Brad Pitt meets with President Obama at White House

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Oh God, even I didn’t expect this. Brad Pitt was invited to the White House today to meet President Obama and some of his staff. Yesterday Brad met with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi along with House Whip James Clyburn, and today Brad’s at the White House. All for Brad’s organization Make It Right NOLA. Amazing.

Some have already criticized Pelosi, Clyburn and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for their somewhat fawning behavior towards Brad. I hope President Obama isn’t going to release some embarrassing statement in an hour about how Sasha and Malia couldn’t wait to meet Brad. The Daily Telegraph has more:

President Barack Obama has welcomed actor Brad Pitt into the White House for a secret meeting to discuss the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.

Pitt, who was in Washington with his girlfriend Angelina Jolie, who was filming her spy thriller “Salt” in the American capital became the second member of the cast of the “Ocean’s Eleven” to talk to Obama about policy. Last month, George Clooney called on Mr Obama and Vice President Joe Biden to discuss how to tackle the humanitarian crisis in Darfur and then announced that they had agreed to send an envoy to the Sudan region.

Pitt, wearing sunglasses, a goatee and a three-piece black suit, was promoting his plan to create safe, cheap “green housing” in the Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans as a national model. He and Jolie set up the “Make it Right” foundation in 2007.

He held separate meetings with Shaun Donovan, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, and Steven Chu, Energy Secretary, before being feted as a “hero” by Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, on Capitol Hill.

The red carpet treatment for Hollywood stars and musicians marks a major departure from the Bush administration’s button-down style and the occasional invitation to a country music star.

[From The Daily Telegraph]

It’s more symbolic of President Obama’s agenda to refocus some funding to rebuild the Gulf Coast, rather than some itchy celebrity-fever by the new administration, I hope. I’m glad Brad is meeting with the cabinet members who will be overseeing the new era in Gulf Coast reconstruction.

Here’s Brad in the Speaker’s Balcony Hallway in The Capital yesterday. Images thanks to
news brad pitt washington 3 050309

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77 Responses to “Brad Pitt meets with President Obama at White House”

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  1. Rosanna says:

    I really dislike this. It gives the wrong message! Actors doing charity can meet the President, regular people cannot. Wrong wrong wrong.

  2. Wonder Woman says:

    Well it WAS a business matter bc brad has been very involved with the reconstructions of new orleans so i am not looking at this as a questionable meeting, it makes sense.
    I MUST SAY BRAD LOOKS Gorgeous. He looks so real, sexy, rugged (spell?). mmmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmm

  3. Embee says:

    Brad: button your shirt, for heaven’s sake and show some professionalism.

    President Obama: if you cannot find more qualified people than these to advise you on the serious subjects of Darfur and rebuilding the Gulf Coast, then I will lose faith in your ability to lead.

    Use them to bring attention to an issue if you’re doing something but for heaven’s sake please don’t seek their ADVICE. They are less in touch with the goings on of real people than Bush.

    Clooney on Larry King was embarassing. I couldn’t watch him with all his “umms and ahhhs and inability to answer coherently.

  4. Jen says:

    This is f***ing ridiculous.

    There’s a quote from That 70s Show (from Hyde) that goes: “The three true branches of government are military, corporations, and Hollywood.” Sadly, I think he was right.

    Obama can take this “change” and cram it.

  5. catwoman says:

    I just love when these grossly overpaid, overrated egoists poop/air heads talk politics (ala Sean Penn & his dictator endorsement). This loon at the White House comes as no surprise – it’s what the Obamas have always been about. Celebrity,PR,Pomp. Meanwhile the country chugs along towards depression like the Titanic towards the ICEBERG… BRAVO!
    It’s the theater of the absurd.

  6. Kaiser says:

    Jesus, these pics of Brad are AMAZING. He looks good enough to eat.

  7. what is ever. says:

    It makes me sad to see elected officials who are supposed to be leading our country, act like crazed teenagers. Pathetic.

  8. Terri says:

    Let me get this right, you are grossly overpaid for pretending, you have people fawning all over you telling you how “amazing” you are, and whatever issue you think is important gets you an meeting with the leader of the free world…something is so terribly wrong with our society.

  9. Codzilla says:

    I also hope that Obama has more qualified advisers than the likes of Brad Pitt (who can’t even manage to button his shirt properly when meeting the President). Somebody please show this aging pretty boy the door, already.

  10. ViV says:

    The country is circling the drain and the president is taking meetings with clooney and pitt, this situation makes me so sad.

  11. hmm says:

    Oh people calm down. The fact of the matter is that if it weren’t for people like Clooney, Damon, Cheadle, and Pitt, many would not know of the atrocities going on in Darfur and other hot spots around the world. Secondly, Pitt has put his money and his celebrity where his mouth is and is trying to provide low cost, energy efficient housing for people who lost everything in Katrina. Why don’t we ask those still living in FEMA trailers if they are opposed to someone, anyone advocating on their behalf. The idea that President Obama doesn’t have an extra 15 or 20 minutes to talk is silly and if your “support” of Obama is so flimsy then I daresay it wasn’t there to begin with. Lastly, the first family has opened up the White House to normal everyday Americans and it’s disingenuous to act like they don’t care about regular people when all evidence points to the contrary. Maybe if the electorate had been engaged over the last eight years the abuses that went on in the Bush Administration wouldn’t have occurred. Imagine, outrage over Clooney and Pitt but crickets when it was habeas corpus and torture. Priorities people, priorities.

  12. bros says:

    i just watched ‘God grew tired of us’ last night about the lost boys of Sudan and their relocation of some of them to the US after 15 years in a refugee camp in Kenya after they walked 1000 miles on foot and burried people along the way. it was SUCH a heart breaking movie-just cuts you to the core, and i cried a great deal. the credits came on and they said: this movie could not have been made without Brad Pitt, Dermot Mulroney, Catherine Keener, and a couple of other names. it was narrated by nicole kidman.

    nothing about this is inappropriate. this is a serious heartbreaking issue that has been ignored for 20 years and ripped families apart in the most horrific circumstances. all you pathetic haters who are pissed the prez met with pitt, i cannot understand how you could criticize the real work that pitt is doing. its just incredible to me to see the distain about people who make their living as actors, but have the gall to care about issues and the clout to make things happen….where are the other voices on this? where are the so-called more appropriate people trying to do something?

    i am sad at myself for not doing more to help and am thankful for people like clooney pitt damon and affleck and jolie for caring and actually doing something. ends, means, justified. period.

  13. tigerlille says:

    I think that Malia and Sasha are probably more interested in meeting Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shilo and the twins…

    It is hysterical to read the regular devotees of a gossip blog bash the president for meeting with “the likes” of Brad Pitt and George Clooney. Get over it, kids, this is what a politically and culturally savvy president does. I realize that it has been a few decades since we have had a culturally savvy president in the White House, but I can assure you that he isn’t making major policy decisions based on the input Hollywood icons. Brad and George have been making valuable volunteer efforts, and it is gracious of President Obama to meet with them, as he does with the heads of other charitable efforts whose meetings don’t interest the press.

  14. boomchakaboom says:

    Well, it’s not like anybody else gives a damn about rebuilding New Orleans, especially since it was a poorer section of the population that was affected. They couldn’t have a more charismatic champion for the cause than Brad Pitt, to be sure. Shirley Temple Black made the transition from Hollywood to politics, as did Sonny Bono, with no bad effects, because their hearts were truly into it. It’s a good cause and more power to them all. It’s not like Pitt is in D.C. trying to get a tax break for the wealthy or some loony far, far left ideology – it’s for human lives that nobody else seems to care about.

  15. Kaiser says:

    Amen, Bros, Tigerlilie & Hmmm!

    Couldn’t have said it better.

  16. Debra says:

    Some of you need any excuse. He is meeting to discuss a project that has the potential to change the way homes in this country are build. Not just for the wealthy but for everyday people. I have seen the MIR homes. I would love to live in one. Who give a rat’s ass about his shirt not being button. He and the others working with him have done more in 5 years then what the Government; who spent million on trailer that were never used, have done. All that money gone to waste. Brad and MIR could have provided affordable homes for so many more people in NOLA. So some of your comment are just ridiculous. When did we become a nation that attacks people for helping because they have money. Where do you thing museums, theaters and cultural institutions get their funding.. From people who have money. Not the “everyday Joe”. Brad is doing some good. He and his partners deserve to praised.. Yes even by the President.

  17. SeVen says:

    We may not agree with the decision to have Pitt at the White House but we all can agree on the fact that after the disaster Bush left this country in, Obama can probably use all the help he can get.

  18. really? says:

    I agree that it is one thing for celebrities to use their “celebrity” in raising awareness, but these people should not be our policy advisors. Why are the Obama supporters writing research papers on here???

  19. Lisa B says:

    The Obamas appear literally really star struck. President Obama asked for Beyonce’s autograph,Mrs. Obama said she would really like to meet Will and Jada Smith, Beyonce said Mrs. Obama thanked her for being a role model to her daughters,now Brad Pitt. The Obamas are appearing fickle and cheapening themselves. Enough already.

  20. kap says:

    These actors (Clooney, Pitt, Cheadle, Jolie, etc.) have been very active in these projects for a couple of years now. They have “been in the trenches” in NOLA, Chad-Darfur, etc. and know first hand what’s going on. The locals affected by these atrocities tell them what they have and what they need, as well as their own observations. It’s not like it’s some uninformed movie stars showing up for publicity. The project in NOLA is for a sustainable “green” housing that will produce much need and affordable homes for the residents displaced by Katrina and Rita, it will also create many of those “green” jobs Obama has been talking about for the last 2 years. I think it’s great that we have a President who doesn’t think he’s above meeting with these caring and informed citizens, even if they are from Hollywood.

  21. geronimo says:

    Firstly, at no point is there any evidence to suggest that Obama is being advised by Pitt or Clooney or any other celebrity. They’re updating him with the state of play, as they’re aware of it, on different issues and causes that concern him and he, being a savvy president, appreciates their efforts.

    Neither Pitt nor Clooney have ever claimed to be experts or authorities on their causes, merely light-shiners and fundraisers, in Clooney’s case, and active participant in NO recovery efforts, in Pitt’ case. Even if I didn’t like these people, I’d still find this mean-minded criticism of their efforts absolutely pitiful.

    Ditto kaiser, hmmm, tigerlille and bros.

  22. Rosanna says:

    Nobody is discounting Pitt’s and Clooney’s contributions. Just questioning how appropriate it is to receive them over other thousands of nonprofit workers and CEOs making as valuable as a contribution as Pitt’s and Clooney’s.

  23. Shane says:

    Hmm, VERY nicely put. Right on.

  24. Sauronsarmy says:

    What kind of blissfully ignorant rock do you live under that you need celebrities to tell you about Darfur, Africa, etc and the worlds issues? I didn’t need the help of any of these idiots to tell me that Rawanda is horrible, and that New Orleans needs to be rebuilt. I watch a thing called the NEWS. Pathetic.

  25. Codzilla says:

    So whoever dares roll their eyes at the false idolization of Brad Pitt is automatically dismissive of the atrocities in Darfur, and other global crises? Jesus, people, get a grip.

  26. Codzilla says:

    Sauronsarmy: Exactly, thank you.

  27. iheartlasagne says:

    I think that Mrs. Obama was ASKED by an interviewer what celebrity she would like to meet and Will and Jada Pinkett Smith was the response she gave to that question. Not as though she was asked who she’d most like to meet in the world, at least that was what I got when I read the article; nor did she just volunteer it. I believe the question was asked in People magazine.

  28. Justalark says:

    @ hmm and bros:

    I completely agree with you! You made some very intelligent and well-articulated comments, unlike some of the other posters who are so quick to criticize.

    The point is not that these actors are overpaid and egotistical, the point is that they are INVOLVED AMERICAN CITIZENS who use their celebrity to draw attention to important issues. It is very easy to dismiss the efforts of others, BUT HOW ARE YOU MAKING THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE?

    I agree that people like Sean Penn who spout off at public events just because they can deserve our contempt, but those who consistently volunteer their time and donate their own money to worthwhile causes deserve our respect. I ADMIRE celebrities like George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and Ben Affleck who have a little depth and are more than pretty faces!

  29. katyalia says:

    Off topic: Did you guys manage to run Dante off this site for good?

  30. patty anne says:

    Just when i was about to give Obama a chance to show us he meant his election promises he does something so superfluous as to take time away from his Presidential duties while the economic situation of our nation is causing every working man or/and woman great worry and stress….To Give Another Hollywood Actor Free Publicity! I could understand Obama meeting with the Governor of Louisianna and Mississippi, but to showcase just one city? Very Bad Judgement On Obama’s Part. We all know that Brad Pitt adopts the personna of whomever he is partnering at the time….this is a phase to him. Those who do good deeds behind the public lights are the ones who are genuinely helping others. This is such a photo op….disgusting on both their parts… about extending unemployment to ALL the men and women who are now jobless, losing their homes across the nation? Helping families keep the residences they know as “Home”? It’s not a localized problem…it’s NATIONAL! Don’t put blinders on to all that is now occuring in our country…and don’t give actors free publicity….do what you promised the people you would do…

  31. bros says:

    we all watch the news sauronsarmy and codzilla-but unfortunately, many people dont. fully 1/3 of this country (US) cant name the 3 different arms of the government, but 75% of people can name at least one american idol judge. you tell me that we dont need celebrities to use their notoriety, if they are willing, to draw attention to good causes and ill send you my arm.

    the obamas arent star struck or cheapening themselves by meeting with celebs or mentioning who theyd like to meet when asked by a reporter. Bush did his fair share of hobnobbing with hollywood types on those rare occasions he wasnt on vacation. (and the few celebrities who liked him)

  32. boomchakaboom says:

    I hardly think Brad Pitt or Clooney are looking for publicity. They don’t need it. There’s nothing wrong with them lending their time and taking the trouble to address issues that matter to so many people. They aren’t as shallow and self serving as most Hollywood types, and they da** sure make anyone want to pay attention to what they’re saying. What’s wrong with the Obamas showing a normal interest in some of our more civic minded celebrities? They have influence, they care, and they contribute to causes that help regular people. What’s wrong with that? Who wouldn’t want to meet Beyonce? She has a beautiful voice.

  33. bros says:

    sorry pattyann, the governor of louisiana is busy shilling for rush limbaugh, deriding disaster monitoring, and talking out of two sides of his mouth about refusing stimulus money in the 49th ranked state in terms of economic and educational health to meet with obama. what a RIDICULOUS comment.

  34. bb says:

    To hmmmm:
    So the general American public was asleep or lacking priorities but the stars are not? So why didn’t Pitt, Cloony etc take on domestic political issues such as Abu Ghraib, and immigration reform? They pick issues that have an easy public appeal and allow them to appear magnanimous so they don’t lose mass appeal. At least Sean Penn has some balls.

  35. nutty internet trolls on the loose says:

    Why don’t you guys get off your asses and do something rather than complain like bitter trolls on the internet. Pitt and Clooney have contributed a lot of time, money, and effort to these causes. I don’t know their motives exactly but the results speak for themselves. Personally, I don’t think there’s anything worse than complaining about someone doing charity. I mean seriously–get a life!

  36. Nemouse says:

    I am shocked at the amount of negative feedback this event created.

    I don’t think that Brad Pitt is in the class of Hollywood celebrities that are in any way sophmoric or self-centered. He is in a position (a very prominent one) with the financial backing to promote awareness about an issue he feels strongly about. As I understand, his organization is doing a lot of good in New Orleans, and I am sure the “ordinary” people who have benefitted by it are not going to bitch and moan that he gets to meet the president because of it.

    As for the criticism that he does not do more to raise awareness about issues that readers might think are “more important” – well – I think all humanitarian issues are of importance and this is the one Pitt has chosen to support.

    On a political note, I think this is a smart move for President Obama. It underscores the idea that is presidency is a “popular” administration, meaning connects with facets outside the traditional, insular Washington atmosphere. (I won’t, however, argue that it is not elitist – but government has always been that)

  37. Trillion says:

    It ain’t the same without Dante ’round here…if you’re out there, come back!

  38. Tori says:

    Here’s the point. You have no idea of who Obama has met with. You assume that he has not met with non-celebrity nonprofit workers and CEOs. That is a very incorrect and uniformed assumption on your point.

    Get off your butts and do something for others. Get involved and stop sitting on your butts complaining about people doing GOOD!


    Nobody is discounting Pitt’s and Clooney’s contributions. Just questioning how appropriate it is to receive them over other thousands of nonprofit workers and CEOs making as valuable as a contribution as Pitt’s and Clooney’s.

  39. daniel says:

    i think everyone is getting a bit heated over what i see is a positive action by some people to raise awareness of the housing crisis in N.O. Brad is simply using his star power to bring attention to the cause….

  40. Holly says:

    Its hilarious that you’re all getting so heated over the president meeting with some actors.

    Have you forgotten that one of our presidents WAS AN ACTOR?!? RONALD REAGEN?

  41. Mimi says:

    Reagan (sic)

  42. Cali green says:

    Great post @ Bros!

  43. DD says:

    Brad just sounds so dumb when he speaks, it’s hard to imagine the President taking him seriously. But he is a popular celebrity, so knowledge, experience, or hard work are really not necessary.

  44. DD says:


  45. Holly says:

    Yes thank you Mimi, no edit buttons anymore!

  46. NJMDPS says:

    I agree wholeheartedly with Jen (March 6,9:32 p.m.). My feelings about about it all. Obama’s desire to be into the Hollywood set coupled with Michelle’s “Wednesday night’s at the White House i pod shuffle” make me ill.
    Change? Sure! Right!

  47. teri says:

    This was a positive action on behalf of Brad Pitt. Instead of complaining please inform all of us what charitable things you’ve done for anyone lately? New Orleans deserves just as much help as any other national disaster area.

  48. Megan says:

    What has acting got to do with President Obama, Hollywood and the government need to remove themselves from each other’s asses, pronto.

  49. poopie says:

    i’m with ya MEGAN ! i am sick and tired of being preached to by some overpaid pretender ! and cut the C-rap about rita and katrina ! what about IKE ? WHY IS NO ONE talking about all the displaced people after IKE? it was a MUCH more dangerous storm than the other two! where is Brad Spitt for Galveston, huh?

  50. honey says:

    President and First Lady have stated from the beginning that they want to make the White House accessible to everyone. They already invited a group of 4 graders and a group of culinary students to the White House. During his national speech he acknowledged and had present so the whole world can see, regular Americans citizens who he praised for their patriotism. Why should the President not speak to Brad Pitt? Last time I check he was an American who is doing something patriotic.

    Brad Pitt is the biggest star on the planet,people worship him and his partner Angelina and as far as their fans are concern they cannot do any wrong. Why not meet with him especially if he is bringing attention to a cause that does need attention?

    I think some of the people here are not upset with President Obama for meeting with Brad Pitt.They are upset WITH Brad Pitt for meeting with President Obama. Big difference.

  51. Sakota says:

    While I can’t comprehend the suffering, with the economy falling to pieces and so many other things, I think Katrina should be left to LA’s governor. Darfur needs to be dealt with by TRAINED specialists and diplomats.

    Brad isn’t there long enough to give a substantial report with solid information. He doesn’t understand the intrecacies of diplomatic protocol and isn’t trained to look for specific things Obama needs to know.

    That said, Obama needs to worry about the US and the people losing their jobs.

  52. Ned says:

    I would imagine that in such tough and times that the president Obama and apeaker of the house Pelosi would be busy doing important matterns, rather than spending time with a movie.

    Not to mention that Brad is not one of the brightest of them , to say the least.

    How wonderful it is that the economy is fixed and we are no longer dealing the major security problems that our top elected leaders have so much spare time.


  53. Nikki says:

    It’s disgusting how celeb obsessed we are.. the actors have drawn attention to the causes and somewhat force the conservsation to be started but isn’t that the journalists and msm’s job. It’s just sad.

  54. Sakota says:

    Well, since they make millions, they always have way too much time on their hands to do their little stunts.

    These idiots don’t even know how to look after themselves, I cannot understand how they fancy themselves diplomats and politicians.

    Until they have been trained through a rigorous education and on the job work experience, they have no business being in the halls of Congress and the White House.

  55. Liz says:

    The Make It Right foundation has done very credible work with designing and building the homes. They are wonderfully efficient, cost-effective, and well-planned. Teams of very credible people worked on this, their work doesn’t deserve to be discounted by those of you that won’t see past Brad’s face.

    He was presenting that model to the government–fair enough. We need ideas like that while we rebuild infrastructure, improve our developments, and improve energy efficiency.

  56. Baholicious says:

    Exactly Codzilla (re: comment #25), this is the usual black and white thinking where the Jolie-Pitts are concerned.

    If people really need to get their news from celebrities, the world is seriously heading to hell in a handbasket.

    And as far as people saying ‘at least the celebrities are doing something,’ they bloody well better be: these are people who work what, 3 months a year and walk up and down red carpets and get their pictures taken. They have to do something to justify their existence outside the Land of Make-Believe.

  57. Jane says:

    Phuck Dante. I can’t believe people actually missed that prick.

  58. Aspen says:


  59. geronimo says:

    I miss dante. And syko. Come back!

  60. boomchakaboom says:

    Ask the people in New Orleans if they mind having Brad Pitt go to D.C. on their behalf. I can’t believe how snitty people are being over this.

  61. boomchakaboom says:

    And I miss syko and dante too.

  62. Anon says:

    Miss dante, syko and diva with the suri picture; perhaps they are observing lent?
    Will be looking out for your posts; Holler back!!!

  63. Debra says:

    Get a grip. Having a 1 hour or more meeting is going to cause the US to go into a meltdown. Brad is doing something great. I am proud to call myself a fan..

  64. Christina says:

    the issue is not whether 75% percent of americans don’t know the three branches of the american government, can’t name foreign countries or whatever some such statisic… the point is, why does the PRESIDENT need to be debriefed by a celebrity on world issues?

  65. Christina says:

    brad looks so self satisfied in these pictures *eyeroll*

  66. daisy424 says:

    Agree with Codzilla & Baho on this.
    I do however applaud any celeb donating their time to worthwhile causes.

    AS far as Darfur;
    “US aid to Africa has grown rapidly since Mr Bush entered the White House in 2001. It had doubled over his first term and was set to double again by 2010.” BBC

    From what I recall, Bush consulted with his top advisers/state dept, the UN, NATO, The African Union, on Darfur. Bush gave the most aid/help to Africa than any other President.

    “There is some bipartisan support for intervening in the troubled region. Sens. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) and Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) plan to introduce a resolution in Congress calling for NATO troops to help the African Union “stop the genocide” in the Darfur region.” WA Post

    Maybe President Obama should consult with his VP.

    @Tigerlily;”…but I can assure you that he isn’t making major policy decisions based on the input Hollywood icons”
    You cannot assure anyone one of that, unless you can read his thoughts.
    He is making economic decisions based on Reid & Pelosi, that’s bad enough.

  67. Sakota says:

    “brad looks so self satisfied in these pictures *eyeroll*”

    Ugh, I know. Prancing around as if he is an elder statesman. Angelina has warped his head and not for the better.

    Before he was with Angelina I actually liked him. One of few actors who seemed happy to simply act and live life. Now he’s no better than the other actors and rappers who have kids out of wedlock.

  68. barneslr says:

    As much as I like Pitt, I really, really don’t like how Obama is Hollywood-izing the White House. I thought Clinton was bad, but he’s nothing compared to Obama. He just seems way more interested in making famous friends than he is in making sound decisions for our country. I honestly am very frightened by what I’ve seen so far since Jan 20th.

    Actors are nice. Actors have opinions and that’s great. But the President should not be wasting his valuable time sucking up to them.

    I want a president, not a celebrity in office.

  69. Get lives! says:

    Skota: For someone that really hates Brad Pitt, you sure are making yourself comfortable around here.

    Christina, Ned, Megan… and the likes:

    Is spewing venom all you’re capable of doing? This piece is suppose to be something positive, as it speaks volumes about your president and celebrities that are not wrapped up in all things Hollywood-like, yet some people are so full of hate they can’t see passed their constipated opinions

    Seriously people, this is exactly why the rest of the world thinks Americans are stupid. The truth of the matter is that Americans have their heads shoved deep up their a$$es that they rather crucify someone doing something charitable simply because they read things in tabloid magazines that they don’t agree with.

    You need your heads examined, and look past that hatred created by sensationalism that sells magazines. Honestly, how can you hate someone you’ve never personally met?

    Fact of the matter is, more people are interested in what celebrities have to say than what politicians, peace corpse and humanitarians have been yelling for ages at the top of their lungs. It is proven that there are more internet hits for Brangelina than there are for your President Obama. More people read People Magazine and OK than The New York Times. More people watch E! news than CNN.

    That’s right, we are living in a shallow world where people are more interested in the shoes a celebrity was wearing than the going-ons in the world. So yes, any celebrity that is helping put a good causes in the papers on at the tip of people’s tongues should be welcomed, no matter how seemingly ‘unimportant’ it might appear to some.

    Honestly, some of you need to get lives and redeem yourselves and the perception you have created about yourselves to the world.

  70. Baholicious says:

    Marshall McLuhan said “the media doesn’t tell people what to think, it tells them what to think about,” so if celebrities and media coverage of celebrities promoting their agendas is what is covered, that’s what people focus on.

    This thread is an excellent example.

    That being said, people should make more of an effort to actually read the news and know the issues rather than having certain causes cherry-picked for their focus by celebrities who can do this simply because of their popularity and level of exposure.

    As for Obama, give him more time. This upcoming four years is probably going to be the most overly-scrutinized term in US history.

  71. Sakota says:

    “Skota: For someone that really hates Brad Pitt, you sure are making yourself comfortable around here.”

    I’m a geek.

    I don’t hate him, I just dislike his recent actions, prancing around like a highly experienced elder statesmen when he isn’t.

    After ’04 I got so ticked and Brad Pitt was one of the few actors who didn’t spout off about the Iraq war.

  72. eajk says:

    The Obamas are QUITE aware of who Brad Pitt REALLY is. His complete disrespect of his wife and marriage in front of the whole world will never be forgotten, especially from MARRIED women. And Michelle is a married woman, and friends with Oprah, who is friends with Jennifer.

  73. Pufft says:

    @Sakota: A geek? I never would have guessed

    @eajk: And let me guess, you were the photographer hiding in the bushes when BP and JA went on a get away with Courtney Cox and hubby to discuss the statuesque of their relationship after he discovered that he had feelings for another woman.

    No wait, you are part of the CIA and you guys actually incepted hidden cameras and tapped phones calls made from BP and JA’s house. I’m sure Brad was a complete bastard when they called close family and friends and informed them that he and JA were going separate ways.

    I can see why that would be complete disrespect to the entire world. Really, he could have showed real respect and ignored his feelings for another woman and live a miserable live with JA.

  74. Pufft says:

    I’m also curious to know what there is to sprout about on the issue of the Iraqi war. What did you want to hear? That the war was a pathetic attempt on the Bush administration to get oil from the middle-west? Did you want to hear that ‘patriotic’ Americans were used to like Pawn pieces in a game of Chess to kill thousands of people for the pure entertainment of G.W Bush?

    Really, what exactly is it that you specifically wanted to her from Brad on the issue of the Iraq war that you weren’t satisfied hearing from other A-listers like Bono from U2.

  75. Codzilla says:

    The “statuesque” of their relationship? That’s a new one.

  76. Ursula says:

    I never listen to anyone who prances around in private jets, then tells us how to be more environmentally friendly. Brad Pitt being so dumb, the whole irony may be lost on him.

  77. Pufft says:

    @Cod: Oops! Didn’t think you would call the authorities on me for a typo. I would have corrected it to status quo, but there was no edit button. Someone sue celebitchy!

    @Ursula: I wasn’t aware that people that choose to go green refuse to fly. You could be right, perhaps they drive in their hybrid vehicles from city to city, country to country, continent to continent. Or perhaps they don’t travel at all. Makes perfect sense.