Mindy Kaling made a ‘joke’ about child abuse on GMA: awkward or fine?


Here are some photos of Mindy Kaling out and about in NYC yesterday, where she was making the rounds on talk shows to promote Pixar’s Inside Out. Mindy voices “Disgust” and she’s really been doing a good job talking up the film. She seems really pleased with the final product and let’s face it, Pixar knows what they’re doing and the film will probably be a huge hit and win tons of awards. So here are some highlights from Mindy’s various appearances.

She wants to be Photoshopped. When Mindy appeared on The View, they chatted about her InStyle cover and she said: “When I was on the cover of this magazine, I think people were excited because I don’t look like a lot of women who tend to be on the covers of magazines…A lot of times when you’re not super skinny and you’re on a cover of magazines and stuff like that, the idea is like, ‘Oh, we’ll just let her be…we’re gonna get credit for letting her be really natural and real.’ But I’m like everyone else, whereas I’m like, ‘You can Photoshop me as much as you want!'”

She tried a child abuse “joke.” Jezebel made this into a thing, like Mindy made a terribly inappropriate joke about child abuse, but I think George Stephanopoulos sort of set her up with an awkwardly worded statement about how the film “makes you feel like you’re inside this 11-year-girl.” And Mindy just says, “….in a profoundly wholesome way.” That’s it.

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Mindy believes sex scenes are a lot of fun. In her newest memoir Why Not Me?, Mindy chats about how much fun she has filming sex/romantic scenes and that all actors lie about how much fun they really are. She writes, in part: “I am here to tell you they’re all lying. Every last one of ’em. Obviously onscreen sex is not actual penetrative sex, but, as any religious high schooler will tell you, simulating sex can be pretty damn enjoyable as well.” As for all of the crew standing around watching you grind on some dude, Mindy writes: “The more, the merrier! Most of those people are artists whose job it is to make sure your physical imperfections are cloaked in mysterious shadows. By the end of the shooting day, you’ll wish there were more people there.”


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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67 Responses to “Mindy Kaling made a ‘joke’ about child abuse on GMA: awkward or fine?”

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  1. Katie says:

    I know I am going to be ripped to shreds for this, but she annoys me. The more she talks the less I like her. She constantly talks, ney, whines, about not being like other girls and how hard she’s had it because she doesn’t look like other women or fit the beauty standard, but seriously, she has a successful Tv show. She’s been a successful screen writer. She’s been in two highly successful animated movies. Sure, I get that she struggled and worked hard to get there, but it’s time to stop whining about it!

    • kcarp says:

      I dont like her either. I listened to her Howard Stern interview and it is was so boring, so valley girl, just blah blah, the struggle.

    • Lilacflowers says:

      She grew up in the richest town in Massachusetts so, in that sense, she’s not like other girls but I don’t find wealth to be a reason for pity.

    • Patricia says:

      A friend of mine worked with her for quite a while on her show, and said she’s annoying, controlling (like, beyond being the boss controlling), and very self centered.
      She bugs me now that I’ve heard how difficult and thoughtless she can be.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        It is HER show! Of course she is controlling, you have to be in control of the ship if you are the captain. Would a person be doing a good job if they were the creator, writer and producer of a show and they were not in control?

      • Mila says:

        no opinion if she is a good person or not, but im generally not a fan of calling showrunners and the like control freaks. of course they want to have as much influence as possible on their show.

      • Patricia says:

        No, like I said, it went beyond being the boss type of controlling. Like, she would expect every person that works with her to be available at all times no matter what. Like, you don’t get to have a life because you work on my show.
        Everyone has a right to an evening off.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I’m not ripping you to shreds at all, but I don’t hear the whining. She’s just stating facts – she doesn’t look like the women we are used to seeing on magazine covers. And she doesn’t. But I do like her, so maybe my perception is colored by that. And you have every right not to like her, btw. One thing that really annoys me is people attacking others for saying, politely, as you did, something negative about “their” celeb, as if it’s a personal attack on them.

      • Kitten says:


        We all have our irrational (or sometimes rational) celebs that we dislike. No one should get ripped to shreds for it.

        That being said, I like Mindy a lot.

      • stay gold, ponyboy says:

        or sports team.

    • Artemis says:

      I don’t like her either but for other reasons than the ones you mentioned. I think she’s thoughtless and selfish but won’t go into detail because I already did ages ago. She has not changed since then so my opinion won’t change either.

    • Debbie says:

      I love her, so I don’t view her as whining more as trying to stop the conversation before it starts about her race. However, she does talk about it a lot so I could see if you aren’t a fan how it would annoy you. I don’t like Jennifer Lawrence at all and everytime she talks about her love of eating it’s like nails on a chalkboard. No reason to be raked over the coals.

    • Rhiley says:

      Yeah, I don’t find much difference between Mindy and Lena Dunham. They both don’t know when to STFU. Who would you rather be stuck on a desert island with? Ugh.

      • Nikki says:

        First off, I really like what GNAT said about respectful disagreements! I’d much rather be stuck on a desert island with Kaling than Dunham. I don’t perceive her as whining a lot; the establishment is SO completely unaccepting or pigeonholing of smart, heavier, and non-white girls, she encounters unbelievable attitudes and strictures every day. I think she’s just stating facts, and probably leaving a lot out even. I really admire how she’s blazed a creative path in different ways, against a lot of odds and dismissive attitudes. As for her comment, I felt more like she was clarifying an awkward statement. Fan here.

      • perplexed says:

        Mindy Kaling seems way more uncontroversial to me than Lena Dunham. And usually pretty un-opinionated, hence, inoffensive, like a cat. Kaling seems more like a people-pleaser to me, in that she never seems to want to rock the boat or refuses to address certain issues. It’s not so much that I think she might be “nice” but that she doesn’t want anything affecting the business of her show or “brand.” I think she might be secretly super-smart, but doesn’t bring it out for fear people might stop watching her show. I don’t necessarily hold that against her — I think she’s playing the system to get where she wants to be.

    • QQ says:

      No you wont I said as much Last Post about her Katie, She grates me, Her Valley Speak Grates me , I want her to succeed as a Brown woman making her own way but she is fighting me the whole entire way with her affectation, her weird way she is sorta begging for white cookies and acceptance (is a dog whistle but is SO persistently there with her that I can’t) and just everything

    • Emma - the JP Lover says:

      @Katie, who wrote: “I know I am going to be ripped to shreds for this, but she annoys me. The more she talks the less I like her. She constantly talks, ney, whines, about not being like other girls and how hard she’s had it because she doesn’t look like other women or fit the beauty standard, but seriously, she has a successful Tv show.”

      Nope. I came here to write pretty much the same thing. Well said. I also dislike this woman’s constant stink face, too.

    • Ash says:

      I’ve never cared for Mindy. She seems high maintenance and as if she’d be too exhausting to spend time around. I don’t really find her funny either.

  2. Lucy2 says:

    Yeah, so, that wasn’t even a “joke”, just her trying to transition out of something horribly awkward that George Stephanopoulos said.

    • Esmom says:

      EXACTLY what I came here to say. George was the one who inadvertently said something icky and I thought she covered pretty gracefully for him.

      This movie looks really interesting. And her comments about sex scenes are pretty funny.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:


    • Samtha says:

      Exactly. People are so ready to be outraged over every little thing these days.

    • Debbie says:

      Thank you! There was no joke. I keep trying to figure out where the pearl clutching out rage is coming from in what was said and then I remember it is Jezebel and they are just wackos that are constantly pearl clutching about all things not named Lena Dunham.

      What she said is fine, in the clip she clearly felt awkward by what George said and was trying to get out of the situation. I don’t get why anyone tried to make it a thing.

      Personally I can’t wait to see this movie. I love Pixar and this cast is insane!

      • claire says:

        Jezebel got taken over by wackodoodles long ago. I used to love that site and now avoid it like the plague.

    • Kitten says:


      For all the times they hit the mark, Jezebel can also be so incendiary and straight-up annoying with the constant hand-wringing.

    • Liberty says:


    • I Choose Me says:

      MTE. What a non-issue.

      With regards to sex scenes, I think it comes down to how comfortable with or attracted to you are with the person you’re opposite. But I totally buy that lots of actors get turned on when filming those scenes (there’s a reason so many of them hook up with their co-workers) but you lie out of respect for your partner or theirs.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I agree. She took his awkward hot potato and passed it along the best way she could.

    • Justagirl says:

      His lead-in was awkward, but everyone, especially a comedian/writer, is capable of shutting down a double-entendre without ‘matching’ it – it’s an active choice. If some idiot was creeping on her with double-entendres, guaranteed she could easily talk around it. The non-sexual response in her totes Valleygirl style: “I KNOW!! We’re totally inside her head, it’s such a fun movie….” Instead she chose to take his Oops/awkward comment & add Ick to it.

    • jaygee says:

      It’s Jezebel. And this is a perfect example of the sort of manufactured outrage that made me stop reading that site. Just…no. Her comment was not offensive, and George’s comment was not intended to be either.

      • Ash says:

        “And this is a perfect example of the sort of manufactured outrage that made me stop reading that site. ”

        I’m glad I’m not alone. I quit reading that site well over a year ago.

  3. GiddyIdiot says:

    Her style is so fun and accessible. Not the most fashion forward of showbiz ladies but she always looks like she’s having a good time in her colourful clothes.

  4. Angie T says:

    Meh Alot of brouhaha over nothing.

  5. Dewdrop says:

    Awkward on both sides, but not like Louis C.K. territory.

  6. Sue says:

    I think George is the one who made the inappropriate statement. What is the right answer to that?

  7. Lindy79 says:

    I see this as her trying to get out of his awkward phrasing “getting inside an 11 year old girl..” seriously who ok’d that??

  8. Erinn says:

    I love her. I know a lot of people don’t, and I kind of get why. But I love her anyway – there’s a lot of beloved celebs on here that I don’t get the love for, so it’s the same thing I guess.

    I really don’t think her comment was offensive – awkward, sure, but really – pretty darn low on the offensive scale. A lot of things jezebel covers is great – it at the very least opens up communications on the subjects – but I find more and more often things kind of blow up for the sake of blowing up, ya know? Some things are picked apart a bit more than they logically should be.

    I know her style choices aren’t always amazing – but I like a good deal of them. She does wear things that I wouldn’t personally put together, and it tends to look pretty cool. And I like that she’s not super tiny, but doesn’t drown herself in a ton of fabric. I have a habit of buying too large of a size because I think I’m bigger than I am, and I’m insecure about having clothing that’s fitted thinking I’m some kind of sausage woman hybrid. But it’s an inflated perception of what I really look like. What made me really break down and pay more attention to sizes was me having a melt down looking for clothes to wear to an interview. I had a nice pair of black dress pants, but the legs were a wider cut than I wear on a daily basis. And all my ‘nice’ tops seemed to be looser, flowy tops. It looked terrible together. I’m forcing myself to try things on IN the store now instead of bringing them home and saying ‘eh good enough’. I’d say I’m a similar size to Mindy, sometimes smaller, but a pretty similar shape overall. So when I see certain cuts and shapes look good on her, I’m more likely to try them on even if it’s something I wouldn’t normally buy.

    • Sugar says:

      That beige sheath dress she’s wearing is very flattering on her. She looks good with less volume in her clothing, which is what you’re saying doesn’t look good on you. Volume is tricky unless you’re Nicole Richie sized. I love the look of flowy clothes but the volume looks terrible on me, too because I’m tall and broad shouldered. Close to the body clothes are much more flattering for most people providing the fit is correct.

      • Erinn says:

        yep, that’s what I’m learning lol. I’m wearing a kind of flowy top right now – but I paired with with jeans that are more fitted – not skinny jeans, but definitely narrow. So it balances a bit better. I’ve also started to make sure that if I’m buying something that’s kind of flowy, it has a defined waist. That seems to be the happy medium there. Some of the issue is I’m between a D and a DD. So I have to find something that’s not smothering the girls, but also is more fitted at the waist. I’m always surprised at how much thinner I look when I’m wearing things that fit haha, and it’s ridiculous. I apparently think I’m about 20lbs heavier than I actually am when I’m shopping.

        I actually was told that I must have lost weight the other day ( In nicer words haha ) and I think I’ve lost a little, though most of it is that I’m paying more attention to fit.

  9. InvaderTak says:

    Awkward. But that’s about it.

  10. perplexed says:

    Seemed like she was hesitating when he awkwardly stated his phrase, but then gave in like Chandler Bing after the wait started killing him. George S set up the response for her. If this is supposed to be an issue, Jezebel should have found fault with George’s phrasing as well.

  11. Mila says:

    i like how that nowadays more and more actors are admitting how much they enjoy sex scenes, i mean who actually bought the lies of them all those times? Amanda Seyfried, Pierce Brosnan and Ethan Hawke already talked about how much they enjoy it to make out and pretend sex with hot co stars.
    to me it was always so weird how no one really called them out on that, especially given all the affairs of co stars.
    kissing transports pheromones which can lead to an even deeper attraction, no matter if the kiss is staged or not.
    “oh no i totally hate grinding on Brad Pitt and kissing him, seriously” anyone to suggest that these scenes don’t stir up feelings between the actor and actress is clearly deluded.

    thats probably why all actors and actresses have so many affairs and broken marriages.

    • Norman Bates' Mother says:

      As an introvert I believe that some of them don’t lie and actually might not enjoy any of it no matter who they kiss or simulate sex with. Mindy is known to be an extreme extrovert with no boundaries or sense of embarrassment so it’s easy for her to generalize that every single person has to feel like her. But to people who are more socially awkward (and there are actors like that despite their profession – some of them are way more anxious than me judging from their public appearances), having to do this in front of other people can make it unbearable, despite hormones, pheromones and physical attraction.

      Stupid comparison, but I can’t think of a better one right now – I love ice cream but I don’t enjoy it at all when I have to eat it in public, when I feel like other people are watching me. I’m too self-conscious about how I look or sound while eating to be able to enjoy it or even notice how it tastes. If you are socially awkward – your brain doesn’t let you relax when surrounded by others. Simulating sex must be this x1000 times – apart from many people watching and shouting instructions, they also have the other actor judging their appearance, abilities, breath etc. And there is another side to it – not every partner they are with is Brad Pitt. Would you be comfortable kissing Shia LaBeouf, who looks like he showers once every 3 months or Sean Penn, who looks like a raisin and might throw a temper tantrum if you’d do something wrong? Generalizing about any subject concerning a large group of people is never right and it’s actually more delusional to assume that every single person ever thinks and feels the same way.

      • perplexed says:

        Having to fake sex sounds looks super-embarrassing. I don’t know how they do that without cracking up. I cringe just looking at them having to do that.

        And, yeah, I can’t imagine that doing a scene like that with Shia LaBeouf would be thrilling. But maybe Mindy Kaling hasn’t had to work with someone like that yet.

      • Mila says:

        ” not every partner they are with is Brad Pitt. Would you be comfortable kissing Shia LaBeouf, who looks like he showers once every 3 months or Sean Penn, who looks like a raisin ”

        thats exactly what i am talking about. they say its ACTING. you wouldn ahve to be attracted to the person if they were just acting. if you have to be attracted its not acting and producers find people who are attracted to each other most big name actors and actresses pick their co stars depending on if they want to have sex with them.

        thats also why i find some of those questions when two men kiss in movies weird. if its acting it shouldnt matter if a straight guy kisses Angelina Jolie or Donald Trump.

    • The Eternal Side-Eye says:

      If you’d read some of their more detailed commentaries you’d see quite a few explain confidently and in detail how their co-stars were charming wonderful people but they hate sex scenes.

      NBM is right, Mindy is an extrovert so to her she enjoys the fact she’s being given a chance to do this public thing with a person and in fact so many people are around to witness it.

      I get that kissing may transport pheromones but I also know for the kisses I’ve had with guys who weren’t doing it for me…them pheromones weren’t doing shit because I was as uninterested in them after the kiss as before. Same with ‘grinding on Brad Pitt’ to me Pitt ain’t been cute in a decade. Saying I ‘get’ to grind on him isn’t much of a prize.

      That’s the other thing, in an industry where 80% of the people are the cream of the crop physically it must be a lot easier to pick and choose between your first round draft picks vs. the ones you wouldn’t mind on the team but aren’t checking for.

    • Franca says:

      While I understand that most actors are extroverts who enjoy attention, if I were in that situation I would die. I probably couldn’t move from the sheer panic and embarassment.

    • Mila says:

      i just read some articles about it and most actors agree that the attraction definietly carries over. it does not mean that they all enjoy the sex scenes itself but they mix up their character and the reality (something that actors often admit if its a dark subject matter so it will obviously also happen with romance and we all know how often it happens)

      here for example:

      “I’ve had to fight the attraction for the person when I do the scenes where I’m pretending to fall in love with them,” says
      Farr. ”
      . “I’ve done one-day shoots where I’ve gotten to know the person in a more intimate way than some acquaintances I’ve had in my life because you’re asked to show all these emotions in such a short amount of time. It almost makes you feel like you’re further along in the relationship than you actually are.”

      so that combined with that producers pick out people who have actual chemistry makes it obvious that most of them will take their on screen affair into the reality.

      i mean this isnt you talking in a bar to a stranger and flirting a bit its making out with someone you are attracted to while pretending to be in love. i dont think most people could say no to that.

  12. Krista says:

    I’m so over Jezebel these days. They make non issues into issues, and lately I think they really miss the Forrest for the trees. This should not even be a thing. I mean, it’s not like she said That’s What She Said.

    • Natalie says:

      Jezebel is awful. I totally agree.

    • Nikki says:

      Yeah, I used to LOVE Jezebel (and Midweek Madness!), but I never even bother any more.

    • Mila says:

      its part of Gawker, thats their MO. none of the posters there care about feminism, they want outrage for clicks.

      i mean this case is absolutely tame and she even only tried to answer a weird statement.

      • Krista says:

        Lol. I’m an out and proud feminist, but Jezebel would probably rip me to shreds if they heard some of the stuff that comes out of my mouth.

    • Kitten says:

      I said something similar above. It’s a shame but they’ve officially gone off the deep end.

      • Liberty says:

        I agree with everyone. I used to love it. Now it is like scream-y fake outrage click bait.

    • Ash says:

      “Lol. I’m an out and proud feminist, but Jezebel would probably rip me to shreds if they heard some of the stuff that comes out of my mouth. ”

      Ha! I identify with being a feminist too. But they’d hate me with the passion of a thousand fiery suns.

  13. JRenee says:

    Love the pink dress, that is all!

  14. s says:

    I find her a combination of very smart and very vapid.

  15. Anastasia says:

    I love that dress with roses on it! Anyone know who makes it?

  16. Tracy says:

    Could care less about her weight. But the girl is always oily. Like Victoria Beckham. Always sort of damp and shiny. :::shudder:::

  17. Kym says:

    Love Mindy and I miss her on The Office !