Allison Williams doesn’t diet: ‘This is just the way my body is very naturally’


Allison Williams covers the December issue of Allure because she’s promoting that Peter Pan Live nonsense. Does anyone care about that? The Carrie Underwood-Sound of Music thing ended up getting great ratings, so NBC is trying to duplicate it with Allison. And… no disrespect, but I’ve never really felt the hype about this woman. She’s pretty, for sure, and I didn’t realize until now that she has gorgeous hair. But is there any “there” there? Real question. Anyway, you can see the Allure slideshow here. Some highlights:

What she shares with her ‘Girls’ character: “What I share with Marnie is that push and pull between accepting the way you’re wired, that you want your ducks in a row. And that is desperately uncool when you’re in high school and college and in your early 20s. It’s supposed to be this time where everyone’s sort of living on the edge of uncertainty and fine with it. And that’s just not where I feel comfortable.”

Addressing her weight fluctuations: “When I did the Mad Men thing, I was graduating from college—you’re college-weight. And so when we filmed the pilot for Girls and even into that first season, I looked like someone I hadn’t looked like for four years. But that’s still the way it was set in people’s minds, so they’re like, ‘Oh, my God, you’ve lost weight.’ And I’m like, ‘This is just the way my body is very naturally.’ It’s a little bit stressful to know that there are a lot of people walking around who think I’m constantly just shaking and depriving myself.”

Her biggest beauty mistake: “I cut off my hair twice. It was in high school, and a boy that I had a crush on said, ‘You’ve lost your aura.’ It was, to this day, the most offensive thing anyone’s ever said to me. And it was before extensions were everywhere, and I just had to muscle through it.”

[From Allure]

Ha, that was the most offensive thing anyone ever said to her? That she “lost her aura” by cutting her hair?! Then she’s had a pretty amazing life, right? I say more offensive things to myself!! As for her weight loss or whatever… some people do “thin out” after college. I thinned out IN college, then I gained weight my senior year and early 20s. Everybody’s different. My guess is that she’s not crash dieting and that she probably has that natural tall-leanness.


Photos courtesy of Carter Smith/Allure.

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55 Responses to “Allison Williams doesn’t diet: ‘This is just the way my body is very naturally’”

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  1. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Well, that was fascinating.

  2. Abbott says:

    Struggling to find things less interesting than this lady: Masterpiece Theater, a wall, BBQ tools, Zach Braff holding BBQ tools, Katie Holmes, Katie Holmes talking to Zach Braff about BBQ tools. I’m scraping the barrel here…

  3. GingerCrunch says:

    Yep. Who over the age of 10 is excited for this Peter Pan stunt?

  4. Beth says:

    That’s nice.

  5. frivolity says:

    “I’m just naturally thin” … said every eating-disordered actress everywhere.

    Also: not tall

    • PunkyMomma says:

      I want to see how naturally thin she is at say, fifty.

      • FLORC says:

        She’s in her early 20’s. She can still be naturally thin. 50 is an age where many new factors come in. If someone is naturally thin in their youth that doesn’t mean it lasts 30 years down the road.

    • OriginalTessa says:

      Or, she is actually naturally thin. It’s a thing, I promise. Just like some people are fat without overeating, some people are thin without starving themselves. That’s how metabolisms work.

      • Tifygodess24 says:

        @originaltessa while I do agree with you I think that in Hollyweird there is no such thing as naturally thin. These women restrict themselves so much and while they may appear a certain size on camera they are extremely small in real life. Sure a few of them might be (naturally) thin but just about all of them claim that. There’s just no way.

      • OriginalTessa says:

        Of course there’s such thing as naturally thin.

      • Sullivan says:

        Yep, naturally thin is a thing. Some people are naturally thin, just as some are naturally curvy. No big deal.

      • HH says:

        I agree that people can be naturally thin. However, what “tify” was saying (I think) is that Hollywood thinness is unnatural. The industry requires women to be extremely small because of the weight added with the camera. Even people that we consider thin could go in front of studio execs and be told to lose a few pounds. I’ve definitely met people that are that small naturally, though I could count them on one hand.

      • TheGhostofMischaBartan'sCareer says:

        I’m starting to wonder though. I’ve lived with “naturally” thin people before that didn’t have eating disorders, but they also naturally just ate tons less. Food was just NOT important to them and they probably barely averaged one full meal a day. But of course that meal was the exact food(s) that they were craving. So if asked they’d say, “Yeah, I can eat whatever I want and still stay skinny.”

        Well duh. They were naturally taking in less than 1200 calories a day or so because that was just their appetite. I really do think it’s all about calories and yes, body type does determine shape, etc. and yes, metabolism does play a part–but I honestly think people who are naturally bigger just overall eat more calories (whether or not those calories come from healthy foods). And that lots of smaller, or naturally thin people, eat way less than they actually think they do. People don’t like that answer because it erases their scapegoat….

      • Tifygodess24 says:

        @HH exactly , @originaltessa reread my comment I said of course there is a thing as naturally thin that’s basic biology – but what is actually naturally thin in the real world is not the same in HOLLYWOOD.

      • FLORC says:

        Naturally thin is used used by lots of people who have adjusted their eating habits to 1 extended diet. They say they’re making healthy choices and protecting their body from over processed food maintaining a high metabolism but the core motivation is appearance.
        I’m naturally thin as long as I eat healthy and exercise.

      • Ange says:

        @ ‘the ghost’ I agree with you. My mother has a hyper metabolism so she’s naturally tiny and always thin as a rake anyway but she also eats tiny portions. I’d be lucky to see her eat half of what I eat in a meal as her whole day’s worth of food.

  6. Mzizkrizten says:

    She’s pretty and has a nice singing voice and I love her character on Girls.

  7. Abbott says:

    Okay, okay, Masterpiece Theater is off the list. Can I replace it with Manhattan Love Story on NBC? DOUBLE POST SORRY!

  8. Tiffany says:

    They should have interviewed her dad.

    • PunkyMomma says:

      Yup. Her Dad’s sense of wit and humor is terrific.

    • Triple Cardinal says:

      Indeed, they should have interviewed her dad. Brian reading about declining wages off a TelePrompter has more charisma and humor than his daughter.

  9. Erinn says:

    Wasn’t she “eye patch” on Mindy as well? I kind of liked her on that, but mostly I just liked Danny trying to “say anything” her and playing Korn instead of Natalie Umbruglia’s Torn.

  10. Alexandra says:

    I’m so over these second generation or socialite celebrities, they’re just not interesting. I’m sure his statement was hurtful back then, but seriously if that’s the most offensive thing that’s happened to you now that you are in your twenties, please stop. Can we get some real talent up in here? Maybe someone who had to struggle once in their life?

  11. feebee says:

    Clearly one’s aura or X factor or half a brain sometimes is not genetic. I know we can’t believe everything we read but on interviews alone this one is veering close to petrie-dish status on the personality depth chart.*

    *if there was such a thing,

  12. Size Does Matter says:

    She looks like Brooke Shields. But I don’t think I’d ever heard of her before this article.

    • Esmom says:

      Yes, the magazine cover is definitely channeling 80s-era Brooke, I love it. I don’t watch Girls and clearly people don’t like her but I think she looks beautiful in these photos.

  13. Lily says:

    At least she’s being honest about her natural body type. I bet there are a lot of (if not most) actresses out there who are naturally skinny (ahem Goop) but wax on and on about diet and exercise.

  14. kri says:

    Yes, she is pretty and has beautiful hair, ooh, she may have gained some weight in college! The scandal!! The outrage!! The…, screw it. Even I can’t get my snark hard for this Nilla wafer.

  15. Green Is Good says:

    The test pattern that comes on at the end of a broadcasting day on my small town local television channel is more intriguing.

  16. kristina says:

    Nope, if you watch the video of her singing the Mad Men theme song, she was definitely bigger 3 years ago. She’s lost a noticeable amiunt of weight. Lies, lies.

    • Batt says:

      She was trying to explain that away by saying she’d been just out of college then. Hence the “college weight” comment. She’s got a nice voice and she’s pretty striking (when thin).

      Look at that clip of her singing the theme and her photos now. The weight loss is obviously for her face. I think Angelina Jolie is another one who’s self conscious about having a puffy face and keeps herself stick thin because of it. I saw Williams on some talk show and she was wearing a sleeveless dress. She is extremely thin. I won’t comment on whether it’s natural or not but she doesn’t look healthy. Goes back to that Julianne Moore comment on how she lives on granola bars and how all actresses are hungry. If we saw them in real life they’d look like lollipops.

  17. INeedANap says:

    I do think a lot of women in Hollywood are naturally thin, but then diet/exercise themselves even thinner than that.

    I’ve been scrawny, and I still don’t look like a starlet. My bones just aren’t set that way (and I’m short).

    That’s the most interesting thing about this girl. Ugh.

  18. Lis says:

    Wait until she’s in her forties then we’ll see how naturally thin she is.

  19. NEENAZEE says:

    Sounds like complete, publicist-fabricated BS to me… she’s positioned her weight loss in a way that promotes self-acceptance and health-consciousness, when it’s probably the result of skipped meals, juice fasts, laxatives, colonics and a hyper-obsession with how she looks on TV every week. We’ve seen it before. We’ll see it again. Boring and predictable.

  20. Neha says:

    I’m confused….if she was naturally skinny, then why was she much bigger in college? That obviously means that her diet/exercise routine must have changed in order to cause that weight loss. Maybe it was done unconciously, but it proves that it isn’t just Her permanent set point.

  21. PJ says:

    I find this girl about as exciting as ultra slow-drying taupe colored paint but even I can admit that that cover shot is GORGEOUS. She looks like a beautiful throwback to the natural, tanned, athletic models of the 1970’s.

    I can’t wait to binge watch ‘Girls’ season 3! (I never watch my favorite cable shows-besides Houswives-in real time. My system can’t even begin to handle commercials and/or cliff-hangers 😊)

  22. Mrs. Darcy says:

    The thing is, she wasn’t overweight before she dropped I’m guessing at least 15-20 pounds, she was starting out thin, the thinnest on the show by far – she was like a size 6, tops. So that HUGE size was just too much for her bones to carry? I call b.s. She’s the least interesting character on the show, Dunham burdens her with clunky stories and constantly draws attention to her character’s looks. I think she knows her career after Girls depends a lot on how she looks, and she has chosen to conform to a currently ridiculous standard of thin-ness. Girls season one wasn’t viewed four years after it was filmed, it was the standard time, probably less than a year. She dropped weight, on purpose not “naturally”, and fast. I call b.s.

  23. vvvoid says:


    Is being an insufferable vapid twit a pre-requisite for being a regular cast member on Girls?
    Maybe just Dunham and Williams. My ex was on the show for several episodes and he’s a neurotic little thing but he’s not like THOSE two. He told me Dunham was like an obnoxious 12 year old girl on set though. He told me it was difficult coming up with nice stuff to say about her for this interview:

    Anyway, I don’t know what “naturally thing” even means. Once I hit my teens I was always about 15lbs overweight if not 30lbs overweight, and I didn’t eat the whole house everyday either, until I went on an 800 calorie diet for a few weeks when I was 24 and lost it all. After the diet stopped I went up and down 10lbs or so until I finally stabilized at my current size, no diet or exercise, I wear between a 4 and 6 now. I guess it’s a metabolism thing but so long as I don’t suddenly start consuming 3000 calories or more a day [I’m estimating, I don’t count calories really] I stay at this weight give or take 5lbs here and there. I’d say “naturally thin” implies that you can pig out semi-regularly, like college kids do, and still stay very slender. I know women like that, but they are like stick figures, much skinnier than even this Allison girl and actresses like her. If this girl gained a bunch of weight in college from the college diet she doesn’t qualify as that kind of “naturally thin” because THOSE rare people literally would have to triple or quadruple the normal caloric intake to gain a significant amount of weight, it seems. I guess what she’s saying is she doesn’t have to no more than 3 carrots a day to stay at this weight?
    But if she gained weight in college, that means she has to watch what she eats like the rest of us. I don’t see what’s wrong with admitting that you maintain a strict diet to stay slender, especially because the camera truly does add SO much weight to even the skinniest figure.

    • Mrs. Darcy says:

      Aw, I really liked him on it! I can totally see her acting like a 12 yr old trying to run a t.v. show while being hip and down with everyone at the same time. Yeah, her story is fishy to me all around, most of my naturally thin friends do not gain weight easily, are not the types to gain 15lbs because they eat a couple of pieces of pizza on the regular. College weight gain is common, but treating it like some sort of natural puppy fat loss is disingenuous, although it’s admittedly much easier to lose weight in your early twenties than at my age (ugh on low carb diet of doom right now).