Kim Kardashian banned selfies while promoting her book of selfies, of course


Here are some photos of Kim Kardashian on Tuesday in NYC, making an appearance at Barnes & Noble. She did a book signing – her book of selfies, Selfish, was released yesterday. Can we say a few words about her appearance? As some of you have noted in the comments, Kim seems to be borrowing her mother’s Botox-and-filler guy at this point. Either that or Kim has taken a photo of Kris Jenner’s current face into her plastic surgeon and Kim told the guy, “This is what I want to look like.” There’s simply no other explanation for why Kim and Kris’s faces are morphing into each other in the same, equally tweaked way. It’s actually pretty disturbing.

Also: I kind of believe Kim had some fresh butt (implant) work done recently. Between these photos and the Met Gala photos, it seems like her butt has been freshly Pinocchio’d.

As for the “meta” moment at Kim’s book signing… as I said, her new book is a book of selfies. Selfies she’s taken over the years. Sexy selfies, fashion selfies, glam selfies, cat-faced selfies, butt selfies, makeup selfies, ALL OF THE SELFIES. So here’s what’s funny: selfies were banned at her book signing. If you wanted to get a selfie with Kim while she was signing your book, you were out of luck.

I’m including a back view because seriously, she’s got some fresh Pinocchio Butt happening. And this skirt is an utter mess.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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96 Responses to “Kim Kardashian banned selfies while promoting her book of selfies, of course”

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  1. Cannibell says:

    Who would buy this book? And why? (Yes, that was a serious question.)

    • Hmmm says:


    • maeliz says:

      Coffee table coaster?

    • Greek Chic says:

      I was thinking the same…Anyone who buys this “book” is an idiot.

      How classy of her to wear a white lace top with no bra. My eyes hurt.

    • Kitten says:

      I actually wish I had this book…

      …to hurl at my computer screen right now.

      • blue marie says:

        So I have a question.. When making this book, did she photoshop the photoshopped photos?

      • Kitten says:

        Blue Marie! yay.

        What happens when you photoshop photoshopped photos? Does that just make the photos disappear entirely? That would be awesome sauce.

      • louise says:

        Don’t waste your money and give her any

      • Ripley says:

        @Blue Marie… Inception… Selfie Edition?

      • Ripley says:

        Oops. Meant to address that to @ Kitten. And now I’ve done what I promised myself I would never do… Commented on a Kardashian article. Twice. Dammit.

    • Sarah says:


    • atrain says:

      Why would I purchase a book of pictures of her when I can look at all of these pictures on her Instagram?
      Honestly, could you imagine flipping through a book that’s just page after page of pictures of the same person? The thought creeps me out.

      • TeaAndSympathy says:

        400 pages, apparently… Did she purposely and cunningly orchestrate this irony – no selfies at her selfie book launch? Those poor fools who bought a book and lined up in the hopes of getting their own ultimate selfie…I wonder if this will be enough to turn them off her? This is her book promo – can she not even try to muster up a small smile for her poor fans? Can she even smile an more, or is this supposed to Jw look like the face of a serious, published “author”? Are there any words in this book?

      • TeaAndSympathy says:

        Sorry about my jumbled post. The doctor and nurses thought it wise to try me on a new medication before my physio session…

    • PinaColada says:

      Any decency she has to her body is due to luck and surgeons. All she does is sit in chairs and let others apply makeup, or walk 2 steps into endless restaurants and events. It was so evident seeing her at the met gala with other celebs who were fit and clearly do go to the gym, not just pose outside of them. I think for someone so self-absorbed, she’s pretty lazy and sloppy.

    • Susan says:

      And it’s a little tiny book. I thought it would be a big coffee table kind of book. Not a little regular book.

    • Syko says:

      In case you run out of toilet paper?

  2. Allie says:


    • Jules says:

      She looks like an idiot. No offense to idiots out there.

      • snowflake says:

        all the idiots will be buying her’re just saying that cause you’re jealous.

        lol. jk

  3. Lucy2 says:

    Of course she did – all the photos she posts are filtered and photoshopped to the max, but she couldn’t control others photos.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Exactly why.

    • claire says:

      Yep. Exactly.

      Arnold Schwarzenegger recently held a movie premiere for Redditors. At the premiere, they had a selfie line so you could get photos with him. Something like that would have made perfect sense for her to do too as promotion.

      • wonderwoman21 says:

        She probably doesn’t allow selfies with her because she would lose the control of picking the angle and photo shopping it into oblivion.

      • Christin says:

        That would be a great idea. Yet each person would probably have to agree to a list of filters and edit tools to apply.

    • Jag says:

      You said what I was going to say! She wouldn’t have control over what she looked like in the photos, so she doesn’t want people to take selfies with her.

      Y’all are right that having a selfie line for even more $$$$$$ would’ve been perfect promotion, but nope!

  4. Josephine says:

    The book should really be called “Photo Shopping.” She bans selfies because people might post pics of her that have not been photo-shopped. I feel bad for anyone who has to walk through life looking so completely blank and devoid of all things human.

    • The other paige says:

      Also SELFIE CAMP is her next money making venture and ‘she didn’t want to give it all away for free’…

      • PinaColada says:

        Omg this whole thing is so stupid I can’t stand it. It’s embarrassing. There’s no legitimizing it despite her efforts. She’s 34 years old.

      • Anastasia says:

        Wait, REALLY?

  5. NewWester says:

    Let me get this straight, this is a book of just selfie photos of Kim? Seriously

    • Jag says:

      Yes! Don’t you just want it? Don’t you? Don’t you?

      Nah, me neither. lol

  6. jwoolman says:

    She has such a robot look to her. Identical emotionless expressions in each pic, matching the selfie she’s holding up. She seems so terribly stiff. Not good.

    • Willa says:

      Yeah, that particular photo is very robot and lifeless. Buy my book. Beep bo bot boop boop.

      • Qatar2 says:

        A quick show of hands: how many people just read these robot noises out loud to themselves and then giggled……repeatedly?

        *raises hand sheepishly*

    • The other paige says:

      So funny that the person who takes all the selfies is posing so stiffly and unnatural to sell her book of posed photos…

    • Tiffany :) says:

      She looks completely frozen and like a startled deer in headlights. Terrifying and unhuman.

    • Chichi says:

      Lol. Theres footage of her at this book signing being confronted by animal rights activists. Her face stays perfectly motionless through the entire five minutes. And no, its not down to stoicism on her part.

    • TeaAndSympathy says:

      Jwoolman, I recently saw a scientist on an Aussie science show. He’d brought in his latest robot. Sure, it still looked robotic, but…it smiled.

  7. TX says:

    Yeah her face is scary. Put down the needle, Kim! The shame of it all is, now she looks older than she is because she has had so much work done.

    • Dhavynia says:

      Her face only? I’m sorry but at this point her body just looks gross to me. I’m a booty girl myself (natural though) and I find her rear disgusting

  8. Chrissy says:

    LOL!!! How on earth can she think this outfit looks good on her? She’s nothing but a cartoonish void. What a joke.

  9. Lilacflowers says:

    Does that woman not own a mirror?

  10. Tate says:

    All I can think is… Who the hell would buy this book?

    So naturally it will be a top seller. 🙁

    • Petee says:

      Maybe not.I would have no clue who would buy this and why.I hope it tank’s.She look’s like her Mom now.Pretty sad considering her Mom isn’t and never has been that attractive.Kim USE to be so pretty.And no comment on that ridiculous butt.I am sure everything has to be tailored.

    • Greek Chic says:

      I think Kris’s cookbook tanked so there’s hope.

      • katie says:

        That’s because 12-14 y.o. girls don’t cook like that. That is their demographic. So the little girls can ogle over KK and tell her how beautiful she is and aspire to have their very OWN sex tape some day. Ugh!

    • Kitten says:

      If I walked into someone’s house and saw this book sitting on their coffee table, I would run screaming.

      Maybe some people will buy it ironically or as a gag gift. It would make an excellent present for a christmas office swap.

      • Petee says:

        I actually walked out of a friends house because she had that show on and so did her Mom.She really believes this show is for real and she is in her mid forties.

      • MediaMaven says:

        exactly! Her book and the do-nothing brother’s socks – Merry Christmas!!!!

      • Greek Chic says:

        MediaMave you mean Kristmas lol

  11. Goats on the Roof says:

    There’s already more of this woman than anybody needs to see for free on the Internet. What dumbass would actually pay for this swill?

    • TeaAndSympathy says:

      But this is a BOOK. Books show, like, how, like, klassy people are, don’t they? I was thinking that perhaps 12-20 year olds might buy this plank of krap, but how much is it, exactly? I’m sure some fellas will also part with the cash, which makes me think it should be titled, #StickyPages… A best seller, though? Not bloody likely.

  12. PoppyAdair says:

    Pinocchio butt or not, there is no excuse for an ill-fitting skirt like that. I wish she would stop torturing her poor tailor into altering clothes that plainly are not designed nor the correct size for her body!

  13. mandygirl says:

    She has a book? Does she even read? Between this and that Fifty Shades crap, I’ve decided that I no longer want to live on this planet.

    • Josephine says:

      No need to read – I believe it is a picture book, befitting for the family.

  14. Macey says:

    Why on earth would anyone spend $20.00 on this book when her pics are everywhere online?
    and who really wants to see that much of KK other than KK?
    Wendy Williams was talking about this book on her show yesterday and she did a poll of who would be buying the book and no one clapped at first but then she asked the question again and just a couple clapped. Im sure they will buy a million or so copies themselves just to give the illusion that ppl are buying it but I just can’t imagine anyone wanting it. If it wasn’t for PMK making sure they stay in the headlines Im sure they would have been long forgotten by now.

  15. Melibea says:

    Oh I miss the days when books where made by interesting authors and they actually had real content!

    • FingerBinger says:

      Those days are gone. When Snooki wrote a book I was done.

    • Wren says:

      They exist, but they don’t get the publicity these “authors” do. And you know Snooki didn’t write that book, some poor soul in desperate need of a paycheck wrote it for her.

      • FingerBinger says:

        I know the book was ghostwritten. It was pushing Snooki as an author that made me angry.

  16. maeliz says:

    Can she exhale in that clashing white outfit?

    • louise says:

      The buttons look like they’re barely holding on. She wears a lot of clashing clothes. She must not have a mirror

    • Cankles says:

      The outfit is giving me a headache. Not only do the shades clash, the top and the skirt do not go together stylistically by any stretch of the imagination.

  17. Jayna says:

    I can’t believe she has all of these fans that would stand in line for hours to buy a selfie book from her. LOL

    But with long lines at book stores, I get why she isn’t taking selfies. You have to keep the line going.

    • jwoolman says:

      Any reports from the field concerning how many people are showing up? I can imagine her friends would, but it seems like such a weird thing to sell, especially since she has such zombie expressions these days. I guess she does have fans, but they would be very disappointed at the no-selfie rule.

      I wonder if she’s doped up on prescription drugs as part of the reason she has that zombie demeanor. She never had problems with alcohol or recreational drugs in the past. But she’s been looking so sad since long before Nori was born or maybe even conceived.

      • Jayna says:

        Yes. Hundreds in NY. Here’s an article and a bunch of photos on it. Some people camped out overnight, I think. It boggles the mind seeing these people excited for this book and the long lines way down the street. The writer for Business Insider, who went down to check out the book signing and interview people as to why they came and why a fan, said it was complete chaos. One man was a retired teacher. LOL

        In the article, one fan came out, after having her book signed, and said Kim changed her mind and was now allowing selfies. Also, some animal rights activists were secretly in line to confront her because of wearing fur, and did get up to her and did confront her before being escorted out.

      • Christin says:

        If you can buy an audience (seat fillers) for shows and concerts, why not for a book signing?

  18. BlackBetty says:

    This book always reminds me of Seinfeld, with Kramers coffee table book about coffee tables.

  19. Ana says:

    More like the other way around. I bet Kris is the one trying to look like Kim, given that she pretty much lives vicariously through her. To Kris she is an extension of herself and would like to emulate her ‘youthness.’

    Just theories though.

    I want to see how many copies this is going to sell. I know people who adore them so I bet many will buy it.

  20. prissa says:

    It’s just so funny to me how she can never get her outfits right. I actually really like the skirt & shoes. The skirt would fit better if it were 2 sizes larger, but I like it. Then she veers way left with the see-through, lace top… umm what??? I truly believe she knows she won’t get talked about if she wears something normal so she does this on purpose to get more people talking. So utterly ridiculous!!

  21. nikzilla says:

    She looks awful. If she insists on dressing that way, she needs to get rid of the butt and tone down the boobs. Ugh.

  22. lassie says:

    So, are we just forgoing underwear at this point?

    • Zwella Ingrid says:

      Apparently “nakey” is in.

    • TeaAndSympathy says:

      Not entirely, lassie. If you wear designer, haute couture webbing or diaphanous fabrics, you must wear underwear beneath said webs or fabrics. In this case, granny pants are de rigeur and underwear must be visible at all times. On the other hand, if you choose to wear fabrics other than spider webbing, single-layer tulle or clear plastic, underwear is optional, particularly if your lady lumps are (a) hugely bulbous and (b) not provided by Mother Nature. Lace and bare boobage are trending right this minute.

  23. kate says:

    She looks like a wax doll or a mannequin holding the book

  24. amp122076 says:


  25. serena says:

    She looks stoned, but I guess that’s just the typical Kardashian expression.

  26. The Original G says:

    Apparently she banned supportive bras as well.

  27. Jonesy says:

    What’s next, a pop-up book of her butt?

  28. Val says:

    The skirt is not *that*bad.
    The top is beyond awful…
    And we clearly can see her extensions, from the back. She fu***ed up her hair. going blonde = worst decision ever. (beyond her everyday outfit choices!!)

  29. Barbara says:

    She had a major protest from animal rights during the book signing. Why did you not mention it, or did I miss it.

  30. Dr.Funkenstein says:

    Oh, I don’t imagine there will be any more “reality” involved in her book effort than there is in the stupid show. Sales figures will be created (by buying in bulk), or manufactured outright. I can picture Kanye buying enough of the stupid things to put her on the NYT Best Sellers list. Sure, he’s going to be out of money sooner than later, but he doesn’t seem to have the sense to realize that. I’m no longer young or naive enough to believe the sales figure hype anymore. As for the lines of enthusiastic fans, I’m betting the majority are being paid. After all, this is all about self promotion. The woman does nothing meaningful and contributes nothing to society. Her job is to stay in the public eye. She can afford a few million to throw away on a worthless project like this just to get some publicity. What is she going to do if she doesn’t? Nothing but fade away. So Kim is kind of stuck as a cog in PMK’s little machine.

  31. Goodnight says:

    Okay, not to defend Kim (ick), but ‘no selfies’ is pretty standard at signings because they don’t want to hold it up. At other events like comic-con you’re not allowed to take selfies during signings, you have to wait until a photo event or ask them when they’re just walking around the place.

    That being said, she should have definitely had a selfie event to promote the book, it’s common sense. Of course, we all know why she didn’t.

  32. I have no shame..I sKimmed past this earlier and wasn’t going to comment..then I took a look at the back view. What is that on her hiney? A pocket? A relief valve? I mean you know she has her clothes altered, so what is this bubble thing?

  33. Anastasia says:

    She looks like an actual wax figure in every photo.

    I don’t know if Kim realizes this, but even body shapes go in and out of style. I can remember in the 80s when very high cut one piece bathing suits were all the rage (French cut, I think they were called?), tailored, belted slacks were in, and having a slim ass was the thing. Not a flat ass, exactly, but a very narrow, slim, toned ass. Her kind of ass was considered grotesque (I know, still is, but there has been a big butt “thing” in recent years).

    That narrow, slim ass will come back. Everything does. And she’ll look more ridiculous than ever. And she’ll go running to her plastic surgeon to get this ass removed. Her body will be destroyed by the time she’s 50.

  34. Itsa Reallyme says:

    Now she thinks she’s Anna Wintour and banning selfies at her events too.