Emma Stone in Giambattista Valli at ‘Irrational Man’ premiere: cute or blah?


Here are some photos from last night’s LA premiere of Irrational Man, the Woody Allen film starring Joaquin Phoenix, Emma Stone and Parker Posey. Those three came out for the premiere and I have to say… I think all three looked pretty great for who they are. You know? Joaquin made an effort to look presentable and while he wore his Chucks, I feel like he was freshly showered and wearing some nicer clothes. Parker Posey is one of my forever girl-crushes and I think she looks amazing in the animal print.

As for Emma… stylistically, I kind of wonder if she’s in a style rut. She wore this Giambattista Valli Resort 2016 dress which is perfectly pretty, but it seems like something she’s worn a million times before. She goes for pale, tea-length dresses too often. I’m adding a closeup of Emma so you can see her makeup too – winged blue eyeliner.

After the premiere/screening, Parker and Emma hung out and did a Q&A session with fans. They both heaped praise on Woody Allen, and Parker even went so far as to say that she cried after Woody offered her a role: “I broke down in tears. I was overcome. I pine for parts — I want to play these parts, and I’ve been really bitter about not being in a Woody Allen movie for a long time!” It’s weird that Parker in particular has never been in a Woody Allen before now – she seems tailor-made for Woody Allen films, and she’s mined the neurotic-New-Yorker characters for most of her career.




Photos courtesy of WENN.

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38 Responses to “Emma Stone in Giambattista Valli at ‘Irrational Man’ premiere: cute or blah?”

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  1. Crumpet says:

    I love Parker Posey. Emma’s eyes are so big they are almost scary.

    • Kitten says:

      Me too!! I’m a Parker Posey stan.
      I’ve seen Party Girl approximately 184 times.

      But I’m not feeling her as a blonde…

    • Mrs. Darcy says:

      Her eye makeup is not helping, she is one of the few people on earth who can get away with inner eyeliner, and they’ve gone and made them look as wide open as possible with a highlight of bright color at the edge.

    • Rachel says:

      I like Parker Posey, but I didn’t even recognize her. I was waiting for the article to name drop the other woman in the photo. Her hair is fried. She is never coming back from that.

  2. Franca says:

    Emma is my forever girl crush, and she looks amazing, as per usual.

  3. Lilacflowers says:

    The world needs more Parker Posey.

    If Emma’s dress wasn’t from a 2016 collection, I would swear she wore it in last year’s Woody Allen movie with Colin Firth

  4. Jackson says:

    Her makeup looks nice and soft and that lipstick color looks great on her in these photos. The dress is…ok. The fabric looks too thick and heavy, though. In reality it may be very lightweight, but the fit and fabric together look a bit clunky and heavy.

  5. Beth No. 2 says:

    Is this the best Joaquin has looked in ages? Can’t remember the last time he looked so cleaned up.

    Emma’s dress is completely blah.

  6. yuck says:

    With you on Parker Posey–it’s been ages since I’ve seen her in anything, and I hope this means she’ll be turning up more often. Emma’s comments about “pining” for Woody Allen-type roles seem a bit disingenuous–what is she, like 25? Yeah, what terrible suffering.

  7. bella says:

    oh boy, kaiser.
    are you sure you posted that awful close up to show emma’s eyeliner???
    it’s got the be the worst.
    the first time i’ve ever seen her look bad…

    i love her dress.
    i love every thing about her.
    she reminds me of a younger marion coutilliard.

    and parker posey looks wonderful!

  8. Senaber says:

    I think he looks kind of… clammy.

  9. Mrs. Darcy says:

    I’m sorry but I cannot even criticize Emma’s perfectly pretty look when my eyes are being scorched by Parker’s hideous orange blonde hair (and yes she’s my forever girl crush too, but no Parker, no!). Too bad she didn’t do a Woody Allen film before now: in her heydey/before his name was total mud they would have been a great combo. I can totally see her doing a Judy Davis type role now. Joaquin looks good.

  10. Mia4S says:

    Ugh, Woody Allen. So I assume Parker Posey plays the shrill older woman who berates and just doesn’t understand poor poor Jocquin until a much younger and bubbly ingenue falls for him completely and finally treats him as he deserves?

    How original.

    • Katenotkatie says:

      *a young and bubbly ingenue who doesn’t have a thing going on in her life other than helping an older man rediscover how charming the world can be. Vomit.

      Yet another Woody Allen movie I will never pay to watch because he’s a scumbag. I really wish women in particular would stop fawning over a known child molester and all-around creep. I remember reading some interview with Scarlett Johanssen years ago, about how when they were filming Match Point he turned to her between scenes and asked how old she was when she lost her virginity. She was 19 at the time. So disgusting.

  11. shannon says:

    House of Yes fan over here. Love Parker so much. However, that hair is so unfortunate and so are those shoes.

  12. Tiffany says:

    For a second there I thought Parker was Elizabeth Banks.

  13. Jen says:

    Is Joaquin short or is that just an odd photo?

  14. Naddie says:

    I was about to say that nothing can make Emma Stone look “not pretty”, than I recalled her in The help. That blonde curly hair killed her, she was almost unrecognizable. But here, she looks beautiful as usual. Not her best look, but her usual is beautiful.
    Parker’s hair looks like mine when I used to bleach and dye it on my own, and that’s not a good thing.

    • Mrs. Darcy says:

      I thought she looked pretty in The Help and was annoyed they used the cliched old trope of straightening curls to transform the ugly duckling. I know it was in the book, but her hair was described as an unkempt mess in the book whereas I thought her curls were actually pretty perfect looking in the movie before the curl flattening.

      • Naddie says:

        True. While I don’t think it worked on her, the curls were beautiful. This trope is so wrong, the message it passes is messed up, I spent my whole childhood and teen years hating my curly hair because it’s considered an “ugly feature”.

  15. Crack Fox says:

    Parker Posey is giving me kooky ain’t who makes ceramic figurines and I’m here for it.

  16. cheryl says:

    Three more folks that lose my respect because of the ick WA factor. Just could not work with or for someone whose daughter has made these allegations about, and whose adopted daughter has had such a relationship with and who has new adopted daughter in the house.

  17. flybaby says:

    He’s the kind of vegan that won’t wear leather. It probably severely limits your choices in shoes. The belt is obviously plastic. I’m disappointed any of them would appear in a Woody Allen film.

  18. Cankles says:

    Joaquin-lord help me, but I still would.