Sam Rader, famous ‘Christian vlogger’, had an Ashley Madison account in 2013


If you internet regularly, you might be vaguely familiar with Sam Rader and his wife Nia. They are a young Texas couple and they’re famous for vlogging regularly about their Christian faith, their marriage and everything in between. Weeks ago, the Raders did a video that went viral – it was Sam telling Nia that she’s pregnant. She didn’t flush and Sam did a pregnancy test on Nia’s pee and then he got to tell her she was pregnant. As I said, the video went viral and the Raders got tons of legit press. Then, weeks later, Sam and Nia announced – in a tearful vlog – that Nia had miscarried and that it was all part of God’s plan and that everyone needs to turn to Jesus. That video definitely had a vibe of anti-choice advocacy too, just my opinion.

It was actually Sam and Nia’s tearful miscarriage announcement that got some people wondering if there was more to this particular story. Some outlets even questioned if Nia was ever pregnant, or if all of this was some major stunt-queen drama designed to make Sam and Nia famous and/or successful Christian vloggers. Whatever went down, it made Nia and Sam “internet stars” and some new kind of celebrities. Sam and Nia enjoyed the attention too, giving interviews about their faith and how all of this wasn’t a hoax, etc. They were very comfortable Vlogging For Jesus and they enjoyed their fame.

Well, funny story. Sam Rader was on Ashley Madison. He made two $189 payments to Ashley Madison in 2013, plus another four $14 payments over the course of several more months. Did I mention that Sam and Nia are already parents of two kids? His second child was born around the same time Sam signed on for Ashley Madison. Sam, a married man and a father of two, paid more than $400 to troll for strange just two years ago. You can see the Daily Mail’s article here – the DM broke the story. What is it about hyper-Christian hypocrites and Ashley Madison?

So, following the Daily Mail’s story, Sam and Nia sat down for a vlog called “FORGIVEN.” Here you go:

Sam insists that Nia has forgiven him, and if you watch the whole thing, she does say that herself. Sam also says:

I did make the account. I made the account two years ago. This is an issue that is in our past. This is before I got onto YouTube. I brought this to my church at the time, when I first started at the church that I’m at now; this has been brought to my discipleship partner. This was brought to my wife’s attention. She has forgiven me for this mistake that I made and opening the account. I’ve sought forgiveness to God, and he’s forgiven me. So, I’ve been completely cleansed of this sin, and also, I need to be clear that I’ve never met with a single person face to face through that website, and that I never had an affair with anybody, ever, while I’ve been married with Nia. The account was opened out of pure fleshly desires and just sinful curiosity.

Gawker notes that the excuse of “this happened before we were on YouTube” is a pretty stupid excuse, and it’s not even true – Sam and Nia started their YouTube account many years ago, but they only went viral over the past month. Anyway… this whole thing feels very produced. As a couple, the Raders do seem to have a larger agenda. In fact, my Conspiracy Theory Radar is pinging hard about this whole thing, but if the Raders are a real couple and they’re really trying to do this whole internet-superstar/professional Christian vlogger thing, then I’m really happy that Sam was outed as yet another Professional Christian hypocrite. As Gawker also notes, the Raders have a history of pushing not only an anti-choice agenda, but an anti-marriage equality agenda. There’s also a more personal hypocrisy because the Raders definitely made the strength of their marriage the centerpiece of their vlogging business, with Sam often discussing how much he “worshipped” his wife, etc.

PS… Sam Rader was also kicked out of a Vlogging Conference this weekend after he threatened at least one person – read about it here. Rader sounds like such a mess.


Screencaps from YouTube.

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251 Responses to “Sam Rader, famous ‘Christian vlogger’, had an Ashley Madison account in 2013”

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  1. Tara says:

    I love when the religious hypocrites get exposed to be the hypocrites they are because they are the first to pretend they are so perfect and judge everyone else.

    • Amelia says:

      It makes for good watching, doesn’t it?
      I reckon it must be all the repression that comes with being an evangelical point-the-finger-at-anyone-but-yourself type.
      All their vices seem to bite ’em on the arse far harder in the end.

      • RandomChatter says:

        I’m curious, i’ve never seen these vlogs, how have they pointed the finger at others? Or are they just sharing their own story and you’ve got your own politics confused here?

      • Ange says:

        Random chatter they had a video up where they were getting their little child to tell them why gay marriage was wrong and took it down once they got traffic so yeah, I feel comfortable positing what their politics may be.

    • Don't kill me I'm French says:


    • anna says:

      ,,God has forgiven me.“ How does he know? Did God speak to him from a cloud? These people, i don’t understand.

      • Esmom says:

        THIS. And the tone and manner in which he delivers this pronouncement is unbelievable, like “I’m forgiven, move along, nothing to see here.” What a tool.

      • Cran says:

        I don’t understand his God has forgiven me stance either. He also commented that viewers of his you tube channel think he has a perfect family from what is shown on his channel. His arrogance is unbelievable. The only thing I understand is that his wife has forgiven him and feels their marriage is worth saving.

      • Greyson says:

        Yes!!! It makes my blood boil when nitwits say that!

        “I’ve sought forgiveness to God, and he’s forgiven me. So, I’ve been completely cleansed of this sin”

        He’s been cleansed? But an atheist or a liberal or a gay person should be held to brimstone and fire since they didn’t use the same “get out of jail free” card???

        Sin is wrong and unforgivable — Unless it’s an evangelist? Then after a few prayers and consulting their pastor ALL IS FORGIVEN????

      • Tate says:

        I was brought up in a Methodist church and exactly this always bothered me. So we can sin and asked for God’s forgiveness and all is ok?? Then sin again and just ask for the forgiveness again?? So basically as long as I am struck dead at a moment after I asked for forgiveness I make it into heaven but struck dead immediately after a sin and I am screwed?

      • lisa says:

        of course god forgave him, he throws the name jesus around and he isnt gay. arent they the only pre requisites for a get out of trouble free card?

      • FLORC says:

        Guys. Just my 2 cents on this. You ask for forgiveness sincerely You Are Forgiven. It’s how it is. Like being honest with your parents as a child. Confess you stole the cookie and the grounding will be less severe. What many seem to forget is God does not speak for everyone else. And it might actually be a plan of punishment/test of true humility by being mocked for your actions. This gets forgotten and they act like all should believe because they feel god forgave them we should too. The fools!

        And it also shouldn’t something you declare. A relationship with God imo sholdn’t be broadcasted. Unless I missed those stories about the villages that had th biggest celebrations and the most golden idols was the village God partied at..? It’s personal. And whatever happens with that is still personal.
        This level of pride and teflon… Ugh. It’s Not Christian. It’s Selfish BS.
        That’s my opinion on this.

      • Pinky says:

        Actually, God told me he wasn’t forgiven, but that his priest was a pathological liar! So, joke’s on them!

      • Ellecommelejour says:

        @Florc : Exactly what you said!!!!!

      • EN says:

        > Guys. Just my 2 cents on this. You ask for forgiveness sincerely You Are Forgiven.

        You ask for forgiveness and assume it is granted? Not everything can be or should be forgiven, imo.

      • Msmlnp says:

        FLORC- slow clapping here. thank you. I am a non practicing Christian, as I choose to walk the walk of kindness and morality as best I can and not talk the talk of condemning others while being a giant hypocrite. it has been my experience that the louder one preaches, the more they are trying to convince others and/or themselves of their “righteousness”.

      • belle de jour says:

        @ Pinky: Thank you for the laugh.
        And I sinfully covet your special headphones.

      • Mytbean says:

        It’s sort of the point of Christianity, actually… To be forgiven. Pray to the liason (Jesus) between we faulty humans and the perfect God that is the ultimate decider and forgiveness is granted. As I understand it, Jesus is the only human to have ever lived without sin so as to preserve his as shell for actual possession by God himself for a blip in time allowing God a kind of firsthand human experience. A lot of brownie points for that kind of stuff… But humility… This tool who thinks he’s forgiven? I wouldnt be surpised to find out later theyre just atheists using the religious platform for attention. He’s clueless and Im guessing so is she. :/

      • RandomChatter says:

        If you were a Christian you would understand faith and forgiveness.

      • qwerty says:

        He has spoken to his god and his god answered him. What’s difficult to understand here? lol. Religion is the most socially-acceptable mental illness.

      • Izzy says:

        @RandomChatter – what a SNOTTY thing to say. One need not be Christian to understand faith or forgiveness. Rader, however, does not seem to understand that apologizing simply because he got caught, does not equal sincere apology warranting forgiveness.

        If YOU were a more compassionate and thoughtful person, you would understand that.

      • Other Kitty says:

        Izzy, lay off. Random Chatter is right. If you are not a Christian, you will not understand Christian faith and forgiveness. It’s not snotty, it’s just a fact. Also, Christians are assured of forgiveness when we REPENT of our sins and ask God’s forgiveness. Repent means to be truly sorry and then to stop doing the sin. Scripture tells us this over and over. Also, Jesus told us in the New Testament to go and proclaim the good news of God’s love and forgiveness to the ends of the earth. As Christians, we should be sharing the love of Jesus with everyone, so there’s nothing wrong with proclaiming a relationship with God.

        Boy this thread is a real piece of work, all full of self-righteousness and intolerance. Start practicing what you preach.

      • jwoolman says:

        Mytbean- please leave atheists out of this. He’s definitely a believer, but his God is just not too nice. People come up with the type of God that pre-approves them. I remember talking with a pro-war Christian minister here once – I realized quickly that he was a devil-worshipper, because his God was an evil devil. His Jesus was not the Jesus of the Sermon on the Mount, but a vengeful Jesus of the Second Coming who would smite the rest of us and waft the devil-worshippers like him into heaven (not a place I would care to be myself). Really, this guy believes in a god but his God is just a version that’s ok with deceit.

      • FLORC says:

        You’ve taken this too literally. IMO there’s much in all religions that is taken too literally. Think of this and that more as an outline.
        You ask forgiveness As a way to promise yourself you will never repeat such horrible actions. That whatever assisted you to do those wrong things is no longer a part of you because you make an active choice to be a better person. It’s also you taking ownership that only you did this. Not someone else or your circumstances. We all make the choices to be good or bad daily. And you may have chosen to take the easy, but bad path. Asking forgiveness if admitting this and moving forward to never take that path again.

        Everyone can see this however they want, but at the core it’s forgiving yourself, admitting you did the wrong thing, and accepting the path that comes from it. That this man is acting like it’s a get out of jail free card is NOT those messages. It’s to sooth him only. It’s NOT Christianity.

        It’s an opiate to the masses. Like this. People gathering and feeling a sense of belonging. Some make it weird. I’ll grant you that, but mental illness? That’s bothersome. I was a bit shocked to find out as a child members of my old catholic church didn’t believe what I was learning in bible school. They thought Jesus was just a man and they went to church for the community and the basic practice/reminder to do the right thing and be a good person. Even if someone isn’t nice to you or you don’t agree with them. Is that a mental illness?

      • FLORC says:

        For the record i’m not self identified as Christian. Just raised so until I had a crisis of morals with my churchs.You can still practice being a good person (which is the overall message) without a church or a social gathering of likeminded people.

        It’s actually painful to see how people will twist and mutilate that baisc message for their own personal beliefs and agendas. Yes the bible says a lot of stuff and is extremely contradicting. That doesn’t mean we should attack people who ut faith in it. Or let those who preach hate the loudest in that name to spoil the bunch.

        Attack those who spout junk like this guy. Don’t lump everyone in it together.

      • Izzy says:

        @OtherKitty – read Random Chatter’s comment again, and then please, do explain how THAT doesn’t come off as self-righteous. “Don’t understand forgiveness?” You’re right – I don’t understand the Christian concept – I understand the Jewish concept, which is this: you ask forgiveness of the person you’ve wronged. You need not be given that forgiveness. However, you must sincerely repent your sins to G-d as well. Only with sincere repentance will forgiveness be granted.

        Gee, sounds an awful lot like the Christian concept. I understand that there are many forms and beliefs surrounding this concept. But please, let’s not pollute any of them by pretending that any good religious belief of forgiveness has ANYTHING to do with what this asshat Rader is doing. He got caught. Period. That’s why he’s sorry.

        Please, tell me again how I don’t get it.

    • Christo says:

      This guy annoys me to no end. And it doesn’t help matters that he resembles that uber-douche Juan Pablo from the Bachelor.

      • QQ says:

        Oh THAT is what I’m picking Up!!! that he looks like that douchenozzle

        Also Sorry but he pings my gaydar

        Also: That Pregnancy announcement and her holding the camera to record herself crying is one of the thirstiest, attention whorey, wholly revolting, most oily ass pressed things I’ve seen in youtube in a minute… that was before he kept saying “going Viral” was like their dream… I hope the hospital job he quit to be a media whore don’t take him back when this little endeavor crashes and burns

      • Christo says:

        @QQ…agreed on all points. I saw in some other comments on another article that his credentials as a nurse should seriously be brought into question. After the alleged miscarriage, he never thought once to recommend that she see a doctor. And both of them also commented that they knew the sex of the baby (girl) and that the baby had a heartbeat. I know there are a lot of passionate arguments along the spectrum about when life begins, etc, but, from a biological standpoint, it would be seemingly impossible for them to know these details at just a few days to one week out from pregnancy. None of it makes sense to me.

        And then I read yesterday that both of them got kicked out of a vlogger conference in Seattle due to him threatening some of the fellow attendees. He sounds like a real winner. At this rate, their fame will literally only last 15 minutes; I have never seen such a spectacular blowout in such a short period of time. I hope he didn’t burn too many many bridges before he quit his job last week.

    • Belle Epoch says:

      In case you don’t know who these jokers are, here is a helpful article from BuzzFeed. They are THIRSTY. And the pregnancy thing was faked. He sounds ignorant, arrogant, and threatening, in addition to being a cheating liar – but hey! It’s all good! I guess Christians thought they were a “cute couple.” I have no idea why anyone would be remotely interested in them.

      • Shambles says:

        Thank you for that article, Belle. I don’t doubt the whole thing was faked, not at all. And I’m sorry, but who does a pregnancy test on their wife’s leftover pee just for the heck of it? That’s so damn weird. There’s no way that’s natural.

        Unrelated: Nia’s eyebrow situation is dire

      • doofus says:

        interesting. so, by his own words, he “always had a dream to be famous”…

        and they tried to get into Legoland for free (because “don’t you know who I am?!”) and then blamed the employee for the disappointed kids?!

        plus, it seems more and more likely that the whole pregnancy/miscarriage was fake.


        ETA: oh, and then this…

        “Basically we don’t respond to that, the positivity outweighs the negativity,” Sam said of the negative comments.

        “we only respond with threats of violence.” there, fixed that for ya.

      • claire says:

        Oh my gosh! I didn’t realize this was the Frozen lip sync couple this whole time! I remember seeing that and thinking it was so cute. I had no idea this was the same couple and this is what nonsense they went on to do once that Frozen vid went viral. Man, they should have just stopped at that. LOL!

      • KendraWM says:

        And does she not wipe her pee???? He said in the video she pees several times a night and does not flush, well she also does not wipe since there was no tp in the toilet. If you are going to fake it, at least do it well!

      • Pandy says:

        Oh wow, thanks for the Buzzfeed link. “I’ve always wanted to be famous”. That about says it all.

      • EN says:

        > Hell, when was the last time we had an atheist president? That alone makes a “scary” Christian infinitely scarier than even your scariest atheist.

        There was a survey in the US a year or so back and the results shocked me. Something like 80-90% said they would flat out NOT ever vote for an atheist, period.

      • Sparkly says:

        Thanks for that link! Wow, the ‘famous’ line really does say it all. As does this, which I figured must be the case when he refused to answer reporters’ questions and keeps referring them to his video:

        “the couple likely earns $9.60 per thousand non-skippable ad views, which could easily lead to a six-figure salary for the channel”

    • Jorts says:

      …and yet atheists are still the most mistrusted group in the US.

      • Crumpet says:

        But that is lumping all people into a box, labeled ‘Christian’ and ‘Atheist’. There are atheist who scare me, just as their are ‘Christians’ who scare me. And these two are perfect examples. There are unhinged people in all walks of life and of all faiths.

      • Jorts says:

        But that doesn’t negate my point that Christians are still more trusted than atheists?
        Atheists continue to be marginalized because of a largely-held misconception that people without religion are morally bankrupt.

        Meanwhile, religious groups like Christians have been given the benefit of the doubt for centuries, when they are clearly as fallible as any other group.

        “There are atheist who scare me, just as their are ‘Christians’ who scare me.”

        The difference between “scary” Christians and “scary” atheists is twofold: atheists don’t wield organized religion as both sword and shield, they each possess their individual moral code and they stand by that. Additionally, atheists are not among the most powerful groups in this country. Hell, when was the last time we had an atheist president? That alone makes a “scary” Christian infinitely scarier than even your scariest atheist.

      • Tara says:

        So what? Religious kooks like these people should be less worthy of trust than those on the side of science and proof.

      • Otaku fairy says:

        @jorts: this!

      • Ellen says:

        After 9/11 there was a survey of Americans that showed they feared atheists more than radical fundamentalist Muslims.

        Atheists think this is the only life we get. Not thinking there’s an afterlife reward for bad behavior.

        In my experience, those who scream the loudest, about morals, anti homosexual etc, almost always are hiding exactly what they are screaming about. this guy is classic. He joins Newt “three marriages” Gingrich and countless others in telling people how to live.

      • jwoolman says:

        Often people know very little about religions and ethical systems different from what they were raised with. Not all religions include a god, for example. And not all religions include the concept of an afterlife or else it is pretty much unimportant to them. To understand the Christian fixation with an afterlife, you need to look at the other off-mainstream religions who shared the catacombs with them during the period when they were not the state religion in Rome. The big emphasis on the afterlife and gaining rewards after death came from contact from those other religions. Jesus was a Jewish rabbi, and the afterlife is not really a major issue in Judaism. The bible itself is full of stories emphasizing doing good in life, not so much about after death. Many modern Christians really don’t worry about such things either. In Catholic schools, we weren’t taught about hellfire except when discussing historical matters – hell was described simply as separation from God. Their God wasn’t a torturer. It has been speculated that although hell exists, it may simply be unpopulated.

        Not that I have never wished for an early Christian Hell for certain people…. But the afterlife is really not a big deal to many devout Christians. The ones who grab the headlines do not represent the vast majority of people calling themselves Christian. The same is true for Muslims – the overwhelming majority practice a religion that is very different from what people would think from headlines about terrorists and abusers. But news by its very nature focuses on the unusual.

    • Arlene says:

      Ugh, they’re so fake, both of them.

    • Deb says:

      The whole part about being forgiven reads like a Jack Chick tract. If Jack Chick is to be believed, Heaven is full of “forgiven” rapists, murderers, liars, thieves, and any other type of rotten person you can name. Hell, on the other hand, is full of decent, hardworking people who are guilty of nothing other than not believing. Given that information, where would you rather go?

      • Pinetree13 says:

        I don’t know why billions can’t see through the phoniness of religion. This right here shows what religion is…control. If you hold the cards you can control people. The non believer goes to hell because he can’t be controlled by the church…a rapist who believes still can potentially be controlled. Wake up people of faith!

    • Wren says:

      The schadenfreude is delicious, is it not? Again, it’s always the ones that screech the loudest that have the most to hide.

      I have to say I’m always happy when these things come out because this kind of Christianity (or any extreme religion) is toxic. It promotes hate, discrimination and lacks basic human compassion. When these idiots are outed as raging hypocrites, it just chips away at the toxic “perfect Christian” ideal they try to hold up. If you can’t even follow your own rules, why are you so fervently judgmental about the rest of us?

    • SNAP says:

      The biggest the bigot, the most magnificent and public the fall is…

    • EN says:

      Yep, the situation reminds me all these Republican conservative politicians who keep getting caught cheating or being gay.

    • RandomChatter says:

      So let me get this straight, if someone proclaims themself a follower of Christ, it’s not good enough that they try (and fail) to lead a good life, they must also walk on water too. Um-kay.

      • SNAP says:

        No, not at all. Nothing wrong with someone proclaiming to believe in Christ, yet being an imperfect human like everyone else…the problem is when some of such followers think their beliefs give them the right to judge others harshly and publicly while they know darn well they are sinning as well. It’s like Mary Magdalene, yes she was caught being audlterous, yet her accusers (who wanted to stone her to death) were not sinless and quite possibly deserved the same punishment they wanted Mary to endure. And Jesus said it right: whomever is free of sin cast the first stone. Darn straight Jesus! Darn straight. He despised the double standard. So punish her but don’t punish her accusers…cool.

      • Tara says:

        No one said anything about walking on water. These people are the most judgmental and time and time again we see televangelists and religious nuts prove their hypocrisy after doing exactly what they preach against, so it’s funny to watch. If you are preachIng to others to be faithful and true, but you aren’t practicing the same thing in your own life, then you are a hypocrite and deserve to be called out on it.

    • DA says:

      Did anyone else notice how much his wife started blinking when he said that he’d “shared this with my wife”?

    • TEAMHARDY says:

      TARA: YES.

    • elle says:

      I don’t understand “sought forgiveness to”… wouldn’t it be “forgiveness from?” Sorry…those kinds of things bug me. It sounds like the kind of overblown language people use to try to hide their ignorance.

      • elle says:

        Came back to say I just watched the video, and he says “married with” as well. Dude has trouble with prepositions.

  2. Detritus says:

    I feel better cackling about this one because he doesn’t have any victims.
    My joy in his hypocrisy in unblemished. AM account, possibly lying about a baby, getting kicked out for threatening violence. Give me moar.

  3. NewWester says:

    This Ashley Madison mess has only just begun. I am waiting for some big names to hit the news. I am thinking it will be some high level politician that will be next.

    • Alicia says:

      I’m sure some high-profile politicians are coming but I guarantee there will be Hollywood and sports names coming out as well. In fact, Deadspin reports that:
      ESPN: 39 registered accounts
      NFL: 18 registered accounts
      NBA: 25 registered accounts
      NHL: 4 registered accounts
      MLB: 4 registered accounts
      Fox Sports: 10 registered accounts
      WWE: 25 registered accounts
      Sports Illustrated: Zero registered accounts
      CBS: 39 registered accounts
      NBC: 47 registered accounts
      ABC: Unmeasurable (hundreds, due to fake accounts using email address)

      The Duggar Douchebag and this idiot are only the first two, There are a lot more coming.

      • Lucy2 says:

        I saw there was a politician from Louisiana maybe? who had an account and claimed it was to do “opposition research”. I look forward to the explanation of that one!

        My feeling is if you’re a private person who does not publicly tell others how to live their lives, this is between you and your spouse. But if you have made a career and/or seek fame trying to tell others how to live and trying to take away equal rights for all…yes, I am going to enjoy this.

      • Joan says:

        Holy cow, what a list …. I’ll have some popcorn ready.

      • doofus says:

        lucy2, I feel the same way about it, completely. well said.

      • L says:

        So I have really mixed feelings about this. On the one hand-people like the Duggars and this guy who are in the public sphere who are actively trying to take away the rights of others (be it marriage equality etc) should have their hypocrisy called out. It’s good to see them called out.

        At the same time, this hacking scandal reminds me way to much of when JLaw and others got hacked a year ago. I don’t care what goes on in someone elses marriage as that is their business-it just skeeves me out that all that private information is out there.

        Politicians who chant about ‘focus on the family’ and morality are one thing-but why should we all care if some MLB, ESPN, or other random person is having their personal life leaked? Cheating is awful, but is hacking these people any different than hacking personal photos?

      • Cran says:

        @Lucy2 I hear what you are saying about public vs private persona. My feeling is sue the hackers if you can. That is the extent of my empathy towards the account holders. Any backlash they receive is deserved. I don’t feel better or worse if the account holder is a public figure who espouses family values. You held your marriage up for ridicule and hypocrisy the moment you signed up for an account. The only reason we know about the public figure is because they are public so the backlash will be public. The fact of your marriage in and of itself espouses family values not whether you are a public or private figure.

      • Otaku fairy says:

        @Lucy I partially agree with you. on one hand cheating is wrong and their spouses have the right to know, but on the other hand I hope no lives are ruined by this and feel that the whole world doesn’t need private information. I’m glad Josh Duggars info is out, because the duggars and their supporters power to manipulate the public needs to end.

    • TQB says:

      Did AM specifically target judgmental Christian d-bags? Are there any normal scumbags on it? What the hell.

  4. dr mantis toboggan says:

    I agree, something in the stale pee ain’t clean here. Maybe they’re doing a parody of these hyper-religious weirdos or something

  5. Annie says:

    I believe she miscarried (debatable she was even pregnant) days after the announcement video, not weeks. Whatever the case, he’s just slithery.

  6. JFresh says:

    For research. They were all signed on for research. Mmmkay? 😉

  7. kay says:

    God loves to forgive cheating hypocritical Christian men.

    • kai says:

      yeah, that sounded rather easy.

      (Hi Kay with a y! 🙂 )

    • Rice says:

      And you raise a good point that I’ve been wondering about. I shudder to think what would happen if a Duggar wife or sister did something like this.

    • Wren says:

      But apparently not gay people, women who choose to terminate a pregnancy, or those of a different religious faith. Funny that.

    • Caz says:

      Conveniently. The hypocrisy is strong with this one.

      Extreme religion is just not OK. As soon as $$$ & power get into it, it all goes AWOL.

  8. Dewdrop says:

    They give me the creeps for some reason. It’s not because of the closed minded, anti-people’s rights, anti-choice, uber Christian, or giant hypocrites reasons that do it. They just seem like really weird, unwavering-eye-contact-holding-whilst-judging-you-and-trying-to-be-your-best-friend-for-life-or-else type of people.

    • NewWester says:

      Kinda of like the creepy Burger King commercials with the plastic “Burger King” Just creepy

    • Jen43 says:

      He has a face that is just begging to be punched.

      • Alicia says:

        He has a face that looks like a heavy drug user. He seems very “off” to me.

      • the_blonde_one says:

        I see in his face what I’ve seen in some of my male gay friends faces when they are using crystal meth and molly.

      • Wren says:

        I can’t say for sure what it is but he doesn’t look like a very nice person to say the least. Can’t tell what may be going on here but just from the images his features suggest arrogance and cruelty in his personality. I get a blank on her.

  9. als says:

    I think America has such a liberal image in the entire world that I can’t believe there are people like these and like the Duggars living there.

    • profdanglais says:

      Whaaa? America with its guns and its death penalty and its long prison terms for minor offences and its Tea Party and its Sarah Palin and its Donald Trump and its Duck Dynasties and its lack of socialised medicine or social safety nets etc etc etc has a liberal image in the entire world???

      I’m an American who’s lived abroad the past ten years. People have said a lot of things to me about the USA, both good and bad, but no one has ever suggested it’s liberal. The leftest lefty of the far-left Left in the USA is right of centre to a lot of Europeans.

    • Norman Bates' Mother says:

      It was like that pre-Internet era but, people like this guy, the Duggars, Palins, Trump and Westboro Baptist Church have forced the world to change that image of America and now it’s viewed more as the land of extremes. Most Americans are probably somewhere in between, but in the stereotyped world imagine – Americans are either people who are completely liberal, accepting of everything and sometimes even too PC or the raging bigots, hypocrites, gun-waving nationalists who are anti-everything.

      In a way, I like when it happens, because it proves how untrue stereotypes are. I come from Poland – the country viewed as extremely conservative and Catholic, the polar opposite of USA. When I go abroad, people expect me to be like the Duggars or this guy and don’t know that we have openly atheist, gay, and transgendered, democratically elected politicians, two most important people in our country are currently women (Prime Minister and the Marshall of the Sejm), our former Prime Minister was single and even though I attended an officially Catholic university, I’m an atheist and no one cared – things that are still an issue in many of the liberal countries. But of course we also have wackos, right-wingnuts and anti-everything activists, who deserve that label. The true world image should be that there are all sorts of people in all countries.

      • als says:

        Norman Bates’ Mother – “The true world image should be that there are all sorts of people in all countries.”

        I couldn’t have said it better.

      • HeySandy says:

        I agree NBM, most people focus on the extremes of any given country without looking at the middle. Americas middle may be on the conservative side, but we aren’t all gun-toting, religious nut extremists. I consider myself left of center but I’m neither a granola munching treehugging super lefty (which we do have) nor am I near the right extreme.

    • EN says:

      I think what is shocking that the US, a country where about 30% of the population has pretty extreme religious views and atheists are considered something of a cross between a pedofile and a burglar, is considered liberal but yep, this is the image America sells – the country of freedom, opportunity and justice. Well, the definitions of freedom (and justice) are quite ambiguous to begin with

    • magpie says:

      The US does NOT have a liberal image. All of Europe sees it as gun holding bible thumpers. Be real. They also know that the east coast and the “left” coast exists but that’s just the margins.

    • jwoolman says:

      I agree with Prof. My colleagues see the U.S. as astonishingly backward in key areas. Once I began learning about political systems in other countries, I realized that we have a very narrow political range on our ballots plus a winner-take-all system that is not very representative. It does explain low voter turnouts here. The ones who stay home from the polls in the USA would be likely to find someone on the ballot elsewhere who actually represented them, and also the chance of that person actually getting into the legislature and being able to represent them in votes would be far higher in systems that are not “winner-take-all”. A huge percentage of Congress is elected with no opposition on the ballot. One year I saw figures of 25%. People are discouraged from write-ins and third-party candidates for this reason, so things stay the same year after year.

      Although the Soviets and related countries would run one Party candidate on their ballots, voters had the option of voting “no” and if enough did, then the Party had to go back and come up with a new candidate and a new election. There were also quorums – if enough people stayed home from voting, the election was invalid and had to be run again. So high voter turnouts were not due to coercion (as we were taught) but because people really had something to vote for. I would love to be able to go down the list on our ballots, voting “NO, try again” for the candidates in our “two-party” system. The voter boycotts in Poland were so effective because quorums were needed. Those two aspects of the voting system (quorums and NO votes) were crucial in allowing for peaceful but rapid change once enough people wanted it in the USSR and Eastern Europe. We have a more difficult path.

    • Jackie Jormp Jomp says:

      As a non-American I can promise you that the LAST thing the rest of the world sees you as is “liberal”.
      The guns, the cops, the religiousness, the capitalism, the Bush-voting, the death-penalty, the squeaishness about sex, the science-denying?
      Those things are not exactly left-leaning.

  10. wow says:


    Child, child, child… what’s done in the dark will always be brought to the light. And I loathe when women or couples fake pregnancies/miscarriages. That’s beyond being an attention whore, that’s sick!

  11. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    No big surprise. I have always been suspicious of anyone who tries to profit from their Christianity – that’s really sort of the antithesis of Christianity – but we’ve become so used to it from all of the rich evangelical Jimmy Swaggerts and Jim Bakers driving their Cadillacs and wearing six diamond rings while shouting their self – righteous judgments about everybody else while screwing anything that will hold still on the side, preying on uneducated, unsophisticated good people who believe they have some answers. There’s a lot of money in to be made in faking your faith, and these people are just another example of it. And who cares if they screw up, because forgiveness! It makes me sick, especially when I think of my aunt and uncle – he spent his whole career as a minister and they raised three children in what was essentially poverty. Not starvation, but nothing extra, ever, always scrimping to buy the school clothes, etc. He’s such a good man, who just believed in God and wanted to share his faith. No blogs, no revivals, no passing the hat, no tv shows, mansions or diamonds. Just a soft spoken, good, decent man who wanted to help other people and knew it would be hard financially, but did it anyway.

    • Imo says:

      Don’t feel badly for him – celebrate! The meek shall inherit the earth and the truly just among us earn rewards that exceed a bank account. Besides, the fake holy rollers with the predatory wealth eventually have to spend their fortune on penicillin and out of court settlements so there’s that.
      Sounds like you’ve absorbed the best of your uncle’s *true* Christian values.
      Great post.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        You’re right. He is a very happy man, and he and my aunt are loved deeply and widely!

      • Wren says:

        GNAT- Sounds like he won, then. I kinda doubt these con artist Professional Christians are actually very happy. And if you’re not happy, well, what’s the point?

    • jessiebes says:

      Yeah, when I remember my old pastor, a former boxer who became a preacher in a tiny little church later in life, having no money whatsoever, but just wanted to preach the word. Huge difference.

      Preachers that do this for profit, have been around for years and years. The Genesis song: Jesis he knows me (1991) comes to mind.

    • BearcatLawyer says:

      Jim Bakker may have committed all kinds of financial tomfoolery and tax fraud, but one thing I cannot fault him and Tammy Faye for was that their ministry publicly accepted people of all faiths and creeds, including the LGBT community, which led to huge problems with the Assembly of God church hierarchy. Long after his PTL downfall and prison term, Jim Bakker and his second wife adopted five older, underprivileged children. So maybe he learned a thing or two along the way about the love of money being the root of all evil and genuinely changed.

      Nevertheless, it upsets me to hear about men like your uncle. I know some congregations cannot do much more than provide the basics for a minister and his family, but it strikes me that there are quite a few churches that could provide a better life for their leaders but don’t. I wish I knew why.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I didn’t know that about Jim Baker. I’m glad he was accepting and inclusive, and I’m glad those children found a home, but Jim Baker was stealing from all of those people who were contributing money to him. Most of them couldn’t afford much, and he was already rich, but he wanted more. Still, that makes me think a little more highly of him, and thanks for reminding me that we are all complicated – not just good or bad.

        My uncle chose to serve poor, country congregations. I really think they did the best for him that they could do, although I agree with you that many churches could do better. I don’t know why they don’t, either.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Double post. Bakker. Sorry.

      • Crumpet says:

        True that. The disciples had every need taken care of while they were visiting villages and spreading the gospel. Jesus told them to only take their cloaks with them. We are not following his example when a minister has to live in poverty.

    • Belle Epoch says:

      GNAT I know the feeling. We we married by a local minister of a tiny church. He was the real deal. He almost had me persuaded. Then he got leukemia and died. I was like, “God… he was doing Your work! WTF?”

      Here is a powerful video with atheist Stephen Fry:

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I enjoyed, that, Belle Epoch, thank you. I won’t bore you with my entire belief system, but in short, I understand how someone could feel the way you do or the way Fry does, but I think it depends on what you think God actually is. I don’t believe God is a being who sits in Heaven and controls what happens to us. I think God is something we can’t quite understand – and something I find very hard to put into words – a mass of all that is love, understanding, forgiveness and goodness in the universe, of what is honorable and the very best of us, the perfection that we always fall short of but that brings us more peace and happiness the closer we get to it. I believe it’s there because I have felt its presence on occasion since childhood. It comforts me, it gives me strength and it guides me in what is right and what is wrong. If I listen to it, I’m at peace with whatever happens. If I put other things before it – my pride, my ego, anger or bitterness, I do something stupid that feels wrong to me. I do believe I’m a Christian because I think Jesus was the personification of God on earth. But a lot of people wouldn’t agree that I’m a Christian because I think the Bible was inspired by God, but written by man and interpreted by more men, and those men were limited in their vision by their own agendas and prejudices. I think a lot of the interpretation of the Bible is wrong, and I’ve never understood how you can take it literally because it contradicts itself all over the place. So, I agree with Fry that if God was this man on a throne with a white beard who was saying get down on your knees and thank me, or who gave children bone cancer I would think, even if you exist, I can’t stand you. Lol. But I don’t think God ever said He was those things – men said He was those things. Like in the Bible where God says “I am a jealous God, put no other before me.” Jealousy is a petty human emotion. I don’t believe for a minute that God is jealous. I think that was supposed to mean what I was trying to say before – that if you listen to what is true and good in your heart, you will do the right thing and be at peace. If you put other things before that, you won’t. I wish I was a more articulate person, and you probably fell asleep by now, but that’s how I see God, and why I find it so gross that these fundies go around declaring who all is condemned and sex is sinful, etc. and they have all the answers and God found them a parking place because they prayed.

      • Belle Epoch says:

        Thank you, GNAT! That was very eloquent and no, I certainly did not fall asleep. I agree there is Something “divine” – goodness on a level we are not even ready to recognize. We can only hope to get closer to it. But I really have trouble with the idea that the Earth is a giant game of Sim City, and God controls absolutely everything. My Christian friends say “Let go and let God,” which they find powerfully reassuring. I dunno.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Yeah, so God creates a universe and people, but then gives the people no free will? They are just “part of a plan.” That makes zero sense to me. What’s the point of that? And if you’re just doing what you’re supposed to be doing, how can anything you do be wrong?

      • Casi says:

        That was lovely, GNAT. Thanks for taking the time to type it all out. 🙂

  12. vauvert says:

    I am so glad God takes time out of a busy schedule to go into private conference with every single one of these hypocritical, narrow minded bigots and give them a clean pass for whatever transgressions they have committed… not sure if there’s a consultation fee or hourly charge but I sure would love to get some time on God’s calendar for all the orphans of war, rape victims, single parents struggling, veterans, LGBT teens and so on. Would sure take the nasty taste out of my mouth…

    • Esmom says:

      Yes. Well said.

    • Imo says:

      It seems you are blaming God for the cruelty of man. If I’m misreading you I apologize.

      • Sisi says:

        nope, I she’s blaming the blogger for saying selfcentered stuff about God

      • umm.... says:

        Evangelizing on a website, imo, is worse than spam.

      • vauvert says:

        Imo, I am certainly not blaming God. I believe in free will and I just find the hypocrisy of these nitwits horrifying. Whatever one’s personal relationship with religion and divinity may be, I strongly believe it should be a private thing or at most a common theme to gather around to celebrate and do good. This mockery of God makes me stabby.

      • Imo says:

        I completely agree and again, sorry I misunderstood you.
        I guess I don’t see it as evangelizing, just sharing my thoughts – hope I didn’t offend anyone 🙂

      • Imo says:

        Not sure if my response posted but yes I completely agree with you and I’m sorry to have misunderstood you.
        I didn’t see it as evangelizing, just sharing a view. But I can see why you say that and I hope I didn’t offend anyone.

    • Crumpet says:

      He has all the time in the world for you. He doesn’t mind hearing your anger, tears and frustration. It is what he feels about what we have done to this world with our free will.

      • Pinetree13 says:

        Sooo your god is all loving and all powerful…but totally cool with letting a bunch of children die a slow and painful death from starvation because “free will”. Makes total sense to me!
        How does free will explain that? They aren’t CHOOSING to starve?! they have no food, no clean water.

        Think about it…either god doesn’t have the power to help them OR he does have the power to help them but just doesn’t care. God cannot be all loving and all’s one or the other, which contradicts all the major religions.

        In other words….it really saddens me how people would rather cling to their fairy tales rather than see the world how it really is and try to do something to help it, and no, ‘prayers’ are not helping!

      • Crumpet says:

        Pinetree, you misunderstand. Of course he is not totally fine with all that, it is not what his original plan was. But when he gave man free will, man chose to ruin the garden. Would you rather that we were all robots who had no choice who or what we worship? There is still redemption available, free and for the asking. That seems pretty darn merciful to me.

      • Ange says:

        Man I’m sick of paying for what those fools did in the garden. For a merciful being dude sure holds a grudge. I also can’t be thankful for a being that lets so many suffer for the same redemption a comfortable man gets.

  13. Jen43 says:

    He also quit his nursing job because their vlog can now support them. I mean, WTF? These people need to go away.

    • elle says:

      I thought we were still talking about god from the thread above, and went, “Wait… what?”

  14. MonicaQ says:

    I actually just watched my uncle-in-law’s marriage dissolve because of this Ashley Madison thing. He just came clean because he knew his wife was in IT and had suspicions. It’s one of those things watching from afar it popcorn worthy but watching up close is kind of sad.

    Note: I still believe cheating is a pretty awful thing to do to someone.

    • Kiddo says:

      That is sad, MonicaQ.

    • Izzy says:

      HuffPo ACTUALLY tweeted that divorce lawyers were preparing for a “tsunami” in the wake of the leaked AM data. That’s the word they used – tsunami.

      I think I’ll just never get married.

    • magpie says:

      It’s not the cheating by normal people that bothers me. I don’t judge it’s your business. It’s the A-holes that say/think they are are on a higher moral ground than gays and atheists. Being good, moral and kind has nothing to do with being a jesus lover, good to see the wool being pulled off those sheep.

  15. Lucy2 says:

    Is “superstar Christian vlogger” a career now?

  16. Jenns says:

    If that’s not a doucheface, then I don’t know what is. He’s like Scott Eastwood’s less attractive brother.

    I fell down the rabbit hole and watched some of their videos, which are terrible and totally staged.

    • WinnieCoopersMom says:

      Do not drag my Scottie into this mess. He a harmless piece of art. This person is just trash trying to disguise himself as something else.

  17. Angie says:

    All of these bible thumpers make me ill! They hide behind the Jesus curtain for their benefit of oppression yet when it comes to their backyard they have a defense and justification ready in Gods name. Duggars 2.0?

  18. ncboudicca says:

    Wow, I saw the “pee” video when it went viral – had never heard of them before and thought it was really, really annoying and not hilarious or cute. Just thought they were weird…and based on this item, it seems my Spidey Sense was tingling correctly!

    • danielle says:

      So… he scooped her pee out of the toilet when she didn’t flush? Gross. And would that even work? Wouldn’t the toilet water dilute it too much? So weird.

      • Betsy says:

        If it was early enough that she didn’t suspect, I would think that toilet water wouldn’t work to test. Those tests for before your period is even due are pretty sensitive, but diluted in a gallon of water?


      • Lucy2 says:

        That sounds incredibly gross. I haven’t seen it, but the whole thing just sounds so gross and weird I can see why people think it was staged.

      • Wren says:

        I think it would depend on how far along she was. If it was only a couple weeks, like before her missed period, the sample would be far too dilute. They tell you to take the test first thing in the morning if you’re doing it early to get the most concentrated sample. The farther along you are the higher the hormone levels the test detects and you don’t need very much to get a positive result. But still, the publicity alone makes me side-eye the whole production.

      • KendraWM says:

        He claims she pees several times a night and never flushes to not wake the children. But the first thing I noticed was there was no tp in the toilet. So she supposedly peed multiple times in the night but never wiped???? Either gross or totally fake.

  19. Tifygodess says:

    “God has forgiven me” – says who? Did he personally tell him this? 😂😏 I mean is there a direct number I can call? Because I would love to be forgiven for everything I do too. I mean if these a$$hats can be so easily absolved im in! Well unless of course I was gay or wanted an abortion – that’s how that works right? Some sins aren’t a big deal in their world? Even though I clearly remember when I was catholic all sins are equal and everyone was pretty much a huge judgy hypocrite. But what do I know! 😑

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I think God will forgive every sin IF you are truly sorry. These people think they can just confess their sins and all is forgiven. No. You have to have a change of heart and be truly remorseful. And not just because you got caught.

    • Imo says:

      I understand your chagrin but forgiveness is real, it is attainable quite easily – God gives it freely. The stupidity and hypocrisy of man shouldn’t keep us away from the very warm, very inclusive, very real love of God.

      • Tifygodess24 says:

        @IMO my comment was written in the context of this type ( Duggars , this guy ) believe they can just do whatever they want and all will be forgiven. I do not believe that to be the case. God is forgiving if you are truly sorry but I find many people are lacking that very last important part. They are sorry they got caught not that they did the acts.

        I grew up catholic , in predominately catholic town and let me tell you I have run Into this attitude more often than not. People would do whatever they wanted all week without a care and then turn around and go to confession Sunday and all was forgiven in their minds. But that’s not how it works. It’s not an excuse to be as A$$ and do bad things. And Of course forgiveness is easy but it also works both ways.

      • Imo says:

        I see your point and completely agree. Forgiveness as carte blanche is terribly innaccurate.

      • WinnieCoopersMom says:

        God knows your heart. If this person was just being crass about forgiveness (ie yep, im all good now, lets move on), God knows. If in his heart, he was truly repentant and remorseful, he will be forgiven. there is a difference.

  20. Talie says:

    How do you know God forgave you… Boy, bye!

  21. K 2 says:

    Vocally Christian attention seekers are kind of a living oxymoron, aren’t they? And how can you test pee from toilet water? The whole point is to test for a concentration of the hormone pregnant women are high in, but a toilet bowl will be many times more water than pee, by definition. That makes no sense at all.

    On that topic: it turns out that Anna Keller’s oldest brother, Daniel, is offering her genuine support, a place to stay, and financial backup if she wants to leave. It’s the first good thing I have heard about all this mess. He also states baldly that appearances are all their parents care about, which is obvious from their plain delight at marrying into the Gothardite royal family.

    He’s also calling Jessa Duggar out on her hypocrisy over it and flat out naming Josh Duggar for what he is, and he points out that Biblically you forgive repentance, not rinse and repeat offenders who just happen to get caught out. He suggested Jessa should read her Bible for enlightenment, instead of using it to bash people over the head.

    I read the OK Cupid answers Josh Duggar gave. Apart from saying there are some circumstances in which women are obligated to have sex with him, and that he’s the sort of person to tell a homeless person to get a job, he says he’s considerably more intelligent than most of the population. (And then says that “Wherefore art thou Romeo?” means “Where” and not “Why”, but homeschooling so I don’t have the heart to point and laugh too much.)

    He’s scary. I don’t think he has the least scrap of genuine conscience about anything, not really.

    • LAK says:

      I hope she isn’t too far gone to ignore her brother.

    • INeedANap says:

      That is excellent news that poor brainwashed Anna still has some support. I hope she takes it and runs for the hills!

    • Jen43 says:

      Oh wow. Good for her brother. I hope she accepts his offer.

    • Wren says:

      The test is very sensitive so if she was far enough along it could work. It works on a molecular level so if you’re “hot” enough it overcomes the dilution factor. Not that I really care, I’m skeptical of their whole thing since it seems really LOOK AT ME.

      I hope Anna takes him up on his offer, or at least gives serious consideration to what the events going on in her life mean.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      So glad to hear that about Anna’s brother. At least she has somewhere to turn if she can find the strength to get away.

  22. littlemissnaughty says:

    Hahahahahaha! I love this Ashley Madison mess, I can’t feel an ounce of sympathy for idiots who plan an affair. Whatever happened to “I’m so sorry I got drunk at the Christmas party! It will never happen again!” ? And of course these devout nutjobs are among the dudes who went looking for sex on the internet. It’s always the preachy ones who are the worst.

    • Jorts says:

      You really do have a point. Infidelity is always a terrible betrayal but it somehow seems worse knowing that these men deliberately created an account for the sole purpose of cheating on their wives. It feels so…premeditated. Unlike a drunken mistake at a holiday party, these guys were clear-headed and intentional in their actions.

    • Nicolette says:

      What happened was something called technology. Smartphones and the internet have completely changed the way people cheat. They now have access to porn, cheating sites and on-line sex 24/7 and with pass codes they can very easily hide their trail of infidelity.

    • littlemissnaughty says:

      @ Jorts. That is a fantastic name. 😀

      There are circumstances where I could possibly forgive cheating or maybe even an affair. Not like this though. Never. Dirvorce. Immediately.

  23. Macey says:

    Fake.Fake.Fake…Everything about this couple is FAKE! In fact I’d even go so far as to say they’re even more fake and contrived than the Kardashians if you can imagine.

    I think they’re both a cpl of realty star wanna-bes and I dont believe anything out of either one of their mouths.

    Like she just HAPPENED to leave her pee in the toilet and he just HAPPENED to have a pregnancy test that she didn’t know about?…SUURRREEE

    It wouldn’t even surprise me if the whole Christian thing was fake too b/c most ppl know that Christians love this kind of stuff and give up their money more easily if it defends like minded people.

    • jwoolman says:

      Wouldn’t toilet tissue also interfere?

    • Merritt says:

      Exactly. The whole thing sounds contrived.

      As I said in a Duggar post from the other day, at least the Kardashians are upfront about wanting money and fame.

    • Sisi says:

      yeah there are some families that make a living on youtube with vlogging, so that’s their only motive for these vids and the reason they started with it.

  24. LAK says:

    Christians and sex!!! They really need to give up St Augustine’s teachings. The man had issues with sex and now those issues are enshrined in Christian doctrine. Until Christians stop using his doctrine, they will always have issues with sex.

  25. INeedANap says:

    Her eyebrow situation is against my religion.

    And this guy looks like an unhinged piece of work. I side-eye anyone trying to use their Christianity as a money maker.

  26. Mispronounced Name Dropper says:

    The good news for the Ashley Madison (classy name btw) customers who feel like their trust has been breached is that many of them will have partners, or ex partners, who’ll be able to emathise with them.

  27. My Two Cents says:

    Why was this site so popular when it didn’t even produce results? Are married men that desperate to cheat? I read 95% accounts were men and 5% were women with many of those women being fake accounts. Divorce lawyers said it’s like Christmas in August! Our society is so messed up today.

    • Nicolette says:

      I read somewhere that divorce lawyers are calling this breach their “Black Friday”. They are salivating at the thought of the business this will bring them. You know, so they can make more money to spoil their mistresses with.

    • Merritt says:

      Some people claim it is a front for escort services. But the amounts many people were paying seem too low when compared to the tens of thousands known to be spent by clients involved in sex worker scandals like Charlie Sheen and Elliott Spitzer. Who knows.

      • jwoolman says:

        It might just be a much lower tier of call girls than people like Charlie Sheen would use. Volume counts also. So the prices would be lower, especially if more than one call could be fit into a night (or day). I wonder what the site’s cut was?

    • Pinetree13 says:

      I also think this really sticks it to the people that claim women cheat more or just as much….face it! Women cheat but men cheat more!

      • Neah23 says:

        Not really their are studying that show women cheat as much as men. The only thing this hack has shown is that women don’t go to sites like Ashley Madison looking for hookup, but do it the “old fashion” way.

  28. Isa says:

    I don’t believe anything they say. Mainly because they both look like ostriches and you just can’t trust ostriches.

  29. Colleen says:

    “Sinful curiosity”?

  30. Brittney B says:

    Some religious people think atheists and agnostics have “no moral code”… but you shouldn’t need the threat of eternal torture to treat other people with respect and compassion, and disturbing patterns surface when you dismiss all your past mistakes by proclaiming that the forgiveness of God has totally erased them. Imagine a society in which apologizing to a judge was enough to expunge your record after every crime you committed…

    And okay, he’s been “completely cleansed of this sin”… but has his wife been completely cleansed of the pain and shame it caused her?

    • MSat says:

      I say this all the time when people ask me if I am “concerned about my soul” because I’m an atheist. (Once my eyes stop rolling that is.) If you need a book that was written by humans in the dark age, who didn’t understand what the sun was, or what germs are, and you need an imaginary man in the sky in order to be a good person, then you’ve got big problems.

      These vlogger people are seriously unhinged.

    • Imo says:

      I understand your view but it doesn’t work that way. Properly informed, true Christians don’t/shouldn’t think that way.
      Forgiveness is possible because of God’s love for us – it is a cathartic absolution that allows us to move forward as better people. God does not tell us in the bible that forgiveness is a magic eraser with no consequences if we abuse it. Jesus said ‘go and sin no more’ The expectation/condition is that one no longer offends, hurts others etc. and in the bible we’re told that the spirit of God will not always strive with man – meaning if one insists on sin, causing others pain, causing one’s fellow man to suffer etc then justice takes the place of mercy and there is no more forgiveness.

      • Algernon says:

        Yeah but people like this (and the Duggars) twist the positive messages in the Bible and use them to their own purpose. I wish run of the mill Christians would get more outraged about people abusing their religion/beliefs like this. This kind of thing is largely what drove me away from religion (well, that and science). I just couldn’t handle the hypocrisy and people acting like saying, “Well I asked for forgiveness and now it’s all peachy keen,” like that was a spiritual cure-all. People were so judgmental and hypocritical, and while I have met some truly kind and compassionate Christians, by far the majority I dealt with growing up in a fairly strict Christian household were just awful people who hid their terribleness behind a veil of Bible-thumping.

      • Imo says:

        This is why people like the Duggars are so toxic, imo. Btw I totally think science and religion can coexist and strengthen one another’s positions. There are many great blogs by Christian evolutionists, Christian scholars of science, etc you could check out if you liked.

        Mocking the beliefs of Christians or saying they have big problems because of the basis of their ideology is inflammatory and doesn’t promote acceptance/understanding. If someone, especially a Christian, failed to respect you because you’re an atheist I am sorry about that, as well.

      • Brittney B says:

        @ Imo

        As a former Christian who grew up attending a private Episcopal school, I’m well aware of the actual foundations of Christian redemption. As Algernon noted, my comment was about people like Sam, whose wording deliberately implies that it DOES “work that way”.

        Even if Jesus has forgiven you through your own personal, spiritual journey, that doesn’t take away the consequences of your actions. Sam and the Duggars and many others discount the very real hurt they’ve caused when they focus on the fact that God forgave them. Okay, that’s great for them… but that’s besides the point in all honesty. It doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be held accountable by the people they hurt, or that their public reputation shouldn’t reflect the mistakes they made. It may wipe your conscience clean to feel forgiven, but “forgiven” isn’t the same as “forgotten”… which I know you know.

        @ Algernon

        My journey seems very similar to yours. Ultimately I couldn’t arrive at any conclusion other than “there’s no way to know for sure”… so I identify as agnostic. Anything else — even incorporating science into faith — would be taking liberties and making assumptions, and it doesn’t seem worthwhile to me.

        If any god truly exists, every religion must be directing prayers toward the same one… and it seems futile to be honest. If it’s “god’s way” no matter what — and that “way” includes murder and rape and child abuse and any number of tragedies — then our actions and wishes have no bearing on divine intervention, anyway, and clearly this god doesn’t want us to be capable of understanding the natural order of things. Maybe we can express gratitude for creation and an afterlife, but in between? During our life on this planet, this god is more apathetic and uninvolved (and cruel, even) than most religions seem to acknowledge. The ancient Greeks were probably closer to the truth than modern Christians or Muslims, etc. No benevolent being would damn people to eternal hell for not praying the right way, or for not praying, period, or not having access to the knowledge that unlocks redemption… so I don’t understand the idea of seeking comfort in religion, to be honest. But that’s just personal opinion.

    • Pinetree13 says:

      If you don’t know right from wrong, you lack empathy, NOT religion.

      What’s better choosing to do right….or only not cheating / murdering because you fear an invisible sky man will send you into an eternal flame?

      I’m kind to others because it is the right thing to do…not because of any threats of punishment

      • MSat says:

        Exactly. And as for me “mocking” religion – after the thousands of years of evil and harm it’s done to humanity, religions of all kinds should be mocked, openly and often. Religion is holding the human race back on a number of fronts.

      • EN says:

        > If you don’t know right from wrong, you lack empathy, NOT religion.

        The inconvenient truth is that organized religion has always been about control and power, not morale or ethics.
        This is why all totalitarian regimes either supplant religion or put it in their service.

      • Brittney B says:

        Yep. It scares me to think that all these people would wreak havoc if they lost their faith, because what happens when something shakes it? And then I realize: they lack empathy; that’s what makes the difference. People without innate empathy are driven by a survival instinct and feel no duty to society as a whole. Religion empowers some to be hateful and violent, and prevents others from the very same thing. Either way, these particular people don’t understand that most of us don’t require an external moral compass. They truly believe we’re all out for ourselves unless we have a god to serve. And besides power and control, that’s exactly why humanity has always gravitated toward one religion or another. It fills a social need.

        And yep x 1,000 to EN’s comment about organized religion. Truer words were never spoken than “religion is the opiate of the masses”. I’m open to the idea that there’s a god… or a goddess, or many different higher powers… we haven’t even begun to grasp the realities of the universe or even the specifics of all microorganisms, so it follows that we might be missing some proof of spirituality.

        BUT… until humanity zeroes in on it (which, by definition, may never be possible because we’re limited little mortal creatures, hence “faith” making sense to many), organized religion is arrogance or ignorance at best and deliberate evil at worst. And I don’t mean the individual followers are always ignorant; I realize that many intelligent people find real comfort in it, especially after losing a loved one or using it to overcome addiction or trauma. But the people who created our current religions, and the people (like the Duggars and Raders) who glean personal profit and power from it? Those people are making society worse, not better.

  31. Cinderella says:

    What a slimy, fake piece of garbage.

  32. Merritt says:

    What is scary is that this guy used to be an ER nurse. Their YouTube channel was doing so well that he quit his job. I would not be comfortable with this guy accessing a patient, he has some serious ego problems which make for potential dangerous outcomes in a clinical setting.

    • vauvert says:

      I am obviously naive. How exactly do you make money on youtube by being a Christian blogger and announcing fake pregnancies in a way that only an uneducated person with less than a HS diploma could see through?

      • Merritt says:

        Through ads or sponsors primarily. I’m more familiar with the beauty YouTube channels. Several of the beauty bloggers have gotten big opportunities due to their visibility on YouTube, that likely paid well . EleventhGorgeous was in a couple of print ads for CoverGirl and did some Secret commercials that aired online. Bethany Mota was on DWTS. Most opportunities have been more like what EleventhGorgeous did. But those things add up.

  33. teatimeiscoming says:

    I’m more interested in the details of how he came to be kicked out of a vloggers conference. Something about threatening violence. Not very Christian, there, buddy.

    And its worth saying: There was a time where discussing your religious beliefs was considered unbearably rude/gauche/tacky AF. I think we need to go back to that.

    • Anon says:

      I thought he was full of it when they announce the toilet bowl pregnancy test, then the miscarriage.. was just wanting for some type of gofundme type deal. (I didn’t realize they had a big following at the time on youtube.) Now this with this cheating site.
      John Oliver, you are needed again. If it takes John Oliver to do a show shaming (or perhaps educating) the IRS about televangelists scamming people and the taxpayers/gov’t. then Oliver needs to set this couple’s youtube followers straight.

      • teatimeiscoming says:

        I’m kinda upset about the fact that this guy was a nurse, and thought that scooping pee from a toilet bowl would be a good way to get an accurate result for a pregnancy test. Where did this fool get his nursing license?!
        I’m 100% sure Jesus would hate these people, and the people like him who shriek about their beliefs and superiority while trying to profit off it.

    • MonicaQ says:

      I was taught by my JROTC teacher in HS etiquette–it was a mandatory part of class along with non-abstinence education which he had to pay a fine for every year–and he said, “There a three things you do not discuss in polite company: Sex. Religion. Politics. You will change, nor enlighten anyone because people have to be shown, rather than told.” I’ve held that true my entire life.

      That Colonel also showed us how to make quiche and spin M-14s like hurricanes. It was my favorite class ever.

      • Brittney B says:

        Mind. Blown.

        Seriously, I’ve heard that trilogy of off-limits topics my whole life, but as an activist and empath, it’s really illuminating to hear it put that way: “people have to be shown, rather than told”. The golden rule of creative writing also applies to belief systems!

  34. smcollins says:

    I have no idea who these people are, and am hearing about them for the first time from this post. I didn’t watch the video and don’t intend to. My tolerance for these types of religious zealots/hypocrites is extremely low (as in nonexistent). Just looking at the photos of them, and especially him, makes me cringe so hard. Possibly lying about a pregnancy and miscarriage as some form of self promotion?? WTF.

  35. MSat says:

    I’ve never seen these people before, so I went and looked at their “vlog” and that guy is completely crazy. He has the Crazy Eyes. His wife is pretty nutty, too, but he has, like, psycopath eyes. Yikes.

    Yet another Christian who says that because he loves Jesus, he can freely judge and condemn others, but when he break all the rules of being a Christian, ta-da! Jesus waves his magic wand or whatever and the guy is forgiven. Clean slate! Man, that God stuff is the biggest racket going.

    • teatimeiscoming says:

      I said it before: you can’t trust a person that’s able to relieve themselves of guilt by asking their imaginary friend for forgiveness.

    • lisa says:

      the more people talk about religion, the more im convinced it is a cancer

      id love to take away their tax exempt status (in the US) and see how many suddenly find a different brand of snake oil to sell

  36. Scal says:

    I refuse to click on that video as the last thing these two jokers need is more ad revenue from people watching their videos. They don’t care about why people watch-as long as people watch and the money keeps rolling in.

  37. Algernon says:

    What kind of person doesn’t flush?!

    A monster, that’s what.

    • CL says:

      Also someone who doesn’t want to wake a baby

    • Beckysuz says:

      Yeah not wanting to wake a baby is actually pretty reasonable. I have to pee many times a night and won’t flush so as not to wake my son(who much to my sadness is a light sleeper). However I’m sure you can’t swirl a P test in diluted pee and get a correct answer. Also I’m a Christian and these idiots offend me on every level. Mostly though I feel bad for their children. Growing up with crazies like these two for parents will probably not end well

    • CatFoodJunkie says:

      If it’s yellow, let it mellow; if it’s brown, flush it down.

    • Floydy says:

      In drought-stricken Australia, this was common to save water. Maybe this is something California should be considering.

    • WinnieCoopersMom says:

      The least anyone could do here is shut the lid, so the room doesnt smell like pee. it’s just not healthy to have that sitting there for countless hours, IMO

  38. Nicolette says:

    The hypocrisy. Yet those who claim to be so religious always seem to be just that, hypocritical. Which is exactly what I’ll think as I’m on my way to pick up my son from school and I pass by our local church. Parents going to pick up their kids from parochial school will practically run over someone crossing the street to get to a parking spot. Or they just double and sometimes triple park. And never is there a traffic cop handing out tickets. They will take over the parking lot at the 7-Eleven across the street. Arrogant, rude and obnoxious and very “clickish”.

    My son attends public school, and was friendly with a little girl in his class who had a brother a few grades ahead. When the brother graduated he then attended this school, and a year later the daughter was taken out of public and enrolled there as well. The mother had always been so friendly and talkative. Then she began to change and become part of that click. She got to the point where she stopped saying hello, even as she looked right at my husband and me waving and saying hello to her. Complete snob. Now if we see her we just walk right past her without any acknowledgement. But she’s holier than thou because she could afford private school.

    I do not belong to a parish, I do not attend church and never had a formal religious upbringing. I had two wonderful parents who taught me right from wrong, to be a good person, to help others when possible and stay out of trouble. I believe in God and pray on my own. If God can hear us, He can hear us anywhere and not just within the confines of a building. I don’t need the hypocrisy of the bible thumpers who then go online to a site like Ashley Madison.

    • Kitten says:

      In my city double-parking is widely practiced and accepted. I will NEVER understand why people do that and why they are never ticketed. It disrupts traffic, it’s dangerous to pedestrians, and it’s lazy and selfish.
      Sorry for the mini-rant but you touched on a huge pet peeve of mine.

      The rest of your comment was good stuff too though.

  39. kri says:

    I’m just gonna put this out offense to anyone. During New Orleans convention season the wildest group was always the Fundy Baptists. Always, without fail. And the stuff that they would say. “The good lord lets us see and do this so we can understand sin”.That one never left me. Any fundamentalism in any religion/belief system is scary. They are so convinced they are The Chosen Ones that any sin they commit was for the Lord, and all will be forgiven just because they ask god or alllah or whoever for forgiveness. I despise these people and their arrogance.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Me, too. I am so tired of God being used as justification for judging other people while doing things you claim are “sinful” yourself. I honestly think the fundie Christian thing appeals to people who are mean and think they are superior to everyone else. Luckily for them, you can find passages in the Bible to support almost anything. What they fail to grasp is the overall message. They just take little tidbits, like homosexuality is an abomination. That same passage says eating shellfish is an abomination, but do you see them protesting at seafood festivals? No. Because they probably like shellfish and don’t feel the need to feel superior to shellfish eaters. But it makes no sense and I can’t stand them either.

      • Pinetree13 says:

        But if you have to pick and choose from scripture to make it work…why use it all? Why not let empathy guide your morals instead if some ancient text written by several men that has no relevance today? Why give money to churches when you could give that money directly to charity or use it yourself to do good? All religion does is brainwash people, divide people and cause wars.

        If someone can make you believe absurdities, then they can make you commit atrocities – paraphrased from Voltaire

  40. HK9 says:

    “And the Lord said unto Felicia-Bye.”

  41. MonicaQ says:

    To quote my grandma: “You can’t act act a fool on Monday through Saturday and get a hall pass on Sunday.”

    I’m not religious–quite frankly, the afterlife does not bother me but I just don’t know and am ok not knowing–but growing up in the South basically guaranteed I was going to be slammed. Sex before marriage? Going to hell. Pants in church? You need to ask for forgiveness. Lived with my husband before we were married? I might as well ask Satan for the wi-fi password.

    As people have pointed out, not all Christians do this.

  42. teacakes says:

    hahahaha I never thought I would see the day when getoffmyinternets and celebitchy have writeups on the same person. Though on GOMI they were wtf-ing about the 48 hour pregnancy thing and not this.

    Gotta love a good old-fashioned fundie hypocrite outing.

  43. Juluho says:

    I don’t get vlogging. Unless you’re curing cancer? I mean how can anyone who does this NOT be a narrastic grifter?

  44. HONEYB says:

    Those strike me as crocodile tears in that video. Apparently, he just quit his job to vlog full-time making $9.80 for every thousand views. They also have sponsors. They are likely crying cause they screwed the pooch on their new career. Hypocrites.

  45. HC says:

    Watch the video where he disapproves of his wife’s bright lipstick color ( it’s a video when they’re doing some national news interview and that’s in the title). The way he goes about it is by complementing the babysitter on her lip color. The guy is controlling and sadistic.

  46. kimbers says:

    Why do they display the appearance of delusional crackheads?

  47. Amy M. says:

    Weird seeing Celebitchy cover Youtubers. I keep up with Youtube celebrities (pretty sure you all have heard of Jenna Marbles at this point) though I had never heard of this couple til the pregnancy vlog went viral. They announced the miscarriage just a few days later, not weeks. I also know the vlogging con they went to–Vlogger Fair in Seattle since a few Youtubers I follow went.

    Not much of an opinion on these people. Obviously the husband is skeevy if he got an Ashley Madison account. I feel most sorry for the kids.

  48. Brasileira says:

    The Duggars, the Palins, the Whoevers… Oh, how the mighty have fallen!

    I can’t help but smile while seeing these preachers tasting their own venom. Sorry, but no sorry.

  49. Illyra says:

    Their whole “surprise” pregnancy/miscarriage thing struck me immediately as a BS publicity stunt. I’m not surprised by the Ashley Madison crap.

  50. ABBESS TANSY (TEE JAY) says:

    Maybe Jesus is cleaning house.

  51. Colette says:

    I guess I should stop using Ty-D-Bol in case my man wants to do a surprise pregnancy test by scooping my urine out the toilet

  52. Msmlnp says:

    These 2 aren’t going away. they will for sure be an Amazing Race team or on Celebrity wife swap.

    • WinnieCoopersMom says:

      HAHA prob so true. They are just as thirsty as the Affleck nanny, CO, who will prob end up on the Bachelor or RHWBH. These people!

  53. Anne says:

    It would be in their best interest to maybe stop this youtube thing and get back to their normal jobs. Obviously this isn’t working.
    But who am I kidding, they’re famewhores. They’re not thinking about their children and what they will be going through now that the whole world is scrutinizing them.

    I’m sure they’re already thinking about all the views they’ll get when they pop another baby out. Ugh.

  54. Emily C. says:

    What surprises me is that anyone is surprised by this stuff. These hard right-wing Christian types are all hypocrites, but it’s deeper than that. Women are undervalued and men are overvalued in their subculture even more than in the wider culture. So the men are just a bunch of spoiled brats who are used to getting whatever they want with no cost. And there never is a cost to them because they’re “forgiven” and they keep on doing whatever they want.

  55. Ellen says:

    Yeah I would cheat on those eyebrows too….

  56. Robin says:

    People like these two lying hypocrites aren’t real Christians.

  57. Harrison says:

    People of all faiths are still only people–capable of lying and cheating, immaturity, laziness, self-righteousness, poor judgement, lust, self-desception, hypocrisy, etc.

    This young couple clearly disappointed a lot of people. The disappointment factor increases when religion is involved.

  58. TripleThreat says:

    Can someone please look up the psychopathic dentist who killed Cecil the Lion on the hacker’s list of Ashley Madison? He seems dumb enough to sign up for that or the other site NameYourPrice. Probably trolled Craigslist hunting for hoes or Backpage.

  59. LouLou says:

    Grifter and famewhore tendencies all the way. I wish people like this wouldn’t get rewarded, but dummies will continue to click on their videos. The more “persecuted” they are, the more a certain segment of Christians will back them up. I won’t be surprised to see a Go Fund Me account.

  60. Tamala Rossman says:

    You can also search the database by email at