George Clooney reveals his Julius Caesar look for ‘Hail, Caesar!’: funny or fug?


Here are some photos of George Clooney in costume as Julius Caesar. You read that correctly. A few months ago, George signed up to play Julius Caesar in the Coen Brothers’ Hail, Caesar!. The film is about “about a 1950s-era Hollywood fixer who’s called upon to keep the movie stars on what appears to be a Roman-era period piece in line.” Sounds like what really happened on the set of Cleopatra, with Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton.

So, what do you think of George’s look? Since this is a film within a film, George is playing a 1950s actor playing Julius Caesar, so the look has to be what a 1950s studio thought Julius Caesar would have looked like. And obviously, the look is being played for laughs. Which is good, because this is funny.

The Coens assembled another amazing ensemble for this film besides George: they’ve also got Channing Tatum, Tilda Swinton, Scarlett Johansson, Ralph Fiennes (!!!), Frances McDormand, Jonah Hill and Josh Brolin. OMG!!! I tend to love George in Coen Brothers’ films, and George + Tilda? Amazing, as always. I think George and Tilda are actually sort of tight.

According to E! News, George’s day on set was pretty light. He was brought to the LA set at 1:30 pm, he filmed a few scenes and he was done by 4 pm. E! News says George “appeared to be in a great mood, smiling and joking around with the crew.” I wonder if Amal is in LA with him? Or is she in London, working and dealing with her newfound fame?



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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41 Responses to “George Clooney reveals his Julius Caesar look for ‘Hail, Caesar!’: funny or fug?”

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  1. Eleonor says:

    He should have done this 10 years ago.

  2. OriginalTessa says:

    He’s gotten pretty fug to me, like a bulbous wrinkly old man. He’s lost the hot. It’s somewhere in 1998…

    • Hawkeye says:

      Agreed, and I’ve also noticed that when I see him in a film, I just see George Clooney acting, not the character he’s meant to portray.

      • someonestolemyname says:

        True, he ruined parts of Gravity for me when he was in the scenes, it seemed like George Clooney popping in and not a character.
        I loved the scenes with Sandra B. alone in the spacecraft.

        George is looking a bit tired and old, but I was never a person who found him super gorgeous even years ago.

        P.S. I know the man gets Oscar’s galore, but I have never thougt he was a great actor, he usually just seems to be playing Clooney.
        He was good in that political movie with Ryan Gosling but he still just seemed to be playing Clooney. imo

      • Hawkeye says:

        @someonestolemyname I completely agree about Gravity, and that political movie, The Ides of March, just sucked all around in my opinion. Clooney is not a good actor, and I can’t decide whether it was bad acting or just a badly written character that made me dislike Ryan Gosling in that film.

      • Deedee says:

        You’re exactly right. Clooney pretty much plays himself in every movie. He’s usually likable, but never disappears into the character. Julia Roberts is the same.

  3. Esmom says:

    The look is hilarious/heinous, but seems appropriate for what the film seems to be about. Sounds like it could be good, reminds me a bit of the book Beautiful Ruins.

  4. GingerCrunch says:

    Funny AND Fug!

  5. Sayrah says:

    It’s funny that he’s sporting a Caesar cut considering he created that fad in the 90s. And yes he looks terrible.

  6. Anaya says:

    George had this haircut back when he was on E.R. in the 90s. He’s older now, obviously, but I think the Caesar cut fits him quite nicely.

  7. Miss M says:

    His is the same haircut he had for the movie with Tarantino in the 90’s.

  8. Louise says:

    George has nice legs for a semi old guy.

  9. altariel says:

    It’s funny because it’s George Clooney lol….but he actually does look like a ’50’s version of Caesar

  10. minx says:

    Oh, dear. Not a good look.

  11. scout says:

    I must say he has nice legs! He does look aged and tired but this movie sounds hilarious, he is good in comedic roles, so let’s see.

  12. Silvia says:

    Clooney has an acting range of a spoon. Sorry, but every time see him I can’t look at the character he plays without seeing bits and pieces of self -inserted Clooney…

  13. lisa2 says:

    George has good legs..


  14. Megan says:

    I can’t wait to see this movie. I love the Coen brothers.

  15. Santolina says:

    The tacky, stereotypical 50’s costume is perfect for George’s fake Hollywood self. He should wear it more often.

  16. Messenger says:

    i like his hair. the gray should stay gone imo. i watch so little on the big screen these days but i do make an exception for the coen brothers, clooney’s collaboration with them has yielded excellent work and the brothers No Country was fascinating, although my favorites will always be the brilliantly nuanced and dark Fargo and Oh Brother because it was such an excellent vehicle for clooney’s comedic talent and natural charm.

    the personal comments on his attractiveness seem so mean-spirited and catty. is it because he is now married?

    • Guesto says:

      ‘O Brother’ was imo Clooney at his absolute best. Nothing he’s done since can match it but his other work with the Coen’s – Intolerable Cruelty (flawed, but still), Burn After Reading – is still better imo than his work with any other director. And 1000 times better than anything self-directed. They seem to be able to draw something out of him that’s real and meaningful that other directors can’t. Fingers crossed that this will be a win all round.

      • Messenger says:

        amen guesto. well said. i thought czj was a vision in intolerable cruelty. put clooney beside her and they were perfection. the coens write with him in mind and they do seem to tap something in him that lies dormant otherwise. so even if this movie is not of the highest calibre, it will still be worth seeing for the artistic collaboration alone, imo.

    • marjiscott says:

      No, it’s not that he is “Now Married” George is now in his fifties and looks every year of it due to a hard partying lifestyle..among other things..
      He just looks ridiculous here with the dyed hair, haircut. jowls, the whole Roman thing going on.. laughable..
      What really wreaks it is that he isn’t so carefree any more, takes himself way too seriously.. Wish he was a better, he would have something to fall back on as a ” character” actor these days..

      • Messenger says:

        i think he has always been self-conscious in that actor sort of way. but this is a role he is playing he is in character. it seems like you have an axe to grind or maybe just mean spirited as i said before. i will reserve my judgement until i have a context. but you are of course entitled to your opinion.

  17. embee says:

    Kind of silly. But it’s George Clooney. He’s not doing it for free.

  18. Jag says:

    It fits the part. That said, since Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum are in this movie, it will be one that I will never, ever watch. lol

  19. marjiscott says:

    OMG! Too Funny! LOL!
    What is the hell is he thinking? OMG…

  20. Debutante says:

    What about Michael Clayton ?? Loved him in that movie? And O brother where art thou ? Awesome movie . Out of Sight, another great Clooney movie. And he looked gorgeous in that movie . Just as hot as in From Dusk til Dawn. And yeah, I Do remember when he had that Caesar haircut. He had the face to pull it off..not something you could say about 98 percent of the male population imo.

  21. LAK says:

    Thank goodness it’s a piss take. When I first saw the pictures, without reading the story, I thought he was starring in an authentic Roman picture. GC doesn’t have the bearing or face for that sort of film.