Well, well, well. Zayn Malik only just announced his very emotional departure from One Direction on Tuesday afternoon. This was the end of a 5-year run for what’s widely considered to be the best voice of the band. Teenage girls everywhere overreacted over the loss of their man. People worried about Zayn’s emotional state and wondered why he’d make such a drastic move in the middle of a world tour. As for Zayn himself? He didn’t wait around for the dust to settle. Dude was spotted heading into a London recording studio yesterday. He’s working on solo material with Naughty Boy (the songwriter who helped launch Sam Smith’s career). Oh.
Zayn also dropped an interview (a subscription piece) with The Sun. He’s really “upset” about letting his fans down — because they’re the reason why he stayed so long. He thinks the rest of the band will be “cool” without him: “It’s not that I’ve turned my back on them or anything, it’s just that I can’t do that any more because it’s not real to me.” He’s wanted out for a long time, and he’s fine. “I’ve never felt more in control in my life. I feel like I’m doing what’s right, right by myself and right by the boys.” Zayn insists there’s no drama between him and the other dudes.
No drama? People says the other 1D members feel differently about the situation:
Just a day after Zayn Malik announced that he was quitting One Direction because he wanted “to be a normal 22-year-old who is able to relax and have some private time out of the spotlight,” the singer was spotted walking into a recording studio on Thursday.
And that has fans and those around Malik feeling more than a little confused about his real reasons for leaving the band.
“He told everyone in the band and management that he wants to live a normal life and the next thing you know he’s going into music studios and doing interviews with tabloids,” a source close to the band tells People.
“Everyone feels a bit misled and thinks he was lying about wanting to live a normal life,” the source adds.
The other four members of the band — Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Niall Horan — released a statement after Mailk’s departure wishing him well and saying that they “will always be friends,” but that might not be the case anymore.
The source says that Malik is “very easily led” and there might be some people around him who are “trying to get him to do stuff and manipulate him.”
As the remaining members of the band close ranks and look towards recording a new album, the source says, “everyone feels played by him. Louis and Zayn are friends and will talk but the rest probably won’t.”
[From People]
So Louis and Zayn will stay buddies, but what about Harry Styles? Poor Harry! My daughter says she doesn’t buy the Zayn and Harry friendship that was pushed in videos and onstage. She thinks they were pushed together as the two lead singers. I feel SO played.
One of The X Factor judges, Louis Walsh, spoke up about Zayn’s mad dash from the band. Walsh believes Perrie Edwards pushed Zayn to go solo: “What I found in the past is as things get on, and as they get girlfriends, the girlfriends are whispering things in their ears and saying like ‘You should be a solo star,’ ‘You should be the lead singer’ – that’s usually the problem.” Sexist much? But Walsh knows the biz. He previously managed Boyzone and Westlife and adds, “The first few years are usually great and then people always want to be the solo star.”
Rolling Stone resurrected a “lost” 2012 interview where Zayn talks about how he never imagined being famous: “I literally went for an experience thing on the show and just hoped that … I guess I just got lucky.” At the time, Zayn semi-regretted not going to college and majoring in English. Uh-huh. Zayn is the Ginger Spice of One Direction.
Photos courtesy of WENN
I’m making that classic soap opera stare face right now, as we cut to commercial. Cue the dramatic music.
Haha. I’m totally dun, dun, dunning in my head right now.
Thank you! Perfect score for the scene.
Gosh this guy has an amazing head of hair and a smize that would bring tears to Tyra’s eyes! I’m so intrigued by that headband he’s wearing in the header. I haven’t seen those since middle school! I wore them in every color lol.
As for the matter at hand, I’m trying to muster my best sad face 😔 How will I ever go on?!
^You should appear in the scene above^. Weeping and slamming doors is always welcomed at the cutaway.
Lol! I also flip tables, if that helps.
Excellent! A prostitution wh*re kerfuffle always adds to the suspense and spectacle.
He really does have killer smize game.
Lol, if I was 15 right now, I’d be crying, because he’s the only one I find cute. He’s a little too pretty boy right now, but I think he’s going to be really hot in about 10 years.
Haha, I said this exact same thing (he’s too pretty now but give it a few years) to one of my friends yesterday.
I have a young cousin whom I often help care for, and she LOVES 1D. Niall is her favourite, so she’s not too fussed about Zayn leaving. I told her that I thought Zayn was the cutest and she stared at me, aghast, and said “But he SMOKES!” Ah, the innocence of youth. 😀
Why is it always the woman’s fault? What if Zayn really is an a-hole who misled his band members and management?
I hate it that some people are automatically assuming his girlfriend pushed him into it. It’s like noooo, he couldn’t just be a dic*kbag and have misled his fans and the other members of the band…it has to be his fiancée’s fault. Or maybe it’s a bit of both! At the end of the day, he left. Life will go on. 😛
Because Yoko Ono, the end.
That poor Perrie girl already gets a ton of crap from 1D fans and someone pushing this narrative is gonna make it even worse for her.
Agree. A man can be full of himself without a woman. They believe the hype managers, media and fans are creating. It was his decision to leave the band, so please just put the blame on him.
It’s annoying how Zayn is getting the rep as an a-hole. He’s the only one who’s contiously defended the members of the band when they’ve been criticized by the media but no one was there to defend him against the countless racist and islamophobic comments and when he deleted his Twitter because of the abuse they were all silent.
They even let Zayn take the fall for the weed video even though Louis was smoking too and said the n word in the video. If anything the other members are the a-holes and have never truly been there for Zayn.
I don’t know anything about Zayn or 1D aside from these new developments so i’m sorry for offending you with my comments on Zayn. But i still don’t see why Perrie has to be blamed or whatever. If he did make the decision to leave but misled his band members and management as to the reasons why, then that’s still a cruddy thing to do. There’s no reason to say Perrie egged him on.
Ooh, the plot thickens.
Dun dun duuuuuuuun!!!! 😮
Maybe by “normal life” he meant a life where he’s not put in a boy band box and worked nonstop with no breaks in between? Just throwing out possibilities.
Agreed. I have no problems with what he’s doing or what he said. I can see why the other members are hurt but they’ll get over it. And if not, oh well. That’s life.
i read somewhere that he wants to be a producer and songwriter which is a behind the scenes work and could be compatible with a “normal life”. Or he wants to be a solo star, so he will either be Ginger Spice or Robbie Williams. Who knows.
I kinda miss Robbie Williams 🙁 what is he up to these days?
@tifzlan: he is actually touring right now.
Is he?! I listen to She’s the One all the time, such a pretty song.
yup, was really suprised when I saw that. Don’t even think he has a new album out. the tour is called “Let me entertain you” – which is a very old song, so don’t know what’s going on. The tour kicked of yesterday. He is touring in Spain, France, Russia… no UK or Germany dates, which I think is a bit weird (can’t find another word to describe it), because he has huge fan base in both countries.
People also forget that 1D was a group put together during the X factor. They ALL wanted to be solo because that’s how they auditioned. So I figured this would happen eventually because they never wanted to be a group in the first place. Place if anyone could do the solo thing it would be Zayn or Harry because they have the vocal chops for it.
I hate myself for knowing this much about this news. That’s what having a 15-year-old daughter has done to me.
Rat B**tard! 😜
Louis Walsh shouldnt be allowed to get away with this sexist crap! He knows that he has just put an X on Perrie with these misogyny. And Perrie herself is not only a singer but the lead singer in a girl group. When you think aboutvthe number of times Zayn has humiliated her, getting caught with his pants down and then you make her a target of a million teen girls half of whom are her market too?
It was always clear to me that Zayn would be the breakaway act. He was edgier than the others. He actually has talent. And he was most eager to stay authentic.and most unhappy about being trapped in the bubble gum act.
How were the others inauthentic ? I didn’t get that. And the others really just show more personality than him. He always seemed the quiet/ shy type. I happen to have (Gah! I hate saying this, these last few days have made me so 1D- wise, ’cause of my cousin, I can’t believe myself!) seen interviews where the others interacted so easily and he just didn’t say a word through the whole interview. He did seem unhappy, that I’ll believe.
Also, about the Perri thing. He can’t be blaming the band for his infidelious nature, that is, if he left the band because of the pics of him holding hands with a fan ( this is not the first time a rumour like this has surfaced) and Perri ordering his ass back in London. This was the story I read. He can’t be like this world touring is ruining my relationship.
You just answered your own question. The others were always more willing to play along and get into character for twitvids and such. Even the suggestive pairing up gimmick, Zayn never played along. He does nothing to service the bromance shipping and all his pairings were serviced by the other party. Granted the others also slowly outgrew the gimmick but Zayn was never interested in the first place. He isnt aloud lad for sure but he isnt a mute either in their earlier interviews, he just went quieter and quieter with each successive year.
That headband! Ugh.
That being said, I feel gross admitting that these boys are so very purty.
True,except for the blonde one, he’s like the loser cousin trying to belong.. There’s one guy rocking a major chuck bass vibe too.
I like the blonde one the best. He seems so nice and normal, like he’s just happy to be there. I also think he’s the most drama free, no?
Loser cousin trying to belong!!! That really made me laugh! I love it! And totally!
If I had to rank them as far as attractiveness goes, this is how I would do it ( I know their names and I’ve seen interviews because my sister is a huge fan, don’t judge me)
1. Harry – I know it’s abvious, but he is very goodlooking and he has charisma
2. Niall – as someone said he seems so nice, plus he’s blonde
Now, I don’t particularly fany any of the other three, but:
3. Zayn – I can see that he’s pretty, he just doesn’t do it for me
4. Liam – he has no charisma whatsoever. and in interviews he tries so hard to be funny, but he just isn’t
5. Louis – David Beckham voice and seems like a jerk
Leave Niall alone! He’s a cutie, and by far my favourite- the rest of them seem up their own arses with their stupid tattoos and zoolander outfits.
(Biased cos I’m irish) (also no offence about the tattoos, they look great on most people, but these ones just look so try-hard)
Niall looks like a young Tom Branson from Downton Abbey.
The headband is awful,and I want to reach into the picture where he has hair in his eye and brush it away
He won’t really be THAT successful solo. Not the way he was with 1D. Also OMG Westlife hahah
Was Robbie Williams more succesful than Take That? And Justin Timberalke than the band he was in whose name I don’t remember? Were they as big as One Direction?
I’ll always be Team BSB but how can you not remember NSYNC?!
I’m 22 and not American. None of these boy bands were big in my country.
One Direction is sort of popular with little girls I think. And Robbie is a bigger star then Justin here.
Justin Timberlake and Robbie Williams had a presence, endurance/energy, and charisma that Zayn just doesn’t have, IMO. Plus Justin could dance. Zayn won’t even try.
I think he’ll struggle when it comes to selling himself as a solo artist. I don’t think vocals will be an issue, he’s got a great voice, but vocals aren’t enough to really make it anymore. He really relied on the other four during their stage shows and during a lot of the promo stuff. He doesn’t like doing it and just checks out when he’s done. You can’t really do that as a solo act.
Here I am thinking teens are overreacting about 1D, and I GASSSSPP about someone not knowing NSYNC. LOL.
Charlie, sorry for making assumptions. I’m not American/from a Western country too but i was a tween during the golden age of boybands and i remember having very heated debates with my best friend over who was better between BSB and NSYNC (she was team NSYNC). Heck, we still fight about that now, lol!
@Charlie: really? None of those bands were big were you are from? Take That was pretty much a European thing (I guess), but BsB and NSync were quite popular around the world. At least I thought so. Boyzone and Westlife were also mostly successful in Europe, but in my opinion not as big as the others.
And yes, I would also think Robbie Williams was more successful than Take That. He sold more records. Had bigger tours. When he left Take That he was a mess and no one thought he would ever be close to the success that he has had later. His first singles weren’t very popular, but then Angels came along and that changed everything for him.
@greenmonster Westlife was huge in Malaysia, where i am from. Probably even more famous in Southeast Asia than they were in the US or Europe. Before they disbanded, they came down so many times to play concerts. I also agree that Robbie Williams the solo act was bigger than Take That was in Malaysia.
Maybe they were, I don’t really know to be honest, I am to young, I was what, 2 when NSYNC was formed ( just checked on Wikipedia)? I knw BSB had a reunion concert here and it was poorly attended.
The band feude that was popular when I was in my early teens was US5 vs Tokio Hotel, but that lasted for about 3 months. Then my class discovered Nightwish and we all were metal for a couple of months. Oh, those were the days.
yeah i was so surprised when the NKOTBSB double-tour swung around town, there’s so many teenagers in attendance. i knew that the older set were going to be flocking to see the revival tour or whatever it was sold as, but the number of teenagers turning up (and apparently genuinely into NKOTB-BSB (well more of the BSB)) surprised me.
@tifzlan Now that you are saying it, I kind of remember reading how European boybands (Westlife, Take That, even think Caught in the Act) were popular in Southeast Asia. Although I never knew how big their success was. It’s also no wonder that Robbie was more successful as a solo artist. He might not be the best singer, but he is a beast on stage. I like a couple of his songs, but I’m not a fan. Never saw him live until the Progress-Tour with Take That a few years ago. When he came on stage for his solo part my jaw dropped. The crowd was his in SECONDS. Never experienced something like this. He is a real showman and earns every bit of his success.
I would say Justin Timberlake became bigger than NSYNC in terms of legacy and legitimacy in the music business. I’m an American (27) and don’t know anything about Robbie Williams or Take That, so not sure on that one.
Wow hello hahah if we’re going to talk success like JT and RW, Harry is the one who could probably pull that off. Zayn is an introvert, not as engaging as the rest of the boys. Harry has a larger than life personality and a larger fan base.
This just bring up so many memories, remembering all that boy bands and fights about which Backstreet boy was cuter… LOL
Darn,I know them all… Consequence of being a teenager’s teacher… They end up chatting about boybands and Pattinson and stuff like that… and ask me for my opinion… buaaa,,,, lol… “Teacher, who’s the cuttest Pattinson or Lautner? What’s your opinion?” … Oh God
It was only a matter of time before one of them left to go solo – i just think the surprise is its him and not Harry.
Same. I would have believed anyone else, but him. Liam and Niall also showed more inclination to showcase themselves and their USP/ make their individual musical personalities show than Zayn. Niall always plays the guitar and Liam I don’t quite remember, but there was something about him that said he could go solo. And Ofcouse, there are perpetual rumours of Harry going solo.
I think Liam wrote or helped to write most songs in the last album. So he’s got that.
Harry has the charisma, Niall has his guitar. Louis is.. just there.
But can Zayn make it as a solo act with just his voice? I know he’s not very charismatic and he’s shy. I’m not sure about this move.
Now he’s gotta run to the recording studio right away. What a creep. All the young fans were so upset he was leaving, but he just wanted a regular life. It doesn’t look like he’s going to have a regular life like most of us have
I get wanting to go solo but it was a real a-hole, unprofessional move of him to just walk out one day in the middle of a tour and leave the leg of the tour where they’re touring places they’ve never been before. And to not tell the other guys he’s not returning when he left.
He had 7 shows to make it through before getting a 2 month break. Then he could’ve announced a parting of the ways with the band and say he’s not returning for the rest of the tour. The way he left was just really messy and unprofessional.
I still think he gor fired because of drugs of something and now he’s doing the best he can with the cards he’s been dealt.
They wouldn’t fire him for smoking weed. In that case, why wasn’t Louis fired as well? Zayn is very popular among teen girls. No way they would get rid of him. The execs want to make money after all. Simon Cowell said the boys would only be doing one more album and then they were going to split up anyways. I think the least productive one is Louis. He rarely has solos and doesn’t have that great of a voice. If they were going to fire anyone, it would have been him.
I really doubt he only smokes weed.
This reminds me of a group I once liked. A 5-member boy band was at the peak of their career in Asia. Then 3 members filed a lawsuit against their company and left. Details of their lawsuit came out and the reasons were the same as Zayn’s: horrifyingly overworked (as in flying to 3 different countries in one day and filming about 15 TV shows/radio interviews/photoshoots a day. Korean companies are quite extreme when it comes to their artists’ schedules), being put on bad diets to meet a certain beauty standard, no breaks to rest and recuperate, no control/influence over the direction of their careers, feeling neglected by management, press and fans’ intrusion, not being paid as they deserve, etc.
But years later, the 3 men were asked why they chose to leave at the time they did, when everything was right at the palm of their hands and they were so, so popular in Asia.
They said that they chose the timing because it would make the biggest impact. If they left at the height of their stardom, it would make their struggles easier to understand. To walk away from something that many people see is an amazing thing…well, you’ll have to have a very, very good reason to do something “crazy”.
Maybe that’s what Zayn did. I don’t know. I don’t know this group and I only know of them because I like 2 of their songs. But I’ve seen members leaving their groups more often since I follow foreign music industries, and this isn’t new or surprising to me. Leaving in the middle of the concert tour may be unprofessional, but it’s probably something that had to be done and there was no other choice.
TVXQ! My good friend was a fan of theirs for YEARS and she’s still upset about JYJ leaving. Their company (SM entertainment) is notorious for messing with their employees like that. They’ve had multiple lawsuits in the last year.
I like to follow KPop gossip, because it’s so ridiculous. (Also very catchy music)
Amazing. Kpop bands are a huge business, I don’t think anybody can even begin to imagine the things that they have to endure.
Yay! Someone recognized what I was talking about! 😀
Yeah, SM entertainment is notorious for punishing schedules and lack of concern for their artists’ well-being. I’m still bitter about them preventing JYJ from appearing on Korean TV shows to promote. It’s been 6 years but they keep on blocking the group even though the Korean court already told them to back off and leave JYJ alone.
But this seems to be the formula for success with groups, especially boy bands: work them to the bone to please existing fans and attract new, “obsessive” ones, milk them for all they’re worth while they’re still hot and in demand, and then churn out new eye candies/idols when the older ones fade out.
Yes, 1D don’t do theatrics, don’t dance, etc but I still can’t imagine how chaotic the music industry must be and how ‘dirty’ it is when it comes to exploiting new artists. I just saw some old interviews with these boys and they’ve been sexualized since they were 17-18 years old, always asked about girls, kissing, crushes, who’s dating and sleeping with whom, etc. Their fans can be/are/have been invasive, intense, and rude whether towards other people or to the boys themselves. It’s a pretty rough lifestyle to be living.
But, but…you are the Chris Kirkpatrick of the group. You should at least be a JC Sachez to be able to cut an album.
OMG LOL this comment had me dying
Between Chris Kirkpatrick and Joey Fatone, who is more forgettable?
Def Chris Kirkpartick.
Are you kidding me? Have you heard Zayn sing? He has the best voice. He is NO Chris Kirkpatrick.
He’s better looking than Chris Kirkpatrick too. I don’t know if he has the business savvy of Justin Timberlake though.
He definately can reach high notes but he is not consistent. Not very good at concerts. Harry cant reach that high but very good at concerts. Besides zayn just stands on the stage and mumbles, no interaction with fans. I dont know how he will handle being solo. Because at this point Harry almost handles everything with Liam. Shortly Zayn having the best voice isnt that accurate. Also Gary had the brst voice but Robbie got the charisma.
Sure does look like Collin Farrell in that one picture.
I just love how we are discussing boybands here 🙂 I feel almost like 14 again
IKR! I’m kind of embarrassed to be commenting on it, but also kind of enjoying it in a bizarre throwback kind of way.
Why do women get blamed for everything? Zayn was never happy in the group. He loves his fans but he just wasn’t happen. I hope he does go solo. They weren’t giving him enough solo time in that band. He has the best voice and is the most attractive and yet they always pushed him to the side. It wasn’t fair. I guess they believed Harry would help sell more records. I hope Zayn shows them !
I tend to think Harry got the spotlight because he was more charming. This guy wouldn’t even talk during interviews. It was always awkward with him.
@ameoba Harrys more into the celebrity scene and appears more outgoing. But he is also white which means he appeals to a broader audience, at least thats how executives think. See hacked sony emails.
I also think Harry plays the game, pretty sure his dates with swift and kendall was engineered by the management, given that it happened just as 1D had a CD to promote.
I don’t think Zayn was into playing that kind of game.
Zayn is also white.
@franca He is not though. He is half pakistani and from a muslim background. He was subjected to racist abuse because of the latter.
@ Franca
Yes I know his mother is White. But Zayn stated he follows the Muslim faith (as best he can). He considers himself a Pakistani Muslim. There is some hypocracy in his lifestyle as he is marrying a non-Muslim, he drinks, engages in pre-maritical relations, and apparently smokes weed. So who knows what’s going through his head? The point is, he has dealt with a lot of racist crap since becoming famous.
I thought he was from an Arab background and Arabs are white, I didn’t know about his mother. I’m not sure about people from Pakistan, but I think they are also white.
And Muslim is a religion, not a race. Part of the people in Bosnia are Muslim and completely white.
I don’t doubt he got racist abuse though, people are awful.
Zayn is not Arab he is Pakistani…which makes him South Asian. South Asians do not consider themselves “White” (I’m one of them). Yes, I know “Muslim” refers to his religion, not ethnicity. Mind you, he is mixed but he never talks about his mom’s side so don’t know if he also follows Christian beliefs.
@Franca. There are also christians in africa it doesnt make them white. And pakistanis are not white nor do they consider themselves to be or get treated as such. At least thats the case in england where I (and Zayne) is from.
I said I don’t know if Pakistanis were white, I said Arabs were, and I thought his background was arabic. My mistake, but Arabs are white.
@Word, you said: “There is some hypocracy in his lifestyle as he is marrying a non-Muslim, he drinks, engages in pre-maritical relations, and apparently smokes weed.”
Countless of Christian celebrities engage in pre-marital relations (amongst breaking many many other laws of the bible), yet they almost never get called hypocrites.
@ Flan
I would call them hypocrites too.
Management couldn’t rely on Zayn the past few years. He doesn’t talk during interviews. He’s lethargic during stage shows. He sometimes wanders off in the middle of shows and doesn’t return. He doesn’t always show for fan promo stuff. Why would they push him when he does that?
Marketing wasn’t going to ignore the other guys when he did everything he could to make it clear he wasn’t interested in being present for anything. So they moved on to other band members who were interested in pushing the band and playing to the fans.
Good points. But his “behaviour” may have been a reaction to being pushed to the side when they first came out. No way did the execs want a young Pakistani Muslim boy to be the lead. You know how racist this world is, especially towards Muslims. He is shy in nature but he was still able to sing in front of thousands of people. I think they wanted Harry to be the lead because he had that “All American look” to him (even though he’s British).
That’s what I thought. He is the only one who can sing and the one that gets most of the attention, Harry Styles, can’t sing to save his life.
I don’t blame the guy. It must be getting old doing the boy band thing as they get older. Probably doesn’t want to be singing Simon Cowell’s songs to 15 year old girls for the rest of his lift. I just hope they are getting their fair share of the money they generate, because I don’t see any real talent in any of them. I suppose he will get his chance now, but I don’t see him happening outside of 1D. But these guys seem like good blokes, so I hope they do well
Seems there is definitely more to the story than has officlally been put out there. Whatever it is, I can only fault the dude for not finishing the tour and not being straight with the other dudes about his plans. The rest – wanting out of the boy band thing, wanting to go more lo pro, wanting to do solo stuff, whatever – I don’t blame him. Also, I don’t follow this band at all (I’m 38 for God’s sake!), and prior to this departure, I had no idea who Zayn Malik is and could only identify Harry Styles b/c of the hair and Taylor Swift, so I guess, good PR move Zayn?
So first he ‘quits’ 1d because he wants to be away from the spotlight and leave a normal life of 20something and now he’s going solo…? Ok then, that makes the originally story stuck up (no, it doesn’t)
He’s so pretty!! He’s way prettier than Harry.
Ginger spice, Robbie Williams, George Michael all of them went solo, but only Robbie and George managed to have a decent career.
Look, he probably never wanted to be in a boy band. They all auditioned solo, no? So he’s done his time. Granted, leaving in the middle of the tour, especially if the end game is the solo act but claiming the desire for normalcy was probably not the best way to go about it but ‘shrug’.
People think Perrier gets it bad from the fans but I believe that what she gets is nothing compared to what the non famous girls like Eleanor Calder got and some of the racist crap that Liam’s first girlfriend Danielle Peazer got being half black and half white. The crap these fans post just saying that Eleanor has no right to be sad for breaking up with Louis as she was never a real girlfriend in the first place and spamming her twitter and instagram with Larry stuff was bad. As for Perrie calling her Yoko Onow is wrong and blaming her for Zayn’s cheating is wrong but I do think that up until now fans have been the nicest to her. What they say about her is just that she is uaing Zayn to make Little Mix more famous but I rarely saw people really digging into her about looks etc like they did with Eleanor and Danielle.
Also just want to add the Liam is the only one I have ever seen put his foot dpwn with fans about abusing the people they love. Never seen Harry do it for his revolving door or Louis for all the Eleanor abuse. I think Zayn should be telling his fans to have some respect for Perrie. She is more than a girlfriend now she is his fiancee. I just find it interesting that the two bandmates who treated their girls the worst aka Zayn and Louis don’t ever have to explain their cheating to these fans and yet these girls get abuse and are expected to be okay with it.
Tinie tempa hinted in a tweet that Zayne wants to make r and b/hip hop music.
I think he was bored with the tween music for a long time.
On a superficial level: He’s so beautiful by far the best looking in that band, he can always become a model if his solo career don’t take off.
Does it matter though? The only one who will probably still be a star in 10 years will be Harry Styles. Like Justin Timberlake being the only star out of Nysnc.
Going into a recording studio isn’t inconsistent with wanting a more normal life, so cries of “he lied!” seem a tad premature. Long tours are a whole different animal and do interfere with normal living.
I’m surprised that performers aren’t using modern technology more- they could sell tickets for live performances online that would let them go home at night. They could tie in with places with huge screen tv’s for crowds of people to watch, getting a much better view than for typical in-person live performances. Heck, they could even set up to hear the screams and swoons of the audience with interactive technology.
Because on-screen live performances have no concert merchandise. You know how much money is made off of those cheaply made, overpriced stuff? Millions of $$$$.
I went to a Bruno Mars concert last summer and t-shirts that were poorly made were sold for $35 each. Many versions were already sold out even before the concert started. Still, I bought a shirt because hey, I wanted to say I saw Bruno Mars.
People want souvenirs. People want to film fancams, take photos, and document their “I was there!” experiences.
You can’t get those in movie-like concerts.
Maybe it’s because I’m a fan of Kpop (Korean pop) and I’m used to groups having concerts, but fansites for boy/girl groups also give away free souvenirs of their own. Usually these groups support one specific member of a boy/girl group and during concerts, they give out juice boxes, snacks, bottled water, support banners for the member, souvenirs like fans printed with the group member’s face, towels, stationery, notebooks, pens, etc. Fan sites also take lots of photos and videos, compile them into photobooks and DVDs which they sell to international fans who cannot attend the concerts.
It’s a very, very interesting experience to go to a Kpop concert. You see the level of dedication these young girls give to these performers, so concerts have to be done in person because both fans and singers get a lot out of it.
I don’t believe any of this. Sounds like media play to smear his name and to turn fans against him since he is taking all the headlines, most fans were/are supportive of his decision, people are blaming their management for their poor treatment of the group,, and I’ve seen on tumblr some fans saying “There’s still 4 other boys to think about! Stop talking about Zayn only!”
Of course, if it turns out to be true, then ho-hey. He has a right to a life after One Direction. His normal probably doesn’t mean a 9-5 job. His normal can just mean more freedom, control, and choice over his career and being able to rest when he wants and organize his schedule as he likes. Maybe he doesn’t want to tour 6 months out of a year. Maybe he’s tired of singing teeny-bopper songs about love. Maybe he’s sick of working for his ex-company. Maybe he wasn’t getting paid enough. Maybe he does have issues and problems and had to leave.
These boys have been extremely overworked for five years. Other people can endure and flourish, but some can’t. Nothing is wrong with that. But maybe for the first time in a long time, if Zayn did quit on his own and was not forced out, then he got to choose and made a decision for himself. That on its own might be a very positive thing for him already.
We think alike 🙂
I don’t even think he’s planning to go as a solo singer, I think the “cheating” scandal was a PR move and the last straw for him.
He’s worth a lot of money, his old company will try to destroy him for walking away.
I’m not a 1D fan, I have only heard one song by them, but I seriously hope he can live a nice and quiet life away from fame if that’s what he wants to do.
They’re all ugly overrated and skanky. It’s sad that so many people were stupid enough to make them famous and rich. If anything proves that Simon Cowell is one of Satan’s top minions it’s One Direction.
There was a great article in the Globe & Mail today pointing out the parallels/contrast between people gawking at or mocking girls (mostly) freaking out about this, while grown men have been rending their garments for weeks about Jeremy Clarkson leaving Top Gear. It’s the middle-aged dude’s boy band.
I”m thinking this guy is like Mel C from the Spice Girls – the only member of a manufactured band that can sing. But I’m also thinking that it’s a smear campaign and that life hasn’t been the same for Zayn ever since that Tweet. I can’t imagine Cowell was happy with that Tweet, considering who his missus is.
It’s weird because I told everyone I knew that I was expecting Zayn to leave the band after that Tweet. He’s in a position now to follow whatever path he wants rather than jump at Simon Cowell’s command.