Henry Cavill: ‘Anyone who says they don’t like money is being ridiculous’


There’s been some discussion over the past few weeks about how Henry Cavill is finally letting down his hair and showing a smidge of personality. It’s a welcome change! His Man of Steel promotional tour was, much like Superman, a bit too earnest. Now that he’s promoting a film (The Man From UNCLE) where he plays a dashing, charming, super-cool and sexy spy, Cavill just seems… lighter. Happier. Maybe it’s that he’s grown more comfortable on the promotional trail? Cavill’s Uproxx interview this week was splendid – go here to read. He also joked on the Tonight Show about sex and cardio. But I think his best interview thus far might be this profile with The Guardian. Some highlights:

The homoeroticism of UNCLE: “It’s not deliberate. It isn’t like we said, ‘Let’s gay it up a bit.’ But two male leads, a buddy movie – it’s going to happen. If it plays that way, I think it’s because Armie, Guy and myself are comfortable with our sexuality, so we’re not fearful of coming across as homosexual. A lot of straight guys would be like, ‘Oh, that’s a bit gay, I’m not doing that.’ But I’ll happily stand with my arm around my best mate in a pub. Not a problem.”

He’s still thrilled that he’s Superman: “It’s a wonderful role. There’s a huge potential there for complex storytelling, and I’m looking forward to exploring those avenues. Come on, it’s Superman! You can’t be pissed off at the idea of playing Superman for the rest of your life. ‘Oh sorry, I’m just the grandaddy of all superheroes. It’s such a pain.’ He’s a complex dude. People think Kryptonite can beat him. No. The only thing that can really beat Superman is Superman. His own noggin messing with him. His own moral choices. When you have that to start with, the storytelling can really delve into something rich. It’s like shagging someone for the first time. Sometimes it turns out to be amazing. Mostly you’re trying to get each other’s rhythm going. It’s on the next go that you start to expand. That’s why I do it. That and the money.”

He came from a wealthy family & he likes nice things: “There are some actors out there who are all, ‘Hey, I live in a cardboard box and I’ll perform on that cardboard box if I have to.’ That’s pretty much bullsh-t. Acting pays well. And anyone who says they don’t like money is being ridiculous. You shouldn’t be ruled by it, but money is lovely. Nice things are lovely.”

He doesn’t believe it when girlfriends compliment him: “I’m very self-critical and I use that to motivate myself. If I look in the mirror, I might say, ‘You’re looking good!’ Other days, like today, because I’m off-season and haven’t been training, I’ll say, ‘Look at you, you fat f–k.’ I tell myself, ‘Mate, you’re a mess. If you were to meet a bird out in a bar and bring her home, she’s expecting Superman. This is not Superman and she’s going to be mega-disappointed.’”

What happens if a fan comes up to him at the pub: “‘Don’t make a dick out of yourself’ is a good rule, whoever you are. Besides, it’s a character. If someone comes up and asks if I’m Superman, I say, ‘Sometimes. Not today, though, because I’ve got a pint in my hand. Also, I’m British.’”

On Marvel films: “I love the Marvel movies. I just happen to like mine more.”

He admits that he goes online & reads about himself: “You have your dark moments when you go on the internet forums. You’re peeking behind the curtain. You wonder, ‘What are people saying about me? Oh, that’s nice. Oh, how lovely.’ But then you find one that isn’t. One that says you’re only in a relationship to raise your profile, or to prove you’re not gay. You think, ‘Why are they being so nasty?’ Then you start shaping your behaviour around the comments, and that’s not OK. That’s not healthy.”

[From The Guardian]

Oh, Henry! “One that says you’re only in a relationship to raise your profile, or to prove you’re not gay.” Does Cavill read the comments on Celebitchy? He might. I love it when celebrities admit they read about themselves online, even though I seriously doubt that it’s healthy for anyone, even the most emotionally and psychologically resilient. For the record, if Henry is reading this: I don’t think you dated Kaley Cuoco to prove that you’re heterosexual. I think you dated her so publicly to raise your profile conveniently around the release of Man of Steel.

As for all of the rest of it – I like that he talks about money realistically. I hate this faux-hipster movement with celebrities, playing at being part of the 99%. And making the comparison between sex and playing Superman? Beautiful. And yes, Henry will get handsy with his bros, but only because he’s so comfortable in his sexuality. I’m fine with that.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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85 Responses to “Henry Cavill: ‘Anyone who says they don’t like money is being ridiculous’”

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  1. Kate says:

    I like Henry and glad to see he’s feeling relaxed but I gotta be honest that I think I liked him better when he just seemed like a nice, dorky guy. He’s talked about sex in almost every interview now on this press tour and it just reminds me that he’s supposedly a douche who is drunk out of his mind all the time getting with randoms at bars. It’s very “macho dude bro” and I actually liked the old Henry—who seemed a bit classier—better than this douche. He seems like some rich frat guy just trying to look cool.

    • jinni says:

      I liked Dork Cavill better, too. It seemed like that was his real personality, especially because he genuinely grew up being a awkward , geeky kid. But at least he’s trying not to sound like a boring robot anymore. Maybe the dork will shine through again in time.

    • Betsy says:

      Really? That’s depressing. I liked the idea that he’s classy (or whatever “classy” is these days). Part of what made Paul Newman so hot, apart from being so gorgeous, was his sterling character. Henry is just beautiful, with absolutely classic features.

    • kay says:

      Have you heard of that woman who tweeted that he told another woman her breasts are too small for him and that he acted like an absolute douchbag?

      He also like the drinking far too much.

      • Zapp Brannigan says:

        I read that he asked a woman in a bar what her vagina felt like, I don’t know if that is true but it gave me the skeeves just reading it.

      • Talie says:

        Sounds like he needs the drinking to feel confident. He has been talking about it a lot recently.

      • kay says:

        Talie :I don’t see sexist attitude as confidence.

        There was another incident where he said to a young gay man, ” I can’t hear you over your gayness”. Or something like that. WTF is that?

      • jinni says:

        Wow, you guys, I have never heard those stories about him. Damn, I hope they aren’t true, but with so many different stories about him being a douche maybe it is. He needs to stop drinking if this is the side it brings out. SMH.

      • Carey says:

        I’m going to stop reading anything about him and just enjoy the pictures and movies. In general, it’s really better if you don’t know what actors are really like. It’s almost inevitable that you’ll be disappointed.

      • TMI HENRY! says:

        Kay, you show up on every. single. one. of Henry’s threads always trashing him with the same old shite…. someone who knows someone tweeted that he was [insert insult]

      • Cate says:

        It’s so easy to make up the silliest rumors online though. The only thing I remember reading that seems plausible (and a lot more fun to believe) is a comment about a girl whose friend spend the night w. Henry when he was in Toronto and that he was nice and quite a success between the sheets.So maybe that’s why he likes talking about it, because it’s one of his talents? One can dream. LOL.

      • Valois says:

        What? where did you read those rumors?

    • Lady says:

      Thank you! You just took what I have been thinking and noticing lately about him and put it in writing, beautifully. I liked him and followed him since count of monte cristo. But with his recent mega success and fame he is starting to sound like a total douchebag who full of himself and constantly needing to validate his sex life. Something’s is definitely different. He starting to sound crass rather than classy. I really hope that’s not his real personality. 💔

    • Nina says:

      Me thinks he protest too much that he’s straight and likes sex with women

  2. Solanacaea (Nighty) says:

    He’s right… Anyone who says doesn’t care about money is blatantly lying…

    • Eleonor says:

      Anyone who says doesn’t care about money can say that because he-she cannot care about bills to pay 😉

  3. Jenni says:

    Talking about money – he needs to hire a stylist because he has horrible sense of style.

    • Bibi says:

      YESSS! He dresses like a grandad

    • BeBeA says:

      Ikr….. ewww he looks like and overgrown five year old in that blue jacket lol and the sad part is it probably cost alot of money!

    • Ferdinand says:

      His style is a little bit off putting but I think that’s the British in him. I’ve always thought he wears what posh English countrymen would dress.

  4. Valentina says:

    All I can say is – Gideon Cross. I reaaaaaaaaaaaaally would love to see the movie with him as Gideon Cross. I think I never watched a movie he is in, but I really don´t watch a lot of tv. I read the books and I can really imagine him as Gideon Cross. What do you ladies think?

  5. Kate says:

    He’s always had personality, he gave fun interviews in his Tudors days. Given these recent interviews I’m inclined to think DC told him to give dull interviews while promoting Superman.

    It’s not good for his career, but it’s good for DC. No risk of the Superman brand being tarnished by a mouthy actor. Iron Man, Batman, you can have an edge, but the actor playing Superman has to be squeaky clean.

    • jaye says:

      Why would DC tell him to give dull interviews. The whole point of a press junket is to promote the film and get people interested in seeing it. I would think a fun, relaxed interview would do that better than a stiff, stuffy one would.

    • lucy2 says:

      I guess they wanted his interviews to match the dull movie.

      But I think you’re right, they had a lot riding on it and didn’t want him to say anything that might cause a problem.

  6. Talie says:

    I really hope that Blind Gossip story about him looking for a contract girlfriend to get through Superman publicity is false. Like, really? Another stunt relationship? It shouldn’t be that hard for him to find someone on his own. Unless he’s that socially awkward. But BG does seem to have someone close in his inner circle spilling the beans, so…

  7. Joy says:

    I would much rather hear this than people like Kanye who whine about how expensive clothes are……while selling expensive clothes.

  8. Amelia says:

    Mine, mine, mine, mine.
    I know the general consensus is that he’s probably a bit too pretty to be included in the Bloke Squad, but I shall include him in my Bloke Lite squad, just for me 😀

  9. GlimmerBunny says:

    He is so hot and I love this interview! I can’t wait to see UNCLE.

  10. H says:

    All of Guy Ritchies’ movies seem to have a hint of homeroticism to them. It’s his thing, Henry (if you are reading this.) Looking forward to Uncle film, but his Superman? Yeah no. Not as bad as Batfleck, but Henry hasn’t brought much depth to Clark Kent on screen.

  11. Rice says:

    Henry, if you’re reading this, I think you’re HAWT, so HAWT you melt my Swiss cheese in my sub sandwich. In my opinion, Man of Steel was utter rubbish but I don’t hold it against you so I’ll be seeing TMFU. I’ll be the one wearing a t-shirt marked “HAWT Henry Melts My Cheese”.

  12. Tig says:

    He just can’t seem to hit the right tone in interviews. I agree- here he gives off douche-y tubes, which is weird bec otherwise he seems a nice guy by other accounts. Do like him better not so bulky.

    • jinni says:

      He is definitely better when he isn’t bulky. Same for Tom Hardy.

    • elle says:

      100%. He was the hotness in The Tudors, but once he bulked up for Superman, he lost me (and I’m sure he gives a sh*t about that). Even his face looks different… he has such a constipated, “ask me about my muscles” look on this face all the time. Like his neck got too big and he can’t turn his head.

  13. kaymalela says:

    i liked what he said about being comfortable abt his sexuality and putting his arm arnd his best mate…i have a lot of guy friends tht evn if thy accidentally found themselves holding hands..thy would freak and make ‘gay’ jokes…i never understood it.. my best friend and i ar vry touchy..holding hands..an hug a lot..i kiss her on the cheek evrytym i see her or we part…gv us wine and we just go crazy, we hug a dozen tyms and tell each other we love each other a lot..an we hv had people say it ‘looked’ gay..

  14. Lindy79 says:

    He’d be better off never addressing the whole Kaley Cuoco mess, or at least not try to make it look like he didnt know what was going on.
    It was obvious PR stroll with daily walks for coffee and grocery shopping at high pap spots. Just what every new couple gets up to…

  15. Starrywonder says:

    LOL poor guy probably came to Celebitchy during the Kaley days. And I love the dude, but come on, that was a PR relationship. A badly managed PR relationship.

  16. me says:

    i really really loved all of his recent interviews, he is finally starting to be more relax et confident, and his honesty is refreshing. Of course he will never for some people, either he is too boring or now he is being a douche. Give me a break.
    Anyway i only hope that he keeps doing his thing, being honest and not to give a single F of what people think of him

  17. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Superman, Man From Uncle, men calling women “birds” – gah, I’m 15 again. My face is probably going to break out and I’ll start my period in white shorts. Save me!

  18. Div says:

    He seems lovely to me, if a bit frat boy at times. I truly felt sorry for him for how hard the media and both straight and the LGBQT communities were going after him about his sexuality for a while. He’s a straight man who had a close gay friend, so that equaled closeted gay/bi man in the minds of some even though he was clearly dating and going home with women (not that it’s any of our business anyway). Like I remember ONTD (which was the last straw for me there) was convinced he was a “self-hating” gay man because he supposedly told a fan that he “looked gay” (because of course ONTD believes a random person on the internet or twitter RME). A LOT of blogs in the LGBQT community (and even some mainstream entertainment blogs) were very wink-wink about him and got downright aggressive and mean in the end about one of his past “male” friends.

    Anyway, apparently he’s great in The Man From Uncle which is a shame because it’s going to flop. A big budget, PG 13 film making only 17 mil opening weekend is bad (of course the predictions are often wrong).

    • Mia4S says:

      Not really a big budget movie ($75 million) so with international it should do fine. It’s just a question if it does enough for a sequel. It’s nice to see him play a character with some personality!

    • kay says:

      And since you are a fan you know for sure that he is the nicest and anything negative said about him must be a lie.

    • Skedaddle says:

      Ontd doesn’t think he’s gay? They just want to jump him, the gay guys included. Mostly I see the “he has terrible taste in women” feelings there. Data lounge is where they are all “he gay, he the gayest” but they do that with everyone lol.

      Anyway I can’t get a handle on Henry’s personality. He seems to try on a bunch of different ones, but they’re all ill fitting. Get that shit tailored, dude. And like, maybe lay off the drinking? He seems very messy, like a scandal waiting to happen…and everyone will be so shocked because he’s so boring and earnest, haha, but idk.

  19. Mia4S says:

    Cannot wait to see UNCLE! If nothing else it will be gorgeous.

    His comments about money are 100% on. Hallelujah! I’m enjoying him again.

  20. brooke says:

    Guess chealsea clinton is ridiculous.

  21. Naddie says:

    Nice interview, but his words for motivation makes him sound like those stupid gym people who spend 4 hours everyday on workout.

  22. TMI HENRY! says:

    He is a lot more frat-boy-drunk-dude-bro lately. He used to behave far more classier, but maybe he is just getting a little bit more comfortable. The boner interview was TMI HENRY! Hopefully he’ll find a happy medium between the two.

  23. ldub says:

    just sit on my face already!

  24. Ronda says:

    Good for admitting the money part. Celebs often live better than the 1%. Most people dont know bout the super exclusive clubs where only super rich people are allowed in (and where we will never hear gossip from),

    he is wrong though that acting pays well. if you star in big movies it pays fantastically if you are the average actor it barely pays.

    • lucy2 says:

      I thought that too – it pays well if you land the lead in a huge franchise! I think most actors are thrilled if they can pay their modest bills with acting work and don’t have to do something else to supplement. Even people who get a big role might still struggle, if something else doesn’t come along soon after.

  25. Jen43 says:

    Great interview. I love when a celeb is appreciative instead of entitled. It makes me feel like their films are worth my time and money. I don’t understand why any actor would resent playing a superhero, and I appreciate Henry’s attitude. He is a very likeable guy.

  26. Blue says:

    Mr tall dark and handsome is looking all kinds of hot and pretty in that suit he is wearing.

  27. EN says:

    I don’t care him as an actor, or even for his looks , which are admittedly fine, but aren’t my type. But this is a second interview of his I am reading and I am starting to really like him as a person. The way he looks at things is very similar to my views.

  28. Kiki says:

    I like money too, and I am glad he is honest but he kinda sounds like a Douchbag. Yes, there is nothing wrong with having nice things but didn’t work hard to come from a wealth family. He can say, I acknowledge that I am privileged and lucky that I get to do work that Iove because there are people who want to be actors who are unfortunate than you, will take them maybe a long time to get the sucess that you have. This is why I think Alicia Vikander is perfect for him.

    And by the way, I was a fan of the television series but his movie looks like crap and it will flop.

  29. Lampost says:

    I really like him but wish he would hire a stylist. He always dresses like an off duty banker.

  30. Nora says:

    If he’s so comfortable with his sexuality, why did he/his people completely scrub the internet of every picture of him with one of his former “friends”?

    • me says:

      maybe it is for people like you who will believe anything just because of some pictures, and by the way those pictures are STILL on internet, the friend may have them erased from his social page but they are still available on google and other websites

  31. Patty says:

    I saw The Man From UNCLE last night. I loved the soundtrack / score, loved the clothes; but I’m not quite sure what to make of it overall. It wasn’t a bad movie, it was in fact a lot of fun. But it probably could have been a much better movie. And maybe it was just the American accent he was trying to pull off but some of Cavill’s line delivery was a bit flat. Armie Hammer was great, as was Elizabeth Debicki, I’m still trying to figure out what I thought of Vikander (her accent was all over the place).

    • korra says:

      Wow Patty, I’m learning today that Cavill is British. Lol it’s funny Armie is american playing russian while vikander I have no idea. I wanna see this movie so bad. That’s weird to hear about Vikander because she’s typically praised for her accent work.

      From the trailer though, damn hammer is sexy in his accent. Right? Or am I the only one who thinks that?

  32. WallFlower says:

    It’s so refreshing to hear the money comment from Henry Cavill. Hell, from anyone. I hate it when everyday people pretend that they don’t care about money. I hate it when people say that money doesn’t bring you happiness. My cousin just said that stupid crap yesterday when I said that as a struggling college student that is entering a new school year, life would be easier if I had more money. She told me that I don’t need to win the lottery ( I am a regular player and often fantasize how much better life would be if I win.) because I wouldn’t work as hard to be successful in life as I am right now, and that money doesn’t bring you happiness. I told her, “he!! no, I wouldn’t be going to college if I won a big jackpot. I don’t want to work hard if I don’t have to. He!!, I don’t want to work hard even if I have to for limited money. And for the record, legitimate money does bring you happiness. It would bring me happiness because I don’t do criminal activities, and I live within my budget. She’s always saying that crap, and she is poor as I am. I hate being poor because life is hard when you’re poor. You have limited choices only the hard ones when you’re poor, and life is so limited. That’s why I’m going back to school. I’m sorry that she bought into the bull crappy saying that “money doesn’t bring you happiness”, but it does. If I could win the lottery and live like an heiress, I would. I’m glad Henry Cavill gets that, he just made me a fan.

    • Kiki says:

      I am sorry to burst your bubble, but money doesn’t bring you happiness. I am relatively poor and I work really hard, but do I want what an aristocrat, or this case a movie star wants with money. No. I have to agree with Henry Cavil that people who have money shouldn’t complain but at least acknowledged that you have money and not brag about it. And in my earlier post, I think I have written some words wrong , ok maybe I have said wrong. So with that being said, I really like Henry Cavill, I think he is sweet man. And all I am saying is just be greatful with everything you have because you never know what you have til it’s gone.

      • WallFlower says:

        No, you have it wrong. Not me. Money does bring happiness when it is legitimate money, and you are a sensible person, in which I am. If you want to remain poor, fine that’s you being stuck in life with limited choices. I don’t want to be poor. That’s why I’m going back to school to better myself and bring in more income. Believe the bull if you want. I’m not the one living in the bubble, you are.

      • Alicia says:

        If you’re “relatively poor”, then how do you know money doesn’t bring you happiness?

      • Bob says:

        There’s actually been a study on this by some academics at Princeton, they found that $75,000 a year is the point at which increased income does not add to happiness. http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2019628,00.html

      • Kiki says:

        @wallflower. Maybe you are not understanding what I am saying. I don’t want to be poor either, but will money buy me health, no, money will buy me love ? No. All I am saying, is that I would love to have a first class trip to France, or sipping champagne on a luxurious yaught, but I look at the finer things in life that doesn’t require money. I do work hard for my money and I want to be rich but I know my head on my shoulder that money doesn’t but anything that required emotion like love, kindness, faith in God and of course health. Some if you want to be sug about your money, then fine that is on you.

      • Jib says:

        Wallflower, money brings in freedom from many struggles and freedom from fear, but if money bings you happiness, why are so many wealthy people I know so screwed up? Drinking, drugs, cheating on spouses. And why do rich Hollywood couples rarely ever last? And why are so many rich kids truly messed up?

        I think great wealth often takes the struggle away, and the satisfaction of achieving your goals. I have some hobbies I love – I’m a jewelry maker/silversmith, and that beings me great happiness. Just being able to buy stuff? Never. No way. What an empty, shallow, useless life.

    • morc says:

      Right? People can tell me over and over again that money doesn’t ring happiness.

      It buys you first class flights and a villa in Tahiti. If that’s not happiness to you…
      It buys the best medical treatment and removes all anguish over bills.

      • WallFlower says:

        Money is currency that can give you options the more you have. It is not some sort of miraculous entity. Money in itself can’t make a sick person healthy, but it can give me access to top notch healthcare, healthy foods to eat, etc. Money is not supposed to make someone love me, anyone that thinks that is stupid. However, money can give me the ability to donate to the charities I love, so that I can make the world a better place. If I win money, I will do the smart thing and continue to love the people who loved me before I had all the money since that’s the reasonable thing to do. Like I said before, anyone claiming that legitimate money doesn’t bring you happiness is full of crap.

  33. Ravensdaughter says:

    Having been on financial thin ice for several years, I can say without a doubt that money-it doesn’t have to be a fortune by any means-gives you peace of mind. Money is also opportunity-to travel, to further your education (higher education is becoming a luxury) and to help others. I am a single mom-I am trying to teach my sons to be money smart and to try to travel as lightly as they can for as long as they can. Money can also involve entanglements (mortgage) that can cause a tremendous amount of stress!
    Just my personal opinion, completely freestanding from what Henry said.

  34. teacakes says:

    He’s not my cup of tea at all, but he’s right about the money. Financial security gives you the ability to make choices that would be absolutely impossible in the absence of money, whether it’s having slightly nicer food in the fridge and the certainty that you won’t be immediately out on the streets if you lose your job, or just the ability to travel wherever you want and have interesting experiences. And we’re not talking aristocrat/royal levels of money here, just enough to get by and have some left over is all.

    • Cate says:

      @Teacakes, so true. I wish everyone that kind of money. Having too much money isn’t healthy either (esp. for your soul, many people can’t handle it), but being poor is worse. Let alone if people can’t get out of it. I wish everyone enough money to be comfortable. If only…

    • Lori says:

      He seems like someone who appreciates comfort and security. And money is a big part of that. I won’t fault him for it. And I won’t kick him outta bed for eatin’ crackers either. LOL

  35. Eru says:

    Oh those celebrities. Always want to be adored and loved by everyone. And get seriously upset when go to Internet and find out that not everyone adores you. Just dont go there, celebrities.

  36. Valois says:

    I apppreciate his honesty and I agree that mone matters. However, as an actor, he’d benefit from doing smaller roles/indies to build up his portfolio and improve his acting skills. Not saying he’s a bad actor, but I don’t think he’s shown that much of a range yet. Neither superman nor his looks won’t last forever and solid performances in other films might help him last longer as an actor.