A philosophical analysis of Brad Pitt taking Pax and Zahara to preschool

Pictures of Brad Pitt taking Zahara and Pax to school just do not get old for me. They pretty much look the same each time – he’s holding their hands, the kids have those cute backpacks on, and Zahara is smiling. I still like to see them.

We don’t often get philosophical about the celebrities here, but the point to all this intrusion into their private lives is to feel like you somehow know them. Most of the time you just know the assumptions that other people make about famous people based on known circumstances about their lives. The things they say are usually over analyzed and taken out of content, with negativity fueled by jealousy over how pretty, rich and thin they are. Stories in one celebrity magazine get repeated in another without being sourced, and it becomes truth to the public, even though it was once cooked up by someone pouring over photos searching for something to gossip about.

Then you see pictures of them doing ordinary things, especially with their children, and you kind of realize that they serve a purpose in society. We need to have these beautiful people to look up to and at the same time see how much like us they are. If only we could revere the poor, the average, the differently-abled, maybe we’d see how lovely and special even the smallest most ordinary moments in all our lives can be.

Thanks to WENN for these photos. And thanks for listening to my diversion from the usual gossip. I realize this is not that deep or revelatory, but I gossip about celebrities after all.

Pax is wearing a faded vintage T that says “Respect your mother” while Zahara is wearing a “Black Sabbath” shirt.

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