Beyonce shows off a lack of baby bump, talks feminism & fame in a new video


Here are some photos of Beyonce at the Billboard Women of the Year luncheon on Friday. Surprisingly enough, Queen B was not named THE Woman of the Year. That honor went to Taylor Swift. Which… we can debate. I tend to think Bey and Swifty are both sort of overrated, but I would argue that Beyonce is more deserving of a Woman of the Year title. Still, there were no hard feelings between Bey and Tay. Later on Friday, Beyonce attended Taylor’s star-studded birthday party, along with Jay-Z, Sam Smith, Justin Timberlake and more.

Incidentally, there has been some theorizing that Beyonce might be hiding a pillowy bump as of late. Gawker did a big write-up about it earlier last week, before these Billboard photos came out. To be fair to Gawker, Beyonce was looking different and possibly pregnant-ish for a few weeks, but in these photos… no bump. If anything, I would be inclined to theorize about a secret boob job more than anything else.

And finally, here’s the 11-minute long Beyonce By Beyonce On Beyonce’s Feminism and Fame video. Bey posted this last Friday as well. I’m not sure why, except that Beyonce likes to control the conversation about Beyonce, so what better way than a Beyonce-produced video about Beyonce? The Daily Beast wrote a teasing article about the Beyonce-isms in this video, stuff like “I can’t put my finger on who I am” and “I have dreams.”



Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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39 Responses to “Beyonce shows off a lack of baby bump, talks feminism & fame in a new video”

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  1. Rachel says:

    Nothing is secret about her boob job, it’s obvious!

  2. AuroraO says:

    She has a wonderful figure but her face is starting to show her age.

    • Jayne says:

      As it should. She is not Peter Pan.

    • Charle says:

      How old is a 33 year old woman suppose to look like exactly? As a person of 33 myself I would like to know your answer so please tell!

      • maeliz says:

        I’m 36 and I have no wrinkles or laugh lines. Sunscreen, moisturizer, never leave make up on, and I never smoked. People usually think I’m in my early 20s

      • Lex says:

        Is she really 33 though? More like early 40s like her childhood buddy Gabrielle Union

    • Jaded says:

      Her face looks amazing – women in their 30s start to have some character instead of blandly pretty features. I’m no Bey fan by the way but a bit of age and experience looks wonderful.

      • AuroraO says:

        I’m 3 years younger than her and I don’t have wrinkles or laugh lines like her. Soooooo

      • Jaded says:

        @Aurora) – then I pity you because you obviously favour the superficial over the reality of laugh lines (that come from happiness and laughter). There’s nothing unattractive about them, they give a face character. They come with knowledge, experience, life, pain, pleasure. If you want a totally bland life so you never get a wrinkle or laugh line, then don’t ever laugh or frown, don’t experience ups and downs, and spend all your days fretting over each and every little signpost of life on your face. What an empty life you’ll lead.

  3. Santia says:

    What’s the purpose of this, though? She sounds so affected and pretentious. Not getting enough attention, lately? Bye, Beyonce.

    • Ann says:

      That was mind numbing, preferable to just watch it with the volume on mute.

      I”m not saying she’s dumb, but she’s dumb.

      • HH says:

        I don’t think Beyoncé is dumb, but she shouldn’t be attempting to wax philosophic on life. She doesn’t have that type of intellectual credibility (most celebrities don’t). I think everything she said would have been fine in an interview, but this video just comes off as silly and OTT.

    • SK says:

      I think she is insanely shallow and self-obsessed.

  4. bowers says:

    If you hear from people who work for you that you are special and perfect and great and wonderful and magnificent daily yearly, you’re not only going to believe it, you’re going to be a bit jacked.

  5. INeedANap says:

    If that’s not a boob job, then her bra can double as a flotation device on an aircraft carrier.

    And while I always jam out to her music, and admire her work ethic, I always feel kind of bad thinking that she sounds a bit…dim.

  6. mimif says:

    She looks like a minimally talented spoiled brat in that dress. Oh, wait…
    (I’m joking, beehive. Joking.)

    • Kiddo says:

      LMAO. I see what you did there.
      Also: You put in a disclaimer. Scared of the db bomb are ye?

      ETA: she actually looks pretty fantastic.

      • mimif says:

        I just thought I could save some jelly h8r trollz some time, that’s all. And yeah she always looks good (as long as she’s on mute*).


      • Nicky says:

        The slit is way too high and on other sites posted front shots of her you notice her cellulite cause the slit practically to her crotch.
        She looks too fake, fake bobs, fake hair ,face looks hard never liked her legs …so she’s a pass.

      • mimif says:

        I think she looks great for 43.

      • Kiddo says:

        You guys are asking for it.
        ASKING FOR IT. So it won’t happen.

  7. MP says:

    I hope it’s not a boob job. That would be beyond depressing.

  8. Jh says:

    Come on, Bey! That was so cheesy I couldn’t even make it to the one minute mark. Why? Why do that?

  9. Hotpockets says:

    My eyes couldn’t roll enough watching her video. It’s so dramatic and comical all at the same time!

    “People don’t treat you like you’re human when your famous”… (emotional shot of Beyonce fixing her hair and looking at herself.)

    ”I’m complicated, I’ve been through a lot.” (Another dramatic shot of Beyonce strutting around touching her hair)

    Beyonce talking about a death of a friend, while a waterfall’s mists fall onto her, touching her hair and then talking about her body.

    So many wiglets and corny one liners in one ”feminism” video.

  10. malachais says:

    I think the media is oversaturating us with beyonce. I like her, but this happened a few years ago and then she was worried about not having the spotlight again. I think she just needs to tone it down. I almost think she is turning into Mariah Carey at this point.

  11. Crack Fox says:

    Holy waist training, Beyonce!

  12. theoneandonly says:

    Just one question: is she that worried her “music” won’t be remembered that she engages in this fatuousness; and yes, she is as dumb as a box of hair and has a whole team to write this drivel. Musicians from Mozart to Stevie Ray Vaughan made little effort to preserve their music in the manner that bouncy is trying to do, and they are still played. Someone needs to tell her that if you actually made compelling music that could stand on its own you wouldn’t have to resort to this silliness. I still can’t believe how bad that Girls Run the world song was.

  13. maeliz says:

    That dress looks risky for embarrassing moments. Step too far forward, stand too wide, sitting down, tripping. No nip slips in this risky dress

  14. fee says:

    For someone who says women should love their bodies, maybe it would sound more real if she did not Photoshop her thighs etc…. Feminist? When you look like a showgirl in every video, it is a little hard to look at her seriously. And this video, wow, narcistic self absorbed delusional

    • TeaAndSympathy says:

      Theoneandonly and fee:

      Your comments are exactly what I wanted to say. Whether she is attempting to make a mark on the world in relation to her music’s longevity in immaterial, in my opinion. She is a delusional, narcissistic, entitled, fake, vain famewhore with mediocre talent and the intellect of a house brick. Her brand of “feminism” is about calling further attention to herself in an attempt to cement her perceived importance in the big scheme of things. She believes her fame equates with a brilliance that she simply must impart to the peasants who elevated her to the heights of popularity and wealth she now enjoys. I can see her in the future, showing her child/ren these master works, saying, “This is how important and influential your mummy is.” Gag.

  15. Blythe says:

    That heel is so chunky. Something a bit smaller and leaner wouldn’t have been so distracting. That dress and color look great on her.

  16. Korra says:

    Best parody EVER! It’s not of her current video, but of her life is but a dream documentary.