Tom Hiddleston picked up a WhatsOnStage award for ‘Coriolanus’: cute?

Tom Hiddleston was a guest at Benedict Cumberbatch and Sophie Hunter’s wedding on Valentine’s Day. I guess he didn’t have any V-Day plans of his own. Although there were some photos of Tom on the Isle of Wight where it looked like he had a female date, so I don’t know what to tell you. I’m not enough of a Hiddlesconspiracist to weave some of kind of detailed explanation for it – if Tom has a girlfriend, I’m sure we’ll know soon enough. Until then, just give him his space. You can see some of the Hiddleston-wedding photos here. There’s also a story going around that Hiddles was Bendy’s best man. True or false?

Then, last night (Sunday night), Hiddleston returned to London for the WhatsOnStage Awards. He was nominated for last year’s run of Coriolanus, and guess what? Tommy won. I’m including some of the few photos we have of Hiddleston from the event – for some reason, we don’t have any red carpet photos of him. Did he even walk the carpet?!

There’s a video too:

Photos courtesy of Getty, Fame/Flynet.

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190 Responses to “Tom Hiddleston picked up a WhatsOnStage award for ‘Coriolanus’: cute?”

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  1. kri says:

    David Tennant!! wee!!

  2. Me1 says:

    Nope don’t get the love for this guy either.

  3. Dorothy#1 says:

    OMG!!!! Tom and David Tennant in the same picture!!! THANK YOU!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  4. Maria says:

    I adore Tom simply due to his enthusiasm towards his work.

    Tho, I’ll take Fassy and McAvoy always.

  5. A.Key says:

    “Although there were some photos of Tom on the Isle of Wight where it looked like he had a female date, so I don’t know what to tell you.”
    Fueling the click-bait discussion, I see… Naughty!

    • koko says:

      Apparently walking beside a woman, standing in the vicinity of a woman or talking to a woman qualifies as a date. Or maybe this is just in Mr. Hiddleston’s case. I must remember this.

  6. vauvert says:

    Tom and David! Yes!

  7. PrincessMe says:

    Love some Tom Hiddles in the morning, he’s so adorable. He looks lovely in the wedding pics too.

    Hope the crazies don’t turn their attention to him now.

    • OhDear says:

      Unfortunately for him (and any existing or potential significant other), I think it may be too late for that.

      • MtnRunner says:

        I feel sorry for that lady already…

        I hope his PR team have a plan in place for shielding him from the crazies when he starts promotional events. He’s such a people-pleaser but needs to risk pissing off the demanding fans by putting up clear boundaries. He’s got plenty of normals that will buy tickets to his movies (with more would-be fans coming) that he can afford to drop those that make life difficult for him.

  8. viki says:

    Hello Mr. Fancy pants 🙂
    Saw the Crimson Peak trailer and it looks awesome! Really looking forward to seeing it. Does he have any other films coming out prior to CP??

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Avengers: Age of Ultron supposedly. High-Rise but it doesn’t have a US distributor yet. I Saw the Light doesn’t have a release date yet.

      • 'P'enny says:

        US distributors have picked up Wheatley’s next, but they are being a bit cautious over this one. Or its just not been announced anywhere?

      • MtnRunner says:

        I thought I read somewhere that ISTL was coming out in December sometime. Is it my imagination or aren’t they timing it for Oscar consideration?

  9. Lilacflowers says:

    My husband Tom is always adorable. and enthusiastic. I sent him by himself to the Isle of Wight wedding because: I don’t like Valentine’s Day; I had no interest in that wedding; I’m stuck in a blizzard.

    • 'P'enny says:

      how did he get out of the blizzard?

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Magic. My security detail Mark Strong can accomplish anything and Butler Colin is in the Kingsmen. And I sent him to you. We all know you’re the woman in red; so no complaints from you, Miss ‘P’enny.

      • MtnRunner says:

        Did you happen to see the extra pair of sexy legs whose owner was expertly hidden behind Morning Suit Tom? Forget the lady in red — she’s just the decoy. All I’m saying is that It wasn’t the partying and traveling back on Sunday that had Tom looking tired last night. He had a much better excuse.

      • 'P'enny says:

        how many circuits of the Island did you do, MtnRunner? mmmm 😉

      • Lilacflowers says:

        ‘P’enny, I sent him to YOU. You are responsible for any damage incurred by lending him out to others.

      • MtnRunner says:

        P’enny, there were several lookout points that made for a beautiful setting to stop and appreciate “nature’s bounty”. I must say that I appreciate the way you, me and icerose share nicely when it comes to Tommy. This trip worked out just as we had planned dontchathink? Lilac doesn’t give him to me freely, so I have to devise other ways of getting our alone time.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        You gave him to Icerose? Icerose was on the banned list for inflicting harm and ignoring his safe word. He is petrified of her and with reason – welts, burns, cuts. The lending library is closed until some learn to respect boundaries

      • MtnRunner says:

        Lilac, icerose was the one who got him ready for the wedding. Didn’t you see her comment about it on Bendy’s thread? She said Tom was so excited she had trouble getting him into his pants. Apparently, didn’t quite calm him down all the way before he left the hotel.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Well, ladies, I hope you are happy. Medical attention is necessary. He skipped the red carpet last night because he was in so much pain and he skipped the after party to get back here to safety. MtnRunner, he says you laughed at his pleas not to give him to Icerose Those were not cries of passion, they were cries of fear and pain. ‘P’enny, at the moment he thinks you were without guilt but you did leave the ball gag for too long so he couldn’t tell you his problems. But you should have noticed the cramping and the bruises

      • MtnRunner says:

        Geez Lilac, I thought he was just being melodramatic! You know how quickly and easily he can turn on the alligator tears. I’m sure with a little R&R he’ll be ready for our Pikes Peak run on Wed. You aren’t chaining him to the bed again are you? The boy needs to get out and stretch his legs as postholing along the Charles just doesn’t cut it. Tell him I’ll buy him a high altitude donut at the summit house, ok?

      • 'P'enny says:

        I’m sorry Lilac, but Tom wanted to role reverse 50 Shades of Grey and thats why the ball-gag got left on too long and the safe word was no longer audible. I think he needs a rest from running, and next time he comes my way i will cover him in chocolate and ensure he gets plenty of long baths and TLC. In the meantime while he is the bath, David Tennant and I will be playing Doctor and Assistant in the time vortex.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Well, of course it was difficult to get him into clothing considering what she had clamped to him! No, he is not chained to anything. He’s cozy warm, drinking hot chocolate and watching Jungle Book and Peter Pan, wearing his Loki pjs and saying he never wants to go running again

      • icerose says:

        @Lilacflowers Tommy was relaxed and brimming with joy as I packed him off to the wedding. Our liaisons are non bondage related apart from the odd nipple and chest hair tweaking.. We share tactile exploration and music. I merely used my dress making skills to provide the ample space our boy requires when the morning suit required did not meet his demands.
        Rodney was on hand playing some Hank to bring out his morning smile.
        Never fear Tom is always safe in my gentle persuasive hands.
        @MteRunner When he left he was particularly looking forward to his early morning run despite the long hours he has been putting into his recent PR and wedding duties .The man has the energy of a cheetah and the grace of a gazelle. I envy you your runs.

      • MtnRunner says:

        In my defense, I wasn’t the one who put the big hurt on Tom. We are vigorous in our acts of affection, but that just serves to tire him out perhaps a little earlier than I’d like. Pain is not a sensation he experiences with me. He was in great spirits during our island adventure and since I don’t use ball gags (why silence that voice!?), riding crops or clamps for Heaven’s sake, I shouldn’t be lumped in with the other two ladies. Tom needs time in nature — which I have in abundance in my back yard — to recover from the weekend’s traumatic experiences (of which I played NO PART, remember). We can go for a walk if he’s not up for climbing 2,000 meters up America’s mountain. I’m flexible — figuratively and physically.

        Edit: icerose, I’m happy to hear you are not the sexual sadist that Lilac made you out to be. It’s nice to finally have a running partner who can keep up with me and go the distance, if ya know what I mean (wink wink).

      • Lilacflowers says:

        @icerose, that is NOT what he says

      • icerose says:

        @LilacFlowers I can only report back what he tells me but it may be that he the your knowledge and disapproval of our secret liaisons is producing some evasive behaviour.
        Your concerns are unfounded. I am a and always have been a free spirit with no need for any commitment and our liaisons merely fulfil Tom’s dragonfly desire to have moments when he can spread his wings and go beyond the restrictions of marriage. He likes his 60’s throw back moments but will always return back to your loving arms.
        He is a creative soul and fulfilling his needs can require more than one type of relationship to fulfil his desires and he does so love to share his joy and creativity across those who give him back their warmth and passion

      • 'P'enny says:


        I had to ‘silence the voice’ because the endless spouting of Shakespearean love sonnets were spoiling the mood for me. Not to mention the cheesy Valentine poetry, Rumi stuff and declarations of eternal love left me no choice. I admit I may have gone a bit too far, but he did tell me that the experience will be good research for his next film skull island where the natives will be tying him to a tree for days and whipping him senseless.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        @icerose, ahem. Please go back to earlier threads in which you yourself have described forcing him to LIFT objects with body parts that were not designed to lift objects.

      • MtnRunner says:

        P’enny, I agree, his loquaciousness can be distracting when other more sensory adventures are underway. When that happens, I silence him by covering that particular orifice in a manner that’s beneficial to me. Try that next time and he won’t be complaining to Lilac when he gets home. That is, if she ever lends him out again.

        Lilac, I’m still waiting for your answer regarding tomorrow. Remember, I was the good girl this past weekend. Make sure Tom isn’t confusing me with the other two.

    • icerose says:

      @LilacFlowers ??? Tom and his body parts are far to precious for me to have risked them with poor manual handling techniques. My expertise in lifting ,floatation and ergonomics is far to knowledgeable to put even one little chest hair at risk.
      The important thing however is too pool our many personal resources to insure our boy survives the onslaught of fame and awards without getting tangled in the web of Hollywood moguls

      • MtnRunner says:

        icerose, when Tom and I are together I do comment on the PR clusterf*** that his friend has made for himself in an effort to ensure our boy is paying attention and taking notes. I can’t really get a read on what he’s thinking however, since he is so respectful of his friend’s privacy and as you know, Tom’s default is praise, not snark.

  10. tara says:

    Gurrrrl, Tom Hiddleston has his arm around you and that’s the best face you can manage? Lol.

    Tom looks great here, David looks a bit tied. Still love him though

    (And I cant imagine anyone other than BC/s best friend, Adam, being the best man.)

    Back to Tom, when is High Rise coming out?

    • MtnRunner says:

      It premiers Sept 17 in Germany, so we should be getting a trailer soon, I think.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      No US distributor yet.

      • tara says:


        But a trailer would be alright. I’m very curious about this movie

        Can’t wait for Crimson Peak. Love Del Toro, Jessica and Tom, and ever since I read Charlie Hunnam’s favorite scent is his cat, he’s my new favorite guy. Haha.

  11. Cali says:

    I’m not a superfan of his, probably because I haven’t seen much else that he’s been in, but I do LOVE LOVE him as Loki.

  12. Ratherbeme says:

    Was the bad dye job in the trailer a distraction for anyone else? Either Del toro is slipping or it’s intentional. Half brown half black.

    • 'P'enny says:

      he was wearing a wig – tom’s hair through the shoot was Coriolanus redy/brown to his dirty blonde by the end.

    • Darya says:

      I was surprised his hair appeared as light as it did on-screen. The on-set photos made it appear quite dark, almost black. I’m glad Crimson Peak won’t look like Loki-goes-Victorian, he needs to get away from that look in his other projects.

  13. FW says:

    Hiddles didn’t win individual awards. It’s Coriolanus that won Best Play Revival and Best Lighting Design. while Hiddles was on stage collection the award, some of his body part was trying to steal the light, again…[i’ll run

    • Lilacflowers says:

      It can’t help it. It’s uncontrollable.

    • 'P'enny says:

      It wouldn’t surprise me if Hiddles broke the play down for Josie, and was more involved than just acting the part. But, he hasn’t really taken any credit for that, so I am just guessing.

      • Lilacflowers says:

        Josie seemed quite fine with letting him take the award and letting him do all the talking for it. But she probably still owes him for all the fangirl gushing with Emma Freud.

      • 'P'enny says:

        to right! and for not controlling the fangirl madness.

      • k says:

        @’P’enny – I’m not sure why she would have anything to do with that. Wouldn’t that be the job of Donmar’s security?

      • 'P'enny says:

        i was being bit jokey, but she is Director of theatre and could probably of clamped down on it. But, it’s not her fault all the way.

      • icerose says:

        I think Josie would have clamped down if the management team thought it had been necessary but I do think Tom probably contribute substantially to the production analysis which from reading the education al blurb wa probably developed through a group process..
        I think she was probably just happy to see him take the credit as his performance was crucial to the award and Tom I think would have been happy to show up just to support both theatre and the Donmar.

      • Isadora says:

        I think in the end having Tom collect the award gives the play (and the deserved acclaim) maximum exposure. I guess without Tom the Donmar wouldn’t have sold out all the time, who knows about NTL, it might not have won the voted whatsonstage-Award (because without NTL a lot less people would have seen it) and therefore it seems logical that the biggest draw of the play, which was undeniably Tom, collects the shiny crystal.

      • FW says:

        Tom collected best play revival and Josie collected best lighting design on behalf of Andersen(?). in the back stage interview, Josie was all fangirling and tom was being all adorkable…kinda cute I think

  14. Megan says:

    poor guy, can’t even walk next to a woman without people thinking girlfriend.

  15. 'P'enny says:

    I’m really impressed with the Tom H stuff this last week, it’s nice to get a spot of fantasy back in my life. We have the Nuffied gossip at weekend which will be shadowed by the Oscar stuff.

    Then, I assume he will go quiet till April 23rd and Avengers premiere in London [I hope] we may have a Hiddles and Olsen hug – a bit of pre-ISTL promo. I wonder if those two got on?? mmm poison chemistry or sexy chemistry? mmm we soon see if she avoid him on the red carpet.

    Then Cannes in May, if High Rise gets accepted.

    Gosh – High Rise release in June

    Am I going to get a life this year? I really do need to concentrate on real people. LOL. where is the fun in that.

    I am not going to get to Oct for Crimson Peak in a good mental state.

    I know one thing, if I see Bendy’s face before Christmas Sherlocky it will be too soon.

    • MtnRunner says:

      P’enny, April 23rd isn’t too far off. Tho’ since Loki is just a small part of that film, I’m only excited to see RDJ and Ultron.

      How couldn’t any woman avoid Tommyanna on the RC?? You know speculation will run rampant if both are thought to be unattached when ISTL promos start. Good lord.

    • icerose says:

      High Rise is being tooted as one of the key films at Cannes but it remains to be seen.

      I cannot go see Tom at the Nuffield but my daughter is going in locum and has promised to write it all down after the event. I have given her fir instructions re pre Q and A relaxation and she is more than willing to take on the responsibility in my absence,

      • MtnRunner says:

        I look forward to hearing your daughter’s report, icerose. Bummer you can’t go yourself.

        HR is the only upcoming film of Tom’s that I’m not particularly excited about. Maybe once I read the book or see a trailer, I will.

    • FW says:

      pretty sure Tom and Lizzie got on well on set of ISTL. Tom brought Lizzie to a Chinese foot massage place. Both of them had some very cute pictures with the owner of the place. I remember Lizzie’s ex is also a 6 ft 2 born in 1981 guy…just saying…

  16. TotallyBiased says:

    Couldn’t use the picture where Tom and ST are BOTH smiling? 😉
    It is interesting–everyone was treating Tom as a winner last night (including WOS and Josie Rourke) even though he lost Best Actor to David Tennant. His acceptance speech for Coriolanus’ Best Play (Revival) sounded from what bits I heard of (there’s no transcript or video) pretty personal. Not sure how I feel about that, except that as Josie seemed QUITE fine with it all I’m gathering she felt it was rather an award gained largely through his part as well (Dragonflies and Hiddlestoners did their best in the voting, I’m sure.)

    • 'P'enny says:

      I think he said he was accepting it on behalf of the whole crew… or something like that.

      But, like i mentioned above, i am strongly, in belief, that Hiddles is the one who broke down the Shakespearean play for a smaller and younger audience. He is so passionate about translating Shakespeare for a younger audience, that I feel that he used this Shakespearean project in tandem with Josie’s direction as a starter for other things. I don’t think Tom has the confidence of Ken Branagh and go all Henry V on big film at age 28 or whatever age it was. i think he has a more quiet confidence and test waters out of the limelight first. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tom produces his own Shakespearean stuff for theatre and film in his forties.

    • icerose says:

      I believed he thanked Hadley for his punches and sweet kisses and words to that effect. WOS awards are very fan based especially where best actor is concerned. In many ways best revival probably said more about how Coriolanus was received than who won best actor.
      II loved all three winning performances this year so it worked out pretty okay.
      @Penny I think you are right that Coriolanus may have been the start of more productive partnerships but having said that on the grand scale of Shakespearean expertise , as intelligent as passionate as he is Tom still has a long way to go.

  17. NavelLinty says:

    He’s not looking like an extra from The Walking Dead anymore. Good for him.

    Let’s face it, Hiddleston’s going-commando crotch was the biggest star of the Cumberbatch wedding. He was on the prowl for vulnerable wedding goers.

  18. browniecakes says:

    TH does look quite better. Wonder when his sister is getting married. I like Wedding Day Tom.

    Which is filming first, Skull Island or The Night Manager, anyone?

    • Darya says:

      @brownie, Night Manager will shoot first, this spring sometime. Skull Island is probably a ways off yet, the director looks like he’s still on an around-the-world scouting trip looking for “inspiration”, his Instagram feed is epic, at least four different continents since Christmas.

  19. Altariel says:

    Tom and David Tennant together is just epic…so much beauty in one place <3

    • 'P'enny says:

      i’ve long for a picture of both of them together. I think they could brothers. They both have great eyebrow facial expression acting. Its hard to believe there is a ten year age gap between them. Both actors can go from looking a tired wreck to handsome stunner in 24hrs. 🙂

      So happy that David won – he has lost out a lot to Benedict as the TV star and i am glad he is fighting back again. I need to watch Casanova right now.

    • icerose says:

      they did look good together -and yes to David Tennant getting some TV attention back.

  20. 'P'enny says:

    LMAO Daily Mail are now trying to say that Tom Hiddleston was Benedict’s best man. Give it up DM. why can’t this paper except that an every-day job guy is most likely his best man. Seriously, i doubt Tom was his best man.

    • Allegra says:

      I don’t know what diference will make if Tom was or was not BC’ s best man. Maybe Daily Mail was trying to get more details about the wedding.

      At least Tom stay classy and refuse to make comment:

      “Actor Tom Hiddleston refused to comment on what the day was like when he was asked about it at the What’s On Stage Awards in London.
      Asked if he had fun, he said he could not talk about it as it was a “private occasion”.

      • MtnRunner says:

        Tom’s so good at keeping things in the vault. One of his great strengths, even if it fails to satisfy our curiosity at times.

      • Allegra says:

        You’re right. I think he learned a few things over the last two years. Be discreet and avoid talking about his personal life was certainly one of those things. Although the fans, myself included, miss the “old” Tom.
        I do not want to be mean, but judging from the face of the newlyweds, this marriage will require so much effort from both parties.

      • MtnRunner says:

        Allegra, I’ve never seen an instance of foot-in-mouth syndrome with Tom. He comes across to me as friendly but guarded — that he only lets people see just what he wants them to see. He seems to play his cards close to his chest when it comes to revealing anything too personal or anything that would appear too vulnerable. I’ve known plenty of outgoing and charming people who keep a lot of their real selves hidden, because they have difficulty trusting others.

        (I do understand the necessity of a public persona when one is a public figure, so I’m not referring to that. I think we see just a small bit of Tom’s real personality, which can make him look two-dimensional at best, when that reality is much more complex and unpredictable, I’m sure.)

        I thought he was too interactive with fans online and too accommodating with them in person (like picking them up or letting them jump on his back for pictures), but he seems to have changed his ways in regards with online behavior. I suspect he’ll be setting better physical boundaries with fans going forward too now that he’s been dealing with some of the cray cray over the past few years.

      • TotallyBiased says:

        Nicely said, Mr. H, nicely said. Hard to twist that (though some will try.)

      • icerose says:

        My experience is very charming men often have a lots of calls on their attention so they hold a little back in reserve for that special relationship.

  21. Josa says:

    He looks like he can fall asleep right there in the first pic with David. lol.
    Glad he got to party hard a little before getting back to work.

    • Allegra says:

      i think he did not stay long there because a fan said she missed the chance to meet Tom and David.
      Here a new pic with Tom and Faisal yesterday. From @Ibsan Siddiq:
      At the #whatsonstageawards on Sunday, #TomHiddleston had to rush off & apologised to waiting fans for not stopping.

      • Josa says:

        Thanks Allegra. This is a better pic of him, he looks more fresh when apologizing :p. I said on the other thread yesterday, he looks really tired on all those WOS pics. Reading this guy’s tweet, Tom didn’t walk the red carpet but rather got in thru side-entrance, and left the event before it’s finished. It’s good of him to show up eventhough he’s beat.

  22. Allegra says:


    Good news!
    From @neilhrosser
    Starting the audiobook of Ballard’s High Rise tomorrow with @twhiddleston as reader…

  23. Abby_J says:

    David Tennant and Tom Hiddleston in the same picture? OMG. The only thing that could make this more amazing would be if they were in the TARDIS.

    I think I just died a little.

    • Altariel says:

      Oh if that ever happened, I’d be a stowaway so fast …. Just the thought of what would go on in there is too much to bear, lol

      • Abby_J says:

        We would have to be co-compainions on that trip, Altariel. That would be AMAZING.

      • Altariel says:

        Heck ya, Abby! And it will be quite a trip… so good to have a companion who knows the truth, bc no one else would believe our stories, lol 😉

      • Abby_J says:

        You know it. We might want to keep the stories to ourselves anyway, for security and all. Hahaha!

  24. Camil says:

    Poor Tom, he looks really tired and this is just the beginning of another intense year full of work and duties. That sounds great xD.

  25. AppleOne says:

    Every award, no matter how big or small this man receives he is treating like it’s a Nobel Prize 🙂 Kind of cute but funny.

    • jammypants says:

      He’s so extra, but it’s endearing because he’s so sweet.

    • Josa says:

      He appreciates the recognition ppl show him, values those recognitions equally regardless of the status of ppl who grant him that recognition.

    • Allegra says:

      Yes, stay humble and treat people with kind and respect.
      I just got this from twiiter:

      from UKLoki/status/567811892174131200

      • TotallyBiased says:

        I saw that! On Tumblr, the OP added a little more info to it, saying that he could get free tickets but he queued for a ticket he’d have to pay for–wonder if it was just a matter of getting better seats, or if he wanted to support the theatre that way. Of course, all assuming the anecdote is true. But I like to think so 🙂

      • Josa says:

        The show is sold out so he probably wasn’t concern of financially supporting it. I’ll guess he didn’t want to pull that “I’m famous and I demand special treatment” card, because a free ticket to him and one less person in the “return queue” gets to buy it. So it’s only fair that he queued too. Nice of him if this story is true.

      • TotallyBiased says:

        Josa–the show is sold out? Do you know what show it was/is? #JustCuriousCat 🙂

      • Josa says:

        @TB. I don’t know which show. Since he’s queuing up for Return tickets, which means there isn’t any other kind of tickets he can buy, hence I guess it’s sold out.

      • TotallyBiased says:

        Now you’re just using your noggin, and that’s cheating. 🙂 Although we do sometimes queue for returns when it is the only way to get better seats.

      • Josa says:

        @TB. You probably know better than me, because I live in middle of nowhere America where absolutely no one will queue for theater tickets, so that’s where I based my assumption on. But you are probably right if that’s what Londoners normally do.

      • Isadora says:

        Nobody knows for sure as the twitter person didn’t say but from her hints it was probably the play The Hard Problem at the National Theatre.

  26. Allegra says:


    Are you going to be on Q&A this sunday with Tom?
    I saw this tweet and hope that they let fans to take pics and record some videos, despite recommendations that organizers made previously.
    From ‏@MrSamHodges :
    I believe I’m interviewing a certain @twhiddleston this coming Sunday. I’m sure my Thor-like physique will stand me in good stead.

    • MtnRunner says:

      She commented above (#15) that her daughter will be going and taking notes.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      If they have said “no video” than nobody should try video-taping. It is disrespectful, not to mention pirating. When people won’t follow the rules, it discourages artists from sharing and doing such things. Anyone who tries should be removed from the theater.

      Sorry, but I attend lots of theater Q&As. They’re fascinating and more artists should feel free to participate but they won’t if people won’t follow the basic rules. He’s doing this for Nuffield Theatre and the terms of their agreement should be honored, no matter how much we would love to see it.

    • icerose says:

      sadly stuff has come up that takes precedent over Tom but needs must.
      The blurb says no taping or picture during the event so one would hope that people comply. So no she will not be taping l but if there is a signing session afterwards she is taking something to get signed for me
      My daughter has a power house memory and will write it all down back at the hotel. She knows how gutted I am at not being able to go and it was the best compromise we could come up with. Lucky girl got my Tom tickets and the theatre tickets I have for JAMES McAvoy in the Ruling Class and the reviews have been great.

  27. Allegra says:

    From @georgehoteliow
    It was a pleasure @twhiddleston, hope you enjoyed you visit to #isleofwight

    Can someome please tell me what Tom wrote there ?

  28. TotallyBiased says:

    Sooo. Have we already discussed that whole we are waiting impatiently for HighRise (well, some of us) the movie, Tom is evidently starting work tomorrow on HighRise the audio book? Yeah, so this is a thing. A really good thing, IMO.

  29. ellesbelles says:

    hello all, just checking in right quick, as I dont come around much anymore. The cloud was recently updated with the tongue twister challenge that Tom did, and the long version of the flaunt magazine video.

    I’m on tumblr if anyones sending out a search party xox

  30. Allegra says:

    Today someone spoted Tom on the tube:

    He is kind cute with glasses!

    • TotallyBiased says:

      He is! But as much as my inner fan girl loves to see this, I do kinda wish people wouldn’t do that (sneak pics.) Having said that, I think it is unavoidable when you combine the modern propensity for snapping a phone pic anywhere, anytime with the easy access of ‘publicly-known person’ on the tube.
      Having said THAT–can you even imagine BC taking the tube anywhere ever again??? 😉

      • Darya says:

        @Totally, I’m torn as well when I see those kind of photos. I love seeing them, but they do give me pause after I get over the initial excitement. Do I think it’s some sort of criminal invasion of privacy? Not really, but that doesn’t mean I would do it. I’d like to say I wouldn’t sneak a pic if I ran across a celeb in a public spot, but I might lose myself in the moment and go for it. Hopefully by the time I went to hit post or submit I would have come to my senses and thought better of it.

        This one is pretty harmless all things considered, but there’s a fine line. I stumbled across a twitter photo of Benedict Cumberbatch in a hair salon in the midst of having his hair done – that one creeped me out to no end and got me thinking about just where the line should be drawn. It’s an interesting question we should all think about. The famous and non-famous alike are increasingly finding it difficult to go through life without being caught on someone’s camera phone.

      • TotallyBiased says:

        oops! Wrong place.

    • MtnRunner says:

      I felt sad for him when I saw it. Not just because of citizen paps taking sneaky pics but because he’s always spotted alone. I sure hope he’s got someone special that’s well hidden; he looked so lonely to me.

      Gah, I feel like a friggin’ Tommy Mommy. I’m probably just projecting how I’d feel. Being a celeb looks so isolating to me.

      • TotallyBiased says:

        Yeah–I’m projecting right there with you.

      • Darya says:

        Sigh – me too. The moment that struck me was the win at the ES Awards. I know I shouldn’t feel sorry for him (and I don’t really), but it struck me that he had been working so hard, had traveled so far, not really expecting to win, and there was no one there to share that moment when he did win – Luke doesn’t count, he’s on the payroll. Hopefully, after partying with all his friends and colleagues, there was someone waiting at home to continue the celebration that didn’t care whether he actually had won or not.

      • MtnRunner says:

        We know that periodic pap photos of him out alone can be a gross distortion of reality — we only see a tiny part of the whole. I just hope that reality for him is better than these photos indicate.

        And with that, I’m tuning in to BBC Radio 3 on my TuneIn Radio app for Tom’s Words & Music. (The huz, hearing the music asked if I was on hold!) Looking forward to watching the Oscars tonight and seeing my favorites take home their awards.

        (And hoping the curtain closes on the BC/SH show this eve finally. The latest staged pap photos were OTT, even for them.)

      • Darya says:

        @Mtn – I was so happy to find I could listen to it here in the states (no app required). BBC can be stingy with allowing some of their programs outside the UK. Damn, I love that liquid chocolate voice.

        Watching the whole BC/SH saga unfold has taught me one thing, you can’t claim to know anyone’s life (celeb or no) by the brief glimpses you might see from the outside. It’s like trying to see the full picture of a 5,000 piece jigsaw puzzle only having a handful of pieces to work with. It can’t be done.

      • MtnRunner says:

        Darya, it was a lovely program wasn’t it? It’s awesome that we can enjoy a London radio program here in snowed-in Colorado. My kids (4 & 7) have seen the Comic Con, TDW kid promos and Cookie Monster videos and recognized his voice even. It was a nice way to spend a Sunday morning.

      • TotallyBiased says:

        BBC Media Player is a blessing for all Android phones, anywhere. But I really appreciate that BBC Radio doesn’t get all region-.
        limited, so we can enjoy it here. I missed Tom reading Wodehouse, but fortunately the show segment will be up for 30 days so I can listen again later and catch it this time.

  31. Darya says:

    Ugh, I’m sorry but I gotta gripe a sec. Searching the Nuffield tag on Instagram, you know, for science and stuff. Not much there, except two women posting a cheeky photo of them both dressed in their Loki dresses claiming they were off to make some mischief. I don’t understand people sometimes. A) Nuffield is NOT ComicCon B) Aside from Halloween, anyone over the age of 10 should NOT be in costume and C) Publicly bragging about it – even in jest – makes my teeth hurt. WTF. This is why we can’t have nice stuff.

    OK, rant over. I’m off to enjoy the sunny weather. While most of the rest of the country is reenacting a scene from north of the wall in Game of Thrones, Seattle is sunny and mid to high 50’s. It would just be wasteful not to take advantage.

    • MtnRunner says:

      I concur, Darya. It’s cringey and gives me secondhand embarrassment for them. Loki fun, but isn’t in my top 5 favorites of TH roles. Why it gets so much obsession online is beyond me. His Shakespeare and independent work is more interesting.

      I hope we’ll get a transcript of the Q & A tonight, it’s been so long since he’s given a decent interview or spoken at length about his goings on of late.

    • Allegra says:


      Here is a small vídeo with Tom. It is not a good one because was dark and was raining, but you can listen Tom’s voice at end of the vídeo:

    • TotallyBiased says:

      Okay, I get the cringeyness for people, but they’re really going to town over those two over at nw3’s tumblr as well. I just don’t get what the big deal is about ‘appropriate attire’–I learned today that the the dresses are part of a comic-book inspired collection, and I think that’s kind of cool. Considering some of the t-shirts guys get away with wearing, why can’t chicks wear a Marvel-inspired dress (the line is called Her Universe. I don’t actually like any of them myself, but hey, personal taste, man.)
      They aren’t in Loki costume, they aren’t even wearing the horned hoodies so popular that they sell them at Hot Topic. They aren’t wearing t-shirts with Tom’s face so big that his eyes align with their “headlights”.
      Again, I don’t think much of the look. But the appropriate attire comments make me wonder where people draw the line on telling other people how they should look.

    • TotallyBiased says:

      Oh, the dress line is called Her Universe. Finally, since the audience part of the house is dark, it isn’t like Tom (or the rest of the audience) is even really going to see them.
      I see no harm in letting people have a little bit of fun with their clothes. Everyone has a different sense of humour, and it’s not like they showed up to David’s Richard II in a three d Dalek dress with a plunger.

    • MtnRunner says:

      I stay blissfully ignorant of the Tumblr chatter… While I didn’t think it was appropriate for the occasion, it wasn’t Comic Con levels of costuming. Certainly not worth shaming them for.

      I’m fully immersed in Oscar mode now… TV on for RC arrivals and Twitter #Oscars2015 feed going strong. And Celebitchy, of course. Multitasking at its best.

  32. TotallyBiased says:

    So, Tom–I hope you took notes:
    What a BAD Hardcore Oscar Campaign looks like==Cumby
    What a GOOD Hardcore Oscar Campaign looks like==Eddie R.
    Sorry, BC–Eddie had tortured English genius period piece AND physical transformation tropes going for him.
    Still surprised me–guess that means Birdman for Best Picture?

    • MtnRunner says:

      Yeah TB, I admit I was surprised that Keaton didn’t get it, tho’ Eddie put in an Oscarworthy performance for what was a more difficult role. Since Boyhood was taking the critics awards and Birdman was taking the ones voted by industry folks, I wasn’t surprised to see Birdman win the Oscar. I loved both films for different reasons and was thrilled to see Grand Budapest win as many crafts awards as it did.

      If our boy Tom gets to do some campaigning of his own next year, I’m hopeful that he’ll do it with integrity, class and humility like Eddie did. Or perhaps, I’ll brace myself for disappointment and be happy if he doesn’t act like a disingenuous famewhore.

      Do you find yourself wondering how different Ben’s campaign would have looked without the unexpected pregnancy and shotgun engagement? Those two events seemed to set in motion all the WTFery that followed with the PR shenanigans (bigging up her CV, RC weirdness, bizarre interview quotes and staged pap photos). I hope Tom’s intense privacy with his personal life (and contraceptive strategy) would keep him from going about his campaign the same way.

      • TotallyBiased says:

        TBH, I don’t think BC was ever in serious running for the Oscar. But I do wonder if, had his PR train not gone so dramatically off the rails, he would have been enough of a presence to split the vote with Eddie. Thus giving Keaton the win. As it was, I think the stuff going on made it easier for Oscar voters to rather dismiss him from their (voting) minds early–they look for an excuse to pare down the race!

      • TotallyBiased says:

        You gave me a bit of a giggle with that comment about ‘contraceptive strategy’, by the way!
        I don’t know–I can see the reappearance of PuddleTom the Marshwiggle, I just don’t think it likely. Look at the “WhatsOnStage” hosts–everybody loves him! So I think there were some insecurities there that may be settling down, now that he’s getting better, steadier work after the production deaths of Black Wings and Close Enough. He’s established himself as a presence outside of Loki, and there’s light at the end of the Marvel Tunnel 😉

      • MtnRunner says:

        Eddie did such a great job of masking his ambition to win under a blanket of humble gratitude for his good fortune, praise of others and impeccable manners. He kept his schedule clear so he could focus on the campaign and it paid off. I think you’re right, that Tom could pull off the same thing. Let’s hope so. I can’t bear another fav actor turning into a douche at awards season.

  33. Crocuta says:

    I’m late to the party but I have to say that I really like Hiddleston’s tie. Is it knitted? Looks knitted.

  34. MtnRunner says:

    icerose, oh icerose… barring a new TH post, we’ll be waiting for your daughter’s Nuffield report here. 🙂

    • TotallyBiased says:

      Oh, right! I’d forgotten–want to hear what details she has. What I’ve read about it so far makes it sound like a mostly great evening with a few bumps (such as the hall being overly warm, and a few rude audience members.)

  35. MtnRunner says:

    I found her on the Bendy thread and she said it’s coming… Rodney impersonations and everything.

  36. icerose says:

    An Evening with Tom Hiddleston
    Sam starts by asking Tom about his experiences of all the different theatres he has performed in. Tom says he was lucky enough to have performed in theatres across the world in his 2 6 month stints with Cheek by Jowl. He mentions one that he found very memorable which was the Brooklyn Academy of Music. He says the best venues are those which can contain the epic while feeling intimate. Sam suggests the Globe and Tom says he has never performed there, but would be open to the possibility. He does mention though that he thinks there can be a tendency in such a big venue for actors to make their gestures too large and “the truth goes out the window.”
    Sam asks if Tom considers British theatre to be thriving at the moment. Tom says it is hard for him to judge, but certainly all the shows he goes to see are usually full. He acknowledges that you do hear about shows closing early but suggests that sometimes this may be due to the quality of the show. He mentions an anecdote about a journalist (I think, can’t remember name) who says that every spring there is a piece in the paper about how British theatre is at its best, then every autumn there is a piece in the same paper about how it is dying. He suggests that maybe the theatre scene is thriving more in London than anywhere else. He asks Sam’s opinion as creative director of the theatre and he agrees that it is thriving more in London.
    Sam talks about Tom working with Ken Branagh and whether he thinks there were more opportunities available to young actors in Branagh’s time than there are now. Tom says he was very lucky to have been studying at a time when he was able to get tuition fees of £1100 a year at both University and at Rada, whereas now fees for Rada are £10,000 a year. He says that in Branagh’s day Royal Shakespeare Company and repertory theatre were fairly staples for people leaving acting school and that is less common now. Now people have to come out of acting school and start running straight away to stand a chance. Tom says that his time with Cheek by Jowl was very important and it really refined his skills as an actor. Sam asks whether he considers the time with Cheek by Jowl more important than his time at Rada. Tom says it’s hard to quantify what he learned at Rada but talks about his experience there. They spent the first year finding out what everyone in the class’s strengths were ie. the singers, the natural comedians, the intellectuals. Then they spent the second year making everyone work on the aspects that they were not so good at. He mentions how he came to Rada from an academic background and had to learn very differently at Rada. He was given a mentor who was an Irish student who met him for a drink before he started classes. The mentor told him (in Tom’s best Irish accent) “Put your brains to one side, now it comes from your balls!”
    Sam asks Tom’s opinion about the equality of access issue. Tom explains to those in the audience who do not know about the Chris Bryant/James Blunt exchange. Tom does not deny there may be an issue but says he believes there are other professions where this is an even bigger issue, such as Law, Finance, Medicine. He says that in his experience actors are the most egalitarian, meritocratic group of people. In Rada they were always striving to get as much talent as possible from all backgrounds and there were several people in his class on full scholarships. Sam suggests that part of the problem is reaching everyone to let them know these opportunities are available. Tom agrees and says that he thinks it’s very important that everybody’s stories are told. He says one of the experiences that encouraged him to be an actor was when he went to the theatre at 14. Before the show everyone was chatting about their lives and viewing it as a social occasion. By the end of the show the whole audience was crying, and he realised then about the ability theatre has to connect everybody to the same experience.

  37. icerose says:

    Sam asks whether theatre needs to be constantly evolving to keep up with the competition nowadays from TV, movies, social media etc. Tom says he does not believe that theatre should compete with TV/movies; they should be viewed as something very different. He believes that theatre should be constantly evolving and it has the flexibility to do that. He talks about the recent show Privacy, and the upcoming show The Vote by the same director as good examples of original concepts in that they rely strongly on audience participation. He also mentions warhorse as a great example of original theatre work in the way the use the puppets.
    Sam mentions all the adaptations that are being made lately (in movies and theatre) and asks whether Tom thinks that is laziness on the part of the writers. Tom agrees that it can be. But he talks about Spielberg going to see Warhorse at the theatre and being so moved by it that he wanted to make the movie so that more people could see the story. He suggests that maybe the theatre version worked slightly better because people were more able to empathise with the puppet horse because it was designed and controlled by humans, than they did with a real life horse.
    Sam asks what Tom looks for when choosing a role. Tom says it can be different things but that with the role of Captain Philips in Warhorse it was the goodness of the character that appealed to him. He said particularly after playing Loki it was a nice way to cleanse himself by playing a character that was so good. He talks about playing Loki and a conversation he had with Anthony Hopkins (cue welsh accent) when Anthony says that Loki is a very dark character, and people seem drawn to darkness. He says that of all the roles he has played when people stop him on the street they only want to ask about one man (Hannibal Lector). Tom says that maybe there is an appeal to roles where you get to explore the darkness. Sam asks if it is always just about the role or if it can be about the script as a whole, or whether the project has a particular context that means it should be made at this time. Tom says this was partly the case with Highrise, which is about a technology obsessed society which goes wrong. The book is set in the future but the film will be set in the 70s. However he things that people should relate to the story. He hopes people will watch it and think “we don’t wear flares any more – what a shame” but otherwise it’s not that different. He says when choosing a role there is a sort of equation he uses where he takes on board how much time he will have to commit to the role. This is important because he needs to know what he is committing to so he is able to give 100% to the role.
    Sam picks up on this and says he is known for his work ethic. Sam mentions his own experience where Tom was doing a Tennessee reading for him as part of a show. They had one rehearsal which Sam thought would be fine, but then Tom kept calling him throughout the week to discuss ideas for it. And when he did it he turned up in full costume. Sam also reads out a quote from Rodney Crowell praising Tom’s work ethic. Sam asks where Tom’s drive comes from. Tom says he never wants to look back at a performance and know he could have tried harder. He also talks about Hank Williams and how much his music means to people and how he doesn’t want to let them down. He says he understands how important music can be to people as it is important to him. He has very strong memories of driving in the car with his dad when he was 5 listening to Simon and Garfunkel. He then talks about the experience of working with Rodney Crowell. He does lots of impressions of Crowell which all start “Tommy boy…” in his American drawl. Sam asks him about the festival he sang at. He explains that he went along as Crowell said it would be good experience of what it was like to tour with the band. Then Crowell suggested he sing to get a feel for what it’s like to perform. He says he can understand after that why rock stars try and stay rock stars forever. Afterwards Crowell came up to him and said “Baptism by Fire.”

    • MtnRunner says:

      Thanks for this, icerose. Your daughter did a wonderful job of taking notes and recollecting the evening. Please thank her for us!

      His mention of Wheatland and Crowell whets my appetite for more ISTL stories when he starts promos for it. I’m keen to hear his impressions of the culture and people of the South. It also makes me want him to get back on stage too.

    • Josa says:

      Thanks Icerose, for the notes, and thanks to your daughter for taking them.

    • Allegra says:


      Thank you!
      Hope that your daughter had fun!

    • Gingerly says:

      @ icerose,
      your daughter has a truly wonderful memory. What a girl!

      Thank you for typing all these stories. I really enjoyed reading this report.

      I found Tom’s opinion about the equality of access quite interesting as he does not comment on class questions much even though he has been a target for posh-bashing (actually I like him for being cautious about the issue. It’s much better than being hysterically defensive or much worse, angry). Not being a Brit, I am in no position to judge fairly, but I think the inequality of access could matter much more in other professions as Tom said if UK is not so different from other parts of the world. Loved the story about the Kingdom of Earth (Tennessee Willams) and Rodney’s “Baptism by Fire.”

      Anyway, thank you again.

      • jammypants says:

        I agree. Posh actors being the target of the bashing and under representation of all classes in the arts is very misguided. It’s also very uninformed and unintelligent to attack actors, but they have public faces and drama schools and people who dictate fees don’t. The media, of course, encourage that type of mindset as well. The pressure should instead be directed at the very schools and government who do a poor job at creating diversity.

    • jammypants says:

      Thanks for the write-up Ice!

  38. icerose says:

    part 2 nuffield
    Sam asks about the different experiences and directing styles of working on films such as Archipelago compared to green screen work on Thor. Tom explains about the scene where Loki falls down the hole, which could not be shot in person. Instead they had 160 cameras which filmed him doing a huge range of different expressions, and then they would superimpose some of those shots onto his falling body. This was compared to the kitchen scene in Archipelago where there were 2 cameras on him and every aspect of the scene was made as real as possible eg. there really was spaghetti boiling on the hob. Sam asks whether he considers the former to be better acting as he had to imagine more of what was happening. Tom says possibly though in both cases it was still acting, which he defines as showing the truth in an imaginary situation. This moves on to a discussion about method acting versus non-method acting and what Tom’s thoughts are. Tom tells the story of Lawrence Olivier and Dustin Hoffman in Marathon Man where Hoffman has a scene where he needs to appear breathless so he runs around the block to make himself breathless. Oliver says to him “have you ever tired acting dear boy?” Tom says he respects whichever method gets good results, and lists Daniel Day Lewis as one of his personal inspirations. However he does not think that the method acting style works for him. He says he finds it useful to be able to come out of character between sets and discuss his performance with the director. He says in his role as Hank Williams he would have found this hard to do in character as Hank was not necessarily articulate enough. But he did find it useful sometimes to keep the accent between take.
    Sam asks about the directing style and rehearsal methods in Coriolanus. Tom says they spent a large part at the start of rehearsals just making sure that everyone understood exactly what happens in the play, and would often use props to map out where everyone should be in the battle scenes. He also says they developed the concept of what time period they would set the play in as they went along. The original idea was to set it in present day, and the graffiti wall at the back of the set was meant to be a sort of Roman twitter. However it was Tom’s suggestion that it should contain sword fighting rather than guns as he thought this style of fighting represented the character better.
    At this point a lady in the front row starts coughing and Tom offers her one of his bottles of water. She declines (crazy woman!)
    Sam talks about the Coriolanus and how he is a soldier who gets propelled into politics and therefore fame, and whether Tom can see any similarities with his own life, and about how he manages his public and private life balance. Tom recognises this similarity and can see Coriolanus as someone who is just doing his job and doesn’t want or deserve the attention, and that sometimes as an actor he feels the same way, he’s just doing a job.He said he recognised the need to compromise. He talks about managing his work/life balances by always being realistic about how much time he will have to devote to a role, and making sure he schedules in time to be with the family so that it doesn’t get away from him.

    • MtnRunner says:

      After reading this I just have to say that every time he talks about working on ISTL I get giant sized butterflies in my belly. I am so anxious to see this movie and hope that all of Tom’s talent and hard work pays off with this one. I have no doubt he will nail the role, it’s the director that’s the wild card. I’ll get pentecostal here if he fails to tell Hank’s honest and heartbreaking story. If he “TIGs it up” I will seriously LOSE.MY.SHIT.

      I’m under the impression that playing Hank really got under his skin — in a good way. He mentioned something at one of the recent events that sounded like he hadn’t cleansed himself of Hank quite yet. Makes me wonder if not only the role, but his time in the South and with Rodney left an indelible mark on him.

      • TotallyBiased says:

        MtnRunner–I’ve thought that as well. Sam Hodges was evidently the guy Tom did that Kingdom of Earth reading for, and I got the impression Tom really got into the Tennessee Williams. Now he’s been extensively exposed to another great iconic Southern artist, as well as to a modern master in his own way, Rodney Crowell. Given how Tom has described in the past ‘soaking it all up’ and ‘filling his well’, I suspect it will be a long time before IStL really leaves him. If ever.

  39. icerose says:

    Sam asks about the He for She campaign which Tom has put himself behind, and what female influences he had. Tom explains about Emma Watson’s speech at the UN and how it is about men and women being whatever they want to be and not being defined by gender, which is something he agrees with. He says that his mother and sisters were all very strong role models for him growing up, and that he finds it hard to understand how people can’t believe in this campaign.
    At this point it is opened up to members of the audience to ask questions. The first person asks him if he will do any autograph signing after the show. This is met with a lot of groans from the audience as he is wasting valuable time with pointless questions. People here clearly have a lot of respect for Tom! Sam explains that Tom is too busy and asks people for sensible questions.
    He is asked whether there are any female roles that that he would like to play. He says he thinks there should be more females playing male roles before he starts taking female parts.
    Another person asks him if he prefers roles that are closer or further from himself. He says that he considers all his roles to be himself, just seen through a filter. Captain Philips has his goodness, Loki has his playfulness etc. But he does say that when playing Hank the one thing he couldn’t identify with was the alcoholism. He realised when playing that role that it is something that could never affect him because he loves life too much.
    Sam finishes by asking about future roles Tom is working on. He talks about the Night Manage which he says is a really good action-packed thriller of the kind only Le Carre can write. He says it is unlike anything he has done before which is why he jumped at the opportunity. He also mentions the new Skull Island movie. Sam asks if this will be more green screen filming. Tom says he will have to see but the director has said they want it be as real as possible and he intends to have them trooping through the jungle. Although he is fairly sure there won’t be a real King Kong! He says that he cannot say much about it, but that this is going to be different from any other King Kong movie there has been.
    And this is pretty much where they sum it up.

  40. **sighs** says:

    Wow, Icerose. You and your daughter are aces!

  41. InvaderTak says:

    Thanks for all that Icerose! wonderful!
    I am really reeeeally hoping that ISTL is good. I’m going in with reasonable expectations, and I’m really hoping that his time spent with Rodney in Nashville was worthwhile for him. As a Southerner, the whole thing makes me nervous still. The expectations are going to be high, and very different than he might be expecting. I hope it does well and is genuinely a good representation. He already has the moronic pig that is Hank III on his case. (And I do not call him that lightly. He and his music represent everything that is ugly about the South) I hope they can keep him and his father away but I don’t see how they can. I also hope the Top 40 morons stay away if the movie is a hit. They’re a different kind of misrepresentation and embarrassment. We shall see though.
    Hopefully he gets to a place where his fans are more interested in his work than in anything else. It was encouraging that there were groans when the fangirl asked a dumb question and the moderator told her to kiss off.

    • MtnRunner says:

      Invader, I hadn’t heard any negativity from Hank Jr, only Hank III, who is a known grouch and moron. I don’t think he has much influence over country music fans. Herbert said “Living well is the best revenge” and I think “portraying well is the best answer” that Tom can give to anyone who thinks a posh Brit can’t embody a hillbilly. I just hope that if Marc doesn’t produce a film that garners widespread praise, that Tom’s performance will stand out and be recognized nonetheless.

      Re: the moron asking for autograph — Seems that there’s always a few that can’t respect the clear boundaries that have been set. Perhaps TH’s team should just stipulate that questions be submitted prior and vetted, rather than opening it up to the audience to ask them. Seems to me it would keep him from an uncomfortable exchange and keep the evening flowing nicely.

  42. TotallyBiased says:

    InvaderTak–Hank II benefits financially from this movie, that’s probably a big part of why only one family member has come out against it. The one who *isn’t* getting a cut, and (from what I read) thought it should have been him.
    Oh, also–interestingly–that first person who asked for an autograph was evidently a GUY!!!

  43. Allegra says:


    A brand-new children’s film adaptation of Shakespeare’s Henry V, starring a cast of 8 to 10 year-olds from Northumberland and featuring narration by award-winning actor, Tom Hiddleston, is to make its world premiere in primary schools throughout the UK during Shakespeare Week (16-22 March 2015).

    There is also a small cute video.

    • MtnRunner says:

      This is awesome. I love Digital Theatre, it’s been a lifesaver since I don’t get good theater where I live. I didn’t know that they had resources for kids. Tom’s so passionate about bringing Shakespeare to the masses, it makes sense he’d be involved in something like this. I hope they make it available to the rest of us that want to expose our kids to great works of art. I had NO exposure to Shakespeare in my childhood (thanks to being sheltered in a strict religious environment) and have had to play catch up as an adult. My kids won’t suffer the same fate in their classical school. The other day, my 7YO was painting and said he wanted to make a Van Gogh — made his mama so happy!

  44. Allegra says:

    A fan met Tom at airport yesterday.

  45. TotallyBiased says:

    Awww. It’s Friday and (I’m in Love) I was really hoping for a Hiddles post. So much has been going on, with the Nuffield Q & A, Enpire Mag High-Rise article (we have a release date–well, time anyway), BBC3 show and now the adorable and cool Digital Theatre Henry V event.

    • MtnRunner says:

      I guess it wasn’t deemed clickworthy, TB.

      Can’t say I’m excited about High Rise, even after that Empire mag article. Haven’t read the book, but sounds pretty depressing to me from what ladies here said about it. Then again, none of the movies he’s starring in this year will be a feel-good movie. At least we have the Avengers cameo, right?

      Just picked up a cheap copy of TNM. Looking forward to immersing myself in that for the next few weeks.

      • Darya says:

        I’ve just started TNM. I was on the fence about reading it ahead of time, there’s something about Le Carre’s writing style that gets on my nerves to be honest. I’ve always enjoyed his stories on-screen, but since that won’t happen for the TNM for at least a year I surrendered and bought the book.

        On the other hand, I loved Ballard’s prose but couldn’t get on board with the premise of High Rise. Like you, still not sure I’ll see the movie, maybe on DVD.

  46. TotallyBiased says:

    Um, I’m just going to leave this box of black crepe armbands with IDIC medallion pins in the corner for anyone who wants one. Sorry, the top couple are probably a bit tear-stained.
    “I am…and have always been…your friend.”

  47. Allegra says:

    New interview with Kenneth Branagh. He talks about Casting His Princess, Working With Marvel.

    • Allegra says:

      Or read the thel transcript here: