Kristen Bell loved her epidural: ‘I thought what else could we get done down there?’

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Kristen Bell was on Ellen yesterday, just seven weeks after the birth of her second child, daughter Delta. (You can watch clips from her interview on YouTube.) Kristen and her husband, Dax Shepard, also have a 23 month old daughter, Lincoln, at home. On Ellen, Kristen quipped that the interview was a vacation for her, since “everyone here speaks in full sentences, and no one’s asked me to wipe their buns.” She then told an animated story about how awesome she felt when she had an epidural for Delta’s birth. Kristen had an emergency c-section, and the way she tells it, it all went a little too smoothly.

On her epidural
Aas someone who has never experimented with drugs, I really enjoyed it. It was kind of a wonderful experience for me. While they were doing it, I actually thought, ‘What else could we get done down there? Maybe lengthen the shins? I’ve always wanted to be like 5’7″. Just anything to keep the epidural flowing

She was jonesing for more drugs
I’m sitting in my hospital bed and I say to Dax, ‘Well, I think the epidural has finally worn off,’ And he looks over and I am scratching holes in my face like a meth addict, and I’m like, ‘I think it might be time to re-up. I don’t know, um, it’s definitely worn off.’

On if she’s going to have more kids
No. No, no. We don’t want to be outnumbered,. Until, I suppose, I accidentally get pregnant and my third child watches this clip and realizes that he was an accident. Sorry, honey. No, but we’re gonna cap it at two.

How Dax feels about having two daughters
He likes to say he never thought he’d be surrounded by so many women and not having this much sex

[From Ellen via US Magazine]

From what I know, itching is very common when drugs wear off after surgery. I itched terribly after I had my appendix out last year. It wasn’t pleasant at all, but of course Kristen is putting a positive spin on it for an interview. She’s working hard to be entertaining and she seems a little unhinged. Two kids under two at home will probably do that to you.

After that Kristen told a story about how her little dog, Lola, got into a fight with a big coyote. Kristen sounded really proud of her, especially after she took Lola to the vet and the vet refused to believe that Lola had tussled with a coyote. She said “it was a coyote, I saw it, and my dog rules.

Here are pictures of Lola from two years ago when Kristen was just pregnant and Lola was a pup, she’s super cute. Kristen says she’s “a corgi rescue mutt.” Kristen also has another rescue named Pat whom she calls “utterly useless and always writing checks his butt can’t cash.” There’s also a photo of Pat as a puppy from last year.

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Photos are screenshots from the Ellen show

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40 Responses to “Kristen Bell loved her epidural: ‘I thought what else could we get done down there?’”

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  1. jasperkitty says:

    She’s just so darn cute! Love her!

  2. Lindy79 says:

    DOGS!!!!!! PUPPIES!!!!!

    Is there a story in there also?

    • Rachel says:

      Oh my goodness, the way that dog is looking at her in that pic… thank you for rescuing me. I will love you forever.

  3. Beckysuz says:

    Cute puppies…I love corgi butts!

  4. Beckysuz says:

    Epidurals really are the best thing ever. After mine kicked in I told the Dr I loved her and could she come home and live with me and give me epidurals always…hehe I was sorta loopy.

    • uninspired username says:


    • MC2 says:

      I agree! After the anesthesiologist left my room after my epidural my family said “that guy was really weird. I didn’t like him”. And I yelled “shut it- I love that man!!!” He was like my savior.

    • jaye says:

      After my epidural kicked in my doc came in and asked how I was feeling. I said “Aaaaawwwwwwsooooommmmeee”. I asked what the name of the anesthesiologist was and told him to tell her that she was beautiful and I loved her. Yeah…epidurals are my jam.

    • Chris says:

      This whole thread cracked me right up. I had three different anesthesiologists for some reason (I guess I came in in the middle of a shift change) and I professed my love to each and every one of them. It was a tough, strange labor, and those doctors were the belles of my freakin ball.

  5. Lucy2 says:

    Funny interview.
    Glad her dog is ok!

  6. Amelia says:

    Question from someone who’s never been pregnant and would rather hear from ladies in the know (read; too lazy to use google) – what’s that line that kind of looks like a seam or a zip going down the middle of Kristen’s tummy in the picture with her dog?
    Is it a pregnancy thing?

    • Jess says:

      Ha, totally forgot about that line, it’s called linea nigra if I remember correctly! It’s from pregnancy hormones and goes away a few months after delivery.

      Now I miss being pregnant:(

    • Ainsley says:

      Linea Nigra, and yes it’s a preggers thing

    • Birdix says:

      linea nigra, and it (usually) fades away after pregnancy. Usually below the belly button, felt like a seam to me.

    • delphi says:

      @Amelia – its probably just where the seam of the pregnancy “pouch” on her maternity jeans pressed against her abdomen. I know when my bestie was expecting last year, she had that issue. Unfortunate placement, for sure.

      Yay, rescue mutts. My favorite kind. 🙂

    • Miran says:

      Also, fun fact. The line is always there, its just usually white or close to the color of your skin so you never notice it till pregnancy when it turns dark with excess pigment.

    • Chris says:

      I think it’s beautiful, but I didn’t get one. I guess it doesn’t happen to everyone. My bellybutton didn’t pop out either, which disappointed me in a way. Not for lack of trying either, I was huge, haha.

  7. Jess says:

    Kristen is just adorable and seems so down to earth. Love the names she chose for her girls, very unique but not crazy!

  8. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Love corgis and the picture of the puppy by her belly.

    I had surgery once and they gave me something to relax me while I waited. It was fabulous.

  9. MrsBPitt says:

    I like Kristen and Dax…they seem like such a fun couple!

  10. Lama Bean says:

    Those puppies!!!!

    I’m with Kristen on the anesthesia.

  11. Tig says:

    Loved the puppies and the stories re epidurals. The stories that folks in the health field can tell re what folks say in delivery rooms-!! Glad mom and babies- and dad!- are doing well.

  12. Micki says:

    Wasn’t this woman going on a crusade for her privacy? Or that was only her last year whim?

  13. Isa says:

    My epidurals didn’t make me feel high. I had a spinal for my csection which was awful and I think they put my on morphine for 8 hours? I just remember sleeping a lot after which is one of the reasons why I pushed to have a VBAC for my last.

    Her dogs are really cute. I have the worst case of puppy fever that I’ve been fighting for over a year now.

    • g0tch4 says:

      I had a spinal too. I didn’t enjoy it like a drug high. It merely masked the pain of contractions and the fact my bottom half was splitting in two. It wore off a few hours after my guy arrived and after getting stitches. I distinctly remember the nurses telling me to go shower off but my legs were jelly and I was having problems walking to the bathroom. I would have appreciated the seat in the shower if it didn’t burn like a thousand fires every time I tried to sit. Or pee. Or move. Also, I didn’t get to sleep. I’d been up for 24 hours before he was born so I think I got two hours before I had to get up and start seeing visitors and feed my kid. Kind of cruel to ask a woman to be up for 24 hours, pump her full of drugs, be in enormous pain, come down off the drugs, push an actual person out of her body and give her no time to rest. I liked that they didn’t ever take him away from me but holy shit did I need sleep so bad. Five months later, I’m pretty sure I still have the same eye twitch that developed from lack of sleep from the day he was born. Good times. Good times.

  14. Ginger says:

    None of my surgeries or the aftermath were comforting at all so good for her! And whoa! Two kids under two and two dogs? Yah, I can see why she said the interview was a vacation. She looks great.

  15. Mikeyangel says:

    She is adorable.

    Side not I am totally freaked out. Having my third (will be 3 under 5) tomorrow, and I am scared shitless. I have had major kidney issues since 18 weeks and have had a bag coming from my kidney since then. I went in for a regular dr app yesterday and she didn’t like the heartbeat so put me on the monitor and got me an ultrasound and didn’t like the amniotic fluid level so I am getting induced at 37 weeks tomorrow. Definitely getting the epidural, although it didn’t get me high with either of the last two, just was a Godsend so I didn’t have to feel my body break. On a hopeful note I am hoping he will slip right out as my girls were 9 pounds 5 oz and 8 pounds 11 oz. he will definitely be smaller. I just hope he is big enough! Scared and overwhelmed right now.

    • Cupcake says:

      Hugs Mama!!!! What an adventure you are smack in the middle of 🙂 Take all the help you can get from friends, family, and PAID help is a godsend!!!!!!!!

      • Mikeyangel says:

        Thank you. I plan to. My whole family has been ravaged by the stomach virus going around and flu for the last 3 weeks so we are going to have a cleaning crew come in and disinfect our house top to bottom Thursday while we are still in the hospital. With my little guys lungs I am not taking any chances.

    • Scarlet Vixen says:

      @Mikey, I had 3 under 5 too. 🙂 My first 2 were both over 9lbs and my last was 8lbs, and my delivery was definitely easier with her. I hope you have an easy time of it, too!

      Not to freak you out, but I really underestimated how much more work a 3rd one was. It was much harder than going from 1 kid to 2. Once you’re outnumbered it’s such a game changer. Just getting out of the house with 3 kids under 5yrs old is a massive endeavor! Mine just turned 7, 4 & 2 and we’re just now feeling like we’ve got this under control. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, organization/planning ahead is a must, and sleep whenever you can. You’ll survive–I promise!

  16. kri says:

    I love dogs so much. And cats, of course. They make everything better.

  17. notlistening says:

    She´s so cute.

  18. JenniferJustice says:

    I loved having an epideral. It allowed me to remain conscious and participative w/out so much pain. My doctors waited for mine to level off and wane a bit before actually starting to push. They want you to have some feeling so you can cooperate and do what they want you to. I’ve heard some women had problems with an epidural if it was entered crooked or missed the target. For me, it was great.

    I really like this couple. They seem genuinely happy and are good to eachother.

  19. Msmlnp says:

    I like her a lot. And major props for her pro-vaccine stance from me.