Fergie says Josh Duhamel watched her get a bikini wax: gross or cool?


Fergie covers the February issue of Allure. The photoshoot is okay. I mean, she looks pretty but I don’t like how fleshy the photos are. But I guess Fergie is really proud of her figure these days, so she wanted to show everything off. Fergie is promoting her new solo album and her single “LA Love (La La)”. In the interview, she talks about how she and Josh Duhamel are really just nice people from good Catholic families. Okay. Sure?

What she and Josh have in common: “We just grew. And we grew into realizing we wanted the same things in life. We wanted the same path. We both come from Catholic families.”

They are in therapy together: “He’s not afraid. He doesn’t feel like he’s not man enough.”

Josh is curious: “I mean he’s walked in on me during my bikini waxing. And I’m like, ‘Okay, honey, hi.’ And I’m on all fours … But he doesn’t just leave; he gets curious!”

Their two-week rule: “My husband and I made a two-week rule. We’ve already talked about how were going to have to trade off. He’s going to have to come on tour with Axl for a while, and then there’ll be a break. He’ll take a job; I’ll be on set with Axl. You know?”

Her green breakfast smoothies: “Kale, romaine, spinach, half a banana, half a pear, half an apple, a little bit of water, and a juiced orange in the Vitamix. It’s changed my life. It’s like a buzz. It gives me a little sugar boost, but it’s all healthy sugar! I did it during my pregnancy. Axl Jack just loves it. We call it Green Goo.”

[From Allure, via Us Weekly]

I think it’s kind of cool that Fergie and Josh have the kind of relationship where he watches her get a bikini wax. Or is that gross? No, I think it’s cool. Most men have no idea what women go through to maintain everything, and I get the feeling that Josh probably is “curious.” As for the state of their marriage… I’d like to think that they’re better than ever. I remember when Josh cheated on her less than a year into their marriage. She stuck by him and then they had Axl. And now they’re in therapy. What do you think? Will they last for the long haul? Honestly, they’ve already lasted a lot longer than I was expecting, so maybe.


Photos courtesy of Allure.

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128 Responses to “Fergie says Josh Duhamel watched her get a bikini wax: gross or cool?”

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  1. (tipper) paola says:

    Since she has split from Prince Andrew, she just looks better and better!

  2. Sixer says:

    “what women go through to maintain everything”

    Not this woman! Happily Scandinavian about such things thankyouverymuch. Even so, in the unlikely event I should ever become all-American in these matters, Mr Sixer would be welcome to a perusal of the technique.

    • Kiddo says:

      Now I just picture you and Mr Sixer swirling around in circles in a pasture before a backdrop of cows, and something something cat pee and porn. Do you think they have a bowl haircut waxing design?

      • Sixer says:

        Actually, Mr Sixer is quite the prissypants about his appearance. Particularly beautifully-laundered clothes. He agrees with my late mother that he married the wreck of the Hesperus. Or, if you think value for money matters and want two Britisher idioms in one comment, the girl who was pulled through a hedge backwards. I do get my hair cut regularly – and not in a Billy Bottle bowl cut, either! – but that’s about it on the grooming front for me. Oh, and lest you are concerned, I do wash/shower/bathe!

      • Kiddo says:

        “wreck of the Hesperus”, I Love you Sixer. That is all.

      • Sixer says:

        I don’t really know if it counts as a Britisher idiom since Longfellow was American – but I do know I get called it on a regular basis!

      • Kiddo says:

        It doesn’t matter, your comments are always rich in cultural and literary references, and you invented Comet Sophies. What’s not to love?

      • Sixer says:

        If only Keats had written an Ode to a Comet…

      • Kiddo says:

        Actually Sixer, I think he has half writing credit on the evocative poetry that is “Shake it off”. True story.

      • Bridget says:

        My favorite Keats line is “to the fella over there with the hella good hair”

    • Lilacflowers says:

      As far as being “All-American” in these matters, it is winter. It is very cold. I don’t wear skirts when it is below freezing. I feel no need to support the hair removal industry in such times.

    • L says:

      This isn’t grooming-but I have a friend who has admitted that she and her husband have never farted in front of each other. And they’ve been married 11 years-together for 15. How does any couple do that?! Wouldn’t you let one slip every now and again? But nope-apparently never. And they have 2 kids so that really boggles the mind.

      • g0tch4 says:

        That’s particularly impressive on her part. When I had my kid I didn’t have the best fart control the first few weeks after, what with my lower end being blown apart with a giant baby. I couldn’t stop one from slipping out if my life depended on it. I’m much more in control now. 😉 However, if I could cough without peeing I’d be so happy.

      • OriginalTessa says:

        I’m like that. I’ve never been a burp or fart, or kiss with morning breath type of gal. I don’t need to put my face on for him to see me, but I’m also not belching in his face and dutch ovening the sheets. I like to have some illusion around me still, even though we’ve been together for a long time.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        My husband and I don’t fart in front of each other, except the occasional one in your sleep. I don’t fart in front of my friends, either. I don’t get why people think it’s so hard. My first husband farted in front of me all the time, and I thought it was rude and gross.

      • Delta Juliet says:

        LOL are you one of my friends? This is me and my husband, exactly. Thanks for spilling our secret 😉

      • L says:

        I mean a dutch oven is one thing-but never ever? Like never once after beans or when camping or after mexican food? Or sitting watching football on the couch? Or when taking care of each other during dual food poisoning? (the worst 2 days of both our lives) Do folks get up and run out of the room?

        I can understand being polite and minding manners and not being gratuitous about it-but I have 100% farted in front of my husband and my close friends. Her response was never. Not once.

      • QQ says:

        Me and The Bf Bond Over Farts, Not Like I LIKE to do it But I can either hear him at any distance doing so or he’s always specifically moving me away from a Lethal Gassing or some such , he’s very correct and it MORTIFIES him when I crack the facade and yell in a Parking lot WAIT ??!! DID YOU JUST FART BRO???!!

      • OriginalTessa says:

        Of course gross stuff happens when you’re sick. I was more referring to sitting on the couch, feeling the urge to fart, and actually letting it rip instead of going to the bathroom and taking care of it there. I just don’t do it, and I don’t want my bf to either, because I find it really unsexy smelling the inside of his bowels, so I just set the precedent I guess. We don’t do that.

      • Jess says:

        In 33 years I’ve never once heard my mother fart, my dad hasn’t either, it’s a crazy mystery. Some people are just weird about it! I wouldn’t do it on purpose in front of a significant other but then they’ll slip out when I’m sleeping, which earned me a nickname, “the night pooter”.

      • littlestar says:

        OMG. I ordered a Valentine’s Day card for by husband yesterday that says “A couple that farts together, stays together” hahaha. My sister and I have a “theory” that if you can’t fart in front of your significant other by a certain point in your relationship, the relationship is not a good one. You don’t have to do it all the time or be gross about it, but I think farting in front of your spouse shows how comfortable you are with yourself, him, and your relationship! I have a cousin who was married to a man for 20 years and never once farted in front of him – they are going through a divorce right now…..

      • Kiddo says:

        Jess, Hilarious. That sounds like the title to some pulp detective story

        ETA: littlestar, you should write a couple’s self help book and then tour dr Phil and Dr Oz. I think you have a winner!

      • EmmGee says:

        Hubs and I are going on 20 years together and I’ve never farted in front of him on purpose. We don’t go to the bathroom in front of each other, either. Hell, for the first six months we lived together, I wouldn’t even poop until he was asleep or gone. We decided very early in our relationship that some things were meant to be shared, and others, not so much. We are super close and very open with each other, but we definitely respect one another’s bathroom privacy!

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Totally disagree. It depends on your personality and how you want to live your life. My first husband farted in front of me all the time. He was a gross pig. I don’t think having enough respect for yourself and your partner not to sit around scratching, farting and burping is a bad thing. There’s such a thing as being “too comfortable.” I can tell my husband anything. He understands me better than anyone and the safest place in the world for me is in his arms. If I accidentally fart in my sleep, so what? But if we are enjoying a glass of wine by the fire, and I feel the urge, I hold it in. It’s not that hard. He does the same. Everybody doesn’t have to the same way.

      • littlestar says:

        GNAT, my husband and I are definitely NOT farting, scratching, and burping around each other all the time. Not sure how you read it that way. We are professional people with professional jobs, and when we go on date nights we aren’t farting up a storm in front of each other either. However, I can’t imagine having been with my husband for 8 years at this point, to have to hold it in all the time when your stomach is bothering you in the privacy of your own home.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I’m SO sorry I came off that way – I was laughing when I wrote that, but when I re-read it, it did sound the way you said. I didn’t mean it that way, I swear. Please, we have had a nice time on here. Let’s not end our friendship because of farts. That would just be ridiculous. Say you forgive me?

      • WinterLady says:

        I get that it would get old to be farting in each other’s faces constantly, but I just can’t imagine not feeling comfortable farting or being gross in front of my partner every once and awhile. Whenever I find myself thinking about my perfect dream man, one think always brings me back to reality: “Could I fart in front of dream man without being mortified like my real husband?” The answer is usually no. I don’t know how one could maintain a relationship were they never felt comfortable enough to do basic functions.

      • **sighs** says:

        I don’t know how, but I managed to not fart in my husband’s presence for probably a year or so. We weren’t living together, so that probably helped.. But now? Please. If you can’t fart in your own home, where can you fart?

      • littlestar says:

        GNAT, of course I forgive you (I was laughing too imagining my husband scratching himself and burping in public because he can be pretty uptight about those things), but please don’t be offended when I let the occasional one slip (in my own home of course) ;).

        WinterLady, I like how you put it LOL. I guess my husband IS my “dream man” haha.

      • Mary-Alice says:

        We don’t fart, burp or yawn in each other’s faces mouth open either. Don’t care what other people rhink or do, I insist on good manners in the house and to me this is part of the good manners.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Since we’re invoking Longfellow, I can see the “one if by land, two if by sea” steeple right now

      • Lilacflowers says:

        And the Longfellow comment belongs up with the wreck of the Hesperus, not down in the bowels where it landed.

  3. Dani2 says:

    I guess they must just be that comfortable with each other. *shrugs*

    • Tifygodess24 says:

      I think once a man has seen you push out a baby – thats pretty “traumatic” and jarring experience on the eyes , a bikini wax is nothing 😉 lol

      • V4Real says:

        I agree. If a man can watch a baby being born, seeing a woman get a bikini wax is nothing. With Fergie’s body I’m betting she looks pretty good down on all fours.

        Also let’s keep in mind that some women have given birth in that exact position. I know because I used to watch those TLC delivery shows. Personally I think the bikini wax on all fours is much sexier.

      • AntiSocialButterfly says:

        Agreed- it really puts the occasional farting issue to bed, too- I mean, women aren’t routinely given pre-birth enemas, an all that pushing results in some extra, well, excreta. That really puts to poot in its place.

      • Stef Leppard says:

        My thoughts exactly! He wasn’t curious, he just liked the view.

  4. Loopy says:

    This photoshop is way too far, I mean we have all seen Fergies candid shots.

    • ds says:

      Yeah, I’d say photoshop is strong in this one.

    • Chrissy says:

      Exactly, it doesn’t even look like her. I assume she has photo approval but why would she approve of these? Young Axl wouldn’t even recognize her as his mummy.

    • StumpyCorgi says:

      Agreed– I would not have recognized her without the headline!

    • Beatrice says:

      Thanks! I thought it was just me thinking that was Photoshop on overdrive. I would not have believed that was Fergie without the headline. That second pic looks almost like a young Faye Dunaway. Josh watching her getting waxed is just TMI–some things should remain private.

      • StumpyCorgi says:

        Faye Dunaway– spot on! I knew she reminded me of someone (else) but couldn’t put my finger on it! 🙂

    • QQ says:

      It looks like they asked a 40 something Real Housewife of Somwhere like Arizona to do a Miami based Magazine… This isn’t a Compliment

      p.s.: I HATE that new song of hers SO MUCH ( is like the Original Cultural Appropriation Barbie came back to show Katy Perry and Iggy How it’s done)

      p.p.s: Her Son’s Name is also The Worst … is like straight out of the “GAAAHHH I’M A MANLY MAN MAN

      • StumpyCorgi says:

        Haha yes! This screams Ocean Drive magazine or similar! Though not quite as bad the last issue when they seemingly took a suck-cut to Evangeline Lilly’s hair for some Raggedy Ann chic.

      • QQ says:

        THAT IS THE MAG OMGGGGGG Stumpy I hateyouLoveYouYES

      • StumpyCorgi says:

        Thanks, QQ! We figured it out together. Go team! BTW– I LOVE your hair! 🙂

      • homegrrrl says:

        Yeah…sad when the musician/artists get some money they get all basic-y and ” I have a stylist” real housewife ish. Fergie’s solo music has always been painful sans BEP.
        Is it the money that makes them get boring fast or is it the wife/baby adult thing? With this one I guess I’m not so sure. ..

    • Sarah says:

      I was trying to figure out if it was Photoshop or if she has had work done – or both.

    • littlestar says:

      I think Fergie is beautiful so I may be a little biased here. But she hosted the Times Square / LA New Year’s Eve TV thing with Seacrest and her body was phenomenal! Her legs are just something else. She obviously works really really hard to maintain such a great figure.

      • Loopy says:

        She has a great figure and she is beautiful no one is taking that away from her, but when you see her candid pictures especially her neck because of-course naturally as we all do she has aged. So this is beyond a little retouching its almost offensive.

    • BooBooLaRue says:

      For reals, this gal is pretty (sort of Rosamund Pike like) but that ain’t Fergie!

    • AntiSocialButterfly says:

      Didn’t she have some eye surgery? It looks that way to me. Photoshop aside.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I think the biggest change in her appearance is that she now has EYEBROWS! They were so wee and over-plucked before, it really aged her and made her look dated.

  5. Birdie says:

    I think he didn’t cheat. My take is they had a little agreement but it came out.

    • Jayna says:

      No, I don’t think so. I saw their interview at their home with Oprah with her family. This was before her pregnancy. She has an amazing family, by the way. Her father is ill, though. And at a dinner all together Josh discussed how much he had hurt her and her family. He didn’t outright admit to the affair, but he did discuss how he had to look hard at the man he wanted to be. It seemed like they were both very busy, her on tour, him filming,focused on their careers and away from each other a lot, and that it was almost better this happened early in the marriage and they had to seriously step back and look at taking care of their marriage.

      They live out in wine country I think, not far from her father. She had bought her father that home and the vineyard. Her love for him was so moving and poignant because he’s ill. Her mom and dad are divorced but still close, and her mom was there too. They are just regular people and seem to really love Josh. Josh said it was hard to call her father after all of that happened.

      I kind of fell in love with them as a couple after that interview. It’s nice to see people interviewed and extended family members in their own environment. You get a better feel for who they are.

  6. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I don’t have a problem with what happened about the bikini wax, but I don’t think she needed to share that with the world. People just give TMI.

    • FLORC says:

      Right. Simple case of TMI. As a general rule, unless it ends in total chaos and hilarity I don’t need to know about anything involving a married couple with atleast 1 of them having no underwear on. And this wasn’t that funny

  7. Lucy2 says:

    That doesn’t even look like her on the cover.

  8. Lauraanne83 says:

    Seriously? These pictures look nothing like her. Way too much photoshopping.

    • V4Real says:

      In the jumpsuit pic she looks a little like Rosamund Pike around the eye area.

      • BooBooLaRue says:


      • Lisa says:

        I was thinking the same thing!!!!! Rosamund Pike…as for the bikini wax thing, my hubby actually crops my bush for me, coz I used to use the clippers down there but after mistakenly knicking myself by mistake (OOOWWWWW) so now its his husbandly duty to keep my bush in check if he wants to navigate his way to the punani. He’s up for it, really takes great pride in it, actually, and I can’t complain about having a bad hair day, at all! 😉

  9. erni says:

    my husband trims my bush. i don’t think it’s awkward, it’s fun and it can lead to err… another activity

  10. scout says:

    What’s that pose about? Goop did the same thing, not a flattering pose.

  11. feebee says:

    If she was on all fours then that’s more of a thong wax. He stayed because he was curious? Yeah, I don’t think it was simply curiosity.

    She sounds good, they sound good. I’m rooting for these two. A mini eye roll at therapy but you know, whatever works. A little therapy, a little photoshop….gets the job done.

  12. Sally J. Freedman says:

    I just have one thing to say. Holy shit on her legs on Ryan Seacrest’s New Years Rockin’ Eve. Man they were gorgeous!

    • word says:

      Yeah she does have some amazing legs ! They didn’t even look real…so smooth. I wonder what she uses?

  13. Little Darling says:

    Why is it that when men allegedly cheat on their wives, it’s with the most busted looking women? I would love to know what that is about.

    • OriginalTessa says:

      It doesn’t count that way? In their heads of course. If the woman was more accomplished and more beautiful than their wives, it would seem like actual cheating. But if it’s just some waitress butterface, it’s just sex. Men will do a lot to free themselves of guilt.

  14. BendyWindy says:

    I’ve never had a bikini wax. You have to get into doggy position? No thanks!

    Also, she looks unrecognizable. Too much photoshop, plastic surgery, fillers, all of the above???

    • BunnyBabe says:

      None that I’ve ever experienced. Don’t give up yet. For a full brazilian they have you lay on your side to, well, part ze cheeks, at the end. That part doesn’t hurt – at all – very surprisingly!

      Totally TMI from Fergie and no possibly from me as well. Apologies.

      • Carrie says:

        depends on the Esthetician honestly. I’ve had clients do it both ways. I prefer all fours because it’s easier for me to pull correctly.

    • Jess says:

      I’ve had one professional Brazilian wax and had no idea they took it ALL off, I was spread eagle most of the time but then she told me to roll over and get on all fours, I said nope I’m good and skipped that area, lol. I wax at home now, much cheaper and less humiliating!

    • Esmom says:

      I don’t do it but a few of my girlfriends do and they’ve all reported having to go on all fours. Which has done nothing to convince me I need to try it.

      • BunnyBabe says:

        Interesting! Well, they have to get in there somehow. Love being smooth for a week or 10 days especially on vacation.

  15. MrsBPitt says:

    First of all, that is NOT Fergie in those pics…that is a Fergie that has been photo-shopped to death. I wouldn’t have even known that was her. I wish I could be photo-shopped in my pictures to make me look good! I take the worst pictures…they look just like me!!!!

    Second, if Josh wants to watch Fergie get a bikini wax, kudos to him, but is this information that she must share with the pubic, I mean public? TMI

  16. Noname says:

    Therapy can be a wonderful thing. Especially after a baby, when everything is changing. Good for them. I really like them as a couple and I hope they make it.

  17. lauren says:

    Holy Photoshop Batman!!! This does not look like her at all – if her name wasn’t mentioned I never would have thought it could be Fergie. BTW, she’s celebrated birthday #39 so many times already I’ve lost count. Give it up. Hubby looks a decade younger than her.

    • Sally J. Freedman says:

      Nah, I believe her on the age thing. We’re the same age and I remember watching her on Kid’s Incorporated when I was young.

      • lauren says:

        I guess some people don’t age well because in all honesty, I know 47 year olds who look more youthful and who haven’t had work done. Particularly in Hollywood where it’s all about youth and doing whatever you have to in order to delay the ageing process it’s odd. Even the photoshopping doesn’t help.

      • snowflake says:

        @ lauren

        I think she used to have a drug problem and that she used to be an addict, by her own words. I think the drug use can age you

  18. Pumpkin Pie says:

    How about laser? She can afford it? Sorry can’t be bothered to read the post. And no Kaiser, it’s not you 🙂

    • word says:

      LOL I didn’t read the post either, afraid of gross details. I think celebs “over share” sometimes. This is something we didn’t need to know. Now when I see Fergie and Josh the only thing I will think of is him smiling as she’s getting waxed. Yuck.

  19. MediaMaven says:

    It’s nice that Fergie’s stunt double could do this photo shoot for her……or her Madame Tussaud’s wax mannequin – because that’s definitely not the real Fergie.

    Why do celebrities either plastic surgery the HELL out of themselves, or Photoshop the HELL out of themselves, so that they all start to look exactly the same?

  20. Jess says:

    I came to say I’m glad she stuck by him after the cheating scandal because they seem like a nice couple, but apparently I didn’t know all the details! At the time it sounded like the stripper was lying or he just had a crazy night of partying that maybe went too far, but reading the old articles it definitely sounds like he cheated, ugh. I hope he learned his lesson and treats her better these days, I’ve always liked her.

  21. Christo says:

    Fergie does have talent BUT she is insufferable as a performer and a person. Did anyone happen to catch her as a host on the Ryan Seacrest New Year’s Special?? Her hard posing and cue-card driven delivery was soooooo cringe-worthy.

    • Esmom says:

      Agreed, I was cringing at that performance. She’s changed — the very first time I saw BEP on SNL, I thought she was so compelling and natural. She took a wrong turn somewhere along the way.

    • word says:

      Yes I saw that ! I don’t understand why they continue to ask her to host that show year after year when she is not a good host. She tries too hard or maybe she’s just nervous…either way it’s horrible.

  22. Dawn says:

    I am not much of a Fergie fan but I am of Josh. I also think her son is among the cutest of the cute of Hollywood kids. That’s it.

  23. Mar says:

    She has had so much work done on her face and it’s too obvious.

    • word says:

      I saw her on a NYE’s special and thought she looked “younger”. She’s done something. I don’t know if it’s botox or what but she does look well rested (which is surprising as she has a young child now).

  24. roxy750 says:

    Whatever married people do is their business. That’ s the point “THEIR BUSINESS” please don’t make it ours.

  25. Deniz says:

    Um I’ve never gotten on all fours for a Brazilian. You just lay on your tummy when you get your backside waxed. I think Josh might have a little fetish lol.

    • Carrie says:

      Depends on the Esthetician. I know many myself included who prefer someone be on all fours for the back part.

  26. snowflake says:

    I hope someday I can do photoshop so I look nothing like myself in pictures.

  27. Lauren says:

    I remember watching an interview with Josh years ago where they asked what he loved most about his then girlfriend Fergie . He said that he loved her strength and resilience because she opened up to him about her drug addiction and her pain. He loved her more than ever then, because she could be vulnerable with him and he wanted a chance to let her do that because sadly no one ever in her life just let her be a person not defined by her past. She didn’t have to habe any wall’s up with him.

    . I saw this on a QA on YouTube years ago and just thought it was so sweet. So in spite of the cheating I really do hope they stick with therapy and make it through.

  28. wendi says:

    How can she be 39 when the likes of Julianne Moore is 50+???? Fergie’s skin (her real skin, not the magazine’s photo-shopped version) is like an old leather boot. Moore and other older (honest) celebs like Halle Berry and Sandra Bullock actually look years younger than Fergie.

    Last time I checked there were 365 days in a year, but maybe she ages according to a different calendar.

    • Hotpockets says:

      because she was a drug addict and I believe her drug of choice was meth? That will take a toll on your physical appearance and rapidly age you. She’s been honest about her drug issues in the past.

  29. Carrie says:

    I’d like to know what salon she goes to that allows husbands to just casually walk around and stroll into treatment rooms. Every one I’ve ever worked at has had the rooms seperate from the waiting area.

  30. boredblond says:

    Can’t wait for his story about how she gets on her knees to get a close-up view of his prostate exam.

  31. Gistine says:

    She’s had work done. For sure. Doesn’t even look the same. I’m going with brow lift, nose tweak and lower and upper blepharoplasty. She looks like an uptown version of her old self, which is a good thing.

  32. Elle says:

    The vitamix costs 600 dollars. What a C- unt

  33. kswan says:

    Did she have plastiv surgery? She is much prettier than she use to be.

  34. MJ says:

    She really looks great! My husband would totally do the same as Josh and stay to watch a bikini wax. I don’t think it’s weird.

  35. Pam says:

    She had to stick by him because she was still doing girls on the side. It wasn’t until they went to therapy that she “realized” that having female lovers was also cheating. Women is a moron.