Would you like a Paris and/or Britney blackout? Plus celebrities’ favorite charities

I’ve been going through some personal issues that have made me question my choice of a career gossiping about celebrities. I honestly care about world issues, and paying constant attention to celebrities seems increasingly counterproductive to me. Instead of throwing in the towel, we might have a slight content change over the next few days.

The main thing I’m suffering from is Paris and Britney burnout. These women are easy to pay attention to because they pull dumb stunts every few days. They add little to society and are about as deep as a stagnant puddle teeming with bacteria three days after a hard rain. Although Lohan is in rehab to avoid jail time she can easily be added to the mix, and I’d like to ignore her skinny ass too.

Would you like a week free of Paris, Britney and/or Lohan stories? I’ve mentioned before that the LohitneyParis phenomenon is hard to ignore as they’re low-hanging fruit in the gossip world.

Please let us know if you’d like us to ignore some of all of these do-nothings this week.

In honor of the celebrities who are actually making a difference in the world instead of getting into trouble and then talking about charity in a lame attempt to redeem themselves, here’s a link to one of Angelina Jolie and Leonardo DiCaprio’s favorite charities, SOS Children’s villages. We gave them a donation in honor of our change of perspective. Every little bit helps, and if you’re doing well you might consider sending your favorite charity something.

Other celebrity-favorite charities include:
Heifer International (Oprah)
Doctors without Borders (Angelina Jolie, Robin Williams)
Make Poverty History (Brad Pitt, Cameron Diaz)
ONE Campaign (Bono, Matt Damon)
Project HOME (Scarlett Johansson, Orlando Bloom)
Not On Our Watch (George Clooney, Brad Pitt)
MADRE (Susan Sarandon)
Global Green (Pierce Brosnan, Brad Pitt)
Natural Resources Defense Council (Kyra Sedgwick)

Thanks to Look To The Stars for this information, where you can find a lot more about charities that are supported by celebrities.

There’s also a great blog with the latest news about celebrity charity called CelebCase.

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