Kim Kardashian wears the wrong bra size, thinks ‘Amish’ is spelled ‘omish’


Here are some photos of Kim Kardashian out and about on Friday. Call me crazy, but she really doesn’t look bad here, right? I mean, I’m tired of Kim exposing her midriff and I’m also tired of her habit of wearing at least one size too small. But this really isn’t as bad as it could be. And lo and behold, she actually does look pretty thin. Of course, she also looks like she’s had some recent work done. Some lipo, some face work, pretty standard operating procedure for a Kardashian.

Kim has a new title (sort of): she is the most-followed person on Instagram now. I think she used to be #2 (cough) behind Justin Bieber, but last Thursday, Instagram “purged” all of the inactive and spam accounts. Meaning a lot of high-profile people with inflated numbers saw significant follower-losses. Kim lost 1.3 million followers, Bieber lost 3.5 million, Beyonce lost 800,000 and many more. Anyway, Kim came out on top! Beyonce and Biebs are still nipping at her heels though.

And finally, Kim apparently sent her mom a rude text. You can see it here, but here’s what it said (spelling is ALL KIM).

i love you mom but no more pilgrim adams
family outfits.
you have exhausted this look.
done move on.
we need chic, tight dresses not this omish s–t anymore.

I don’t have any problem with Kim issuing styling edicts to her mom. I do have a problem with Kim thinking “Amish” is spelled “omish.”

PS… I think Kim is wearing the wrong bra size. A correctly-sized bra is not supposed to look like that from behind.



Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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106 Responses to “Kim Kardashian wears the wrong bra size, thinks ‘Amish’ is spelled ‘omish’”

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  1. smee says:

    Everything about being her looks uncomfortable – the shoes, the tight clothes, having to drag that giant butt around with her. And yes, her bra is totally the wrong size/fit – it’s digging into her back and it looks uncomfortable as well.

    • Wilma says:

      I just don’t get it either. When she wears clothes that actually fit she looks tiny. So why doesn’t she wear clothes that fit?

      • Penelope says:

        Beg to differ–she NEVER looks “tiny.”

      • Gina says:

        Tiny? In what universe…lol. She is short, that is the only thing that makes her petite.

      • It is what it is says:

        @wilma because she gets so much media attention when she looks like a sweaty buttcrack too tight mess

      • snowflake says:

        she IS small! look at the picture of her checking herself out. if she hadn’t added the hip/butt, she would look great. she’s naturally slim, check out old pics. she went too far with the hips/butt, makes her look out of proportion. and too tight clothing always make you look bigger.

      • Gina says:

        @snowflake: That makes no sense at all. If she didn’t have big hips and gigantic rear, she’d be small…lol. That’s like saying if she wasn’t stupid, she’d be smart. All of the original K-Dash woman are thick, except for Kourtney who somehow escaped the genetics of the big butt syndrome.

      • Lucy says:

        I’m going through some old pictures of her pre-Kanye street style (don’t judge) and, man, I can’t believe it either but I am actually LOVING most of the outfits. She did know how to dress herself once.

      • Penelope says:

        She looks good in that picture, but not tiny.

      • Petee says:

        Gina.Snowflakes comment makes sense.If she didn’t have those huge fake hips and butt she would look small.People think she is heavy but she isn’t.The pictures taken from behind her butt looks ridiculous.How can she walk?And for her to give fashion advice to anyone is beyond me.She can’t dress to save her life.

      • H says:

        She’s a very small women in stature – I’m 5’11 and big-boned, so next to me, she is actually tiny. But she’s not skinny. We are so used to see celebrities with skeletal figures that she looks big in comparison.

      • Ctkat1 says:

        Agree with Wilma and Snowflake- before the butt/hips implants and bulk up, she was a small boned, small framed woman. Look at the 2006-2009 photos for comparison:

        Of course, she was also younger then. I know that am bigger now at mid-30s than I was in my mid-20s.

    • jwoolman says:

      How does she sit in that dress? How does she even walk? It’s like foot binding.

      Omish must be a new designer, yes?

    • zinjojo says:

      That’s exactly what I think every time I see her — how uncomfortable to go around like that all the time — clothes too tight, high heels and dragging that butt around. Ugh. It would be refreshing to see her in something casual and cute for a change.

      Also, her note to her mom …”we need chic tight dresses” No you do not need tight dresses and a Kardashian wouldn’t know chic under any circumstances.

    • Tristan says:

      She actually doesn’t look bad! She looks f**king AWFUL!!! There isn’t a single thing that works with her entire look & ghastly choice of outfit. She looks like a gray sausage that has gone off

    • Josephine says:

      You forgot the fake hair. That stuff must feel nasty.

  2. Lilliputian says:

    Girl really needs a butt lift. That thing is “literally” dragging the ground.

    • Jenny says:

      I think that’s the same problem with the bra. She needs the band to be that tight to hoist up the girls.

  3. tifzlan says:

    Here’s my text to Kim:

    i love you kim but no more hillshire farms
    family outfits.
    you have exhausted this look.
    done move on.
    we need chic, fitted dresses not this sausage case s–t anymore.

    PS: i don’t actually love you, pls disappear forever xoxo

    • bettyrose says:

      LMAO at hillshire farms. She pays a fortune to have a figure like Jessica Rabbit but then dresses like she’s twiggy. Doesn’t she have one true friend in this world to tell her it needs to stop?

      • me says:

        If Jonathan Cheban ever told her the truth, he’d be kicked out of her circle…then what would he do for a living ?

    • seijidan says:

      OMG you had me dying at hillshire farms!

    • Pandy says:

      I’m bowing down to you for this comment. Genius.

  4. Anaya says:

    Kim has too much ass. Yes, there is such a thing of having too much. I shudder to think what her butt will look like as she gets older. Not a pretty thought.

    • Hautie says:

      Gravity. The great equalizer to a butt that has been packed full of fat injections. It will creep down your legs.

      As many pictures there are of Kim when she was with Reggie Bush. Before all the butt injections… Why does she insist that this is her natural ass? Seriously, there are hundreds of pictures of her with her natural small ass, all over the web. (During her Reggie years)

      And what will Kim say when she has to have a brutal painful surgery, to have it all scrapped out before she is 40.

      Because that is where she is headed. The fat injected into that butt… is going to keep creeping down the back of her thighs. All the Spanx in LA is not going to be able to squish into place.

  5. msw says:

    A correctly sized ass should not look like that from behind.

    • Sugar1 says:

      haha! last night I saw a picture on her IG acct trying on this outfit w/decisions decisions what to wear probs hashtags. the room was very dim so she does get dressed in the dark….this explains so much to me!

    • A~ says:

      Who, pray tell, decides what is the “correct” size of ass?

  6. Erm says:

    Her bra band is probably a size too large–hence it’s riding up and digging into the fatty part of the upper back. Ever since I got correctly fitted for a bra band, I notice this in lots of women. If the bra band is riding up at the back, size down in the band, not up!

  7. Izzy says:

    Most women have a little “back fat” showing when they wear a bra, even when properly sized, particularly if the bra is meant to hold up a larger set of girls. Even I do, and I wear a properly sized bra. I go for an expert fitting every year because I’ve got a lot up there to support (KK should really consider doing this, and I’m not talking about crappy VS bras).

    But she is still definitely wearing the wrong size. The back strap is too thin, the shoulder straps are too thin to properly support her which is why she droops, and you can tell the cup size is too small because you can see the overspill, or “quadraboob” through her sausage casing, er… clothes.

    • lunchcoma says:

      Yeah, my diagnosis was cup size too small, band size too big, and that the bra isn’t constructed very well. I used to have that problem too, mostly because society sent the message that D cups were really big and that DD cups were for women with figures like Dolly Parton, therefore I must be a D cup (nope: F cup). When I look at Kim standing next to other people, rather than just shots of her alone, it’s pretty obvious that she’s petite and small-framed. I wouldn’t be surprised if her band size is several sizes too large.

      • Faith says:

        A D unless its on a large back size isn’t actually that big when properly fitted she probably should be wearing a 30 back and a G+ cup. It’s amazing how much better your back is after being put in your correct size.

      • lunchcoma says:

        Yeah, just glancing, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s wearing a 32 or 34 band and needs a 28 or a 30, and if she’s buying something in the D ranges when she needs an F or G.

      • Izzy says:

        A well-fitted bra is a true friend to big-busted women, and once you find a brand you really like, it’s bra nirvana. (Bravana?)

    • Jennifer Williams says:

      I have went for many bra fittings over years at department stores but they always still seem to be wrong. I have a very large chest and I’m plus size while my mother was always not very well endowed so I was never thought where to go. I would love to find a bra that fit correctly! Do mind telling me where you go to? Thanks!

      • Department stores used to be good, nowadays try a post- mastectomy shop, I recommend The Maddox Shop in Dallas Texas. They have in house seamstress so you go home perfectly fitted.

  8. redvixen says:

    One thing is to have a natural, God given body and another is to create this fake monstruosity by choice. It’s beyond me. Soooooo tired of this family with their fake lives and money hungry attention grabbing ways. Everywhere you turn you see their asses plastered everywhere. Ugghh

    • maeliz says:

      Kim says during her pregnancy her body became fat and changed because God was punishing her for being so hot. Yeah right, Kim. Now her body looks like this because she must have pissed off some plastic surgeons. One day maybe they won’t be everywhere we look

  9. Penelope says:

    Nothing really surprising or shocking here. Kim’s rude; yes. And she’s vapid like they all are in that family. Kim’s no fashion expert but Kris DOES need to stop already with those stupid Peter Pan collars!

    • Kriswhorian is trying to relive her childhood, with the little-girl dresses. She’s the k klan answer to Michael Jackson, she’s even got his nose! Shamon! Shamon-nah! Too bad the awkward old slapper doesn’t have his grace in motion. And what up with her toy boy Klownye klone!?!? Where’s his whiskers gone, did Ye’ threaten him for being a kopykat? Methinks that “toy” is fixing to jump ship!

  10. Chrissy says:

    And naturally she’s checking out her reflection in the window…..SMH. How can someone with so little self-esteem love herself so much? How does that work ???

    • Belle Epoch says:

      CHRISSY I like that question! I’m no shrink, but I guess it’s the constant, gnawing need for validation, just like acquiring Instagram or Twitter followers. A zillion Instagram followers does not make her a warm, thoughtful, loving human being. KK is not capable of doing anything for other people, so she never has the satisfaction of feeling needed or appreciated – even by her husband and child, who are just photo props to her. It would be sad, but she is so vain, vapid, greedy, and self-serving i wish she would disappear.

    • snowflake says:

      she doesn’t have low self-esteem. she’s just checking to make sure she looks what she considers perfect for her photo ops. she doesn’t have surgery because she thinks she’s ugly; she does it to make her look more “perfect” and keep up with her so-called image for her fans. if she had low self-esteem, she wouldn’t be prancing around for pictures in too-tight outfits and constantly doing selfies. there is no low self-esteem there!

      • Hannah says:

        You clearly don’t have much of a psychology background then. Narcissism or Narcissistic personality disorder is most often due to low self-esteem, even though it appears to other people as arrogance. It’s over compensation for low self-esteem. And Kim is a classic example of someone with Narcissistic tendencies so it’s likely she does have low self esteem. Besides, why would someone who is confident in their worth as a person feel the need to do everything she does – all the attention seeking, validation and publicity seeking, obsessive about her looks etc.

      • Chrissy says:

        Thank you Hannah, I agree with you. If she were happy with herself we wouldn’t be seeing the constant attention-seeking, pap strolls, out-of-control plastic surgery etc. But since she has no intellectual or spiritual life to speak of, she has nothing else to validate her existence, I suppose. Not even motherhood has filled the void as she’s feels so threatened by her own daughter. I feel so sorry for North. She is the innocent in all this mess.

      • OTHER RENEE says:

        Hannah, she can’t be “confident in her worth” because she probably realizes that she has no other newsworthy talent. Nothing that would keep in front and center in the press, that is. It’s actually very sad. Maybe she could make some contribution to society but we’ll probably never know.

      • Lucky Charm says:

        Snowflake, it’s precisely because she has low self esteem that she needs to find validation by wearing too tight clothes and taking unstoppable selfies. She’s trying to prove that she’s sexy and hot and that people want to be with her. People that feel good about themselves don’t dress or act that way, because they don’t need to prove their self worth to everyone.

    • vauvert says:

      Can I just say that I don’t think she has the brain cells for a truly complex personality that would result in self esteem problems, nor do I believe she suffers from it. This is what she does. Her whole life and career (for lack of a better word) following a porn video has been posing around dressed like this because as far as she can tell it works. Here we are, all of us acknowledging her lack of intelligence, class, manners, looks or worth as a decent, caring human being, but spending time commenting on her, which in turn feeds the beast… There is she is, rolling around in millions of dollars, jet setting around the world in expensive clothes, shoes, purses, private jets, limos, buying mansions, attending events and being photographed. Why? All she is doing as far as I can tell is spend hours dressing, getting her face done, then taking and posting pics. She has built “a brand” and a fortune doing it and by virtue of us continuing to click, comment and watch, she continues to make money and validate herself daily. Lack of self esteem?? I don’t think so…

  11. Sera says:

    ‘Omish’, right.

    • wolfpup says:

      I watched a program on PBS (last night) on the Amish. They only are educated to the 8th grade (13 years old), and their speech is different, possibly because they only have each other to talk to. Kim shows a lack of education. Butt who needs education, when one has a big butt?

  12. Sixer says:

    Sixlet Major just looked over my shoulder and said, “Mother, why are you reading about Kim Kardashian? She is living proof that the Goa’uld really have infiltrated Earth. I think you should read about something else.”

  13. bettyrose says:

    I gotta admit in that one profile pic it is fascinating to observe the lack of symmetry. A giant pillowy rump paired with a washboard tummy…implants + lyposuction really create like an impressionist artist’s version of the female form.

  14. Syko says:

    When your skirt is so tight that it forms wrinkles from stretching, and you can see a clearly defined butt crack from behind, then you need to move up a few sizes. She doesn’t look thin. Maybe her waist, but all that injected implanted inflated stuff is far from thin.

  15. Luciebelle says:

    Back in the day in Paris, undergarments were often made to measure and with industrial strength elastics. Women wore girdles and brassieres that were efficient…once everything is in place and properly “held” you can just wear about anything because the “foundation” is in place.

  16. Lilacflowers says:

    When I look at her squeezed into those clothes, my first thought is how uncomfortable it all must be. My second thought is everything must get a bit swampy and smelly.

  17. vauvert says:

    We knew she couldn’t spell. We knew she was not even barely articulate, so why would this be a surprise?
    I don’t understand why photogs still follow her around – she always looks the same: behind too big and squashed in a skirt that is two sizes too small, midriff exposed, boobs overflowing out of the wrong sized bra and barely there top (this is an exception), no underwear to speak of, shoes too high and narrow which make her feet look like contorted sausages spilling on the sides (she will need surgery to deal with this as she ages, look at her feet in the picture, she looks uncomfortable and in pain already), and more makeup that a whole Nevada brothel.
    I know some people find her attractive. I just can’t see that, just a short, dumpy person who thinks she is a whole lot of sexy, with no clue how to dress herself. And I don’t care how much her outfits costs, somehow everything she puts on looks cheap. OK, rant over…

  18. khymera says:

    Classic example of spelling how u speak.

    • Kiki04 says:

      I tried typing “omish” into my phone and it autocorrected to “amish”. Heck, it took me like 12 times to type “omish” into this site, it kept autocorrecting. Makes you really wonder at her phone not autocorrecting……..

  19. Ellie66 says:

    It’s like 2 pigs fighting under a blanket. 😉 lol! Do they sew her into her clothes? Looks so uncomfortable but she always looks like that. Does she ever just wear sweats and flip flops?

  20. sapphire says:

    The only things that fits right in that photo are her shoes-thank god she gave up those lace up monstrosities. And she needs something with more lycra than spanx.

  21. Lucy2 says:

    Nothing about her is supposed to look like that from behind.
    Omish. Wow.
    And if I talked to my mother like that she would slap my face.

  22. minx says:

    Everything about that getup is wrong, ill fitting and sleazy looking. As everyone has said endlessly– she needs to dress for her body type.

  23. Brittney B says:

    She wore rabbit fur SHOES the other day, and as the proud mama of two adorable and free-roaming bunnies, it made me loathe her even more. This woman doesn’t just hurt herself with her fashion choices, she hurts the animal kingdom. All this suffering for “vanity”, and she doesn’t even look good. Despicable.

  24. maeliz says:

    The first picture looks like someone is twisting her arm back. Her clothes and shoes also look so uncomfortable. She looks like she’s going to fall

  25. MediaMaven says:

    There’s not enough Gold Bond powder on the planet to fix all of that chaffing and swamp-ass.

  26. lisa2 says:

    It is really sad to me. She has success (well) and an adorable child and husband. But she needs so much for everyone around her to be so focused on her. All the social media pics and such. Life as she gets older is going to be so hard. When she is not looked at anymore what will she be and what will she do.

    • bettyrose says:

      IKR. When I’m running around town on days off, it’s in comfy jeans. I might upgrade the brand a bit if the paps followed me, but cute jeans and boots are everything when I need comfortable but stylish casual attire.

  27. INeedANap says:

    So that email was posted by Kris, with some pretty serious passive-agressive commentary. That is one messed up family dynamic.

  28. OTHER RENEE says:

    I can’t wrap my mind around anyone using the words “Kim” and “really doesn’t look bad” in the same sentence. Kim always looks bad.

  29. Mischa Jane says:

    She doesn’t look thin, and she doesn’t look good. This outfit is hideous. Those shoes are hideous. Her gross extensions are hideous. She has a lot of nerve criticizing her mother’s clothes, considering she has the worst taste on the planet. At least her mother wears clothes that fit and cover all her bits.

  30. Neuron says:

    “A correctly-sized bra is not supposed to look like that from behind”

    An ass is not supposed to look like that from behind.


  31. word says:

    Everything this family does is calculated. They love attention. This “email/text” was all done on purpose with the intent of making it public. Come on guys don’t be fooled.

  32. kri says:

    From the back it looks like an elephant penis. No insult meant to elephant penises.

  33. Ummm says:

    ewww, Her buttcheeks are not even the same size! Yuk!

  34. Isabelle says:

    Her band looks a couple of inches too big & her cups are probably too small. Most women wear an incorrect size. Even women believing they have a correct size are in the wrong size.

  35. me says:

    I think she is jealous because her mom actually dresses better than her. Kim gets upset when anyone in her family gets more attention than her. This is why she said Khloe “needs to lose weight because her ass is too big”. Ain’t that rich coming from Kim.

    Also, Kim should talk. Aren’t we all tired of this type of outfit? She has this SAME outfit in every damn color. She is a miss more than a hit when it comes to fashion yet she wants us all to believe she’s such a fashion icon. She is delusional.

  36. Wendy says:


  37. Stephanie says:

    Kim and her mom look like hell. Yet we reward them with a Vogue cover. SMH. Ugh.

  38. SS says:

    I think Kim exhausted this look, always the same outfits. She is the worst dressed celebrity out there and should not comment on anyone else. Get rid of kanye as your “stylist” and you might be ok.

  39. yep says:

    I know for a FACT that either their “people” or the thirsty hoes themselves read comments..

    So here it is..Kim, you need to FIRE your stylist. That person is doing you no favors. Get a SOMA rep to fit your bras correctly. They would even go out of their way to design a beautiful bra that has your tittahs and back looking fabulous.
    You also need to get a reality check that YOU cannot!! cannot!!! wear clothes like your little sister. Your husband is a dick if he makes you wear that crap.
    I sincerely hope that you can find a plastic surgeon that will fix your behind, cause when you hit 40 and beyond, that mess will be sliding . SLIDING DOWN. Its already on its way.

    • bettyrose says:

      Is the plural of “ho” hoes? I guess it would have to be. “Hos” is clearly wrong. Man I’m bored.

  40. Lauren says:

    So her clothes are always insanely tight, obviously. Her ass is huge, obviously. The thing that makes it beyond weird-looking is the Spanx underneath that skirt. A normal ass in a fabric like that would have a shape of two buttocks to it. The spanx she wears blurs out the contour of the remains of her natural butt, which makes it look like a diaper – a big, solid mound without any evidence of a natural ass-contour.

  41. LIVEALOT says:

    Ugh everything is phony about this family. They try to interject themselves in EVERY mainstream occurrence: hacked nude photos – kim makes it where she’s a victim as well, hacked emails – kris releases this info. And much more that i just can’t bother to list.

    ugh. over them.

    edit to say she does look good from the front in top photo minus the lucite heels.

  42. HoustonGrl says:

    Omg. It must be so painful to be her. Seriously. This is sick, doctors shouldn’t even be allowed.

  43. Anotherdirtymartini says:

    I think she looks tacky. Squeezed into an ill-fitting outfit 🙁

  44. Suzanne says:

    Can you please define “thin” because those rear view shots are anything BUT looking thin.
    She is so disproportioned….and thinks she’s the cats ass. Her legs look like tree stumps…her ass needs red flags for rounding corners…her boobs are fake , hair extensions and her face is all puffed up with fillers. WHAT is real about her except her chronic desire to be noticed?

  45. me says:

    Who knew having no talent, being a bad dresser, compulsive liar, loose morals, and doing nothing all day but getting dressed up and taking pics would be so lucrative. Still amazed this woman has made millions doing literally nothing. How unfair is life ?

    • snowflake says:

      ikr? if i had known it was so profitable, I would have been done that, lol

    • theoneandonly says:

      It is really stunning. But we can thank, among others Maury Povich and yes Oprah and Phil Donahue and Jenny jones, etc and the OJ trial, that turned murder into ratings gold, and the whole tabloid “culture” for preparing the ground for this trick. You have to wonder what do interviewers say to themselves before interviewing this trick? All their highminded talk is bs because they’ve colluded to foist this oozing postulant group on us.
      Even in the 90s she wouldn’t have been this big, so maybe the 90s were the last great decade.

  46. Stephanie says:

    Any numbers on how many followers Leann Rimes lost?

  47. Obsidian says:

    At this rate, she will scary-looking when she hits 40.

  48. Nudgie says:

    She also thinks ‘cat is spelled ‘Kat.’

  49. The Original Mia says:

    Looks like a sports bra. Probably too small. But then she’s under the delusion she’s a size 4, so I can believe she thinks her boobs are a B cup.

    She’s got nerve criticizing someone’s style. She who has NONE.