“Beyonce’s frightening cleavage” afternoon links


– WTF is wrong with Beyonce’s cleavage? [Egotastic]
J-Lo doesn’t look like J-Lo anymore [Dlisted]
Hilary Duff and Carrie Underwood are both dating players for the Ottawa Senators, and didn’t talk to each other at their game. Drama! [Lainey Gossip]
Julia Roberts Says 40 Is Better Than 20 [PopEater]
50 Cent is Releasing a Porno of Rick Ross Baby Mama [Bossip]
– You Shag Madonna, You Shagged Vanilla Ice [Fafarazzi]
– “Castle” review [Pajiba]
John Stamos To Star In E.R. Spin Off [I’m Not Obsessed]
Emmy Rossum at the Tokyo premiere of Dragonball Evolution [Celebslam]
Paris Hilton is already wearing her new boyfriend’s initials around her neck [Websters is my Bitch]
Scarlett Johansson joins the Iron Man sequel! [In Case You Didn’t Know]
Pete Doherty Sold Drugs To The Strokes [Crazy Days and Nights]
– “Family Guy” is right, Matt Damon has no neck [PopSugar]
Chris Brown’s manager claims she didn’t text him [The Superficial]
Paris Hilton With Her Animal Twin… um, I mean a lovely parrot [Hollywood Tuna]

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24 Responses to ““Beyonce’s frightening cleavage” afternoon links”

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  1. Anni says:

    tape. lots of boobietape.

  2. lauren says:

    as the saying says if you don’t have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all but i guess for Beyonce it doesn’t apply, ive seen plenty of other Hollywood elite with way worst sagging, or the obvious boob job and robbo t*t cleavage and no one says nothing it just too obvious why this is a post

  3. SeVen says:

    Anni – Or photoshop… lots of that

  4. Jen says:

    Since the face is almost unrecognizable as Beyonce, I’m of the mind that a novice Photoshop “artist” is to blame here. And one that’s never seen boobs, at that.

  5. what is ever. says:

    It just looks like she has the kind of boobs that naturally fall to the side, instead of those that might be more teardrop, OR… the ever-increasingly-popular look of: bolted-on by doctor. Not that there’s anything wrong with augmentation, but don’t hate on someone just because they’ve chosen to not alter their rack, and therefore; looks nothing like every other altered rack in H’wood.

  6. Bub says:

    Obviously implants. But either she was lying on her back when the photo was taken(hence the wide separation and no bottom crease) or the implants are encapsulated.

  7. CB Rawks says:

    lauren, how come you used “anything” correctly but used “nothing” incorrectly twice?
    Anything was the correct word to use, the whole time.
    And who is robbo?

    😀 Pet peeves are grinding me today, sorry peeps. 🙂
    Also, a cement mixer arrived here before 6am to lay a driveway! Does that seem kosher? I’ma call the authorities.

  8. Lem says:

    JLO so close.. that’ pony is bad

    love the gawker ad. 6 degrees of I don’t want to know.

    WTF is wrong with her boobs? they look fresh. not yet dropped

    RAWKS. that’s good – how come

    I’m having a hard time being nice this week.

  9. Kate~ says:

    Yes, maybe she was lying on her back. I hope so 😮

  10. jess says:

    i think they were referring to the fact that they look like rectangles…

  11. Sauronsarmy says:

    What’s that weird dent at the top of the boobs?

  12. SolitaryAngel says:

    @ jess: Wreck-tangles!

  13. Tia says:

    Geez, she just always trys so hard.. give it a rest and just be natural (no 10 pounds of horse hair) etc.. She is pathetic.. GO AWAY BEYONCE !! ughhh

  14. nanster says:

    CB Rawks – I am a stickler for grammar, too – glad someone else notices these things! 🙂

    Report that cement mixer – 6:00 am is WAAAAAY too early to begin that kind of work the week that daylight savings time begins!

    As for Beyonce’s tatas – they have a weird shape to them and some odd indentations – if I was asked if they were real or purchased, I would have to go with purchased. Real ones just don’t look like that.

  15. adam says:

    i really don’t like her and i don’t think she’s cute at all..my favorite black women is tyra banks

  16. gg says:

    Looks to me like under-the-muscle type implants, possibly encapsulated, and the white top is tight and smashing her down a bit.

    Then on the other hand, could just be boobie tape. Either way, they look like implants.

  17. moon unit says:

    Adam, are you 12?

  18. abbizmal says:

    Looks to me like implants. Not that I’m surprised. She has some odd poses, huh? Kinda like Paris, but not as bad. Wonder what they look like when not posing?

  19. LivLoveLaugh says:

    her body is so weird

  20. Judy says:

    I dont get the fuss over this person.
    Tina Turner yes, this one or even the awful Tara banks…too much for for non reason.

  21. Hieronymus Grex says:

    Boobies, proper boobies belong in the center of top of the chest, not pulled apart like chicken legs.

  22. Mark says:

    Sex with her must be marvelous.

  23. Baholicious says:

    It looks like someone photo-shopped Mr. Universe’s ass onto her chest.

  24. boomchakaboom says:

    @Baho: LOL! It does, doesn’t it? I would never have thought of that.