Bristol Palin won’t let ‘white trash’ Levi see baby Tripp after breakup

They said it would never last. And it didn’t, according to Star Magazineand Levi Johnston’s sister. According to Levi’s sister Mercede, Bristol Palin has “virtually cut Levi out of the life of their two-month-old son Tripp”.

Last month, CB reported that Governor Palin refers to Levi Johnston’s family as “white trash”. Levi’s sister says the same thing, only she puts the words “white trash” in Bristol’s mouth. Allegedly, Bristol tells Levi that she doesn’t want the baby around “white trash” unless Levi‘s baby-sitting. Good Lord. Where to even start with that one? Read Star’s report:

The teen love affair that rocked last year’s presidential race is over.

Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol, has ditched her baby daddy, Levi Johnston!

Now’s Levi’s sister, Mercede is telling all exclusively to Star and the picture she paints of life in Wasilla, Alaska is not a pretty one. Bristol, 18, has virtually cut Levi out of the life of their two-month-old son Tripp.

“Levi tries to visit Tripp every single day, but Bristol makes it nearly impossible. She tells him he can’t take the baby to our house because she doesn’t want him around ‘white trash’!” Bristol won’t even allow him to watch the baby for a few hours — unless he’s babysitting!

The worst part, Mercede continues, is that the former vice presidential candidate condones Bristol’s treatment of Levi, 19. “I used to love Sarah,” Mercede says sadly. “But I’ve lost lots of respect for her.”

From Star Magazine

We pay a lot of lip service about how Star Magazine is a bottom-feeding rag that makes up stories out of thin air. It is, and we’re right. But occasionally Star does get a half-decent scoop. You can usually tell it’s a pretty good scoop when the sources are actually named. I don’t know if this sister, Mercede, has an axe to grind with the Palin family, or if she and her brother are close. But I’ll buy that Mercede is close enough to know what goes on with her brother. I’ll also buy that this Star story is most likely just Levi’s version of events. I’d imagine if the Palin family was leaking information to Star, the story would be completely different.

Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston are shown at the Republican National Convention in September, 2008. Credit: UPI/Newscom

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33 Responses to “Bristol Palin won’t let ‘white trash’ Levi see baby Tripp after breakup”

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  1. El Predicto says:

    Palin calling anyone “white trash” is definitely the pot calling the kettle black!

  2. cheekemunkey says:

    I’m confused. Why would you name your child ‘Tripp’ if he’s only a few months older than his uncle ‘Trig’, esp after all of the controversy regarding who the mother actually was? Or were they just too lazy to think of something a little more original?

  3. lee says:

    Of course they aren’t together anymore. The boyfriend never wanted to be together once she got pregnant, but was forced to by the republican party. Now maybe the boyfriend can quit his job that the Palins got him and go back to highschool. They would have made such a sweet first family…BARF.

  4. becca says:

    Eh, well I do have a smidgen of respect for Bristol after she publicly acknowledged that abstinence isn’t practical. I had a feeling that they said they were “going to get married” to save her own white trash of a mother’s public image (which was ok at the time because she hadn’t done the Gibson interview yet).

    Now the real question is if Bristol would have preferred an abortion. And that’s a question we will never know the answer to.

  5. Tia says:

    Um hellooooooo Bristol, your WHOLE family is white trash.. how hilarious.. GROSS

  6. Lem says:

    how do you baby sit your own child?

  7. Lem says:

    expect Palin press conference in 3..2..

  8. Alexis says:

    When Palin calls Levi’s family “white trash” I suspect what she really means to say is “real American”. So really it’s a complement.
    to quote lee “BARF”.

  9. Feebee says:

    A little more gratitude for the way Levi allowed himself to be pimped out by the Palin family when needed would be in order.

    Poor bugger doesn’t really stand much chance here.

  10. hmmm says:

    LOL Alexis: “Real American”. And you just know someone has said that today. *Sigh*

  11. Jacks says:

    Looks like someone’s gunning up to run in 2012… Palin can’t afford to be linked too closely to Levi’s family. I’m sure that Levi & Bristol wouldn’t have worked out regardless, but I’ve got money on the reasoning behind the extreme distancing. If family is so important to Palin, you’d think she’d want her grandson’s father in his life – that is, of course, unless it hurts her in some way… at least we can look forward to more lol’s compliments of Tina Fey’s uncanny portrayals in the future!

  12. Because I Say So says:

    who names their kid Mercede? I mean, no “s”? I think that’s more telling of one’s trashiness than anything else

  13. becca says:

    Oh, then we have Track, Trig, and Tripp…


  14. pixiegirl says:

    A teenage couple that broke up?? What?? I can’t believe this is happening! They said they would be together forever!! What hope is there for the rest of us then?

  15. Judy says:

    The minute this kids mother got busted selling drugs, I knew that the relationship was over. Palins daughter is financially dependent on her mother so if she wants to eat she better do as she told. the “told part” get rid of the whitetrash family or else. Too bad they didnt make it.

  16. Baholicious says:

    It’s deplorable when mothers keep children away from fathers purely for stupid, spiteful and selfish reasons.

  17. ;) says:

    Because I Say So: “who names their kid Mercede?”

    Maybe the parents thought it’s Mercedes only if you have twins? Heh.

  18. the original kate says:

    oh for christ sake, both these families need to buy adjoining double wides and be done with it.

  19. boomchakaboom says:

    Baho, I coudn’t agree more. The child’s father is his father, and they need to have a r’ship regardless of the r’ship between mom & dad.

    Also, did Bristol just develop this keen awareness that her baby daddy family is “white trash”, or is their (alleged)white trashiness a relatively new way of life for the Johnsons?

    ALSO: Are you telling us, Bristol and Sarah Palin, that you intentionally were going to unleash a family that you describe as ‘white trash’ onto this nation as First Family in Laws by Blood Relations, thereby giving us, as a nation, our first White House White Trash Christmas Throw-Downs? (Thank you, Baby Jesus, for the loss of that particular campaign -amen)

  20. Ally says:

    I guess she named the baby Tripp in honor of Linda Tripp’s wonderful work in trying to bring down the Clintons.

  21. sandy says:

    exactly how many of you ignorant hate filled people commenting on this story have actually been to Alaska?
    i thought so

  22. RAN says:

    I’d forgotten about the drug thing – I guess I’d be a little concerned too. Honestly, this does sound like Bristol and momma are being spiteful and petty, but there ARE some valid concerns there.

  23. Rosanna says:

    Ladies… if that were your infant kid would you leave him around *dealers*? I would NOT. It sounds like Bristol is keeping the dealer off of her kid’s life, not his father.

  24. Mairead says:

    @ cheekemunkey, it’s LESS original names that they needed! Could you imagine?

    Sarah: – “Well, we’d better keep the whole pseudo-scientific words beginning with theme going”
    Bristol: – “What about “Teleportation JayD’yn Device” (because you know she wanted to foist the child with some misspelt conglomeration of a thing)….
    Sarah: – “Ooooooh perfect – it’ll look so darn cute on our Christmas Card from the Whitehouse in 2013!”

    @ ; ) LMAO!!!

  25. Ryo says:

    Oh come on! How many “white trash” dads DON’T want to see their kids? And yet here she is trying to keep him from his son? Messed up.

  26. Aspen says:

    I didn’t see anything about her keeping the boy from his father.

    What I saw was her refusing to allow the baby to be with his family UNLESS he was there.

    The rest of this is just political spite because you hate her Bristol’s mother.

  27. Aspen says:

    ..and if my husband’s family was full of druggies, I wouldn’t let my kid stay with them unsupervised, either.

  28. Aspen says:

    The article is a bunch of quotes from the angry sister in law…whose only knowledge of the situation is what she has seen when Bristol and the evil governor won’t let her brother take the baby to their house for visits.

    Dang the missing edit.

  29. jess says:

    i think she means babysitting as in he can watch tripp…at her place. and you know what, im on her side. i wouldnt want my new baby somewhere near people who were recently in the news for drugs either.

  30. CeeJay says:

    Obviously the father should have a role in his child’s life, but I totally get not wanting to have an infant around a household with known drug dealers. All political differences aside… you just can’t blame the girl for that!

  31. Mimi says:

    over, so soon? but it seemed like a match made in heaven!

  32. boomchakaboom says:

    I don’t think for one minute that Bristol had no idea her baby daddy mama was already selling oxy prior to her arrest. You KNOW those things. You don’t get that close to the “go to” person in a town that size without knowing it. Anybody who’s had any exposure to that particular trade is very aware of how it works. Because of her arrest and now everybody knows it, Bristol is taking advantage of the opportunity to avoid having to include paternal family in her child’s life. Whether that is warranted or not, I don’t know. You can’t choose your relatives, you know. Your mom or dad can, before you’re born, but once you’re here, you got built in family.

  33. Constanza says:

    That baby-poor thing-is second generation WHITE TRASH-on both sides of it’s family.

    Thank goodness the Palins didn’t infest our Whitehouse like a hoard of cockroaches.