Lindsay Lohan had a Photoshop fail on Instagram: hilarious or sad?

My feet look red lol- had to take that out. Only real red is my hair. 😘

A photo posted by Lindsay Lohan (@lindsaylohan) on

Lindsay Lohan’s hustle has been particularly sad and budget lately. I think she’s entered into the new phase of her career/criminal life, which is where no one even cares about her enough to make fun of her. Like, she can’t even get arrested anymore. She’s trying to imitate Kim Kardashian, or act like she’s part of the Kardashian-Jenner clan. Anyway, Lindsay posted the above photo yesterday and everyone is making fun of the really, really obvious Photoshop job around Lindsay’s leg and butt. You guys, that’s just how doors look in Paris!! Obviously, they are curved perfectly around a perfectly fit leg and bum.

Before that Photoshop controversy (so stupid), Lindsay got in trouble a few days ago for posting a photo of herself, Kris Jenner and Joyce Bonelli (a Kardashian stylist). It wasn’t the photo that got Lindsay in trouble, it was her first caption, which included “alldayni—a$” only she put the Gs in there. Because Lindsay is down, y’all. She can drop the n-word, totally. She realized that she just stepped in it, because she quickly deleted the Instagram and tweet containing the N-word and replaced both with captions excluding the N-word. Her rep told the Daily Mail: “She is a friend of his, it is his new song, her intention was not to offend anyone and she apologizes!” You know who had a surprisingly similar problem? Gwyneth Paltrow! She tweeted the N-word back in 2012 when she was referencing Jay-Z and Kanye’s “N—s in Paris.”

Family Time with @krisjenner @joycebonelli #midnightinparis @garage_magazine

A photo posted by Lindsay Lohan (@lindsaylohan) on

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and Instagram.

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71 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan had a Photoshop fail on Instagram: hilarious or sad?”

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  1. Maggie says:


    • BangersandMash says:

      maggie, wake up, you’re snorring again! 😉

    • bettyrose says:

      That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works! It’s called layers. Take a Photoshop class or just don’t bother tweaking at all.

      • FLORC says:

        Was she drunk? Silly question! Because this might have looked right if the editor was drunk.

      • bettyrose says:

        Well, FLORC , I wasn’t personally pouring her drinks if thats your question but I’m not categorically opposed to Photoshop as a drinking game.

  2. paola says:

    ahahah!! she fits right in with the Kardashians!
    She’s RidonKoulous!

    • ell says:

      sadly she doesn’t even fit with them, she’s ridiculously uncool.

    • Miffy says:

      She’s even more budget at this point. la Lohan is currently aspiring to be a Kardashian, think about that. Oh how far she’s fallen.

      Also, her finger in the mouth/nail biting pose, why? Is that supposed to be cute? How is she so mangy looking all the time?

  3. Pandy says:

    Cracken, please.

  4. kittykat says:

    Hard to photo shop when you cant see straight 24/7.

  5. The Other Maria says:

    Oh that’s a horrific photo shop fail, the girl has no ass, that’s just what it is.

    You’ve got to accentuate what you’ve got!

    She is looking healthier tho, too bad she’s a bigot.

    • Santia says:

      It’s a stupid song title. I’m more upset (as a black person) that rappers are still using it. THAT’s why fools like the Kraken and Goop and even Rush Limbaugh think it’s okay to use it casually.

      • dr mantis toboggan says:

        Lindsay Lohan called Barack Obama “coloured.” Also, when she was busted with cocaine after the carjacking, she said her pants ( which contained the coke ) “belonged to the black kid.”
        These fools think they can use the word because they are fools, not because rappers do.

      • porschizzle says:

        the name of the song is “All Day.” Not “All Day N—as,” just “All Day.” He says the N-word in the song – as with all of his songs, conversation for another time – but the title doesn’t contain it. So Lindsay took her own creative license.

      • StripedSea says:

        Yes, rappers shouldn’t be using it, but in no way does their use excuse that of others. It’s irrelevant if (according to her rep) she really is friends with Kanye or any black person, for that matter. It’s irrelevant which black person does use that word; never should that be a “pass” for someone else. Someone has to be mighty stupid, ignorant, or intentionally stirring up sh*t to even WANT to use that word in a casual sense if they don’t know or expect well-justified backlash. It’s never ok to use, no matter who else does. And I’ll never understand why some people are actually trying to fight for what they see as their right to use a word that is wholly oppressive and so ugly; is their endgame here the hopes that they can walk down the street and shout “wassup my n*gga!” without being assaulted or some other negative consequence? Why does it matter to people if they don’t use the word to begin with?

        I’ve been called this word once in my life, in the second grade by some little boy who clearly heard that and probably much worse in his own home, and I’ll never revel in the idea of someone calling me that again, no matter the intention. While I don’t like hearing it at all, obviously it’ll never sting in the same way if I hear someone black use it, and it’ll never be a justification for someone who isn’t black to do so, even if they do think they’re “down”.

      • RhymesWithSilver says:

        We give all of this one word out of allll the words in the world too much damn power. It’s not a magic incantation. It’s just a slur. Why do we think building some sort of weird shrine around the n-word is going to make it go away?

        Also, let’s drop the semantic cartwheels: if “people of color” and “NAACP” are OK, “colored” should be OK. Promoting “POC” as a term, but arbitrarily declaring the the adjectival form racist is nonsensical.

      • StripedSea says:

        “just a slur”. Right there the rest of your statement loses any and all merit. Try telling that to people who had that shouted at them while fire hoses and dogs were unleashed on them. How dare you try to tell someone else what should and shouldn’t be ok to call them. GTFOH. Damn, you’re dense.

      • anon33 says:

        I’ll say it and my comment probably won’t be posted, but Rhymeswithsilver, you’re an a**hole. A complete and utter a88hole. I’ll let others speak eloquently about the issue and its merits, but my opinion is you’re an a88hole. have a nice day.

      • hannahf says:

        I agree with you. As I Jewish person I always feel compelled to tell my Jewish friends to abstain from telling “Jewish jokes.” While laughing at our own foibles is no big deal, it gives license to non-Jews to tell the same sort of jokes and these become anti-Semitic jokes. I think that the same applies here. If everyone stopped using the “n” word on a regular basis, those who did use it would clearly be bigots.

        With respect to Lindsay, she is an uneducated, self-absorbed idiot. I honestly think that her intention was to name drop and show she was in with the “cool crowd.” (Insert Mean Girls reference here.) The “black kid” reference wasn’t random–she had two specific people she could use to take the blame–the other being the”white” kid. Given that she never thinks things through, she just picked one and went with it. In her world there is Lindsay, those people from whom she can get something and then all the little people. The third group doesn’t have an ethnicity.

    • Amy says:


      Our entire culture and much of the world is built on words having power. This is a well established part of our history and why, for instance, it’s so difficult to establish new gun laws because many hold the words written centuries ago as sacred. It is not just this one little word we take seriously.

      It’s not about a shrine. It’s about context and understanding. Every person is free to have the relationship with that word they want but that relationship will always be viewed through the scope of history and culture.

      Finally calling people colored stopped being in vogue when we realized the focus was on their skin tone and not their status as human beings. Think about it. What is the first word uttered: colored. Person only follows after decisions have already been made about that individuals place in society by yhe first word. Again, you may call anyone whatever you wish but history follows your words. ‘Colored’ people were not people. Whites were people and everyone else was an outside entity meant to be controlled.

      People of color still determines all other races to be other but at least we’re acknowledging they’re people first. None of this is a perfect solution but it’s a white centric world and we’re all struggling to make it more balanced and make everyone more empathetic. Of course there will be people itching to say colored and the n-word, a lot of people miss how things used to be.

  6. Erinn says:

    Don’t PS while wrecked, Lindsay. That should be a golden rule among celebs by now.

  7. lucy2 says:

    Drunk Photoshop – don’t do it, kids.

    • AntiSocialButterfly says:

      Isn’t that basically a full bar behind her?

      • Petee says:

        I noticed the same thing right away.Full bar.She is not sober and has never been.She moved to London so she could get out of going to jail and party in peace.She is a mess.

      • lucy2 says:

        Well, if she’s there, the term “full” probably no longer applies.

    • mia girl says:

      And who are the 73K+ people who “hearted” this mess of a photo?!

      I hope most were “hearting” sarcastically.

  8. Arock says:

    Even the inside of the door is missing where she scrubbed her stomache and chest. On an alcohol scale of “tipsy on boxed wine” to “Lindsay Lohan “, how drunk do you have to be to put that on the Internet? Answer: Lindsay lohan

  9. Kitten says:

    Isn’t Joyce the stylist responsible for Kim’s terrible platinum hair?

    Why does Crackington always pose with her fingers in her mouth? It’s so weird and seemingly unhygienic.

    • paola says:

      I think Kanye it’s the cuplrit for that. He put the idea in her brainless head and some hairstylist did it.
      I think Joyce Bonelli is a make up artist.

      • Kitten says:

        I’m not sure that Kanye would know how to dye Kim’s hair 😉

        In the Instagram pic that Kim posted of her platinum hair, she thanked Joyce Bonelli for making it blonde in one try.

        …and now I need to go shoot myself for knowing this….

      • paola says:

        Yeah i was about to ask how do you know all that!
        Don’t feel bad.. i just went on kim and kylie’s instagram and i’ll never do it again.
        in some videos kylie sticks out her horrible tongue.
        Please go check it.
        that’s disgustingly sexualized.

      • TheOnlyDee says:

        Kitten you may actually need to shoot ME for knowing this, but Joyce did not dye her hair. She said thank you Joyce Bonelli for being my inspiration and thanks to Gregory Russell for cutting it and Lorri Goddard for dyeing it in one take. Joyce is a MUA. I only know these things because I am a make up/nail polish junkie, not because I’m a Kardashian fan… I swear :)!!

      • Kitten says:

        @ Paola-I got sucked into Kylie’s IG after clicking on a link over here the other day. NEVER AGAIN! Ugh. I only have myself to blame.

        @TheOnlyDee-I stand corrected 🙂 Thanks for the info, and shame on this Gregory Russell dude! lol

      • paola says:

        My god.
        Kylie’s IG is so much wrong all together. I can’t believe she’s only 17.

  10. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    How incredibly stupid.

  11. teehee says:

    Wait what– Family time??!!? She wishes. Not even a mess like the Kardashian family needs her around to ruin their “reputation”.

    Very sad indeed.

  12. insomniac says:

    Damn, I had forgotten how much I hate that icky “finger in the mouth because I’m soooo hott” pose.

    And just like the Kardashians, she seems to live in places with oddly warped doors and floors. Funny, I’d have thought these celebrities could afford to live in places made of sturdier building materials.

  13. Michelle says:

    She deserves to be laughed at for doing something so stupid. First of all, anyone who has ever seen her body knows she has no butt at all, and second of all, if she actually still has fans, she is trying to lie to them with this dumb photoshop fail.

  14. lemon says:

    I’m more interested in the Hoarders-esque detritus on the left. Who lives like that? Did a bear wander in and maul the room? Also, note the sloppy masking work in which all of the photo is black and white except her and a little spot of floor next to her ankle. The more I stare at this photo, the more oddity there is to see.

    Body suits are not flattering on anyone. Except (maybe) gymnasts and ballerinas.

    • AntiSocialButterfly says:

      I saw that, too. Says a lot about her mental state. Also see bar behind her. Voila.

    • Cindy says:

      That photo is so odd I don’t even know what I’m supposed to be looking at. The weird red ankles? Warped bottom of the door? Why is she in gymnast clothes? Never mind. I don’t want to know.

  15. ElasticBean says:

    She will henceforth be known as the Kracken Kardashian.

  16. lisa2 says:

    I guess she is in good company with all the others that have been doing the same thing. Sad all around.

  17. Decorative Item says:

    I’ve really enjoyed not seeing her around.
    Aside from the ridiculous photo shop, that picture is just ugly. And, couldn’t she at least push all her nasty crap to the side so the place looked clean?

  18. megs283 says:

    I can’t stop giggling at Joyce Bonelli’s expression!! If looks could kill!

  19. serena says:

    What’s even more sad is that even with photoshop her ass is ridiculous.

  20. Mia4S says:

    Hey now, that’s exactly what the doors (not to mention my butt and hips) looked like in a Paris hotel room!

    Mind you I’d had five glasses of champagne so…

  21. bella says:

    this girl’s life is a sad case…
    forget the desperate photo shop…
    the stocked bar in the background is what caught my eye.

    • Mia4S says:

      I really wonder if she’s ever been sober?

      Think of what a young actress could be doing in London (especially as it appears someone else is paying); courses at RADA, LAMDA, or Guildhall (they have some courses that don’t require auditions), getting involved in experimental theatre, studying voice and dance with top people. She’s such a waste.

      • bella says:

        it’s mind-boggling how anyone could pass on extraordinary opportunity only a select few have…
        she was a starlet with what seemed some talent…
        she sabotaged it with her lifestyle choices and now is so far gone emotionally and mentally because of her addictions she’s blinded to what she could have achieved and maybe could even now…
        she’ll never turn it around and i mean it when i write that i pity her…

  22. Naddie says:

    Pathetic. At least she’s still alive.

  23. Cecada says:

    She looks like she’s squeezing a fart out.

  24. Marcel says:

    You know who looks younger than LL? KJ.

  25. TheOnlyDee says:

    I can believe she would be stupid enough to blatantly and poorly photoshop her creepy hoarders style hotel room pictures. Remember the bathroom one with the leaning shampoo bottles? However, I cannot believe she said Dina and Kris Jenner are good moms responsible for good people in that instagram caption. -__- I also think that regardless if it is in the song title or lyrics, it’s not a good idea to put the n word on your tweet or gram. Just use asterisks or dashes if you really feel the need to include it at all. I mean, just my two cents.

  26. Susan says:

    This gal is such a trainwreck. Did she notice her bottom legs were red along with her feet? How does that happen? She has a figure like a 10 year old, but with a 65 year olds hanging boobs. Check out the room mess – not good staging for a photo shoot.

  27. Shahrizai says:

    I just wanna tell her to get her fingers out of her damn mouth!! That is not a cute look!! UGH!!

  28. kri says:

    Oh, no, I just had my thought for the day-what if she gets ass implants? Of course, I don’t know how even she would manage to steal those, but where there’s a Cracken there’s a way. I bet she is trying to get some sort of E! show-get a bit of the Kardashian Kash Kow $$$$$. She would fit right in.

  29. Dragonlady Sakura says:

    Photoshop 101 is if you’re gonna alter your freaking picture, do it in front of a completely solid background! Amateurs…lol.

    • Ava says:

      You don’t have to be on a solid background. Freeze mask in liquify is Photoshop 101…..

  30. Sara says:

    I see what happens to be a corner liquor cabinet with lots of alcohol in it. Me thinks the demons are too strong for LiLo. She will always be Lindsay the Mean Girl star in her own cray cray mind. Poor girl. When you have those parents, is anyone really surprised?

  31. RobN says:

    I find it pretty sad that the PS is the least interesting thing in this picture.

  32. Tracy says:

    Oh sweet Jesus….THAT’S Kim’s stylist? Well no wonder!

  33. MediaMaven says:

    Photoshop Liquify fail………..

  34. Katie says:

    Sadly more than 3/4 of people on social media photoshop their pictures. NEXT….

  35. Gabriella says:

    I wonder how high one must be to look at a photo this ~curvy~ and not see anything wrong with it.

  36. Norman Garza says:

    I think the poor photoshop job is in part symbolism. It says “Hay look, I don’t have to try hard to get what I want, I drink, I smoke, I look good, I can skirt the justice system and I have offers for film roles and plays coming at me, my life is “la dolce vita” and I’m not ashamed.” To sum it up, A big ego and a knowing lack of effort equals success for Lindsay Lohan.

  37. Iheartgossip says:

    She’s part of the K Coven.

  38. tabasco says:

    Holy hell, Kris Jenner and Linsay Lohan in the same room???? You guys, the end of days is nigh. NIGH, I say.

  39. melain says:

    This just speaks volumes about Kris Jenner.

  40. Jenna says:

    oh my god, get your fingers out of your mouth, child!