen some Eastern European streetwalkers with more demure style.

  25. JudyK says:

    Hope that movie theatre didn’t have AC.

  26. minx says:

    How were her breast not flopping around outside of the shirt?

  27. manatee says:

    No matter what she’s wearing – it’s always a joke, a very bad one

  28. NewWester says:

    She must pick out the worst things to wear just so she can be talked about/papped. That outfit is nasty on so many levels

  29. Kiddo says:


    (Shia-type performance art)

  30. Brittney B says:

    A backless top… to a movie theater!?! It’s probably some fancy-schmancy theater that doesn’t have icky carpeted seats with hair and germs and popcorn stuck to them… but still. I would never lean against a movie theater seat with bare skin.

    To that end, I don’t even like having bare legs in movie theaters (or airplanes, etc). This whole outfit just screams disgusting to me.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      My sister. How about people who walk barefoot through airport security?

      • Brittney B says:

        My skin crawls. It CRAWLS! Same with putting their hair down in plane/theater seats. Mine is way too long, so it’s always up anyway, but I’ve developed this weird posture that keeps my head and neck “safe”.

        I don’t understand flip-flops on city sidewalks either… but maybe some people don’t feel a film of filth envelop them when their skin’s exposed to weird textures and stains and spills.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        You are hilarious. And, more importantly CORRECT!

    • Tiffany27 says:

      My mom’s friends was attacked by bed bugs in a movie theater seat. NOPE.

      • swack says:

        That just sent shivers up my spine!

      • Brittney B says:

        NOPE is right. So glad I don’t live in a bigger city, because bed bugs are just an unknown horror for me so far.

      • Kiddo says:

        That is one of my greatest fears.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Oh. My .GOD. In a movie theatre?? NOOOOOOOOPE.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Eww!!! (I am squirming at my desk right now!)

        I am like Goodnames and Brittney, and do not want my skin touching the seat, etc. I don’t know if you could get be back into a theater if I was actually attacked by bedbugs, though! That’s enough to make you avoid them forever!

  31. The Original Mia says:

    What’s with the question mark? Yes, it’s awful and unflattering.

  32. Eleonor says:

    Unfortunate look is an understatement.
    And that ass is a monstruosity.

  33. Pri says:

    She always, ALWAYS has to wear something revealing, doesn’t she? Even to the movies she wears a shirt without a back. Why not just wear a curtain with a big hoop to hang around the neck?

    • word says:

      You know she called the pap’s and let them know where she’d be. She wanted to wear something we would be talking about today…and it worked. I bet she’s been upset…she’s been missing from the daily gossip sites for a week…that’s too long for her.

  34. Capepopsie says:

    Yikes. . . .

  35. Jess says:

    She has a terrible sense of fashion that I just don’t understand. She dresses like she has a different body type, everything looks too small for her. On one hand I applaud her for not caring, but on the other I wonder what the hell she’s thinking. I also wonder if it’s uncomfortable for her to sit on a toilet, her butt is just so dang big! How does it work? Lol

  36. Fan says:

    Her outfit is horrible. She did not dress like this pre-Kanye.

  37. Pandy says:

    I can only howl with laughter and enjoy the show ha ha ha.

  38. Mar says:

    Her ass is an experiment gone very wrong. It’s absolutely horrendous

  39. Mel says:

    And to think she PAID for that…

  40. Vampi says:

    She constantly puts that cartoonish body on display!!! Yes…she ruined her gorgeous bod with those OVER inflated implants. I like big booties too…but not fake azz diaper booty! She is beyond gross!! You are a MOTHER Kim….and I side-eye you for days because your priorities are SO messed up!

  41. amp122076 says:

    Her hair looks pretty.

  42. Blythe says:

    I’m not so much worried about what she is actually wearing, but it doesn’t seem comfortable at all. She’s wearing tight jean shorts, heels, and a shirt with no back! How do you do it, Kim?

  43. black orchid, says:

    i have never met anyone like her ;who spent all their life wearing hideous outfits .

  44. Reece says:

    Naked back on public seat! Movie theatres are upholstered!

  45. k says:

    sweet baby pickles! these two are comedians and don’t even know it.

  46. Steff says:

    On some super skinny 1, 78 model wearing low rise chucks and the jorts in a baggyish style this outfit could work. On Kim it looks horrendous. I have no words for this. This body was made by a surgeon and not by nature. She really is his living sextoy.

  47. Deb says:

    Geez, that top! Did she just put a long-sleeved shrug on backward and call it a day?

  48. ketjo says:

    1. Love the faces on the two lone women at the ticket window as they stare at Kim’s naked back and ass…..
    2. Somebody a really short man….with those heels on she is almost at his height and she is only 5’2″ with 3 -4 inch heels that would make her around 5′ 5 with heels which in turn tell us he is not much taller than 5’6″ short for a man……
    3. No other people in the streets or parking lot and the movie has just let out ? Must have been a really bad movie . All the hallmarks of a staged photo shot in a Sunday mostly closed Mall area…..otherwise there would be more people ..

    • me says:

      Maybe they didn’t even see a movie and it was all just staged…who knows? Also, yes Kanye is short, I’m sure you picked up on his Napoleon Complex.

      • KellyBee says:

        I thought the samething they didn’t see a movie just had their photo taken at the movie theater.


        Couldn’t agree more where are all the other people.

    • Tdub30 says:

      He is short. Only 5’8″

  49. me says:

    Do you think she’d cry if the paps didn’t show up?

  50. littlestar says:

    Those shorts look SO tight on her. Uncomfortably so.

  51. Andrea says:

    Such peculiar proportions. Looking at her makes me feel seasick.

    • DrFunkenstein says:

      Me, I just want the magic mirror these folks use. You know, the one that tells them how spectacular they look. Lawdy.

  52. Bess says:

    Is Kayne trolling playing a huge joke on Kim and on us by dressing her like that? That’s the only logical reason I can come up with for this outfit.

  53. me says:

    You should have posted a pic of Amber Rose wearinig almost the exact same outfit (her jeans were not shorts) a while back. This isn’t the first time Kim has copied something Amber has worn previously. Makes me wonder if Kanye really is the one dressing her…he needs to get some new ideas. Hmmm unless this is done on purpose so we would do a “who wore it better” type thing. Kim does love attention.

  54. Livealot says:

    I like her outfit minus the extreme backlessness of the top ….or I would have worn casual shoes. Sue me.

    • word says:

      You have the right to your opinion. This is not the worst outfit she’s worn IMO. Anyone remember that pale pink head to toe outfit she wore with holes all over it?

  55. Fartsack says:

    I guess they aren’t famous enough to get first run movies sent to their home for private viewing. HA!

  56. Mischa says:

    This is atrocious! I wonder how long it took her and Kanye to rip, cut and distress this jort monstrosity? The backless top is a nice classy addition. Hideous.

  57. Chris2 says:

    Didn’t know phwhat to expect from ‘jorts’.
    By the errant crozier of St Patrick, this look is so effin illogical! (Thank you, Inés de La F). Those complicated strappy stilettos-max, with tatty cutoffs. Nope.
    If Kanye *is* dressing her, he needs to do it his eyes open. 🙁

  58. Dawn says:

    I still find it disgusting that Anna Wintour thought these two deserved the cover of Vogue. She looks like a street walker in that get up and he looks like he would smell nasty in those over used leather pants of his.

  59. Luciana says:

    I wonder how much did she pay for those ugly jeans.

  60. Angee says:

    I pity those shorts.

  61. Jana says:

    What in God’s name is Kanye’s fascination with leather??? Hot, sweaty, clammy…UGH!! And he is totally dressing Kim like he did Amber Rose in ghetto-chic crap that accentuates her ass.

  62. Debutante says:

    I love this outfit on her !!

    It makes her look exactly like what she is….. Trash.

  63. ketjo says:

    LOL Ladies she didn’t “buy” those shorts anywhere . look very much like she just ripped of the bottom legs of those holey jeans she was wearing last week…..and the top she wore with a white heavy wool like shirt several times….She has several of those shirts in black , white, beige and red which she wore on her daily PaP walk to nowhere today along with a grey top exactly like the black top and the white top that you can see her boobs through….She has a very limited about of style in her clothes…black, white, beige or yam color and white….all the same styles and cuts….and a few denim tops and ratty jeans in white black and blue……and all the fancy gowns and outfits she wears to parties are all rented , or lean to her by designers… her vast wardrobe in not so vast….

  64. Nedsdag says:

    All she’s missing is the close cropped bleached blonde buzz cut and the tattoos. Amber Rose must be shaking her head watching this.

  65. Ruyana says:

    Kanye certainly seems to have gotten over his aversion to the paps.

  66. HappyAsALark says:

    who told her that’s attractive?

  67. melain says:

    Another odd outfit. How does she manage it? I think she’d be cute if she didn’t have a fake hiney and a taste for odd and revealing clothes.

  68. Size Does Matter says:

    They look like Halloween salt and pepper shakers together. How precious.

  69. greenie27 says:

    Kim was already married – she first married a music producer when she was 20. So the rush to get married shouldn’t be a “have to hit the milestone before 30” situation.

  70. Amy says:

    Kim has never been the best dresser but her fashion has taken a turn for the worse ever since she has been with Kanye. He is not good at putting together outfits either. For some kind of genius, he just looks so… boring. An oversize gray t-shirt over weird black pants, workman boots (what are those shoes?), and a gold chain? My grandma has more fashion than he and Kim put together.

  71. Ewissa says:

    Dunno about Kim.But my figure changed during pregnancy. I didn’t gain anything afterwards but my hips shrunk and my chest/rib cage is wider. Most of my friends complained that their hips are wider after kids.
    Anyway Kim’s ensemble makes my eyes watering – same like onion….to strong to my senses LoL

  72. Jaz says:

    There are pictures of Kanye’s ex, Amber Rose, wearing an identical outfit while out with him.

  73. skippy says:

    They are a cartoon. Do they just call the Paps every morning and then meet up with them somewhere and then go buy more clothes in the afternoon for the next day?
    Yawn. BORING!