Angelina Jolie encourages Brad Pitt’s political hopes

Variety is now reporting that Brad Pitt is considering a move into politics. The quotes are via a German source, Bild. They refer to Angelina Jolie as Brad’s “wife” and her UN work as “on behalf of UNICEF”. Wrong! Not his wife and not on behalf of UNICEF. Angie does work for the United Nations High Commission on Refugees, but nice try, Variety/Bild.

Beyond the factual errors, I’m not sure what to make of this report. Allegedly, Angelina is being very supportive of Brad’s interest in politics. That much we know from her own interviews – she encourages Brad to pursue his architecture hobby, and his charitable habits. Is her encouragement of Brad’s politics such a stretch? Bild has more:

Brad Pitt is considering moving into politics.

The ‘Benjamin Button’ star, who was in Washington last week discussing the work of his New Orleans charity with Barack Obama, is said to be interested in running for office.

According to Variety, his wife Angelina Jolie would welcome the move. A source said: “Angelina feels Brad would make a great politician. He would also compliment Angelina’s own efforts on behalf on UNICEF.” Pitt is also said to have the backing of several well-placed Hollywood execs including actor and producer William Carter, who served as a member of Senator John Warner’s staff.


The biggest thing that makes me doubt Angelina’s whole-hearted support of Brad’s political future is the idea I have of Angelina’s politics. I really believe Angie is more conservative than Brad, and most likely more conservative than many people realize. Some of her quotes, statements and writings in support of refugees and humanitarian intervention read like the policy initiatives of a neoconservative think-tank.

Other than that, I wonder if Brad really thinks he has a shot at holding public office. Sure, he has the money and the name recognition. But he doesn’t seem like the kind of man who is concerned with making the trains run on time. Whenever discussing policies or politics, he comes across as … vague. I’m sure his heart is in the right place, but his communication skills are lacking.

Brad Pitt is shown at a press conference in Washington with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Whip James Clyburn on 3/5/09. Header of Angelina at the Oscars on 2/22/09. Credit:

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47 Responses to “Angelina Jolie encourages Brad Pitt’s political hopes”

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  1. Really? Really! says:

    Stand by your man sister. That’s how to keep a man

  2. Pufft says:

    I personally feel that she would support him in any endeavor as long as he’ll still be in the position to do humanitarian work.

    Being a politician can achieve just that, although at this point I’m not completely convinced that Brad is thinking of politics.

  3. Louise says:

    I wouldnt vote for him – altho he’s the most handsome man alive – he makes incredibly bad choices, is led by his peni*s and is a liar and a cheat.

  4. eva says:

    i’m with you, Louise. but add cheap to that. his record of donating to causes in pretty low.

    as for angie’s record, that doesn’t count. she’s an obsessive nut who only goes after men who are already taken. plus she’s controlling and clearly wears the pants in their relationship.

    that makes our Bradley an ineffective wimp. who needs another one of those in politics?

  5. anne from Texas says:

    what’s he smoking?

    oops, that’s right — he’s a big pot smoker.

    he’d have to give that up, wouldn’t he?

  6. elusive says:

    Louise – then he is just like many the politicians you already have there. Just handsomer. I’d have to say maybe that’s an upgrade.

  7. big wooden spoon says:

    Sarah Palin with a penis, Lord help us all!

  8. DD says:

    haha, don’t you have to be able to put out a string of coherent, convincing and intelligent thoughts? well I guess anything is possible, considering our infatuation with celebrities this might not be such a stretch after all.

  9. barneslr says:

    He needs to stick to acting. He is really good at that. Politics? Not so much, I think. I wouldn’t vote for him.

  10. neelyo says:

    If Ronald Reagan, Gopher from the Love Boat, Sonny Bono, Jesse Ventura and Arnold Schwarzenegger can run for office (and win), why not Brad Pitt?

    Don’t know if I’d vote for him but he’s at least as intelligent as the people mentioned above.

  11. nikky says:


    i find the idea of Brad Pitt going into politics as ridiculous as anyone, but to say that he would make important or right decisions based on what he does or doesn’t do with his dick is completely ridiculous. How about focussing on his experience and positions on key issues instead of what you read about in Usweekly.

    It says a lot about you if your qualms about the people leading your country is centred on the irrelevant (most likely fabricated) details of their sex life rather than their qualifications.

  12. JustAThought says:

    Sure, why not Brad. Run for congress they could use another idiot on board with a low IQ…

  13. ash says:

    Oh Lord. The dude isn’t smart, come on. He’s great to look at, but really? Leave the politics alone Brad.

  14. Wonder Woman says:

    MOST of ya’ll are thinking way too into this. every day they come up with a ridiculous story of brad and angie. Please i really dont see him going into this field other then just doing charity work like rebuilding new orleans. But I do see angie defenetly backing him up on anything he wants to do, and that speaks volumes on their relationship. good for them, all they want to do is help and right now we can use all the help available.

  15. nikky says:

    * just to clarify- when i said ‘you’ in my last comment, that was meant to be a collective ‘you’ of people who treat politicians as celebrities and focus on the crap printed by gossip rags instead of whats important, and not specifically that person i was responding too. it read a bit like an attack on her personally, which wasnt the intention.

    i was just attacking the sentiment…

  16. NotBlonde says:

    No actors, no.

    Stop trying to be politicians. Most of you didn’t go to college. Most of you know next to nothing about law or economics or politics. Just leave it. Be charitable. Support politicians whose ideas you agree with if need be.

    But please, just leave the politicking to the morons whose job it is to screw up the government. Your job is to star in cinematic adventures.

  17. Bodhi says:

    Ditto Wonder Woman.

    This is a tiny story from a German source. IF it were true, I seriously doubt that Bild would scoop everyone.

    I don’t think Brad Pitt has any political ambitions whatsoever.

  18. czarina says:

    I don’t think ONE trip to Washington is enough to base a rumor that he wants to run for politics on.
    I’m sure AJ would support him–heck, I would support my husband, too, if he got knocked on the head and woke up wanting to be a politician. What is so revelatory about that??
    I think, though, that criticizing Brad Pitt as a politician when there is absoultely no proof he is even thinking of becoming one is slightly unfair.
    And EVA–wasn’t it on another post that Brad donated to the foundation he and Angie set up just under a million dollars in 2007? That seems like quite a lot to me, and that was just ONE charity he gives to.

  19. kap says:

    Doubt if either would want the type of scrutiny politicians get about their personal life (lives). Think AJ is wise not to come out for or against either political party. When you’re asking for funding for refugee causes you don’t care if the donation is from a Dem or Repub and don’t want to alienate any potential supporter(s), as Bono has stated in the past.

  20. poopoo says:

    Well it sure does fit into her idea of herself. I mean she is suffering from a Madonna complex . Why shouldn’t her mate be president. I mean she deserves this and much more. Such a kind loving woman. Power has nothing to due with her goals.
    After all the traveling they have done. By private jet. I am convinced they know what us little people want. I for one am willing to ration my footprint so the king and queen of green can go on pretending they give a hoot about the environment.

    Please pass me by if you suffer from idol worship. Thanks

  21. angie says:

    Brad can’t effectively articulate in a Good Morning America interview, so I highly doubt the puppet could pull off a political campaign. Wait, that’s what politics is, isnt’ it? A bunch of puppets who rely on speech writers and “teams” to get them elected, so maybe he has a shot. As long as he does no expository speaking. He’s not smart enough.

  22. johanna holman says:

    Personally I think he should stick to acting. I think Angelina and Him need to back off. I cant stand her. He was great before he ended up with her to begin with. None of them know what the hell they are doing. Personally im getting so sick of hearing about these two. Go back to giving the nanny a rub down and angelina do something productive like keep your pants or skirt on and stop going after married men cuz you think u like the challenge of tearing up a home. Your not all that. I feel for your kids.

  23. lrm says:

    I’m SO glad you pointed out Angie’s coservative leanings…Parties aside,she is a 5 yr member of the CFR [council of foreign relations],and they are a bi-partisan think tank,used to be tri lateral commission]….they ‘influence’ foreign policy to say the least. Main goal is socialist policy,which neo-cons would nicely usher in as part of a problem-reaction-solution strategy. [ie,their extreme reactions create backlash which allows seemingly more humane,yet no less controlling,measures to be taken to ‘ensure peace and civil rights’. Hah. So,Angie is very m uch in line with this NWO. And frankly,so are Obama-ites. They just don’t know it. Yet.

  24. big wooden spoon says:

    “I am convinced they know what us little people want.”

    Thank you Poopoo! And this^^ holier-than-thou attitude is exactly why people don’t like Brangelina. Live in a multi-million dollar mansion, employ an army of servants and pollute the atmosphere with your opulent lifestyle if you must – and it is fun to have someone living a fantasy to live vicariously through – but don’t try and pretend you give a toss about child poverty or the baby whales dying beyond the positive publicity it garners.

  25. Curio says:

    Come on, Brad is only doing his humanitarian work!
    He nerver said he wants to be a politician.
    But thank you for saying the obvious, Angelina is always there for his man.

  26. Feebee says:

    I don’t really mind if Brad enters politics. He’d have an uphill battle with credibility for a number of reasons.

    I find the comment about Angelina possibly being more conservative than people think as interesting. Her past behaviour indicates a closet right wing nutter if ever I saw one. Though I applaud the work she does on behalf of the world’s refugees.

  27. Alex says:

    The only truth about this is: Angie loves Brad very much.

  28. kaligula says:

    he would be an amazing politician!!!!! i hope this is true!!!!

  29. Chiara says:

    “Vague,” is a good fit for Pitt. He would never hold up under the public scrutiny of politics.

    Just another ego looking for a place to land.

  30. Michele says:

    This is a joke, right?

  31. ll says:

    Thank you so much for pointing out how conservative Angelina likely is – I see so many liberals who laud her assuming she has the same politics as they do.

  32. bree says:

    It’s competely conceivable that he would go for office. Politicians and elected officials today aren’t exactly the most knowledgable when it comes to policy and the nuts and bolts of government- more and more they’re becoming symbolic figureheads who amass a large support staff to draft all policy recs for them. All you need to do to be elected it to be able to stick to a script, be comfortable in front of a crowd, have enough money to pay for a campaign (it costs something like what, 5 million to run for congress these days) and market yourself as a decent representative for a certain ideal. And he’s got that in the bag. The fact that people still pretend that you actually have to be interested/knowledable in governmnent to run for political office is one of the biggest problems in this country. You ain’t got to know shit.

  33. becca says:

    ^^^^^It’s true, but it’s disgusting. And it’s a very large part of the reason why this country is in so much trouble.

    Despite the fact that I’ve heard the governator has done wonderful things to move California forward in the environmental world…Brad? STICK TO ACTING.

    I mean honestly? Half of the reason why Ah-nold won is because of his wife and her own connections.

  34. Ana says:

    What a people! They read “something” written and you take it for sure!! come on, ladies/boys. Besides, stop talking about the other stupid girl that does not leave any opp to talk about him!. Sent him free looser. You were too busy when you got him and… he flew!!!

  35. Ophelia says:

    Isn’t this whole story a giant reach? All it does is scare me, lol.

  36. Ana says:

    Brad I’m in love with you, I can help you with the kids also, and promise not to tell Ang if you massage my shoulders, by the way, I would vote for you too.

  37. morgs says:

    He’s said in past interviews that he would be interested in possibly running for some sort of office. I can’t remember which interview, but I know it took place after Katrina and around the time he was just getting involved with his NOLA initiative.

    Narcissism runs rampant in Hollywood, just like Politics.

  38. Judy says:

    Well I think he did a hell of a job in New Orleans. If it wasnt for Pitt and Jollie there wouldnt be homes being built for the people there and he used millions of his own money too. They give plenty and I think he might be good for the people and not in it just for himself. But then we are so used to getting screwed over by the morons we put in office we may not realize this.

  39. Sakota says:

    I know we think a lot of our politicians are morons, but to be frank they ARE well trained and highly educated. In politics it involves a lot more than simply appearing well in front of a camera.

    It involves learning international protocol, all sorts of etiquette, and learning how to literally run a country/state. Furthermore, a lot of them have extensive backgrounds in business, holding ambassadorships, and understanding how things work beyond mere perception. They are taught to think, Hollywood people aren’t.

    Brad and Angelina do not understand the concept of ‘process’ and some time back Brad accidently showed the bottom of his foot to the President of Pakistan, a Muslim. Over there that is considered a snub, however ridiculous that may seem. Angelina might hold a position in the Council of Foreign Relations, but it doesn’t mean she is trained (or Brad) to hold political office and actually deal with affairs of state.

    Now, there was Reagan, but he did after all buckle down and actually LEARN how to handle running a state. It wasn’t all photo ops.

    Furtheremore, Brad and Angelina don’t really have a stable home life and that is another reason I do not think either has too stable of a personality. In office, a person HAS to be mentally and emotionally stable in order to properly handle problems according to their severity in an appropriate way.

    With Hollywood people, the problem goes away when the studio is shut down for the day. In politics problems still exist and I do not think that is something that they comprehend properly.

  40. michellle says:

    As for being a conservative, I highly doubt she has actually thought through in any great detail the repercutions of her actions. Her deeds are humanitarian in nature, whether genuine or simply self serving or a combination there of. The complexity of policy & the resulting political ramifications is most likely beyond her grasp. Not that she could not intellectually comprehend such, but more likely she’s too busy doing it all & putting on a show to really invest what it takes to fully understand the entire picture.

    Either way, despite believing her humanitarian work it largely self serving. I glad to see she brings attention to significant issues regardless of motive. Ideally, humanitarian efforts needn’t be partisan anyway.

  41. michellle says:

    yes – I’m well aware of both spelling & grammatical errors, so sorry.

  42. Sakota says:

    I think Angelina confuses humanitarianism with actually knowing the intricate issues and understanding how policy works.

    She might be on the Council of Foreign Relations, but I think her joining was for PR, even if Angelina doesn’t know it. I highly doubt they take her seriously or include her in any high level activities. For all we know she probably bonked Kissinger for the spot.

  43. JennaMeow says:

    Oh great. Just because celebs like Pitt and Clooney have the ear of Obama, now they all want to get political. Jesus. Stick to acting, looking pretty and making babies — it’s what you’re good at.

  44. GimmeABreak says:

    His “wife” Angelina? Since WHEN? The only thing they’ve “VOWED” to do is NOT to get married. Or, in their words, until everyone can legally marry. TIRED!! Glad they had a billion kids first! Idiots!

  45. Baholicious says:

    He’s a dullard. Politics is full of them so he certainly won’t be out of place.

  46. anneesezz says:

    First of all where would he run? Didn’t they say they were moving to France. How can I miss you if you won’t go away!

  47. raven says:

    Brad is about 6 hours short of a college degree so I find the low IQ comments a little off the mark. I’ve read interviews with him where he said he had no interest in politics. I think he likes to do his own thing, and, that won’t work in Congress. I think he’s better off with his own projects and he seems to think so as well.