Game of Thrones: so is that one particular character really dead? (spoilers)


SPOILERS for last night’s season finale of Game of Thrones.

I did the full recap of the season finale earlier – go here to read. This post is just specifically about the “death” of one particular character. One character who we thought was really, really important. One character who we thought would survive because it would make no sense if he did not survive. That character? Jon Snow, who knows nothing. Isn’t Jon Snow too important to die? Isn’t Jon Snow the product of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen? Isn’t he the song of ice and fire? Doesn’t he eventually have to meet up with Dany? WHAT IS HAPPENING?

Well, different people are saying different things. To hear George RR Martin tell it, you’d think that there’s still a possibility that Jon Snow could survive. But Kit Harington wants you to know that Jon Snow is DEAD. Dan Weiss and David Benioff want you to know that Jon Snow is dead too. WTF? Here’s what some of Kit had to say:

Kit Harington likes that Jon is dead: “Like every season, you read something in the script and go, “Oh f–k.” I kind of knew it was coming. I didn’t read [George R.R. Martin’s novel] A Dance with Dragons. But I read the other books and I had heard this is what happens. So I had an inkling it should be this season. I didn’t realize it would be the final shot of the season and that made it extra special. It’s always kind of nice really when you’re the last thing that happens in that episode. I dunno, I loved it. I loved how they brought Olly in to be the person who kills me. I love how the storyline with Thorne was wrapped up. I think it was really well crafted by [showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss]. It felt like the right way for it to happen.

Kit on Jon Snow’s parents: “But we have to go by what Thrones does. And Thrones treats drama as real life. And people die and don’t accomplish what we think they’re meant to in real life. And I think that’s one of the powerful things about Thrones. The major loss with Jon’s through-line is he never finds out who his mother is and that’s the heartbreaking thing for me.”

Kit on Jon really, really being dead: “This is my understanding of it. I had a sit-down with Dan and David, we did the Tony Soprano walk [letting an actor know they’re being whacked]. And they said, “Look, you’re gone, it’s done.” And as far as the salary thing goes, that angered me when that story came out. I don’t know where it came from, but it was inaccurate in many ways. It’s going to put questions into your head and into fans’ heads that things are not what they are. Quite honestly, I have never been told the future of things in this show, but this is the one time I have. They sat me down and said, “This is how it is.” If anything in the future is not like that, then I don’t know about it – it’s only in David and Dan and George’s heads. But I’ve been told I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m not coming back next season. So that’s all I can tell you, really.”

[From Entertainment Weekly]

So Kit Harington isn’t going to appear in Game of Thrones next season. He’s saying that outright. Jesus! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?

EW also spoke to Dan Weiss, who said “Dead is dead. We would hope that after seeing the scene and the way it’s shot that the answer to that will be unambiguous in the minds of the people watching it. It should be pretty clear what happens in by the time you’re done seeing that scene. It’s not an, ‘Oh what just happened scene?’” But George RR Martin tells EW, “If there’s one thing we know in A Song of Ice and Fire is that death is not necessarily permanent.”

Is it possible that Weiss and Benioff are just massively trolling everyone and that by the end of Season 6, Jon Snow will be back in some form? Is Jon going to turn into a White Walker? WHERE IS GHOST? Melisandre seems to have some idea that Jon Snow has “king’s blood” too, so it feels like she’s going to be in the mix somewhere. And I pretty much think that Kit is flat-out lying about not appearing in Season 6 at all.


jon snow

Photos courtesy of WENN, HBO.

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52 Responses to “Game of Thrones: so is that one particular character really dead? (spoilers)”

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  1. Lindy79 says:

    Yeah and Cumby flat out denied being Dr Strange for months even just before it was announced. Kit’s an actor being told to say a narrative by D&D.

    They’re being technical, I bet he’s revived in some form.

    • Ladybird83 says:

      Calm down people! Don’t you see what they are saying?! “Jon Snow” is dead, but her was never really Jon Snow. It’s just a name. His new name will be Targaryen.

    • Rachel says:

      I also believe they’re being technical. As others have pointed out, he’s referring the character of Jon Snow. They could resurrect him as someone else.

    • Lindy79 says:

      Exactly. He isn’t dead.
      It’s semantics “Jon Snow” is dead but he’ll come back in a new form.

    • velcrodots says:

      His “new name” will be Azor Ahai, I would almost put money on it. Mel showing up when she did, that’s no coincidence.

  2. mia girl says:

    We are being trolled.

    • epiphany says:

      Of course we are. Jon Snow is dead, but he’s not going to stay dead. Mel will resurrect him. Since he was, in fact, dead, albeit temporarily, it frees Jon from his Night’s Watch vows, so he can pursue his true destiny. This is all a big send up to get everyone to watch the next season.

    • Gretchen says:

      Indeed. “Dead is dead” from the show runners who resurrected THOUSANDS of people 2 episodes ago? And just brought back Franken-Mountain 5 minutes ago? Nuh-uh.

      • *North*Star* says:

        That was my thought. How is dead dead, here and that applies only to a few characters????

        So yeah, don’t buy it.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      They didn’t burn the body. He’s coming back as a zombie.

    • A mascarada says:

      Like we were trolled by Benjen in the previouslly on GoT 🙁
      I felt exactly like Jon when he saw the sign.

  3. Jenns says:

    I’m still not buying it. At the very least, he may be off next season, or have a very limited role, but I do not think he is dead. As I said in the other thread, the EW recap points out that there was no goodbye gift for Kit, which is standard for someone leaving the show. I think they are trolling us and they can get away with it because not only is it a show cliffhanger, but a book cliffhanger as well.

    Besides, we still need to find out who his damn parents are!

    • Mom2two says:

      Richard Madden claims to have not gotten a parting gift. He took a Stark and Lannister war piece. Not that it matters, I think Kit and company have to make everyone believe he’s dead for the next shocker that no one, not even book readers know about.

    • Pamela says:

      The only thing that concerns me is that Kit said “But I’ve been told I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m not coming back next season. So that’s all I can tell you, really.”

      Now, maybe he MEANS “Jon Snow” isn’t coming back. But he says “I’m not coming back”. Kit as an actor, would need to know as he would need to keep his schedule free…or not.

      That said, maybe Mel steals off with his body, with plans to resurrect him and maybe it doesn’t actually happen in the next season. They have 2 more seasons scheduled, right? Maybe they will focus on other story lines next season and will just have a few shots of Mel with a wrapped up corpse?

      Yes, this is me…desperately grasping at straws. I honestly wasn’t even that upset when they killed him onscreen because I was in so much denial that I didn’t believe it was really happening

  4. Lilacflowers says:

    Ghost has gone in search of BenJen and The Hound.

  5. Pinky says:

    Melisandre, anyone? Anyway, that was a devastating episode in many parts. But well done.

  6. Mia V. says:

    Or he knows nothing, or we know nothing.

  7. Talie says:

    Yes, they are lying! Mel didn’t just come back to The Wall for no damn reason.

    I think they are just salty because there were so many spoilers this season, even scenes from the finale were leaked.

  8. Ilona says:

    This is from

    ‘But no matter what happens, don’t expect Kit Harrington to stay dead for long. (He’s signed on through Season 7!) The only question is who will bring him back to life? Melisandre? The Night’s King? Thoros of Myr? I suspect we might have to wait until Season 6 to find out.’

    I guess he will return!

    • Jenns says:

      Please let it be The Night King. I need more White Walkers!

      • GlimmerBunny says:

        I really hope Jon comes back as a White Walker too! We need someone to root for on the Ice side of the battle (against Dany/Tyrion).

    • mom2two says:

      Kit said in the interview that the salary news being released made him mad and it wasn’t true.

      Now that is probably him throwing people off the scent. However, I won’t believe Jon is done until he doesn’t show up again.

  9. Kate says:

    The dead can come back. The fact that we saw the return of Gregor Clegane (Ser Robert Strong) just before Jon’s death wasn’t a coincidence.

    He and the show runners are saying the character is dead (not an impossible obstacle to overcome in the GoT world), and he won’t be back next season. Not that he’ll never be back.

    • mom2two says:

      Keep in mind that they have shown Robert Strong, at the end of last season after the fight with Oberyn and he’s covered on the bed. And they had a scene with Qyburn earlier this season with Robert Strong moving and Qyburn telling him to “shhh.”

      Besides Gregor, we were introduced to Beric Dondarrion resurrected self in season 3 and we’ve seen what the Night’s King (?) can do…..

  10. Mila says:

    i dont see the sense in interviewing people about stuff like that. they are forced to lie about stuff to not spoil anything. it dont see how its helpful. in the end we know they are lying and most often its basically like a confirmation.

    this whole real world stuff takes a good bit away from the magic of a story.

    • Viv says:

      Exactly. What is he meant to say? ‘Yeh, I’m not really dead, I’m the goddamn star of this bitch!’

      He’s lying isn’t even that consistent. They should have at least coached him to say that he received a parting gift. Something dragony just to mess with people.

      I really, really need the next book to come out next year.

      • lou says:

        Exactly! There’s not sports players who’ve just played a championship. They’re actors. They have a story to tell. If they have to lie in an interview to keep the secret, they will.

  11. jc126 says:

    If he really stays dead, I do not care how this series ends anymore. But I feel like he’s most likely to live on.

  12. QQ says:

    my Current Hopes Are:

    That he Warged Into Ghost

    That Melisandre Beric Dondarrions Him Up, after all Drunk ass Thoros Of Myr Managed It

    That Melisandre Glamoured him up in the same way that The Books explained Happened with Mance

    Cause otherwise im BEREFT

    great season Otherwise….. I could have done without Dorne If this Is The Tepid shit they were going to serve us

    Special extra amazingness at Arya The Killer But a girl Is Gonna need to learn to Be No One if she expects to regain her sight (DIDNT I TELL YOU ABOUT THIS ABBOTT?!)

    • Lilacflowers says:

      Where is All Drunk Ass Thoros? I miss him.

    • Melissa says:

      Oh, now THAT is a theory that I can get behind! Kit may not be back next season…but the character Jon WILL! Because not only does Melisandre resurrect him, but she glamours his form so that to other people he LOOKS different (and will be played by another actor) so that he can go about his destiny without anyone recognizing him…and as someone else mentioned, with Kit being signed on contractually through season 7, the Kit/Jon form that we know will return then, two years from now.

  13. KM says:

    My favorite theory is that John will warg into Ghost and turn into a killing machine. The books are even murkier when it comes to whether John is really dead or not and George’s comments seem pretty clear that it’s not the end of Johns involvement, alas the show could/has taken a completely different route.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      A completely different route? No, it would NEVER to that. Well, except with Mance. And Davos. And Yara. And Tyrion. And Jorah. And Varys. And the Sand Snakes. And Barristan. And Sansa. And Brienne. And Littlefinger. And Jamie. And Gendry. And Myrcella. And basically everyone except Arya, Danys, and Cersei. Never mind.

      • GlimmerBunny says:

        Too true 😀 I can’t believe anyone still claims D&D are following the books…

  14. A. Key says:

    Thank god!
    He cant act and his character is boring as fck.
    Now if only someone would kill Daenerys too.
    Leave Tyrion to govern the lands.

    Oh and I thought the ice and fire bit was whitewalkers and dragons.
    The humans in between them are irrelevant.

  15. lowercaselois says:

    I think he will be raised from the dead by the King of the White Walkers and he won’t have much of a story line next year, but the following season he will try and get the Iron Throne with help from White Walkers. NeXT year will be more about younger Stark boys.

    • Betti says:

      I think next season will focus on the remain Starks, particularly Arya and Sansa..I agree that Jon will return as out of all the characters on the show i have always thought he was the dark horse – the one with the interesting plot line/story.

      I think Westeros will be crushed and a new Kingdom will emerge from the mess and most of the main characters will be dead. Thou Tyrion will survive – he’d better dear showrunners!!!!!

  16. Size Does Matter says:

    I suspect HBO ended this season exactly this way with Jon per an agreement with GRRM, so GRRM has a chance to get book 6 out before season 6 of the show airs next year. GRRM should be the one to resolve this cliffhanger, one way or the other. I can’t imagine Jon Snow and the Wall staying in suspended animation for the duration of book 6.

    • Bridget says:

      That’s IF GRRM hauls his behind and gets this book finished. Winds of Winter is already pushed back into 2016 – he’s got to get it done and out this fall for it to come out before the TV show.

      And really, what are D&D supposed to say? “You know that cliffhanger that we ended the season with? Oh, don’t worry, he’s not really dead. Now do you want me to tell you how the whole thing ends?” Sheesh.

  17. Kyre says:

    Good Riddance. He was angsty, whiny and not very courageous at all when you really look at the big picture. He was always borderline on board with his role at the wall. I feel like he was bad for Castle Black and I’m glad to see him go.

  18. Ellie says:

    If these means there will be less posts about him whining about how attractive he is and how awful fame is, then I’m fine with it. On a superficial level, his hair always looks greasy in photos and that also annoys me. Yes, I’m grumpy today.

  19. G says:

    It wouldn’t be enough to just warg into Ghost. He needs to be “Dondarrions-ized” by the Red Witch.

  20. Fue McCormick says:

    When I watched the final scene, I wondered if Jon Snow was dreaming this happening? Kind of like what happened to Bobby on Dallas, “I had the most horrible dream.”
    This show confuses the hell out of me … and I think George R. R. Martin is sadistic. I can see him totally getting off (you know what I mean) while he writes this stuff …

  21. Josefa says:

    Remember when Michelle Fairley said several times she would not appear and people were all “pfft but the show NEEDS Stoneheart!” And well, you saw how that ended.

    I predicted Jon’s death when Olly started getting so much protagonism. To see if a character is really safe, don’t think about their story. Think about where they are in the intro. You can still have a story on The Wall without Jon Snow, and Jon Snow already contributed LOTS to the story. Someone like Arya? She’s more or less considered dead by everyone who matters, and the stuff she does in Bravoos in no way affects a story other than her own. So killing Arya would make no sense. But Jon? Eh. They made it abundantly clear that several of his brothers were less than fond of him.

  22. Chris says:

    From a narrative standpoint, Melisandre returning to Castle Black serves no purpose other than ressurecting Jon. I’d be more likely to believe Jon is dead in the books, because she never left the castle. But in the show, she basically cut Stannis loose, she could have gone anywhere. I believe her character, while insufferable, is noble. She truly believes she’s going to save everyone from the army of the dead. She’s just not very good at interpreting her fire visions. Her returning to Castle Black is the epitome if Chekhov’s Gun.