Mark Ruffalo in Italy with his wife: a beautiful man or the most beautiful man?


A lot of celebrities are in Europe this month for various, relatively minor “film festivals.” Mark Ruffalo is one of them – he brought his wife Sunrise Coigney to the Giffoni Film Festival in Italy. The Giffoni Film Festival gave Ruffalo an award, which is nice, but it basically seemed like an excuse for Mark and Sunrise to have a lovely, loved-up vacation. They even kissed repeatedly on the red carpet.

Does Sunrise give anyone else Robin Wright vibes? I think it’s her haircut. Sunrise has been doing more red carpets with Ruffalo over the past few years. They’ve been together forever – she was with Mark before he even had a glimpse of fame. They’ve been married since 2000 and they have three children: Keen (14), Bella Noche (10) and Odette (7). We’re not constantly seeing paparazzi photos of the kids either – Mark and Sunrise live in NYC most of the time, and they live a pretty simple, non-famewhore-y existence. Probably because they’re perfect!

Anyway, I just thought we needed a nice post today. True Detective is driving me crazy, Bill Cosby is a disgusting and there’s another Duggar child in the world. We needed some Ruffalo today, didn’t we?

PS… I love that Sunrise wore flats to the event.




Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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78 Responses to “Mark Ruffalo in Italy with his wife: a beautiful man or the most beautiful man?”

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  1. Kitten says:

    Aw they’re really cute together.

    • Erinn says:

      They are. And I’ve kind of been warming up to him lately. Not sure why, but i think it’s just that he seems genuinely nice/good tempered.

    • laura in LA says:

      I’ve liked Mark Ruffalo since You Can Count On Me, and it’s great seeing how he’s developed as an actor and the success he’s achieved, also his political activism…

      He and his wife are lovely. 🙂

      • Courtney says:

        My Ruffalo crush started with You Can Count On Me. 14 or 15 years ago?

      • Kitten says:

        Yup me too. That was the first movie I ever saw him in. Agree with you, Laura, that so far he hasn’t disappointed me. He gives great interview and is a genuinely talented actor.

        Also, I LOVE You Can Count on Me 🙂

      • Jayna says:

        My crush started with the Jane Champion movie, In the Cut, with Meg Ryan. My sister said, “Don’t watch it. It’s horrible.” I watched it anyway. It wasn’t very good, but Mark played a kind of New York type cop, a character with an edge, with a nude scene, full frontal. When I told my sister I watched it and then watched it again, she thought I was bonkers. But it was my fascination with Mark that was the reason, his character. In fact, when I saw him later in more low-key, nice guy roles, it threw me. That’s not how I was introduced to him as an actor.

      • laura in LA says:

        Jayna, I just thought of In the Cut recently because I think it was possibly one of Meg Ryan’s last great roles, very dark and playing against type (as she did in Courage Under Fire)…

        Anyway, back to Mark Ruffalo, I’d watch In the Cut again just for the scene where he goes down on her, which for sure solidified him as sexy to me!

    • Anne tommy says:

      Sorry, a beautiful man or the most beautiful man? Neither. Cute, pleasant, good actor, sunrise- great name- seems lovely and I also like that she didn’ t wear the tedious towering heels.

    • Katie says:

      Adorable. Please, don’t break up, y’all.

  2. Snazzy says:

    I love him. He just seems so NICE!

    • Beth No. 2 says:

      And a very good, dependable actor. Seems really polite, soft-spoken and friendly in real life too. He’s got a bit of chub on his face now but is a looker when he was young. And do you ladies know he can ride a unicycle? I love the episode of Graham Norton when he was on the couch with Meryl Streep and James McAvoy, and he flirted with Meryl and she gave him a huge kiss on the mouth. I didn’t know he was such a smooth operator! 😀

      He and his wife look lovely.

      • misery chick says:

        @ BETH NO 2-Maybe ‘cuz I’m ‘of a certain age’, I find Mark and his ‘chub’ extremely more attractive and sexy now than a few years ago. He looks and talks like he just woke up, yummmmm.
        Loved him in “Thanks For Sharing” where he played a recovering sex addict. He was also the decency & heart if “Foxcatcher.” Definitely must see “In The Cut” 😋

      • laura in LA says:

        Yep, I saw the unicycle riding and thought of Mark that he’s also a good sport…

        Then again, Graham Norton is so likeable himself and funny that I think he can get his celeb guests to have fun and do just about anything!

    • JFresh says:

      He is nice. I’ve met him before. The humility and calm of a blue collar dad. Great memory.

    • Alex says:

      nice and passionate about causes as well. Met him on the avengers press tour and he is super fan friendly too. I’ve been a fan for a long time and he really is a down to earth celeb

  3. NGBoston says:

    Love him. Good Dude.

  4. HappyMom says:

    Love him-but Bella Noche? Really?

  5. Hudson Girl says:

    He’s not even a slight ping for me. Sorry.

    His wife’s outfit is adorable, though.

  6. Melody says:

    I love him – and I love that she has no boobs or bolt-ons. Makes me love them more.

    • TwistBarbie says:

      Well, she does have boobs they’re just small and dainty and lovely <3

      • Melody says:

        Yes, exactly – poor phrasing on my part. She is lovely – and a delightful contrast to Hollywood’s cookie-cutter image of beautiful.

      • laura in LA says:

        She’s French. So she probably knows that being self-assured and real is sexier than anything.

  7. Freebunny says:

    His wife is really beautifull.

  8. Mrs. Darcy says:

    I adore him but I think I fancy him only in films? Like if I saw him walking down the street I might not look twice. He is a lovely man by all counts though, with his activism and awesomeness and I’m glad he has such a stable home life, his wife is cute 🙂 Thanks for sharing some happy vibes today to wash away some of the vile stuff!

  9. aims says:

    Love him forever. Good dude right there.

  10. FingerBinger says:

    Mark is handsome. I wouldn’t say he’s beautiful.

  11. Jayna says:

    Step away, girls. Step away. I claimed him as mine a while back on this site.

  12. frisbeejada says:

    Don’t care what he looks like on the outside, what he’s got between his ears will do me. Make’s me hold on to the idea that there are decent men in this world, you just have to find em….

  13. Kiki says:

    It is so nice that a celebitchy is married to a civilian. Of course their marriage is forever.

  14. tallo says:

    OMG I love Mark Ruffalo!!
    What a lovely couple

  15. alice says:

    They’re cute and I’m sure Sunrise is a sweetheart but she’s not even close to Robin Wright’s stunning ass looks, not even the haircut Kaiser!

  16. Penelope says:

    A beautiful if “normal”-looking couple who seem to be in love and happy after many years together–what a great way to start off the week! 🙂

  17. cait says:

    I adore him. He reminds me so much of a former boyfriend, that I probably attribute all sorts of qualities to him that the boyfriend had. Sweet, loyal, funny, smart….sigh….

  18. Jayna says:

    How he met his wife.

    “Ruffalo met Sunrise in 1998 in L.A., literally on the street. He was walking with a mutual friend of theirs, whom Ruffalo suspects had intentions of his own. “I don’t think he wanted us to meet,” he laughs. “But I saw her and was like, I’m going to marry that girl.”
    Ruffalo says the courting process “took some doing.” “All I had was my decency, wit, and charm – I didn’t have anything. When I met her, she was like, ‘You don’t have a driver’s license, you don’t have a credit card. What is wrong with you, dude? I can’t be with you!’ I was living in a converted garage, and she was there for that, she was game. She believed in me. She was like, ‘I know you’re a really good actor,’ and I was like, ‘You haven’t really seen me act yet.’ And she was like, ‘I just know it, I can tell.'”

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  19. Bea says:

    It’s hard not to fall in love with a woman who’s name is Sunrise. Such a pretty name.

  20. Miss Jupitero says:

    I want her outfit, especially the sandals. Any idea who made them?

  21. another nina says:

    well, she could be wearing flats quite often because he is tiny…I remember I accidentally stambled across him working on a scene with Jen Garner in 13 going on 30 somewhere around Greenwich ave in NYC. I sat there recovering from a heat wave in mid-July, and almost fainted when I saw Garner in uggs. And Ruffalo wore something with a distrinctly elevated heel…

  22. Matador says:

    I love him but… the 9/11 truther thing is a real dealbreaker. Sigh.

    • soxfan says:

      I KNEW there was something that I had read earlier about him, that made me step back. You are right in that sigh- I just watched 13 Going on 30 the other day and he was dreamy.

    • Izzy says:

      Is he really a 9/11 truther? He seems so much smarter than that. Ugh.

      • Matador says:

        @Izzy, yeah he is – and not the reasonable kind with rational questions about what the government knew but the “those buildings didn’t come down on their own!”/Charlie Sheen brand.

        No bueno.

      • Kitten says:

        “I’m baffled by the way all three buildings came down. My first reaction was that buildings don’t fall down like that. I’ve done quite a bit of my own research …The fact that the 9/11 investigation went from the moment the planes hit to the moment the buildings fell, and nothing before or after, I think, makes that investigation completely illegitimate. If you’re going to do a crime investigation, you have to find motive. We didn’t follow that. It was quickly pushed away, obviously. There was no evidence at the biggest crime scene. None of us know what happened but I’m totally and completely behind reopening that investigation. Where is the money? Follow the money, guys!”

        It’s….like, what is he saying here?
        The motive was terrorism right? I mean…do we need more than that? Also, how are buildings “supposed” to fall? …and why would they investigate before the towers fell? Presumably, they wouldn’t have any prior awareness that the WTC was about to be attacked, right? Or is this because his stance is predicated on the idea that people knew ahead of time?

        I guess 9/11 is a subject we would have to avoid on our imaginary date.

      • Matador says:


        “I guess 9/11 is a subject we would have to avoid on our imaginary date.”


      • Jayna says:

        Yeah, I block that 9/11 stuff out of my mind, so as not to kill my adoration of him.

    • L says:

      Yea…the 9/11 truther thing kills the hot for me to.

      • Mrs. Darcy says:

        One of my oldest friends is a truther. I cannot even go there with him. There is no reasoning with it. I used to work in the freaking twin towers so I have pretty deep feelings on the subject, but it doesn’t mean I stop loving my friend. I think the thing with truthers (the ones who are remotely sane, as I do think Mark and my friend are), is a sort of core rejection of the horror. Like they can’t accept that something so horrible and pre-meditated could happen in the world. It’s far easier to think up conspiracy theories, to cling to nut jobs with stories. I don’t agree with it, but honestly in the end what difference does it make. It’s hurtful to the victims which I do not agree with, but it’s not like the government has done anything like make a dent in terrorism that would maybe make the truthers give up the ghost. I don’t know.

  23. Nancypants says:

    I don’t get Robin Wright vibes at all.
    I get Sienna Miller vibes.

  24. silken_floss says:

    I thought he was gay 0__0

  25. Jessie says:

    His wife is gorgeous! Love her style, so breezy and effortless 🙂

  26. Jayna says:

    Sunny changes her hair color, black, red, strawberry blonde, different blond shades, and hairstyle a lot. I really see the Chloe Sevigny resemblance sometimes, like in the link below, depending on the hair and she has the same vibe as Chloe in interviews with him on the red carpet.

    Sunny with short blunt-cut bob .

    Compared to Ben Affleck never looking at his women on the red carpet, just staring straight ahead, Mark is a doll on the red carpet. Here he is dancing with and dipping his wife on the red carpet. He’s always kissing on his wife on the red carpet. They are cute together.

    • Penelope says:

      That is incredibly sweet–they look like they’re having a blast! And yep, MR’s about as un-Ben Afflecky on the Red Carpet as a man can be.

  27. Happy21 says:

    He is perfect in everyway! A handsome family man who is also a loyal husband. Please Mark don’t do anything to screw up our positive feelings about you!!! 🙂

  28. SusieQ says:

    I saw what I belived to be a homeless man walking down my street in NYC last year. Then I looked at his eyes, and they were the most stunning eyes I have ever seen and I immediately realized it was MR. Gorgeous.

  29. AlmondJoy says:

    Not attracted to him in the least, but I do think he’s beautiful, in that he seems to have a lovely personality and a very kind spirit. I get good vibes from him.

  30. Chinoiserie says:

    I looks cute but I do not know about beautiful.

  31. Nikki says:

    He’s quite attractive to me. His wife is too. She looks like Cersei in one picture. Or maybe I’m suffering from GOT withdrawal?!

    • illandri says:

      YES! I get Lena Headey vibes more so than Robin Wright and I’ve only watched through most of season 1 of GOT. 🙂

  32. Rose says:

    He is the best! Also, so sorry to be this person, but when you say “Bill Cosby is a disgusting,” I think you mean “Bill Cosby is disgusting.”

  33. jmho says:

    Super super sexy

  34. MrsBPitt says:

    I have never liked Mark Ruffalo in the least! However, I am excited that you mention Italy, because I am going to Italy in September, and it is my first trip to Europe…I’m so thrilled…can’t wait!!!!!!!

  35. Evie says:

    Nice story. Thanks for posting. Normal, loving couples like Mark and Sunrise who fly under the Hollywood radar don’t grab the headlines or make salacious copy but it’s nice to know they still exist! And Ruffalo’s acting chops grow with every new role he takes on.

  36. Annie says:

    They are a gorgeous couple .

  37. Carey says:

    I follow him on Tumblr and he’s great, smart, funny and humble. Super love him.

  38. Cindy Lou says:

    Why has no one brought up The Kids Are All Right? Besides the AA nom, let me just set the scene: worn denim shirt, deeply unbuttoned, surfer beads, a smudge of manly chest hair, tan, low slung Levi’s, bad boy grin. (I just took long pause there to turn on the fan.) I hear he is a good actor too but I was not actually paying attention.