Benedict Cumberbatch goes solo at two more pre-BAFTA events: interesting?


Here are some photos of Benedict Cumberbatch out in London on Friday and Saturday nights. Friday night was Harvey Weinstein’s annual pre-BAFTA dinner for all of BAFTA and Oscar-nominated people, plus assorted hangers-on (that’s the photo above). Surprisingly, it seems Benedict once again went solo to this event. Huh. The Saturday night event was a BAFTA nominee thing held at Kensington Palace, and once again, Bendy went solo. That makes THREE pre-BAFTA events without Sophie Hunter, his baby-mama fiancée? That’s interesting. Is there trouble in shotgun-marriage paradise so soon? Probably not. Sophie’s probably super-busy, you guys. She’s planning the wedding and…? Who knows? I’m guessing she’ll attend the BAFTAs with Bendy tonight.

As for the Oscars in two weeks, we’re finally getting some confirmations on the presenters! Benedict is scheduled to present, which should be interesting. Other confirmed presenters: all the acting winners from last year, including OUR QUEENS Lupita Nyong’o and Cate Blanchett. We’re also getting Marion Cotillard, Reese Witherspoon and Oprah Winfrey. I hope this list grows and grows. We need more fashion p0rn, people!

A photo of Bendy at the KP event:


I’m also including photos of Bendy out in London on Sunday, filming the Sherlock Christmas special. Still wearing Victorian garb. I have mixed feelings about this, I really do. I mean, setting this in the late 1800s is truer to Arthur Conan Doyle’s canon more than the actual show, but still, how are they even going to explain this?! Bendy can really pull off period costume though. If anything, he looks more natural in Victorian clothing than in modern clothing.



Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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255 Responses to “Benedict Cumberbatch goes solo at two more pre-BAFTA events: interesting?”

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  1. Lama Bean says:

    Maybe uncomfortable in red carpet clothes with a baby bump? Maybe doesn’t have a red carpet style yet? Maybe locked in a dungeon by Weinstein? Maybe boycotting the Marchesa red carpet requirement?

    • future says:

      She wasn’t uncomfortable in Palm Springs was she?

      • FLORC says:

        Because you always remain the same level of comfort when pregnant and progressive along. Each day is simply not the same as the last.
        It could be morning sickness to fatigue (which can hit very hard when pregnant) to overall pains and being uncomfortable.

        I’m not going to shade a pregnant woman for not keeping herself glued to her fiance’s side to avoid gossip rumors.

      • fritanga says:

        She’s pregnant and probably feels like crap a lot of the time. It’s not her pole dance. Cumberbatch is giving her a break. Why is this “interesting?” I think it seems “considerate.”

    • zinjojo says:

      “Maybe boycotting the Marchesa red carpet requirement?”

      HAHAHA. I’ve seriously wondered before if anyone says, “thanks, but no thanks” to the Weinstein/Marchesa “gift” of a red carpet dress.

    • claire says:

      Maybe morning sickness.

      • Louise177 says:

        Considering she’s pregnant, it could something as simple as Sophie not wanting to go. I don’t think there’s anything wrong except morning sickness, tiredness, or uncomfortableness. It’s weird that when certain couples are not together at events people assume trouble.

  2. anon says:

    Boring. He should bring Adam or his parents to his next events.

  3. ncboudicca says:

    As much as this pairing seems “off” to me, I hope it’s not because something is wrong with her or the baby.

    • Green Girl says:

      My thoughts exactly.

    • Alice says:

      If that were the case don’t you think he would have stayed with her?

    • Kat says:

      Cmon now guys..

      It wasn’t so long ago she wouldn’t even get out of a car with him outside a restaurant or travel with him to a function. Or indeed it wasn’t so long ago they were playing very childish and attention seeking games to ensure that they were seen together but not together at LFF. Suddenly, bang… she’s on every single red carpet a few times in a row and now she’s not done that a couple of times, people are wondering if it could be due to a physical ailment.

    • future says:

      There is nothing wrong with the baby. Well except it is non-existing – is that pathological?

  4. ali says:

    I thought I was looking at Jude Law based on the first picture!

  5. Kiddo says:

    He looks put together in the top photo. Sophie was off sprinkling stardust on the wonders of the world.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Comets do require heavy maintenance and she has neglected hers for a while.

      • icerose says:

        She is an older mother ??? so there could be issues around rest etc-although you would think she would have pulled out of the long distance events not the local.
        He is actually even more boring on his own.
        He did some interview about how nervous he gets at presenting awards at the Bafta and I rolled my eyes. I know they are less scripted than the Oscars but asan actor he should be good at improvising.

      • Kiddo says:

        She’s a glorious shooting star who needs no maintenance!

      • Green Eyes says:

        Wait. I thought that Sophie *is* the comet.

      • Kiddo says:

        Lilacflowers + 🍹🍹🍹🍹🍹🍹🍹=😲

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Kiddo, I’m about to head out for brunch in yet another snowstorm. The things I will do for a comet Sophie.

      • MtnRunner says:

        Sounds like you’ve developed an addiction, Lilac. With awards season ending in two weeks, you’d better wean yourself off those Comet Sophies. Withdrawal can be a bitch.

      • Coco says:

        Older mother?!? She is 36. Hardly old.

  6. allons-y alonso says:

    Sherlock series 3 wasn’t worth the wait (except for Louise Brealey – she was wonderful) and this special looks like it’s going down the same route.

    • MtnRunner says:

      I’ve been thinking the same thing.

    • Ruyana says:

      I guess it’s “to each his own” – I loved the first and third episode of the third season. Was mildly embarrassed for them at the second episode , “The Sign of Three”.

    • J says:

      IDK i love the way it looks, and i think it’s going to be case-focused, back to the roots

  7. Sixer says:

    Sophie is the next companion for the Doctor. She’s been learning her lines.

    Moffat is fighting off a rearguard-comeback action by Russell T because Cucumber/Banana/Tofu isn’t the hit he’d hoped. Steve’s secret weapon is to combine Doctor Who and Sherlock in a joint alternate reality Christmas special.

    • icerose says:

      @Sixer you picked that up as well-Cucumber is a bit tedious. There is also a talk of more Torchwood episodes with the old team prior to Children of Earth.RTD now says he wrote Ianto as a sci fi icon of diversity -bi sexual and welsh as opposed to Captain Jacks love interest. How the mighty change their tune.

      • Sixer says:

        I’m sticking with Cucumber but it’s hard (pun intended). Why would you have such an unsympathetic central character as Henry? I want to smack him! Banana seems better but it’s too disjointed. I hate to say it, but I think Russell’s out of touch. Too much time spent in the media dahling bubble.

    • vauvert says:

      Dear Lord Sixer, please…. Hasn’t the Time Lord suffered enough, what with losing Gallifrey (or misplacing it, they seem to be still fiddling with that). He most certainly does not need a comet as a companion. I hope this was just a mimosa nightmare speaking??

  8. Leigh says:

    She’s preggo.. how about morning sickness, or being flat out exhausted?
    Come on.

    • Kat says:

      Well, she looked absolutely fine in Paris last week being Valentino’s live mannequin next to Wintour she devil and tottering around chanel in high heels.
      She also looked fine in every other single event she’s travelled transatlantic for.

      But, I don’t think there’s anything odd at all about people attending events alone. Celebs do it all the time. There’s no unwritten rule that states ‘thou shalt be at thy partner’s side at every official function’ in the handbook of bizarre unions.

      • Ingrid says:

        She’s well into her second trimester so no morning sickness (as Kat said, she was fine flying transatlantic) and she was fine on her Paris shopping trip with Wintour so exhaustion? No.. also, she has literally nothing else to do, it’s not like she’s working 13 hours a day or anything.

        They are either having relationship problems (wound’t be stretch as they seem such a bad match) or, the more depressing and plausible reason, she’s making sure her BAFTA entrance makes the biggest impact. People are now going “where’s she? where’s SHE?” and tonight she will be like “I’m heeeere!!”


      • anon says:

        That picture of her in the white tent was second trimester in you opinion?

      • **sighs** says:

        Ingrid, I think you’re right. Why do I picture her wearing and/or doing something totally outrageous? She’s only got 2 more big red carpets. Gotta make ’em count! 😉

      • Alice says:

        Two possibilities – if they’re preparing for the break-up she’ll be a no-show; if they’re pushing the phony “loving couple” routine until the Oscars we’ll see her(and probably a miserable Ben). Just a couple of hours to go.

      • **sighs** says:

        I hate that BBC America has this on tape delay. You Brit ladies must keep the rest of us informed. Especially if there are any Hiddles sightings. Oh, and the comet-puss as well.

      • MtnRunner says:

        I’m with sighs, just show Tuxedo Tom and Grand Budapest winning EVERYTHING and my weekend will end on a high note.

      • gg says:

        I think that even the BBC shows it on delay, although not as much of one as here in the US. Twitter is your best bet

      • Amelia says:

        Go to and have a read of their live blog if iplayer and streaming services aren’t working for you – there’s plenty of sass there worthy of Celebitchy 😄

      • Leigh says:

        “Second trimester so no morning sickness”..
        I’m in my second trimester and I’m still right sick.

    • Capepopsie says:

      My thoughts Too!!

  9. WMarie says:

    Soph is probably just laying low. I’m sure we’ll see her at the BAFTAs.

  10. Nayru says:

    It is interesting since it felt like she was going to everything before the pregnancy confirmation. I have a small hypothesis if she is absent to tonight. It almost seems to me as if he was ashamed of the pregnancy and she was upset by this and eventually forced it out. Now that it’s out she’s made her point and she doesn’t have to go anymore.

    • Alice says:

      He’s certainly ashamed and unhappy about it IMO.

    • anon says:

      Maybe BC is ashamed of being paired to a RC gf that would be willing to fake pregnancy. Keira wanted to skip yesterday’s dinner and HW lovingly “sent” for her. And she actually is pregnant. If BC’s center, tool and asset was supposed to make an appearance HW wouldn’t have problems dragging her out of her hiding place.

  11. Chantal says:

    I think SH is the surrogate mother for Ben and Karon’s baby. After the Oscar he and Karon will get married and ride to the sunset. The real secret girlfriend was Karon all this time. Sorry, that made me laugh so hard. Fanfiction

  12. Alice says:

    And with each solo outing he’s looking a bit better, happier, healthier.

  13. **sighs** says:

    He looks exactly like his wax figure in the second pic. It’s spooky.

  14. PunkyMomma says:

    Benny does look wonderful in Victorian era clothing. The Deerstalker suits him.

    • Green Girl says:

      It does! I think some celebs look so goofy when they’re wearing any sort of historical-type clothing, but it really does suit him. And it sure is a step up from the outfits he wears on his days off.

  15. tasha_nat says:

    “…the only support I really need, to be honest is the woman I love who I proposed to.”

    Oh, okay. How’s that turning out for you, Ben?

  16. Chantal says:

    I think when they invented deerstalker, they had otter king shape head in mind. It fits like a glove.

    • gg says:

      I was mourning the curls until I saw smiley, happy Ben in the deerstalker yesterday. This pleases me 🙂

      • Chantal says:

        He has been smiling on the set yesterday because of Una. I love her. Seriously, he looks a little more relax on the red carpet lately because he dropped out of city of z. With marriage, baby, hamlet on the horizon something had to go and I don’t it is his fiance, like some of you would like,IMHO. She will be in his arms tonight, I am almost sure of it. And CB will have over 500 comments.

      • Kat says:

        I think it’s pretty clear that lost city of z has been a no go for for some time.

  17. Ree says:

    she is busy with her own work guys. Whats the big deal. This is a article for the sake of article.

    • claire says:

      It’s funny though! The comments on the other posts were constantly saying ‘she doesn’t have to go to all his events! she must just love the attention and red carpet. attention whore!’

      Now she doesn’t go and look at the theories. LOL.

      • PrincessMe says:

        *standing ovation*

        People baffle me sometimes.

      • **sighs** says:

        I’m completely fine with her staying home. They’re finally listening to us.

      • Kat says:

        Um Nope. Some of us have been saying she didn’t need to go to every single event and still say that. Although apparently she only goes to the ones with a red carpet.

      • Luca76 says:

        Yes obviously with this lot Sophie cannot win. As funny as some of the comments are they are also so nasty and beyond the normal ‘bitchy’ snark into cruel and wacked out territory . Whether or not the relationship is happy or lasts Sophie isn’t the anti-christ.

      • coral says:

        The comments and conspiracy theories are very twihardish, it’s awesome.

    • future says:

      what work?

  18. NavelLint says:

    Since his camera poses make him look stiff and unnatural, I guess his Bendy nickname is ironic?

  19. SnowGlow says:

    Maybe she just didn’t want to go…?

    • RobN says:

      Hey, that’s not allowed, regardless of it probably being true. There’s no fun in “pregnant lady feels like staying home”. Not nearly nefarious enough.

  20. Andrea says:

    I find it funny that she is a no-show to local events, long distance I could see, but local? Something is still amiss. Maybe she either doesn’t like going to these things or there is trouble brewing. But whatever it is, we will wait patiently to see..

    • future says:

      The long distance ones are fun to go (lol she knows London already) – and for a pregnant lady the transatlantic flights are a piece of cake.

      • anonnnn says:

        And she knows people are talking about her & prolly wants to read what they say then try to outsmart them. Bahahah

  21. InvaderTak says:

    Well, while we’re waiting for the BAFTA’s to start, the Directors Guild Awards happened. Birdman won best feature film! Yay! Does that make it a show-in for best picture at the Oscars? It was a great night for lady directors at the DGA’s too. Its looking like TIG, Gone GIrl and Wild are not as favored as once thought if this trend continues. Grand B has the most BAFTA nominations with 11. So rooting for all involved there. Thoughts?

  22. Alice says:

    BC and Karon on RC. Didn’t see HER.

    • InvaderTak says:

      SHOCKER. No, seriously. They had no shame about this for a long time. Did someone finally put a foot down somewhere?

      Also, we’re we promised an open thread for this?

    • oops says:

      Bafta RC started at 6? I don’t understand.

    • tasha_nat says:

      She’s there. Black halter dress with a ribbon on the back of the neck.

  23. oops says:

    What do they say on that side of the pond? Phwoar? Phwoar! That opening pic is foine. He is just too damned foine.

    Re Sophie: Meh. Probably two things going on. Since it became clear that he probably won’t win the Oscar, he’s stopped going to most of the stuff. So, it would look stupid for her to go. They’ve been mostly staying put in London or close by. He definitely looks much happier even though he’s still working like a dog.

    Secondly, they tried to make it sound like she just cleared 3 months in January. I think she was already 3 months when he proposed. That means she’s rocking a 7 – ish belly right now. Like 5 seconds after they tried to make it sound like a recent happy coincidence. I think that embarrasses him. And she probably is getting more tired.

    Okay. 3rd thing. They’re probably going to fudge the public birth date of this baby by a few months. Sophie’s got to lay low for that to work.

    She’ll be there tonight. Part of me is hoping she won’t want to make the flight at the end of the month. So, BC can take Tim & Wanda to the Oscars. But who am I kidding? I feel terrible for saying it, but seeing her on the RC reminds me of that scene in Beloved when Thandie Newton’s character walks out onto the porch butt nekkid and pregnant. And all the town’s church ladies are aghast but she’s clueless.

    • Sixer says:

      You cannot “fudge” a birth date in the UK. Birth, marriage and death records are public for everyone and fully searchable on multiple online databases.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Same in the US. Hospitals, doctors, and midwives must file reports with city and state AND with insurance companies. And no hospital is going to fudge with a birth date on its billing records to an insurance company, not if it wants payment and to remain an approved provider. My great-grandmother’s UK birth records were wrong = her birth certificate and baptismal certificate had different dates of birth on them but that was in 1896 and they lived in a rural area and the birth certificate wasn’t completed until a year later when her father went to the city and recorded three kids.

      • Sixer says:

        Here, in modern times, the parents must register the birth. They get 42 days by law. Fine of £1,000 if you don’t do it in time. And you have to register a death within 5 days.

  24. Alice says:

    Somebody on imdb said they saw her.

  25. InvaderTak says:

    BAFTA twitter has some great videos! Tux Tom is here! yay! And BC and Redmayne, et al.

    • MtnRunner says:

      I think Tuxedo Tom’s reentry into the scene has brought the sunshine not only to the BAFTAs but spread all the way over here to Colorado with the May-like weather we’ve had all weekend. Thank you Tommy, for coming outta yer hole this weekend!

      • InvaderTak says:

        Yeah, same spring-y weather here in N. TX. Its a sign! And WTF is Nat Dormer wearing? I’ll say the same thing I said about Jaimie Alexander the other day; if you’re going to go Goth, you have to commit! That’s not committing!

      • MtnRunner says:

        I think Nat was out-fugged by Hayley Atwell.

  26. Ingrid says:

    Saw the little video (on Tumblr) of them getting out of the car and posing and I’m laughing SO MUCH.

    Team Weinstein *really* did tell them to look more in love. It was literally “Look forward…look at each other…and we are done.”

    They really have been replaced by robots.

    (How is Sophie looking even thinner than ever?)

    • Alice says:

      Any sign of the peripatetic bump?

      • **sighs** says:

        Yep. She’s gotta be at least 6 months.

      • Ingrid says:

        If they announced the enGAGment on 12 week mark, she would be 6 months. And she looks like it. The baby will be born in early May.

        Again, not at all shot gun engagement… No, these two are True Love 5evah!!! Let’s bake cookies!!!

      • Alice says:

        I think many of us guess August after just two or three dates, so definitely six, going on seven. Maybe when it’s born in late April early May it’ll be an eight pound preemie the way they’re pushing “a few months”.

    • oops says:

      I saw a clip on tumblr too. I must admit Anna Witchour done good. Sophie looks great. But it was a little weird to see him much more loving and attentive. I didn’t see or hear anyone directing him. She looked salty, but whatever. He looked really relaxed, happy and sweet on her. So, maybe the shock & embarrassment wore off and he’s good. (I still can’t help but wish he chose someone different. I’d still be a little jelly, but if he had just chosen someone real. Like someone who wasn’t ashamed of just being a bit actress or a pa…. I hate insincerity & starf*king.)

      • Alice says:

        He has been rehearsing the role of loving fiance for months now. Maybe he just finally got the part down and can act it with more conviction. She, however, bad actress that she is, couldn’t turn on a smile until she was pointed at the camera.

      • **sighs** says:

        Alice, yes. She was still very salty (as someone put it) until people started taking pics of her.

      • Kat says:

        i really didn’t see any signal of looking sweet on her. I saw a lot of trying hard to look like that (which he is startlingly bad at for an actor). I think he went far too overboard with some very obvious affected behaviour but none of it said ‘in love’ to me. And if he can look like death up to now and then change because ‘the embarrassments worn off’ ..well….that’s not gear either, really.

    • **sighs** says:

      It was amusing. It seemed like he got the lessons this time and she didn’t. Or she seemed pissed off. But still putting on a good show for the cameras. Took my note about looking like he actually cared about her well being before he went off to do photos. Good show, Ben! You guys should really be paying me.

      • Kat says:

        Let me get this straight – not a pregnancy denier. I’ve been vocal about the batcrappery of such stuff. But please someone tell me how she can be flat at Valentino – and she was- to the six month look now? Genuinely. I’m intrigued.

        Also, the deliberate look to her when the cameras were snapping?
        No, BC. Just…no.

      • tsmiv2 says:

        @Kat I’m not really a preg denier either, but I can’t figure out the bump either. If she’s 6 months, how on earth did they hide it in December? And I think this black dress is awful, the front looks likes a Victorian mourning gown, the back is cut way too low, and it’s too long. I liked her dress for the Globes, but everything else has been bad.

      • **sighs** says:

        Kat, I really can’t wrap my brain around that one, either. I do think she’s preg but it changes size like a blowfish. ? Confused.

      • anon says:

        It is not just that. You should go to the benedict’s third testicle (no, you won’t die if you do) and search the tag #fakepreg.

      • oops says:

        Kat & TSMIV2: Some women don’t “pop out” until about 5 months in. That would put her at PSFF when she pulled a “Beloved. “

      • Kat says:


        No, but we’re talking a week ago. She was flat.

      • oops says:

        Kat: Yeah, I saw Valentino pics. At first I was excited because I thought I saw a flat tummy and no ring. But upon closer inspection, the ring was there and you could see belly at a different angle when she was clapping. She sat straight as a board for the posed pics, hoping the tent would make her look “nascent. ” Really wish I could feel happy for him. I just don’t.

      • Kally says:

        I think she purposely wore a low back cut to prove she isn’t wearing a cushion of some sort – like see skeptics real baby! lol But yea, very strange to compare the Valentino show from a couple of weeks ago to now. But if we compare her bump against Keira, is definitely farther along. I think SH is only five months…going on to six come Oscars.

      • Kat says:


        The pic where there looked to be a bump was because the dress was pulled outwards. Her sitting straight would draw attention and highlight the bump which didn’t appear to be there.
        Also, why would she be trying to make her bump look ‘nascent’ when at PIFF she went out of her way to dress and to show it off and pose in front of cameras?

        Like I say, I’m not on any crazy fake train, but this is all rather ..odd.

      • anon says:

        You do know there was also a picture of her standing wearing the white tablecloth. There is no denial in that one.

      • oops says:

        Kat & Anon: Yeah. I guess it’s weird. I don’t know. If I remember correctly, I think we believe she’s really pregnant. So I guess I’m just getting myself used to it. “A baby changes everything.”

  27. lindy79 says:

    Hes intently staring. Its funny. Hes also over the top asking is she ok. Bit odd to be doing that all of a sudden.

    Also that bump is easy late 5-6 months. The dress is more floaty and lighter and you can see it in motion when it moves against her.
    Can they stop trying to pretend shes only 3 /and a half. No first time mum is that big at 3 months or people would know before they tell everyone (usually after 12 week mark)

    • oops says:

      **sighs** & Lindy: What if this is real???? The Michael Bluth voice in my head is so loud and confused and it won’t shut up!

    • J says:

      tbh i am glad if theyre getting along better

      doesnt matter if they never marry or whatever, there’s a baby to consider and that is best for all involved

      he seems more relaxed (but tired lol) in general these past few weeks, very chatty with fans at setlock and such, etc.

      • scarf girl says:

        I agree with that thought J. Only have seen snippet of one interview-he seemed more relaxed, less high on himself. Almost remembered why I rooted for him as a person, in addition to talent.

      • KT says:

        Agree, ladies. It’s like a rubber band that finally snapped, for lack of a better description. Very fan friendly, definitely; he was the last one in at the BAFTAs because he spent a lot of time with fans.

    • **sighs** says:

      He’s been taking careful notes this time.

      Definitely shotgun. So unbelievably shotgun.

    • Kat says:

      Agreed, lindy. He’s being waaay OTT. Soon as the cameras snapped he made two deliberate looks at her. It’s al getting a bit cringey and thank god for the Oscars being soon so he can go away and think about what he’s done. 😉

      • oops says:

        Totally shotgun. But I’m bracing myself for marriage. When I read the engagement announcement back in November, I heard Loo’s voice back at Hay reading, “Well, there’s a douche of cold water. “

      • Alice says:

        Oops. If he’s actually thick enough to marry her I’ll feel very sorry for him, but as my grandmother used to say, “You’ve made your bed, now lie in it.” I used to hate that, it sounded so judgmental. Now that I’m older, I know what she meant.

        Still hoping he takes a good, hard look at life with her, and runs like the devil’s on his tail.

      • moodgirl says:

        Did he tell her twice that he loves her? On the red carpet? For all to hear? Like this is the time/place for that topic of conversation? Really, have these people wrapped themselves so tightly in this charade that they have become characters in their own play?

        Who says this sh** in public? What purpose does it serve? Why didn’t he tell her this BEFORE they got out of the car, during the ride over? Or last night during dinner? How about anywhere but here? It is so immature and out of place that I can’t find an explanation for it unless he is taking a cue from the crap faker George Clooney threw up to Amal during the Golden Globes, also not the time nor place. Every time I see these two in public they insult my intelligence.

      • anon says:

        as far as it can be depicted he says are you ok (3 times). The I love you thing was made up by a nanny.

      • Alice says:

        Well, moodgirl, it was actually cumberbuddy who claimed that he said that so it’s probably false. She’s pushing the true love pap as hard as benophie is. I get the impression they’d rather get in Sophie’s knickers than in BC’s nowadays.

      • moodgirl says:

        Thanks Alice and anon – I wasted a good rant.

      • oops says:

        Kat & Alice: God, I hope you’re right. I saw a pic of them from tonight where they really are looking at each other like they’re in love. It was startling. I want him to be happy. And I don’t wish bad things on the woman. But I guess it’s just hard to believe he fell for someone like her, demographic aside. She really seems to have no personality or charisma when she isn’t being a brat.

        I just can’t see him putting on an act this intense and not going through with the wedding. I don’t see how she wouldn’t want to be married to him, if she’s the starf*ker she appears to be. Maybe they’re just weirdos because they’re artsy fartsy water signs.

      • anon says:

        “Every time I see these two in public they insult my intelligence.” Oh, even without that the whole thing is still so absurd it is hard to look away.

      • **sighs** says:

        As an artsy water sign, I’m insulted.

      • oops says:

        **sighs** Don’t worry. I always fall for the artsy fartsy water signs. But I’m too boring for them. 😛

      • Kat says:


        I haven’t seen any photo where they’re looking each other like they’re in love. I’ve just seen pictures where they looked at each other – not with any loving expression though. And one particular picture the crazies are pedalling, it’s quite obvious that they’re actually looking past each other.
        Like I said, BC has gone way overboard with it. The very deliberate look at her ear then back to camera, then look at her ear again. And the 40 very public ‘ARE YOU OK?’s was all very transparent. And as for people thinking he said ‘love you so much’ very publicly, that’s down to the cray cray cumberbuddy chick.
        He’s trying way too hard and she still looks like she’s sitting on a cheese grater.
        Can’t believe some people are taken in by it.

      • Claire. says:

        Ladies don’t get worked up over the photos they’re just seconds in time. Look at video of their entire RC walk and they’re still wooden and putting it on.

    • Kally says:

      I think he’s been reading our comments! 🙂 Not sure what’s eating SH, but it seems that when she’s happy he is pissed and when he is happy She is pissed! LOL These two will never be on the same page which is why I feel so bad for the baby.
      But they both look good. Best looking couple at the Bafta. Love BCs cute little blue bow tie. Is that a sign that its a boy?? They should know by now the sex of the baby….she is well withink secomd trimester.

      • moodgirl says:

        She does it to get attention; her usual tricks won’t work because she too heavy to stomp off the carpet and I don’t think she is carrying a cheap plastic clutch. Whatever is eating her, a mature adult would adjust her behavior but Sophie is too childish and self centered for that.

    • Ree says:

      Thts a heavy suit fabric if u pay attention closely

    • anonnnn says:

      I don’t buy that they are “getting along better’. I think he IS excited to have a child. If not because he thinks it will be awesome because it’s his, then maybe because mum will be tickled to be a grandmum. After viewing the vid w/ all the new affection stuff; I’m still not convinced he is crazy in love with her. IMO.

  28. Kelly says:

    If Harvey decided to host the NCAAP awards brunch or dinner, would it be safe to say that it would get as much profile as these two events? I’d love that!

  29. Solanaceae (Nighty) says:

    There’s a pic on The Guardin where the seats are being given out.. You Benedict’s seat and next to him, both sides, two blonde ladies…She won’t be seating next to him? Or is it the image that is deceiving?

    • Lilacflowers says:

      They may just be fillers? At most of these award events, they don’t want the cameras to pick up empty seats so they hire people as fillers for when people get up to present, accept, or run to the bathroom.

      • Solanaceae (Nighty) says:

        No,Im talking about sticks with the pics of the person that’s sitting on that particular place… Like when you see in restaurants the name, so that each person knows where to sit..

  30. InvaderTak says:

    The Guardian has some great snark about the fashion! Twitter has lost its sh!t over TH too lol someone said they were singing him happy birthday. Not sure if that’s creepy or cute. Eh, go with cute, it was a public event and everyone knew he’d be there.

    • Kally says:

      TH looked very HOT and Classy. I wish he’d brought a date too! 🙂

      • Alice says:

        Wait’ll Harvey buys one of his movies, then you’ll see a date.

        Hope he’s been watching and taking notes.

      • InvaderTak says:

        Whoa there, Twits losing their sh!t is funny, but there might have been injuries over that lol ease them into it first!

        @Alice; I honest to god hope that doesn’t happen. At least not the forced relationship part. Eddie R should be his model instead.

        The BC nannies are on twitter with the love story of the century story line again. Guardian live blog is awesome.

      • Alice says:

        Invader. I just picture all those nannies stocking up on batteries for their vibrators for their vicarious thrills.

      • InvaderTak says:

        @Alice: Uh hu ummm….no words, but pass the brain bleach! I’m on the verge of a total system failure!

    • koko says:

      I’m going with “cute” on the singing, Happy Birthday. I probably would have joined in just to see his reaction. And I vote to keeping HW away from TH, he is managing his “private” life just fine on his own.

      • Kally says:

        I thought it was sweet if the fans to sing him a bday song. I just wish he didn’t arrive the exact same time as Benedict Cumberbatch AND David Beckham!! Seriously not enough screen time for either of them.

  31. InvaderTak says:

    Fluffalo!!! Yay! Video on Bafta twitter. Sunshine looking fabulous!

    • Alice says:

      He and his wife looked so good together. Not to make comparisons, but they were so natural, nothing forced. You could tell they have a real connection.

  32. claire says:

    Love her dress. She looks really pretty.

    • Alice says:

      OK, I see. There are two – Claire and claire. I wondered at first.

      • Claire. says:

        Here I am, your regular one 🙂

        I hate looking at photos of her, her face is so…manly and unattractive. but the one photo I’ve seen of tonight neither are smiling. And let’s put the “she looks like his sister” talk to rest: after tonight I’m convinced she looks like his bro.

      • Alice says:

        That is a really unflattering hairdo on her. He looks good, although he has aged perceptively since his involvement with her. Before, he seemed quite boyish, now appears mid-forties.

      • claire says:

        LOL. Yes. I’ve been using this name for several years here so not going to change it, but sorry for confusion; we are polar opposites in opinion so it must make us look bipolar on here since the capitalization or lack of isn’t that noticeable.

      • moodgirl says:

        They both look so over it or just uninspired and she ALWAYS looks like she has an attitude. That is not good when you are about to get married.

      • moodgirl says:

        He looks old and worn out. This whole episode has really knocked him down.

      • Claire. says:

        Moodgirl, do you think they’re about to really marry? Someone said he said something about wedding seating arrangements on the RC tonight but not sure if they were taking the piss?

      • moodgirl says:

        @ Big “C” Claire – Yes, I think he is going to marry her because she is smarter than he is and he doesn’t have a backbone. Yesterday I read BTT or Benedict’s Third Testicle for the first time and accidentally hit a timeline that included photos of Sophie and where she was in early spring and after July of 2014. Sophie has no problem being photographed and in this case she left a trail as to where she was and who she was with last year. I’ll give you a hint: Nowhere near Benedict.

        After looking through it I realized that these two most likely got pregnant after a couple of dates and know each other about as well as the man in the moon. She probably had to call him to tell him she was pregnant. I do believe that Benedict is shallow enough to marry her because he is more paranoid about his perceived upper class reputation than he is about losing half his stuff. He would rather pay alimony AND child support than work out a co-parenting agreement and accept that he made a mistake and move on.

      • anon says:

        If you saw that timeline, why do you think he is the father? Of all the men she was pictured with of all the places she was … BC is the one (or he is just conveniently the richest)?

      • moodgirl says:

        @anon – I can’t believe that Benedict would go through this entire exercise if he weren’t sure that he is the father. Without that, based on those photos, I wouldn’t believe a word she said.

      • anon says:

        You do understand that he was at the beginning of the campaign when he was informed on the pregnancy. Since she and her family are so willing to talk to the media he basically didn’t have a choice. The thing about paternity test is that the mother can refuse it as long as she doesn’t give birth. Legal battle takes time – again he didn’t have it. They maybe still don’t know who the father is (well she might know).

      • Claire. says:

        Thanks for all the above ladies. Will check that timeline out. Maybe supply a link so it’s easier for everyone to find it? And I agree anon about the timeline and paternity.

      • anon121 says:

        Anon-given the timing of the engagement (I’m going 12 weeks in) and not being seen officially together before then, I’m going with 12 week paternity test before proposing. He may be “noble”, but I really don’t think he’d be dumb enough to sign on to support someone else’s child.

      • anon says:

        You do understand that she can refuse the paternity test. Until the birth she can basically do whatever she wants. After that things change.

      • anon121 says:

        @anon-I understand a woman could refuse. However, I would be surprised if said test was not a condition for a ring and therefore keys to the Cumberkingdom. He definitely waited.

      • anon says:

        You don’t understand the situation (hypotetically): either he proposes or she goes to the tabliods and says he left her alone pregnant with the baby. With HW breathing behind his neck he didn’t have any choice at the beginning of the campaign.

      • moodgirl says:

        Which explains why he was seething right after the engagement was announced.

  33. AG-UK says:

    She’s at the Baftas hair back black dress. It’s 40mins to my bedtime. Love love Keaton!!!!

  34. lindy79 says:

    Ooof he didnt look happy during Frys public school totty joke. Keira laughed heartily.

    • Ingrid says:

      He has really lost his sense of humour about himself

      • jammypants says:

        I think out of all of Stephen’s jokes, this was the only one that was a bit mean-spirited.

    • oops says:

      Ooooh! What did Fry say, Lindy?

    • j says:

      he was a hot public school totty or something

      he busted into a huge teethy grin at it though? seemed embarrassed at first but he usually is with looks stuff

      • lindy79 says:

        That if you put his name through the Enigma machine it would translate to hot public school totty.

        I genuinely didn’t see a toothy grin, a meh smile at best. He smiled initially then cameras cut away and when they went back he wasn’t smiling.

        He was whooping for Eddie though which was nice.

      • Bamboozled says:

        I think the whooping was overdone. All the other nominees were smiling with actual appreciation and BC looked not genuine at all and the whooping … not once but again and again every time the camera is on him. He is reading these posts. He has to make up for sour grapes reaction from the golden globes.

      • ogg921 says:

        He HAD to whoop for Eddie. After the dour expression he was wearing when Eddie won at the GGs, he looked like a schmuck & nobody likes a sore loser, esp. when the winner is supposedly a friend. He’s always seemed gracious about winning AND losing in the past.
        That’s the problem with this entire award season where BC is concerned, he’s acted so oddly and out of character it’s tough to know which is real – nice Ben or PissyBatch.

      • Alice says:

        Ogg. At the previous awards seasons he didn’t have an albatross hanging around his neck. If I remember my English Lit, didn’t the albatross symbolize a curse? His GG, SAG, BAFTA and probably Oscar season has certainly been cursed.

      • tsmiv2 says:

        From his performance with SH to the whooping for Eddie, there was way too much overkill. All of it was ridiculously over the top. Where was she the last 3 nites? I don’t think she has to go to everything, but skipping 3 in a row is weird. I think she didn’t have anything to wear, which means he’s not buying her any clothes. She’s getting this RC stuff for free.

      • moodgirl says:

        1. Maybe at six months pregnant she had to choose because to attend each one would have been too much. So she chose the one with a red carpet and cameras. 😄
        2. Maybe PR-wise they chose the BAFTAs because they could put on a lovey-dovey show and naturally since there are more cameras more people would see it.

        I noticed that after all the complaining skeptic blogs did about not looking at each other they suddenly did the “love you much longingly look each other in the eyes” deal but if you look at the video it only lasted a hot second and I don’t know if it was in response to a photog’s request.

      • Alice says:

        Moodgirl. There have been several comments that maybe she didn’t show because of being pg. However, KK is also pregnant and she made it to every event and looked and acted great at all of them. SH is no delicate flower and I don’t believe the pg excuse. I have no problem with her not attending anything though, whatever the reason. She’s a real joykiller when it comes to BC’s attitude. Just compare any of his previous awards appearances, win or lose, to this season. He was always upbeat and generous. I guess that was once upon a time.

      • An says:

        I rolled my eyes at the name joke, sorry, Stephen! So overdone.

        His Eddie whooping was likely genuine, as he had zero chance of winning and therefore wasn’t incredibly anxious.

        Here’s the deal with award show Benedict, and I don’t know how no one noticed this before, but he’s :/ if there’s a chance of him going onstage for a speech and 🙂 if not. He’s usually passable once he gets on the stage, albeit shaky, but before that, he’s a tight-faced ball of stress.

      • Claire. says:

        I thought it was a given designers lend them gowns. But yeah I can’t imagine him paying for anything for her that’s not part of a contract. I’m just trying to imagine how he’d benefit from any sort of legal agreement between them.

  35. Nayru says:

    Well now that she is in attendance my first hypothesis is out. Perhaps he was deeply ashamed of the pregnancy and that was the source of the tension between them. Now that it is out he is slowly getting over himself enough to not be a brat and to be a tad more attentive to the mother of his child. Either that or they just got their pretending to be happy act together better.

    • moodgirl says:

      Totally agree. After the pregnancy announcement he seems more relaxed. Before, when they were trying to hide it, he appeared to be heading for the looney bin.

      From the beginning she behaved as if she couldn’t care less who knew about the pregnancy and sort of jerked him around by being baity and smug. Maybe this was a point of contention between them, his career and reputation vs. her pregnancy that she wanted made public because she hit the jackpot.

    • Kally says:

      Umm…if he was deeply ashamed then in the world would he announce their engagement so publicly? He could have kept her hidden in his closet the whole time and nobody would know…its not like she’s famous or memorable. And then to follow it up with baity interviews about settling down, becoming a dad etc. – and this was before the announcement. He was the one who laid the bait…. why couldn’t he just accept what was about to happen from the beginning. This is what has me confuse about this union. I don’t think he was upset about SH or the baby or the engagement, I think it was something to do with his parents disapproval maybe? After one night chat with his mum in that pub and its like everything is fine now.

      • moodgirl says:

        Do you actually think he could have kept a pregnant woman under wraps? She would have outed him faster than you can say Palm Springs Film Festival. The announcement and the interviews were all designed to make the public think they were a wonderful, upper class couple in love instead two people, virtually strangers, who sloppily got knocked up after a few dates.

      • anon says:

        A normal gf in a real relationship would be quiet. A famew*ore and her family alike not possible.

  36. InvaderTak says:

    I just realized that the official BAFTA twitter has a really pouty pic of BC on their header. I know he’s in character but still, lol. And I can’t believe we don’t get an open post *pouts*

  37. Beth says:

    Well we are not getting a BAFTA thread so I’m gonna just dump this here because I am LOVING most of the BAFTA results. So much love for Whiplash and Budapest. Pride wins an award (even though it lost British Film). Imitation Game going home empty-handed for the umpteenth time.

    Thank you BAFTA! 😀

    P.S. The four acting categories at the Oscars are pretty much signed, sealed and delivered. Redmayne, Moore; Arquette and Simmons have swept the big televised awards. The remaining exciting races are in Screenplay (both Original and Adapted), Director and Picture. I just hope Whiplash takes Adapted Screenplay on Oscar night and I’d be as happy as a lark!

    • A says:

      I’m not with some of it. I’ve kind of just thrown my hands up at this point.

      TTOE should not have beaten Pride, and Redmayne over Keaton and Fiennes? WTF?

      • InvaderTak says:

        I think Redmayne won the hustle battle and got the award. Not that he doesn’t deserve it, he did an excellent job in the role (finally saw it; had to drag me to the theater practically).

        I’m loving that Grand BH is making out like a bandit! And TIG finally won something, yay, I guess.

        Edit: I will have to throw my hands up at the best film win for Boyhood though. Really? No. Just, no.

        There doesn’t seem to be a consistent winner this year. hmmm. Oscars should be interesting.

      • Beth says:

        Yep Redmayne winning BAFTA was pretty much a foregone conclusion as he had won the other key televised awards earlier and was on home turf. I like Keaton but Redmayne is too strong to unseat at this point. But yes, TTOE winning Best British Film Is one of the more undeserved results of the night.

        @InvaderTak: TIG didn’t win anything though?

        I am not a fan of both Boyhood or Birdman but am resigned to the fact that it is essentially between these two vying for Best Picture. I hope Birdman wins.

      • InvaderTak says:

        @Beth: Oops not sure what I read then. I thought they got a best adapted screenplay or some such. I must have read wrong.

  38. InvaderTak says:

    OMG buzz feed has a pic set of Lord Twiddles trying to use a seflie stick and failing! HAAAAAhahaha!
    And Chrevans is there with Henry Cavill! Marvel will have something snarky on twitter about that I’ll bet.
    would like to see the David Attenborough tribute with Wills and one from RDJ
    Any McAvoy sightings?

  39. Betti says:

    Bendy lost out to Eddie again, TIG has won nothing so far. Poor BC – he must be taking it personally that his first big starring movie is not winning anything.

    So glad Julianne Moore and Patricia Arquette got some love.

    • lisa2 says:

      He shouldn’t feel bad.. His film has grossed more than any of the others nominated. He is showing that he can in fact carry a film on his own. Something that winning the Oscar or even being nominated doesn’t guarantee. The wins are great… but they don’t always equal success after.

      He should be proud of his film and his performance win or lose. The name of the game is longevity. Not being a flash in the pan.

    • Alice says:

      Ditto on JK Simmons. Love that guy. He’s been doing stellar work for so long and the stars finally converged to bring him to this point.

  40. lisa2 says:

    I saw pictures of Cumberbatch and Sophie.. I absolutely love her dress. Very pretty. It is so great for a pregnant woman. She looked very elegant.

    I don’t like the hair for some reason nor the earrings.. but everything else looks great.

    I wish this awards season was more exciting. I know my favorites are not going to be there; but honestly these nominees talented, but they don’t bring the viewer excitement at all.

    • lindy79 says:

      I agree. Everything looked good but the hair. It looked frizzy and like she’d done a DIY updo by twisting random bits with bobby pins

    • MtnRunner says:

      The dress was “meh” to me… I don’t like upside down bags. there were far WORSE dresses out there on the RC, so I’d just say it wasn’t my favorite. Her hairstyle wasn’t as attractive this time. She needs bangs like she had at the Globes, otherwise she looks too harsh.

      Julianne Moore was firing on all cylinders tonight. She looked amazing. Gugu and Lea looked good too.

  41. Felice says:

    She looked so angry on the red carpet.

  42. lindy79 says:

    Any sign of Wanda and Tim? I thought they’d be there in some capacity as he was a nominee. They’ve been to award shows with him in the past?
    I sincerely hope all is ok.

  43. InvaderTak says:

    The Guardian live bloggers are really having a time of it with BC and SH’s nannies taking over twitter lol

  44. Sunflower says:

    Very awesome gifs of her pushing his hand off her back as well as her throwing a dirty look at Mark Strong on BTT.

    • Just here says:

      She does push his hand off her back, but then she very firmly holds hands with him. At first I thought, oh that’s nice. But I watched it a couple of times and it does look at little… I dunno, aggressive? Or am I seeing things?

    • anon says:

      No, you are not. She’s always squezing his hand and it looks she tries to rip it off. Not a gentle woman.

  45. Claire. says:

    OMG search tumblr for footage of her giving Mark Strong a dirty look (anyone know why?) and her making Benedict upset over something. And there is of course her shoving his hand away. Is it just me or she strike you as having something seriously wrong with her? She seems to hate everyone including her fiance.

    • Just here says:

      Maybe she has resting bitchface?

      I dunno, I’m being devil’s advocate here for some reason.

      I still think this is one of their best RCs. They still came across as ‘business-like’ but I do think they’ve improved.

      And I liked Sophie’s dress, I thought she looked pretty good tonight.

    • Toodles45 says:

      The look was not for Mark, it was clearly for Benedict, with Mark looking at her sternly because he obviously caught them. I was like “woah, what was that about” when I saw it. It looks like BC ignores her as she looks away.

      • Claire. says:

        So given this consistent pattern of her behaviour I now have to ask: does Benedict strike anyone who thrives in drama? Because I’m not understanding how he’ll marry someone who treats him like trash over and over and over….

      • Kat says:

        I actually found that pretty upsetting to see. BC looked really sad and dispirited.
        He’s not perfect, nobody is..but he deserves so much better than that.
        I’d hate to think of him in one of those relationships where snide and aggressive glances were commonplace.

    • moodgirl says:

      The tables have turned. Like someone said, before he was sad and she was smug, now he’s happy and she is angry. Something has happened and it’s not in her favor? Whatever it is she is not mature or professional enough to keep her emotions under wraps. This should be a sign to him that marrying her would be a huge mistake as she is extremely immature and selfish.

      • Toodles45 says:

        @moodgirl, it does look immature at first glance. Who knows, I’m sure BC has his ***hole moments. I wonder what happened? They looked good on the red carpet, save for her taking his hand off her back. But after watching the “dirty look” clip you can’t help but wonder if they were just hamming it up for the photogs.

      • Alice says:

        Toodles. They just don’t seem to be able to make it through two hours without some screw up, some animosity slipping out. Weird.

      • Claire. says:

        Can’t keep it inside. Sorry, I had to.

    • InvaderTak says:

      Dear lord, WTF? Don’t drag the great Mark Strong into this! Just…wow.

      I must play devil’s advocate on the hand removal episode; it could have been uncomfortable for her to hold her arm like that. They were holding hands while he had her hand on her own back. Not everyone can stand like that.

      • An says:

        As a person who doesn’t dislike her in the slightest, I noticed she’s not a fan of PDA at all.

      • Kat says:

        I don’t think that was the case. His hand was there as normal and she chose to reach up and move it.


        I don’t think that a hand on the back can really be termed as a PDA though. No more than holding hands anyway..

      • anon says:

        she doesn’t seem to have problems with PDA with men that are not Benedict.

      • moodgirl says:


    • tsmiv2 says:

      I just watched the dirty look on my dvr and it looks much worse at full speed than slowed down. They are one weird couple.
      What’s with the Daily Mail saying they were the best looking ones there? Mark Strong and his wife looked much better, so did Eddie and Hannah. The Fail must be fattening them up for the kill.

    • Alice says:

      If they actually married, I can’t imagine any of his friends or colleagues enjoying being in her presence.

      • moodgirl says:

        I can’t imagine the dog and cat enjoying her company. The postman will throw their mail over the fence and run like heck.

  46. moodgirl says:

    Ben shouldn’t worry about the DM when Sophie is obviously his real enemy. Now I understand why my priest said never marry someone who is unlike yourself in spirit. This is an example of what happens when we fail to avoid people who either don’t understand or refuse to believe your needs, wants, dreams and goals.

    Benedict has been working like a dog for decades trying to cultivate a successful career and, unfortunately, he has met a woman who doesn’t care and looks determined to bring him down. With the stomp offs, hand snatching, eye rolling, dirty looks and other shenanigans she has reduced a well respected, hard working actor to a lukewarm joke. She consistently behaves poorly not only in front of his fans but in full view of his peers and the media. Not only did Mark Strong see her crap display last night but Keira had a strange look on her face as well so maybe Sophie made a remark and Ben ignored her. If he doesn’t get rid of her quickly his career will definitely be negatively impacted. I am astonished that he has even considered marrying her because honestly she presents as someome with a lot of personal problems.