New trailer for ‘I am Cait’ starring Caitlyn Jenner released: funny, schmaltzy?

So far we’ve seen one full length promo and one teaser for the upcoming E! show “I am Cait” starring Caitlyn Jenner. The show premieres on July 26, and E! is building anticipation with a new trailer, above. The 30 second clip lays the schmaltz and life-affirming scenes on heavy and then lightens it up with some fashion reality from Kim. The bit with Kim is surely as staged as the Hallmark moments, but it cracked me up so hard.

First we see Caitlyn with her 88 year-old mom, who wisely says “My first feeling was, ‘I lost my son.’ Then I thought, ‘You know what? I’m gaining.'” That’s nice. We’ve heard similar positive comments from Caitlyn’s mom before. Then we see Caitlyn giving a pep talk to some transgender teens, hugging her daughter Kylie, crying about wanting her kids to be proud of her, and then showing off a black dress to Kim. Kim deadpans “mom has that [dress]” and I couldn’t help but laugh. Did Caitlyn steal that dress from Kris, was it a coincidence that they bought the same one, or was that moment completely made up for the cameras?

Caitlyn also has started a new blog series with the celebrity social network WhoSay. In her first entry, she writes about meeting transgender women and coming out. We previously saw paparazzi and social media coverage of her trip to Pride Week in NY, which was filmed for her reality show. Caitlyn is learning all about the transgender community and sharing her experiences. I do think she personally wrote this. Here’s part of her entry, with more at the source:

Up until now, I have totally isolated myself from the transgender community so I have a lot of catching up to do. I feel such a responsibility to this courageous group to try to get it right and tell all sides of the story. To me, that’s always the biggest question: am I doing it right?

A few weeks ago I had dinner with some of my new friends—a group of six trans women—and I went around the table and asked each of them how long it had been since their transitions. One said 20 years, the other one said 15 years ago…seven years ago…three years ago… They came around to me and I said, “Two weeks.”

Flash forward a few weeks and I’ve already learned so much about this community, the issues, and the people involved. It’s been an eye-opening experience for me—mainly realizing how fortunate I am.

I’ve heard every horror story there is in the book. You wouldn’t believe the types of ordeals these people have had, how they have had to literally fight for their own survival. Many trans teens are bullied and abused in high school. It’s just horrendous. Then there’s the other dark side of this issue: did you know that nearly 25% of the women in high-end sex business are reportedly trans women?*

Seeing how my new friends have overcome their adversities is such an inspiration. They are so well-adjusted and smart. I’ll be sharing their stories here in the coming weeks and I can’t wait for you to get to know them. They are just like you and me.

[From WhoSay]

I applaud Caitlyn for coming out so publicly and for bringing transgender issues to light in such an open way. She will definitely make a difference in so many people’s lives. There are some complaints about whether Caitlyn really “gets it” and whether having Caitlyn be one of the “faces” of transgender Americans hurts or helps the community. After all, Caitlyn’s getting paid for this, she’s beautiful and famous and is not as affected by the harsh day-to-day reality for so many transgender people. But… I think the show will be a good thing overall. She’s trying to educate herself and the public and that’s commendable. If the aim is trans-acceptance and trans-education, that’s what we’re getting when E! (a major cable network) airs a reality show about a public figure’s very public transition. I believe she’s completely genuine and sincere, so that’s not an issue for me.

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68 Responses to “New trailer for ‘I am Cait’ starring Caitlyn Jenner released: funny, schmaltzy?”

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  1. NYer says:

    I “caint” take any more Cait. Please stop.

  2. serena says:

    ‘mom has that’…

    man… that’s brutal.

  3. ToodySezHey says:

    I’m tired of Caitlyn. Go live your truth in peace

  4. dagdag says:

    That picture is scary.

    My mother is a year older and does not look scary, I mean, she looks just like an older woman. My grandmother is 88 and still looks better than Caitlyn.

    • HH says:

      Yes that pic of her crying is very… jarring.

    • Michelle says:

      Bruce had a lot of bad surgery and a lot of it was corrected before transitioning. There was only so much they could do. I think Caitlyn looks great personally.

      • Zwella Ingrid says:

        Seriously? Great?

      • Vesper Nite says:

        Yes! Great! Seriously! Love her! Sometimes I find myself surprised at how pretty she is…her styling is really on point. Money really does give her an advantage. But like any celebrity they can afford to look their best. She is essentially a spokesmodel for the trans community and a damn good looking one! Go Cait!

    • Tacos and TV says:

      That pic is a mess! Seriously. When I saw that I was like “what the F is going on this morning?” I rubbed my eyes and it was real… ugh.

      • L&Mmommy says:

        I did a double take too. I thought it was my eyes but it’s real.

      • Katie says:

        I sort of thought that as that cat faced lady for a minute

      • Palar says:

        It’s hilarious how when Caitlyn was Bruce these types of comments would never have been made, but now she’s a woman, gloves off, bring on the bitchy comments about her looks.

        Yep us women are really on the way up.

    • FingerBinger says:

      So what she has an ugly cry face. Caitlyn is pretty.

  5. guest says:

    Bruce Jenner please go hide in a rabbit hole somewhere and don’t come out . I said please.

  6. Mimz says:

    I DON’T BUY IT! Sorry I know I’m the minority but seriously. This is E!
    It’s Kardashian born drama filled tv stuff.
    I am sympathetic to her transition and all she is going through, and all she’s been through in the past 65 years of existence, but before her transition she was a horribly vapid individual (maybe as a consequence), and although some change (besides the obvious) I don’t understand how she can be relatable. She’s sheltered, whatever we are getting from her kids reactions to her ex-wife’s reactions can be scripted for all we know. How can a person that is going through this experience in real life relate? Maybe encouraging acceptance from relatives? But what else? Cait will never be shunned out of social events or out of her inner circle.
    I’m trying to put myself in a transgender person’s shoes and seeing all of this pan out, I don’t know how this would inspire me? If I look at Laverne Cox, yes definitely inspirational, but Cait?! …
    Ok maybe I’m just tired and sleepy and cranky, but although I do believe in change, I don’t know if I buy all of this.

    • claire says:

      Yeah, it’s pretty early and overstated to assume she is going to save lives, help anyone, make any difference for anyone, or for the movement. Time will tell. As of right now, still can’t stand her or her family.

      • Pip says:

        I don’t know, I honestly think she has made a difference already. Say what you want about Caitlyn as a person or the Kardashians as a whole but they reach a huge audience, and a young one – kids who aren’t going to be following Laverne Cox or Janet Mock but who look up to Kendall/Kylie and see how accepting and loving and understanding they’re being and so it normalises it a bit for them.

    • meme says:


  7. Kitten says:

    Yeah I still can’t stand any of these people.

  8. Mindy says:

    Caitlyn is showing her true colors… she’s as big a fame whore as any of the Kardashians, ISN’T SHE?!?!

    Enough – ignore her and the rest of that family.

    • LadyoftheLoch says:

      Yes, agree. Too car-crashy by far. I wish her all happiness, but if this show centres around the Kardashian Krazies, it’s a big switch off. The formula has been done to death. Tell me when it’s over.

  9. Amy Tennant says:

    I don’t know if being a celebrity makes the transition more or less difficult. I’m guessing a little of both. It must be tough going through this in the public eye. On the other hand, she has access to top-of-the-line plastic surgeons, etc, so that she’s able to present this cisnormative feminine face to the world and be praised for her beauty. A lot of transwomen are less fortunate in that regard, but they need support just as much or more.

    • Zapp Brannigan says:

      Also I am guessing Caitlyn is less likely to be a victim of violence due to her transitioning as a celebrity, she will have access to personal security at all times on a level that others won’t be able to afford. I think that would make a great difference.

    • MarcelMarcel says:

      I was discussing this other day. I can imagine the privileges of being wealthy and white are helpful. However I think that transitioning in public would create a lot of pressure and hasn’t cushioned her from transmisogny. I’m thinking of the tabloid commentary before her transition as well as that disgusting Star cover.
      Janet Mock wrote a great article about Caitlyn on her blog.

  10. Delta Juliet says:

    Well…photoshop made a big difference in those original photos.

    • JudyK says:

      That…and a pound of makeup.

      Wish her well, but I’m tired of the excessive coverage on this. As Toody above said, “Go live your truth in peace” and privacy, please. Otherwise, I’m adding you to the list of your other narcissistic (Kardashian-Jenner) family attention seekers.

  11. Susan1 says:

    I don’t have anything politically correct to say. Another Kardashian reality show narcissist. Oh yay.

  12. Cate says:

    I’m happy for her, and while she has not had the same road as most transgendered folks, I still think she has been a positive influence for the community.

    That being said, I’m also a “Caitlin,” and the way she is spelling “Cait” drives me insane. There are so many spelling variations for my name, but this one really bugs me for whatever reason.

  13. Tacos and TV says:

    I’m proud of anyone who can be a positive face for any minority group. I am still very wary of Caitlynn’s motives and goals, especially after that clip. The scenes with his mom were amazing… but! Kim has to come in, wearing a coat inside and just stink up the place with her shallowness. Ugh. Bruce Jenner was not the best person in the world, yes pitted against Kris he looked like a saint, but in reality not so much. I’m not here to air his dirty laundry and I understand his issues were somewhat due to the fact that he had to hold in a huge secret. BUT! I can’t get into this whole fantasy that now all of a sudden Caitlynn is a better person. I’ve been watching this show since I was 18. I am now 26.. well I stopped a few seasons ago… I think when the Kris Humphries stuff was going on. it was all too much and staged so I peaced out. I still followed the family somewhat but now I just see them here or other blog sites. I am a huge supporter of the LGBTQ community and I am happy for anyone to finally be free in a world that can be so judgmental and harsh. I just don’t want want this to be a reality crap show… and a cheesy show. I hope it’s informative, insightful, and yes, maybe sprinkled with some funny moments. I also wish Kim was not featured. That does bother me. She is not deep in any way and this could be a beautiful journey. She kinda just ruins it. If we saw how Caitlynn was interacting with Kourt’s kids, or Kylie and Kendall, that’s real… but Kim is just so vapid and shallow it makes it really circus like… IMO>

    • Neonscream says:

      Agree. I really wish she’d use her influence and media sway to allow OTHER trans women (and men) to tell their OWN stories rather than having to have them passed through the ego-filter that seems ever present with anyone in the Jenner/Kardashian clan. I also don’t really buy the notion that being in the closet gender identity wise was a causative factor in the shittier aspects of Jenner’s personality. I know many trans men and women and none of them are shallow, vapid or image obsessed. It also didn’t make her abandon her first 4 kids, she was fine being involved in her last 2 kids lives and in her step kids lives and she was facing the same issues then.

      On balance I think she will have a positive and educative effect but that doesn’t mean I have to like her.

    • MarcelMarcel says:

      You’ve misgendered Caitlyn. Correct pronouns are hugely important. If you wish to be a supporter of the LGBTI community then I suggest educating yourself. Look up Janet Mock- her blog and memoir are a great place to start. Also find a copy of Nevada by Imogen Binnes.

      • Robin says:

        It’s not misgendering to refer to Bruce Jenner and use he and him for pre-transition occurrences. Just because Bruce transitioned to Caitlyn does NOT make it incorrect to use male pronouns for things he did and said before the transition. Bruce himself said in the Diane Sawyer interview that he still wanted to be referred to as “Bruce” and “he” at that time.

  14. chaine says:

    I wish her all the happiness in the world, and i hope she helps many people, but i really really really wish she shut the cameras off and focussed on getting Kylie safely into a healthy adulthood instead of immediately launching another reality entertainment juggernaut.

    • Amy Tennant says:

      Very good point. Gah that child needs some help. Focus on your kid some, Cait. I’m happy for your coming out party, but I hope you’re there for your youngest who seems to be in some danger right now.

  15. dimsumum says:

    Can you please help me. My colleagues and I were discussing Caitlyn the other day.

    One colleague asked, “Who won the Decathalon Gold Medal?”

    Would it be “Caitlyn Jenner, who was then known as Bruce Jenner, won the 1976…”

    This likely isn’t the correct forum but as well as being tres funny, posters here seem very well informed so if you could share etiquette on Transgender past references, it would be appreciated. I don’t want to offend and would appreciate clarification! I know you refer to the person in the gender they prefer, but have trouble figuring out the past tense.

    • Amy Tennant says:

      From what I’ve read, it would be “Caitlyn Jenner won the gold medal.” It’s confusing, but it reflects that she was Caitlyn in her heart all along, I think.

    • Neonscream says:

      It generally depends on how the person themselves feels about it. I have trans friends who refer to themselves by their old names when talking about the past and others who don’t.

    • Robin says:

      Considering Bruce himself said in the Diane Sawyer interview that at that time, he still wanted people to use male pronouns, things don’t need to be changed. Bruce Jenner won the decathlon in 1976.

  16. Lara K says:

    In general I think any publicity for a given cause is good because it brings light to issues that are often ignored. If nothing else, Caitlyn has brought many of the issues trans people face into the spotlight, which is great.

    That said, she is still a famewh*re, and if she wasn’t trans, she would be crucified by the media as another Kim. I for one am not watching a minute of this cash grab show.

  17. stacey says:

    she looks like a monster!! with all that make up on and from far away, at certain angles, she looks pretty….but up close shots of caitlyn are frightening- she looks like a creature from Saw. her plastic surgeons should be ashamed of themselves for mutilating her face! she loojs awful!

  18. arhodo says:

    I just wish they’d all go away!

  19. TheSageM says:

    “After all, Caitlyn’s getting paid for this, she’s beautiful and famous..” Beautiful? I wouldn’t go as far as that.

  20. Robin says:

    Well, I hope Caitlyn is happier as a woman than Bruce was as a man, but all of the plastic surgery, hormones, and makeup in the world won’t change the basic personality. Bruce was a terrible husband and parent, and a participating member of one of the biggest fame-whoring families on the planet. Still seems true for Caitlyn. If she really wanted to help other transgender people, she could do it much more quietly and effectively than via an un-reality show. She’s got resources that most people could hardly dream of and if she really wants to help others, she could use those resources, instead of getting paid millions of dollars for another attempt to stay in the limelight.

    • Aren says:

      I’m hoping this helps bring the whole Klown Klan down. Caitlyn is no longer going to get treated with respect because she’s now a woman; she’s going to be objectified, criticized for being a vapid mom, and be valued as worthless and ridiculous for not looking like a 25 yr old.

      I don’t know how much help she can give to the community since her image is not particularly positive, but I guess that now the issue became very widespread.

  21. Dr.Funkenstein says:

    I’m tired of it too. Sadly, Cait would have looked a lot better in the 70’s, where she could have lived her truth as a woman who looked just like Dorothy Hamill (and whose hairstyle she’d already adopted anyway) in hip clothing as a young person. Now, she’s a bit out of time. I get the feeling she’s trying to reclaim the life she didn’t have, but hasn’t faced that that life was lived as a man and she needs to start from here. She’d be much more appealing if she wasn’t trying so hard to look like a 20-something. I also continue to be a bit uncomfortable with her one-dimensional approach to what being a woman — or asexual, or whatever she is wanting to be at the moment — is all about. Seems nothing more than fashion and Photoshop to me, and there’s a lot more to being a person than that. I hope we start seeing some kind of substance soon, and I hope she will use this newfound happiness and personal peace to reflect on the truly poor parent she was and the effect that had on her children. Perhaps now she can start spending a little less time dwelling on her own issues and thinking about theirs.

  22. bored_01 says:

    She really looks quite natural and age appropriate. I’m looking forward to the show.

  23. jamie says:

    yikes! Those Vanity Fair pics had a whole lot of photo shopping cause she looks terrible close up! Still has a deep man voice and does not look like a woman still looks like Bruce with a shitload of makeup and dress on!

  24. Dawne says:

    At first I was not sure, but I agree she’s genuine. More power to her if she wants to deal with the day to day bullcrap of being a woman!! 🙂

  25. defaultgirl says:

    NOPE Caitlin is only pretty photoshopped. All other moments with her are brutal. I too am soooooooo over her. I just don’t care, I have trans-friends they’re over it as well. #Caitisfake

  26. Jonathan says:

    “I’m so over this whole Caitlyn thing that I clicked on a thread about her, read it and then commented on how over her I am”.


  27. Jayna says:

    She looks great. I’m happy for her. I look forward to the show and think it will be good. I liked her blog piece. Go, Kaitlyn.

  28. ruffnsweet says:

    A hot mess! Jenner is just as Thirsty as the family. If not more! He (cause he still has a d*ck) is trying to be Badder than Kim. He wants to be the baddest b*tch! That whole family needs help.

  29. Nonny says:

    Can’t hide the man hands……..